Resolution 336-1983 Reggie Paros E.M.S. Coordinator RESOLUTION NO. 336-1983 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO. I-B OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO. I-B AND BIG COPPITT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC. TO PROVIDE FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF VOLUNTEERS FOR EXPENSES RELATING TO SERVICES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO. I-B OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors of Municipal Service Taxing District No. I-B of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Special Taxing District No. I-B and Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto, for the purpose of reimbursing volunteers for expenses related to services performed by said volunteers. Passed and adopted by the Board of Governors of Municipal Service Taxing District No. I-B of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of December, A.D. 1983. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO. I-B By '\..1S"~~.J -=~-.::' ~~-- , . - - -""\"'. - .'. '\ Chairman (Seal) At t est: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk .l \' ~1Jiu..) 1)). ~ 1 0 ( ~. ;jClerk ... 1\(; I~ I 1.11 LNT TillS ,}\GREH1ENT made and entered into this 16th day of December , ^. 1), 1 9 8 ~ b (' t \v C enS pee i a 1 T a x i n g D i s t r i c t hereinafter referred to as the "Department". hTfNL:SSETIl : WHEREAS, the varIOUS special taxing districts have been further organized into departments as a non-profit incorporation for the purpose of providing fire protection and rescue facilities to the people and property of the same in ~10nroe County, and WIIEREAS, such fire protecUon and rescue protection is for ,the furtherance of the common good of ~Ionroe County, aJ::.l WHEREAS, the Department aforesaid and the Spec~al Taxing District NO.l"""B, through the Board of Coullty Com;Tlissioners of M 0 n l' 0 e Co U n t y, F lor i d a, as the g 0 vcr n in g b 0 J y, h a v e a g l' e e d and provided by ordinance for the various departments to reimburse its volunteer personnel and chiefs from funds strictly \\'i thin the budget of ,the varIOUS special taxing districts, and WHEREAS, the varIOUS firefighters and ambulance personnel in tile respective special taxing districts arc available and are on constant alert as firefighters and volunteers in various lifesaving activities, and WHEREAS, these parties nO\"r desire to formally agree for the reiJabursement of volunteers for expenses relating to said services and the various volunteer departments do agree thereto, nOK, therefore, BE IT IJNJ)ERSTOOf) that 1n cOTlsiclerat.ioTl of the covenants agreed to herein and other good ;lnd valuahle consideratiolls, the parties hereto do agree as follows: 1. That the various special taxing districts shall utilize the services of the volunteers hoth as firefighters an] for YCSCUC .-'-'-~~;:" ~. -. -,... ~,__--. .. ._-~-..;.~-- ~ -.K_~~',-.'- - -~"_ .....--i........-.... r~~ , -r-'------~ ;: _ _......."..... .-~~:._;:_=_~~;....-;. -- ~-- .:.~'~~~~~::~~~~;.,...,. H-,...."':.,:,'-"....."','!j.f')<,... '^::..;,...,'.o~:;..~~o',~~'n~:T , .. I " ptlrposes and that for saiJ serVICL'S ;1 reimbursement to' saiJ volunteers shall be in the sum of $50.00 per month, not to exceed the b u J get c J fUll d S, I',rj t hit be j n gun del's too d t hat the \' a ria us chiefs of the special taxing districts shall be rcimburscJ in the 5 U m 0 f $ 2 0 0 . 0 () perin 0 Jl t h, not toe x c e e d the b q d get e d fun d s , herein wi th Oa maximum of 30 volunteers and ~chiefs who shall be reimbursed under this agreement, 2. That insofar as the various special taxing districts have in their bwJgct for the fiscal year 1983-84 funds available for the reimbursement provided hy this agreement that the sane shall be done upon passage of tllis ordinance when and if said volunteers have entered -into this agreement. 3. tlonroe County and/or the special taxing districts .,. currently maintains and sl1all provide Worker's Compensation Tnsurance for the volunteers specified herein for the Juration of this agreement. 4. Each of. the volunteers of the Departments described here- In shall furnish and keep in fu] 1 -force and effect a policy of liability insurance on his priv<1te vehjcle(s) in such amounts of coverage as arc required under l'lorida lal'l'. ~10nroe County and/or the special ta~ing districts sklll keep In full force and effect a policy of liability insurance on all emergency vehicles owned by the County and/or special taxing districts and used by the Departments, which policy shall also provide secondary, or back-up, coverage on private vehicles only during such times as they are operated in response to a call for '~ the emergency services of the Department. Such period of operation '~'" .~""S Or' .',' .:~{f shall be deemed to begin <It the time a volunteer cnters a private vehicle for the pllrpose of responding toa call and to end at such time (IS the vo]uJlteer returns to his home or, in the Clse or a volunteer who 1lI;lkcs ;In j'nLcl"llIctli;ltc stop on llis h';lY to his ]wl!le, L 0 L her i r s t I 0 cat i 0 JI t 0 Iv hie II II C d I' i v C S (l r t crt h ceo ill pIc t ion 0 [ his particip;1tioll in the cmergcncy services thJt h'cre the subject of the cal.!. :,. .' ,..,.~... ------~ ~ - , ...,...". --..- -.............,........ ;i:1if~~.~....,;..;..,::-:-~'.....~;~.'-":).~~>~'~~~~~~.;,;'';';;~'> _'':i~~....._~~~~.~~~', ,,.,,. .. ~ 5. Tile Departlllcnt sl1al.l keep ill full force and cCLect a pol icy of Liability insurance 011 all emergency vehicles owned hy the Department alld used III providing elllergcncy services within the District. Said policy sha11 be in the amount of at least $1,000,000.00 combined single limit alld shall also. name the ~Ionroe County Board of County Commissioners as insured, 6. Nothing contained in this agreement shall cause the volunteers to be deemed or held to be agents or employees of ~Ionroe County or of the special taxing districts. ;.Ionroe County and the special taxing districts shall have no liability or responsibility in connection with the subject of this agreement other than the payment 0"[ the reimbursement provided In paragraph 1 hereof and the furnishing of insurance as provided In paragraph 4 hereof. ~lonroe COllnty and the special taxing districts assume no liabil ity for, und each of the volunteers agrees to 1101J. .said County and Districts Ilarmless from, any and all claims that may arise from the actions or the inaction of the volunteer, whether i n t he COLI r s e 0 [ his v 0 lun tee l' C [ [ 0 r t S 0 I' not, :1 n d t hat are not covered by the insurance required under the provIsIons of paragraph 4 hereof. Further, it is the understanding and intent of all parties to this agreement that the provisions of this paragrapll do not alter the legal relationships of the parties existing immediately prior to its execution with regard to the potential vicarious liability. The purpose for the inclusion of this paragraph is to memorialize the existing understanding of the parties. No compensation shall be paid to the volunteers by ;--lon1'oe County or the special taxing di~tricts except the reir:1t.~l1'semor.t -.. , " ',f '; ,~ pro v ide din t his a g l' e e In e n tor :i n any ex ten s ion 0 r \.' l' i t ten m 0 J i f i cat ion of this agreement. . 7 . The Co U II t Y doe she r e h y ;1 r r i r 111 1 hat the g 0 v C TIn n;~ b 0 ;l nI J i cl ;lppl'OVC Oil tile 16th d:IY or December , 1\.1). I ~ I S 3 t II i ~; agreement alld eHd direct and (Iut horizc its pres iding officer to enter into said Jgrcement. . ....=-.-.. r':TJ..- r' -....-::.:.~.. . ""'. ."',I.J ~,..;,..~:.-~...;-.:..~-...:, -: ~ ~.........--.:~.;.:,,>~:...:..:,:;.,~~.~ ...:.:.. ~_ . 14 ,.~~..r:'~' ..~.-:-:.--~:...~"' "v-;"'- ~~":':rr:"-:-:"-' ~_-j..., "7-- '~'__""'0."'.'_";.:" -.:.;::J''';--r:;:'=<,_~ . .~~~" '....; .":JlfiIi .:,' fill' ,,,,,"!",,,",,,- ,. . . ~:t-:tJ-' ,. -',t:,i-f/.ir"..:~~ " '::04~. "'r.~ ~ y' -'.:.........:- _. -," '.<.1',;,.-....' .,__..fe..,;_ ,.(:';' '-~"'4:'..;r r~.......,;' .. _....! .z-~~;~~~. "';~"''';'\;'''"I_'~~'r'~~i.(,...:~~. J.:.:.....A~.....~.~~~'~~~~..~~.~. ... .. .' ........ .~...' ~.~--. ........;....~1~.:"~~~~_ . .).. . .. 8, That the VJnOllS speci;1I taxing districts ;lcting as volunteer fire and/or rescue departments as is set [ortll in Ordinance No. did affirm that a duly constituted meeting of the governing board of the sallie on the 16th day of December A.D. 198~, the terms of this agreement was approved and the execution thereof directed. 9. That each contract or agreement entered into by the varIOUS special taxing districts and the operating corporations known as Departments shall also be executed by the volunteers prior to the receipt of reimbursement. A signed roster of all volunteers and all chiefs shall be provided for the Finance Department. The signature and agreement bf the individuals as prescribed in this section is a condition precedent to the disbursement of any reimbursements provided for in said agreement. I N WITNESS lvHEREOF th e part i e s he re to execu ted th is agreemen t on the 16th day 0 f December , 1983. SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO. l~B (SEAL) Attest: . ~Gm ~rk , DANNY L. KOL h ~"{ .~ ~. ~~ .' 0- ~rk Bv ~..t\~,..J~"-'_~~ ~ cha i rm~m VOLUNTEER f-IRE DEPARTMENT OR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARnlENT AND l,mHILANCE CORPS (whatever the case may be) ;.'~.." ". ~':- .'":,. \. By {;), m ~ ~ent/ '.'~ .. -,.. ..... ....-- -. --' -.. ..---........-~- -------------..---- -.-.-.""< .- ~' ',~~~ ~~~~~~~t~.<:;.;~'-:.;~u '~.':~;.:~.::~~"i.I;.~~ .'..{: ';:,,~i,~~~'l~!''';;~~~__