Resolution 337-1983 JR 4 Reggie Paros E.M. S . Coordinator RESOLUTION NO . 337 -1983 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO. 1-B OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO . 1-B AND BIG COPPITT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT ; INC . TO PROVIDE FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF VOLUNTEERS FOR EXPENSES RELATING TO SERVICES . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY , FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO. 1-B OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows : That the Chairman of the Board of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors of Municipal Service Taxing District No. 1-B of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Special Taxing District No . 1-B and Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire Department , Inc . , a copy of same being attached hereto , for the purpose of reimbursing volunteers for expenses related to services performed by said volunteers . Passed and adopted by the Board of Governors of Municipal Service Taxing District No . 1-B of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of December, A.D . 1983 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO. 1-B By Chairman (Seal) Attest; D.A I N Y Ia I OLIIAAGE, Clem \CUx-e) 1%413,0 .( • h Clerk LE: AL SUFFICIENCY. BY Qingr Attorney's office • '• 1'll1S •AGRE'EME.NT Made and en i ered into th is 16th da•.• of ' . • DE.cemb _---------:___-' A . 1) . 198 3 b�•Li•:cen • Spcc i;11 1•axing P; s r.ic� f . No . 1.-Bi hereinafter referred to cls the ''I) istrict" and the. • Big Coppitt: Voltmteer . Fire Department, Inc. Volunteer Fire re Department: or 1",)lurlteer Fire Department and Ambulance Corps (Whatever the case may be). , . hereinafter referred to as the '"Department" . WHEREAS , the various .special taxing districts have been ' f_urther organized into departments as anon-profit incorporation . : for the purpose of providing fire • protection and -rescue facilities . . . • to the people and property of the . same in Monroe County , and —WHEREAS , such fire protection and rescue—protection is ._or the furtherance of the common good of Monroe -County, a;; � . WHEREAS , the Department aforesaid and the Special Taxing . • . ):ist.rict No .-1_B , through the Board t.of Counv Commi.ssione.-s 0= Monroe •County, Florida , as the governing body, have, agreed and ' provided by ordinance ."for . the various departments. to reimburse • its volunteer personnel and . chiefs from funds strictly within the budget of .the various special taxing districts , and WHEREAS , the various. firefighters and ambulali"ce persenfc_ .in the respective special taxing. districts ..are available and are • on constant alert as •firefighters and .volunteers in Various . lifesaving activities , and . .• WillLU AS , these parties now' desire to formally agree for the ' reimbursement of; voluntecr:s. for , expenses : gelatin; to said 'services and the various ' l'olunt er departments do agree t;:ercto , now , • • therefore, '. • r BF TT IIN1)IiRS'I'OOD 'that . in consideration of the covenants Q ;. greed to ' herein rl'ncl 0lhor );cod and lual).le. cc nside;•;: t.: ;;ns , t :,e' • , • ' • parties hereto do -agree as follows :. . - 1 : That the various 'special taxing districts spa :'l uLi ii :e • the services of the volunteers loth as firefighters U ,:: f.or :': scuc . . . i • • ..•w^a ..,. s�J2:..'?"ry„�F v-.n. - • ---•• �. • - e�ms.. "� �.. �^.`; -.6:=5 +'-_3�`: '. , •e1� --r.? `.S...ir.:u-.; Z._1 :•,.. .<. _ ;aq • k�.. -ei"v`N,' ;4 1 *1 .`Sl' 1 x - .i ' — _— x'.t v ar ar���e�.,., s4 a y:" .. .� = 4. _ ri: '=..„e�t"3 a purposes and that for `said services a reimbursement to'to' said volunteers shall be in the suin of. $50 . 00 per month ,. not to exceed the budgeted funds , with it being understood that the various chiefs of the special taxing districts shall be ieimbursed in the sum off $200 ..00 per inonth , not to exceed the budgeted funds , • herein• with '.a maximum of 30 . volunteers and 2 chiefs. • who shall be reimbursed under this agreement . 2 . . That insofar as the various special taxing districts • have in their budget for the fiscal year 1983-84 . funds available • for the reiinbursemeilt provided by this agreement that: the same shall be done upon passage of this ordinance when and if said• volunteers have. entered -into this agreement:. 3 . Monroe County and/or the special .taxing. districts 'Currently maintains and shall .provide WVorker ' s, Compensation Insurance for the volunteers specified herein for' the duration of this agreement . 4 . Each of, the volunteers of the Departments described here in shall furnish arid keep in full force and• effect a policy liability insurance on his private vehicle (s) in such amounts of . coverage as are required under Florida law. • Monroe County and/or the special taxing districts shall keep in full force and effect a policy of liability. insurance on gill emergency vehicles owned by the County and/or special ,taxing •.districts' and used by the Departments , which policy'Shall also provide secondary, or back-up , coverage on private vehicles only •=t • during "such times as they are operated in response to a call. for . • s t'...:. .,, t, .. .' 4 the emergency services 'of: the Department . Such period of operation ' shall be deemed to .begin at the time a volunteer enters a pri\ ate vehicle ' for the purpose of responding to a call and to end .at such time :is .the volunteer returns to his home or , i:n the case .of a. volunteer Who nirike- ,in into Fined into stop on liiti molly to liis lionic , t:o the first location to which he drives after the completion of his participation in the emergency services that'. were the subject of the call . • _.p .-,-ram--. -4•-- - ..r..may. _�_¢ �" �N '`'st AS--•F!eL;,at •�'r, 't.. - X Z a '1 �.'~�c._` r+�D ..T`,_4,w'_ �'��i:�laM+dr-r[ \ ^ -wc i:!'•-:�.-* � @; 'N•x•�" .r•v -iF�Y�S'}'� � _ +•'�-,a.`t. '? >.:5r,-.� sir.• c.Y�" F..t''`'-3 asr +3 �5 "'ffi"' x'ti- dam` `i I he I)cI irtnlcnI =,`-iha.1..1 Inc': I1 i.li tli l:l force and c ! i o' . .,t policy of liability `ihsuI ance on all emergency vehicles `owned by the Department and used in rov is ing •-emer ency services. i:.i tliill the District . Said policy shall be in the amount of at least • U , 0;00, 000 . 00 combined single limit and shall also.-name the 'Monroe County Board. of County Cornmissione,rs as insured-. 6 . Nothing contained in this ' agreemen,t; shall cause the . • volunteers-to -be deemed or held to be " agents. or employees of Monroe County or. of the special . taxing district's . ,• -Monroe. County and the special taxing districts shall have no liabilitY or responsibility in connection with the subject ':of this agreemeht other than the payment. of..the reimbursement provided in. paragraph ' 1 hereof: and the furn•i,'ping of insurance . ris, in ovided:..in -Iaragrapb hereof. Monroe .County and the special taxing no liabi.lity for, and each of .the volunteers agrees .to hold _sai:i`: .. County and Districts harmless from, any- and all clainis that may" ' arise from : the actions or the. inact i.on .0 f the volunteer ,- whether r. in the course of his volunteer efforts or :not ,. grid that arc not covered by the. i.iisuralicc required under the provisions of .paragraph 4 hereof . further , it i.s the: understanding and intent of ;all parties to this. agreement that the provisions of this paragraph do not alter the legal relationships of the patties existing immediately:prior: to its execution \%ith regard .to the potential vicarious liability . 'I'he purpose for the inclusion of this paragraph; is to memorialize ; the existing-understanding of the parties . No compensation shall be paid to the voluntecrs by. Monroe County• or. ',the special.: taxing :districts except '.the reinLi:rsement provided in this agreement or in an)'. extension. or :written : O(:iflcat.iOn of this agreement . • 7 . The. County does hereby ;i rf i tali that the governing board did appl•ci.ve .(Ill lhe. 16th ,(I;tv 0r December , 'A'. 1) : 1 t h i ;: , • agreement an(I di"d direct Gild authorize its pres ng officer .tO enter into said agreement . • r .. _ L-. -t--r: .� r - ._ --— . _ ._ _ - _ ��: �.�. •, i � ... 1 •d hL.y ,YS- sF"" yr .r�?i: .SxR'4�r r.�„�Fgx! v'°tt P*k y 'f y � y,� ?- t"'tt`• ir. F , . ... . . . . . . , • • • • • -. • 41„ • ' , , . . .. . - • .. •7 Ir•j••• . •..2 . • . 8.. Thu t the Val' i on s spec i a I taxi fig dis t r i c ts a C t I ng' as . . . . . volunteer Ciro and/or rescue departments. as is set forth • in . Ord inance --No .. did affirm that a duly constituted_mecting of the 'governing board of the same on the .16th. day of . December , • A . D . 1983, the terms of this agreement. i'as approved and ' the executi en • thereof directed . • • • . . • • . . . . . 9 That each contract or a.grecnient .entered• into by the - . • various special . ta).;ing districts and the operating corporations . . • known as Departments ' shall also be executed by the volunteers prior . to the receipt of reimbursement . .. A signed roster ..o f all volunteers ' . and all chiefs . shall • be provided for the Finance . Department . The signature and agreement .of •the individuals as prescribed in this . . . . section is . a condition precedent to the disbursement of any . . . - b i remurseMents provided for - in sa id agreement . , . • . • •. IN WITNESS - WHEREOF ..the parties hereto executed- this . agreement on the 16th day of ' • .December • , • . , - • SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO . 1-B • - . . . _. . • • . . ..• . .... ,. • • . . . . . . .. . B• .• v .-(SEAL) .. . • • • Cha i rman . . Attest :. . • . . . . DANNY-L. KOLHAG , Clerk . • . . . . . . . . . • - - .. . . . . . • . . • \., . ... - i\i‘t• P..,,,,,ou,.) i0-.c_. • . . • • , . . . '41 • ei:k . .• • • • . . • . . . . .. . .. . • . • .. • • . . . . . . . • . . • . • - VOLUNTEER. FIRE DEPARTMENT OR • . . . • . VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT. AND . -; : •. . . . . • • • AMBULANCE CORPS • I . . (whatever the. ..case may ' he) ' ,H.•-•.' •-•,i... '.: -y.:,,,,f2., . - • • • . . . . • . . • . . •(---. . .. . .• . • • By c...{ --.L...47 • - . •-( RAI,) ":-::,-7. .. Pr • ic ent . ; ,:- c::. .- , • .- '.. , .11. k dip ----X--&-- • • . . . . , . . . . _-,•••— _ _ . , -.: -7 • , — -_- •-•-! ...-- . • . . . . • - • • _., _• . ., . . • . - . -•-• -q----gc..-e.r e t a r v . . . . . • • . I. . . . .. . . . . . . . • - • . • • . • . I . . . . .. • . . • ' • • . . • • . .. . •. • . . • • . . . 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