Resolution 341-1983 Reggie Paros E.M. S . Coordinator • RESOLUTION NO . 341-1983 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO. 1-D OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT NO . 1-D AND BIG PINE KEY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC . TO PROVIDE FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF VOLUNTEERS FOR EXPENSES RELATING TO SERVICES . • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NO. 1-D OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows : That the Chairman of the Board of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors of Municipal Service Taxing District No . 1-D of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Special Taxing District No . 1-D and Big Pine Key Volunteer Fire Department , Inc. , a copy of same being attached hereto , for the purpose of reimbursing volunteers for expenses related to services performed by said volunteers . Passed and adopted by the Board of Governors of Municipal Service Taxing District No . 1-D of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of December, A.D . 1983 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXINyEOISTRICT NO. 1-D r1/ , ' ----� By ‘•' Chairman (Seal) Attest : DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk I (1).c 1 `1 ' PA)1 . • APP-_VED AS TO FOPIl�9 Clerk ANA ` AL SUFFICOEI(CY BY Attorney's Office • • . • • • • • . • • • • - 4 • • • • AGRIENT • THIS •AGREEMENT made and-entered into this ' 16th day of • • • - December' . , A . D . 1983 between Special Taxing District • . No . hereinafter referred to as the "District" and the • . Big Pine Key Volunteer Fire.Department, Inc: Volunteer Fire Department. or Volunteer . • Fire Department and Ambulance Corps (whatever the case 7.14v be) , • hereinafter referred to as. the "Department" . . • • • • MITNESSETH : • • • • WHEREAS ,. the various Special taxing districts have been . • further organized into departMents as a non-profit incorporation . , • for the purpose of providing fire protection and, rescue facilities to the people and property of the same in Monroe County , and • • • WHEREAS , such firc • protection and rescue protection is for . . . the furtherance of the common good of Monroe CoUnty , . and . WHEREAS , the Department aforesaid and the Special Taxing . . . , . ' DistriCt No . through the Board of County Commissioners - of • Monroe County , 1:jorida , . as the governing body , have agreed and • provided by ordinance- for the various departMents . to reimburse • • • its volunteer' personnel and chiefs from funds .strictly within • . • the • budget of the various • special taxing districts , and • :WHEREAS , the various firefighters and ambulance personnel • . . in the respective special taxing districts arc available and are _ do constant alert as firefighters and volunteers ,in: variol,Is lifesaving activities , and • • WHEREAS , these parties now desire to. Formally agree for the • . • reimbursement of volunteers for expenses relating to said services • arid the various volunteer departments do agree ' thereto , now, • • therefore , ' • • . • RN. TT UNDERSTOOP that in c(Insi.deratjon of the - covenants • t • • aprued to Hicia ;Ind n[hyr innd and v;itamblcs comid.cr• tion!: , ic parties hereto .do. agree as follows : '- , • H • • • 1 . That the various special taxing districts shall utilize . , • the services 'of the volunteers both as firefighters and for rescue. • . • • • • • . . • purposes and that for said services a reimbursement to said volunteers shall be in the sum of $50 . 00 per month , not to exceed . the budgeted funds , with it being understood that the. Various chiefs of the special .taxing. 'districts shall be reimbursed in ' • • the sum of . $200 . 00 per month , 'not to exceed the budgeted funds ; herein witha maximum . of 55- volunteers and 2 chiefs • • who shall be reimbursed wider this . agreement . 2 . That insofar, as the various special taxing ,districts have in their budget for .the fiscal year 1983-84 fund.s available. for the reimbursement provided . by this agreement that the same . shall be done upon passage of this ordinance when and if said: volunteers have entered-into ' this agreement. . • • • 3 .; Monroe County ..and/or the special taxing districts 'currently maintains and shall provide Worker ' s. Compensation "Insurance for the volunteers specified herein for the duration of this agreement . .4 . Each of,. the volunteers of the Departments described here- in shall furnish and -keep in full force and effect a policy of . liability insurance on his private vehicle (s) in such - amounts of coverage as are required under ' Florida law. • Monroe County and/or the special taxing districts shall keep in full force and effect a. policy of liability insurance on 'all emergency vehicles owned by the County and/or special .taxing districts and used by the Departments , which policy shall also provide secondary, or back-up , coverage on private vehicles only • during such times 'as they are operated in response .to a call for . the emergency services of the Department . ' Such period of operation shall be deemed to begin at the •time a volunteer enters a private • vehicle for the purpose of responding to a call and to end at such • time as the volunteer returns to his home' or , in the case of a • voitttttcer who makes :ill iittermcdictte ' siop on his Way - to Iti :; hcitie , . to the first location to which he drives .after the completion of his participation in the emergency services that were the subject of the call . ' • )`•y^Sr'\]'� ti�`�4 ."-..:\._.+h-L 1-e -T++t 1. i' /� r( '! \.s - .i._ Y ^t;_ �.� .�.�. �M `G. `[ G .+.?pY�•:. _.c yam. Y �C'F 4. .i\, .V 4 `i The I)ep;irtfnen lri,;,h i 1 1.c 1, I n 1.tt:LT. .l_ol c.c. ;i d c i C c ;a • . • : .po1 .icy of • 1"iabi l i ty ins irancc on all, emergency vchicles. owned . by the Department and •used in providing emergency ',services within • the l").istri.ct :• :Said policy shrill be in the amount - of-- at least • . b 1 , .00 , 060. 00 conih.ilicd s-i ngl c limit rind• shall al so. name the 1oni•oc . • - County Board. of 'County Commissioners .as insured. • • - " 6 . Nothing contained in .-th is agreement shall cause the • • . •• volunteers to he ' deemed or held to be "agents _ or employees- o: • • Monroe • County or- _of the special "taxing districts. : lonr.oc County and the special t.axing.. d_istricts shall have no liability of responsibility in connection with, the : subject of th-is agreement •• other than the payment of the reimbursement provided in paragraph • 1 hereof and the furnishing Of inSUranee as provided. :in paragraph • it here0f . Monroe County and the. special rass;i,te . _ no liability . for , and -ea.ch of tile " volunteers agrees to. hold • • County and Districts harmless from ,. any and all. . c.laims that may .• . —arise ..from` the actions or the inaction of the: volunteer, Whether • in the course of his . volunteer 'e [forts or not , and .that are il0t - covered by " the insurance• "required under the provis ions •o`.f. ''paragraph 4 -hereof . . 1;urther , -it is- the understanding and intent of. all parties to .this agreement that theprovi-sioiis o.f. this_ paragi-a,p:h do not alter • the legal relationships of the parties " existing .im,nediatel"y :prior to its execution 'with regard to the potential vicarious liability. the pui-p.ose for the inclusion :.of this paragraph. is to" iilenor"ia%izc . • the existing understand-ing -of the parties . •• . No compensation •shall be paid . to the .voluilteers. ,by Monroe . County or the special. taxing districts except- 'tile, reimb::rse:ient • provided in this. -'ag•reeineilt or in any extension Or .written Ou i gat-ion of- t.his`. agreement . . • 7 . :rho ...County. does hercl,y rii- f' irnr tlirit the • goVeriin ;• board did c' • rl"1i1)1•.Ovc sin tIle 16th d;i.v of December ,\ 1) . I.!)S3 th ; :; agreement and di'd direct and alit h orbze i is presiding off.icer- L::. • enter into Said- ,l r"Cemen.t : . • • 77 .. _. __;..�. • ..-�•y-ki,.,-..b�'an•'. vex.._ .4. r 7$ '�� •`"s�r�' 'lAia;'ac.•�Sj..�'r'zJ'vn j• .5�1" h.. ir.,�.���. '{�- - t'r+" - ,t.Aa.%.� kr2.�` <!if Y"� xo''i�t�i� <' � �°"��t xW(���!�1-' �.-'wf••�`_+`+.. ;�) .-e!�r d..,.. iP .]i+1/5 .��r�� . _. . _ . . . . . , . . . ., . . . . .. • ' • . , -,. o.. . 8 .• That the various., special. taxing districts acting as volunteer lire and/or rescue departments as is 'set . Torth in • Ordinance . No . did affirm that a duly constituted meeting . , of the governing board of the same on the 16th d ay 0 f December . • A . I)-. 1983,' the terms . of this in was approved and the eXecution thereof directed . - • . . . . .9 . • That each contract Or agreeMent entered into by the various special taxing districts. and the operating corporations . . • known as Departments shall also he executed by the volunteers prior _ . to the receipt of reimbursement. A signed roster of ail volunteers • . and all chiefs shall he provided for, the Finance Department . The Signature and agreement of the individuals as prescribed in this. . section is a condition precedent to the disbursement of. any . . reimbursements_provided • for in said agreement'. • IN WITNESS' WHEREOF the parties hereto executed this agreement on the 16th day .of -• . December . , 1 9 83: . . . , .• .. , . . . • . . • . . . • • , .. • SP.EC TA I, TA Xlz.s.:G D T STRICT NO . - 1-D , . • . •. - . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . I-Iv • . • (SEAL) ' . Ch-a i tin a n. . Attest : . .. . . . • DANNY L. KOLTIAGE, Clerk . . • • . . , p . . - . . • \c',..x' . - ao M- • .•• . . : • , ri..„.._ . . .,: .. . . . , .... ___ .. . . .,,. . . . . ..... . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . • . VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT OR . . . VOLUNTEER FIRE. 'DEPARTMENT AND • ,-. ..-. - . • • . . ....-. ....-- AMBULANCE CORPS . • ' •• . (whatever the . case ' may be) , . - . • :_. •-.: ,.:•.:.. - .:-.1 ,.-,„ . - . •- • ./-- , . . ,. . . ,.. , . ,: • _ ._ ___-. - ., . .._ _ ..... ..... .., .., - _.--.7 .---- - .• ---:-. (SEAL) . - . Presiuen . . _ . • . .• . , ___ ., . . Attest : i .• . _ .. ., . - .. •. •-- .•-' _ . .. ., ._, • .- ,, ., * • • A .i.. . ' ... , :.,.• . .. . , . . . . . . , . . , . .• . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . •• •. . . . • . . . . . . . . -- -- -- - ---•-• - -------------- -- . — — • . „_ , . .... • . ..„ , ,..,..,,,,,a01, E,2";-.7- -::',.:At=-- :;:,:,';,•, -.z.71-.!.:-. .,1,37,7-7T-4 .1,;4, '..* ,.-,; ; ; t:,7.:T.:•. , _ _ . .., ..;..,-,. .i4.,,,, .