Resolution 356-1983 :.. f RE$~cutI~N N~. 356 - 1983 IDRERE~ tHE B~ARD ~f t~UNty t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~f m~NR~E t~UNt~ fC~RID~ has receivea an application from Bira marina $outh ana IDHEREA$, in compliance with $tate $tatute, it is necessarg as part of the permitting proceaure to reaa the fallowing Biological Assessment into the Recorn, as fallows: The applicant proposes to modernize and enlarge an existing commercial marina. Measures designed to improve the water quality within the marina are also included in this project. An existing man-made boat basin on the eastern side of the project will be connected to a second existing man-made boat basin on the western side of the site. The box type culvert will measure 80 ft. long by 10 ft. wide by 5.5 ft. deep, mean sea level (MSL). The central 40 ft. of the culvert will be covered to allow vehicle traffic accross it. The entire cul- vert, with the exception of its ends, will be constructed in previously filled uplands. With the exception of the eastern end of the culvert described above, no work is proposed for the eastern boat basin. The western basin will be enlarged and the boat docking facili- ties will be improved. This will be accomplished by removing two fill breakwaters to a depth of 5 to 6 ft. (varies) MSL. Waterward (north) of the breakwaters the bay bottom on either side of an existing access channel will be dredged to a depth of 5 to 6 ft. (varies) MSL. Two sections, one of 60 ft. length and one of 63 ft. length of rip rap breakwater will be built across the northern end of the basin. A 40 ft. wide gap between the two sections of breakwater will allow navigational access to the en- larged basin from the north. A 60 foot long section of rip rap breakwater will be placed along the northern end of the western boundary of the enlarged basin. Two gaps, 4 ft. at the north end and 10 ft. at the southern end will be left in the western breakwater to improve circulation in the basin. The enlarged basin will consist of 4320f sq. ft. of excavated breakwater, 10,480f sq. ft. of dredged bay bottom, 5780f sq. ft. of former dredged access channel and 10,620f sq. ft. of existing basin for a total size of 3l,200f sq. ft. of marina (20,580f of which is new). In addition to the basin 2,400f sq. ft. of bay bottom will be covered by the three sections of breakwater riprap. In order to accomplish the above described work, as well as create the previously described culvert 2,123 cu. yds. will be excavated below mean high water (MHW), 610 cu. yds. will be excavated land- ward of MHWand 320f cu. yds. (the applicant's estimation of 160 cu. yds. appears to be low) of riprap will be placed below MEW. The excavated fill (2,733 cu. yds.) will be placed on the applicant's uplands. With the exception of the sides of the breakwaters virtually the entire shoreline of the basin will consist of riprap revetments. Virtually all of the revetment will either be new or repaired old revetment. The total length of the revetment will be 470f ft. The sides of the three breakwaters will make up an additional 183 ft. of the basins perimeter. .Resolution BIRD MARINA uvu~H November 16, 1983 Page Two A 228! ft. by 5 ft. concrete shoreline dock will be erected over the revetment on the east side of the boat basin. Six finger piers measuring 10 ft. by 3 ft. and 18 associated mooring piles will be placed perpendicular to the northern two thirds of this shoreline dock. Along the southern side of the basin 88 ft. of existing shoreline dock will be replaced with a 5 ft. wide piling supported concrete shoreline dock. Along the western side ,of the basin a piling supported concrete dock measuring 233! ft. long by 5 ft. wide will be fabricated. Eight 10 ft. by 3 ft. finger piers with 24 associated mooring piles will be placed perpendicular to this section of shoreline dock. In total 2,725! sq. ft. of new dock will be built, 440! sq. ft. of existing dock will be replaced and 42 mooring piles will be set to provide 27 boat slips in the enlarged western basin. Excavation will be accomplished using a barge mounted crane and a backhoe. The backhoe and a bulldozer will be used to spread the fill on the applicant's adjacent uplands within a diked spoil site. All materials and equipment with the exception of the barge mounted crane will be brought to the site by upland roads. The site will be enclosed by turbidity curtains during the construction activities. The project site is located on the northeastern end of Long Key. The southern boundary of the site is formed by U.S. 1 (SR 5) the far side of which is an area of undeveloped mangrove wetland bordering on the north side of Long Key Bight. The south side of Long Key Bight is part of Long Key State recreation area (out- standing Florida Waters: Chapter 17-3.041(4) (c) Florida Administra- tion Code (F.A.C.)). Since the site is on the northeast end of Long Key proper, to the east of the site, U.S. 1 becomes a causeway composed of fill placed in submerged bay bottom when the Overseas Railroad was built (1904-1912). The narrow littoral zone on the side of the causeway is vegetated with mangrove trees. Nearly 2,000 ft. to the east, Fiesta Key, a commercial campground, forms the far side of a partially protected embayment. Because it is somewhat protected and of moderate depth, this embayment is regularly used by transient boats as an anchorage. At present the applicant is using this anchorage to moor several small (under 18 ft.) rental sailboats. To the north of the project site is an open expanse of Florida Bay (which like the rest of the surrounding waters are Class III (Chapter 17-3.081(1) F.A.C. waters). To the west of the project site are several private residences, two of which are provided with man-made basins of a scale similar to the proposed project. The applicant has previously applied for a permit for a similar project (file no. 44-29163-5E). The only difference between the two proposals is the older .one included additional work in the eastern boat basin and access channel. The file from this earlier application has been drawn on for this report. The project site consists of a roughly rectangular parcel of land and bay bottom. The long axis of the site which runs more or less north and south is 380! ft. long and the shorter axis is 320! ft. long. Within the project site there are two, an eastern and a western, boat basins. A deep (18! ft.)man-made access channel runs along the eastern side of the project site. The north end of this channel is even with the north edge of the applicant's property where the -6 ft. MSL depth of the natural baybottom determines the maximum draft of vessels using the channel. The west side of the channel is formed by a limestone boulder riprap revetment, which also forms the eastern border of the site. ~eso1ution BIRD MARINA SOUTH November 16, 1983 Page Three At the south end of the channel described above a roughly triangular boat basin, 140~ ft. long east and west and 85~ ft. wide at its east end, opens into the channel. The entire shoreline of this man-made basin is seawa11ed. The depths within the basin vary from 15~ ft. at its entrance to 9~ ft. at the west end. Two finger piers on the south side of the basin facilitate boat docking and when inspected, 6 or 8 boats were docked in the basin, utilizing an estimated two thirds of the available docking space. Several of the boats were provided with electric and water hookups and appeared to be 1iveaboards. Water clarity within the basin was good when inspected and schools of snapper (Lutjanus sp.) and grunts (Haemulon sp.) as well as a few small barracuda all gave evidence that at least the upper layer of water within the basin was of good quality. The floor of the basin is reported to be covered by a thick layer of detritus rich, fine sediments. Directly to the north of the basin described above is a roughly rectangular area of filled uplands. The north-south axis of this area is 380~ ft. and the east-west axis is 180~ ft. The northern boundary of the area is formed by a riprap revetment bordering on Florida Bay. To the west is found the western boat basin which will be described later in this report. The entire area consists of barren crushed rock with very little vegetation con- sisting of pioneer grasses. On the west side of the area, several boats which are being kept in dry storage, are found. An estimated 80 percent of the area is presently vacant and not being utilized. The southern side of the project site consists of an irregularly shaped area of uplands. On the western side of this area a two- story combination residence and marina headquarters building and a small covered boat storage building are located. Near the two buildings, numerous boats are kept in dry storage. In the eastern part of the area near the eastern boat basin a fuel storage tank is located. Much of the southern region is regularly used for vehicle traffic which has resulted in it being very sparsely vege- tated with pioneer grasses and shrubs. The northwest quarter of the project site is the location of the majority of the proposed work. It is here that the western boat basin with its breakwaters and access channel are located. The western boat basin itself consists of a rectangular area with its major axis 115~ ft. running east and west and its minor axis 65~ ft. north and south. Access to the basin is through a 160~ ft. long by 25 to 40 ft. (varies) channel which runs to the north and stops at the applicant's property line where the controlling depth is -5 ft. MHW. The basin is protected on the north side by two fill breakwaters which are oriented east and west. The break- water which protects the west side of the basin is located south of the breakwater which protects the eastern side of the basin. The staggered positioning of the breakwaters allows for their ends to overlap somewhat (see page 3 of site plans), which results in excellent protection from waves. As a result of the overlaping of the breakwaters, the channel at the entrance to the basin, is sigmoid. The shoreline of the eastern side of the basin area starting at the western tip of the eastern breakwater and proceeding to the northeast, to the north property line, consists of a limestone boulder rip rap revetment which has been secondarily augmented by placing reinforced concrete rubble on top of it. Landward of this revetment a few sparse patches of sea purslane (Susuvium portu1acastrum) can be found. 'Resolution BIRD MARINA ~uurH November 16, 1983 Page Four The shoreline of the eastern side of the area to the north (outside) of the western basin, like the eastern side described above, consists of a limestone riprap revetment. This shoreline has not been further protected with concrete rubble. Within the western basin itself, the eastern shore consists of bare cur shed rock fill along with the sparse remains of a dock. Judging from the very advanced state of the dock's decay, it has been non- functional fur many years. Along this shore small patches of sea purslane can be found in a narrow zone near the MlfW line. The southern shore of the basin has a concrete boat ramp at its eastern end. On the west side of the boat ramp is a small finger pier used to aid in boat launching and recovering activities. The remainder of the shore consists of a decaying limestone masonry seawall with a wooden shoreline dock over it. As a result of the vertical nature of this shoreline there is no wetland or transi- tional vegetation along it. On the west side of the boat basin an unprotected crushed rock shoreline is also found. Within a narrow shoreline band approxi- mately 3 feet wide a sparse growth consisting of small (2~ ft.) white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) and red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) bushes. Further landward a somewhat wider zone vegetated with a mixture of bay ceder (Suriana maritima), buttonwood (Concarpus erecta), sea purslane, sea blite (Suaeda linearis) and sea daisy (Borrichia sp.) is found. The north side of the boat basin is formed by the inside of the breakwaters. This is a shore consisting of a limestone riprap re- vetment. On the eastern breakwater the only vegetation along the shore is a few sparse patches of sea purslane. The western break- water, although it is physically similar to the eastern one, is much more heavily vegetated. With the exception of the center of the western breakwater, where three (3) medium size Australian pines are found, the breakwater is covered with a mixture of low transition zone salt tolerant plants. Among these plants are sea purslane, sea blite, sea daisy and salt grass (Distichlis spicata). The western breakwater is being used to store several small "sunfish" type sailboats and canoes. On the north side of the breakwater two wooden rail boat slides are located to facilitate launching the boats across the riprap. Within the western boat basin a moderate growth of algae is found growing on the upper reaches of the sides. This algal community includes filamentous blue green algae, Padina sp. and unidentified red algae. The only animal observed within the basin was a small blue crab which was located on the upper edge of the basin. The floor of the basin is composed of a layer of fine sediments. Above the sediments is a mat of decaying seaweed. Nor flora or fauna was observed on the basin floor. The marina manager reports chronic problems with fish kills in the basin. In general, although no analysis of the water chemistry was made, it appears that the water quality within the basin is poor. Possible explanations for this poor water quality are the basin's excessive (9~ ft.) depth reducing circulation, the narrow winding entrance channel reducing circulation, and the tendency for northerly winds in the winter to fill the basin with floating seaweed which sinks and forms a putrescent, anaerobic deposit on the basin floor. The undredged area on the north side of the breakwaters consists of a gently sloping limestone sea floor reaching a depth of -5~ ft. MHW at the northern limit of the proposed dredge area. Depressions in the limestone tend to be filled with coarse biogenic calcareous sand. Scattered throughout the area are small (3~ ft. diameter) patches of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) and near the western break- water a large patch of Cuban shoalweed (Diplanthera wrightii) is 'Resolution BIRD MARINA SOUTH November 16, 1983 Page Five found. Additional components of the flora found in this area are Padina sp., Sargassum spp., Jania sp., Acanthophora sp., Laurencia sp., Halimeda spp., Udotea sp., Caulerpa spp. and unidentified red, brown and green algae. The faunal components of this community are at least two species of sponge, the angular sea whip (Pterogorgia anceps), and star coral (Siderastrea radians). In general, the proposed dredge a~ea is a very health and rich principally epifaunal shallow water caribbean community. The riprap revetments which form the landward edges of the proposed dredge area display an ecological community similar to the natural bottoms. The existing access channel which cuts through the proposed dredge area has a bottom which consists of calcareous sediments. When in- spected, all of the channel, with the exception of the northernmost 30 to 40 ft. was covered with a layer of unattached algae, one to two feet thick. The only organisms which were found growing in the channel were a few widely spaced Halimeda sp. plants. At the north end of the channel the difference in elevation between it and the natural bottom in only 6 to 12 inches, however, even this area bears a biological community which is very different from that of the natural bottom and suffers badly in any comparison between the two. As a historical note, it is worth knowing that a good deal of the project site, before a series of dredge and fill projects, was submerged bay bottom. The original natural shoreline appears to have run near the south edge of the eastern boat basin, then continued along the path of the proposed circulation culvert to the southeast corner of the west boat basin. From here it crossed diagonally through the west boat basin and the west breakwater coming out near the breakwater's northewest corner. From here the shoreline curved to a more due westerly path. At some point over twenty years past, the western boat basin was created by dredging and using the fill to construct the breakwaters which originally were spits projecting over 100 ft. out into Florida Bay. Fill was also placed on the land to the south of the western boat basin which apparently was at least partially wetland. At some time, evidently during the 1960's, the eastern boat basin and access channel were excavated and the fill was used to create the eastern uplands. To the west, the adjacent property owner was also busy filling baybottom to the north of his original shoreline. The project as proposed can be expected to increase the water circulation in both boat basins. Improved circulation can be ex- pected to improve water quality within the basins by reducing the tendency for the basins to collect decaying seaweed. The in- creased flow rates will tend to mix and aerate the basin water which will reduce the likelihood of the basin waters to strati- flying into anerobic layers. Additional beneficial impacts of the project will be the creation of 5,160I sq. ft. of new (restored?) marine habitat by the removal of the breakwaters and excavation of the culvert. The riprap breakwaters will provide additional reef-like habitat. Installation of the riprap breakwaters will permanently cover 2,900I sq. ft. of baybottom and effectively eliminate its imput to the marine ecosystem. This will tend to be offset by the new habitat consisting of the sides of the breakwaters, as described above. Short term increased turbidity levels and dissolved and particulate organic levels can be expected for the duration of the construction activities. If proper turbidity controlling measures are taken this problem can be reduced to tolerable levels. ~esolution BIRD MARINA SOUTH November 16, 1983 Page Six The enlarged marina will be the source of long oil and greases, heavy metals and detergents. is in use the above pollutants can be expected vicinity. term discharges of As long as the marina to be found in its The northerly orientation of the entrance to the enlarged western boat basin, combined with northerly winds will cause the western basin to have chronic problems with accumulations of drifting sea- weed during the winter. As previously stated, the new circulation culvert will tend to reduce this problem. It is believed that seaweed accumulations will be a problem which for at least part of the year will cause water quality problems infue marina. The problems will princip1y involve low dissolved oxygen levels and putrescent deposits. The applicant has stated that no permanent livaboard boats will be allowed and that sewage pump-out facilities will be provided for transient boats. As was pointed out earlier, it appears that livaboards are presently utilizing the eastern basin. The discharge of raw sewage by liveaboard boats is a possible source of pollution which should be considered. When the marina is at or near its maximum utilization, the amount of sunlight available to marine plants for photosynthesis in the western basin will be reduced by an estimated one-third to one-half. Less than complete utilization will of course reduce the amount of shading. Permanent destruction of the biological community found on the natural baybottom areas to the north of the present western basin breakwaters is without question the largest impact of the project. It is reasonable to expect that the conditions which presently pre- vail in the access channel to the north of the breakwaters are representative of what will be found in the expanded marina. The difference between the channel and the adjacent natural bottom is visually startling and ecologically significant. The channel is a sediment and detritus trap which is almost completely deviod of macrobiota. The natural bay bottom is a rich, diverse and ecologi- cally productive example of a shallow water caribbean epifaunal community. It is my opinion that the natural bay bottom areas, if dredged, will permanently come to resemble the present access channel. Under the provisions of Chapters 253.123(2)(d) and 403.087 Florida Statutes, as well as Chapters 17-3.05l(1)(a-c), 17-3.061 (2)(b, j, 0, p), 17-3.121 (5, 7, 11, 14, 18, 20, 28), 17-4.03 and 17-4.07(4) Florida Administrative Code, I recommend that the Departmental permitting authorization be denied for this project application. The project would receive a favorable recommendation from this inspector if the following suggestions for modification were incorporated into the proposed design. 1. Reduce the size of the proposed western basin by confining it to the areaof the present western basin and its breakwaters. This includes the elimination of all dredging, dock construc- tion and breakwater construction outside of (to the north) the breakwaters. 2. Fill any points within the existing western basin which are presently deeper than -6 ft. MEW, to a depth of -6 ft. MHW. 'Resolution BIRD MARINA SOUTH November 16, 1983 Page Seven 3. Use piling supported slat-board breakwaters as necessary to protect the enlarged western basin. The new breakwaters should be placed along the line formed by the northern edge of the present breakwaters. 4. Clearly mark both sides of the entrance (north end) of the western basin access channel. 5. To as great an extent as practicable counter slope the upland areas near the edge of the culvert and basins in such a manner as to divert rainwater runoff away from them. BE It RE$~L~ED BY tHE B~ARD ~F t~UNt~ t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~T m~NR~E t~~~ty, TL~RID~, ~ha~ ~he above Biological Assessmen~ has been rean in~o ~he recorn ann nuly consineren pursuan~ ~o Florina $~a~u~e 253.124 by ~he Boarn of toun~g tommissioners of ffionroe toun~!!, Florina, ~his 16th nay of December , 19 83 at a regularly schenulen meeting. B~ARD ~f t~lli~~ t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~T m~NR~E t~UNt~ fL~RIDA B~ .~~ ... ~ mayor ($EAL) Attest: pANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk 9.,,:i~ ~ r uJ.v D c 0- t1erk I Lucien t. Pro y, toun~y A~~orney ~Yv~D' ~R~~,~",~E (305) 294,4641 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: l. County Biologist Report V 2. Resolution (BIRD MARINA SOUTH) V 3. Permit v/ 4. Application for Permit(Enlargement of an V existing boat basin) 5. Site Plan V 6. Location Map V- 7. DER Assessment ~ Date / J-;;'/-~3 By ~.o~ l", I () L'\,' ", --'~".~. ,... ... \'\ 1 J , ,~$' :j83 COu;ff'{ idlY. '. . TOPS '",' FORM 3397 LIT'<O IN U S' DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE November 15, 1983 Su BJECT Simon E. Lipsky, Bird Marina To Dr. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Direct9{ ( {OJ (\ r: Andy Hooten, Biologist l\JI\cxV\~ ...". \iJ DEP'T Planning & Zoning (Key West) FROM DEP'T Planning & Zoning (Marathon) i\....J LEGAL Township 64 South, Range 35 East, Section 27, Parcell, Gov't Lot 2, 1114791/RE: 00098230, Long Key, Monroe County, Fla., Zoned BU-2 Introduction This application for the enlargement of an existing boat basin, is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Commission pursuant to Section 19-111(b)(2) & (4) of the Monroe County Code. Project and Site Description The applicant proposes to enlarge his existing boat basin by excavating approximately 1385 cubic yards of fill material landward of the mean high water line, install 373 linear feet of concrete seawall, repair 400 linear feet of existing seawall, construct 10, 3' x 10' finger piers and 1, 5' x 130' pier, construct 193 linear feet of batterboard seawall and construct an 80' x 10' x (-55) MSL circulation culvert in Florida Bay. The applicant has received permits from the Florida Department of Environ- mental Regulation (No. 44-49473-5E) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (No. 83(3)-1326) for this activity. A site inspection was conducted on October 24, 1983. The proposed excava- tion would entail the removal of two large fill spits that presently "bottle- neck" the existing marina. (Drawings that reflect the proposed activities are attached to the County application. The drawings are part of the permit issued by the Florida D.E.R.) The upland portion of the proposed excavation is colonized by exotic plants, such as Austrailian Pine (Casuarina. sp) and Brazilian Pepper (Schinus terebinthe- folius) Subtidally; the edges of the basin are colonized predominately by a calcium carbonate secreting algae, Halineda sp.. Many small fishes were observed foraging in and near this algae zone. In the center of the basin, floculent organic debris was observed floating at the surface, indicating that the existing quality of the water in the basin is poor. The basin channel opens into Florida Bay in a northerly direction. During the Winter months, wind blown debris (such as floating seagrasses) easily accumulates in the basin area. The applicant proposes to remedy the situation to some degree by the install- ation of a circulation box culvert (80' x 10' x -5.5) connecting a small existing Southeastern boatbasin (see application drawings) and the construction of wooden batterboard seawall at the North and Northwestern corner of the proposed enlarged basin. e. TOPS...... FORM 3397 LITHO IN U. 5 " DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATENovember 15, 1983 SUBJECT Simon E. Lipsky, Bird Marina - Page two To DEP'T FROM DEP'T Evaluation The circulation cut should assist in improving the water circulation (and therefore quality) within the basin area and the batterboard should assist in physically preventing windblown debris from accumulating within the basin. (See drawing #2 attached to this report) However, due to the orientation of the basin, windblown debris will be a continual problem. Initial excavation and dredging will likely result in destruction of what subtidal vegetation is present; however, impact should be short term and recolonization of subtidal biota should take place, at least along the sloped edges of the basin. Although not clearly stated in the application, the application drawings reflect an average water depth of -5 ft. Mean Low Water (MLW) proposed for the expanded basin. While this water depth is appropriate for docking in most of the basin, the Northwest corner of the baybottom is less than -2 ft. MLW. In the proposal the applicant wishes to combine the function of the batterboard (extending 60 ft. into Fla. Bay) with a dock, thereby enclosing the Northwest corner (and the basin) from Florida Bay. As mentioned above, the batterboard breakwater will serve a valuable function in preventing windblown debris from entering the basin; however, the baybottom surrounded by this enclosure is too shallow for boat dockage without considerable destruction to that baybottom from keel or propellor dredging. This section of the basin is colonized by productive baybottom and furthermore, the application does not propose to deepen this area but to leave it in its natural state. (See attached drawing #2). The proposed "Relocated dock" in this Northwest corner of the basin would surely en- courage dockage and would inevitably result in baybottom destruction of the North- western corner. In summation, it is felt that the majority of this proposal is consistent with guidelines set forth in the Monroe County Code and the Monroe County Coastal Zone Protection and Conservation Element. The only section that appears inconsis- tent with these guidelines would be the allowance of the Northwestern corner of the basin (as depicted on attached drawing 112) for boat dockage, thereby result- ing in the destruction of a productive benthic community. (Specifically, Sec. 19-111 (b)(4) ). Recommendation Conditional Approval (1) Dockage at the Northwestern corner of the basin area (where batterboard breakwater extends into shallow baybottom) be prohibited. Use as a fishing pier only could serve as an alternative. (2) Turbidity Curtain be employed during all phases of construction. . ,/ ~'%;-D9=l et:~"""'><'~~ / : .J- (~~.~ 4c . rJ" ~} '-- .. / - - .. - '-- ~ .. r . -,. . 1'. _. ~ - :=-0._ -I -~ ,-, r:.....ur' ,.... --'. t, --r:...";".:....~- r; -"--:-yn---:;-:iF--- ,...,~. ~~; ;.~ ...;-..r__---_~ ......... ~-:...f'~~-. .-. \ t: : ~ /r) I ! c... " ,li' ~;::..; , ~ , ..,;JA. 1 I ~ ' Li f". r. .' L. .; , J. , I ~ ;.....--" r (_. .....- ~ " 0' ,.r ~r-; -". h ~'..,-" ,,.. , '/ "'1 I .- 2)(1:':. . , .~v ...-r. ' ., ~ ~ I ,r,..J,Tt>V;;rJ~I'';.~~',Tb'''~~::: ~'I-.E if\.: , -:-~ F! ',~ ~ .~. ~ .~IY.' '!~I.!'fll' -t 01) \ W <:; 1-: CW-~-':'I:'i . ',J... I ;' 'r-~c-.o;;~,,;,;,,; 1,' 'K-~ , "_ ....._' I L :~ - ll:l~ "t. It,IPl.t,... r.:Ti" ,1' .. - , ;">')1: j - --.J -.. q'- I" ."7'\ y' ^~>:.. I L' l" b '~,<~-~~~-"~b '&~ ~., i:' /1. /4 C/ I L.'.,7 ~I I :t" ~.." . .:....,.~"Y,~_2~q,: L. 1'~f.~""'~<&.'If.. "'~i. _~'':Jr';.''~t.:._t.. 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PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT I\TO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Simon E. Lipsky Post Office Box 903 Layton, Florida 33031 2) Date 10-4-83 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 3) Phone number 664-4128 233-5609 Resolution No. Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number 5) Legal description of property: Section 27 Key Long Subdivision Township 64S 35E Lot Govt. 2 Block Range Street, road or mile marker Parcel 1 Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. 1385 c.y. landward ofM.H.W. c.y. waterward of M.H. W. c.y. landward of M.H. W. ZONING: BU-2 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL: 1. Dockage at the Norhtwestern corner of the basin area (where batterboard breakw~ter extends into shallow baybottom) be prohibited. Use as a fishing pier only could serve as an alternative. 2. Turbidity Curtain be employed during all phases of construction. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Ph.D., Direct( Planning, Building and Zoning MONROE COUNTY _...;'j.'....~ ? ".......'l':'~ (j) .~ > t"L 'J:} , ~~..; ;L' ",,"j;',': :;"l:,Dl,\,(;'; ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR <\c " ; lUN ;'ilE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STHUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE ~i\TEI1S OR \VETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY. 1) p-I:9pertv uwrwr" ";\111(' ,-.: l'Ulliil'~ ,I. e:::--- "," d /f/~7 /') ;' >~ ,)_ __ /....~ i (~ ,/-- /"--/..J /~~, I ' ~ /",/1 I,: t/~,. ..7/Y ,/ t ! ," I). t ' I 'W~l rl_~~ ~) i-/Y~/ ~~/ '/ '-- : / _..~ , r :;) Phone I~UI~tJe~ --- '/',/'~//~....-/ ' ,/ ,/' - -- /'--/ '/ ' _3~ 03 I .L-- __ " , L __ ______1_________________ ______._ T,tnIiing ;_H1cin~s..:;, .phone \:~ Ct1rcificaLiotl nun1ber. ,. ~) 0'.:' 'Ii-', /" ..~- /.,/ 4) Contractor or ag-PI1C~, nan1\', -/ ---;' - ,/ -.L~ . ',- . 5) Legal description nr prr'Dert.;: ,nn_,,/. . _ '7//;;7.9/ I?F ,;' OODCJ8::ls() .. :J " SectIOn. ~,~,,-,_,___ /.11 .~ Township. ~-+- _~m K!.,v. f.=""'J~i-=--_, Subdivision, ,'')-rJ./ /.T . (, Lot~_ ~':n______ Block. _ ____ ,Range, ~ ~ i ..~-"9> Zoning, \if acrcag-e) ,-:> ... - /...... f I ~) /~ ./ l / (."- Street, roaq7mile marker, /P--:>~ 'J.:f.. ,/ _~C_Y;.""CJ2 /' / 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cubic yards) to be exca.Y,1!ted-eP- /? A discharged. Describ. e pu~~>ose & intended use o. f..pro.jec~, <7., / -"e:'(- (?"/'.' V tc:-f,.);.~~e~,,(.~.-f' ~ t:lA ~, ~ l r'7--t ~~ i:L,~~........, ;3C-I ~:!....d'!- ~j-~-e.c~C' (<f/:tI,.~>-;t- /.56 <..:> . ~- / I ,,_? ~. ..J c'r- ."p ~ _yWI t T-r.J, / ,to ,-,0. 373 ~ ;,,/y ,(~L;f ~/ (:;r(,-2:";'Q / ....4,'-,,--.L lAC.-a~L_ . ~ h../0.~, :7' r~ /, / t(// .' (../~~ /- L .~ n~, 'f77--=- /) -;', / ' // ',l. ~f1. I '.,L ;-/) <.rtLR.-~. /I- . -7' cL-(J tl'~ ~:DVJt..e..e' Y;1~.." -:" '::'-<~..f~ / (N ,..>L,''\ ,/) /:;!-<..<;{--':, ::,t'7;'CL4;;;/;,):. "/ 0-y3().<;~~k..,/ Y-o (~.-<--/(~Z-.c.u~ ~/9'jj!Ld._Q....(J-.L, ;f vi,. . ~1 /:/C:'Gf.R.>f,l'(_;:i--.-~/ *Y~'..'z.-o vo~ot: ,.~ aredged/excavated / fllled/deooslt".ed 1'(;,~-/CLifikt1,~1 C.-<r-'-<'_I--'t-r<,<,,_f-'. /::;x;;:r---- ',' . / ' c.y. 1--:-) c. 2- C.y. c.y. c.y. ~0 5< /G)< S~. ,S-; /pL- ; waterward landward . waterward landward /2v;~ ~J!-l\LH.W. of M.Hj~./) '/ of MJiJN') of M.~-^-- ! (1' r - .. -<'--~-z-., , ~ ~L. LY~-1J .!~ L~~ .. L~/G 7ffj-~ :~-vr 7) Name. address & zip code of adjoining 'pro erty owners whose property affronts wattz: way. It ~~/ / , .L:LA.') /J / ) d / ~ L;' .r;;> ~ D",,-y ..L- jf..J S ~ - "" L/ V t/ / /. r. / _"v.-r" r /r:- V l--/C i /1;(.r.v ;- ./) 0' ?r . ,C.-,,/ (/ 8 al List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name. for this site: C"'" ,,-J / /y c) .:t./ C:'?/L~~'" ~ b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. '. ?) List all Federal and State .agencie,s..that have receive,~ applications for this project. .p \ ~~ .r11t~, a({J~J {.V ~~~~~vd ~ Co/~-< / 1{.~,~tIJ~ 1-~itf~4 ~~ ~<4 tI This completed applica&n form will be accompanied by he following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8Yz x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan. top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00.~r dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. ~~~, j'lz;6 / J /jJ/ :: ''';ignatuJ"p ot al1plicant/ag'enV~ -- ,Oate 't', ~~ ,I L7, /,., , . ~ . i / ,-. : '_11' 31/,:;Q ';).sC , '/u VI'" "'- rpl'('ipl~1~ i\pproVI'd by :\ss'c Din>etnr -.E.Q.r.l)epartl11~I1.UJ "e. Only! Person accepting appljcuLlOn &. Dale CDS! of Iwrll1it !.::;tilTliltpd co:-;[. of cont<tructioll MJiH FLOi Ia . .. I I. -;RANCH OFFiC;E f., - t�OLF CCJ^SE BUJLEV. i,,, '- VICTO I, .-C1,CHIflt:z..- :iA OFWA.FLORIDA:':'•t:.- .:,i'i :f:i--./ `` ,1!! Januaryll31 , 1983 . • Bird Marina South • • c/o Paul C. Kenson , Jr. 4 Associates , Inc . P.U. Box" 92 • : Marathon , Florida 33( S:� Monroe County, . rile. N ,. -1,9473-5E Gentlemen •.E•nclosed is Permit- Number 44-.49473-5E, dated .Janu•ar.y 31 , 1983 , to expand • • ;arina facilities issued pursuant to Secti.oii�s) __ ,. 123 & 403.087 , Florida Statutes. Should you object to this permit, including any and all of the conditions contained therein , you may file an appropriat_e Petition for administrative haring . This petition must be filed. within fourteen ( 14 ) days of 'the receipt of this . letter. .Further, the petition must conform .to the • - requirements of Florida Aministrative Code Rule 28-5 .201 ( see reverse •side of this. letter) . The petition must be filed with the Office of General Counsel , Department of Environmental .Regulation, Twin Towc_-rs Office Building, 2600. Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, .-Florida 32301 . • - If no petition is filed within the prescribed time, you will be deemed -to have accepted this permit and waived your right to request an administrative hearing on this matter. Acceptance of the permit constitutes notice and agreement that the Department will periodically review this permit for compliance, ircluding site • -inspections where applicable, and 'may-. initiate enforcement action for violation of th.e conditions and. requirements `hereof. . Sincer,±ly, ' ,..-4,„. „(---•--c- cm , .• , , . • • -,„...... i, k. i . • , ,•• _, • .„-.)‘„,„?-0,6_,,,,___. , . . . A- % . . Philip R. -Edwards , . .. • District Managers -PRE/RWC/wr .y, 7 ✓�'J/,e,/ ' Enclosure• ///� ! - 1 ✓., '.J DER Form 17-1.201(7.) Page 1 of- 2. . - • • Effective November 30, 1982 -. Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life • -•:.•• -•.: - '•t....turb- 4..,,.r:lsuC.,....:[wr ...1.Ymiv.0.ni:)¢;tri::ails;.....t.NC'vii,%Ws'v1QWl3Lt9•• ,S•-.':i'4•Lii iife. ti•�W40141,.2.44 LOGMu:t:r]i.1+.•::.._,..—'i`-S.:i''•aYc'a.:. • SOUTH FLORIDA RANCH OFFICE - GULF uc,urts=_ '?=ouct��nrl:) ---- - ----- . ,n :. ., �,. IN TA COFiDA.F,.0':IDA:;:';1f I•J`i - - — - .-. .` . 'r'1�•f.ri77'�. PEI-:r(T_TTEE: Bird Marina South PERMI':/CERTI I-C:",'f.CO c/o Paul C. T':ensor, , Jr. . & NO. 1=4--494j --_1E Associates , Inc . P.O. Box 92 DATE OF ISSUE: 1-3 3 -83 Marathon, Florida 33050 \PIPATlON DATE. - 5 COUNTY: Monroe LATITUDE/LONGITUDE: 24° 50' 00" 30° 47' 30" SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RAGE: • ')7 64S PROJECT: Expand Marina Facilities • This permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter(s) 253 & 403 , Florida Statutes Florida Administrative Code Rule(s) 17-3 & 17-4. The above named permittee is hereby authorized to perform the work or operate the facility shown on the application and approved drawings(s) , plans , and other documents r;_tached hereto or on file with the department and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows : to enlarge an existing basin by excavating approximately 1385 cubic yards of material landward of MHW; to install 373 linear feet of concrete seawall and repair 400 linear feet of existing seawall; to construct 10 , 3' X 10' finger and 1 , 5 ' X 30' pier; to construct 193 linear feet of batter board • breakwater and consci 00' k. 10' X -5 .5' MSL circulation culvert in Florida Bav (Class III Waters) , a natural waterbody, E_-.�.._.,.-'o 2.7 . Township 64 South, Range 35 East, Monroe County. DER Form 17-1 .201 (5) Pag•. 1 of 5 Effective November 30 , 1939 Protecting Florid: and Your Quality of Life . .. ..,: aa..;-,.a..ao.....,,..z,...-.;.,,,.... ....,.._..a.. ,•rs..r:rw-:,.:.,..r:.+::w-�r....v.rx m+c a.t ::a�.acerr7.sqsafe. ••..:..••tea:: etxsi::3c5iltis 1;,s:rsurSBaka;oian.is rrcialC.,ir tat r:taVC`ne..s.•. • • • • 7. The i)tIitt.e?. hy accepting C11i,S 4,ermit , . i)E if 1' a :ee• allow. S CCs authorized der -rment personnel , - on c,E credentials onnel , upo.i j fre:,�•fit:�i_ : •, or other documents ns nov bo required by law, access to the premises , at reasonable times where the permitted for ai. -t�.d _ crvity is lor_cic.<•t or c�-nrtuc�c�.d purpose o:: • a . Having access to and copying any records that must be kest •under the conditions of the 'permit; h. Inspecting the facility , equipment, practices , or Operations regulated or required under this ?emit; and . c. Sampling or monitoring any substances or parameter's at t Cv Mention . reasonably necessary to assu--e' compliance with this permit :•,r riepartme1It • rules. Reasonable time -may depend on the nature of the concern being investigated. - 8. If, for any reason, the permittee does not comply with or will be unable to comply with any condition or limitation specified in this, permit, the permittee shall immediately notify and provide the department with the following information: a. a description of and cause of• non—compliance; and • - b. the period of noncompliance; including exact dates and times; or, if not corrected , the anticipated time the non—compliance is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and preyent recurrence of the non—compliance. The permittee shall be responsible for any and all damages which may result and may be subject to enforcement action by the department for penalties or revocation of this permit. - • 9 . In - accepting this permit , the. permittee understands and agrees that all, records , notes , monitoring data and other information relating to the construction or operation of this permitted source, which are submitted to the department, may be -used by the department as evidence in any enforcement case arising under the Florida Statutes or department rules , except where such use is proscribed by. Sections, 403. 73 and 403. 111, Florida Statutes. 10. The permittee agrees to comply with changes in department rules and Florida Statutes after a reasonable time for compliance., provided however, the permittee does not waive any other rights granted by Florida Statutes or department rules. 11. This permit is transferable only upon department approval in accordance with Florida Administrative Code Rules 17-4.12- and 17-30.30 , as applicable. The permittee shall be liable for any non—compliance of the permitted activity until the transfer is approved by the department. • • - DER Form 17-1.201. (5) Page 3 of 5 . - Effective November 30, 1982 • • • • ..sYi�dlsb�l�l4 -.t�.lia'OiSrsii".�' -...r^:fin •...Jab"u.imL'3r.:9iA•a.v'irA:>'s`aF.+a'>JH::>:.C.\.*'PZ\�t.n:.+.1:a.:v:t:311-..eiiYA4'n/v: VL6:XsS'�ie36i'.ffu:._:�L,�1Y[uCf1a.'sc.•.-:•:t:d�J�1h..�tlh.+ilL^•�.-JLLT:�•.':�:7 • lP1P iCO:? DATE: .-31.-b5 SPECI: 1C CONDITIONS : 1 . :u:D_ci...t ;c.-eo n:, shall be utilized and proper ly maintained until any 4ener2ted turbidity su:;sides . 2 . No live-aboard boats sha:.1 be allowed . No fuel facilities nor storage shall be allowed at tho 3. project. 4 . The project shall comply with :applicable state water quality standards , namely: 17-3.051 - Minimum Criteria for All Waters at All Times and All Places. • 17-_ .061 - Surface Waters : General Criteria 17-3. 121 - Criteria - Class Iii Waters - Recreation, Propagation and Management of Fish and Wildlife: Surface Waters. Issued this 31 day of. January 1983. 5 Pages Attached • STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION Philip R. Edwards District Manager ,f PRE%RWC/'wr / / - cc: USACOE FMP - Marathon DER - Marathon . H. Ray Allen DER Form 17-1.201(5) Page 5 of 5 Effective November 30, 1982 _.avA`i. .•:m.1f•AYns^�'- .mcaw.+�.....vm.`.....vu......vtlascru.u..ew1-a.w...���n.•�s.».e.w�tii�:--•s...a.av�.+uz:4+Ai.V a� ..\:..L^.h.'.4^.i+e'i.u::., C..-.o..ti.KzS w+. rN Sibdtlr.+ar S+..a[aJr.L__.s.-. • . . , . • t • . . . ' • • -- I - . - . . . . • ,I . . • • . . ' . • 1 . . ....,,,,.. .. 1 . • - z • . .c-- ‘f?I ,\ C-V-:- - \$. 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". .-.__..... ~' C!'.~ n' - Uloi '; l' I ~ 1\,lilr~\,iI , d:l'5:m~ -- DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS MonCE Of AUTHO RIZA liON 28 .July 1983 "- A PERMIT TO Dredge 1385 cy of material, construct 11 piers, construct a breakwater and circulation culvert, install & repair 773 feet of seawall ~"~.- AT Florida Bay at Long Key, in Section 27, East, Monroe County, Florida HAS BEEN ISSUED TO Bird Marina South OVerseas Hiwy, MM 70 ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE Long Key, FL 33050 Township 63 South, Range 35 PERMIT NUMBER 83 (3) -1326 ON 28 July 1983 ~~~ JR. Culonel, Corps of Engineers District EnlinH' ,;,,~t-.!( ,;80;;.:.. .- ElfG FOmt 4336 Jill 70 THIS NOTICE MUST BE CONSPICUOUSLY DISPLAYED AT THE SITE OF WORK. * a~o: lfl77 232-984 r JI ...,-... .... - ~"'''''''..-~."U11 ~_....",~........~..."*~'+""",,,,"Pl'~. ., ';''''''<h.,_.~:....,.....,.-,- ""d-, < ....""....-~,..wti"-"...~\'tfI:,,~_...... 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Upon recommendation of the Chief of Engineers pursuant to Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 3 March 1899, (33 U.S.C., ~403), you are authorized to dredge 1385 cubic yards of material to enlarge an existing basin, construct 11 piers, construct a breakwater and a circulation culvert, and install and repair 773.1inear feet of seawall in Florida Bay at Long Key in Section 27, Township 63 South, Range 35 East, Monroe Co~ty, Florida, in accordance wit~ the enclosed plans and conditions which are incorporated into and made a part of, the permit. We have no evidence that a State permit has been issued for the work, and no work may begin until their requirements have been met. Enclosed is a Notice of Authorization which should be displayed at the construction site. When you begin work, you must notify the District Engineer's representative at the appropriate Area Office as shown on the enc~osed map, of: 1. The date of commencement of work (mail enclosed card) , 2. The dates of work suspensions and resumptions, if work is suspended over a week, and 3. The date of final completion. If the work authorized is not completed on or before 28 July 1986, this authorization, if not previously revoked or specifically extended, shall cease and be null and void. BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF THE ARMY: Enclosures: Notice of Authorization Commencement Card Plans and Conditions Area Office ;.1ap 'rl ' /'1 c f , _~ !. ~ / , ;' (LMifuf/j.j~(, . ~ -\-OIL ALFRED B. DEVEREAUX, ,TR. Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer ....,., IJ -- c::::l 'lJ ~) f,J ~ .- NN C~CJ~ (::;. :>..;-J C'~ ,- -I'- (V') ~ co ::J l- VI lrl o (lJ .'<:1 lrl ,oJ l- ~ 'U \0 rc ro . -,.. f'... ....- :J 0> l- I :J o-'U 0 M O>VI""-""-LO aJ CO u_ '<1" cr:~ , aJ aJ ALO 'UCl-UO C->-'IUCM '" l- ? ro ~ '-,,'-- lnOVlU') ~u ~ (lJ . 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That all activities identified and authorized herein shall be con- sistent with the terms and conditions of thi s Permit ; and that any activities not specifically identified and authorized herein: shall constitute a violation of the ter and conditions of this Permit which may result in the rrrndification, suspension, or revocation of this Permit, in whole or in part, as set forth more specifically in.General Conditions j. or k hereto, and in the institution of such legal proceedings as the United States Government may consider appro- priate, whether or not this Permit has been previously modified, suspended or revoked in whole or in part. b. That all activities authorized -herein shall, if they involve a dis- charge or deposit into navigable waters or ocean waters, be at all times consistent with applicRhle water quality standards, effluent to Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of_ 1972.(P.L. 92-500; 86 Stat. 816-) or pursuant to applicable State and local law. c. That when the activity authorized herein involves a discharge or deposit of dredged or fill material into navigable waters, the 'authorized activity shall, if•applicable water quality standaixls are revised or rrodified during the term of this Permit, be modified if necessary, to conform with such revised or mod- ified water quality standards within six months of the effective date of any • revision or modification of water quality standards, or as directed by an im- plementation plan contained in such revised or modified standards, or within such longer period of time as the District Engineer, in consultation with the Regional Administrator of the Environuental Protection Agency, may determine to be reasontple under the circumstances; d. That the Permittee agrees to make every reasonable effort to prosecute the construction or work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any ad- verse irpact of the construction or work on fish, wildlife, and natural environ- mental values. e. That the-Permittee(s) agrees to prosecute the construction or work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any degradation of water quality. f. That the Perrattee shall permit the District Engineer or his authorized representative(s) or. dss1gree:s) to make periodic,inspections at any time deemed necessary in order to assure that the activity being performed under authority of this Permit is in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed herein. g. That the Permit-tee shall maintain the structure or work authorized herein in good condition and in accordance with the plans and drawings attached hereto. h. That this Permit does not convey any proper y rights, either .in real estate or material,, or any exclusive priviler,es; and that it does not authorize any injury to proPerty or invasion of rights or any: infringement of Federal; State, or local laws 'or regulations, nor does it obviate the requirement to obtain State- or local assent required by law for the activity authorized herein. • i. That this Permit does not authorize the interference with any existing or poposed Federal projedt and that the Permittee shall not be entitled to compensation for damage or it jury to the strue.Lrues cr work authorized herein which may be caused by or result fl n existing or future operations undertaken by the United States in the public interest. j . That this Permit may be summarily suspended , in .whole or in part, upon a finding by the District Engineer that immediate suspension of the activity authorized herein would be in the general public interest. Such suspension shall be effective upon receipt by the Permittee of a written notice thereof which shall indicate (1) the extent of the sus- pension, (2) the reasons for this action, and (3) anv corrective or nr'e- ventive measures to be taken by the Permittee which are deemed necessary by the District Engineer to abate imminent hazards to the general public interest. The Permittee shall take immediate action to corn— . ply with the provisions of this notice. Within ten days following receipt of this notice .of suspension . the Permittee may request a Hearing in order to present information relevant to a decision as to whether his Permit should be reinstated, modified or revoked. If a Hearing is requested, it shall be conducted pursuant to procedures prescribed by the Chief of Engineers. After completion of the Hearing, or within a reasonable time after issuance of the suspension _notice to the Permittee if no Hearing is requested; the Permit will either be reinstated ic modified or revoked. k. That this Permit may be either modified, suspended or revoked in whole or in part if the Secretary of the Army or his authorized represen- tative determines that there has been a violation of any of the terms or conditions of this Permit or that such action would otherwise be in the public interest. Any such modification, suspension, or revocation shall become effective 30 days after receipt by the Permittee of written notice of such action which shall specify the facts or conduct warranting same unless (1) within the 30-day period the Permittee is able to satisfactorily demonstrate that (a) the alleged violation of the terms and the conditions of this Permit did not, in fact, occur or (b) the alleged violation was • accidental, and the Permittee has been operating in canpliance with the terms and conditions of the Permit and is able to provide satisfactory assurances that future operations shall be in full compliance with the te=si� and conditions of this Permit; or (2) within the aforesaid 30-day period, the Permittee requests that a Public Hearing be held to present oral and written evidence concerning the proposed modification, suspension or 'revocation. The conduct of this Hearing and the procedures for making • a final decision either to modify, suspend or revoke this Permit in whole or in part shall be pursuant to procedures prescribed by the Chief of Engineers. _ • • 2 • 1. That in issuinR this Permit the Goverr s information and data which the Permittee 'has .ant ham relied lied on the hh15 Permit application. If, Sub �'"'OV1ded in connection subsequent to the issuance of this Permit, such information and data prove to be false, incomplete or inaccurate, this Permit may be modified, suspended or revoked, in whole or in part and/or the Government may, in addition, institute appropriate legal proceedings. m. That any modification, suspension, or revocation of this Permit shall not be the basis for any claim for damages against the United States. n• That the Permittee shall notify the District Engineer at what time the activity authorized herein will be commenced (as far in of the time of commencement as the District Ehg er may specify) , and advance ien of any suspension of work if for a period of more of work, and of than one week, of resur*mtion • completion of work. • o. That if the activity authorized herein is not completed on or before the date indicated on the Permit to which these conditions are attached, that Permit, if not previously revoked or extended shall . automatically expire. • p. That no attempt shall be made by the Permit-tee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent • to the actii ty authorized by this Perini t. q. That if the display of lights and signals on any structure or work authorized herein is not otherwise provided for by law, such lights • and signals as may be prescribed by the United States Coast Guard shall be installed and maintained by and at the expense of the Permit-tee. r. That this Permit does not authorize or approve the construction of particular structures, the authorization or approval of which may require authorization by the Congress or other agencies of the Federal Government. • s• That if and When the Permittee desires to abandon the activity authorized herein, unless such abandonment is.part of a transfer procedure by which the Permit-tee is transferring his interests herein to a third party pursuant to General Condition v hereof, he must restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the District Engineer. t• That if the recording of this Permit is possible under applicable State or local law, the Permittee shall take such action as may be necessary to record this Permit with the Registrar of Deeds or other appropriate official charged with the responsibility for maintaining i to and interests in real prop . r recc �?s of title property. 3 u. That there shall be no Unreasonable interference with navigation by the ' existence or use of the activity authorized herein. • v. That this Permit may not be transferred to a third party without prior Britten notice to the District' Enginpnr, either.by the'transferee's written . . agreement to comply with h all terms, arid conditions of this Permit or by the transferee subscribing' to this Permit in the space provided below and thereby agreeing to comply with all terms and conditions of this P nit. . In addition, if. the Permittee transfers the interests authorized herein .by conveyance of realty, the deed shall..refa once .this Permit and the' terms and conditions specified herein 'and this Perrmit 'shall be recorded' along with. the deed with the Registrar of Deeds or'othe_r appropriate official. • • II. SPECIAL CONDITIONS ARE CHECKED BELOW: • (x) Structures For Small Boats: That Permittee hereby recognizes the possibility that the structure permitted herein may be subject to damage by wave wash fL1ipassing vessels. The issuance of this Permit does not relieve the permittee from taking all proper steps to insure the integrity of the . structure permitted' herein and- the safety of boats moored thereto from damage ' by wave wash-and Permittee shall not hold the United States liable for any such - damage. ( ) Discharge Of Diedged Material Into Ocean Waters: That the Pei,nittee shall-place a copy of this Permit in a conspicuous place in the vessel .to be used for the transportation and/or dunping of the dredged material as authorized - herein. (x) Erection Of Structure In Or Over Navigable-Waters: That the Permittee, • upon receipt of a notice of revocation of trus Permit or. upon its expiration before completion of the authorized _structure or work, shall,' without expense to -the United States and in such time and manner as the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative may direct, restore ,the waterway to its -former --- condition. If -Ale Permittee fails to comply with the direction of the Secretary of the Army or'his authorized representative, the Secretary or his designee may ' restore the waterway to its former condition', by y contract or• otherwise.; and . recover the cost thereof from the Permittee. • ' ( ) Maintenance' Dredging: (1) :That when the work authorized herein includes periodic maintenance dredging, it may be performed under-this Permit for years from the date of issuance of this Permit; and (2) That the. Permittee will advise the District Engineer in writing at least two weeks before he intends to undertake any maintenance dredging.:.: ' • '(X) The acceptance ,of this permit indicates an agreement on the par't' of the permittee to assume all responsibility and liability for injuries to persons in/or damage to property resulting from ,the construction of the permitted project . • • • • • • • • ---. •-.. .' '-, , . . . "—• . . - ' • •- . • '• .. . • • . • . •-• . • - - -. . ; _;.; - . • • • . ; . - - • - , `"-,•---P.-...1.2 ,-,, :.----;: --.. ,7 • - .:_-).:2('\i'. T.)-T '.-:,.i-. 0 Q I t. _. :-.,; :_-_(:::,-z,:z• li,L,-; :_ ,".•.)3:'-_-•.'7)..: ,; ,.;1.',4.•.;:.: ' .':_•,,,•3 J..17:"77 r•^'::7: --.. '.-:.) '---_:: . ..). 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PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL File No. ; 44-49473-5E County: Monroe Date : 12-28-81 Applicant Name: Bird Marina South Address : Long Key, Florida 33001 Agent (if applicable) : Paul C. Kenson, Jr. & Associates , Inc . Address : . Pp Box 92 , Marathon, Florida 33050 Location of project : Section (s) 27 Township 64S Range 35E Section (s) Township Range Local Reference : Bird Marina South Water Body: "Florida Ray Water Classification of Project Area : III Adjacent Waters : III Aquatic Preserve : N/A Outstanding Florida Waters : N/A On site inspection by: Darid E Ri shnf Date of Inspection: 12-16-81 Original Application: Yes_x No Revised Application: Yes No X Date : ' Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques . Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 . 02 and Section 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions , where appropriate , for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79) • BIRD MARINA SOUTH #44-49473-5E Monroe County - Long Key Page Two A. The applicant proposes to modernize and enlarge an existing commercial marina . Measures designed to improve the water quality within the marina are also included in this project. An existing man-made boat basin on the eastern side of the project will be connected to a second existing man-made boat basin on the western side of the site. The box type culvert will measure 80 ft . long by 10 ft. wide by 5 . 5 ft. deep , mean sea level (MSL) . The central 40 ft. of the culvert will be covered to allow vehicle traffic across it. The entire cul- vert, with the exception of its ends , will be constructed in previously filled uplands . With the exception of the eastern end of the culvert described above, no work is proposed for the eastern boat basin. The western basin will be enlarged and the boat docking facili- ties will be improved. This will be accomplished by removing two fill breakwaters to a depth of 5 to 6 ft. (varies) MSL. Waterward (north) of the breakwaters the bay bottom on either side of an existing access channel will be dredged to a depth of 5 to 6 ft . (varies) MSL. Two sections , one of 60 ft . length and one of 63 ft. length of riprap breakwater will be built across the northern end of the basin. A 40 ft . wide gap between the two sections of breakwater will allow navigational access to the en- larged basin from the north. a 60 foot long section of riprap breakwater will be placed along the northern end of the western boundary of the enlarged basin. Two gaps , 4 ft% at the north end and 10 ft. at the southern end will be left in the western breakwater to improve circulation in the basin. The enlarged basin will consist of 4320+ sq . ft. of excavated breakwater, 10, 480+ sq . ft. of dredged gay bottom, 5780+ sq . ft. of former dredged access channel and 10 , 620+ sq. ft. of existing basin for a total size of 31 ,200+ sq. ft. or marina (20 , 580+ of which is new) . In addition to tfe 'basin 2 , 400+ sq . ft. of bay bottom will be covered by the three sections or breakwater riprap . In order to accomplish the above described work, as well as create the previously described culvert 2 , 123 cu. yds . will be excavated below mean high water (MHW) , 610 cu. yds . will be excavated land- ward of MHW and 320+ cu. yds . (the applicant's estimation of 160 cu. yds . appears to—be low) of riprap will be placed below MHW. The excavated fill (2 , 733 cu. yds . ) will be placed on the applicant ' s uplands . BIRD MARINA SOUTH #44-49473-5E Monroe County - Long Key Page Three With the exception of the sides', of the breakwaters virtually the entire shoreline of the basin will consist of ripr-ap revetments . Virtually all of the revetment will either be new or repaired old revetment. The total , length of the revetment will be 470+ ft . The sides of the..three breakwaters will make up an additional 183 ft. of the basins perimeter. A 228+ ft. by 5 ft. concrete shoreline dock will be erected over the revetment on the east side of the boat basin. Six finger piers measuring 10 ft. by 3 ft . and 18 associated mooring piles will be placed: erpendicülar to the northern two thirds of this shoreline dock. . Along the southern side of the basin 88 ft. of existing shoreline dock will be replaced with a 5 ft. wide piling supported concrete shoreline dock. Along the western side of the basin a ,piling supported concrete dock measuring 233+ ft . long by 5 ft. wide will be fabricated. Eight 10 ft. by 3 ft. finger piers with 24 associated mooring piles will be placed perpendicular : to this section 'of shoreline dock. In total 2 , 725+ sq. ft. of new dock will be built, ' 440+. sq . . ft. of existing cock will be replaced and 42 mooring piles will be set to provide_ 27, boat slipsin the enlarged western basin. Excavation will be accomplished using :a barge mounted crane and- a backhoe: The backhoe and a bulldozer will beused tospread the , fill on the applicant's adjacent uplands` within a diked spoil site. All materials and equipment with the exception ofthe barge mounted crane will be brought to - the -site by upland roads . The site will be enclosed by turbidity curtains during the construction activities . B. The project site is located on the northeastern• end of Long Key. The southern boundary of the site is formed. by U.S . l (SR 5) the -far side of which is an area of undeveloped mangrove wetland bordering on the north side of Long Key Bight. The south side of Long Key Bight is part of Long Key State recreation area (out- standing Florida Waters : Chapter ;17-3 . 041(4) (c) Florida Administra- tion Code (F.A..C. ) : - Since the site is on the northeast end of Long Key proper,; to the east of the site, . U. S . 1. becomes a causeway composed of fill placed. in submerged bay bottom when . the Overseas Railroad was built (1904-1912)- The narrow littoral zone on the side of the causeway,is vegetated with mangrove trees Nearly .2 ,000 ft. to the- east , Fiesta .Key, a commercial campground, forms. 'the far side of a partially_ protected embayment. Because it is somewhat protected and of moderate depth, this e;nbayment is regularly used by transient boats as an anchorage. At present the . • • BIRD MARINA SOUTH #44-49473-5E Monroe County - Long Key Page Four applicant is using this anchorage to moor several small (under 18 ft. ) rental sailboats . To the north of the project site is an open expanse of Florida Bay (which like the rest of the surrounding waters are Class III (Chapter 17-3 . 081(1) F.A. C . waters) . To the west of the project site are several private residences , two of which are provided with man-made basins of a. scale simular to the proposed project. C. -' The applicant has previously applied for a permit for a similar project (file no. 44-29163-5E) . The only difference between the two proposals is the older one included additional work in the eastern boat basin and access channel. The file from this earlier application has been drawn on for this report. The project site consists of a roughly rectangular parcel of land and bay bottom. The long axis of the site which runs more or less north and south is 380+ ft. long and the shorter axis is 320+ ft. long. Within the project site there are two , an eastern and a western, boat basins . A deep (18+ ft . man-made access channel runs along the eastern side of the project site. The north end of this channel is even with the north edge of the applicant' s property where the -6 ft. MSL depth of the natural baybottom determines the maximum draft of vessels using the channel . The west side of the channel is formed by a limestone boulder riprap revetment, which also forms the eastern border of the site. At the south end of the channel described above- a roughly triangular boat basin, 140+ ft . long east and west and 85+ ft . wide at its east end, opens into the channel . The entire shoreline of this man-made basin is seawalled. The depths within the basin vary from 15+ ft. at its entrance to 9+ ft. at the west end. Two finger piers on the south side of the basin facilitate boat docking and when inspected, 6 or 8 boats were docked in the basin, utilizing an estimated two thirds of the available docking space. Several of the boats were provided with electric and water hookups and appeared to be liveaboards . Water clarity within the basin was good when inspected and schools of snapper (Lutjanus sp . ) and grunts (Haemulon sp . ) as well as a few small barracuda all gave evidence that at least the upper layer of water within the basin was of good quality . The floor of the basin is reported to be covered by a thick layer of detritus rich, fine sediments . Directly to the north of the basin described above is a roughly rectangular area of filled uplands . The north-south axis of this 11111 BIRD MARINA SOUTH #44-49473-5E Monroe County - Long Key Page Five area is 280+ ft. and the east-west axis is 180+ ft. The northern boundary of the area is formed by a riprap revetment bordering on Florida Bay. To the west is found the western boat basin which will be described later in this report . The entire area consists of barren crushed rock with very little vegetation con- sisting of pioneer grasses . On the west side of the area, several boats which are being kept in dry storage, are found. An estimated 80 percent of the area is presently vacant and not being utilized. The southern side of the project site consists of an irregularly shaped area of uplands . On the western side of this area a two- story combination residence and marina headquarters building and a small covered boat storage building are located. Near the two , buildings , numerous boats are kept in dry storage. In the eastern part of the area near the eastern boat basin a fuel storage tank is located. Much of the southern region is regularly used for vehicle traffic which has resulted in it being very sparsely vege- tated with pioneer grasses and shrubs . The northwest quarter of the project site is the location of the majority of the proposed work. It is here that the western boat basin with its breakwaters and access channel are located. The western boat basin itself consists of a rectangular area with its major axis 115+ ft. running east and west and its minor axis 65+ ft. north and south. Access to the basin is through a 160+ ft long by 25 to 40 ft. (varies) channel which. runs to the north and stops at the applicant ' s property line where the controlling depth is -5 ft. MHW. The basin is protected on the north side by two fill breakwaters which are oriented east and west. The break- water which protects the west side of the basin is located south of the breakwater which protects the eastern side of the basin. The staggered positioning of the breakwaters allows for their ends to overlap somewhat (see page 3 of site plans) , which results in excellent protection from waves . As a result of the overlaping of the breakwaters , the channel at the entrance to the basin, is sigmoid. The shoreline of the eastern side of the basin area starting at the western tip of the eastern breakwater and proceeding to the northeast , to the north property line, consists of a limestone boulder riprap revetment which has been secondarily augmented by placing reinforced concrete rubble on top of it. Landward of this revetment a few sparse patches of sea purslane (Susuvium portulacastrum) can be found. • • BIRD MARINA SOUTH #44-49473-5E Monroe County - Long Key Page Six The shoreline of the eastern side of the area to the north (outside) of the western basin, like the eastern side described above , consists of a limestone riprap revetment . This shoreline has not been further protected with concrete rubble. Within the western basin itself , the eastern shore consists of bare crushed rock fill along with the sparse remains of a dock. Judging from the very advanced state of the dock' s decay, it has been non- functional for many years . Along this shore small patches of sea Purslane can be found in a narrow zone near the MHW line. The southern shore of the basin has a concrete boat ramp at its eastern end. On the west side of the boat ramp is a small finger pier used to aid in boat launching and recovering activities . The remainder of the shore consists of a decaying limestone masonry seawall with a wooden shoreline dock over it. As a result of the vertical nature of this shoreline there is no wetland or transi- tional vegetation along it . On the west side of the boat basin an unprotected crushed rock shoreline is also found. Within a narrow shoreline band approxi- mately 3 feet wide a sparse growth consisting of small (2+ ft . ) white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) and red mangrove (Rhizophora man le) bushes ._ Further landward a somewhat wider zone vegetated wit a mixture of bay cedar (Suriana maritima) , buttonwood (Concarpus erecta) , sea purslane, sea blite (Suaeda linearis) and sea daisy Borrichia sp . ) is found. The north side of the boat basin is formed by the inside of the breakwaters . This is a shore consisting of a limestone riprap re- vetment. On the eastern breakwater the only vegetation along the shore is a few sparse patches of sea purslane. The western break- water, although it is physically similar to the eastern one, is much more heavily vegetated. With the exception of the center of the western breakwater, where three (3) medium size Australian pines are found, the breakwater is covered with a mixture of low transition zone salt tolerant plants . Among these plants are sea purslane , sea blite, sea daisy and saltgrass (Distichlis s i�cata) . The western breakwater is being used to store several small "sunfish" type sailboats and canoes . On the north side of the breakwater two wooden rail boat slides are located to facilitate launching the boats across the riprap. Within the western boat basin a moderate growth of algae is found growing on the upper reaches of the sides . This algal community 111111 NIB . BIRD MARINA SOUTH #44-49473-5E Monroe County - Long Key Page Seven includes filamentous blue green algae , Padina sp . and unidentified red algae . The only animal observed within the basin was a small blue crab which was located on the upper edge of the basin. The floor of the basin is composed of .a layer of fine sediments . Above the sediments is a mat of decaying seaweed. No flora or fauna was observed on the basin floor . The marina manager reports chronic problems with fish kills in the basin. In general , although no analysis of the water chemistry was made , it appears that the water quality within the basin is poor . Possible explanations for this poor water quality are the basin' s excessive (9+ ft. ) depth reducing circulation, the narrow winding entrance channel reducing circulation, and the tendency for northerly winds in the winter to fill the basin with floating seaweed which sinks and forms a putrescent , anaerobic deposit on the basin floor. The undredged area on the north side of the breakwaters consists of a gently sloping limestone sea floor reaching a depth of -5+ ft . MHW at the northern limit of the proposed dredge area. Depressions in the limestone tend to be filled with coarse biogenic calcareous sand. Scattered throughout the area are small (3+ ft . diameter) patches of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) and near the western break- water a large patch of Cuban shoalweed (Diplanthera wrightii) is found. Additional components of the flora found- in this area are Padina sp . , Sargassum spp . , Jania sp . , Acanthophora sp. , Laurencia sp . , Halimeda spp . , Udotea sp . , Caulerpa spp . and unidentified red, brown and green algae . The faunal components of this community are at least two species of sponge, the angular sea whip (Pterogorgia anceps) , and star coral (Siderastrea radians) . In general, the proposed dredge area is a very healthy and rich principally epifaunal shallow water caribbean community. The riprap revetments which form the landward edges of the proposed dredge area display an ecological community similar to the natural bottoms . • The existing access channel which cuts through the proposed dredge area has a bottom which consists of calcareous sediments . When in- spected, all of the channel , with the exception of the northernmost 30 to 40 ft . was covered with a layer of unattached algae , one to two feet thick. The only organisms which were found growing in the channel were a few widely spaced Halimeda sp . plants . At the north end of the channel the difference in elevation between it and the natural bottom is only 6 to 12 inches , however, even this area bears a biological community which is very different from that of the natural bottom and suffers badly in any comparison between the two . BIRD. MARINA SOUTH #44-49473-5E: Monroe County . Long Key Page Eight. As_ a historical note, it is worth knowing that a good deal of the project site, before a series." o.f dredge -and fill projects , was submerged bay. bottom. The original natural shoreline appears to have run near the -south edge of: the eastern boat basin, then continued along the: path of the proposed circulation culvert to the southeast corner of the west boat basin. From here it crossed diagonally through the west boat basin and the west breakwater coming out near the breakwater' s northwest corner. From here the shoreline curved toa. more due westerly path. At some point over twenty: years past, the western boat basin was created by dredging and using the fill to construct the breakwaters which originally were spits projecting 'over 100 ft. out •into Florida Bay. Fill was also placed on the land to the south of the western boat basin which apparently was at least partiallywetland. At some time ,, evidently during the 196.0' s ,.' the :eastern boat basin and access channel were excavated and the fill was used to create the eastern uplands .. To the west, the -adjacent. property- owner was also busy - filling 'baybottom to the north of his original shoreline. D. The project as proposed can be expected to increase the water circulation in both boat basins . Improved circulation can be ex- pected to improve water quality within the basins by reducing the tendency for the basins to collect decaying seaweed. The in- creased flow rates will tend to mix and aerate the basin water which will reduce the likelihood -of- the basin waters to strati- fying. into 'anerobic layers . Additional beneficial impacts of the project will be the creation of 5,160+: sq .ft:. of new (restored?) marine habitat by the removal of the breakwaters and excavation of- the culvert: The riprap breakwaters will provide additional <reef-like . habitat. Installation- of the riprap breakwaters will permanently cover 2, 900+ sq. ft,. of 'baybottom- and effectively -eliminate its imput to the _ - marine 'ecosystem. This will ."tend =to be offset by the new habitat consisting of the sides of the breakwaters , as described above. Short term increased turbidity levels and dissolved and particulate organic -levels- can be expected for ' the 'duration of the construction activities . If proper turbidity controllingmeasures are- taken this problem can be reduced to tolerable levels :' J , The enlarged marina will be the source of longterm discharges of oil and greases, heavy metals 'and detergents . As long as the marina BIRD MARINA SOUTH #44-49473-5E Monroe County - Long Key Page Nine is in use the above pollutants .can be expected to be found in its vicinity. The northerly orientation of the entrance to the enlarged western boat basin, combined with northerly winds will cause the western basin to have chronic problems with accumulations of drifting sea- weed during the winter. As previously stated, the new circulation culvert will tend to reduce this problem. It is believed that seaweed accumulations will be a .problem which for at least part of the year will cause water quality problems in the marina. The problems will principly involve low dissolved oxygen levels and putrescent deposits . The applicant has stated that no permanent liveaboard boats will be allowed and that sewage pump-out facilities will be provided for transient boats As was pointed out earlier, it appears that liveaboards are presently utilizing the eastern basin. The discharge of raw sewage by liveaboard boats is a possible source of pollution which should be considered. When the marina is at or near its maximum utilization, the amount of sunlight available to marine plants for photosynthesis in the western basin will be reduced by an estimated one-third to one-half. Less than complete utilization will of course reduce the amount of shading. - Permanent destruction of the biological community found on the natural baybottom areas to the north of the present western basin breakwaters is without question .the largest impact of the project. It is reasonable to expect that the conditions which presently pre- vail in the access channel to the north of the breakwaters are representative of what will be found in the expanded marina. The difference between the channel and the adjacent natural bottom is visually startling and. ecologically significant. The channel is a sediment and detritus trap which is almost completely devoid of macrobiota. The natural bay bottom is a rich, diverse and ecologi- cally productive example of a shallow water caribbean epifaunal community. It is my opinion. that the natural bay bottom areas , if dredged, will permanently come to resemble the present access channel. BIRD MARINA SOUTH #44-49473-5E Monroe County - Long Key Page Ten E. Under the provisions of Chapters 253 . 123 (2) (d) and 403 . 087 Florida Statutes , as well as Chapters 17-3 . 051(1) (a-c) , 17-3 . 061 (2) (b ,j , o,p) , 17-3 . 121(5 , 7 , 11 , 14, 18 , 20, 28) , 17-4. 03 and 17-4. 07 (4) Florida Administrative Code, I recommend that the Departmental permitting authorization be denied for this project application. The project would receive a favorable recommendation from this inspector if the following suggestions for modification were incorporated into the proposed design. 1. Reduce the size of the proposed western basin by confining it to the area of the present western basin and its breakwaters . This includes the elimination of all dredging, dock construc- tion and breakwater construction outside of (to the north) the breakwaters . 2 . Fill any points within the existing western basin which are presently deeper than-6 ft. MHW, to a depth of-6 ft . MHW. 3 .. Use piling supported slat-board breakwaters as necessary to protect the enlarged western basin. The new breakwaters should be placed along the line formed by the northern edge of the present breakwaters . • 4. Clearly mark both sides of the entrance (north end) of the western basin access channel. 5 . To as great an extent as practicable counter slope the upland areas near the edge of the culvert and basins in such a manner as to divert rainwater runoff away from them. • • asi•-41 DAVID E. B HOF , ENV. SPEC . II DATE : De 28 , 1981 READ : la 2 GLEN DEB/dvo , s, , kti ,. , P . . r0. h 0 Y r2n4q"1'1 A§1 _ ti e,,t,....r. or- FLOg_IDd. . ,d,t PL\C_e-1< T �`ot"CDT`N.L.d1.-Na -- / 7-11 F tt '; -k,2_fIE09. Q.\Pear tV G 3' — >}'- '='(im-,) G, Lvivc ,\ l 2 5 ; 'b :.A'o a� .• E.j[pJAT lee kJ/ �.PY(J. 1 I ►me / ,>Poem 'IA O C-)1_1)\l'' C-'\ I et iii EXIST. C{PCeP cilsZ • N;it d : I C 4 Laj I \ f 7 ' 1; FQE- �� In Z IES I I- 1 ExLA�14110{,) Ui . / . 0 { �t�P .I i ' n1 V . --.a 1J 11.4 i figii,‘LZ-si-utssD-r.. + " C) 41 w • M i:.m.�� _ `? _ J .� E � �`.. � Pv_oP l2'wx 75'� 0 0' �c,��•' G•CG•C1-1AVU6L age 1tC6 t — Fj({ST 6lD e�(� \\\�� • Ewer' f 0 G 1.51 I 1 ' * !MKT 11 a St1p . _ 1 , /7,0. w:=a; \ -- t— 1.6ET 1TE PL,,L.1 f -= --1- — m .50 1Uo to., 1"• 1 c.o' J( L.. 0 ` ! `'11' 'a 1 I 1 I N e•�f a r F rURPOSE•• 11.1 C'C''' SI L—Xt .1 11J� M2's )' ' F�C 1'-\TAG:"" re:' P{'L) •'�‘'7-- $E �FIT DATUM T''�L-AI.A .5E[.a l.- �EL- LOC.1Cv ADJACENT PROPERTY O�RERS: AT L`.�� Y� KE \) `1 COUNTY GF MONCGF S, L^CtD� (� Arpi.1 CAT ION OY IC F{`'�'n7 k&."fC. %%IL SIiCFT 2 OF r OATF -? - SK2-07/ . : . . . 's Bird Marina S41111 ' #44=49473-5E PHOTO #1 View from the east of the eastern it... boat basin and its access channel . 4 . .... • -....... - — — 4 ,,• •,ir t",41,,e--. .1- ;'. .."4..."....................."...'. %Tr 74 p-o-la-4..ra..,.' 4',...r:1,V„,_4,414. -. - .,.,...,.... ..•.•:' ...3 .4- .,• . ,t.- -___„, i _ ,_ t...„..., 1 .v : 'n... ' ... ,14 i-1,,.; • ' , ..::. : ..- --. . .„ .- ---',4-#01.- :. ,6-:. . . - - - (,, : :;‘,,.., ,- 14,-*-..,;-• ". le '4"..1 ' ' -•`'' ..'''''' ,t.' v, ' e ' ' 'r. :.•%. .'' :. ----- • •- ' • ):• :''.4 31` . • •^1. •'', • ''''::sf.t, ' f";_ ,4'•• :. i•:• 41,,,- i,....%, , _ ':,;,,,,,'','••:•••-,4", ..,••,•4', '' 4' ,,, ,, • •i.,• • " , '41‘, *,• 74 '' "'" -4. ,•••••:': .• ,0,14," x.,•-•••..p'• 1' 1 „, 1 ••.•• „.,,•••-; 6,• 'r.*,•,- "R.,- .T•• __,,.,,,;t! ...L.' 'I"( , , --•:;;;••4.i.• IX 4.,." ----- T.a. .. ,.....--....--...-....- t.i''.• .... 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PHOTO #3 1 ,,,,f f 4itl'''''.'1';'cv, ,r 'tr.;-,,firA4e:,',* "•le,otrA. eiki.kg,,34...,',1)::::,,, -4,,,,,,,,-11-s.f.,.a.`‘,-tv.. :A.' ..; -4,,1.• • •.'(A I lief ' • •11 : *t:i7 1 The site of the proposed circula- ,...• •• ••••,,,a..,-•“•:•• .1.0.:••• 'i .. .:.4) ' . ‘1. ..!_:,,::if_,1..,,r•I :,-,...,..,, gt•*• ••"" .":,,e, ,„4,,•041.. 4.. .* i ' tion culvert.'' • . • ••,,,,,,,,,,,. ..,1,-,gt-= 4, - •':`,,r •.,, ••=-_- • ...A, 4,:„,.., --i• R.* 4,;*41,44-1r-• g ..0. ' " ' ' ,', ' 1440 7.,: . -.4.1,...1:..4,117 , • eikallill-A.....,.,j, , - I.- _ ^ - .." riltinussme 3.,•-, `74 77.".. • . ..•,- -.qt.' • -- =... • _ . '''" **-..' ........ , • . . 1.441 .1:.-:*4r''•-•.7 PHOTO #4 -t•L'f;,i4.' i r.> • .4 4•,,..• 5, - "--***. • _, ., ,„,......„_„ ,...._—... k111- View of the east side of the _ --, -,/ - '- - 111.1 western boat basin. Note the i 1i'--- "t -- 4,,,,te1,46--,...4*- 70ter: - ,,.1.,,vi ‘,- •-•:, - boats in dry storage and the ,,,,, ,.. ' -,. ..,.,,,,- ..., • condition of the dock. t I. -•-‘4„ -1-• „,,,,,,,••••,,,,,„,-,''.* 47"..-14' 7 --' • , ...K..' .,..1411...r,1-1 ..;..,-•,,,„..1,"Alit-t.';:,..;•••' ;..".ki -I" s',-. .-t1;"••* ••1 j • 4. lali*,. .T:4•4"..**;Si'.V.',;•::,..-t,'..'r-e#:-;;'.'ili.`,:;;.:.:'.' ,•.. , 4..,',0!,.2'',• ,,,,`..',..r„..7",. "Air, ..,,,,,-0Y,;;,',.P, ;1:-:-,,,'"'t• ••:,t's,"A;'-',:te-i'''4-. . •., Yr ":' , •..1.4,. „.- .1646, z.... , .....,,..,-,.-;..4:.., '''.$:... -,,- '.' - : -.• -t ,,f ,,,,,F il•-•_,k,4'',...:,...;.',,,,, f.. ., e:.:.-_, - a•-..,,• .•-•• • '••• •.• = • r,..,..= E'..•=ia,• ,--- •. .•, - , ,„:: .:,.. •••• -% •••=.•,.•,.„. 4-;41.,•-;,....• .;-,•*- •• - -4 - ,, , - _••• ,4.. ) .'•••••$' • ' tarz,N.r.•=•IL::^4•0,i` - •,'' s--- = --=1,..'i. 1. ..,••'. - -,••,.. . =,p,., 4-c:..-^.%•''. ' -,.:. • I. S.. ' .,—A,. 4 ''' - litgl'abfild •1.. 94 IMP*c7•',..4,142..''' , . '' 11•..',. .' ,,,1'. ..:". ,..'..*4.107,c N onk!!.,.....,‘e 41"'-', tv"... .•.'r• i',.•••.! .• .,... ' *: .'',. -„,;qr,:, ._-,.-- ,-,..4.-'• ••1'"•'..*'.',...th...i.,k .=,' -, • t:*•**; ' ..r .1* . . 1 '.'tai. t. AIL eV:t.-201 * , ' • ,...:..t.•••'.." . ' .• ."' ', ',...,', z-.).:,,,.',...,,-,-„,- •,,,,, . ,_. .-.....,,,,,,-- ', 7'. ,-- ";,.. , . .0%1' . . tf-'i* ya . „y f, N: /11',. .. ' ',,-; '''''' . ',,, ' . r‘4,41 ,• , .,• , ,r- , . vr.,....,• , ;,k . ., , PHOTO #5 II • • •-•-•• . • ..414.044., .. ' ...•• ' - • . ;:,i'=,...- _ .-; ..4`,..i,. - •• ,'4'. ^. ,...,. _ .. 4... •• >,-. - . 4... .',..,. . , , .cf V-74t .: \-'c -:.)1, ".•"....''-' View of the south side of the wes- tern boat basin. Note the boat 7?-7. ' •''''-'c 71 'A'''' 's* 511r- - '.::". - ramp (bottom left) , the dock and • ., „...- ... — r..i .,-..1. r „A the marina building. , 1_,Ary,,'..-,:-.. pk.,. .,•,, : L,,,-• .. , ,,,,,,,, '., ., (• . - •••, ...,:l • --....A .4 . , '.'-'. , •,• ' . ' „ ' •-:',',I. --,41,:',4':..-,n,y•-•', - r -- • ,L- •,,1 • - , • ,-; - •,....- ,.,.- ,r.,.:‘, • - ••-•.'-.3.-,-- •••, ..- • 1* .7.k.'`i.'*; *74"," :-' '4, '' ',...• ...* v.,. .•7' . .* . ...' . ,,..4...4j ..,*".isq.414. r ,,,„:„;-1,-4, - ../.., • - ,- 4'.; 1 .''"j".),• Z' '',*Cr r,,--7-• 1 4.f.11f.. .71:$.1/ ',..:-P.. ' ' 7, '' *-- '.• ''.'..: • ° ,- ..."i*'7. ' - ''.' ".'' ..4',r.,-'-40:7•..."...e.1...: I* , ,„s.", , 1 ' I, t.... -.. '`.'" ,' -+:.' ...i..';' 4.t.,..e,;;;%- ,. ,A. . - t'''',-"!.• .....,`• s. , ' -. -"-- 1', -,!• "..,--;(,.....A.4„1"). T -- .-- ', lipt,77.,:•:-..101. -_,„:,r,:•,,,,'1:::';',14.- .',-"',.;,- .,,P•P::&V*01-itft tnti,.,,-' %,. 4, .....,.r.,,,,,,:. ,.-"i .4..,,_ni..,••,,• 4„, „A.:, .r A,„7".,..,,o,..4.1..j,Cey•, . b "O. V: .4.4k 01' r_ 7r4f4'*.%**., ,..! ....141 A.',71 774"`.:1.4, ' • ----,.,.. '':+ •.1,1,-, .,..,,,, -- . • ., L., MBird Marina So' #44-49473-5E .1... t'e,4•-•'-k•.:1 •7 ' :it- ' 74:13..,...-Irfe 4:.112,..t .1,P7':'"--••=-111,1*KlAii. 7• ,.• ,4,::•?.?•-,,-'..:* . ••-•.' i.4''"..'i.;' A. - ."'••"-1,;„4.',t'V't,„:„$.4•;• : : •-!.1 t-$4,-i, , ..:,....*•,,..4 k4,..- .,;=,,c.,141. t,t. 1,,,•-• /0,1"..410., *e ti *••:e.•• - ..7 .a,,, • I 1 :, ^' .,..-41,7;'•t",,,I.,..1,...,4-.3. . t .;..,,, ---A1),,,s---,,, '•-4-4 -.:,.""-;;?,.*.fs. m PHOTO #6 -.1:,:.f 3-..-:,2::-', • ,,t,,,,,...,;,-.',g .4"..,‘Ivi,.:'t-7 ' 0 .). .4,...s-.i-; . ,.,.- -,r., - fz--1,'. . . i'3•',., ;'.-*-•,:: 4:•*.....; ..,,;.,e• ...,5..i... -*.......,- - ' '.' The west side of the western boat - , ,::".,,, --f-- ,,-.-,i-. -:..,-; - -- • .. . -f-;1 .).. ...4.11%, ...*. ^ ' ..i'4e.,. basin. Note the small mangrove -....<,,r ,,.4 17.`-1-{A.,....•.4.,,I} 4,.f -....':'•?.t'....4 i . ._ . -- -'?-rq• bushes on the shoreline. The line -;.--,:.---.- ,-,....-........,„..,:=, •-',. :.- ..-- -....?....,:-..... ..0:7.w.-,:..•..21' IY..--,•,. '''''' ::`4. -'''''''‘'.1"-r•r••••'-''''-'''',', . `*--'' ' - 4 • --- •`-',i'-''' is-14-4 of large trees (left) are on the I.,.•,..-..--, •..,-.,i•'.. ,-,••-•••.... . ::- •-, - c .. - •142. .. ,,,..-,h• " 's1 ,'''.0.--7:'';•••'.:,,:r•t ''. ; ' ...F.i i',..1. ' . 4' " I .,.."4'.:, ' 4 t.4 1.,•r property line. • - •:. .-.-... ;t: .- -,-,•,. .•.. _ -,-• ,...1...f..... • . ,..•,-1-,.., .,...• •.-i! --. -,. - ..e.. .' ; .•' --,•--,-'1- :41.4.04-,. 2,..A....., .• •.t.., •,..,-,- .. , . , . ,, --7. J. rl. Az.rz,.., 'f..:°. .• e:110,.•A',.: - • . .,-..• ''.. _ v. • - -ci. '''x',9. k-7...il,q. 4' -.- •--1,t,‘.;,-1..$i ......,-.... 4., -, . . ..„; . -... . 11.,4,...•,.1 • , • '4' - ' 3/4.• -"I. e"' •14 ' . X 'e .-'... il'•r,' .1 •:• ,. .. •4 <.,-•-•.., -'' -'1L• -4-',..**•*:,'k,. :,'---- "...-'''•-1 !,,l- •.'-4'. f••-•• - • * '•• ' 4-4--•--%) •;••,-s.t.i• , ...:2";:,v.z-ti.W.i:'•..;3.:4;;";f'.4".,•N,•3•;',-s-51:4..••4,-..-:,-,'•.,*f',...,'.."•.:: ;*..*,• .,••..'14,',., 'i-k?..1 4,;„"'b,-,gzie;:T.;."':';'0' ..e:t.',.-:e.7.'-::';',,,-,--,:J..:41,;':".-41,!IS 1 ''1'P ••• '' 1- -• 0,-; • • , I • PHOTO #7 ..„ _. „7,-.•:.,•- , sPo•::zp.•?. . . . View of the western boat basin, and its _ -- -- entrance. Note how the overlaping break- - 114b.gaiheis446, waters cause the entrance channel to bend. -• '' - . ...... - -.-- ,4c041(imei -.:.•: --1-- • - •• 4...,,tizot- .t• _ - • :-,,.....,-. ',--: --. 4 ..-• '. 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Note the concrc-LL.,. ',.;.' -3,,',",,.., 1 ,4.*:,,Pul,.....1.74,,,,,4q•.:-.0§..1%.,„,-.;•••••:`,....).',,...,tl.i.,:,.. .t:t.14,-;;..,.. .,..5,-j.i,... '',-,' ^-,..ic:-.... ,,,.:0-'....0.:."..-Y4-..43...':',',47.-44, **._•..4..t,..*,,If••;ri:,;',*44 t;,:0 i ,:,4t.,.....d.,,, . rubble on top of the boulder ri.p- W.'-.L',4,...c-% .vt`k!.,•!rx:,441;47.0..1/4 V..n'..4.....At'''•r'.'....,,,r!. ' ""::,1.V."•%, L./ ',A:a &lig!• 1,T„',.,• ,,OCT, ,!,...,...••• ,..'". . '. ".- ' ' ' • ....aP. . . .Bird Marina South #44-49473-5E r. • /. -LPL _ •3 tipa k ! f " .p.Yrw 4'P' " ^s .S{yc,h'rr 7a F;.frE• '+ S k 2 n .r .- „�iC )) . .1.'t` , � .. L• S r. .a •ti. rx L •si yr y•s , r } r "Y L k s k,.X f a a w rrz j't "r r f Auly'J«�i-.rYssry k s'7� ` :"�i A,7 +�S ` s °yW t l,q,•+ �ry;Xi}�w� s +�'yh��"�.?".:sz-�3rt�++9Sd. • (i�.i� erl f0 r`5f C J F' tea ., 4 ;rh 4 • , (r ,gns,s .:C"' !$ i".t §'� + .e.F i.` lA 1 ,N.• • • PHOTO #9 View from the north of the western break- water. Note the boats and boat slides and the accumulation of seaweed on the shore. • ;; K as P 1' 0 19_0 Se d i `>r w7 Ja�•rli.A Fbb �.a.b.bC O(6 6 / ,i/" 6 7 ("r, f yI 20' __ _d 20 iy o 2__ �+ 9 pCiSf i pp .7 --GOVGQED -•• Of'GJ rl !. i..) /,? \, 4,0 6 FjOdT _ — — -- -- V • It y 4�,.•'•Lorry Ker IL !'iGS/i' 1- = — - — - t 4) • t'Q •" d I 9,�M } `�I ,d --I- - 13 - . / � Long Key �-• a 11 i,i,M I i IJJ..i( O t. �•-•.-- c4 S^ua. •P1_!>. %.3 1 _ .SCAIC-rr LDC.o.T"1 F--=i-- 1 • --o ,o Yo 30 "4._ .SCn I.E - 1/45..e•Dn E - 1 - - c. (D ,a a war) 7laoo iQs• 9.a.o F—r.-.4.0 tit 1.10 A d C 44,dRT "` 11451 • Ili- 12.5• 1' .ir- 6, ;XzT ce 4 3.5' STSc / _ / ` I -_-. l ,.�a . , , Z7 •11 ul _I- AI •f o • p t.D 1.1St_ to=C,•--- -•1 - -�i ��_ -1 •- �pwi� i I ( i -8 VIC4,o L1Y1f ><cdl. 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D to r►o C000 PILE yc Dk • ko.EI' 1 )it ,o,r;uo1...fi 1 '- 42r4a-,1uya¢i'tGv_ [.z1DI)(TIT) ' PURPOSE: SEC SHT 3 Colt PLAN DATUM • ni ' • INi ADJACENT PROPERTY-OWNERS: `� 0 AT / { O COUNTY OF TE APPLICATION BY �.� SNECT 5 CF 7 OA 10-20-81 .."SK 2- 7 'V4C^�`-' 214.40.447 /2-g(//c/ n A r--(7 i•s ; - <• ' • • .• .1- •tom=•��,• V•� • . . �• J •..LL+•i�—••— , Y' 4(‘) ,0.7 - '73 11.1 •a-� - • • • ,o•F' ' •73 • 1 • • - 72) �' 09f 73 SLA0Li. 1VI9 lire5. • \--i d 14 : eh 1 ..I 0 I C (1(4-c... , ._., -5.- 1 -4 -, • . ,c.. ____1 L_ I I • • I 1 --- — 1 Fll 1 If ji ., ..- ? 1 ( I. i . .,-, i _...... •. I I I --L—E. .---- -'1.-1:7 , \_z-..2 --------TA, . , ELEVATION .;.. " on, .-,! .• ,..7 t....,/# — — t\--- I 1 11._ _ _ . ______ 1 e il- il , -'• . li II ii '''::- -,_ -if-- ------- --=:-.-..- ii ------- 1 ::- 1 j . -----,,.. ",----'.--------------- ,... -_-.:-..._;.;;7,._.._._ 1 ,............z.,.... .....„ -:.ji,,,, '.1,;.. . ---ti- --,,-..... -__-.-__.--------- - -2/ PLAN BREAK\NAIR flOCK