Resolution 357-1983 ; RE~~CUtI~N N~. 357 -1983 IDHEREA$, the B~ARD ~f t~UNty t~mmI~~I~NER~ ~f m~NR~E t~UNtY, fC~RID~ has receiveD an application from tIB~R PACffY anD, IDHEREA$, in compliance with ~tate ~tatute, it is necessary as part of the permitting proceDure to reaD the following Biological Assessment into the RecorD as follows: The applicant proposes to construct a shoreline riprap/cement revetment along a residential shoreline. This revetment would be 90 feet in length, extending from the erosion line to the approximate MSL line. According to the applicant's plans, the proposed riprap revetment would be four feet wide, extending three feet waterward of the MHW line. Backfill would be placed behind the proposed riprap. A cement slab would be poured over the riprap and backfill at the MHW line. This slab would be 90 feet long. Over the central 60 feet of the proposed project, a wood dock would be constructed out six feet from the waterward edge of the proposed riprap. A four foot long wooden access walk would connect the 60 foot long dock with the cement slab. According to the applicant, 15 cubic yards of riprap would be placed water- ward of the MHW line. Slightly more riprap and fill would be deposited within jurisdictional wetlands landward of the MHW line. Filter cloth would be placed behind and underneath the riprap that would be placed waterward of MEW. Larger riprap boulders would be placed on top of smaller boulders to prevent erosion of backfill. The apparent purpose of this project is to stabilize the applicant's shoreline, while reclaiming some eroded land and providing boat mooring. The project site is located on the southeastern side of Little Torch Key, adjacent to Newfound Harbor Channel (also referred to as Pine Channel). This channel separates Big Pine Key and Little Torch Key. Depths on the Atlantic or southern portion of this channel reach ten feet, with a gradual decrease in depth toward either channel shoreline. Water quality within this water body is excellent. More specific to the project site is the open water shoreline in Jolly Roger Estates subdivision, which displays a deep peripheral channel immediately offshore and a previously filled shoreline which has eroded somewhat (nearly all of this erosion is believed to have occurred over a short period of time following dredge and spoil activities when the shore- line was unstable). Consequently, a subtidal/intertidal shoreline shelf exists waterward of the erosion line and landward of the peripheral channel. Of this shelf area, the waterward 5-15 feet permanently submergent, displaying lush seagrasses, algaes, corals and sponges. The peripheral channel is estimated to be 50' -70' wide. Adjacent pro- perties display a variety of seawalls, riprap revetments and docks. Recent shoreline projects here (there have been four of five permits issued in this area for shoreline projects in the last several years) have been limited to the MLW line or landward. Resolution Tibor Palffy Page Two The adjacent property to the north of the subject property displays a bulkhead type of revetment which extends waterward to the approximate MLW line. To the south, a riprap revetment was constructed at the approximate MHW line. For t2 feet adjacent to the applicant's property, no riprap was placed. The applicant's property is 90 feet wide, possessing a somewhat eroded shoreline. The existing lot elevation landward of the erosion line appears to be on the order of several feet above MSL. This lot possesses no development. Very little emergent wetland growth is found along the shoreline. The shoreline shelf here is 20 to 30 feet wide, of which 15 to 20 feet is intertidal. Approximately 10 to 15 feet of this shelf is subtidal, with a healthy community consisting of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum), green algaes (Halimeda sp., Caulerpa sp., Batophora sp.) and red algaes (Gracilaria sp. and Laurencia sp.). A single queen conch (Srombus gigas) was observed in this area. The intertidal portion of the shoreline possessed some gastropods (Batillaria sp. and Astraea sp.) in and among the rubble. Anticipated impacts are not expected to be adverse. As proposed, this project will stablize the shoreline while avoiding established submergent vegetation. In accordance with Chapter 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, I would recommend conditional approval of this project. Condition recommended include: 1. The south end of the riprap revetment should be placed in line with riprap on the adjacent (south) property. This placement would be at the approximate MEW line. The riprap revetment should then taper out to its presently proposed location to avoid the creation of a shoreline discontinuity. 2. Riprap should not be placed any further waterward than the submergent vegetation line (MLW). 3. Riprap should be placed prior to the deposition of bakcfill to control turbidity. 4. The wood dock should possess deck plank spacing of at least one inch to promote sunlight penetration. BE It RE~~C~ED BY tHE B~ARD ~F C~UNtY C~mmI~~I~NER~ ~F m~NR~E C~UNtY, FC~RIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been reaa into the recora ana auly consiaerea pursuant to Floriaa ~tatute 253.124 by the Boara of County Commissioners of ffionroe County, Floriaa, this 16th aay of December , 19 83 at a regularly scheaulea meeting. Resolution Tiber Palffy Page Three (.$EAJ:) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk 9"6"\""';' ~ I~ . P ~ 0.1:. o Clerlt B~ARD ~F t~UNtg t~mmt.$.$t~NER.$ ~F m~NR~E C~UNtg, FC~RtDA . .. ~ ~.~~ mayor t CU~len c. Pm y County Attorney OK~v~D' ~R~~,~~E (305) 294.4641 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift. District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (Mr. & Mrs. Tibor Palffy) 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit (Deposit Fill) 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment Date / I-I 6 -%3 By ~ ~ ~ ~ V' v ~ 4.Q7 f"" c- - . ~CO-Oj :'~\33 ~.P ",_' ~ ,~; !.i j-:'i ~ M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: November 15, 1983 TO: Jeffrey M. Doyle, Director Planning, Building & Zoning FROM: Mark L. Robertson, Biologist~~~ SUBJECT: Mr. Tibor Palffy: Application to deposit fill. Legal Lot 21 and northern ~ Lot 20, Block 20, Jolly Roger Estates Subdivision, Little Torch Key. Zoning RU-l INTRODUCTION This application, which proposes to deposit fill waterward of the mean high water (MHW) line, should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-III(a) (5) of the,Monroe County Code. DISCUSSION The applicant proposes to construct a riprap revetment along the shore- line of his property and place fill behind the revetment to raise the ele- vation of his lot. The proposal requires the de?osition of 600 c.y. of fill landward of MHW, and 30 c.y. of fill and rirrap waterward of f1HW. In addition, the application proposes a 60 linear foot pile-supported dock extending 61 feet waterward of the revetment. I inspected the site on August 3, 1983. The site faces Newfound Harbor Channel, an embayment with good water quality and well-developed marine plant and animal co~~unities. Along this shoreline a peripheral canal was excavated many years ago when the subdivision was first created. Subsequent erosion has created a 201 foot wide shallow-water shelf, the waterward 10-15' is below low tide. This subtidal area is densely Jeffrey M. Doyle MR. TIBOR PALFFY: FOR DEPOSIT FILL November 15, 1983 Page Two -ector .t-I..2PLICATION vegetated with seagrasses and algae, several species of invertabrates were observed. The shelf area that is intertidal and above high tide is not vegetated. The proposed riprap revetment would not extend water- ward of the mean low water line, and would therefore not impact the vegetated areas. EVALUATION The proposed revetment and backfill would cover an intertidal and supratidal zone of low productivity, and avoid impacting the subtidal area of greater value. The proposed dock will shade out many of the plants in the sub- tidal zone leading to a change in the marine community. This impact is considered minor. Stabilization of the shoreline may result in a slight improvement in long term water quality. In this regard, it is important that the filter cloth shown on the plans is utilized. RECOMHENDATION Approval: (1) Use filter cloth in riprap revetment. (2) Use turbidity curtains as required. (3) Revetment to align with existing walls. NOTE: ACOE and FDER permits are required. .MLR: cm Attachments ~ PERMIT MONROE COUNTY ~ \\" PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Mr. & Mrs. Tibor Palffy 180 N.E. 132 Street North Miami, Florida 33161 2) Date 7-18-83 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Resolution No. 3) Phone number 681-9610 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Owner Builder 5) Legal description of property: Section ~~-RR-?~ Key Little Torch Subdivision Joll V Roger Estates Township RR8 Lot 21, N . t 0 f 20 Block 20 Range ? ~F. Street, road or mile marker LaFitte Road Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. c.y. landward ofM.H.W. 30 c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. 600 c.y. landward of M.H. W. ZONING: Plat Book 5, Pg. 32, Monroe County Public Records PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: APPROVAL: Use Filter cloth in riprap revetment. Use Turbidity curtains as required. Revetment to align with existing walls. NOTE: ACOE and FDER permits are reqired. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Ph.D., Direct( Planning, Building and Zoning ~-:::-. ~~ rf lJ ":\...... .y .~., L) I'r'O:,L'1 ~ ',' ,',',rH'r:~ ". L' , 'f' MaN.~OE ~bUNTY P:-(....\. .-. r:~ :-1";'1 ',-' ~-' . ~. . . . T ''. ~ . p. 'f " .., -~ ,., , ',1" :: ,i . ..i"t.....' ~ '> !':1:-',-" :""(':~c' ~~: :-:~'~_'r /lr. :;:I.(i .'.r~~. 'rib')r j :}L~'r.~: -'l Ly -'~'~.h, 1E3,0 ?,.r~. :.'::~rici .~tr-:'i;t Lorth ;';ia:ni,?!jl':::, <LJl ContrJ.ctor ur ll'_'cntl_~ 1~~t::C. :':~lLL1::~ ,_l('drc~:~, r'r~C:-lC' \; ~'C~.tl(~C~ltl(,:l Illl:::r't'r. O...mer-B-.li Ldcr 5) legal de:::cript ion ct Section. 33-G6-?U TOhnshiv, 66 :.Juutn Pange, ?g S~st (if acre3ge) prc;'erty: T"",;.', Little 1'oreh l~. .:.... 1 ; . _ ~ _ ..:-........ 1.1 \., 1- I,. 1 _' ...I.. "--.. .. ,Tully :(Drer 2st!1tF:s lot 21 ,x NA of 20 , . T" 1 oc 1: , ?:J Street, road or mile marker, LaFitte Roqd Zoning, flat Book S, rage 34, .'.on:toe County,.Fla. Fublie ttecords 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction I~ amount of moterial (in cubic \'.::1rC5 to be excavated or discrarged. Descrihe purpcse G inter.den use of proj ect. CBS Single Family Hesidenee, r Ius 'flooden dock and ri prap 600 yards of fill to be added to lot,added to existing fill dredged/excDvated fElerl /rleT'osi ted volume of material c.y. waten:ard of ~'.P .I'! . c.y. land\\'ard of ~'.H.l". 30 c.y. \\'a t erward of ~'.P .l". 600 c.y. 1 ane.ward o~ ~ ~ .I'U'.' . 7) ~ame, address F, zip code of 2njoining property Richard A. Sarver P.D.Box 573 Big Pine Key, Fla. 33043 Ohners h'l1ose prC'I'erty aff'ronts water \{(J.V. C.V.Thomas 2544 Claymore Crescent dssissauga, Ontario Canada L5C-3A3 8 a) list other pennits issued and/or applied for, include applicnnt's name, ::01' t~is site: Building Fermit Riprap and wood dock from U.S.Army/Fla. Dept. of Env. Regulation b) If application haS heen submitted for this project (or one similar) in tre past, exp13in reason for neh' application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. 9) list all Fe eral and ~tate agenc1es t "at ave rece1ve app1catlGns tor t 1S proJect. Joint Applieation.......U.S.Army/ Fla. Dept. of Env. R~gulation This completed application fonn \vill pe accanpanied by the following, or it 10lill i':Ci be processed. a) 1\';0 (2) sets of drawings, on 8~ x 11 paper, shmoJing location, plot plan, top vieh' and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Ppplication processing fee as follmvs: $75.00 for dredge, fill, decks C'P any structures affronting natura] water bcxiies. no.oo for vertical sea\.:alls on man-~ade ro-1ies of' Hater. $75.00 for any ccrnbination of the above activities ner site. . . l\pplication is herehy ffi8de for a pemit to autl---ori:e the activities descrihed l'erein. I certify tl~at I am famil iar with the infonnation coptained ip this application, and to the rest of my knowledge 8 belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I furtrer certify that I possess the 3uthority to undertake tre proposed activities. fJ 1 prO\'isicns of b\.;s ann" ordin3I1ces governing tl:is type of \,'ork Kill j,e cmrJied Hit~ wl'etl---er spccifiecl herein or not. gr:.lI1ting of a remit dces not presnne to give ::utJ:oritv to violate or c:mce1 tJ'e provisions 0.... 3n:; count:-', sLUe or feocr31 1:1\.; rcgulatin(; COT'strllction or perfoPT':JT1ce of ccnstnlCtim cf tl'is type of l-aci1ity. ..----- ,-~ {"'''C.-Ol; ,-' .:: :". ,. ,,;.-/ ,~. (. "/ ,/ 'l"n:ltlll'C Of'.;lrnJ iL',lct /:lc:cnt 1 ':1 t C' !'tH' 11c'I':lrt::1cnt : "'L' \i:;\ /' I .'_ : ','\' :'\..'\..."....': :'t :'~'r('\'l'I..'. :'.\' .'~~ It. 't1"\..:'1ctor / " : ~'r: ()[: ~:L'\.=-,'~",T"" :i:_~ ,:.,,~' 1 ~1':....:t ~ '~ . I ~ n ,.l... 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I:" II I I' ~ I ~..,.' ."" .;.- "r) i -- ,) ~ r"'\. L.. '-' I '.: {~ I:J t:J ~ ~ I ~ ;,,~ ~- -- ~ ~ I~ ~ ---- r': -----____~ ... , -..... .~ -. ~ ... ~ \" . uJ ~ ~"l lri .. , ,~ ~ r~ t:, i '"' ~i ' . 1 f:~ ~ ~ ...". ~ .. ~ ~ t:1 ~ 1 p.,...: '-J ('. oil 10 lr- ,0-( : I ! .'" "':'-'-ii~ ~f -...J I" , ;/,r1~ BIOLOGIST: APPROVAL 1/;S'/fJT....L-r-~~:~;' · AS PER MONROE COUNTY CODE I / rs-!"'" /_ L ~; 6' ,,' d /1 v ~. C. C. , Ilt/ I '" - { pc f"r;v 1'- ~,-,_. '- f j.J .~,-..: "( t.., ~, i( .~()l-!:".. r\.~-}t~cr.. r:~~tntes ! ; ; I; 'r ." 1.' . .... _ ~,~l ,i):'CJl !'~~y, 1:1a. t.'-,)tHl ~_V )~':ii, 'L. If' ,\ tT ~ i c:\' ,,;, ".'.. '1'1' 1Jo" ,'.[,'Ij t , . " ';('r ha fillf.cy ,:ul~~' 1(3.1';,"~ " in I ..., ~ ; i4 / : S ( It' , , i .- . ~ :~ '.... 'U I.. ~ '''K ,q; ti. - 'i'" :~ i ) ....~-~~ y ~t~' I y\~ I t") , '" , .. - \ ' I I! \,,)r' ~<I.(! !.; \.A" \. .. '~I~ (\ , =-:.=-l"~ ,\! (./ -l-~.~\..--<; I ~ ! '"' \".. I :x.x~"1 '00'1 ,'-\ ' \~; , ! 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'(\ 'J <- o ~ I~t .~ .. c.~ ". . .o! . 6 o. ~O A.:J .J ..,." d ~ 0 FJ !J,. rrJ ~W ~O ~ O. -l U~ <(>,j >1- o Z'\i a::=:> 8:0.~ <{U","~ .. UJ~ 0 ~O~ .. _0::3 <-' Z }.> OO~ -l~- ..:::'" Q "'. ~ CI:l W .. l. ~ ~ ~ . U) ~~~ " ~~I\i:J(tS" O'l;VH "u " o '--------- pO J ( :lSCdlln.. ,"" I," I I"" -.' -1 r I I~i I I I I I I I < ~ ~ ~. • DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL • • • File No. : 440735795 County: Monroe Date : 9-14-83 • Applicant Name : Tibor Palffy Address : 180 N.E. 132 Street, North Miami, FL 33161 Agent (if applicable) : Address : Location of project : Section (s) 33 Township 66S Range 29E Section (s) Township Range Local Reference : Jolly Roger Estates/Little Torch Key Water Body: Pine Channel Water Classification of Project Area : III Adjacent Waters : III Aquatic Preserve : Outstanding Florida Waters : National Key Deer Refuge • - On site inspection by: John A. Meyer Date of . Inspection : 9-23L83 Original Application : Yes X-_ No Revised Application : Yes No Date : Date of 2nd Insp. • Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques . Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 . 02 and Section 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code . . B. Biophysical features of general, area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions , where appropriate , for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project . PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79) PALFFY, TIBOR #440735795 Monroe County - Little Torch Key Page Two A. The applicant proposes to construct a shoreline riprap/cement revetment along a residential shoreline. This revetment would be 90 feet in length, extending from the erosion line to the approximate MSL line. According to the applicant's plans, the proposed riprap revetment would be four feet wide, extending three feet waterward of the MHW line. Backfill would be placed behind the proposed riprap. A cement slab would be poured over the riprap and backfill at the MHW line. This slab'WO\.lJ.d be 90 feet long. Over the central 60 feet of the proposed project, a wood dock would be constructed out six feet fro~ the waterward edge of the proposed riprap. A four foot long wooden access walk would connect the 60 foot long dock with the cement slab. t According to the applicant, 15 cubic yards of riprap would be placed waterward of the MHW li~e. Slightly more riprap and fill would be deposited within", jurisdictional wetlands land- ward of the MHW line. i , Filter cloth would be placed ~hind and underneath the riprap that would be placed w~ter~ar, of MHW. Larger riprap boulders would De placed on top of smaller boulders to prevent erosion of backfill. The apparent purpose of this project is to stabilize the applicant's shoreline, while reclaiming some eroded land and providing boat mooring. 1 B. The project site is located on the southeastern side of Little Torch Key, adjacent to Newfound Harbor Channel (also referred to as Pine C~annel). This channel separates Big Pine Key and Li ttle rrorch Key. Depths on the Atlantic or southern portion of this chclnne I n~()ch ten feet, wi th a gradual decrecJ.se in depth toward either channel, shoreline. Water quality within this water body is excellent. More specific to the project site is the open water shoreline in Jolly Roger EstJtes subdivision, which displays a deep peripheral channel immediately offshore and a previously filled shoreline which has eroded somewhat (nearly all of this ~ ~ PALFFY, TIBOR #440735795 Monroe County - Little Torah Key Page Three ~rosion is believed to have occurred over a short pe~iod of time following dredge and spoil activities when the shoreline was unstable). Consequently, a subtidal/intertidal shoreline ,helf exists waterward of the erosion line and landward of ~he peripheral channel. Of this shelf area, the waterward $-15 feet is permanently submergent, displaying lush seagrasses, ~lgaes, corals and sponges. I . The peripheral channel is estimated to be 50'-70' wide. Adjacent properties display a variety of seawall~~ riprap revetments and docks. Recent shoreline projects here (there have been four or five permits issued in this area for shoreline projects in the last several years) have been limited to the MLW line or landward. The adjacent property to the north of the subject property displays a bulkhead type of revetment which extends waterward to the approximate MLW line. To the south, a riprap revetment was constructed at the approximate MHW line. For +20 feet adjacent to the applicant's property, no riprap was placed. C. The applicant's property is 90 feet wide, possessing a somewhat " eroded shoreline. The existing lot elevation landward of the erosion line appears to be on the order of several feet above MSL. This lot pQssesses no development. Very iittte emergent wetland growth is found along the shoreline. Thejshoreline shelf her~ is 20 to 30 feet wide, of which 15 to 20 feet is intertidal. 'Approximately 10 to 15 feet of this ShC1f is'suptidal, with a healthy community consisting of tur,legrass (Thalassia testudinum), green algaes (Halimeda sp., Cau erpa sp., Batophora'sp.) and red algaes (Gracilaria sp. and Laurencia sp.). A single queen conch (Srombus gigas) was obse~ved in this area. I . The intertidal portioll of the shoreline possessed some gastropods (Batillaria sp. and Astraea! sp.) in and among the rubble. D. Anticipated impacts 'are not expected to be adverse. As proposed, this project will stabilize the shoreline while avoiding estab- lished suLmergent vegetation. , . . i I ~ j j PALFFY, TIBOR #440735795 Monroe County - Little Torch Key Page Four E. In accordance with Chapters 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, I would recommend conditional approval of this project. Conditions recommended include: 1) The south end of the riprap revetment should be placed in line with riprap on the adjacent (south) property. This placement would be at the approximate MHW line. The rip- rap revetment should then taper out-to its presently proposed location to avoid the creation of a shoreline discontinuity. 2) Riprap should not be placed ~ny further waterward than the submergent vegotation line (MLW). 3) Riprap should be placed prior to the deposition of backfill to control turbidity. I The wood dock should possess deck plank spaoing of at least one inch to promote sunlight penetration. t j 4 ) JAM/dvo DATE: READ: j ". ~ l..! ' . .'".-";: .W ; ft, ,', .. 'J r L~J~ .1~.o;:r , . '.' t.,. .lUC,I.' ' · "1UIl0'\ dO r. . "lL~. ". oJ .. , · 1':> \1 t;~:rc.L d n .n .\, ;: i. 0 I' .1"lS~ .la~oH 11 A 9~ , _ --- ---------____.1,_.__ ;--::..~...- . r? t-. ~' ~ ~ ~9 I~ -Ei I\:" PI . 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