Resolution 238-1983 RE$~CU~I~N N~+ 238 -1983 WHEREA$, the B~ARD ~f t~UN~M t~rnmI$$I~NER$ ~f m~NR~E t~UN~M, fC~RIDA, has receiven an application from PEDR~ HERNANDEl ann IDHEREA$, in compliance with $tate $tatute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procenure to rean the following Biological Assessment into the Recorn as follows: The applicant proposes the construction of a boat basin and ramp to be excavated from the applicants upland, the fill from which will be used to backfill behind riprap to be placed along the entire length of the shoreline. The applicant claims that riprap placement and accompanying backfill will be done entirely landward of the MHW line. My own observations generated some questions as to the excavation of the basin and the placement of rip- rap entirely above MHW. As planned, the basin and sides of the riprap will extend and connect with the existing man-made peripheral channel. At low tide (see attached photos) there existed a shallow submerged shelf (5-8 ft. wide) that will need to be dredged for basin access and filled to meet the adjacent shoreline on either side of the applicant's lot, both of which extend for a good distance out from the applicant's MEW line. A conversa- tive estimate is that the boat basin and parts of the riprapped shoreline will extend 10 feet waterward of MHW. The boat basin will have vertical concrete side walls and the boat ramp will have a concrete bottom. Excavation will entail 172 cubic yards. all of which will be utilized on the applicant's lot. Depth of the basin will be sloped from -4.0' MSL to -5.0 MSL and will involve 133 cubic yards. The basin will be 12 feet wide with 3~ foot wide concrete walks on either side. Length of the basin is 30 feet. The ramp will be sloped from an elevation of +5.0' MSL to -2.0 MSL and will involve 39 cubic yards of excavation. Width of the ramp will be 12 feet and the length will be 25 feet. A weed gate of the dimensions 4.5' x 14' is proposed for installation at the mouth of the basin. This weed gate would be a framed chain link gate with a vinyl coat on hinges. This gate would extend down to -2.5' MSL. Placement of riprap would be semi-circular in shape, curving inland to 20' landward of the offshore peripheral channel. As proposed, this riprap will extend to the peripheral channel on each side of the applicant's lot, leaving much of the presently existing littoral shelf unfilled. The purpose of the project is to provide a retaining wall for upland fill and to provide private boat mooring. Excavation will be by backhoe and material will be spread on the site by blade or backhoe. Equipment will come to the site over existing roads. The project site is on an open water shoreline of Florida Bay in Marathon, Florida. The area is primarily residential, with Stirrup Key, a rapidly developing residential community to the northwest, and multi-family housing to the east. The immediate shoreline of the area has been 75 percent devel- oped for single family housing, the uplands of which were gained by the excavation of canals and peripheral channels, such as the one immediately offshore of the applicant's property. Resolution Pedro Hernandez Page Two Across the deep peripheral channel from the shoreline are relatively shallow, productive flats and baybottom. Russell Key, a mangrove fringed island can be observed just offshore. On September 17, 1979, a permit was granted to James Hansen (c/o Paul Kenson, agent) for the construction of a seawall, ramp and basin on lot 6 adjacent to the applicant's property. This permit (#44-15545-5E) called for a weed gate, which has not yet been installed. The remainder of the project has been completed for some time. The upland portion of the site is old eroded fill, which presently supports a secondary growth of bay cedar (Suriana maritima), glassworts (Salicornis sp), sea lavender (Limonium carolinianum) black mangrove (Avicennia germinans), buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), sea blite (Sueda Linearis), sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum), white mangrove (Laguncularia recemosa), and Batis maritima. Below this vegatation line, a 10 foot wide wrack line was observed, composed of dead and decaying seagrasses, of which turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) was the primary component. Below this organic debris mat and waterward (5-10 feet), the shoreline was composed of loose limestone rubble which had eroded from previous fill place- ment. This shallow littoral area formed a ledge which dropped sharply into the deep peripheral channel offshore. The applicant is presently bordered on each side by seawalled land extensions which protrude to the edge of the peripheral channel. As mentioned in part B, a similar basin to the one proposed was constructed on lot 6. At the time of inspection, an organic mat covered the basin's water surface at the terminus for approximately 15 feet. The bottom surface for the remainder of the basin was approximately 50 percent covered by organics less than one year after completion. It is obvious that this shoreline receives a more than average amount of windblown debris from seasonally prevailing winds. Back to the shallow littoral shelf offshore from the applicant's property, the following species of macrophytes were observed: Caulerpa sp, Padina sp, Acanthophora sp and Sargassum sp. Other marine biota observed included carpet anemones (Coelenterate), nerites, ceriths and a banded tulip (Gastropods) and chitons (Amphineura). In general, this littoral zone is not as productive as its potential because of organic accumulation and inorganic sedimentation from shoreline erosion. The immediate effect of the bulkheading proposed will be the elimination of some of the eroding littoral shoreline and a reduction of vegetative filtering. Neither of these natural components are presently significant enough to be of concern since it is felt that the present shoreline acts to increase inorganic sedimentation through erosion and organic sedimentation through debris entrapment. Some debris will continue to be entrapped and some erosion may continue, but these problems will be reduced by partial shoreline stabilization and the elimination of shoreline corners. The placement of riprap should provide additional shoreline habitat. Of greater concern is the ramp and basin. The weed gate proposed by the applicant is essential here to preclude debris entrapment and consequential organic sedimentation within the basin. If properly installed and maintained, water quality should not be impaired substantially. Even on this assumption, it is unlikely that the basin bottom will completely revegetate due to nutrient overloading at the benthic level. Although most of this overloading will result from the prevailing winds of the area, it is expected that upland runoff (stormwater, septic system, etc.) will also add to the nutrient level. Resolution Pedro Hernandez Page Three In general, and considering the present shoreline condition, it is felt that with the proper construction and maintenance that biological and water quality conditions will not be significantly degraded. Based upon biological and water quality criteria and in accordance with Chapters 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes, I recommend approval of this project as proposed. The following suggestions are offered to further insure water quality maintenance: 1. The weed gate proposed should be installed by the original contractor at the time of the basin excavation. A sixty day limit from the time of permit issuance is recommended. 2. The basin and ramp should be reverse sloped to preclude upland runoff. BE It RES~C~ED BY tHE B~ARD ~F t~UNtY t~rnmISSI.NERS ~F m~NR~E t~UNtY, FC~RIDA, that the ahove Biological Assessment has he en reao into the recoro ana ouly consioereo pursuant to Florioa Statute 253.124 hy the Boaro of tounty tommissioners of ffinnrae tounty, Florioa, this \ <\--\- ~ oay of \\\)~ u \-\- , 19 ~3 at a regularly scheouleo meeting. B~ARD ~F t~UNtY t~rnmISSI~NERS ~F m~NR~E t~UNtY, FC~RIDA By W~4~ ~R /~~ (SEAC) Attest: RALPH VI. \!jlU1E, CLERK ~"~I\\ P uJ.w.\).~. tlerk ~ rt;/J~LJ Cucien t. Frahy ( tounty Attorney (_______ OK~~r: ~R~~3~04~E (305) 294.4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County BiOlogist Report ~ 2. Resolution (PEDRO HERNANDEZ) ~ 3. Permit ~ 4. Application for Permit (Seawall & Boat Ramp) v-" 5. Site Plan ~ 6. Location Map J..,--/' 7. DER Assessment L ../" Date f'- cJ -&1 By ~.)J U'JA-" I:C, r..w T' """'m', l.,,::) /,UG .5 1983 Cr; . ,:{)~, i I{ ..'1. ... ". M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: July 28, 1983 TO: Jeffery M. Doyle, Director t:: Andy Hooten, Biologist (JrJ\~ \ ~ Hernandez, Pedro; Proposed Se all and Boat Ramp. FROM: SUBJECT: Legal Key Colony Subdivision Florida, Zoned RU-1. Township 66 South, Range 33 East, Section 6, (Section 4), Block 1, Lot 5, Vaca Key, Monroe County, This application is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-111 (a)(5) of the Monroe County Code. The applicant proposes to construct a 75 foot linear rip-rap seawall and a boat ramp and slip. The application was originally submitted in September of 1982. Recently, the applicant submitted revisions to the original appli- cation. As can be seen on the application, 85 c.y. of fill were proposed to be placed landward of the mean high water line (MEW); however, inspections by Mark Robertson, myself and the attached D.E.R. bioreport have observed that 25.5 c.y. of fill will be placed waterward of the MHW and 64.5 c.y. landward of MHW. An inspection of the site was made July 22, 1983. The property is subject to moderate erosion. Placement of rip-rap boulders would aid in stabilizing the shoreline. Below the MHW, the baybottom gently slopes for approximately twenty feet into a manmade periphreal canal that was created by past dredging. The attached DER biological report addresses the tidal biota in detail. The upland portions of the lot, which were created by past filling activities, are sparsely vegetated with various salt tolerant plants such as buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), white mangroves (Laguncularia Facemosa) and bay cedar (Suriana maritima). The proposed boat ramp and slip would be placed along the northern property line. Excavation of this area will result in destruction of colonized benthic biota, some of which may not be able to re-establish due to newly created water depth; however, this affected area would not be significant. Of greater concern is the tendency of this shoreline to be subject to detrital wrack (floating seagrass). Any pocket created along this shoreline is subject to prevailing Southeastern and Northeastern winds and therefore may receive some wrack accumulation. Although this accumulated material can decompose and contribute to poor water quality, the applicant has submitted plans that will maximize circulation of the boat slip and ramp and minimize organic accumulation. .~ " .. Pag~ two July 28, 1983 Memorandum cont...... The FDER and Army Corps of Engineers have issued permits for this activity. Recommendation: It is recommended that this application be approved with the following conditions: (1) Construction of the seawall uses filter cloth to retain owners property. (2) A berm is created along the seawall edge to minimize effects from storm water runoff. (3) A vegetated swale or "road bumper" is placed between the driveway and the boat ramp to retain rain washed material on the property. AH/ ck -.. "\ ....-:::::.:: PERMIT MONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Pedro Hernandez 340 S.W. 83rd Avenue Miami, Florida 33155 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Resolution No. 3) Phone number Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Owner Builder 5) Legal description of property: Section 6 Key Marathon Subdivision Key Co 1 ony 4 Township 66 S Lot 5 Block 1 Range 33E Street, road or mile marker 109 St & 7th Ave. Gulf Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited 2" ,,0 c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. n 4. " c.y. landward ofM.H.W. c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. 8 ~ c.y. landward of M.H. W. ZONING: RU - 1 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments. Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: It is recommended that this application be approved with the following conditions: 1. Construction of the seawall uses filter cloth to retain owners property. 2. A berm is created along the seawall edge to minimize effects from ' storm wate~ runoff. 3. A vegetated swale or "road bumper" is placed between the driveway and the boat ramp to retain rain washed material on the property. Dr. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Director Planning, Building and Zoning -.. , ": ~) - ~ ~~V,1 (~~r:::"ac~~or or c.gc::t' s . .~....." ~ ......' / ~?:C0!dl~ ,..,......,_ "",,'''.;:;nrr ,.,11..,....;.(,.... n"",..e, ........--'--"6 .....c.:c.. ~::;S , ( I '-/1/ \ . (H//7zd 4k<rdcE?L) ?~"..c::c (~ ccrt:.f:catior.. n1..~!nbcr. /;40 S (LJ, 5'3 ~'YI 'mC-/2:~ / ~ ,7:~ .; 33/55 "1>,,,,,,,1 c:'<=><:;c..,.,;."tio"'" of ""\"'~e"'-;-)'. );. ...........::,1..-.... i..,;_.....J..r "'4 4........ -I:' ...... . h lJ- Xey, /'vi A ~ A .- H 0 N '5 Su1x1ivisicn , i~1 C"l L () t.)v / 4- Scc-:::.m:, 0 ~, , . ~rjJ .O'.V:;SIU?, (,~ S_<'-<-f,A...A.. ~c;i'"'.ze,=33 eAST ~ (if 2.c~eage) ~ 'T',....,"'- .1-_ ..... , Plock, J 107 S/ 1/ 1 -ct.tH-<-e &v,-F. hJ, Al/i)rV rz:::;strce"c., ~ ro8.(: or . " ~l~C ;narkeT, Zo::.ing, "' Describe the pro?oscc ~ctivi~y, "c.o be excavated or c.ischarged. ~ethods of construc"c.ion 0 ~~o~nt of material Describe pur~ose & intended use of project. (in cu,;-)ic yares) vc::~e of :"J:.:er:.a~ 9s }',CqJ 22.90 Chic feet " " "/ ... " Grecgec eXCcV2.yeU fi!le~/~epos:.t?d 2J..JtJ CoY. ",^~.s.~er\\'aYc. of ~'~.E.1\'. la....":6-r.\r~:rd w4.S c.y. c.y. '\\.a"~ c:r\\'2..i:~cl of ),f. P . 1',:. 85 c.y. '1 ~;I1(\\.a:-ci of \l ;-T "':t,? J. .... ... I.. n+ " L! ;,. ~... .. .!.. I' . Xa'T'.e, a<idress f. zi? cede of 2dj oining r:-O;J2rty 0'1111'2::'5 ~,,~,:"_('se rrC1]1er-:y affron"c.s \~',.ter way. LoT 4 et-C'ck #-1 Ro Y ..JI ~Vlt).J:.'" y, .f'Qvrt -38217iMIJO!cJ'!.GS7 PrIYE!J.tVttUNTVILLEAL, 3'5"8;0 j..orc' 6Lock'-u./ W,If,~rn€.KLe,nJr. 1<'1-1 S"",R.NA. S<l. 2'1743 ~ " ,..:,s~ o"'''e-r ~"...,.."......s ~ '''e'':; .....~,..:/....... 1""'1"r\ii.'".c....... ;'!"'l ,.,"" .....~.... ., ~'... ~ ...... ?"'....l" -'-ss".... c..c..... 0... a.t-'.l:.~_eo. ;,0..., ....hc.l.Ge Cll"p.Llcan(. s ARMY CopP. OF E/l/6t'tvEcr<S P~-+t:. .l3O-.1-IC]lb OE.r<... ~#44-3537~-5E. na~e, for t~is site: '" '\ or ;: 1 ... "" "...... d.J: ...". .... ( '. ." ) . t" t "..." .....: app icaw:'o~ .'leiS 0een s'J.:J:l1i..."e . -'-O~ ,,['.lS p:-oJecy or one SL":'ll...ar :m .r,e pas , eX';J::'ain re2.son for new a:;>pEcaticn and give applicQ."lt T s name if different fror.l current aj;ican-:. -:')~is: a:"l FeaerG:.l &'1G. StateG:.genc1es "(;[',a1: nave recelved appJ.lcat.lms :tor tl"'lS proJect.. Dl./.'Afl..TME NT 0 F THE AR..M Y COp.;.:7S",O F EI\/G/,vc€/C.5 P.Ef'Z.M Ir No . So ::r-19/~ De.p,AAT/1--1eI\J7 "f' "ENY'/l'<tJMcNTAt- ,R.c~UC-~TIO'V rEf2."""'I, '# 44-3s37b-S-€ This cc~ple"c.ed app~lca~ion forn will he acc~pc.nied by t~e .(: , ~. .. "~ \'CT " -' ."o_-,-ow:'!lg, or It W:U..J. :.1 De prccesse\..'.. .~'\\'o (2) se-:s of drawings, O!l 8~ x 11 paper, shc~-:ing location, plot plan, top view and c~oss sec:::iOi'. of proposal, GTm\'11 to scale. .~: .\"\::>:icat:..on :;>rocessing fee as fo11m-:s: :\~ c: r'f'. ~O"'" .-1..... :>r1ae fl' 11 dcc'<s f"I':) "'ny s....;....c...'......es ~.!:.(:"'on...~,.,C'" na"'u"'a' ..ra~er' b--'ies. _, -,.Jy ... _ \,i~e,"""" , , l ~ G. "..... "u. .;;....,~... .........".""" ... ~ _. n _ U\..i..... ~:;r.. OC ":or vertical seawa~,ls or.. T:lan-r.:8ce roo,ies of wzter. ~75.00 for any combination of the above activities ner site. . . i\~,::~<.icat:..C;1 is herc'Jy mace for a permit to G:.ut:~orize t~e activities descrihed l'erein. I Ci-'\,......~ :".,. +~~.... '7" "Jrn -C~m.;l ;ar "l.....~ +;....e .;n.(:o"V"'r"r"'l'!:1..J-';o'" coY'.... .;"!'i~C1 ";n thr~s "'P -l'c~+;cn ~T.".::.....O "''''c ""est- ,~. ~_~: ~..~.... ... 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VI\.lYl(r..l..TI ",.?5'7 I I ---" '- I ,_ _ ~(>.:"<l..q~D..ffi>~ ,.J,. :.' _ \'J1;1;t:) ~,,-oq; PET6..\L pI!.!". II 0 = .~c.',~ '~~'I> ,,")(I::"'t" 1;,.'/1 I- ' ....._~ \""'(3"~ v F''''''' FC><.\ 6 T lIMe lZ<.::>C-\::. TE:.6...w'S SC;;C'\IOO . "P/3Z"" "-0 PURPOSE: e>OA'T e."..\-'.? ~ 't'V..'VII.:re ?:o~T \-'\OC~~0, OA TUK 't"\eA~ ~A.Le.Vt:.L ADJ~C(HT PROPERTY O"H[AS: CD U, V-AY f\=~-Y , :)'01.\ \'tJ\~.I_:i\ t:XZ. J N,W, \~t..lNT~"'w:.. o V-lIlU to. t-.I\ E-. ~LC.IIJ, 1.1 12.. . r-r. I ,~\i::llA I -?c.. Zo't43 'PG~ ~") lEe \ 3 ,A..L. .~... ..-..- ...._--..-_.':'~--._-_.~-..-_.__.~~:.~--...,...,'"'!'.., " .. " .' .' IN FtoQ,OA. , eb.Y AT ~/...~TWoJ, "f-~\t)" COUNTY or\l\o.Jl2OF:: STATE fU:::g,OA APPLICATION BY tbD2D l-lER"'/A\JCEe SHEET 7- OF -:2-0AT( 6-1~ ClEv , - 1-/~-8.1 ge-l f'J.- CD-~. ~l . "'. . ': ~~~~~,7"""""""""'~~~~:~.~:~r-- ~ ,'.. .;.' ~.-:i ~'5 ~;r::',.. .';. :'{':,:;' ,;:;.~t~.::~~";~:;.'.~,' :;:'::~..:-;-~:Z":':,.:.r..";!~;r~_",,'.;~:;:;;:"~'.~tfJ..,~iZ..:.~;',"':,r:.:,~_' ;.,: -"...: :, ...... "...\...:'".-......:;;':. '~~, .~, HERNANDEZ, PEDRO /J!}4-3537 6- 5E Monroe County - Marathon Pag e T\'1o . .A. Applicant proposes the construction of a boat basin and r<1l:1p to be cxcava ted from the applicants upland, the fill from whic), will be used to backfill behind riprap to be placed along ~hc entire length of th~ shoreline. The applireant claims that riprap placement and accoliipanying backfill \-.7i11 be done entirely landward .of the fIHH line. ~1:.' ovm observations generated some question as to the cxcaval it)ll of the ba s in and the placement of r iprap ent ire ly a bo\:e ~!i!1.v'. As planned, the basin amI sides of the riprap \vill extend <llld connect with the exis l~ing man-made peripheral channel. ,.\r 1(1',: tide (see attached photos) there existe~ a sh[lllc~ submcr~pd shelf (5-8 ft. \)'ide) that will n~ed to bl~ drc'c!ged for basin access and filled to meet the adjacent shoreline on e:ithel:"" sidl' of the applicant's lot, both of which extend for a geod t.iiSL:lll,' out from the applicant's HHW line. A conservative cstimaLt" i:-; that. the boat basin und parts of the!) riprapped shoreli.ne ,dll extend 10 feet \vaterward of HllH. " The boat basin will have vertical concrete side \.,1al1s and the boat ramp will have a concrete bottom. Excavution will entail 172 cubic yards, all of which will be utilized on the applic;l:l~ I lot. . Depth of the basin will be sloped from -4.0' MSl. to -5.0 t1SL and will involve 133 cubic yards. The basin will be 12 fec~ wide with 3% foot wide concrete walks on either side. Length (If 'the basin i~ 30 feet, The ramp will be sloped from an elevation of +5.0' MSL to -2.0 MSL and will involve 39 cubic yards of excavation. Width of the ramp will be 12 feet and ~he 1cnrth will be 25 feet. A weed gate of the dimensi.ons 4.5' x 14' is proposed for :ns~al- 1ation at the mouth of the basin. This weed gate would be a framed chain link gate with a vinyl coat on hinges. this 83~~ would extend.down to -2.5' MSL. Placement of riprap would be semi-c ircu1ar in shupe, curv Inr~ inland to 20' landward of the offshore peripheral channel. As proposed, this riprop \vill extend to the peripheral channp] (\11 each side of the applicant I slot, leaving much of the prescntl:' existing littoral sh0lf unfilled. The purpose of the 'project is to provide a retaining wall [or upland fill and to provide private hoat mooring. Excavation will be hy backhoe ~nd material will be snread on tIle site by blade or backl1oe. Equipment will come to th~ site over existing roads. .~ -..-.--.- --"( '.-.. - , .- - .,.-.- ~ -...~---------:---_.. ."; '~'.", .~-, ~..=-=::[11i~~'.Ao".':-J~~ .~,-:- .tv L/ l:J l~ V i ~.:0i'~~.l'i:: 1~':i~}'\"'L"'~?"~!~(;tJL7\~"fI c: ro-~ 'r PER.~lIT t\PPLICATION ;\PPRAIS,\L 1 :1.,~;: ~.T . ' l,O. . LfLI'- 3 53 7 6..5 E County: Honroe Date: 1 () /l '< ~ I) .c:pp:l.i.cant Name: Pedro Hernandez 1"":J.~~c.ss: '18Ll-O S.'Jl. 83rd P\VL~., ~lialni, FL 33155 Agent (if applicable): Paul C. KenGon, Jr. & Associates, Inc. Address: PO Box 92, l'1arnt.:hoI1, FL 33050 ., Loc2tion of project: Section(s) 6 Townsh i p () GS . R ". ", !', . :1n(Jt,~ ~ Section(s) Township Range Local :Reference: Key Colony vrlVt, .larathon \.-2. "-::e:r P.ody: F1orid<l Bay c Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aq~atic Preserve: Ou~standing Florida Waters: On site inspection by: John A. Meyer Date of Inspection: 10/22/80 Original Application: Yes~ No Revised Application: Yes No X Date: Dat~ of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Asscssrn~nt ~. Description of proposed project and construction t2chniques.~ QU2ntify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tioj-:i..,l zone of the subwcrged land) as de fined in Sect ion 17 -4. 0:; a~d Section 17~4.28, Florida Administrative Code. 3. 'Bi.ophysical fea.tures of general area. Include comments concen: ir.;:.:' e~te~t of development of adjoining properties as well as relevan~ hi31,:orical ~acts about the area. C. :::ic);:hysical features of specific project site and spoil site 1: 2p~lic2ble. Include id2ntification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. C. 20tQntial impact of project on biological resources and water qu,',J.i ':."-1. l',ddrl.lS~3 longo-term im?act as \oIell as inll1\ediate im?ac..,: i.o.c ::11 ,(spccts or the project. :~ I.l'/:~ ,,:s tions; ldhere appropriate, for modi f iea tians that may red uc<'.,; C::.- ;:',ini:ni ze the paten t ial imp(4ct 07: proj ect. PEEr': };=-lO(r<.c'.:.6/79) ~ -' '. .. --:'-'?r:-'-'-' .--t;;;:'~~:'::1i.:.~:"':;::~~;.::.' .-/tit;:'.~::-:..-,~:~::;:::c::(,....,::,~~,., :;:::';:;;;-::';:~:::;;*"'_r: ~~_-~_:J:-";;',~~,'~:;'.:"':':~,:7'.';.','1"'l-;"J'~~;;7':' ',~ ,...:;;-~_~t..";~.'_s:::_:~. ,,_ _, '~'_ ":':'~,~'-:-'-~~:C::-i:;'- .:..."";,':""..1':: ':-. "":',~'''1';.'."' ", ~~~~,.."_ HERNANDEZ, PEDRO 1f44-35376-5E Monroe County - Marathon Page Two B. . The project site is on "In open h'<lter shoreline of Flot"ida 1\1> in Marathon, Florid.:l. Ttw are:l is primarily residential,:, ith $tirrup Key, a rapidly deve.loping reside~'lti(11 cc;rul1unLty, tu the north-livest, and multi-family housing to the east. The. innnediate shoreline, or the area has been 75 percent develo:Jcd for single family housing, the uplands of which were gaineJ L. the exca~ationof canals and peripheral channels, such as th~' one immediately offshore of the applicant's property. Across the deep peripheral channel from the shoreline are re Ll- ~ively shallow, productive flats and baybottom. Russell Kev, a mangrove fringed island can be observed just offshore. Or1 September 17, 1979, a permit was granted to James Hansen (c/o Paul Kenson, agent) for the construction of a seawall. ramp ar1J basin on lot 6 adjacent to the applicant's property. This Dcrmil (#44-15545-5E) called for a weed gate, which has not yet been installed. The remainder of the project has been completed for some- time. '", ~ c: The upland porti6n of the site is old eroded fill, which present- ly supports a secondary growth of bay cedar (Suriana maritima), glass\vorts (Salicorniu sp), sea lavender (Lirnonlum caroTTnGn'u:n) . black mangrove (Avicennia f,erminans), buttomvood (Conocarpus. erecta), sea b1ite (Sueda 1inearis), sea purslane "'(Sesl.lviulT: portuIacas trum) , \vhi te mangrove -([aguncu1aria racemosa). and : Batis maritima. Below this vegetation line, a Ie foot wide wrack line was obsol- ved, composed of dC2d and decay ing seagrasscs, of \.Jhich tu!"t 'lJ~ grass c:rha1assia te:.?tut!:LI")~) \Vas the primary component. Belo\'l this organic debris mat and watenvard (5-10 feet), the shoreline was composed of loose limestone rubble which had eroded from previous fill placement. This 8ha110\v littora~ 3~1.~:l formed a ledge which dropped sharply into the deep pcripher~l channel offshore. The applicant is presently bordered on each side by seawa11cJ l.Jnd extensions whir:h protrude to the edge of the rc"':iphera1 channel. As mentioned in part g. a similal' basin to the one proposed was constructed on lot 6. At the time of inspection, an organic mat covered the basin's water surface at the terminus for approximately 15 feet. Th~ bottom surface for ttlC remainder of the basin was approximately 50 percent covered by organic3 less than one ye.:: . after completion. It is obvious that this shoreline receives a more than average amount of \vindblov.'T1 dc~)~-is from s2asonal1y prevailing Hinds. Back to th2 shallow littoral shelf offshore from the applicant's property, the follo\linr, species of llwcrophytes \Vere observi?d' -... ,--- "'{ .' .. ., . -.-).'t;:Tt~., :.~:.":~ ~~7'1:;-;::::::':;:::.:':-;;;;.;-;:; ~ ~,.~;~~~;::~-'=':'i::':;::;7:,:r:i:;;:::;,~;.:;;:.:;::;-~.n~.j.;;;'~;~:=::w.Z,7:;: :;~-:';"''::'::;'::!.~ '1::.'>i4:'Z;~::&!r:';ir::/::": G,i" 7,~~w,~...";;':~ -"="';.;l:~:"'-''''~~'':', ..~:: ,~-,. HERNANDEZ, PEDRO fJ!i4-35376-5E - Monroe County - Marathon Page Three D. Cau1erpa sp, Padina sp, Acanthophora sp and Sarg~~m sp. Other marine biota observed included carpet anemones (CoeIenterata). nerites, ceriths ,~Lld a banded tulip (Gastropods) and chitons (Amph~l..neura) . In general, this 1 ittoral zone is not as produc- tive as its potential because of organic accUi'11u1ation and in- organic sedimentation from shoreline erosion. The iEmediate effect of thebu1kheading proposed will be the elimination of some of the eroding littoral shoreline and a reduction of vegetative filtering. Neither of these natural components are presently significant enough to be of concern since it is felt that the present shoreline acts to increase inorganic sedimentation through erosion and organic sedimentation through debris entrapment. Some debrisowill continue to be '. entrapped and some erosion may continue, but these problems !..Ji L 1 be reduced by partial shoreline stabilization and the eli~lr.at~o~ of shoreline corners. The placement of riprap should provide additional shoreline habitat. ')., "Of greater concern is the ramp and basin. The weed gate proposed .. by the applicant' is essential here to preclude debris entrapment and consequential organic sedimentation within the basin. If properly installed and maintained, water quality should not be . impaired substantially. Even on thiSassumption, it is unlikel;T thacthe basin bottom will completely revegetate due to nutrient overloading at the benthic level. Although most of thin over- ~loading will result from the prevailing winds of the area, it lS expected that upland runoff (storm"later. septic system, etc.) will also add to the nutrient level. In general, and considering the present shoreline condition. it is felt that with the proper construction and maintenance chat biological and water quality conditions will not be signifi- cantly degraded. '.. ,y"."" '-'''-" , \ '. "~:':;;:-':'''';N';' . " '::;:,~-;." r-:.:-.... -: i~:..'l}:rt,.~-:.. -::~.:r:..",:1'7...-:7~~~O;:..~~,; ;'"*;..:.Oh~..r.7';':.:..;:-i::'!m":=J~:::,~:lS~.T',..'!;.~':';t~"':"~,~". -'.;', ~J.H;,___:"l;"-~:':;.;r", /, ;'\!':U:.~..,.,\ ~",,,,,,'r..'~:;;'i~'f' <~... --~, ',"i. ,"" "~,~""\':1-""""~.l'~,;:,.'l;' - ,", ~'.rl :lI~f\__":;('TJ~ HERNANDEZ, PEDRO 1.144-35376-5E . J Monroe County - Marathon !Pa~e Four 1 0 E. Based upon biological and water quality criteria and in accordance ,.,ith Chapters 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes, I recommend approval of this project as proposed. The following sugg~stions, are offered to further insure water quality maintenance: 11 1. The weed gate proposed should be installed by the original contractor at the time of the basin excavation. A sixty day 1imi t from the time of permit issuance is reconnne~lded. 2. The basin and ramp should be reverse sloped to preclude upland runoff. Q '~i JPJ'1/ dvo (~ ~\ ~ (~llt~'LA /. :Lr'o:~.;~ :~'l~;:C. II Read: r..J1u. / D/7-13/ 8D 'GLEN BO'E L '.. . .n. _, _ __, . ..'Y B.OARD OF COUNTY COMMI~ S Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 c - Building Department PO Box 437 Tavernier, FL PO BOX 33070 " _," ...~~ '. ....~.... ~'.~_~ t ;too\. .':.- . "1.'._ " :..~.~.. ~ . ,\ , of t. , . ,-~':, ..: ~~"L:: ,,;. ;:: ,,':, '~_ oK~,~~Y~,~~,~9E .""".:" --- - ~ ~ ~ : - or?, . . '.' .' ......, - (30~1 ~04 4fi41 Sept. 27, 1982 Pedro Hernandez 1840 SW 83 Ave. Miami, Florida 33155 Re: Proposed Boat ramp and seawall at Key Colony Sibdiv., Lot 5, Bock 1, Marathon. We will be unable to continue processing your application until we receive the following items: r:j /~j /~j r:J / / iKx Notification that site has been surveyed and clearly marked. A vegetation map, prepared by a qualified professional, landscape architect or naturalist, according to Chapter 18 of the Monroe County Code, showinr, which trees are to be removed or kept. Purpose and intended use of project. Method of construction or clearing. Construction plans, (top, side and cross sections) ,Dept. of Environ. Reg. bio-report. /=/ Other- Recommendations: 1. Construct berm alon proposed riprap seawall. 2.. Use filter cloth in seawall to prevent washout of upland fill. Please call if you have any questions (305-852-3296). Sincerely, m~L~ Ih~ Environrncnt.::ll Biologist -.. ~. ;,:,.::,.__"':':-'_:-...--.jo:'.~=;;;:::.-_,...", ~_';-'';':':::__C-:':;_'~_ ,-,' -....-.--.:- r ~~.' ~..> - NOTICE ( START OF \.JORK AUTHORIZED BY PEfu~ITS ( ... DATE Afu~ PEfu~IT n80J-1916 WORK AUTHORIZED ~~ER DEPARTMENT OF THE 31 Augus t 1981 DATED TO PERFORM WORK IN Bay of Florida \tJAS STARTED .' SAJ FL 586, J:_J~ ~ _:~,~,~__~" ___~_~~.. SIGNATURE . _ .__'_.--...__~~'!':',:",_.,:"..r ... ,!;~~(~~:;il{;~{ti'il':F .; ~ i':!~,l:;'l:J':'~',~:,~} ;'1~1!;:: ::!::I~~')':t\t ~;,',.:.l n' :'~I:I:' ::,:;II':;:'::-'! '1\",1:,..,0''';.,., """"J"" . """'1'" ,." .,,,:,,1: .,I"un q." ,,'J, , "" 'rl',ti'~~"~'~;'<\I->"">'(~\!- 'I s', ,'~, I,' ~l' 'ti,' .'P>:~}" (,.- "1 -- "'~; . " ,I ~:.hf~n't.,:.. . ",'': }:",'~' . I~ I, ~....,. i ,!PJt<,>, lll,. ~r ' 'f ] III, I! < "'f~,;I.i, ' ' ',-Fi~~li:"'_;..."_"":',::'-'} ,\ I t'~q' ':,} <\~,,\, t1~r, t ~,~. " ,1/\ t \ j' Il' ~!;'/'!".:,',',1 " ",:<.y , I" ',',' DiEPA~T5VIlreNT' O~ 'THr: Ar..r,./lY ''iI'j1;\J!\';;~.j;0';':11~jii~irii~\\j;~1~\~i;~~~t:i~~~iiei~~:~~20~": ,:,.::+,,', <;:'':,:~l'~,,,:~',.U'flOTlCrGF ',A UTHO n'tzA nOfl' ,!,,;,i~i;;tiii;iJl~iiii~;~'Jif,~!~,;1f""~:i<;'\~[';::jri:,\~j~:;'!ji:',: ' . ,.' .1. ... '. . ,;' 3~1:." ,." .:' ,'. .'~ r :81 .. ,. . "A riE~MI1'TCf."':EXCAVATE.A )15~ FOOr. BY:'l~;' F~OT';bY ,";--4- FOOT, r~EAN LOH, HATER' ACCESS '.."" ,;,., .." ,: ,',./ ,'/CHANNEL', AND ;INSTALL' A ,WEED "GATE , ," ":;:;.,;:',!,,,',,> ,I , "":::'I:'~::""r:\;I;;:;'r:';:':"~!/;' '" :.1;.:'" ,:,/',:,," 6" '. 'J:.,.:';ir;:::;','I' AT '. LOT , BLOCK ,\1, ~KEV:'COLONY' DRIVE, SECTION '6, TOt-JNSHIP 66 'SOUTH, RANGE"33 EAS'T, i,1/I.RATHON" MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA' '.'" . ' " " HAS BEEN .ISSUEDTO PEDRO HERNANDEZ '.i,,'ij" ON ~l'AUGUST 1981" ~ . . . 1 . ' ,,', I! ' _ : - Af)D~ESS, OF PER/~irrE~ :ll~~~;:'J~~~~~D~VE~p:5" jc<-i'l;t;.~ : NUi\\3EI1 80J- 1916 .. I, ,', Yf\.-, I , ALFRED i. DEVEREAUX,' J R., COl, CE .' , ". District Enzin'!er !' \.' ~ . f:< \ E:i:G fnml 4:>36 I, ' 1.,1 7i'1,'" " I Jms rWTiCf' [JUST BE .CmlSPitUOUSLV DlSfLAYEDAlTU~SIU Of V10mC ,,,- t DEPARTMENT OF T.n: " ,,(- Ii r., , JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT, COR, ,:1- Lt,"., JEERS p, 0, BOx 491; JACKSONVILLE, FLORI! ;; 3;,:;:~:12 ,!;U'jil'",t 1981 Pedro Hernandez 1840 SW 83rd Ave. Miami, Florida 33155 . Dear Mr. Hernandez: We are pleased to inclose your Department of t~? Ar~ permit and a Notice of Authorization which should be displayed at the construction site. Work may begin immediately but you must not~~y the appropriate Area Engineer as representative of the District.Engineer, of: (1) The date of commencement of the wOI"k (mail attached card). (2) The dates of work suspensions and resumptions if work is suspended over a week, and, (3) The date of final completion. Area Engineer addresses and telephone numbers are shown on the attached map. The Area Engineer is responsible for inspections to determine that permit conditions are strictly adhered to. IT IS NOT LAWFUL TO DEVIATE FROM THE APPROVED PLANS ATTACHED. . Si ncerely, II 4 Incl 1. Permit w/plans 2. Notice of Authorization 3. Commencement Card 4. Area Office Map f- J~~ Acting Chief, Regulatory Division SAJ FL 25 Rev. 1 Jul 81 . -,,_._-,~,----,- ._...._-......---"._~'--.--._. --~-~'.~T~~~: !:>:; i~i~~77~~~(."., 'r .~.":~.~I,~~'.;\_-7j !":" i'.,.~~r '-r--~_...." .. .,,' \. .... " .----:-:-- 1-\ E.er\lANDE' z.~_8o':[~t9!.~ , I Jc,;' ." / .'(0 '. ----.-...-..---- ..._...._._.~- --.. /~'~0'<, EXC/\\II-\Tl0.....' c"i '. ", t'J.:;) 1 ,~, ~, ,'" ,\"'-' ...", .'./. ,,'" " .(. t!:-~.,......; ~' .} Q , ' , } _ t.... _.~ )'11'- J.J I ( t (~' J . ,') ) r ' I" I .' . , .., , .'-.'-./ or Q--' ',' .I" ,I. { '/:l} 11 ..' ,!.; " ~..? M W'.":!'.[; (~, '~I'. Q l. if: I (r '-.>;y- "r ': , .: -f ..... ,-.I r' :\.\. "",' ,'/1, FLD'~\P!.., .,!, "'''f'..'/'''' hj,....:,.J' ,,0 ... ~,:._ ~ <:;,..... ,7 r.rJ'''''''J/).'-:- I/:/~'')' '.~, ".- otB .' -: '-'I ' ...........-:/"'(..~, \~/il :.:.:. J// ',~.". ~-'" ~ i" ' ..., .. I ( {"-~. I- L'.... l ,.II" -- . .. )Y' I' 'h:1..,," 'll'-',()""-; ..~w \..;..,.-,..."C";,:,\',.,' D '~r~"-*" t, <':0' ...~J ';" _.....I'...~OI. '-~rt..j.;::\~1. ,'"" 1.1 ~).:\r,l' ;,. -> kY~ ,0 X (, C"''' ::;:. :,.;-;I.~'~:.r.- :tJ:j'::--:-;'.'~:J ,'r\~;;\1\\~ l. ~ i' <t;(; "A.'~V f:...' ". ....~., ,." r..j-" ,./"' f /,'.^, ',;1 \'\'.\\ ,",'N -<..";r./7 .....dD ~ ~ '-,,/, 'r.',~..{--I.:.,..." 7'. "~:\\;'\\"\\\\ 1.II,'lY -< ~ ..." . ~'-" % 'J r.....r oJ /, \0 ~ .\,1 . .' J \ '/, I"~' ,~/~.o.;' '" :1)' ,\_\'.1' ...'C,,,<.,', \"\~..\l,-,'-...:::."!~/ /.' <]:;l t' ....... ~ fY '-Cl",~ l::: .' (0 () ~,,, 'J,ll)" ' :\~, II .YY: t"'/ f ')/" ~ t-.,-<,</,~'/ ,- -)., , 1......:,0.' ,. J""" r ,," 'c." 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DE: ?A.dAL f'LJHPOSC: t:et., lZAMP f'"Oe. pe,..,r.:..~ CoAT Mc02J~ 01. TU"l \.'1~':-....\ oQ~ \....e_veL #,(')JI.((tjl f'ROI'[ Rl Y O'\N[~ s: CD J. \?,.,f>,. Y A::: rl F Y ~e..'2... \ T'......,P-1:= ~c:r=0T pr;!., J.\..J. \..\ul1\',,\: '-~ I "'L . 6) \'.lILLII-l""\ to:. \LIJ"='~ ,Je. I:.T.I. QMY~^ I 0.C, 1-D'1'1-~ n.3 IN F\..otz..JDA.. e;AY AT M"Q.A\\b~ I FLc-~DA (OU>llY or M:>J~~' :SUll f\02ID)\. U'l'l.l (loll OU OY t't:P2D ~:tl1..JN.1 rY.::: 'l. surn \ OF 2_ O^H ~-\~-r'Y) ~c::: v _I - /-,c...-E;,{ eEV- -L- 0-?o-5 \ . p{..\~ ~~~_ C-'Tv-\ 8-C"''\~ ... . 'y ,.- "._~ .'~. ,.~..,~.~~:~::::~.:=~~~~:i~~~~~~~~.~~;~:::,:';. . , t' --'- .-.........,... . ,.. ,') '-,-- ,I"> -r . , \ ) ; 'to '"!;-." ,_~ I I ;'. l~' ) 2 .r ) ,. I' That the permittee shall notify the District Engineer at what time the activity authorized herein will be commenced, as far in e '," Ilf the time of commencement as the District Engineer may specify, and of any suspension of work, if for a period of more than c' ""'t!k, resumption of work and its completion. I, That in issuing this permit, the Govern;"erit has relied on the information and data which the permittee has providtd in connection with his permit app'lication. If, subsequent to the issuance of this permit, such information and data prove to be false, incomplete or inaccurate, this permit may be modified, suspended or revoked, in whoJe or in part, and/or the Government may, in addition, institute appropriate legal proceedings. f' m. That any modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit shall not be the basis for any claim for damages against the Uni ted States. . k. That this permit may be ei,ther modified, suspended or revoked in whole Or in part if the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative determines that there has been a violation of any of the terms or conditions of this permit or that such action would otherwise be in the public interest. Any such modification. suspension, or revocation shall become effective 30 days after receipt by the permittee of written. notice of such action which shall specify the facts Or conduct warranting same unless (1) within the 30-day period the permittee is able t'osatisfactorily demonstrate that (a) the alleged violation of the terms and the conditions of this permit did not, in fact, occur or (b) the alleged violation was accidental, and the permittee has been operating in compliance with the terms and conditions Of the permit and is able to provide satisfactory assurances that future operations shall be in full compliance with the terms and ,conditions of this permit; or (2) ~ithin the aforesaid 3D-day period, the permittee requests that a public hearing be held to present oral and written evidence concerning' the proposed modification, suspension or revocation. The conduct of thiS hearing and the procedures for making a final decision either to modify, suspend or revoke this permit in whole or in part shall be pursuant to procedures prescribed by-the Chief of Engineers, j. That. this permit may be summarily suspended, in whole or in part, upon a finding by the District Engineer that immediate suspension of the activity authorized herein would be in the general public interest. Such suspension shall be effective upon receipt by the permittee of a written notice thereof which shall indicate (1) the extent of the suspenSion, (2) the reasons for this action, and (3) any corrective or preventative measures to be taken by the permittee which are deemed necessary by the District Engineer to abate imminent hazards to the general public interest. Tt:ie permittee shall take Immediate action to comply with the provisions of this notice. Within ten days following receipt of this notice of suspension, the permittee may request a hearing in order to present information relevant to a decision as to whether hiS permit should be reinstated, modified or revoked, If a hearing is requested, it shall be conducted pursuant to procedures, prescribed by the Chief of Engineers. After completion of the hearing. or within a reasonable time after issuance of the suspension notice to the permittee if noheadng is requested, the permit will either be reinstated, modified or revoked. i. That this 'permit does not convey any property rights, either in real estate or material, or any exclusive privileges: and that it does not authorize any Injury to property or Invasion of rights or any infringement of Federal, State, or local laws or regulations nor does it obviate the requirement to obtain State or local assent required by law for the activity authorized herein. h. That the permittei{shall maintain the structl!Jre or work authorized herein in good condition and in accordance with the plans and drawings attached hereto. ' ' his authorized representative(s) or designee(s) to make periodic the activity being performed under authority of this permit is in . , g, That the permittee shall permit the District Engineer or insptctlons at any time ,deemed necessary in order to assure that accordance with the term~and conditions prescri~ed ,herei n. f. That the permittee agrees that he will prosecute the construction or work authorized herein in a manner so as to minimize any degradation of water quali~y.. . I'" e. That the permittee' agrees t'o, make every reasonable effort to prosecute the construction or operation of the work authorized herein iris manner so as to minimize any adverse impact on fish, wildlife, and natural environmental values. c, That when the activity authorized herein involves a discharge during its construction or operation, of any pollutant (including dredged or fill material). into waters of the United States, the authorized activity shall, if applicable water quality standards are revised or modified during the term of this permit, be modified, if necessary, to conform with such revised or moddied water quality standards within 6 months of the effective date of any revision or modification of water quality standards, or as directed by an implementat on plan contained in such revised or modified standards, or within such longer period of time as the District Engineer, in consultation with the Regional Administrator of the En,vironmental Protection Agency, may deter~ine to be reasonable under the circumstances. , '. . . d. That. the discharge will not destroy, a threa'tened or endangered species as identified under the Endangered Species Act, or endanger the critical habitat of such species. ' ,,', b. That all activities authorized herein shall, If they involve, dUring their construction or operation, any discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States or ocean waters, be at all times consistent with applicable water quality standards, effluent limitations and standards of performance, prohibitions. pretreatment standards and management practices established pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 (P,L. 92-500; 86 Stat. 816), the Manne Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (P.L. 92,532, 86 Stat. 1052), Or pursuant to applicable State and local law., ________--..1-.--_--:...~ . is.;.,.~~ I ~ . '. .'. . '. ' .' . ..,', .;..bt~_~!.==-~~,.,~oc~~___~......__"""~~_. " ". .l(;' ~.,T.:,i} ..... ",1. Effective Date 80,J-( , 6 HERNANDEZ, PEDRO AUG 3 1 1981 ( C;;'.(', . ., ., , --;;~ ApplicatIOn No f Nameo! Applicant Expiration Date (If applicable) AUG 31 1984 ,':\ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT 2 September 1980 Refernng to written request dated for a permit to: Ix ) Perform work in or affectlllg navigable waters of the United States, upon the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers, pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3,1899 (33 U.S,C. 403): " i ( ) Discharge dred(!,ed or fill material into waters of the United States upon the issuance of a permit from the Secretdl~ of the Army' acting through the ~hief of Engineers pursuant to Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (86 Stat, 818, P.L. 92,500); ( I Transport dredged material for the purpose of dumping ,t into ocean waters upon the issuance of a permit from the S"cretary of the Army acting through the Chief of Engineers pursuant to Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (86 Stat, 1052: P.L, 92-532); Pedro Hernandez 1840 SW 83rd Avenue Miami, Florida 33155 is hercby authorized by 'he Secretary of 'he Army: tu excavate a 15-foot by 12-foot and install a weed gate by -4-foot mean low water access channel . ..' in Bay of F1 ori da Lot 5, Block 1, Key Colony Drive, Section 6, Township 66 South, Range 33 East, Marathon, Monroe County, Florida' ., ,I} .~ :,~., at . ',- ","I ';;,.;J in al'l:ordanLe with the plans and drawings attat'hed hereto which are incorporated in and made a part of this permit (on drawing~":"'give file number or other definite iJentifiLation marks,) Two sheets labeled "Hernandez - 80J-1916" dated 30 June 1981 subJeLl tu the following conditions: I. General Conditions: a, That all activities identified and authorized herein shall be consistent with the terms and conditions ot' this permit; and that any activities not specifically identified and authonzed herein shall constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this permit which may result III the modification, suspenSion or revocation of this permit, in whole or in part, as set forth more speCifically in General Conditions J or k hereto, and in the IIlstltutlon of such legal proceedings as the United States Government may consider appropriate, whether or not this permit has been previously modified, suspended or revoked in whole or in part. ENG FORM 1 JUL 77 1721 EDITION OF 1 APR 74 IS OBSOLETE, (E A 1145,2,303) 1 '0 ;~ ! .:,. ,. 'I: . _' ~':..', :~:;) Ii . .,;\,. . ~.' ....\ -,-'~' , I."'~:'<I ,'",' ..; ';';/;;i!~1ti~. . . .~-'r.I"'_'~ ,.. '-'t'"",' """., ~' .r" ,."- . ....:____._______.__ .' .1 .r ------ ---------- :. .... " '..... \' , He:fJ\J,,'\tVD€Z- eor- 19ft:., , l' 1,~.,)\. qll ':~lI..r..,p ,I ~D\- 01\ 1....4...~\0 I, ~ I \ I'~ I", L ~) 1 I I J uJ ~ "::l '" :r.. \) -' '-"r ,- " -'- -:--- C D ~ c.., vJ':- \.. L /I ~ ~BO~~ ~J.510 ~ &' M~) E'- E..D ~A~,I f l~ ,I (J r ~ It -J) _, 0 . cD (-.. - I iil .-\r Ie A.. M f ::--=---=---=:~ c. D uc. WJ....L:.IC.. \-=''-6...0 R-\P - Rh,P 5/:'2 JI ~ I L c> ~' " . ~ ~._~-=.- ~~ CO c:-.b.L.. C..oG.t:, ?ilj ~ c:..8 l': ~ <:"1-\1. "- . '~c..'I. F-UG-\l. ; so. J. ....~o. . l...l'tr.>.q -- ~\....:LO'.0r--O',,). '. - ~.o' - ~.()- , .j:. ,f ~. '225 <:: .,/, 'TI:,.lI..L' E:x..c.hY, Fn.T r g ~ . .... .& " I J ,& 'I _ '. , ,- :__ _'-0 0 ~\"\, 5 Ec..\"\ 010 3/02." . ,'- 0 .} ,: J4-'-.(;.b.'C 't~, I' JI.- \-~ .l, . -" ~....,'V ''rl~~ .. .....'-0'10 r.-. - ~' \::, 'f.I Q 1:Jb':. I~" u.'0<; ~o I c,....""c= ,l' "A~ ,I Q,,~l.. (I C:ou.II0UU~' VIUYl (.c..I..l I: I ,- ?5......, I~ r - .., .r p ,_ _ ~t;.:"._!..'?.-Sl [:>..IW~ :.- . 'Nl;:~\) ~r..oq; DETt.. \L P/~2...:,lo " = !<I.~ '~{'I;-; 1C:1l1:", I;.YI l-IM<3"~ .,.' F'1L..... ... \#JQ\..\.. r;c:><'<6T' L , M e cz ",c-\:. . PURPose: e>OA.\ ~\.'..? ~ ~\"r...te D:;>~\ \-t'Iooi:.lf.J6\ OA TUH MBAhJ ~A.Lc"EL AOJ~C(HT PROPERTY OftH(RS: CD 11. V-A'<' f\=~-Y ::,'CY7_\ \'tJ\~.l.;>\ Pt2. } tl.\J. \1L11-l1~ \!1L.U::.. 01^1\LUA.~ e. r.LCIW,JQ.. f-T. I I 0t<\ 'I i:tlA I -? Co, Z.0"l43 'Pc., ~ ~J\(ec 3 T~.6..L)S S~C\I oC . 'P/3Z" -"-0 ,A.L. IN FLD2\Dt... 5:....y AT ~/S-.AT~cJ, "f-~\t:>A. COUNTY Of'V\o.Jeor:: S TA 1 f fi..c:x2. at... APPL leA T ION BY B::D:2D ~E;Z,...lA\-lCCt:. SH[[l 'L OF -:2-0AIC 6-1:'7- '0 f::G:v I - /_1':;-8., gel '2.- (p-~.~I - -~!I' - -,-.--.~~~-~-~.-~--~--..l -'-~r~T"'" .~ , '1/11/'6"> Ii-! July 1, 1983 RECEIVED J U L 7 19D3 Mr. Mark L. Robertson Enviromental Biologist Building & Zoning Dept. Monroe County P.O. Box 437 Tavernier, Florida 33070 Ref: Proposed Riprap Seawal Basing & Ramp. for Pedro Hernandez, Key Colony Subdivision (Section 4) Lot 5, Blk 1, Marathon F.D.E.R. # 44-35376 - SE, D.A.C.E 80 J- 1916 Dear Mr. Hernandez: Reference is made to your letter of October 26, 1982 where you expressed some con- cern about the deterioration of the water quality inside the proposed boat basin. After carefull evaluation of the existing conditions the best possible use of my property, my needs and the economics of building this project, I revised the pro- posed layout of the basin, ramp and dock. The revised drawing are attached and are being submitted to the Army Corps. of engineering for their approval. You will note that the revised basin"is wider and shorter thereby allowing for cir- culation of the water inside the basin. The finger wood dock will allow appropiate mooring capacity and permit the necessary circulation of water. You will note that my property abutts the access channel to the neighborhood canal network. Piers into this channel/long enough to serve my needs/would pose a pro- blem. I believe the proposed plan will best satisfies my needs and your concerns. If you any question regarding this matter, please contact me as soon as possible. Pedro Hernande 1840 SW 83 Ave. Miami, Florida 33155 cc: Richard Cantrell F.D.E.R Punta Gorda, Fla. ,W' ~" • BOARD-OF COUNTY CIDNERS IcE OF Building and Zon Wilhelmine"Harvey, District 1 ;"-' '�`-�+ Department Curt Blair, District 2 3t- _ .Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez,Jr., District 3 ' " MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 • ij .kfi �: '�;: + ;�• , P.O.BOX 437 Ken Sorensen, District 5 Tavernier, Flori 1-'4" o MONRO Piai KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 ♦vr''�..•-r;e (305) 294 4641 • October 26, 1982 • • Mr. Pedro Hernandez 1840 SW 83 Avenue Miami, Florida 33155 Re: Proposed Riprap Seawall and Boat Basin Key Colony Subdivision (Section 4) • • Lot 5, Block 1, Marathon Dear Mr. Hernandez, • After consulting with the Planning and Zoning Department Senior Biologist, I am writing you to express some con • - cerns about the proposed construction. Specifically, I would like you to consider not building the boat basin, and replacing it with a dock running offshore to the deeper water. It is my opinion that the proposed boat basin will contribute to poor water quality due to trapping of debris. It is my opinion that a dock to the offshore canal will have less negative impacts on the marine environment while still providing water access. I will hold your application in our active files until - • I hear from you. Please contact me at the above address or call (305)852-3296. Sincerely yours, / _ ./ / /1 c, ,,7-)Cr jc-- Mark L. Robertson Environmental Biologist MLR/lt cc Robert Dennis, Senior Biologist Dumont Sterling, Assistant Building Official File • • r-; 11- f3 It! RECEIVED JUl 7 ta8J July 5, 1983 Dept. of the Army Corps of Engineer P. O. Box 4970 Jacksonville, Florida 322232 Attn., Mr. Bertil Heimer Ref: Pedro Hernandez 805-1916, Monroe County Dear Gentleman: Enclosed you will find the drawings with the proposed modification to the refer- enced permit. This modification were made to address some concern of Monro~ County relating to the water quality inside the basin. The modifications allows better circulation of water inside the basin and still allow sufficient docking capabil ities. I would appreciate your expeditious handling of this matter so I can finish the project as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me. Pedro Hernande 1840 SW 83 Av . Miami, Florida 33155 PH/gm cc: Mark L. Robertson B & Z Dept. Monroe County, Fla. Richard Cantre 11 F.D.E.R. Punta Gorda, Fla. -.. '(- 7}1- RECElvro J U L July 5, 1983 Mr. Richard Contrell F.D.E.R. South Florida Branch 3201 Gulf Course Blvd. Punta Gorda, Florida Ref: Modification of permit for Pedro Hernandez File # 44-35-376-5-E Private Boat Basin & Ramp Monroe County Dear Mr. Contrell: It{ -I' ''''''3 nC. Enclosed you will find the drawings with the proposed modification to the refer- enced permit. This modification were made to address some concern of Monroe County relating to the water quality inside the basin. The modifications allows better circulation of water inside the basin and still allow sufficient docking capabil it ies. I would appreciate your expeditious handling of this matter so I can finish the project as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me. PH/gm cc: Mark L. Robertson B & Z Dept. Monroe County . 't , , I '. ! \ j ! I '" ~ 'J} ~ ~ ~ ~ - !/ / \ ( ~ ) "- ',-- ) \ '. \. ,. " , \ ! I \ I , . > i ! i j i \ I { \ \ \ I j I I ( I ( , I '.. 'W' ) i : \ ,) \ ) i ; [( \ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ," +: f 1 ~ \ ~ / '. \ ( \ ( 1 (, ) ( \ I I \ " ~ "1\ , . i " ) I ,. \ I I \ I ( I " r I r I \ I ( , .) , I . ~ l I, ,i . ~ I I .' !' \ ~ ' \", \ I \, t ,( i ~ f ~ 2, E 1 0/1;/1: <:Q -;:) ~ j ~V) ii~lt)~ ~ 1~l'\J\") Clc' \C)~~ .... S\J~\ta V) \Q ')........c ~ \ij ~ ~ ~ < '" () hi ~ \I) '" \oj " t \<:; ~ .~ .l ( ~ ,,~ -~ -)V>.. ~ '. ~ ~ ~ ~...~ .~~"l ~~! ~ ~(J 101 , '( ~ t \l ~ .~ ":") ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ....." ~~ . '. ,#"s1 - .'<) \I~ t-.I ~ I I -~ IV) """, IJ~~'W QJ \.. " ~ I-) ~ --.l ~~ ~ ~ ~ , I ! i I i~ , . ,,>1 \J "i ~ I~ . 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"..--- ,.-....~ .~...-.. ::..-- ...- I 'I /()-, btf.4; f~(PS o~ ..$(; ....-- '-_.- --- .., ~/ 0 - .'-" ~ ~ (:). -' --. .. ~'i---~ss"--fy~ #d 5tJ (;ct/v .sffAP-();-) '-:',J' h sid'? _ .4- 11/ A#CIIo~ /j{)J.. i /2// OC. ) Ii) jrl heir 4'/ fro-m fi?A.Jd \ j\ ~3>tIZ Wocd tJaclr -% .!"~4 w~l/ t:braj/ .-..-.-- -. { \ I ;i '/ ......--' -"--,, . 0,,-- ,.. :1,t o. - I~ i ...----. -. !' I,' -, . -~. , . fI (J cove. COLV/v1 ~(. 'Ax g \ / I .- .-- '.. 3--1. /2" P('~~ 1(' Id \ ( ... I,: :l.. ___ ri lIi ~'- I" thrv 0./15 :n-'. . - CCIJ( , COL (J;V1 __.J -:::;, - ") : /,:) , .J '". : --- 'J '..J )J oJ ~..... "I .. " <:l. J' , ,. ~ .'." "!,. ;I ., t:J f QJbulSTf . ; @W uOO~~~~Duu~[L I , . Paul c. Kenson, Jr. & Asso( lC. P. O. Box 92 8915 Overseas HWY. MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 DA.TE 11-10-80 JOB NO. 8-043 ATTENTION o (305) 743.3585 Mr. Pedro Hernandez 1840 s. w. B3r:u. Avt::hue Miami, FL. 33155 RI::: Boat Permit GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU Xl Attached 0 Under separate cover via o Shop drawings o Copy of letter o Prints o Change order o Plans o o Samples the following items: o Specifications COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 11-5-80 44-3537 5-5E DER Pmu'l' & COVER LEITER T 1U-.U-I)U THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: 0 For approval o Approved as submitted KJ For your use 0 Approved as noted o As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 For review and comment 0 0 FOR BIDS DUE 19 o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit_copies for distribution o Return_corrected prints o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS We chould be ~ting the Coxps of Engineers Permit soon 'Ry ("npjL rrf +'hi ~ letter, we are requesting status of the penni t from their office. ~=K~Q c.k:-,1 '-',,",,'-.lT~'''<''''. T"1.,",-"'- '.- ~ ,i ---.........--.... "':", ( ~' ( . , 0, That if the activity ,d herein IS not started on or before day of _ lone year frofT1' the date 0 , of this permit unless otherwise specified) and is not completed on or bel day 01 ,19 , Ithree years from the date of Issuance of this permit unless otherwise specified) 'not, previously revoked or specifically extended. shall automatically expire, '. 19__', this I~ermit, if p, That this permit does not authorize or approve the construction of particular structures, the authorization or approval of which may require authorization by the Congress Or other agencies of the Federal Government. q. That if and when the permittee desires to abandon the activity authorized herein, unless such abandonment is part of a transfer procedure by which the permittee IS transferring his interests herein to a third party pursuant to General Condition t hereof, he must restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the District Engineer. r, That if the recording of this permit is possible under applicable State Or local law, the permittee shall take such action as may be necessary to record this permit With the Register of Deeds orother appropriate official charged with the responsibility for maintaining records of title to and mterests in real property, ,. '. s, That there shall be no unreasonable interference with navigation by the existence or use 'of the activity authorized herein. t. That this permit may not be transferred to a third party without prior written notice to the District Engineer, either by the, transferee's wlltlen agreement to cOlllply With all terms and conditions of this permit or by the transferee subscribing' to this permit in the space provlded'below and thereby agreeing to comply with all terms and conditions of this permit"l.n addition, if the permittee trilnsfers the Interests authollled herem by conveyance of realty, the deed shall reference this permit and the terms and conditions, specified herem and this permit shall be recorded along with the deed with the Register of Deeds O( other apwoprlate official. .oj., II. Special Conditions: (Here list conditions relating specifically to the proposed struct,ure ~r work authorized by this permit): The applicant must install and maintain the weed gate as shown on the permit drawings. '\ ;'/, , 3 ~~:: '.- :':-':':;?\'~~:~~~~~~--~~~:r~~. '~'-~~iXH;t:2i;' ;:",,'" :" ...,. 1"'.( -I~" ,&;,', 'l ,~. ,I " \. ,-~,> t:lY'::.J.' ':!1 ,~; ",',.t'~.""\':'-~~'< , ' . ;,'i"~~j , ,1 ,r . ~.i ': '" ~ :<IF.. .'.J , ,1" ' '1-;- "'0 '.:'i ";~:[ - " . . The following Special Conditions will be applicable when appropriate: STRUCTURES IN OR AFFECTING NAVIGABLE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES: a, That this permit does not authorize the interference with any existing or proposed Federal project and that the permittee shall not be entitled to compensation for damage or injury to the structures or work authorized herein which may be caused by or result from eXisting or future operations undertaken by the United States in the public interest. b, That no attempt shall be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or arljacent to the activity authorized by this permit. c. That if the display of lights and signals on any structure or work authorized herein IS not otherwise provided for by law, such lights and signals as may be prescribed by the United States Coast Guard shall be Installed and maintained by and at the expense of the perm,ttee, d, That the permittee, upon receipt of a notice of revocation of this permit or upon ItS expiration before cOmpletion of the authorized structure Or work, shall, without expense to the UnIted States and In such time and manner as the Secretary of tile Army or hiS authorized representative may direct, restore the waterway to ItS former conditions, If the permittee fails to comply with the direction of the Secretary of the Army or hiS authorized representative, the Secretary or hiS designee may restore the waterway to its former condition, by contract Or otherwise, and recover the cost thereof from the permittee, e, Structures for Small Boats: That permittee hereby recognizes the pOSSibility that the structure permitted herein may be subject to damage by wave wash from passing vessels, The issuance of this permit does not relieve the permittee from taking all proper steps to insure the integrity of the structure permitted herein and the safety of boats moored thereto from damage by wave wash and the permittee shall not hold the United States liable for any such damage, MAINTENANCE DREDGING: " a, That when the work authorized herein includes periodic maintenance dredging, It may be performed under thiS permit for years from the date of issuance of thiS permit (ten years unless otherWise Indicated); b, That the permittee will advise the District Engineer in writing at least two weeks before he Intends to undertake any maintenance dredging, DISCHARGES OF DREDGED OR FILL MATERIAL INTO WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES: a. That the discharge will be carried out in conformity with the goals and objectives of the EPA GUidelines established pursuant to Section 404(b) of the FWPCA and published in 40 CFR 230; b, That the discharge will consist of suitable material free from toxic pollutants in other than trace quantities: c. That the fill created by the discharge will be properly maintained to prevent erosIOn and other non,polnt sources of pollution; and d. That the discharge will not OCcur in a compor.ent of the National Wild and Scenic River System or in a component of a State wild and scen.c river system. DUMPING OF DREDGED MATERIAL INTO OCEAN WATERS: a, That the dumping will be carried out in conformity with the goals, obJectives, and "~qu"ements of the EPA criteria established pursuant to Section 102 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, published In 40 CFR 220,228, b, That the permittee shall place a copy of this permit in a conspicuous place In the vessel to be used for the transportation and/or dumping of the dredged material as authorized herem. ThIS permit sh?t(bec~'ine effective on/the date of the District Engineer's signature, . / 1 " ' I Permittee hereby accepts arId agrees.to comply with the terms and conditions of thiS permit. . \,,~ \ \ r/'~ ,..-----.~ IJ '/-' \ 'X . c --; ));;/..-:,<".1, PERMITT'E:E ~ <) J' / ~f\' . DATE BY Al: r. .,,;y 0' THE SiRETARY 0' THE ARMY .~-;;/~ ~[O 8L DEVEREAUX, JR. :, :nell CO!PS of Engineers ;lander and 'J,INEER, ,:,hPS OF ENGINEERS ~. AUG 3 1 1981 i . ~ DATE ,ilV agrees to comply With the terms and conditions of thiS permit. T>>';I\J .t ) 4 ','; u s DATE GOVUINM')"'''Nr'NG OFFice '"80 -62440431 '" . " : ", ..~_......-.-..-' ,."."", , (', )PFICf! OF: Monroe County Building Dept. 10600 Aviation Blvd. ;>.0. BOlC Marathon, Florida 33050 Mr. /Mrs. Pedro Hernandez , I , ., <lo I' '\ I" " .~\, Bl .0 OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS -'p' RICHARD A. :<ERR, District 1 PURIEGTON "PURlE" HOWANITZ, District 2 JERRY HERNANDEZ, JR., District 3 JEROME SHIPLEY, District 4 DON SCHLOESSER, District 5 , I"~ .-...,....\10 ,:.'\" r""".' .. ",..-(.l.In:, t.;'.)'jJ ..... _-::.:::7' '1'~~~~ ..- ..-! ~;"''):~J .;rr:r:.,-..- ~~(IJli~~~l~ ~~i{',.:.;'"" ,..~,..\,;~.,b""'i"'" ',. [;..1\ .;/I~.:':;'\oN~ ':~;'.'~\ r ~)":'If"', :~i .,:. r.J- ~, ..,...",.1!'.../...::::,,>I r:: ~'....."...t.._...~. OK~V~r; 3~F~~~~3~2E (305) 294-4641 Date: -1 :l_ ')7 _q'l 1940 s. W. 83rd. Ave Miq~i T'Uami Florida Gentleman/Madam: On October 10,1980 was APPROVED. , your application for FXCRV8ti0~ & DredITs To receive your permit take this letter to the Building & Zoning Dept. in Marathon. Be sure to post the permit card on the site. J'C/bk 'y Sincerely, ~ t2LJ John Carbon Biologist ~ ,,' '," > ,', <:b " , . ';. <"t ----,.__._-~..'"-'-._-----,... "_. ~ --_._._--~....'~ " ci:. .I....,. .'~ ...._.__...~......~_,_.._....~...__..._~l <_ . . r"" '-, " .') I " .J Perm! t No.: fi,ppl icant: 44-35376-5E Pedro Hernandez Specific Conditions: 1. A turbidity curtain shall be utilized during all water oriented construction activities. 2. The boat basin shall slope from -4'MSL at the landward end to -5' MSL at the waterward end. 3. The weed gate shall remain closed at all times when not in use to prevent obstructing the adjacent channel. 4. The proposed project shall comply with applicable State Water Quality Standards, namely; 17-3.051 - Minimum Criteria for All Waters At All Times and All Places. 17-3.061 - Surface Waters: General Criteria 17-3.121 - criteria: (Class III) - Recreation - Propagation and Management of Fish and Wildlife, surface waters. PAGE ~ '<<",d t"i, _f_ ",,' "I ~ . lOd'I::> . "" ST^TE OF FLOF1!Dt\ OEP(;p~p~~,;,tEN~'TA \L REGULf~~;ON VV-.,\~ \...,O~ ~---t-,-_\ - Phil ip R. Edwards, District Manager OF ~'../ ~ 1. ~ .// 77 /~~ J - )/~__ " Expiration Dilte: ,__Novembe:r:._J., ,J,3_8_l____ 3 __ Pa!jes Attached. "r n , '11 4/4 /' Ifl/'II ,.- '( ,.' t> .,' - <l, p ,', : 'f. " ;':" .d', .~, -_.-.--.....~-_...~.._.,..._,.- --------'---~---- ....:-...-___--~4'------.---...-.~.... . .--.. ,.- 'I ... (-, -.~ I ) BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA. FLORIDA 33950 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE PPLlCANT: Pedro Hernandez c/o Paul C. Kenson P.O. Box 92 Marathon, Fla. 33050 PERM IT/CERTl FICA TION NO. 44-35376-5E Honroe rhis permit is issued under the provisions of Chapter 253 tv 4 n 1 . Florida Statutes. and Chapter : 7- 3 tv 17- 4 . Florida Administrative Code. The above named applicant. hereinafter called Permittee, is hereby authorized to Jerform the work or operate the facility shown on the approved drawing(sl. plans. documents, and specifications attached hereto and nade a part hereof and specifically described as follows: ~o excavate 172 cubic yards landward of MEW to construct a 12' X 30' X -5'MSL )oat basin and a 12' X 25' X -2' MSL boat ramp adjacent to a man-made channel Ln Florida Bay (Class III Waters); in Section 6, Township 66 South, Range 33 ~ast, Monroe County. PAGE 1 OF 3 ,r '"{. ,.' .' > , 4 <l. p .. . ,'..... ; 'r, 01' . ' , ___ _,._tt_..LlI .~'. .. --C..... ____.____.~_._ _ ._._ _~. __~~_. ,~ '.. _. ...,.~_______.~ _ -,... ___~ '_. ......-.: ' 3281 OOLF COllRSE BOUL!VAAD PUNTA GORDA. FLORIDA:t:ro~ ,...~ . \ '---, .' ~ , ) \~"-~,~ - 808 Q AAtiAllll aOVEJlIHOil ~C~I!TARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATiON SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFrCE October 26, 1981 Pedro Hernandez c/o Paul C. Kenson P.O. Box 92 Marathon, Florida 33155 Dear Mr. Hernandez: Modification of Conditions Permit No. 44-35376-5E We are in receipt of your request for a modification of the pe:mit conditions. The conditions are changed as follows: Condition From To - Expiration Date November 1, 1981 November 1, 1982 This letter must be attached to your permit and becomes a part of ~~t permit. RWC/wb cc: USACOE 80J-1916 Glen Boe <i~k Philip R. Edwards, . At~ -:/'/-- . ~~~-"7' DER Form 17-1.122(59) '.- ~' "t I .' '" '(' , ., <:.. p ~ ',,' ;', ' . i, ~. '... " I ~,; i ]I "..~_..."---.c-_.___'_ ...............___.__ -~__~ . ---.;-"",..~.""'''~-''-- ,-'" . ~ ... ('i , , j 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE November 5, 1980 Pedro Hernandez c/o Paul C. Kenson P.O. Box 92 Marathon, Fla. 33050 I ' \/ Monroe County, File No. 44-35376-5E Private Boat Ramp Re: Dear Mr. Hernandez: Enclosed is Permit Number 44-35376-5E ,dated 11-5-80 to construct private boat ramp issued pursuant to Section 253.123 & 403.087, Florida Statutes. Should you object to this permit, including any and all of the con- ditions contained therein, you may file an appropriate petition for administrative hearing. This petition must be filed within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of this letter. Fu!:'ther t__~h_e_ ,p~ti tion must conform to the requirements of Section 28-5.?Q:l:, Florida AdmIn{s-trativ€ Code, (see reverse side of this letter). The petition must be filed with the Office of General Counsel, Department of Environmental Regulation, Twin Towers Office Building, 2600 ,Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. If no petition is filed within the prescribed time, you will be deemed to have accepted this permit and waived your right to request an administrative hearing on this matter. I Acceptance of the permit constitutes notice and agreement that the Department will periodically review this permit for compliance, including site inspections where applicable, and may initiate enforcement action for violation of the co~citions and requi=e~ents thereof. ,'''' , ,-. (', , ~~ce~e.2..i~ 1 Qr \ ----.-..... .-, ,\,('.( ,\( \, ,-,,..' '\ \ '\'" II \ ',I I . ..J I ~\.,~:;~..f\ lo\.vJ~v\c~.-' Philip R. Edwards D~tr~c~~~"7~~, PRE/RWC/ck '~ '{ ~; " ,~ ~ !i :, r g ~ ~ '9 j ~ " " ; !. \ ": I I I I I I I I I , , I I I I I I I I I I , / Ii I, I ) I I I g I ~ l ~ I I ! (' / i 1 ~ : 'i .,_...,__.w........,...____ ..._....__ ...__...... C'.,.!. ! ~; " x ~ I II " l, 'I Z 1 !, " ., g ;, ii Ii i. ~ ~ ~ U ~ 'I, / ;; 'I 1 Z ~ z ~ I' , / I , . I I i I I I I I I I I ! ~ I ~ I r I z, I t. : Z I ~ i ~ I U I ~~ I i: I il I I' I Z I 1 : \ 1 .-, : i \ % 1 ~, I '1 ! I, , I I ! I """"'. I ~L'J5_~=sl.J'~~7 I eh.l,l:Lp n. EU\'1<J,rCi[3 1 ! D i ,~>,r' 1. c lY~1<n a g~;S:CflP "jt ,v <,,/ ." -' /it- ,;(:. 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