Resolution 264-1983 lt£$OCUTION NO. 264 -1983 OUER£A$,. the BOARD OF ming 'C O RMIM ON£E$ OF M NR OE cum, , F R 1 , has rertiveb an application from $EA UJ C CONDOMINZ11111$, ann ORE1?£ 1g, in compliance with $tame $tatu1?E, it is nec essarg as part of the permitting.procebure is reafthe fallowing Biological Assessment into.the Recarb,=as follows: The applicant wishes to prevent further shoreline erosion. The goal will be achieved by constructing a 450± ft. long revetment, which will run the entire length of the -project site shoreline. The revetment will be built by placing a row of large boulders along the mean sea level contour line. A graded bed, going from medium size boulders to pea rock, will be installed along the landward side of the revetment. ' Construction of the revetment will result in tle -filling o.f -4500-ft? (0.10 ac.) of littoral zone wetlands. A total of 800± yd of fill will be placed into. the wetlands, with 500± being placed below mean high-water (MEW) and 300± yd above. No description of how the applicant proposes to bring the necessary supplies and equipment tothe site, or how the actual work will be con- ducted, has been supplied with the application. No proposed methods for maintaining State water quality standards during construction were'pro- vided by the applicant either. . The project site is located near the northeast end of Plantation Key, on the Atlantic Ocean side of the Island. General development in the vicinity of the project site consists primarily of private residences, but also includes a public high school. Adjoining the north. side of the project site is the Fontaine. Lake sub- division, which is developed with single family homes. Mr. Max Tendrich received permit no. 44-20804-5E, for the construction of two fill pads on alot which adjoins the northeastern side of the project site. It is noteworthy that the application did not list Mr. Tendrich as an adjacent property owner. - The west side of the project site is bordered by single family residences. Wrenn Street borders the western half of the south side of the project site. Coral Shores High School lies on the far side of.Wrenn Street. The Atlantic Ocean forms the project site boundary, on the eastern half - of the south. side and all of the east side. In the vicinity of the pro- ject site, the Atlantic Ocean is designated as Class III waters, (Chapters 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code) . In 1974, the developers of the Seagulls Condominium filled wetlands at the project site. Significant portions of the filled wetlands were apparently waterward .of the MHW Contour. The State of Florida apparently never properly authorized the wetland filling, or took any action..to prevent it, (Charles. Schnepel personal communication) . It is the area which was filled, that is now proposed to have a revetment built on it. The applicant's property consists of a 600± ft. by 150± ft. , (2.1± ac.) rectangular parcel of land. An eight (8) story, high density, multi_ - - _- family residential building occupies much of the land. Parking lot, swimming pool and a tennis court occupy much of the remaining land. Along the south and east, shoreline, a manmade beach comprises the only size- able part of the 'project'site, which has not been built on:. Resolution Seagulls Condominium Page Two Substrate in the beach area consists of crushed limestone with a covering of sand. A few ornamental plantings are scattered over the beach area. Several picnic benches, chikees and a large pile of boulders, which was apparently brought to the site in anticipation of the proposed work, are found in the beach area. The beach slope consists of a 20± ft. wide area. Substrate on the slope consists primarily 'of calcareous gravel, with some sand mixed, in. Virtually no vegetation is found on the beach slope area. -. A. moderate accumulation of wrack is found on the beach near the high tide line.- 0nc the eastern side of the property, part of the shoreline adjacent to the - tennis court, has had a concrete filled sandbag revetment built along it. The sandbag revetment was built approximately one (1) year ago, without proper authorization. Apparently the revetment was installed to pro- tect the tennis court from erosion. Just offshore from the beach, along the south side of the project site, the seafloor is very shallow and level. Vegetation in this area consists of patches of seagrass and algae. Along the east side, there are several small red mangrove (Rhizophora. mangle). and black mangrove..(Avicennia germinans) trees. A bit" further out, the bottom becomes very- similar. to - that found along the south side. Temporarily, elevated levels of turbidity, particulate organic compounds ' and dissolved organic compounds, can be expected in the waters near the project site. Experience with the type of project -indicates that the levels of these pollutants., caused by the proposed constructionwork, will not be very high. Proper turbidity control techniques should be'- . able to maintain water-quality within Class III standards. The proposed revetment will directly eliminate 0.1± ac. of littoral zone wetlands. Construction related activities may also result in at least ' temporary and perhaps permanant damage to additional wetland areas. This is most likely to occur in the area adjacent to the tennis courts, where there is very little working room. With the loss of the wetlands will be the loss of their functions of habitat, primary production, shoreline stabilization and pollution filtration. In general, these functions are not well represented at the project site. BE It it£$OC1 ED 8g. ZHE BOARD OF Ming OOillMI$$ZONER$ OF 1MIONROE 0 ing, FCORi1Th, that the ahniue Biological Assessment has heen reab into the - recorn ano Holt ronsibereb pursuant to Floriba $ta-tute 253.124 ht the Boarb of Onuntt Commissioners of Monroe Onuntt,. Floriba, this - 30th Aaj of .September ,19 83 , at a regularlt srhenultn meeting. ' BOARD OF ming_ comet mNER$ OF MONROE @UN g, FCORZD 1 c.ty, 3 Der ($£hC) Attest: .-Vi1E � 1- Ai Mt•'lrk Guoien C. Drobt ' Cauntt 1tthrnet ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OUNTY o �ONROE RCr Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 O. Ed Swift, District 2 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 4`'' (305) 294 4641 MAYOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 ,.4 .•11 11; Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tern Ken Sorensen, District 5 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 • I , the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1 . County Biologist Report 2 . Resolution (SEA GULLS CONDOMINIUMS 3 . Permit 4 . Application for Permit (Riprap & Fill) ✓ 5 . Site Plan t/ • 6 . Location Map 7 . DER Assessment v • Date By 42. P 'SEP 9 1983 ;COUNTY A a I Y. DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE August 29, 1983 • SUBJECT.: Sea Gulls Condominiums, Proposed Rip-rap and Fill TO: Jeff Doyle, Director DEPT : Building, Planning & Zoning FROM• AnnetteF. Nielsen, Env. Biologist DEpT: Planning & Zoning Legal: Section 4 , Township 63s , Range 38e, (Wrenn St.-Ocean side) Plantation Key. Zoning: BU-2 • Introduction: This application to construct a 450 ' ± rip-rap revetment and place 500 c.y. of material waterward of mean high water, should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-111 (5) of Monroe County Code. Project and Site Description: The applicant proposes to install a rip-rap revetment along the Atlantic shore- line to stabilize the shoreline and prevent further erosion of the property. The shoreline exhibits scattered red and black mangroves and a few buttonwood trees on the landward side. Bottom consists of coarse gravel that has eroded from the previously filled upland. Sand used tQ create a beach area has also eroded into the near shore littoral zone. The tennis court enclosure fence shows signs of being awash during high tide .periods as there is seaweed in the fence mesh near the ground. Concrete filled bags had been placed. to tem- porarily minimize the erosion to the foundation of the tennis courts. • Applicant' s F.D.E.R. permit is currently pending County permit approval. The attached F.D.E.R. report addresses this project in more detail. . Evaluation: • The proposed project would eliminate a sparse, scattered growth of mangroves along this shoreline. Section 4-16 of M.C.C. provides "protection for shorelines and associated mangrove communities and to preserve those conditions and characteristics which promote shoreline stabilization, storm serge abatement, water quality maintenance, wildlife and marine resource habitats, and marine productivity. " These functions are poorly represented on this site due to unfavorable con- ditions. The proposed rip-rap would reduce a source of siltation and deposition of course rock and rubble into the near shore waters and might create a more favorable habitat for recolonization by mangroves in the future. • Sea Gulls Condominiums, Proposed Rip-rap and Fill Pg. 2 Recommendation: --Conditional Approval 1. Turbity screens to be used during construction. Attachments: • County Application (1 sheet) Site Plans (2 sheets) F.D.E.R. Report (4 sheets) Photographs of Property •(1 sheet) • • „kr-14' 1. ti*".1 r Of: lose PLANNING, BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT 04.': PERMIT MONROE PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY :-i---1 FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1)Property owners name&mailing address 2)Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Seagulls Codominium 8-23-83 Wreen Street Resolution No. Tavernier, Florida 33070 3)Phone number 852-8018 Date: 4)Contractor or agent's name,mailing address&phone number Sea Board Construction C-109 Ocean Reef Plaza Ocean Reef Club Key Largo, Florida 33037 5)Legal description of property: Section 4 Key Plantation Subdivision Township 63S Lot Block Range 'IRE Street, road or mile marker Wreen Street N.M. 90) frPanq-idP Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited c.y. c.y. 500 c.y. 300 c,y, waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments-Restrictions or Spacial Conditions if any: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL: Turbidity screens to be used during construction. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Ph.D. , Director Planning, Building and Zoning • BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FOR MONROE PLANNING, COUNTY ,1-�I" EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE '� WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY. 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date 3) Phone number c vcvrw� i FL 3' c ' 4) Contractor or agent's name. ailing address, jhone & certification number. 3 5) Legal description of property: 1C tX j F L -.S3 0 d 7 • 0 Section, Key, '7�a.>`\(,,11.5,J Subdivision, Township, L/3 S Lot, Block, Range, , (if acreage) Street,road or mile marker, _ 1,.. ,� `St (\f‘ `i c Zoning 6)Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction&amount of material(in cubic yards)to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended use of project. volume of dredged/excavated filled/deposited material c.y. c.y. -sec c.y. 3a o c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. 7) Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. - PL, L - ( S.3 r-2.L r• ��vt 8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: b)If application has been submitted for this project(or one similar)in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. 9) List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for for this project. c•-•w 33 0.S(cC)( 3) This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8'/2 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. c� -1 1{N\c�, S ZY st3 • r Signature of applic t/agent Date For Department Use Only/ ' 4 ) J��CG'� Fee & receipt�j� Approved by Ass't Director / Person accepting application &Date 6o4 of permit Estimated cost of construction • •.' ' )'; ' 4 0,' . 6:•...Y• , •s :;"V , A?. idiv ? :rq:ik-';A, A •?. 01 e _f)P NI -.544tAty ik-,;, cr\ IA, Pr to, k Pk?% et...E4aION op . `5tatitkT CA.GQ, 1,4 csircl ) Sea GrallS , Conciesmn,innir. Wrenn Street ?e?... : A t.zer•A Plantation Rev,Finride 313E; - 1141.t.4 lamp Sultot3c6S (CARI) C- S.. 0 %. •- S C..-"C -150s-tIGGL.S, , . ..."*....\ I Rc.a. v.e.c..tc. \ S t-t .-.- Ow Vilp :•i. I' frilltri , •4IC , TA t-riw , . • _ • r"S L L . • Cifil vse —roe 0. P "RevE:11,4e.'im-r DiCi_or:!-T' 'PPROVAt1 ;;'--; P"r: ‘ ',..:.,..; ,...:N 1.!' CODE M SL 0/0 , MH L i I.S .,'.3.'-' 5-.. -..-.P. 1:-.iarui.F, 1,'Iasi ....-,,- 1,;(..cii M L — 1. 0 (-• i'"irc'e.r^a-TIZt,b3 17.6t-ctst et, Feta-% MoN120E Cc...wry. T6ulf..iNit.;c1 It ZaNg,..i4s - - Ph Ni 1:0 • - . i y ( 'PCNct4 r�s� • y.` U `:-..To oey 4111111111111111111 Ci3S RP'IS PAD Erg 5E et.EvEL / )III:" - ' - . iilti.:‘ c / (70E o F "REmeT ONE Nt � J Rnip .,. . , j -UEAtH RiF-RM f • _ �DOL / . y 10 Coa/TINbt / A FR0,4 9oiwT A.•I0 l TbWT 1>) - / • IZv, . / 'J ,or----- 1 E fv N., • co - -Y j #.3C13.Nort In / • .*II' rl��+ f,Is - ia Kot.K /. _ - - /EcF.y /i. / �1EIW`5Ea tCFVEl 0 PURPOS[ `!TIE 8 EACt4 Dfk"rio.3 "DATUM �Ro�aSEQ RIF-��j f I, ADJACENT PROPERTY MINER'S: F ��A- OI W e Ewe•ev St W A� IN AT C AZTER.1 �.a COUNTY Cr MbN1ZOE STATE �1 APNIICATI ON.BY SC.t yILA-S wMpa EYISZ i.,j SZN O 3A SHEET IF ATE I ER261000 .Z� ['o STo?f Peo-TccT TEN^t,S Co.�ft 1 BE T.E461ouE.7 v?...2r+ pre,?Ro sA 4, 0c ?2o3ELI- (, • ENVRMENTAL. Fi 7.G Li LE 'c s n UTH FLOP, ID A FP A!\ri--;. nf-- !f7;F • LCAji;33•:;7:1(- 3 July 12 , 1983 Director of Building, Planning & Zoning Public Service Building 5825 Junior College Rd. W. Stock Island Key West, Fla. 33040 Re: Monroe CdiantV, File NO. . 440669165 , - Seagulls Condominium, Rip Rap Revetment Gentlemen : As pe- Your re,.quest pursuant to Section 253 .125 , Florida Statutes attached is a copy of the Department ' s Biological appraisal for the- referenced project. A hvdrographic survey was not reauired . • Sincerely , • Richard W. Cantrell Dredge & Fill Supervisor RWC/ck Encl. Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Lite CC C ,'•' . I Jki'flr'4',,, ,i''1,4'1.•'''; 1 ii•,''• 4\1. 4,,t', ,,, ,•`•,` ,,,,t1‘;41; s,h, w.;,,iAJ,j),1,!,,,,,/ *41'-' ,111A44"V4'N ''IV.6,10,4J%,1JU,NoWAN',),WMIV"\I' l ""' I'& ' k'q4 :',' "-'- 4' "°'''' ' '' ' ' ,17-777--:;..-5 :::`_F-:: : ".-1-..._ _ l_kl 9 ' - - - -- -- - --1 t -, - - ) :,...-- DEPARTMET OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION 1: ,1 1 .. , ,•.--,, t."1....A. — 1.:—.....1 -, PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL „1„1 _. ' .-,.- &. n. 1.,......,....f..-4, *..----- ---- ;.:; File No. : 440669165 County: Monroe Date: 7-6-83,%.,.., '-' Applicant Name: Seagulls Condominium Address: Wrenn Street, Tavernier, Florida 33070 :-: Agent (if applicable) : Randy Mason '1 Address: Wrenn Street, Tavernier, Florida 33070 I'r-- - Location of project: Section (s) 4 Township 63S Range 38E Section (s) - --Township ----- Range :;••• - . ;t•'•:'-‘,:-- . ---- Local Reference: Plantation Key Water Body: Atlantic Ocean ',.-,-'--- - III - --aii - water Classification of Project Area: Adjacent Waters ..:••,.:- _ - -,-- Aquatic Preserve : None ,-: Outstanding Florida Waters : None ,-.-,--7-, On site inspection by: David Bishof - --- - ..N...:-. Date of Inspection: 6-21-83 ' Original Application: Yes X No -:-. .-- Revised Application: Yes No Date : Date of 2nd Insp. r•;-:: '-:-- •:,i,-:•-- Biological-and Water-Quality Assessment - - --7-- A. Description of proposed project and construction, techniques. : - - - - Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- -,' • tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4. 02 and Section 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code .- . B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. =.i %.-,....- C. - Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. !z----- . D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water• quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. i.:-. ".- E. Suggestions , where appropriate , for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79) :--- , • • , , ,.1 f..UJ 1FI '�'it liSi l.Ut y1 Itr�f` Ja 1T4l�:iCtt t4�„�1 ttt L-�.1'1\lAn '-� 111�;:r t.t 1 :t:d �4 rk �k FY..�1t 1s�.�s lst vahyf.u��t Iw�4dc115 1 a 11x <Yt )�� ��t r t f r r • - _ • • SEAGULLS..CONDOMINIUM...... #440669165 - Monroe County - Plantation- Key , __ • Page Two A. The applicant wishes to prevent fur.ther. shoreline erosion. _. The. goal will. be. achieved by. constructing a .450+ ft.. long revetment, which will run the entire length of the project site shoreline. The revetment will be built by placing a row. of large boulders along the mean sea level contour line. A graded bed, , going from medium size boulders to pea rock, will be. installed along the landward side of the revetment. --Construction of -the-revetment will result in the filling of _ 4500 ft2 (0. 10 ac. ) of littoral zone wetlands. A totalof • 800+ yd3 of fill will be placed 'into the wetlands•, 'with 500+ yd3 being placed below. mean high water (MHW) and 300+ yd3 above.. . • No description of how the applicant 'proposes to, bring the. necessary supplies and equipment to• the site, or how the actual work will be- conducted `has -been supplied with the - application. No proposed methods for maintaining State • water-quality standards during construction were provided by the applicant either. B.: The project site is- located near the northeast end of : - -Plantation Key, on .the Atlantic Oceanside of the Island. - ' General development in the vicinity ,of the project site consists' primarily of private residences, but also -includes . - - a public high school. Adjoining the north side -of the project site is the Fontaine ' ,'.:... Lake..subdivision,.._.which..::is._,developed...withsingle family_homes:- :R _-,:-.7 'Mr. - Max Tendrich received permit no." 44-20804-5E, for the . . construction of two fill pads on a lot which_.adjoins the . • :-northeastern- side of the .project site. It is noteworthy_that • the application did not list Mr. Tendrich as -an-adjacent - property owner. . The west side of the' project site is bordered by single family .-. ::::-residences. . Wrenn Street borders the western half of. the .8outh - side of the project . site. Coral Shores High School lies on .the far side of Wrenn Street. The Atlantic Ocean forms the project site boundary, on the eastern half of the south side and all of the east- side. In the vicinity of the project site, • the Atlantic Ocean is designated as Class III waters,- (Chapters 17-3 . 081 and 17-3. 161, Florida Administrative Code) . In 1974 ,- the developers of the -Seagulls Condominium filled wetlands at the project site. Significant portions of the filled wetlands were apparently waterward of the MHW Contour. :;,1 iZ rt,: zt(yy i.t is !`�;J:<,.ta'•l,t... 7t. ,)ti.l „„ a,. d, ,�.i, I :,, .i t 1 l, t n. �a +/)+ , � '+y f :::� d ri7 !G vt)1, IIiA-...:• 1l �\:1��12C)c\c..d,.l,y( 1, -ii-..l /k���l� ti1u1} w �t�ltiN t,i;1�'clt(ItGi li�.�.i f r r _.�'�-"r /k .r -�. �+-r r y�y j!r SEAGULLS CONDOMINIUM .#440669165 Monroe County - Plantation Key ' _. - �- Page Three The State of Florida apparently never properly authorized the wetland filling, or took any action to prevent it, (Charles Schnepel personal communication) . It is the area which was revetment built on it. filled, that is now proposed to have a T.Y_ C. The applicant' s property consists of a 600+ ft. by 150+ ft. , (2.1+ ac. ) rectangular parcel of lands An eight (8) story, high density, multi-family residential building occupies much of the land. Parking lot, swimming pool and- a tennis- court -occupy much of the remaining land. ,. Along. the- south and east -- shoreline, a manmade beach comprises the only sizeable part of the project site, which has not been built on, _ Substrate in the beach _area' consists. of crushed..limestone with a covering of sand. A few ornamental plantings are scattered over-the beach area-. -Several picnic -benches-,..chikees- and a large pile of boulders; which was apparently brought to the site in anticipation of the proposed work, are found in the beach area. - The beach. slope consists of a 20+ ft. wide area. '. Substrate on the slope- consists primarily of -calcareous- grave-I, with some sand mixed in. Virtually no vegetation is found on the beach slope area. A moderate accumulation of wrack is found on the beach near the high tide line. On the eastern side of the property, part of the shoreline adjacent to the tennis court, has had a concrete filled sandbag revetment build alon it. -• The sandbag revetment was built approximately, one (1) year ago, without proper authorization.-- Apparently the the revetment was installed to protect the tennis court from erosion. Just offshore from the beach, along the south side of the project site, the seafloor _is very shallow' and -level.-- Vegeta- tion in this area consists of patches of seagras.s and algae. Along the •east side, there are several small red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) and black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) trees. A bit further out, the bottom becomes very similar to that found along the south side. D. Temporarily, elevated levels of turbidity, particulate organic compounds and dissolved organic compounds, can be expected in the waters near the project site. Experience with the type of project indicates that the levels of these pollutants, caused 4i1},ak IJellr la 1 �.il{ 1 714�.)t�i �t.l I ir (5}J i I)il �!i pli to Ij l..It111..(ciIIJ{1n 4lt�ii 7�!!�`I itl fi�l4S Y�if�`F! 11•!*U,'.�S�i4:drilti�fri fr,-Sti5(, .4, ' r 4 • ac`A ate' .i+. SEAGULLS CONDOMINIUM #440669165 Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Four by the proposed construction work, will not be very high. Proper turbidity control techniques should be able to maintain water quality within Class III standards. The proposed revetment will directly eliminate 0. 1+ ac. of littoral zone wetlands. Construction related activities may also result in at least temporary and perhaps permanent.-.damage to additional wetland areas. This is most likely to occur in the area adjacent to the tennis courts, where there is very little working room. With the loss of the wetlands will be the loss of their functions of habitat', primary' production, shoreline stabilization and pollution filtration. In general, these functions are not well -represented at the project site. - - • 8 . g?---')/(3 S -N,vA ,u 1 ‘All PLO sJ 1 ~� 'J at —`;•r "r` - r Syr.. - ; ` .z<' ;,yfA..'-t"'• J, \ i -tr `! >� -t t J f. • - `f' f 1N� .n `L .., tic t, •w-1.,•,'#:- .., 1,.....‘,..1:x.c).0 ...._,.,.1 ..., i T 0,t, ref ' • -- -t .i ' (1 I .-- -- , j �: _ 1 1 (:).'''Ps4,,11. .\-AO\-Nf•\--/-).".\As".4))A- F1A!U,(2P14°2Ci jnCD wag `'.• fir" - . _ • . ._ _.• , oil A