Resolution 273-1983 RESOLUTION NO. 273 - 1983 WHEREAS, THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~WISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received application from ROMAN BUCH and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant wishes to protect his property from erosion and obtain enlarged boat mooring facilities. A vertical concrete sea- wall will be erected to provide the desired erosion protection. The seawall will be built in two sections, one measuring 120 ft. and the other measuring 30 ft. long. An estimated 120 yd3 of backfill will be placed in 0.017 ac of submergent and transitional wetlands behind the proposed seawall. Approximately two-thirds of the backfill will be placed landward of the mean high water (MHW) contour line, and the remaining third will be waterward. Riprap will be installed at the toe of the seawall. Enlarged boat mooring facilities will be provided by building a cantilevered concrete dock as the seawall cap. The seawall cap will measure five (5) feet wide with three (3) feet of the width extending out over water (450 ft2 over the water area). A curb on the landward edge of the seawall will tend to prevent stormwater from running directly over the dock into State waters. As mentioned above, the seawall and dock will be built out of reinforced concrete. The backfill will consist of crushed rock brought to the site over upland routes. The seawall will tie into existing adjacent seawalls. No backfill will be placed before the seawall is built, in order to reduce turbidity. Proposed techniques for maintaining water quality during the construction of the seawall, are not included in the application. The project site is located on the southwestern end of Plantation Key in the Venetian Shores subdivision. Venetian Shores is a water oriented, primarily residential, subdivision. A series of eleven dead-end canals, shoreline channels and a boat basin, provide water access for the owners of virtually every lot in the subdivision. The subdivision was apparently created over a number of years by dredging canals into an area composed primarily of wetlands and using the spoil to create uplands. The project site is located at the open water end of one of the Venetian Shores canals. The surrounding neighborhood is developed with a variety of marine,construction projects intluding_seawall~, revetments, docks, boat slips and dredged areas. Bordering the east side of the project site is a lot developed with a single family residence, a seawall and boat slip. A commercial boat was observed moored at the seawall. The north side of the project site is partially bordered by a lot developed with a private residence. Two sides of this residence are formed by seawalled shorelines. The remainder of the north side of the project site is bordered by the end of Leoni Drive. One of the Venetian Shores canals borders the south side of the project site. The canal is approximately 100 ft. wide at the project site. Snake Creek forms the western boundary of the project site. The creek is a natural connection between the Atlantic Ocean to the south and Florida Bay to the north. The waters of the Venetian Shores Canals and Snake Creek are designated as Class III waters (Chapters 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code). The old fixed low bridge, where the Overseas Highway crosses Resolution No. Page Two Snake Creek has recently been replaced by a draw bridge. The resulting increase in boat traffic has caused several Snake Creek property owners to compalin of wake induced erosion. The applicant's property consists of an irregularly shaped 100+ ft. by 110+ ft. (1/4 ac) residential lot. A two story residence is located-on the lot. Much of the lot around the house is covered bv a layer of pea gravel. The substrate under the pea gravel and exposed in other sreas, is a mixture of crushed rock, sand and marl. Most of the lot is at an elevation estimated to be 5 ft. above ~lliW. Vegetation in the upland areas of the lot consists of a variety of ornamental plantings. A 40 ft. section of the canal front shoreline of the project site has already been developed with a seawall and dock very similar in design to the one proposed in the current application. There are two sections of unseawalled shoreline on the canal side of the project site. The two sections are located at either end of the section of seawall (the seawall does not tie into the property line as indicated in the application plans). In the two unseawalled canal front areas, the shoreline is charac- terized by a steep fill bank, dropping from the elevation of the upland portion of the lot to approximately MHW. A shallow 5+ ft. wide shelf is found at the base of the bank. Beyond the sharlow shelf, an escarpment drops to the floor of the box-cut canal. Vegetation on the face of the canal front bank is dominated by a mixture of buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus), sea grape (Coccoloba uvifera) and sea daisy (Borricnia sp.). At the base of the shore- line bank, moderate size-red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) and white mangrove (Languncularia racemosa)trees dominate the vegetation. A few small patches of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) are found on the shallow shelf in the canal. The topography of the Snake Creek shoreline is similar to that on the canal front shoreline. The primary differences are a somewhat shallower slope on the bank face and generally wider shallow shelf area and the presence of a boulder revetment of the base of the shoreline bank. Vegetation on the shoreline bank 1S once again dominated by buttonwood, seagrape and sea daisy. The base of the bank is relatively devoid of large vegetation, this area being occupied by the boulder revetment. The boulders are covered by a rich assemblage of algae including Batophora sp., Laurencia sp., Halimeda sp. and Acetabularia sp.. A faunal assemblage with zebra periwinkles (Littorina ziczac) fuzzy chitons (Acanthopleura zranulata) and turkey wings (Arca zebra) making up the more v1sually obvious elements is found on the rocks. In the shallow shelf area the macroflora was observed to include Udotea sp., Penicillus sp. and turtlegrass in areas covered by sed1ments. Scattered rocks in the shelf area displayed a flora similar to that of the revetment. Observed elements of the fauna in the shelf area included starlet coral (Siderastrea radians), sergeant major (Abudefduf saxatilis) and snappers (Lutjanus spp.). - The shoreline on both the canal and creek sides of site did not appear to be eroding with any speed. of the vegetation found in these areas is evidence stability of the shoreline. the project The presence of the relative Construction related activities are expected to cause elevated levels of turbidity, dissolved organic compounds and particulate organic compounds in the waters surrounding the project site. Proper use of turbidity control devices should be able to control this impact within acceptable levels. The proposed methods for turbidity control do not appear to be adequate to the task. Without Resolution No. Page Three adequate controls, the waters surrounding the site are likely to be degraded below State Class III water quality standards. The proposed construction will result in the permanent elimination of all but a small section of the shoreline wetlands at the project site. With the loss of the wetlands will also be the loss of their functions of pollution filtration, primary produc- tion, habitat and sediment stabilization. In the case of the project site, these functions are relatively well represented. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this ~day of c9 ~1-11~~ , 19 ~:; at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF :z?~~ ~~J~ _' ',." ..- "'~-"May'(3'r"~'''~'''' ~." ....:.... :....; ..',~,."- .","'-'--0""" ..,. (Seal) DH.-;n H~ ~"~"'T":' f\1 r.nu Attest :IUUrn ... .u~.&Il.l \lL.UU\ ~ "\~. \'l\ ~~ Ilk: d" ~rk . Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney OKYY~~; ~R~~,~9E , ~~_. ~ ~'. ----./- -----r' ~,~, \i! .~/" " ...r-~~_....-,.~ r~ (305) 2944641 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 \ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (Roman Buch) 3. Permit v ,V' ~ v 4. Application for Permit (Seawall & Fill) 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment Date/tJ-~-;-3 '170. ~ r'" ~ ,...,......" n \;;"l \;:'\ I"" , , , ,', i ~ , I 'l I'! 6 v ~ / V" By 4. G?~ Ull'/Y'i r.~::i [','d, C)jWESl'()~!Dl;01CF: DJ,'rr: September 27, 1983 SUB,JECT: Buch: Proposed _se,~v.r_all_'=:r-l~___~_~_l~_________,__________________________q Jeff Doyle, Director 'fO: DEl"I' : ____B u i ~~~ ng, P l_<:t!2.I2.~l!_~n _~___Z 0 ~n g . Ann.ette F. Nielsey., Env. Biologist DEPT: Planning & Zoning FROM. ~~CL?~~~~------ --------- -,- -- ---------.-- ---- Legal: Lot 16, Block 7, Venetian Shores Subdivision, Plantation Key Zoning: RU-l Introduction: This application to construct a seawall and place 40 c.y. of fill waterward of mean high water should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pur- suant to Section 19-111(5). Project and Site Description: The applicant proposes to construct a 150 foot seawall on a corner lot. The west 120' property line abutts Snake Creek, a natural waterway and the east property line is on a man-made canal. An existing seawall runs almost the entire length of this side. A 30 foot section of wall would be required to tie into the proposed wall on Snake Creek. The proposed bulkhead would be back filled with 80 c.y. of crushed rock, with 40 c.y. being placed waterward of M.H.W. Site visit was conducted on July 20, 1983. The water in Snake Creek and the mouth of the canal was extremely turbid due to boat wakes washing against the shoreline of the property. Eroded fill along the Snake Creek property line has created a shelf area that is colonized by algae and turtlegrass. The canal side exhibits similar flora and fauna although the canal sides are much steeper. There are two mangroves (1 white, 1 red) at the end of the existing seawall on the canal side. Buttonwood, sea daisy and a few sea grape grow on the lot embankment. The attached F.D.E.R. biological report addresses this proposed project in greater detail. Evaluation: The proposed seawall would eliminate or disrupt approximately .02X acre of submerged wetlands. It would also eliminate a source of particulate pollution in the form of eroded soil and storm water runoff that drains from the subject property into the adjoining waters. The proposed seawall would help stabilize this shoreline. Recommendation: Conditional Approval: Turbidity curtains should be used throughout construction. 3uch: Proposed Seawall and Fill Page 2 other Observations: A.C.O.E. / F.D.E.R. permits may be required. Applicant has made application to A.C.O.E./F.D.E.R. Attachments: County application (1 sheet) Site Plan (1 sheet) F.D.E.R. Biological Appraisal(S sheets) PERMIT MONROE COUNTY ~ .. PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO, 1) Property owners name & mailing address Roman Buch Box 674 Libertyville, Ill. 66048 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY July 10, 1983 Resolution No. 3) Phone number Date: (312) 367-6890 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Tirrell-Bruni, Inc. Post Office Box 1268 Islamorada, Florida 33036 664-4286 5) Legal description of property: Section 14 Key Plantation Subdivision Venetian Shores Township 6 1 S Lot 16 Block 7 Range 37E Street, road or mile marker Leonin Drive at Snake Creek V olume of material: dredged/excavated filled/ deposi ted c.y. waterward of M.H.W. c.y. landward ofM.H.W. t1 0 c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. c.y. landward ofM.H.W. ZONING: RU-l PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments. Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: . CONDITIONAL AP?ROVAL Turbidity curtains should be used throughout construction. A.C.O.E./F.D.E.R. permit may be required Jeffrey M. Doyle, Ph.D., Director Planning, Building and Zoning o 0 C! fj/ ........ ,\ C'l 1\.\ ao~ .... _ ";lit-, ~j nl!.N~Y" ,*~r~)? .: _.,__---. -,--.. ",t.\I",\",-_.- :-~t\)i'~!t'tt:: (:'~\:1t'r~:. I.~~'\I.' .;. ;. / , I, ". i.'\ ,.;; 1 ~'11 , \ Ii l.."-":"'''nn'\l _.~.._ "_ ,..." . I ~ \' ,';-""\ 1'1 ~I'" ;...~ '\":" _.~. "_4~______ ..-..-,...........:...- ,,; .~._..._----.._.__.-_--.........-_. \ , . , 'IT i ,. "1'1" ,J u 1 y 10/83 I ~ ( ':;' ~ I,.' I ,\ -:::\'cr Roman Bucll Box 674 Libertyville. Ill. 60048 , , i ' ,:: \'1 I I. pht'lll' i; l.."t'l"t ifil..',lt ion GC106A 31;:- 367-6890 ';lll ,r ~ i' I .: .-.-----.---..--.-.-.-..--.- untrnctm' or ;l~:1.'11! ':> 11:1111(', r~;li I ilw :111<11'(':;:" Tirrell-Bruni Inc. P.O. Box 1268 Islamorada, Fl. 33036 lcgal descripticn cf propertj': !~tullh~r ' 305-664-4286 ~;ectionJ 14 Township, -63-- I\mge, --.'-37'-.- (i f-nc rc.igc)' Vcy, Plantation ~tlhlivis ion, Venetian Shores lot, 16 Plock, 7 Street, road or mile marker, Leoni Drive at Snake Creek Zon ing , -RU=I- - _.~ Dcscrine the propose(l activity, method:-; of c()n~;trllcti('11 II :l~n()tlllt of m:lt~ria1 tc. be exc3v:1ted or clischugcd. nl'~;nil,c ptlrp('~;l' 5 iJ1tcmk.d use' of project. (in cuhi<: y;ln~s), ," " ) ./ (.,:"., ,{, {. l. A~.~ cL. FJA' Bulkhead and backfill with 120 cubic yards of crushed rock fill obtained from upland areas. Construct concrete dock for mooring private boat. drcc,~ cd I exc :wa t N1 ft n~1.j(1CP():;i 1J'd ----.---...-------- \ 80 c .y. ' 17;nl\.;;\rd of ~U 1.\'1. c.y. i.~atenv~lnl of ~~.F .i'!. C.Y. Tiu1'J\.: a I'd . of ". P. l" . 40 c.y.;' ,7atcl-I...arcl / \, 0 f } ~ . H . \': . )1 ume of l::cl'ial I Name, address F, ::ir croe of c>nj oininf Herb Hodson 161 West Leoni Drive Islamorada, Fl.,33036 l'11"O)x>rty ('l\\11crs Wl-]0SC property aFronts water way. Gill Armando 620 E. 45th St. Hialeah, Fl. 30012 - a) list other pennits issued (Ll1d/or apl'liec1 for, include app1icnnt's name, for tris site: N/A b) If application he.s heen suhnittcl1 [or this project (or onc similar) in t1'e past, explai11 reason for new application ono r,ivc arp1ic:mt's name if different from current app lic311t . 1 list an"rcde:'al ,-md State agenCles tbat have recelVed appllcatlms tor HiS proJect. Florida Department of Enviromental Regulation U.S. Army Corp of Engineers l1~is completed application fonn will he 3CCa11p;1]11ec1 t,y t1'c folh)\,dng, or it. \111 11 ~:C'r he 'proce:;~;('(~. Two (2) sets of drawings, on 81~ x 11 r:1pcr, 5n()\\'in~ loc:ltion, plot plan, torvic\\' ann cross sect ioo of propcsa I, dr~l\,n to sCll c. I Ppp1ic~ti(Jn pro::essing fer? lIS fol10\-:s: $75.00 f0r Jrcclgc, fill, dccLs rr any structures nHrontiw~ ll~tural \~ater brules. $30.00 for vertical sC'::lh'alls onn1:1I1-ml1c1c l'oljcs 0f watcr. $75.00 for any ccmbination of the ahc\'e activities per site. ';)Flication is l1('l'ch)' m:1de for :1 p('r1T1it to :l\1tl'or1:C tl:c :1ctlvitics clcscribed l'erein. I ,~rtify that I ;un famjli:lt" wit11 the in!"{I11n:ltinn cortaine(l jp tJ'is application, and to the l'cst :f my lmO\\'lcdgc i; belief ~lK'h. infom:\tioi' is trlle, cnnlplcte (~accurate. I furtl'cr certify that possess the nuthori ty to undcrt;l~'C t k pr<Jrn~;cd :lci iv it i C~;. I'll provisions of 1<1\"'5 lmrl ,rdin~ces governing ths trpe of \\'ork \\i 11 he cClllp1ic\! \\it~', 1\1'et1'er specified herein or not Irantmg or a pen:~lt Joc~> not pn.',:;tunc to ~~i\"(' :mtllOrity to vio1~te 0 cllnce1 ISlons of ':1)" county, statt' or Cederal Ln\ rc~~tl1:lt in~; conqruct i or r1t'rfOl ,ancc 0 constnlctim cf tl'is 1"jIC of f ac : 1 it>, . 11 $1),c[ lc(' f{ receipt" ~(r -"fA 'I\" Dcp:ut~-".::rl.! tr~;(> ~/ ^t'proved by /'55' t. f'lirector ------.----.-...----.-- 1'('L;On accl'l'ti..n~ :1l'''1ic3tion i; Dat~' -' ,I Co ~ t(~rl'-I:;j;Tt'- f~tll~lnt('(r(();tor cor1~Truct ion (I;70J~3 ~~/ . f/~_~d4'/~~a:/~~\/ ?Ctul~~ ~~~ (;) 4 /2ec/ YC(/) ~/)rt/7~ d RV<-/ '7 ~ ~ - pR~ cry-~oI~/ ~ ~~tJzJO; ~~ ~4<<~~~~~. ~ r dytU ~_~ cUJL~- ~~a1~~~- .~I____- " --..----- ---- ----- ~ "" " 3 I 0" ,,t o I ;-. ... .' ----, p - c~i~~ * _;., .' 5' 0", .r " . ~" CONC. DOCK Ojl .r . tf . . I' -,::1 ~ _ CONC". TIE BACK CONC SLAB EXISTING GROUND LINE BULKHEAD PILE L/'" RIP-RAP ------- ._h_. MHW --- h._... --- MLW -,-- .1 2 , - , SE~'l"FON --"-'___=-.= 3~ <;.s. 76 , J _ I ._.. I I I SCALE IN FEET SCALE IN YARDS ~ :> p:: Cl I 5' BLK. 1 I I , I t-l ord; H t>.\(~ 5 ~ @ Z H elK.. 7 I' ord; \', u PURPOSE: PRIVATE DOCK AND EROSION PROTECTION DATUM: MEAN SEA LEVEL I _. ----.--- .- z o ~ t-l EXISTING SEAWALL I Cl z il H 8 I ) U), H X ~ , \, ~: ~~ I EXISTING LOT 16 BLK 8 GD PROPO PROPERTY LINE AND SEAWALL EXISTING DOCK . 20 I - IDO Ill1 (4-0 I ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS (1) HERB HODSON (:2) GIL ARMANDO PROPOSED SEAWALL & DOCK IN SNAKE CREEK ON PLANTATION KEY MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPLICATION BY R.E.TIRRELL SHEET 1 OF 1 JULY 1. 1983 SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OF~lcr ~-- d-~~ , . "V ,~', ~. ~~ _. .~ .:. ' - -,- ~ ~ 0.i~.... ,fo.-i~. ; '<rt1d1'{. ..._'!J ~ UJ(dl .. 4rE ~ rlot~ " . " DEPt\RTMENT OF ENViRONMENTAL REGULATION ..> 3'.' COLe CO;j'<St: LClULfVAP{' F-L" t A GURDA FLG...mA :;3~~O,~3"~- ": ,~. ..,' Ci '. : ~.-' :': CHI N ....: F :... S [ eRE 1 A f, Y ~~ECEiVEO ~:? 1 it 1933 September 9, 1983 Monroe County Director of Building, Public Service Building 5825 Junior College Rd., West Stock Island Key West, Fla. 33040 Planning & tf-I;)~An Zoning /l~ Re: Monroe County, File No. 440730225, Seawall, Roman Buch Gentlemen: . / As per your request pursuant to Section 253.125, Florida Statutes attached is a copy of the Department's Biological appraisal for the referenced project. A hydrographic survey was not required. Sincerely, o~ _ n(t ~4 mes M. Stilwell GP~ nvironmental Specialist JMS/ck Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life • • DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION • PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL • File No. : 44'0730225 County: Monroe • Date : 8-31-83 Applicant Name : Roman Buch • Address : PO Box 674 , Libertyville, Ill 60048 - Agent (if applicable) : Raymond E. Tirrell , Sr. Address : PO Box 1268 , Islamorada, FL 33036 Location of project : Section (s) 14 Township 63S Range 37E • Section (s) Township Range Local Reference : Plantation Key . Water Body: Snake Creek • Water Classification of Project Area : . III Adjacent Waters : III Aquatic Preserve : None • • • _ . • • Outstanding Florida Waters : None • On site inspection by: V David Bishof • . Date of Inspection_ 8-16-83 Original Applicati_on: Yes_X No.- . Revised Application : Yes No Date : Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. ' Description of proposed project and .construction techniques . • Quantify .area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 . 02 and Section 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code . B. Biophysical features of general area . Include comments concerning _ extent of development of adjoining Properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. • C. Biophysical features of specific Prolect site a .d spoil_ site if applicable . Include identification of bottom toes and an.v relevant historical facts about the area of the oro j ect . D. Potential impact of PrO ect onrem _ �1 - �OL� '._ 5 ?Ili :cc'.tc"'_� quality. Address long-term impact as well_c s immediate _mPact for all aspects of the Project . • E. Suggesti. ns , where a_' o o Vria _ - - minimize the. ^otential im a• of "oject . PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79). /72 • BUCH, ROMAN c71, #440730225 Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Two:= • • A. The applicant wishes to protect his property from erosion and obtain enlarged boat mooring facilities . A vertical concrete seawall will be erected to provide the desired erosion pro- tection. The seawall will be built in two sections , one • measuring 120 ft. and the other measuring 30 ft. long . An estimated 120 yd3 of backfill will be. placed in 0 . 017 ac of submergent and transitional wetlands behind the. proposed sea- wall, Approximately two-thirds of the backfill will be placed landward of the mean high water (MHW) contour line, and the . remaining third will be waterward. Riprap will be installed • at the toe of the seawall . Enlarged boat mooring facilities will be provided by building a cantilevered concrete dock as the seawall cap. • The seawall cap will measure five (5) feet wide with three (3) feet of the width extending out over water (450 ft2 over the water area) . A curb on the landward edge of the . seawall will tend to prevent stormwater from running directly over the dock into State waters . . • As mentioned above, the seawall and dock will be built out of . - reinforced concrete. . The backfill will consist of crushed rock brought to the site over upland routes . The seawall will tie • - into existing adjacent seawalls . No backfill will be placed before the seawall is built, in order to reduce turbidity. __Proposed....techniques . for. maintaining water ..quality_.d.uring_the_...__ construction of the seawall , are .notincluded in the application. B . The. project site is located on the southwestern end of Plantation Key in the Venetian Shores subdivision. Venetian Shores is a •water oriented, primarily residential, subdivision. . A series of • - eleven dead-end canals , shoreline channels and a boat basin, provide water access for the owners of virtually every lot in the subdivision. -The subdivision was apparently created over a number of years by dredging canals into an area composed primar- ily of wetlands and using the spoil to create uplands . The project site is located at the open water end of one of the Venetian Shores canals . The surrounding neighborhood is devel- oped with a varity of marine construction projects including seawalls , revetments , docks , boat slips and dredged areas . Bordering the east side of the project site is a lot developed with a. single family residence , a seawall. and' boat slip. A commercial boat was observed moored at the seawall . The north side of the project site is partially bordered by a lot developed with .1 private residence .e . Two sides �:=�._ .c_iais residence BUCH, ROMAN • #440730225 • - Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Three . are formed by _seawalled shorelines . The remainder of the north side of the project site is borderedby the _end of Leoni. Drive . One of the Venetian Shores canals borders the ' south side of the _ project site .. The -canal is . approx_imately 100 ft. wide at".the • project site. :. ' . Snake Creek forms -the 'western boundary' of the project site The creek is -a-natural connection between the Atlantic Ocean to the south and- Florida Bay to the north. • The -waters of the _Venetian Shores Canals 'and Snake Creek. are designated as Class -III waters (Chapters 17-3-. 081 and 17-3 .161, Florida. Administrative Code) .. - ' The> old fixed low bridge, where. the Overseas Highway crosses - - Snake _Creek has. recently been replaced by a .draw bridge. The-_ resulting increase .in' boat traffic has caused several Snake Creek property owners to complain of wake induced _erosion. C. The applicant ' s property consists of an irregularly shaped 100+ ft. by 110+ ft.. (1/4 .ac) residential lot. . A . two story residence is located on the lot. Much of the lot around the house 'is - • covered by a layer of pea gravel. .The substrate under the pea gravel and exposed- in other. .areas , is.= a mixture of crushed rock, - sand and marl. . Most . of the' lot is at' an elevation estimated to ` - _be 5 ft. above MHW. ' Vegetation .in, the upland areas of the lot --- --__ consists of a variety of ornamental plantings .- - = A 40 ft. ' section' of the canal front shore line of the project site has already been developed 'with a seawall and dock very similar in design.. to the one proposed in` the current application. - There are-two sections of .unseawall.ed- shoreline on the canal -side of - the project site. The two sections are located at either end of - the section-. of seawall (the- seawall does not tie into : the - - property. line as indicated in the application plans)'. ., • In the.- two unseawalled canal front areas, the shoreline is charac- - terized by a steep fill bank, dropping from the elevation of the upland -portion of the lot to:-'approlimately MHW. A shallow 5+ ft, wide• shelf is found at the base of the bank. Beyond the shallow - shelf, an .escarpment drops .to the floor of the , box-cut canal.. • Vegetation on the face of the canal front bank is dominated by a • mix'ture of button,=ood (Conocaipus erectus) , sea grape (Coccoloba uvifcra) and sea daisyBoir1Chla sp. , + ( ) At t'_he � uas� o� the shore- l.ine. bank, moderate size red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) and white m-„„-,rove (Lanauncular.ia .racemosa) trees. doming te - t-.he <eget:d:.ion . A few small patches oi• turtlegra,s (Thalassia testudinum) _ : on the ound o the shallow shelf in` the cant 1 , BUCH; ROMAN #440730225 Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Four. The topography of the Snake Creek shoreline is similar to that on the canal front shoreline . The primary differences are a somewhat shallower slope on the bank face and generally wider • shallow shelf area and the presence of a boulder revetment of the base of the shoreline hank. Vegetation on the shoreline bank is once again dominated by buttonwood, seagrape and sea daisy. The base of the bank is relatively devoid of large vegetation, this area being occupied . by the _boulder revetment. The boulders tare covered by a rich assemblage of algae including Batophora sp. , Laurencia sp. , Halimeda sp. and Acetabularia sp. . A faunal assemblage with zebra periwinkles (Littorina ziczac) fuzzy chitons (Acanthopleura qranulata) and turkey wings (Arca zebra) making up the more • visually obvious elements is found on the rocks . • • • In the shallow shelf area the macroflora was observed to include Udotea sp. , Penicillus sp. and turtlegrass in areas covered by sediments . Scattered rocks in the shelf area displayed a flora similar to that of the revetment. Observed elements of the = fauna in the shelf area included starlet coral (Siderastrea radians) , sergeant major (Abudefduf saxatilis) and snappers (Lutjanus spp. ) . • --- -The-.shoreline. on- both _the - canal and .creek..side.s.__of__the_..project.__. site did not appear to be eroding with any speed. The presence of the vegetation found in these areas is evidence of the relative stability of the shoreline . • • D. Construction related activities are expected to cause elevated levels of turbidity, dissolved organic compounds and 'particulate organic compounds in the waters surrounding the project site . - . Proper use of turbidity control devices should be able to con- trol this impact within acceptable levels . The proposed methods for turbidity control do not appear to be adequate to the task. Without adequate controls , the waters surrounding the' site are likely to be degraded below State Class III water quality standards . The proposed construction will result in the permanent elimination of all but a small section of the. shoreline wetlands at the project site . With the loss of the wetlands will also be the loss of their functions of pollution filtration, primary produc- tion, habitat and sediment stabilization . In the case of the pro-e t site , these functions are relatively well represented .