Resolution 274-1983 ~ .- Finance Department RESOLUTION NO.274 -1983 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1982-83, and to create new items under said budget, now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1982-83 in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accounts: AIRPORT OPERATION & MAINTENANCE FUND Transfer from Key West Airport, Item #004-240100-542461-0, Maintenance of Buildings, The sum of $396.00, Into Key West Airport, Item #004-240100-542640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Key West Airport, Item #004-240100-542461-0, Maintenance of Buildings, The sum of $473.13, Into Key West Airport, Item #004-240100-542640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment CARD SOUND BRIDGE FUND Transfer from Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-320000-541l30-0, Salaries NonPayroll, The sum of $10,000.00, Into Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-320000-54l120-0, Salaries Transfer from Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-320000-541130-0, Salaries NonPayroll, The sum of $1,100.00, Into Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-320000-541220-0, Retirement Transfer from Card Sound Bridge, Item #40l-320000-541450-0, Insurance & Bonds, The sum of $1,000.00, Into Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-320000-541430-0, Utilities Transfer from Card Sound Bridge, Item #40l-320000-541230-0, Group Insurance, The sum of $5.00, Into Card Sound Bridge, Item #401-320000-54l400-0, Travel FINE & FORFEITURE FUND Transfer from Contingency, Item #101-000000-584000-0, Contingency, The sum of $1,700.00, Into Refunds, Item #101-92l000-517991-0, Refunds Prior Year Revenue GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Board of County Commissioners, item #001-010000-5l1543-0, Shortfall Reserve, The sum of $2,148.50, Into Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-010000-511410-0, Communications Transfer from Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-020200-5l6410-0, Communications, The sum of $90.00, Into Clerk to Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-020100-513440-0, Rentals Transfer from Circuit Court, Item #001-020200-516440-0, Rentals, The sum of $7,058.48, Into Circuit Court, Item #001-020200-516640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-020200-516440-0, Rentals, The sum of $150.00, Into Clerk of the Circuit Court, Item #001-020200-516516-0, Commissions & Fees Transfer from Circuit Court, Item #001-020200-516400-0, Travel, The sum of $800.00, Into Circuit Court, Item #001-020200-516461-0, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from County Administrator, Item #001-080000-512120-0, Salaries, The sum of $100.00, Into County Administrator, Item #001-080000-512521-0, Gasoline Transfer from County Home, Item #001-180300-564120-0, Salaries, The sum of $3,000.00, Into County Home, Item #001-180300-564461-0, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-100200-524462-0, Maintenance of Equipment, The sum of $171.00, Into Building Department, Item #001-100200-524461-0, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Parks & Beaches, Item #001-092000-534340-0, Contractual Services, The sum of $1,500.00, Into Parks & Beaches, Item #001-092000-534521-0, Gasoline Transfer from Other Administration, Item #001-090300-519240-0, Workmen's Compensation, The sum of $120.00, Into Other Administrative Building, Item #001-090300-519400-0, Travel Transfer from Key West Animal Shelter, Item #001-091000-562240-0, Workmen's Compensation, The sum of $300.00, Into Key West Animal Shelter, Item #001-091000-562430-0, Utilities Transfer from Courthouse, Item #001-090200-519450-0, Insurance & Bonds, The sum of $7,000.00, Into Courthouse, Item #001-090200-519430-0, Utilities Transfer from Courthouse, Item #001-090200-519240-0, Workmen's Compensation, The sum of $1,000.00, Into Courthouse, Item #001-090200-5l9430-0, Utilities Transfer from Courthouse, Item #001-090200-519464-0, Maintenance of Buildings FRS The sum of $410.00, Into Courthouse, Item #001-090200-519250-0, Unemployment Compensation FRS Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-090300-519462-0, Maintenance of Equipment, The sum of $555.00, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-090300-519640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-090300-519542-0, Subscriptions, The sum of $25.00, Into Other Administrative Buildings, Item #001-090300-519524-0, Tools Transfer from Courthouse, Item #001-090200-519640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment, The sum of $815.67, Into Courthouse, Item #001-090200-519440-0, Rentals Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-091100-562240-0, Workmen's Compensation, The sum of $25.00, Into Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-09Il00-562430-0, Utilities Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-100100-515340-0, Contractual Services, The sum of $220.00, Into Planning Department, Item #001-100100-5l5440-0, Travel Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-100200-524240-0, Workmen's Compensation, The sum of $107.00, Into Building Department, Item #001-100200-524450-0, Insurance Transfer from Planning & Zoning, Item #001-100100-5l5401-0, Board Travel, The sum of $600.00, Into Planning & Zoning, Item #001-100100-515440-0, Rentals Transfer from Personnel, Item #001-080100-513521-0, Gas & Oil, The sum of $200.00, Into Personnel, Item #001-080100-5l35l5-0, Advertising Transfer from Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-010000-511450-0, Insurance, The sum of $5,300.87, Into Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-010000-5l54l0-0, Communications Transfer from Personnel, Item #001-080100-513240-0, Workmen's Compensation, The sum of $50.00, Into Personnel, Item #001-080l00-513410-0, Communications Transfer from Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-010000-511340-05ll5, Contractual Services FRS The sum of $5,400.00, Into Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-010000-511410-05115, Communications FRS Transfer from Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-010000-5ll450-0, Insurance & Bonds, The sum of $75.00, Into Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-010000-5ll462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-000000-584000-05l17, Contingency FRS, The sum of $1,300.00, Into Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-010000-5ll401-0, Travel FRS Transfer from Building Department, Item #001-100200-524462-0, Maintenance of Equipment, The sum of $414.64, Into Planning Department, Item #001-100100-515640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Florida Power & Light, Item #001-140300-525120-0, Salaries, The sum of $5,000.00, Into Florida Power & Light, Item #001-140300-525340-0, Contractual Services Transfer from Florida Power & Light, Item #001-140300-525210-0, FICA, The sum of $450.00, Into Florida Power & Light, Item #001-140300-525340-0, Contractual Services Transfer from Florida Power & Light, Item #001-140300-525220-0, Retirement, The sum of $1,000.00, Into Florida Power & Light, Item #001-140300-525340-0, Contractual Services Transfer from Florida Power & Light, Item #001-140300-525230-0, Group Insurance, The sum of $200.00, Into Florida Power & Light, Item #001-140300-525340-0, Contractual Services Transfer from Florida Power & Light, Item #001-140300-525240-0, Workmen's Compensation, The sum of $100.00, Into Florida Power & Light, Item #001-140300-525340-0, Contractual Services Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525120-0, Salaries, The sum of $1,150.00, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525640-0, Capital Outlay Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-l40100-525210-0, FICA, The sum of $700.00, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525640-0, Capital Outlay Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525220-0, Retirement, The sum of $400.00, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525640-0, Capital Outlay Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525521-0, Gasoline, The sum of $1,800.00, Into Civil Defense, Item 1001-140l00-525640-0, Capital Outlay Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525430-0, Utilities, The sum of $700.00, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525640-0, Capital Outlay Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-140l00-525440-0, Rentals, The sum of $77.66, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-140l00-525490-0, Miscellaneous Supplies Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525524-0, Tools, The sum of $56.85, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525490-0, Miscellaneous Supplies Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525521-0, Gasoline, The sum of $100.00, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-140l00-525462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-140l00-525510-0, Office Supplies, The sum of $385.00, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-l40100-5252l0-0, FICA Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525491-0, Food & Dietary, The sum of $295.00, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-140l00-525522-0, Materials Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-140l00-525491-0, Food & Dietary, The sum of $500.00, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525640-0, Capital Outlay Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525490-0, Miscellaneous Supplies, The sum of $25.00, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-140100-525640-0, Capital Outlay Transfer from Emergency Medical, Item #001-150000-52l4l0-0, Communications, The sum of $1,500.00, Into Emergency Medical, Item #001-150000-521462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Welfare Service, Item #001-180200-564496-0, Utilities, The sum of $631.00, Into Welfare Services, Item #001-180200-564495-0, Pauper Burials Transfer from Welfare Administration, Item #001-180100-562400-0, Travel, The sum of $200.00, Into Welfare Administration, Item #001-180l00-5625l0-0, Office Supplies Transfer from Welfare Administration, Item #001-180100-562400-0, Travel, The sum of $200.00, Into Welfare Administration, Item #001-180l00-562462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from County Home, Item #001-180300-564400-0, Travel, The sum of $90.00, Into County Home, Item #001-180300-564420-0, Transportation Transfer from County Home, Item #001-180300-564400-0, Travel, The sum of $190.00, Into County Home, Item #001-180300-564521-0, Gasoline Transfer from AARP Middle Keys, Item #001-190300-564340-0, Contractual Services, The sum of $309.00, Into AARP Middle Keys, Item #001-190300-564640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Library, Item #002-260000-571120-0, Salaries, The sum of $1,000.00, Into Library, Item #002-260000-571461-0, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Library, Item #002-260000-571120-0, Salaries, The sum of $1,000.00, Into Library, Item #002-260000-571510-0, Office Supplies Transfer from Library, Item #002-260000-571120-0, Salaries, The sum of $13,000.00, Into Library, Item 1002-260000-571660-0, Materials MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT Transfer from Contingency, Item #104-000000-584000-0, Contingencies The sum of $14,900.00, Into Key Largo Volume Reduction Plant #l, Item #104-097500-534463-0, Maintenance of Incinerator Transfer from Cudjoe Key Volume Reduction Plant 13, Item #104-097300-534432-0, Water, The sum of $200.00, Into Cudjoe Key Volume Reduction Plant #3, Item #104-097300-534433-0, Propane Transfer from Administration, Item #104-097000-534343-0, Contractual Service Bland Disposal, The sum of $35,400.00, Into Administration, Item #104-097000-534346-0, Contractual Service Keys Sanitary Transfer from Administration, Item #104-097000-534345-0, Contractual Service Island Disposal The sum of $14,200.00, Into Administration, Item #104-097000-534346-0, Contractual Service Keys Sanitary Transfer from Administration, Item #104-097000-534345-0, Contractual Service Island Disposal, The sum of $1,600.00, Into Administration, Item #104-097000-534347-0, Contractual Service Marathon Garbage Transfer from Administration, Item #104-097000-534345-0, Contractual Service Island Disposal, The sum of $300.00, Into Administration, Item #104-097000-534640-0, Capital Equipment Transfer from Administration, Item #104-097000-534461-0, Maintenance of Building & Grounds, The sum of $650.00, Into Administration, Item #104-097000-534521-0, Gas, Oil & Lube Transfer from Long Key Volume Reduction Plant #2, Item #104-097400-534522-0, Material, The sum of $5,500.00, Into Long Key Volume Reduction Plant #2, Item #104-097400-534433-0, Propane Transfer from Administration, Item #104-097000-534541-0, Dues & Memberships, The sum of $100.00, Into Administration, Item #104-097000-534542-0, Subscriptions Transfer from Cudjoe Key Volume Reduction Plant #3, Item #104-097300-534432-0, Water, The sum of $5,000.00, Into Cudjoe Key Volume Reduction Plant #3, Item #104-097300-534433-0, Propane Transfer from Key Largo Volume Reduction Plant #1, Item #104-097500-534510-0, Office Supplies, The sum of $25.00, Into Key Largo Volume Reduction Plant #1, Item #104-097500-534640-0, Capital Equipment ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Transfer from Road Department, Item #102-094000-541340-0, Contractual Services, The sum of $3,000.00, Into Road Department, Item #102-094000-541461-0, Maintenance of Buildings Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-944541-505301-00100, Miscellaneous Materials, The sum of $3,000.00, Into Road Project, Item #102-944541-506345-00100, 73rd Street Transfer from Road Project, Item #102-944541-505301-00100, Miscellaneous Materials, The sum of $275.00, Into Road Project, Item #102-944541-506400-0, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Road & Bridge 5th & 6th C (20%), Item #102-944541-505301-00100, Miscellaneous Materials, The sum of $1,100.00, Into Road & Bridge 5th & 6th C \ 20%), Item #102-944541-506300-00100, Construction Transfer from Road & Bridge 5th & 6th C \ 20%), Item #102-94454l-505301-00100, Miscellaneous Materials, The sum of $10,000.00, Into Road & Bridge 5th & 6th C (20%), Item #102-94454l-516319-0, Big Pine Avenue B Transfer from Road & Bridge 5th & 6th C ,80%), Item #102-95054l-506315-00200, Cross Key Waterway, The sum of $10,000.00, Into Road & Bridge 5th & 6th C (80%), Item #102-950541-503400-00200, Contractual Services Transfer from Road & Bridge 5th & 6th C .80%), Item #102-950541-506315-00200, Cross Key Waterway, The sum of $85,787.57, Into Road & Bridge 5th & 6th C (80%), Item #102-950541-503400-00200, Contractual Services TAX DISTRICT #702 Transfer from Marathon Fire Department, Item #702-143300-522521-0, Gasoline, The sum of $1,500.00, Into Marathon Fire Department, Item #702-143300-522462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Marathon Fire Department, Item #702-143300-52245l-0, Physical Damage Insurance, The sum of $875.00, Into Marathon Fire Department, Item #702-143300-522462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Marathon Fire Department, Item #702-143300-522342-0, Reimbursement to Volunteers, The sum of $7,350.00, Into Marathon Fire Department, Item #702-143300-522462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Marathon Fire Department, Item #702-143300-522640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment, The sum of $1,292.00, Into Marathon Fire Department, Item #702-143300-522644-0, Capital Outlay Under $100 TAX DISTRICT #704 Transfer from Islamorada Ambulance, Item #704-142400-5265l4-0, Educational Program, The sum of $370.00, Into Islamorada Ambulance, Item #704-142400-526400-0, Travel TAX DISTRICT #706 Transfer from Key Largo Ambulance, Item #706-l42600-526521-0, Gasoline, The sum of $1,000.00, Into Key Largo Ambulance, Item #704-142600-526462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Key Largo Ambulance, Item #706-142600-526452-0, Accident Insurance, The sum of $705.00, Into Key Largo Ambulance, Item #706-142600-526462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Key Largo Ambulance, Item #706-142600-526230-0, Group Insurance, The sum of $400.00, Into Key Largo Ambulance, Item #706-142600-526462-0, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Key Largo Fire Department, Item #706-143800-522640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment, The sum of $2,115.80, Into Key Largo Fire Department, Item #706-143800-522641-0, Refurbishment TAX DISTRICT #709 Transfer from Big Pine Fire Department, Item #709-l43200-522461-0, Maintenance of Buildings, The sum of $3,000.00, Into Big Pine Fire Department, Item #709-143200-522620-0, Capital Outlay Buildings Transfer from Big Pine Fire Department, Item #709-143200-522640-0, Capital Outlay Equipment, The sum of $600.00, Into Big Pine Fire Department, Item #709-143200-522620-0, Capital Outlay Buildings Transfer from Big Pine Fire Department, Item #709-143200-522720-0, Interest (ref.) The sum of $711.75, Into Big Pine Ambulance, Item #709-142200-526720-0, Interest (ref.) TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Transfer from Tourist Development Council, Item #106-110100-519480-0, Promotional Advertising, The sum of $3,306.00, Into Tourist Development Council, Item #106-110100-5l9489-0, Key Lime Pie Promotion Transfer from Tourist Development Council, Item #106-110100-5l9481-0, Cultural Events, The sum of $18,500.00, Into Tourist Development Council, Item #106-110l00-519486-0, Power Boat Association TRANSLATOR FUND Transfer from Translator Fund, Item #712-250000-579630-0, Construction cost, The sum of $25.00, Into Translator Fund, Item #712-250000-579430-0, Utilities WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION FUND Transfer from Workmen's Compensation, Item #501-330000-590120-0, Salaries, The sum of $5,000.00, Into Workmen's Compensation, Item #501-330000-590340-0, Contractual Services Transfer from Workmen's Compensation, Item #501-330000-590120-0, Salaries, The sum of $8,000.00, Into Workmen's Compensation, Item #501-330000-590316-0, Medical Expenses BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of the Board of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinafter set forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the '4~~ day of (!)~\O~H"" , A.D. 1983. (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M7IE COUNT~~::~J,A By ~ {/'ayor airman Attest: RALP~ W. WHITE, ~LERK ~'>{~ 1\\ ~,O.c ~A8TOFORM ANa ,j9AL SUFFICIEN~, y./.,..7 ./ 10 '~' BY ~ 'q.< Attorney's Office --. . ,'"