Resolution 277-1983 RESOLUTION NO. 277 -1983 - A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING FLORIDA KEYS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL'S EFFORTS TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEMS CONCERNING THE "MEDICALLY INDIGENT"; CALLING UPON ALL INTERESTED PERSONS INCLUDING THE FLORIDA TASK FORCE ON COST CONTAINMENT AND CONSUMER CHOICE IN HEALTH CARE AND ALSO THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO SUPPORT SUCH AN EFFORT TO SECURE ADDITIONAL REVENUE SOURCES FOR THE "INDIGENT MEDICAL PATIENTS". WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Monroe County Commission that the function of community hospitals has been seriously impaired because of the lack of sufficient funds to aid and help the "medically indigent patients", and WHEREAS, it is true that many people are ill and in need of medical care and do not have sufficient resources to afford such care, including those that are in the category of catastrophic health care, and WHEREAS, sufficient amounts of uncollectible patient charges could impact negatively the quality of care provided to all paying and non-paying patients, and WHEREAS, the ability to remedy the problem of insuring adequate reimbursement for the medically indigent patient goes beyond the scope of responsibility and authority of both the local community hospital, and or hospitals, and the County Commission, and, therefore, it must be be a problem where the remedy can only be resolved by the State Legislature, and WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature has identified the problems of the "medically indigent patient" as being of sufficient concern and import as to assign the responsibility for development of an appropriate legislative proposal to the Task Force on Cost Containment and Consumer Choice in Health Care, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. It endorses the efforts of the Florida Keys Memorial Hospital in its effort to address and seek remedies to the problem of the "medically indigent patient" in South Florida, and that the aforesaid Commission joins with the hospital in that effort. 2. That the Monroe County Commission calls upon the Dade County Commission and representatives of South Florida's major hospitals to come together in a joint effort to improve patient transfer mechanisms between South Florida hospitals. 3. That the Monroe County Commission request the Florida Task Force on Care Containment and Consumer Choice in Health Care and the Florida Legislature to develop legislation which will provide additional revenue sources for the treatment of indigent patients which is at once a user base, non-profited tax source which is able to be distributed equitably to areas with a high concentration of non-resident visitors. 4. That copies of this Resolution be sent to the Dade County Commission, the Task Force on Cost Containment and Consumer Choice in Health Care, and to the respective and various members of the Florida Legislative delegation from Monroe County, together with all hospitals in Monroe County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the I~ day of C~+o~\r , A. D. 1983. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA.. 1.. d. W~3/r By (SEAL) Attest: R1lnu \~~ ~f~~'~Tr. "'P:RK fl rn i:i. h U.IIIIoo, U L 1"rP~DC . r I APPRO. VEDAS 70 FOR~.' 4 .. ByA~w!~