Resolution 306-1983 • RE$OCUZION N L - 306 - 1983 • IHER£A$, IRE BOARD OF count COMMI SZGON£R8 OF MONROE ming, FLORIDA, has rereiven an applicatinn frum Webster, Richard and, • WHER£A,, in. uumplianue with $fate $fatufe, if is necessary as part of the permitting pruuebure fu rears the fullnwing BinIngica1 Assessment info the Rerured, as (allows: The applicant wishes to enlarge his upland residential property . and provide boat mooring facilities at the property. The first goal will be obtained by filling the site to an elevation of 5.5 ft. mean low water (MLW) . In order to do this approximately 3200 yd3 of crushed limestone fill will be placed on 0.66± ac. of land. Approximately 2100 yd3 of the fill will be placed on 0.23 ac. of wetlands waterward of mean high water (MHW) . The remainder of the fill will be placed landward of MHW in 0.43 ac. of primarily upland. The waterward. edge of the.:fill".wil1-.be protected by 370± ft. of boulder revetment. The revetment will be constructed as a graded bed and will also use filter cloth to prevent the washout of fine sediments. A swale will be graded into the fill to prevent direct runoff of stormwater into State waters. All necessary equipment and supplies will be brought to the. site over upland roads. " A clamshell equipped crane and conven- tional earth moving equipment will be "utilized to build the project. Turbidity curtains will be used to maintain water quality 'while the project is under construction. The project site is located toward the western end of Lower Matecumbe Key in the White .Marlin Beach subdivision. The subdivision was created over 20 years ago by dredging canals • into tidal wetlands and filling the adjacent wetland with the spoil to create uplands. The majority of the subdivision has been developed with private residences, however, one section has been developed commercially. The project site. lies at the southwestern end of. one of the • finger fills within the White Marlin .B"each .subdivision. The northeast side of the project site is .bordered :by two lots and the end of Gulf View Drive. The northwesternmost of the two lots is occupied by a two story private residence. A sandy beach which fronts on Florida Bay lies behind this house. • The southeasternmost of the two lots is canal front. A seawall • and boat ramp have been built on the canal shoreline-of this lot, but no house has been built on it. The southeastern side of the project site borders on a man-made canal. The southwestern side of the project site borders on a man-made channel. An extensive mangrove forest lies on the far sideof the channel. Florida Bay adjoins the.northwest side of the project site. In the vicinity of the project site, Florida Bay is designated as Class III Florida Waters (Chapter 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code) . The applicant's property consists of an irregularly shaped ' parcel of land which is made up of 3 adjoining residential lots. • As mentioned earlier, the land is located on the waterward end of a finger fill. A jetty, which protects the main access • channel from the White Marlin Beach subdivision, projects from the northwest.-corner of the project site. The jetty is composed ' Resolution No. WEBSTER, RICHARD r •Page 2 • of large limestone boulders. The uplands on the project site consists of filled land at variable elevations up' to approxi • - mately 3 ft. above MEW. Substrate on the land consists of a mixture of silt, sand, shell hash and some limestone gravel. At the northeast side of the jetty, the project site shoreline consists of a small section of sandy beach, which borders on Florida Bay. Out from this section of beach;. the baybottom is sandy and slopes down at a moderate rate. Landward of the beach shoreline, the elevation of the applicant's property rises up to a moderate rate, also reaching 3± ft. above MAW • by the middle of Lot 1. The previously described- boulder jetty extends a shore distance along the southwest side of the project site on the form of a revetment. The remaining, roughly three-quarters of the southwest side of the project site, has no shoreline armor. The shoreline on the-unprotected section of this side. of the project site is irregularly shaped. A roughly 3 ft. high • • escarpment has been cut into the fill in the unprotected areas. At the base of. the escarpment, a broad shallow shelf area is found. The shelf area drops off more or less evenly from approximately MHW at the landward side to 2± ft. MLW at the • proposed alignment of the riprap. Further out the bottom drops off rapidly to the 8 or 10 ft. depths of the access channel. Substrate in the shelf area consists primarily of sandy material similar to that on the lot. Near the. landward side of the shelf a thin cover of small limestone rocks is found on the sediment surface. Along the southeast side of the project site, the applicant's property has an irregular grade, which generally slopes down toward the canal. The actual canal shoreline consists of a narrow sandy beach... Beyond the beach, the canal floor drops off very rapidly to a depth of 8 or 10 feet. The sediments on the beach are once again calcorious sand. Vegetation on the proj:ect site, in areas above MAW, is a complicated mixture of upland and wetland plants. It appears that much of the upland area of the. site has been- mowed occasionally in the past. A relative sparsity of large -woody plants gives evidence for =this. Most of the upland vegetation consists of pioneer grasses. A few coconut trees and • Brazilian pepper trees are exceptions to this.,, • The edges. of the applicant's uplands are bordered by a highly variable width area in which the dominant -vegetation consists of a mixture of buttonwood trees (Conocarpus ' erecta) , sea-grape (Coccoloba uvifera) , railroad vine (Ipomoea pes-capre) , .sea daisy (Borrichia frutescens) and bay cedar (Suriana maritima) . On the southeastern side-of-the project site near the canal, several small isolated depressions are found. In these de- pressions, a vegetation composed of black mangrove trees • - (Avicennia germinans) , buttonwood trees, sea daisy and sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) is found. The depressions are surrounded by upland vegetation. The littoral zone on the sandy beaches, which face Florida Bay to the northwest and the canal to the southeast, are relatively devoid of.vegetation. , Out from- the-beach-on the bay side- some patches of turtlegrass- (Thalassia testudinum) are scattered over the sandy bottom. ' Resolution No. WEBSTER, RICHARD • Page 3 On the riprapped sector of the southwest shoreline and the upper reaches of the jetty, a flora dominated by black mangrove trees and white mangrove trees (Laguncularia racemosa) is found. The lower reaches of the boulders are covered by a rich mixture -of attached macroalgae. • • On the face and at the.base of the escarpment which is found along the southeastern three quarters .of the southwest side of the project site, stands;:'of mixed red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) , black mangrove and white mangrove are found. The densest stand is found at the northwest end of this ,area: At several points, the mangroves extend 10 to 20 ft. beyond the base of the escarpment. • On the shallow shelf area along the southwest side of the project site, the first 20± ft. of the shelf out from the toe of the escarpment, .with the exception of the mangrove. covered area described above, is relatively lacking in macro vegetation. The primary component of the flora that does exist is 'Bataphora sp. which is found attached to the gravel that covers much of the bottom in this area. Further out in slightly deeper water, a narrow 10 to 20 ft. wide zone dominated-by Cuban shoalweed (Halodule wrightii) is found. Some Penicillus sp. and Halimeda sp. is also found in this area. Further out turtlegrass replaces the Cuban shoalweed. The turtlegrass extends down the slope to the channel floor. The fauna. on the project site is varied in response to the _. variety of habitats. Tessellate nerite snails (Nerita tessellata) and fuzzy chiton (Acanthopleura- gtanulata) are found • on the intertidal area of the boulders. Subtidally, snappers (Lutjanus sp.) cow fish. (Acanthostracion quadricornis) , .blue - crabs ' (Callinectes sapidas), anemonies, star coral (Siderastrea radians) and:lobster. (Panulirus argus) are found. Construction related activities can_be expected to cause temporarily elevated levels of dissolved organic compounds, particulate organic compounds and turbidity in the waters at and near the project site. Proper usaof silt screens, as proposed, should be able to control these impacts adequately to maintain water quality within acceptable standards. The proposed filling activities will result in the loss of 0.3± ac: of wetlands, 0.23 ac. of which lies waterward of the MHW contour line. With the loss of the wetlands. will be the loss of their functions of pollution filtration, habitat, primary production and fishery production. In the case of the project site, these functions are well represented. The proposed rip- ' rap will serve to partly replace some Of the loss functions, particularly habitat. ' . . BE It RB$OCVED BB THE BOARD OF m ing COMMI ZGON£R$ OF IMONROE mum, FDORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been reafi into the rencra ann eiu18 ronsia reu pursuant to. Floriba $tatut2 253.124 bg the Boarb of Cnuntg Commissioners of Monroe • Counti.,,Florida, this 0-th hag of 1\)0 tj a \--)6C. , 19 - at a regularig schoauleh ,meeting.: • , BOARD OF mum l CU1iMI$$ZONR$ OF M(ONROE ming, FCORIDA • ( L) nu . 1 • (magnr) • Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk • urien C. Probg, y Countg Attorn2, ' .aa • BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS • OUNTY • o NONROE �'� �+- �_ ' •4G,�„ Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 : KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294-4641 � MAYOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 ••:x ;u.;; ;. t Alison Fahrer, District 4 � Mayor Pro tern Ken Sorensen, District 5 \... Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 • I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows : • L. County Biologist Report 2 . Resolution (Richard Webster) ✓ 3 . Permit 4 . Application for Permit (Rip-rap & Fill) IV 5 . Site Plan 6 . Location Map • 7. DER Assessment ✓ Date L 6 Q(SOP D 3 By ° :k OCT 22 190• DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE October 25 , 1983 SUBJECT : R. Webster : Proposed Rip-rap and Fill TO: Jeff Doyle, Director DEPT: Building, Planning & Zoning j -: FROM: Annette F. Nielsen j�'L��< < / ' / DEPT: Planning & Zoning Environmental Biologist-- Legal Description: Lots 37 and 38, Block C and Lot 1, Block D, White Marlin Beach Subdivision, Lower Matecumbe Key. Zoning: RU-1 Introduction: Q The application, which proposes to place rip-rap and deposit fill below (MHW) line should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners, pursuant to Section 19-111 (5) , M.C.C. Project and Site Description: The applicant proposes to construct 370 linear feet of boulder rip-rap on or near the platted property line of the referenced property and place 2100 c.y. of fill waterward of MHW and 1100 cy. of fill landward of MHW. Appli- cant also proposes to construct a "T" type dock on Lot 1 and Lot 38 . Pur- pose of the proposed work is to reclaim lost land, rendering the lots build- able and to prevent further erosion. Docks are to provide water access on lots 1 and 38 . A site visit was conducted August 24 . Lot 1 presently has a rip-rap revetment along the Bay shoreline to near the center of the west property line. The rip-rap is colonized with primarily mangroves and buttonwood. The remaining shoreline has been eroded and ex- hibits scattered clumps of mangroves at the base of a 2-3 foot embankment. The shoreline of Lot 38 exhibits a similarly eroded escarpment with only a few scattered mangroves. The canal shoreline of lot 37 and 38 slopes down- ward abruptly to -10 foot depths of the dredged canal and exhibits minimal vegetation. The submerged shelf area to the west of lots 1 and 38 extends to near the platted property line and slopes gradually to the dredged channel off shore. Bottom vegetation on the shelf is sparse from MHW to approximately 25± feet waterward. Further out there are marine grass beds composed of turtle grass and Cuban shoalweed. The upland portion of this property has not been developed. Vegetation noted consists of grasses , seagrape railroad vine, sea oxeye daisy, planted coconut palm and a moderate invasion of Brazilian pepper, an undesirable exotic. The attached FDER biological appraisal addresses the proposed project in greater detail. R. Webster: Proposed Rip-rap and Fill Page 2 Evaluation: The proposed rip-rap and fill would eliminate approximately . 23 acre of sub- merged wetlands, a portion of which is only marginally productive. A smaller, but much more productive benthic zone would also be eliminated in the area of the marine grass beds and the shoreline mangroves . These areas are afforded protection pursuant to Section 4-16 and Section 19-lll (5) ,M.C.C. as well as in provisions of the Coastal Zone Protection and Conservation Element of the Comprehensive Plan (pg. 25 (3) ) . Loss of the mangroves may be mitigated with recolonization of the proposed rip-rap. This possibility is substantiated by the presence of mangroves on the existing rip-rap. However, the elimination of the marine grass beds and their contributions to the environmental and socio-economic well being of the community would be a permanent loss . The preservation of the marine grass beds may be accomplished by limiting the line of the proposed rip-rap and fill to a definitive line, landward of the marine grass beds on lot 1 and lot 38. Recommendation: Conditional approval. --Rip-rap and fill to be placed landward of marine grass beds. --Turbidity curtains to be used throughout . construction. Note: A.C.O.E.and F.D.E.R. permits. may be required. Attachments: County application & site plans .(5 sheets) FDER biological assessment (6. sheets) • w- ¢o � GPLANNING, BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT$ �a��.'.�^� PERMIT MONROE 4 PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY ).J " FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1)Property owners name&mailing address 2)Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Richard Webster 7-25-83 16 Prescott Street Resolution No. Brookline, MA 02146 3)Phone number (617) Date: 566-3364 4)Contractor or agent's name,mailing address&phone number Glen Boe, V.P. Design Management Associates , Inc. Post Office Box 3406 Marathon Shores , Florida 33052 743-9121 5)Legal description of property: Section One Section 20 . Key Lower Matecumbe Subdivision White Marlin Beach Township 64S Lot 1-37.38 Block D/C Range 36E Street, road or mile marker West end of Gulf View Drive Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited 0 c.y. 0 c,y, 2100 c.y. 1100 c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: RU-1 • • PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments-Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Conditional Approval : Rip-rap and fill to be placed . Landward of marine grass beds • Turbidity curtains to be used throughout construction. A.C.O.E. and F.D.E.R. permits may be required. Jeffrey M. Doyle , Ph.D. , Dir . Planning, Building and Zoning �\' C'.nC?•ti 11:L:`.'e i! mail :I;!, :I(,.( ..-c-,S • . Richard Webster ; 16 Prescott St . July 25 , 1983 ' ( 617 ) 566-3364 Brookline , MA 02146 -----__— --' - --- - - - - — _ 'actor or agent's name, mailing address , phone '; cc1'T -.-caz2.:;i`. P.t... r. Glen Boe , V . P . Phone ( 305) 743-9121 Design Management Associates , Inc . Florida P . E . No . 17300 P . 0 . Box 3406 , Marathon Shores , FL 33052 1 description of property: Section One ion, 20 Key, Lower Matecumbe rtihdivisica, White Marlin Beach ;hip, 64S D/C 36E Lot, 1/37 ,38 Block, (if acreage) . Street, road or ;;, we maser, West end of Gulf View ng, ..B-CJ- 1l��r� ,y�,. _- Drive cribe the proposed activity, methods of construction F amount of material (in cubic yards) , - be excavated or discharged. Pescribe purpose 6 intended use of project. . See attached Remarks . dredged/excavated ' ' :f i1.led/d.ep.osited . of 0 c.y. 0 c.y. • 2100 c.y. . . . 11Q0 c.y. ' al waterward landward. waterward l,r,card . . . of 1' .T-?.1'.. of ?'.:.T.W or V.U.1'•. of `".T-+. ;. !e, address FI zip code of adjoining property owners ose property affronts water w.v. ( 1 ) Florence Boss ( 2 ) Raymond A . Ross 61.1 Seville P . 0 . Box 523605 Coral Gables , FL 33134 Miami , FL 33148 .ist other permits issued and/or applied for , include applicant's name, for this site: • No other permits processed or issued. :f application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, :xplain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current ipp lic ant. . Earlier permit application for Lot 1 , Block D was submitted by Manual L . Diaz , a prospective buyer , but application was withdrawn . • . ;t all Federal-and State agencies that nave received applications zor this project. U . S . Army Corps of Engineers Florida Department of Environmental Regulation This completed application form will no accompanied by the I following, or it will NCT be processed. / o (2) sets of drawings, on S1 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and ' oss section of proposal, drawn to scale. plication processing fee as follows : • 5.00 for dredge, fill, decks CF. any structures affronting natural water bodies. ,O.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. 5.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. cation is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I fy that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best knowledge & belief such information is true, complete F., accurate. I further certify that sess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. till, provisions of laws and ances governing this type bf work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. ing of a permit does not presume to give authority to' violate or cancel the provisions of ounty, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this of facility. ,. ,, JO:: 'i' o dic' nt/an cpartment Use CnLv / Foe t, rcc^Apt F !\p proved by J'ss 't. Director ; 'ni!1_c -- & 111111 • • • Richard Webster Revetment , . Fill & Docks • • Remarks The lots for which this project is proposed were originally filled out to the platted property line . Storms , wave action and wakes by passing motorboats (as observed many times by the applicant ' s consultants ) in the intervening years have eroded the shoreline to its present location . The purpose of the project is to reclaim the upland lost to erosion to the extent necessary to render the lots buildable by present county standards . ( Building driplines must be set back 20 ft from surface waters and 10 percent of the lot width from side lot lines . Septic tank/drainfield systems must be set back 50 ft from surface waters and 5 ft from lot lines and building drip lines . ) The proposed filling represents the minimum amount practicable to meet these requirements for the lots involved . The project consists of constructing approx- imately 370 ft of riprap revetment , filling approximately 0 . 234 acres of eroded land and restoring the elevation of the lots to their original +4 . 5 NGVD . A perimeter swale will be constructed to prevent direct runoff of stormwaters . Wood tee docks are to be constructed on Lots 1 and 38 to provide boating access . All materials and equipment are to be brought - to the site via existing upland roads . Construction will be by clam bucket and other conventional earth moving equipment . Turbidity screens will be deployed as necessary to meet state water quality criteria . Filter cloth will be installed on the landward side of the revetment to prevent fines from mi - grating into adjacent waters . Total area involved in the fill - ing activity is : . 663 acres 1:0 . 234 submerged , 0 . 429 upland) . ` pR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER3 ( l \ FL0RENCE BOSS | hIl 3EVILLE CORAL GABLES , FL 33- 34 � ( 2 ) RAYMOND A . RO3S , JR . P . O . BOX 52J505 / °°�-=^� ' ' MIAMI , FL -33I48 '� 3 z � - �~^E" , � .`'. ^Ui',1BE ;"� ,-�- MOAA CHPrT NO . 11449 SCALE : I � '10 , 000 LAT 24` 6I / 37"N , L�NG 80"44 ' l0 "H � PLATTED _ ~ CHANNEL FLOODPROPERTY MANGROVES \ MAN6HUy ` 3 /r--L cD ^~ 38_, _BLK C LUT l , BLK D `^RIP RAP ^ � ^ BLK C � ! �� � ^ rEXISTINGHOU3E y m ,.�" � oc ' c� LOT `2 " BLK D EXIST . WALL � EXIST . RAMP � ^ KICHAKD NEBSTER SCALE : Tx=50 / ' ' REVETMENT , FILL & DUCK 25 0 50 l LOCATION , PROPERTY OWNERSHIP, ' Architects---Engineers-�- '-- - -- --- Planners PLAN �F EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET I Of 3 P.O.,o� nvu»ma'm,ummn��vm,' Florida ooz 34o6 DOCK PLAN VIEWS 4.1 8 ' 10 ' TO P . L . • t i -4----- / 35 ' le__ 10 0 20 40 —� t' ' • !., ------r.7 _-. ..-.-�. 1-•----.1 / %I I 1 j ' co 1 SCALE : 1 "=20 ' -;� ill ii .1il ko ---1 'I I 144 ' TO P . L . 10111 _ € —I -0 -71/4- 1 v -71,, i -__. ,;4 ' 6 ' N j ��'' �,I IIJ �— MANGROVES & RIPRAP ,,.,e .. .�_. . ,, ,.., -= - +, c'o`� 0 4 T O R E MA I N . :_._ cc-i-:::5;:;- ');;;.(>2. ,k cA" 4,Aw ..• -1- - ----T:r--------c":--a,--..r?--T> c.) ,z, .\\/ 0$\ �`�/ d / C7 ,fir 17 � .. J .. /4' ��® 7" t I t / 18 8 ' 4, M t `iii ; FILL LANDWARD OF MHWL 121 ' r.,. 1-1-7 A,,, FILL WATERWARD OF MHWL RICHARD WEBSTER 7-34 11OCK S,�.� ,> r- n e PLAN OF NE J WORK Architects 0 Engineers 0 Planners SHEET 2 OF 3 P.O.Box 3406-Marathon Shores,Florida 33052-3406 JNK_-_' ' . ---------' -T- \ DOCK PROFILE +5 _ 5 | / LOT l ^^ � +l ' O MHW O ' O MLW . ~. � -4 . U / ' I2 8 / 75 TO P . L . -- -~^��- -�-----' ' � / | DOCK PROFILE 12 ' ' LOT 38 +5 ' 5 ' +l ' 0 MdK O . O MLW 128 ' TO P . L . 2 ' -3 ' 0 . � 4 . | | SECTION A-A PERIMETER 5WALE ` __ +5 . 5vzzzzq , +l . O MHW -- O ' O MLW --W -25 ' � 130 / TO P . L . ^� 45 ' . � 1 | > ' ' TOP OF RIPRAF +5 ' 5 SECTION- 8- D F _ 'H GRADE f5 U +5 . 5 ' I ' 0 MHW U ' O MLW . 3 ' 6 � / TO P . L 47 '8 ' -n�� - ) ` ^ � � / ' SECTIUN C- C ' - +o ' 5 +l O �H� / ' / U ' P ! 128 ' Te P . L . / � -RICHARD �ED'zTER SC AL[ REVETMEN'T ` LL & DOCKS � ` 5 � rs SECTIONS � SHEET 3 OF 3 �'u`»"o" o =^'~=-- --~`'~� | po. Box 34o6 Marathon S/.ovsn"nu^ �n�z ' ` . � . ' - a r tiF V^Ia I ' DEP l '�?"1EN OF u1'V I• O,7MEN j'A L, REG JLAT. (1 . - x=ERN'11'1' APPLICATION PPRTS?\1, ... : . . ' , .. . s .,. : No ti s073 85` ' Co:.inty Monroe Date +--2'J-si 3 :'p I.t:ant.' Name: Richard Webster-':LI •:t-'.C._':es's : 16 Prescott St . , Brookline; MA 02146 r •ent ;(if applicable) G7.c.n Boe _.„.., irE: PO Box 3406 , Marathon Shores , FL 33052 ..:ocatiOn of project : Section (s) ----20---- Township 64S __. Range 36E-- Section ( ) �..., �._�.. Township -__ _— Range ______ ;,'" ,.a l Betel ence Lower r Ma.'C:.ti:z :UUbe x r:�1::":i., Body t .ZoZ .i.t.:a Bay 1 . • :r at... _ `Classification of Project Area c"III Adjacent Waters :s : I.II iqua t1S: Preserve: Non; ;..Out standing Florida Waters : Nonce P`I site inspection by : awid Bishof inal i, i'C E' of I ,'. r)E_'�:tlo:I .____.:� '_._-83_Z. _. v7 '�C Application : `�'�5 1 �"O Revised Application : Yes__.. No_...._ Date : _ Date Date ?f 2nd Insp. -_______.... B1.(.;?iol.icc. l and Water Quality Assessment • A. Description of promos i project ;and construction techninues . Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the trc;nsi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 . 02 and Section 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code. ; B. Biophysical features of general :area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area: C. Biophysical features of specific project site and; spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term 'impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions , where appropriate , for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79) .' ''..'. -....,.:...,:. ,':. ,-5'.M.::,'... . ::;.:.::.......::: : - . .. •.:.:.;:.1..,.', ;, . ,e.t.:-.. ,•o-: . ‘•-•.ri:i, -... . -,•:.:::-:..J : - ..:• : -. • ....: ,:.: ,...-. ;•. ;‘,i,:'•*-,,;.,.:::.'..:.." "- .100;,,:,. . ••':;i.!;', :.--• - -.• -- '.,•••,-,.!,: ,-,;..o.: - ',',•••• : • : . o : ' '. , , • ';-7:.,:...1:.•••.::!..!1.-Vtrf,::,..--" ' -,.,..,',P ..:.le .::'.,„ ..- • . , • ,.:', • . ',',..,-::';.•. . ,. -,. , , - . -1,, :• i - :.::•;•r.,i:,'s:;i..1, :,, ,41**`,:. . . ill.1:117!.. ..,. .,- :,:.':-,•- . • . , . . ,....e , . . 45A , • . . . . , ilSTER, RICHARD, , • ' 416107314.855 . - ii,' ! . , • , . 1 Monroe County 7 4OWer Matecumbe Oy , . • Page Two ,. . . . , . . o . . . . . . ; . . • , . . • . .. . A.', The applicant wishes to enlarge his upland residential property and provide- boat mooring facilities at the property. The first goal Will be obtained by 'fillingthe site to ap elevation of 5 .5- ft. mean tow water (MLW) 1. .In'order to do this al)proximately 3200 yd3 of crushed limestone fill will be placed on 0 . 66+ ac .:. of land. Approximately 2100: yd3 of the fill will be placed in . • . i 0 ,23 ac of wetlands waterward of mean high water (MHW) . The remainder of the fill willjpe placed landward. of MHW in 0 . 43 ac ' of primarily upland. The Waterward edge of the fill will be . . ' protected by 370+ ft . of bOUlder revetment. The revetment will ' - be constructed as a graded bed. and will, also use filter cloth • ' to . prevent the washout -of f.ihe sediments . A swale will be graded. into the fill to prevent direct runoff of stormwater into State waters . ' . . i .. . . Boat mooting facilities will:- be provided by the construction • , . of - two "T" shaped docks . On dock, which will. be built on the southwestern side of the project site , will have a base section e , measuring 6 ft, by 16 ft. and an end section measuring 35 ft . 'by 8 ft. (376 ft2 over the water area) . The second dock, which . .- will be built. on the southeast side of the project site, will . . . .. also -be ."T" shaped with a 4 ft . by 8 ft . base section and a • . ' 4 ft. by 20 ft . end section (112 ft2 over the water areal . . . Both docks will be -pile supported and built out of wood. , . . . All necessary equipment and supplies will be brought to the . site overupian, toadso A clamshell equipped !crane and conven- . ' tional earth moving equipment. will be utilized to build the . project. Turbidity. curtains. will be used to maintain water . .: ' quality while the project -is under construction . • . . , • B. - The project site t located toward the western end of Lower - ., . . Matecumbe Key in the White Marlin Beach subdivision . , The . . subdivision was created. over 20 years ago by dredging canals into tidal wetlands and filling the adjacent wetland with the • spoil to create uplands . The -majority of the subdivision has • •. been developed with private -residences, however, oresection . • . has been developed commercially. . . . i • • The project site lies- at the southwestern end of one of the finger fills within the White Marlin Beach subdivision. The . , northeast side -of the project site is bordered by two lots and the end. of Gulf- View Drive. The northwesternmost of the . . . two lots is occupied by a two story private residence . A . . . . . , . . . . , t. . . . . . . . . . , - . • . , • • . . • - . . . . . . . . . . - , . . . . . • • '► BS7.'.'r.'�R, RICHARD • 4440731855 := Ta:. Monroe County - Lower Matecumbe Key Page Three sandy beach which fronts on Florida Bay lies beh.i.nd this house . The southeasternmost of the two lots is canal front . A seawall and boat ramp have been built on the canal shoreline of this lot, but no house has been built on it . The southeastern s:Lde of the project site borders on a man-made canal . The southwestern side of the project site borders on a man-made channel . An extensive mangrove forest lies,� on the fctr. :,ids of the channel . Florida Bay adjoins the northwest 1 • side of the project site. In the vicinity ot: the project site, F'.lor:.ida Bay is designated asj Class III Florida Waters (Chapter 17-3 . 081 and 17-3 . 161, Florida Administrative Code) . C. The applicant ' s property consists of an irregularly shaped parcel of land which is made up of 3 adjoining residential lots . As mentioned earlier, the land is located on the war.erward end of a finger fill . A jetty , :which protects the main access channel from t.:he White Marlin Beach subdivision, projects from the northwest corner of the project site . The jetty is composed of large limestone boulders . The uplands on the project site consists of filled land at variable elevations up to approxi- mately 3 ft. above MHW. Substrate on the land consists of a l } 1 some ,s e1 mixture of silt, sand, shell L hash and .1-1II1E+.�t:C.%liE'. gravel. • At the northeast side of the jetty, the project site shoreline consists of a small section of sandy beach, which borders on • Florida Bay. Oot from this section of beach , the baybot. tom is sandy and slopes down at a moderate rate . Landward of the • beach shoreline , the elevation of the applicant ' s property rises up at a moderate rate , also reaching] 3t ft . above MHW o by the middle .of ! ')t 1 . ' The previously described boulder jetty extends a short distance along the southwest side of sthe project site in the form of a revetment. The remaining,' roughly three-quarters of the • southwest side of the project site, has no shoreline armor. • • The shoreline on the unprotected section of this side of the project site is irregularly •shaped. A roughly 3 ft. high escarpment has been cut into the fill in the unprotected areas . At the base of the escarpment, a broad shallow shelf area is found. The shelf area drops off more or less 'evenly from • approximately MHW at the landward side to 2+ ft. MLW at the proposed alignment of the riprap. Further out the bottom drops off rapidly to the 8 or 10 ft. depths of the access channel . Substrate in the shelf area consists primarily of •f TR" • • WEBSTER, RICH.b.RD 4440731-855 • Monroe County - Lower Matecumbe iKey Page Four • sandy material similar to that on the lot. Near the landward side of the shelf a thin cover of small limestone ial;:ks is found on the sediment surfade . • Along the southeast side of the project site , the appLicant ' s . property has an irregular grade, which generaLly slepes down • toward the. canal . The actual canal shoreline consists of a narrow sandy beach. Beyond -the beach, the canal floor drops off very rapidly to a depth of 8 or 10 feet . The sediments on the. beach are once again dalcorious sand• . Vegetation en the project site, in, areas abo'H OMW, is a • Complicated mixture of upland and wetland Hants . appears that much ot the upland area of: the site has been mowed occasionally in the past . A relative sparsity of large woody plants gives evidence for this-. Most of the upland vegetation • consists of pioneer 'grasses'. A few coconut trees and Brazilian pepper trees are exceptions -to this . • The edges of the applicants ,UPlands are bordered by a highly • Variable width arca in which the 'dominant vegetatIon consists -of a mixture of buttonwood trees (Conocarpus erecta) , - sea grape • (Coccoloba uvifera) , railroad vine (Ipomoea pesTcaprae) , sea . daisy (Borrichia frutescens) and bay cedar ( uriana maritima) . • On the southeastern side of the . project site near the canal , several small isolated: depressions are found . In these do- • pressions , a vegetation composed gf black manarove trees (AVicennia germinans) , button wood trees , sea daisy and sea • : purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) , is found. The depressions • are surrounded by -pland vegetation. • The littoral zone on the. sandy_ beaches , which face Florida Bay to the northwest and the canal to the southeast, are relativeLy devoid of vegetation. Out from the beach on the bay side some patches of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) are scattered • • over the sandy bottom. : On the riprAed sector of the southwest shoreline and the upper • reaches of the jetty, a flora dominated by bi uck mangrove trees and 'white mangrove trees (Laguncularia racemosa) is found . The lower reaches of .the boulders are covered by a rich mixture - - of -attached macroalgae . On the faCc and. at the base of the escarpment which is found . along the southeastern _three quarters of the southwest side of - the project site ,' stands of mixed red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) , • • . . • - • - . - - - • ' ' • •''''''"'''''"1,'-4,'i"::':• -'.''..--!‘:-':',',:',',',4:-.:•.::'z'P',."it'i:-.;-ii-,..; ,:;•-•'2e..' ---•'.'.:nr. .?';,i,r;! •: :-•.,,..''.:::,,•,'.•,;•2r. :7;•.4::.:.;:::.--.e:;••• :-. . i - 1.• ::-.-.j,.::i.j .:,*N•!.!..••••:...... ...••••:':!:',;-:,3;:,•,. ..E..!:.,-.,::, .e.•.•,., ;•.,;•:. :.• . •• .•.•:,..-.;v,,..::,f. :?:!-::-.::•.:-:,-:.:•;',2q,;:;,. , - .....••:'. • i' .., .. . ... . ft 1111 '' ;-,W'• • '.:; -.111:!'',.1*.f; -: ' '':.:-: ' ! _ — :--::.;_•.1.,- ,:4';,,,r114:A:;,....i:. . •.•.:i.:,- ,.:•,- . -,, - — -;.-:•.:::.:,.. -: . , 1 e , • —„p, 1 . L ! - . i • . . _.•,:.:..:,...,- .y.6,?,:ii,T.::--, . . • j ii3;!-;' . . , . . . . . .. • ifie•'::. .,,W43STER, RICHARD4 I - #440731855 . I Moproe County - 40 a Wer Mtecumbe 1<ey 1 . ,,,.. .,,. Page Five •'.!:.;1; . . , . . _ . ._ • black mangrove and white mangrove are found. . The densest stand . is found at the northwest: end of this area. At several points, • t the mangroves extend 10 to 20 ft. beyond the -base of the - 1 e ' • escarpment . . .. . . . . • . . , . . i On the she shelf area: alOng. the southwest side of the !... project site, the first 20+ ft. of the shelf out from the toe ' of the escarpment, with the exception of the mangrove covered area described above , is telatively lacking in macro vegetation. The primary component of the flora that does exist is Bataphpra sp. which is found attached to the gravel that covers much of the bottom in this area. Further out in slightly deeper water , a narrow JO tc 20 . ft , wide 'zone dominated by Cuban shoalweed (rialodule wriahtii) is found'. . Sbme 'Penicillus sp. and Halimeda • sp. is also found in this. area. - Further out turtlegrass re- placed the Cuban shoalweed. The turtlegrass extends down the slope to the channel floor. . _ • . i., . . 'The fauna on the project site is varied in response to the :1- . variety of .habitets . Tessellate nerite snails (Nerita • tessellate) and fuzzy, chitone (Acanthopleura granulate) are found - • . on the intertidal area of the boulders . Subtidally, snappers (Lutjanus sp. ) , cow. fish (Acenthostracion auadricornis) , blue . , . I crabs (Callinectes sapidas) , : anemonies, star coral (Siderastrea _ ._ _ radians) and. lobster (panul_irus argus) are found. - - . . . , . . D. Construction re? ated activities can be expected to cause temporarily elevated levels of dissolved organic compounds , . . particulate organic compound's and turbidity in' the waters at and • near the project site . Proper use of silt screens , as proposed , • should be able to control these impacts adequately to maintain . . :, water quality wits n acceptable- standards . . T . . The proposed filling activities will result ini the loss of 0 . 3+ acof .wetlands, 0 . 23 ac of which lies waterwar4 of the .MHW . -: contour line . -With the loss of the wetlands will be the loss . . .1 of their functions of pollution filtration, habitat, primary . -. .1 production and fishery production. In the case of the project • . :• site, these functions are well represented. The proposed rip- rap will serve to partly replace some of the loss functions, particularly habitat . ' • 1 - - • . • . Shading from the proposed docks and the boats which are likely to be moored to them, will 'cause a shift to more shade tolerant vegetationAinder them. The. smal] Size of the 'docks will tend to minimize this effect. : . . _. , . • . _ . . ' - • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . , Y WE STL12, RICT1 :RD zt #44073l855 Monroe County - Loer Nat. ?cumbe :Cey Page Six j The relatively narrow aspect ;of the channel and canal into which the crocks will extend, may cause some p _: b Lems with navigation around the docks . ' : It does not appear this problem will be very severe . Use of the docks for mooring boats will tend to result in the discharge of heavy metals, oils, greases, detergents and miscellaneous debris . It isnot anticipated that this impact will be very severe .