Resolution 152-1983 .•';` r^``, _ Dr. Jeff Fibs er RESOLUTION NO. 152 -1983 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING GRANT FOR TAMARAC PARK CHANNEL BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT AND APPROVAL OF DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES PROJECT AGREEMENT WHICH FOLLOWS GRANT APPROVAL, AUTHORIZING MAYOR OF COUNTY COMMISSION TO ENDORSE SAID PROJECT AGREEMENT UPON ARRIVAL WITHOUT ADDITIONAL APPROVAL NEEDED FROM BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows : That the Grant Application for the Tamarac Park Channel Boating Improvement Fund Project is hereby authorized and approved, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof. In the event the Department of Natural Resources approves . the Grant Application, the Commission further approves and authorizes the Mayor to endorse the Department of Natural Resources standard . form Project Agreement. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 27th day of May, A.D. 1983 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 94444 .iaAA-43/ By / a M or/'Chairman (Seal) Attest : RAI PH W. WHITE, CLERK Nr„,• t�siruc . PunAt.A.) U Clerk PP # .ED AS TO FORM AL SUFFICIENCY. BY _ _ s Attorneys Office 1111 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Florida Boating Improvement Program Project Application Project Identification 1 . Type. of Project: Acquisition Development X Planning Launch Site New For Office Use Only Date Received Docking Facility Expansion Project No. Channel Marking X Renovation County Other (specify) 2 . Project Title: Tamarac Park Channel Marking 3 . . Project Location: Tamarac, Geiger Key, Monroe County, Florida 4 . Brief Description of Project: to install daybeacons for channel marking and obstruction notice 5. Grant Requested: $ 7154.62 Source of Other Funds : S . $ 0 Estimated Total Project Cost $ 7154.62 6 . Applicant Identification: Applicant County: Monroe • Located in City of: (if applicable) Liaison Agent: Jeffrey A. Fisher Appointed Representative of Monroe County, Board (Name of County) of County Commissioners Address : Extension Service • P. '0. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33045-2545 Phone No . 305/294-4641' 160 or 30 /296-9786 7 . Signature : Date: April , 19 3 DNR 42-034 Rev. 8-1-80 • 14 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL. RESOURCES Florida Boating Improvement Program Project Application for Development 1.. Ownership of Site : Federal State X Local 2. Total Estimated Cost: $ 7154.62 3 . Type and Estimated Cost of Proposed Development (By Unit) : Facility Quantity and Unit of Measure Estimated Specify No . and/or Feet Cost Channel markers 7 (5 daymarks, 2 obstruction markers) $7000.00 , Newspaper advertis— . Keynoter 32.00 - ing Reporter 67.50 • Key West Citizen . 55. 12 Contingency - % (10% maximum) Total $7154.62 4 . Type and Status of Required Permits , Easements or Leases Type: Coast Guard - Status approved 5 . Required Attachments a. vicinity .map enclosed • b. site development plan N/A . c. copies of required permits , easements or leases or letters stating none are required enclosed d.. proof of county/local ownership or other form of site control N/A e. Pre-construction certification (if applicable) enclosed Resolution, specifications, Agreement, Coast Guard permit enclosed • DNR 42-035 Rev. .8-1-80 1 15 C• OUNTY OF MONROE •• • • • KEY WEST, FLORIDA • . SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF DAYBEACONS TO MARK TAMARAC • PARK CHANNEL, GEIGER KEY, FLORIDA KEYS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA • Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Key West, Florida until . • , at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read • aloud for installation of Daybeacons at Tamarac Park, Geiger Key Channel. Specifications for installation of treated wood piles complete with U.S. Coast Guard approved Daybeacons, in the location indicated on the enclosed drawings and charts. 1. PILES: (A) Piles shall be of timber treated with chromated copper arsenate (C.C.A.) . . • • (B) Pile shall be of timber which will stand the driving for which they are intended. ' • • (C) A straight line drawn from the center of the butt to • the center of the tip shall not at any point, face further away from center of the pile than a distance equal to 1% of the length of the pile. (D) Minimum butt diameter = 12" measured 3' from end. . Minimum tip diameter = 8". • (E) Piles shall be driven or best construction practices used. • 2. LENGTH OF PILES:'' Piles to be of sufficient length to provide a minimum of four feet penetration into the existing sea floor and an elevation of 8 feet above mean high water. Mean high water to be determined by adding two feet to the chart depth indicated on the proposed location of each pile. • • 3. DAYBEACONS: Daybeacons to be constructed and erected as indicated on the enclosed sketches. ' • (A). Install 2 SG daymarks ..(green, square) Nos. ' 1 and 3. .at locations on Coast_ Guard permit. . (B) Install 3 TR daymarks (red triangles) Nos. 2, 4 and . . 6 at .locations on Coast Guard permit. • (C) Install 2 obstruction warning daymarks (NW type) to read "Danger Coral Rock" at locations located on permit. • • • Nib • • •(D) Daymarks Nos. 1- and 2 and both obstruction markers are to be of "1. mile nominal" dimensions. (E) Daymarks Nos, 3, 4 ,and 6 are to' be of "1 mile nominal" dimensions. 4. CERTIFICATION: • • • • (A) Bidder will certify that the plans and specifications . of the project will comply with the project design criteria .estab.lished by: the Department of Natural Resources and will, if carried out, result in completed • facilities. incorporating acceptable engineering design • standards, which facilities will -be structually sound, safe and suitable for their location .and intended use. • • (B) Bidder must also certify completion of the project in accordance with 4 (A) and in accordance with Coast .Guard Requirements and the Coast Guard Permit enclosed. • • (C) '. Bidder will certify location of installed pilesby , latitude and longitude upon completion.of the work. . 5. DEMOLITION: None. -6. Contract shall specify. number of days required to complete work. • The .Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to accept or . reject any, and all bids. All bids to remain valid for 120 days after bid selection by the Board of County Commissioners or until contract' is in effect allowing for new dates, whichever comes sooner. . Performance Bond required in accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 255. If your bid, or proposal exceeds $25,000, it will be necessary to post a Performance Bond. . ' BOARD OF.000NTY COM ERS _ Wilhelmina Harvey, District , _ --'T L--j ' 'Curt Blair, District 2 ; • Florida Cooperative Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez,Jr., District 3 v �� —:• ��'=; -� ?� -.. ;� - Extension Service MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ,' P.O.BOX 2545 OUNTY 0 MONROE ' : • t• thti•af KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 w • (305) 294-4641 January 14, 1983 MEMORANDUM ' To: 7th Coast Guard District, Private Aids Officer From: Jeffrey A. Fisher. Extension Director/Marine -Agent Boating Improvement Fund Liaison Subject: Private Aids at Tamarac Park, Geiger Key Extrance Channel Enclosed you will find CG-2554, Private Aids to Navigation Applica- tion for the situation in Tamarac Park. Please note that the county is acting as applicant for the project administration and funding but the Tamarac Park Property Owners Associa- tion is accepting responsibility for maintenance of the aids. Any pending violations of the Tamarac Park Property Owners Associa- tion with your office are a matter that can only be resolved through contact between those parties. The county is not a part of any previous activity in that channel. W . have removed one marker from our application -- No. 4 (TR) .. A technical question--Does this change our 'numbering sequence from that which we have submitted? Thank you for your cooperation. • JAF/bv r Z_ cc: Tamarac Park Property Owners Association K. Lewin, County Administrator L. Proby, County.Attorney • • • • . (can) . 350 Jo21 • • 1657 8/37 • • • aerial: 0053 • • J/ N 3 I 283 Mr. James Thompson Tamarac Park Property Owners .association 260 Mars Lane Key West, FL 33040 . • • Dear Mr. Thompson: • I am pleased to enclose the approved Private Aids to Navigation Application (CG-2554) authorizing the establishment of Tamarac Park Channel Daybracons 1, 2, 3, 4, G and Tamarac Park East and West Obstri:etion Daybeacons. This authorization is issued under the following conditions: That• • . you advise the Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District (can) immediately when these aids are actually established. At that time, the Coast . Guard will. issue appropriate notices to Mariners which will update the Light List and nautical charts. • • These private aids to navigation shall be Maintained in proper condition at ail • times. They will be inspected by the Coast Guard after establishment and thereafter at any time and without prior notice to the maintainer. Coast •Guard authorization of these private aids to navigation does not • authorize any invasion of private rights, nor grant any 'exclusive privileges, nor does it obviate the necessity of complying with any other federal, state or local laws or regniRtions. The applicant agrees to save the Coast Guard harmless with respect to any ' . claim •or claims that may . result from the . alleged negligence of the maintenance or operation of the approved aids. Changes in ownership must be .approved by the U. ti. Coast Guard. • • Discontinuance and,removal procedures should be requested from this office: • • If the aids are•not installed within one year of the approval date and this office Notified in writing, the approved application is automatically canccriea. 11111 • 16513/37 . • Serial: UU58 JAN ) ' 1983 • You are invited to review conditions 3 and 4 of this authorization. It must be understood that.when any aid to navigation is established, whether federal or • private, this,information is published immediately and then carried on future editions of appropriate charts and in the Light List. Thereafter,.mariners have the right to expect the aid to display the advertised signal. Discrepancies left • uncorrected may result in marine casualties and resultant litigation. Sincerely, • • A. J. IIAGSTROM Captain, U. S. Coast Guard Chief, Aids to Navigation Branch • Seventh Coast Guard District ..y. direction of the District Commander Encl: (I) CG-2334. • • Copy; District En! ineer, U. 3. ils.rmy Corps of Engineers Jacksonville, FL • r. Jeffrey r fisher Officer in Charge, Coast Guard Aids to Navigation Team Key west, FL .. DEPARTMENT OF • , TRANSPORTATION ' u.S.COAs7'CUARD PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION APPLICATION Form Approvedl CG-2554 (Rev.7-76) (See attached instructions and copy of Code of Fed. Reg., Title 33, Chap. 1,Part 66) OMB-004-12 5 6 8 1 . NO PRIVATE AID TO NAVIGATION MAY BE AUTHORIZED UNLESS A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM HAS BEEN RECEIVED(14 U.S.C.83;33 C.F.R.66.01.5). . 1. ACTION REQUESTED FOR PRIVATE 2. DATE ACTION to START AIDS TO NAVIGATION: •AQESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN B.DDISCONTINUE C.❑CHANGE DFJTRANS,FER OWNERSHIP ASAP ' y 3. AIDS WILL BE OPERATED: A. THROUGHOUT YEAR B.❑ TEMPORARILY UNTIL C. 0 ANNUALLY FROM TO • 4. NECESSITY FOR AID(Continue in Block 8) Beriat'0447 S. GENERAL LOC/aL`TY 6. CORPS OF ENGINEERS AUTHORIZED THIS STRUCTURE OR BUOY BY *Comply with CC: corresnondence. .i16518/37 ITnm�Tra(•k PLKevner EPERMITOR EILETTER(file and date) 33 C1'R 33e. 5 (a) (1 ) FOR DISTRICT COMMANDERS ONLYI 7. APPLICANT WILL FILL IN APPLICABLE REMAINING COLUMNS LIGHT STRUCTURE LIGHT LIST NO. DEPTH CAN- HT. REMARKS • NUMBER NAME OF AID OR FLASH POSITION OF DLE ABOVE TYPE,COLOR,AND HEIGHT (,See Instructions) OR PAGE LTR. PER. LGTH. COLOR WATERPOWER WATER ABOVE GROUND Tamarac Park Cl-am. (_7b) (7c) (7d) (7e) (7f) (79) (7h) (7I) (70 rg. o/ -Daybeacon 1 Lat 24°34'21.5" single pile • • • Long 81°39'22" 4' 8'min square green 1 mile nominal •• -Daybeacon 2 I,at 24°34'22" 4' 8'min single pile . . Long 81°39'21" red triangle • 1 mile nominal - • Ate. L• :xX)/26-:A(4:-2.3:x5:'i:.. `: .'nP.�:c!�'7i;l:. : ' ' Ls ::ckx1,-' r3:xxx ,; !:i: t7 ii:::-rActy '.1;q xt7.: �i:l:e:.P.^.Ti,r,. -Paybeacon 4.. Lat 24°34'26" single pile • Long 81°39'25.7" 2' 8'min red triangle. . 1 mile nominal ' • • -Daybeacon• 6. Lat 24°34'28.3" single pile ' • Long 81°39,27.5" 2' 8'min red triangle iq mile nominal Daybeacon , • • Lat 24° 34'25" single pile • Tamarac Park r:',.STR- - Long 81°39'27" 2' 3'min red triangle : 'l mile nominal i "` warning daymarks — 6' 8'min warning day-mark '1 mile nominal , • 8. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS - 6' . , 8'min warning daymark 1 mile nominal - warning daymarks• *27 May 1982 CC letter to Tamarac Park Property Owners Ass'n requests, certain changes in channel masking syste'i (daymarkers) to be in compliance as regulation structures **2 warning daymarks marking band of coral heads at entrance mouth of channel to read "Danger Coral Rock" I 9a. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON IN DIRECT 10a.NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON OR 10b. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO SAVE THE COAST GUARD HARMLESS CHARGE OF AID CORPORATION AT WHOSE EXPENSE WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM OR CLAIMS.THAT MAY RESULT ARISIcOC'. AID IS MAINTAINED FROM THE ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF THc.MAINTENANCE OR Board of County Commissioners • AIMS).OPERATION OF•THE APPROVED AIMS). I . . '' a r• • •I Tamarac Park Property Ownc • J/ C/O Boating Improvement Fund 10c. DATE 10d. SIGNATUR AN TITLE' F OFFICIAL SIGNING I'_n,Pnx 9545 Key West, FL 33040 Ass'n, c/o J. Thompson , � :4- { 9b. TELEPHONE NO. 260 Mars Lane ` ' y• 305/296-9786 IevWes FL 3304O / / 7 ,'ji' 1 r� 7` � 0 ., _ r, FOR USE BY DISTRICT COMMANDER RECD. DATE APPROVED SIGNATURE(By direction) •'' ' ' , ' SERIAL NO. CLASSIFICATION OF AIRS CHART 11445 , l.1.4. 2 1983 A. T. 1IAC' TROIA• f'C'APT C?1�`!�'^; ,l 7 JAtd21 •Class II `L.N.M. Ty direction: e.' j'- ••. PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE ' - -- • --. •- • - . . N�520-00-F01-1340 /< ,.. No 5 C IIIIIt T * lLly5 • Duck Key 5 2 2 y 3 2 r Hey y 0 I, C/ r ... +•� 4 . .J• rk1 2 r I ' • 2 i 2 •3 ' lr-�'/ . , z,�.,1 3 ' - I 1rr ..Jim Peel Pt 8 .,3 3 _. 2.;% ` /1 \ ` .. 2 o 3 I rri Halfmoon He 4 ' 2 2 • eQ r Y .N • f ..._ .. f B I. _•.. -. t 2 P r�! 2 �t� 41 O'Hara Key`1� ,/ I, 4 :•Ii: • /, 2 is CI • •\:.• ' ! • I �'�--•---� 2 2 2 .. i I 1 i Key • 1' W • ,rY�, p :"r ,, /;I . ik • 2 2 Shark3Key' B„aae,„1 } 7 2 / �� 2 r,ky I co - _ V. 1 .rit. �' ;, ,`. lra 2 3 sL2 PA I 2 I0. �. I ,n ._�- , . M F0B91 2 0, e• Ili t* C =' Era«„ `�� e •bti; I �,�, say • 1 ii .�1 Big 0 pit ge ••�°•mP FixEDBRIDGE fi ` O }2• I Y .. °°. MOR CL 16 FT 1'l.•''' ��' o '!: • ••l I �'O( } PI 'A VERT CL 7 FT .t. n Rockland-Key-`, , Iti/J0 _ -I 1 PA :1oti I • 2 i = a Cab/eAreagra arc ,�- ` 3}3• 4` 2% If I 1 ° e �• iff '` `�•, ill i I �. •( 74 aid Key y • ' ` I CI •�3 ound I . • . o�^'�L 75 Ft �' 1 1 4 ';i its Jfr iSiFriilar S 2 ROR BRIDGE ell �*4,., p • • MOR CL 22 Fi•b °Su • •- c T 7 B VERT CL FT ° Z --- — ��y\// �I .O• 3 Qr �' �T Being filled I I I 2 3 • •�505 i���I .F. _ 2 'frG. �� a. 1 •° • cY '//�/ L•g.� d 8 Saddlebunch ', .0 p .L 1 1 I ict ,1 �' i e� 2 2 •\ slake PA I I . �� o Gc 1 13)I • 3°Harbor �'^ ,��`� ' • �i 6' ~ I 2 o Sekef n` .� r ': I PA r-i • f7 QA• �� J.Op I '�.�.,:n el I „l i.! 1 'r. d k- . 4%I.': ' i',' 1 6:_tt Z 4 nr,. \e�i.�� • I g I•n. 1 i-•:h " '• "�?� \ I I I. ��� 2 r 1Se9;Slates +j • 1 �\ e I i 2 e>c° PA Qd2r.•_. 2 `~ i • � i 5 4 g 3 i 5 •2 4 I 5 sS 4 5 4 ' •i... 2 5 a 6 3 �Rt 1Q e x 2 9 2 3 4 2 S S Qe 88 %+ �� 0 9 r19 8 7 7 8 �2 ` , 6 1 5 ORrs ^^y C 'J'„ D 17 17 Ib 5 16 2 + v �, 7. 4 5 /� I y IS ^ 17 17 16 17 18 v 0 Cr7R�•O 44 16 18 21 S 17 ® 15 J o `�rir 9 Ig Ig 19 16 17 . • �' 23 22 20 19 :g 24 8 17 , 27 25 24 22 20 18 7` 16 20 19 18 2.. 21• 19 21 19 1; 26• 25 24 25 22 22 19 20 21 -f 24 25 O 21 I ` 23 brd „� 25 ,- 22 26 • _ -/ 27 ^.^.=^./V1'�.'V`-^_^.:.:J J..'1._..`.•. 26 2g 23 26 ?6 f 25 27 26. . 26. 21 / \J nrvvwvGN v^nn van. :3.__y / 26 27 22 25 ' 2 20 55• �� ^5 25 30_+ 27' , `/ 2: 1�' 1 V E L -3 26 '7 23 S 2: :. •i H1 26 27 27 • 21 26 25' —��iR • 28 29 23. 23 23 \� I o 30 if/ 29 28 13 � L 23 29 I[ 26 21 r 78 .• 25 / �g 29 <d ° 28. =8. 29 <8 27 26 :: e9 29 25 26 {1 r s! {1',fshrr.um•1` 27 • 27 25 SSb 21 'IS 26 5 2» 5 3 o / _ 28 27 25 23 26 �� ��,� 20 1 i6 4 �'`3% 13 , y•y\ / �'`� 13/14 ® 23 57� 13 I I 25 1C( <o '15 14 26 13 26 27` �--►� - '2'1 J21 . II 4\ , , `) g 22 27 _ 14 - KEN 29 (17.1 i (u3-2,:c.d14nN N 3 A 3) Udi1U9 .-Zi1 Z `d (lu�ld.1.1 '63UZ3U .-' / / i j t• r' / 4 'o N 21 O1 C7 f ^' _.�' ;< .-� 31G - 4,,-21 3�wnN �,`9 C 0 \ / / • • \\ ,�- a3r-y GN �L7u r';i7UQ \ \i, i , j �N \\ - •"a J 1 c7 7 13-• - "21 3 C?1 c7 2 1 • I (•7 1 :: i.;I V....1 ii c::J c) • DCf ` i � (3u� 1d�1)� ( _ . el® 3ux0c� ?� •• • 'rri (-C.\--3 • • �V1` '' -33ci - �i?13q'kGN NV i • L__ 1 �\ '; 2 'ow "lic7nv7 • I 39 -U14R02i9?+ Uq • `s $ '.N -So-1v7 t' 3 3 ci - "27 ]J?J C7 Cd 1 i' r r� •.- -------_ C ENERAL SCHEMATIC . . • • t . FOR DAYBEACONS • • • --n. .. .4:....1 , : ----TOP OF PILES • . 7 �. _ CREOSOTED PILE > v • • CC • • MEAN HIGH 1NATER� MUD LINE ,--�. • • • `�\—_'fir\�\�'If•�� �:�� %`�11 . . • „ ;, �;•\•-:- - -` '%��.-,. MINIMUM REQUIRED PENE- • •• ��: _I = 7i`� T���\‘� TRATION FQtJR FEET ' ELEVATION ELEVATION PORT SIDE STARBOARD SIDE • • • • ..�: ,.. • • • • • • • • • • • • . Single pile wood beacon structure (unlighted): • • • •�.''4 ari f . ` 9:,L7. TEA' L:=1 7\.-..) s / /V r� : 2 O/ymAgZks Fo?2 C. r k R K 1 T Ty1.i�� F• I -f !;'-V.•.Y wv. E` r1,3 ks °id _'- —-`- 1 0. .. , =_ �14c1-1 l�-r D �D�9yBF o4� J • i o�PILE I 1,1 • t X•tr1]� I I:`--. i A l- • it 1 II • "AY: F - • I D^V M i i •-1„3 D L 7 .•.4%; 1TCM LL-3 I - • - . fl i_'�Ld-4 PILE IrE71 L>=-= OS L• .. .. f =�'' ��'" I LOt.t:,ST U T:!AT;R!,.s,L LIT- u�J_1: k • L+.I; `,Q . - --_ . VC.' v2 ---•-DL;�i,•.J •�) Jr • LT•t PIE;lo.o) _.- ---I ,�- � CO•yL .'Cc 57 �gcp _„��5 -S�y~'K ''t.: �i. - I L¢3 74Y ti1A.7K t Rc} _--L T`_ I - _ c. • /��\\I� A_.N 32-5 •••\.7S I:.Y4�--TV I II [ I':I•t . •1,l'1 r-•) r i,pT,') P. _ :[.Z•tb?53•1•5i.1-..:1'•• •. :.?V3-. 1'rV. - 6o rrorn NOTE 1. ALL ALUM 1n.:N bOL7-3, '� ;`} . I . -- - ! - - NUTS AND •AIA N$75 -• - - -•---- --- - ----' '-- - --- _ -'J F'�~ z_ =1 i�_ • • G - L_ con oqm To • -- - - - - ---- — - 'f . QQA r0 I) 4S.u'F r • L A.T.E1DEO FOR �_�:/.t,+_t � In . ll' 11. 1,^" I AL_DY C00,:,1 - r.o ..,r i I I [!:r_ 2. 4 _ c cc N.L- Fr.'" DL_ • ��77 L - --'4._ '.L7` Erb �c'G•• - i_'�_ - i Y- • 7J 'ate-. ..._'::5_7. °5 = _:\z-_`_ r • :-• ' ,ram • I - �. 7.4,94;.44 3yt;.`� ? I ' t J�i.{t r. {t'f 5 ` ti r. 11. R • Ni •U�j k�• f['�:.��:i9 .�: f V •{ -1�i #{��- CC�1��.- ?ty�J �.�(• 'S�J'r.:- di.•1+��• �fr��cdj -�s. �'E^1;;' ,�!''�'•t; �'h���i �r'1 �y`'�iR• l�'k' ••,c+�. ;.It orS :y� °1.4;i1 ,, `•�r,")f.�;�� '�,1_ d;�+.�"v �.'•°i" a.�' t ,f t r i. 7 •1 •7 v v T 5 a z . p •1 6 .4 s �`4� k � F.?! '•u •7 0- SE r 0,4... r.. 4111.t '1, O;.,. , ,-,..r.et 1.i.t•>~c, •i� :rr. •t.n. • fi'•..fl....'.'. '�. »?•;; k * N`., .. r.sl, . .. 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P.esd.mlorm.00n. •• THESE OAYMARKS WILL BE PLACED ON THE STRUCTURES- wow. , I IRECTLY BELOWTHE EXISTING DAYMARK '•" - wo'e:•^:r Be'Waw eea.:v.eo.E••d .•..ovate*deeds. '� YWHITE - REFLECTIVE BORDER .. f MARINE • 7NRde7Ncar7Ne DANGER 'DANGER nn a7a.rE 4ln ew leOb B.Io. - NOTE: 'Fa aIE.r d.Tm.rk a,nweleBNbelow ,ROCK • CONSTRUCTION , ' Neo.n.I tierce Length Width Bad. • LOIW. 'Red IcRW.shall Be stied on red colored Ida. "..� - p • een Wart on green lored'I ro.end' Norr:n.l Rena. Si..D.YEnrd Bader Wi"n Len. ''I Nomw oI R.rye i e Oerao.•d Bader D..ger LoIler. OwR.L..e•c- ' 7•iwli ., ,6' N'- Y' B'•IM..n.stml .. .I,n..N.een on brick Ided 1•I'm - .se ' O r. UHS.n.o No Muwdm ICW_ .. 7.wM 4' 7" S" - ..• '.:" .- .: ],nle r '.70" .. 4'• 17'IM.. ml ,. . .; 1 M �7r,:4 'r.. "Y'. 1T .. rro Telki•e Ir•pw u..d .. - � -� E 4' 10 5.• �.�,J� • ~` r`: :(` r T.. 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THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN UPPER KEYS MARINE CONSTRUCTION AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF IN- - STALLING DAYBEACONS UNDER THE BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT AT TAMARAC PARK CHANNEL , GEIGER KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE . COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows : That the Mayor and Chairman . of the Board of. County Commis- , sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Upper Keys Marine Construction and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, for the purpose of installing daybea- cons under the Boating Improvement Fund Project at Tamarac Park Channel ; Geiger Key, Monroe County, Florida. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of ' . Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 29th day of April , A.D. 1983 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA • By .$%i�vl - r f/ 6//PMay Chairman (Seal) Attest : ' .• PA;mktn) . . Clerk i ' I • APPROVED AS TO FORM AN Lfi SUFFICIENC . D - . Attornera Office /j, - • AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT MADE THIS_ 29th day of April 1983, by and between UPPER KEYS, MARINE CONSTRUCTION , . hereinafter called the "Contractor", and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, of the County of Monroe, State of Florida, hereinafter called the "Owner", WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner for the consideration hereinafter named agree as follows: . 1 . The Contractor shall furnish all the materials and perform all ,the work as required by the Specifications for Boating Improvement Fund Project at Tamarac Park Channel , Geiger Key, Monroe County, Florida a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. The work to be performed under the contract shall be commenced within twenty-one (21) days from date Owner provides Notice to Proceed and be completed within one hundred twenty (120) days. 3. Further, the parties agree that if the Notice to Proceed has not been given by Owner to Contractor on or before September 15, 1983, that this Agreement shall be null and void. 4. Further, the work to be performed under the contract is contingent *upon receipt of appropriate grant monies. from the State Department of Natural Resources, Boating Improvement Fund. It is also agreed that the Contractor understands the rules of the Department of Natural Resources, Boating Improvement Fund and will comply with said .rules along with the procedures instituted by the Owner to insure an orderly progress to the project. The Contractor understands that these procedures and rules require the duration of a Boating Improvement Fund project to be as long as 18 months or more. Page 1 of 2 Pages i • 5. The Owner shall pay to the Contractor for the performance of the contract the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7000) upon completion by Contractor and acceptance by Owner, subject to terms and conditions of paragraphs 3 and 4 above. 6. The attached Specifications together with this agreement, form the contract and they are as fully a- part of this contract as if herein repeated. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first written above. UPPER KEYS MARINE CONSTRUCTION By P-res i dertl/Representative (Seal) `, ` ' _ ' Attest. (`' . . it4 rri Secretary ' 7 '' • • . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA • By May /Chairman ..)i/ V (Seal) Attest:%\CANN- ‘4‘..). • J6talk.) 0 . : Clerk Page 2 of 2 Pages STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. Florida Boating Improvement Program • Pre-Construction Ceftification Project Title ( ,l-j.yi µ R A c_. PO-?' I< C11 e,_in n j 4(1 r9-R1<a S County _ 1.o YI Kb to, . I hereby certify that the plans and specifications for the above referenced project comply with the project design criteria established by the Department of Natural Resources , and will , if carried out, result in completed facilities incorporating acceptable engineering design standards , which facilities will be structurally sound, safe and suitable for their: location and intended use. . ' . . Pr j ect Engineer ______ 4‘/L// :r _ Date: / g �3 • :.7 ; / S • • 'lam I 4. 1. X 2