Resolution 126-1993 RESOLUT I ON NO. 126- 1 993 RESOLUT I ON TRANSFERR I NG FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for fiscal year 1992-1993 and to create new items under said budget, now, therefore. BE IT RESOL VED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMM I SS lONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the fiscal year 1992-1993 in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following account. Transfer from 01 STRI CT I V rd CENT Item # 1 20-1 1 0-500-552-888 RESERVES FOR DISTRICT ALLOCATION The sum of $5,798.95 Into SPECI AL EVENTS Item # 1 20- 1 1 0-504-552- 377 GRAN PRIX SERI ES RACE Transfer from D I STR I CT II 3rd CENT Item # 1 1 8-1 1 0-500-552-888 RESERVES FOR DISTRICT ALLOCATION The Sum of $900.00 Into TOURIST INFO SERVICES Item # 1 18-1 10-502-552-466 TELEMARKET PHONE CHARGES z ~ . " -- (:) : -, -- :z: ;:. P1 :::0 C) ... CJ ---- ~ -.r :;J;:> ...., -0 ..., ::::0 ,.._, I ,.-.." .- co _. ~.-.,,,, -. u ...~, ., w '~'-:' -...... -......, .~ --- ':"J (Xl Transf er from D I STR I CT I V 3rd CENT Item :# 1 20- 1 1 0-500-552-888 RESERVES FOR DISTRICT ALLOCATION The sum of $2) 1 00.00 Into TOURIST INFO SERVICES Item :# 120-1 10-502-552-466 TELEMARKET PHONE CHARGES Transfer from DISTRICT I V 3rd CENT Item :# 1 20- 1 1 0-500-552-888 RESERVES FOR DISTRICT ALLOCATION The sum of $20)000.00 Into PROMOTION AND ADVERTISING Item :# 1 20- 1 1 0-505-552-990 PROMOTION AND ADVERTISING RESERVES Transfer from DISTRICT V 3rd CENT Item :# 1 2 1 - 1 1 0-500-552-888 RESERVES FOR DISTRICT ALLOCATION The sum of $1 )800.00 Into TOURIST INFO SERVICES Item :# 121-1 10-502-552-467 TIS MAILINGS Transfer from DISTRICT V 3rd CENT Item :# 1 21 - 1 1 0-500-552-888 RESERVES FOR DISTRICT ALLOCATION The sum of $3)050.00 Into PROMOTION AND ADVERTISING Item :# 1 21 -1 1 0-505-552-993 MILE HIGH SCUBA AND TRAVEL EXPO WHEREAS all budget transfer amounts have been approved by the appropriate District Advisory Committees, BE IT FURTHER RESOL VED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of Board be and he is hereby authori zed to take the necessary action to effect the transfers of funds heretofore set forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Comm i ss i oners of Monroe County, Flori da, at a regu 1 ar meet i ng of said Board held on the 24th day of March , A.D. 1993. Mayor London yes Mayor Pro T em Chea 1 yes Commissioner Freeman yes Commissioner Harvey yes Commissioner Reich yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLOR IDA (SEAL) BY: ATTEST: ~C.~~ CLERK / ~ MA YOR/CHAI RMAN APPROVED BY: ~9h~ TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Approved as to form & Legal SUffjCi~~~~. ~llM:.