Resolution 199-1983 RESOLUTION NO. 199 -1983 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION FOR MONROE COUNTY TO OPPOSE ANY ATTEMPT BY EITHER THE LEGISLATIVE OR EXECUTIVE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT OF THIS STATE TO ENCROACH INTO THE POWERS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES THAT ARE INHERENT TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT; TO ENTREAT THE DELEGATION, WHEN AND IF THERE IS DIRECTION BY THE LEGISLATIVE OR THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH TO COUNTIES BY MANDATE TO EX- PEND MONIES, THAT THE SAME LEGISLATURE PROVIDE THE MEANS FOR THE SAME. WHEREAS, the Constitution of the State of Florida provides for Home Rule by the various counties and bodies politic, and WHEREAS, Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, as well as the Florida Constitution clearly pronounces that local zoning and the use of land control is vested in the county government, and WHEREAS, the Governor and the Legislature have contemplated and on occasion have acted on divesting the counties of these in- herent rights as referred to in this resolution, and In so doing, have not only usurped the counties' prerogatives in this regard, but have failed to provide any monetary safeguards in the event of a mandate relating to these usurpations, and WHEREAS, to continue with centralizing authority at the state government level is in direct contrast to the very purpose and in- tent of local government of the varlOUS counties, and WHEREAS, the provisions of Article 1, Section 1 of the Florida Constitution wherein political power lS vested in the constituencies and should be only controlled by and through them at the ballot box should be followed, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows; 1. That the legislative delegation from Monroe County be strongly urged to oppose any efforts on the part of either the Executive or Legislative branch of this State to intrude upon responsibilities of local, county and city government, and that further, 2. The delegation for Monroe County be strongly urged to pro- vide funding for any mandated county function presently pending, wherein no provision has been made by the said legislature for the payment thereof, and furthermore, -2- 3. That this resolution be sent to the various members of the Monroe County delegation in respectfully requesting their support of the contents hereof, in upholding the obvious powers of the County as set forth in the Constitution of the State, Chap- ter 125, and other parts of the laws of this State. 4. That the Clerk of the Commission be hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution to each member of the Monroe County Legislative Delegation, the State Association of County Commissioners, the Governor of the State of Florida, and members of the Cabinet. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 22nd day of July, A.D. 1983. (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ......""'! I /1 ( J ""l, J ri~ ;" "" t";;'S,,Jj~J ~.'':' rll ..;1 -:.. Ii/If!) ,.~,," By ~.l.kW ' '~~-''-.I-:;//'', ...a yo r ftha i rman Attest: D!\IIii~1i U;, ~~~~~."!"'''"' ~I rou ~Ii it. j~il~l. ul.i:i\l\ ~~ l11. ~,o.(. C' 0 Clerk APPROVEDM TO FORM ") 8YA~7~ I Attomo(s Off- 7~