Resolution 206-1983 RE$~CUt!~N N~. 206 -1983 IDHEREA$, ~he B~ARD ~F t~UNtg t~mm!$$!~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~UNtg, FC~R!DA, has receivea an applica~ion from ann RUBEN tANt!CC~ WREREA$, in compliance wi~h $~a~e $~a~u~e, i~ is necessarM as par~ of ~he permi~~ing procenure ~o rean ~he following Biological Assessmen~ in~o ~he Recorn as follows: The applicant proposes to place 57 cubic yards of rip-rap boulders and fill material along a residential shoreline. The purpose of this project is to prevent further erosion of the shoreline. The length of the shoreline proposed for rip-rap treatment is estimated to be 74 feet. Of the total amount of rip-rap and fill proposed, all but 12 cubic yards would be deposited landward of the M.H.W. line. The applicant proposes to leave a five foot wide strip of subtidal shoreline shelf undisturbed (landward of and abutting on offshore peripheral channel). The waterward limit of the proposed rip-rap would be at the approximate M.L.W. line. The applicant proposes to place the larger rip-rap boulders first, followed by the placement of smaller rip-rap within the boulder openings. Backfill would be placed last. The project site is located on the southeast side of Cudjoe Bay. This is a residential shoreline on the southermost tip of Cudjoe Key. This portion of Cudjoe Key has been dredged and filled such that a network of canals and channels border all of the subdivided lots. In the applicant's situation, a deep, dead-end canal borders his lot to the south and a shallow peripheral channel borders the lot to the west. The canal shoreline here has already been bu1kheaded. Further offshore (within Cudjoe Bay), water depths increase gradually (Maximum depth of -4 foot MLW is encountered). The offshore bottom is generally hard, supporting a variety of a1gaes, sponges and corals. The lot adjacent to the applicant's (lot 10) is undeveloped. The shoreline here displays secondary emergent vegetation including buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta), white mangroves (Laguncu1aris racemosa), black mangroves (Avicennia germinans), and red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle). The applicant's shoreline (lot 11) displays no significant emergent vegetation - apparently as a result of cutting and clearing several white and red mangrove seedlings were observed in the intertidal portion of the shoreline. The width of the intertidal area along this shoreline amounts to about 10-15 feet. An additional five feet of subtidal shoreline shelf is en- countered before depths drop into the narrow offshore peripheral channel. Those species of biota observed within the intertidal portion of the applicant's shoreline included gastropods, for the most part. The following species of gastropods were identified: banded tulips (Fascio1aria hunteria), thin shelled oysters (Isognomon sp.), mussels (Braciodontes sp.) and false ceriths (Batillaria sp.). - - Isopods were observed in the same area. Over the waterward extent of the intertidal zone, green algae (Batophora sp.) is fairly well established. Resolution Ruben Cantil10 Page Two The subtidal portion of the shoreline shelf displays a productive and diverse community. This shallow water area supports healthy patches of turt1egrass (Tha1assia testudinum) and Cuban shoa1weed (Ha1odu1e wrightii), along with scattered green a1gaes (Cladophora sp., Penicillus sp. and U1va sp.). Red algae (Taurencia sp.), is also found here.-- -- ------ A variety of sponges (Porifera) were observed along with sea cucumbers (Ho1othuroidea) within the subtidal portion of the shoreline. Numerous ki11fish (Cyprinodon ~.) were observed in the general area. Anticipated impacts are primarily short term in nature. Principal in this regard is the elimination, in part of the intertidal biota through the placement of rip-rap. This biota is largely represented by sissi1e and grazing gastropods. It is anticipated that these species will recolonize the newly created rip-rap surfaces in similar numbers as the present population. Positive impacts are anticipated in the form of a more stable shoreline substrate. Under the provisions of Chapter 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes and Sections 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, permitting approval is recommended. As a condition to this approval, it is suggested that the applicant place the riprap prior to the deposition of the backfill. BE !~ RE~~C~ED BY ~UE B~ARD ~f C~UN~Y C~mm!~~!~NER~ ~f m~NR~E C~UN~Y, fC~R!DA, ~ha~ ~he above Biological Assess~n~ has been rean in~o ~he recorn ann ouly consineren pursuan~ ~o florina ~~a~u~e 253.124 by ~he Boaro of Coun~y Commissioners of ffionroe Coun~y, florioa, ~his 22nd nay of July , 19 83 a~ a regularly schenulen ~e~ing. B~ARD ~f C~UN~Y C~mm!~~!~NER~ ~f m~NR~E C Y, fC~R!~ I' ><Y~/;t. ayor By (~EAC ) Attest: RALP~ W. Vjilllf~ CLERK 1 "~lVIy ..MA.>. {) ~ cter BOARD OF COUNTY COMI\.,,~~.~. .ERS .~ Wil~elmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 OK~y~~i~"~~,~9E 1305) 2944641 Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 OFFICE OF: Director Building, Planning an Zoning P.O. BOX Room 205 Wing Public Service Bui1di 5825 Jr. College Rd. Key West, Florida 33043-4399 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (RUBEN CANTILLO) 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit (RIPRAP AND FILL) 5, Site Plan 6. Location Map 7, DER Assessment Date 6 c2. ()-?3 i L. J JUN 23 1983 COUi~ TY hi fYo. v v v v V" ~ v t.-- By6 Gay- TOPS' FORM 3397 LITHO DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE March 3, 1983 SUBJECT Riprap fill, Ruben Cantillo To William Russell, Actinq Director DEP'T Plannina, Buildinq & Zoninq FROM DEP'T Planninq, Buildinq & Zoninq LEGAL TWNSP 66S, RGE 28E, SECT 33, Cutthroat Harbour Estates, First Addition, Block 11, Lot 11, Cudjoe Key, Monroe County, Florida. INTRODUCTION This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111(a) of the ~1onroe County Code. DISCUSSION The applicant proposes to place approximately 57 cubic yards of riprap along his open water shoreline. Approximately 12 of those cubic yards will be placed at or below the mean high water line and the remaining fill will be landward. The purpose is to prevent further erosion of the property. EVALUATION The shoreline presently exhibits erosion. The placement of this fill would not create an adverse environmental impact and would aid in shoreline stabilization. RECOMMENDATION Approval with the condition that turbidity curtains be properly employed. Note :..Department of Environmental Regulation and Army Corps of Engineers permit are required. AH:cm PERMIT MONROE COUNTY ~ - PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Ruben Cantillo 800 Northwest 39th Avenue Miami, Florida 33126 2) Date Jna. 27, 1983 3) Phone number FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Resolution No. Date: 643-0760 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Same As Above 5) Legal description of property: Section 33 Key Cudioe Subdivision Cuthroat Harbor Estates Township 6 6 S Lot 11 Block 11 - First Addition Range 28E Street, road or mile marker De Lussan Lane Volume of ma terial: dredged/excavated filled/ deposi ted c,y, waterward of M.H, W. c,y, landward ofM.H,W. 12 c,y, waterward ofM.H.W. 45 c,y. landward ofM.H,W, ZONING: RU-l PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: APPROVAL: With the condition that turbidity curtains be properly employed. NOTE: Department of Environmental' Regulation and Army Corps of Engineers permit are required. Jeffrey M. Doyle,Ph.D./Director Planning, Building and Zoning @ 1) yropei' t .. owners llcUf1e 0 MONROE COUNTY or "''''1'' I 'r L ~..(~",:l\.',r, I1r."n,\pT''','',' r,'r.p',' fIT, \,PP. T I(~^.TIf'\'T r,~('r. ,:\.. ,j~ .,C;, P!T Lr~T \'. (', " /' \' 'ATIC":, TI-P::: flFPClSE rf q IL, rr ST'l'rTPr"d,\-~IrS I" 11 T ,r. ..' ''D,' 1\, ..;'\11_1 mail ing acklress 2) rate ~) Phone nt1Jf1.her Mr. Ruben Canti110 Jan. 27, 1983 1-643-0760 800 Northwest 39th Avenue Miami. Florida ~) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address, phone & certification nt~ber, N. A. 5) legal description of property: Section, 33 Township, 66 South Range, 28 East (if acreage) Key, Cud10e lot, 11 Surdivision, Cutthroat Harbor Estat{ First Addition Plock, 11 Street, road or mile marker, De Lussan Lane Zoning, . ~U =..3; 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cunic yards), to be excavated or discharged. Describe pur~ose & intended use of project. Purpose and use are to prevent further erosion of shore line and to prevent any washing if fill from lot into open water. Project is to place a line of boulders pra11e1 to shore line and extending from north side of lot down to existing wall on the canal. Boulders will be kept 5 ft; landward of edge of channel. dredged/excavated filled deposited volume of c.y. c.y. 12 c.y. 4t; c.y. material waterward landward waterward landward of ~~.p..w. of V.H.l'.!. of P.H.W. of H.H.W. 7) Name, address f.r zip cede of anj oining property owners whose property affronts water way. lot 10 (on Cudjoe Bay)--Mrs. Karen R. Sims, 4337 Wooda1e Avenue, South Minneapolis, MInnesota 55424 lot 12 (on canal)--Mr. Gordon Sharp, P. O. Box 719, Summerland Key, Florida 33042 - 8 a) list other pennits issued and/or applied for, inc]ude applicant's name, for tPis site: ,-, only one, already granted and completed, for sea wall along canal, no. 9638 b) If application has been submitted for this proj ect (or one similar) in tre past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. N. A. 9) list all Federal and State agencIes that have receIved applIcat1ms for tins pro] ect. Joint application to D. E. R. & U. S. A. C. O. E. with filing to D. E. R. (Marathon, F1a). This completed application fom will be accanpanied by the following, or it 'llill r--!CT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8~ x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Ppplication processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, decks C'P any structures affronting natural water bedies. $3Q.00 for vertical seawalls onInan-made bodies of water. $75.00 for any canbination of the above activities per site. Ppplication is hereby made for a permit to autDorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the infomation contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I furtrer certify that I possess the authority to undertake tre proposed activities. Pll provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be canplied with wrether specified herein or not. Th,ej granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. SPew cJ-l-t3 (2~ i..:J~ SH!TIature of applicant/agent IIXob 38'1171 Fee & receipt # T"'n 27, n~~~ For Department Use Cnlyj Approved by Pss't. Director Person accepting application & Date Cost of pemit Estimated cost of cOIlstruction > .'- , . ~{~1/ 8-S S,'fQ Vl~l:+ : S-~~<3h.. "" r;p rc<f I/j~ &J~. N 0 fkPc~'1 /'>0 2( ]!6~ b\~r .)U~~ ~~v~" ~ ~~_~tl\;(\y\:~if R~ _~. , G [)t,QL 1 Ar:J:Jt pv~^^r~ ~ fy'-(4LW~ . ~ . (J . .... - Cl;J?"'vyr1/f/J~;;'~v ~1/'"t.~~' ,---. • ( DRAWING SHEET il — 5 c. 4 L-rO 5 S _... ... ........ ; .2 _ .. .2.. fv1 i_ A/ 0 0 --- --- ___ _.... % CWItn\IE 4;',,,,.., —__ __ Li, ,t if / • !;• • f"-.S P46. /1 V II t w v __ N-' ) dY\i'l V _ i _ z o . _ -r- io • . m.•\-. 0 ; 1 , ' ,,,•?-,'-) I/ %-2 c „--, ..... I_ 0 T- i / L,%. ,,cilr,,,16,,), 1 ,•; , I 0 - (-J',S?;, / _ , i , - -- -- k • s., 10 ; • ,/,, i cr-: ,A, 1.,,•.t c- l'A_ Yli tri t 1 ! ii il t .1) it ; 1 . ( 1 , fl , kL.5-- •:=LT... I .) t '---'----'- - ----1` --.-----' ` - ^----,- ' —.-- C — 6 N (9-I— ------ — - - ----- PURPOSE: ,— ,. DATUM: Adjacent Property Owners: IN Cudjoe Key 1. lot 10--Mrs. Karen R. Sims AT De Lussan Lane & Cudjoe Bay 4337 Woodale Avenue, South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55424 COUNT" OF Monroe STATE Fla. 2. lot 12--Mr. Gordon L. Sharp P. 0. Box 719 APPLICATION BY: • Ruben Cantillo • Jan. Summerland Key, Florida 33042 SHEET 1 OF 1 DATE 1981 DER Form 17-1.203(1) Effective November 30 , 1982 •••• . • -• • • , •.,IN •. '- . . . . • . ,.... .. :.•. . •• • : . • • . . • . . • ' ..• • . • • - • • --VICINITY MAP • ' • ....,,. . . . ., . • . • APPLICATION OF RUBEN CANTII,LO • ......• • ,..,,,.... - . . • . • • • • - , . ,..„. ,.• . . • - . . . 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''' "•••••: ;, ,'• .'• • . . . ,..• :•,:-:.-...••:',I,;........:::. -'•••!•-• ::,:i•:-;'•;•••••":' ;••••.:, •••.:. :•:•.!:: - . - ., . • • . • - • . • . .- .. . • . • • - •',••,;•-• - •••;;,.': ''.:••••:". • '. • BOARD.OF COUNTY COMMIS --.�- OF: Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 �c Robert Ed'Swift, District 2 Dennis , MAYOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 ' {"'�` r' Environmental Biologi Alison Fahrer, District 4 '�,, kdA Mayor Pro tern Ken Sorensen, District 5 -""Ft:; P.o.Box Wing II ') ' `} �� 5825 Jr. College Rd. _L� w� Key West, Fla. 33040 , 4 OUNTY 0 MONROE 4 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 �• (305) 294-4641 °"� February 8 ; 1983 Department of Environmental Regulation 3201 Golf Course Boulevard Punta Gorda, Fla. Re: DER File No. Ruben Cantillo - Rip Rap Revetment - #440654135 • Dear Gentlemen: . In response to your recent letter regarding the subject application, please note the following: /X/ The decision of the Board of County Commissioners is a taehed/required but this project has not yet been :submitted for their review. • /_j We have notified the applicant that a County permit will be required for this project (see attached) . When the application is received, the project will • be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners and you will be notified of their decision. / / This application is part of a major development • project that is still being reviewed by the County. After we receive a County permit application for this project, it will be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners and you will be notified of their decision. / X/ We are requesting a copy of your biological and hydrographic surveys for this project. / X/ Other - A copy of the DER/Army Corps application was not received. , • . Should you have any questions , you may write . or. call me the . . letterhead address and , telephone number. . Sincerrely, . • tlf...;: . Environmental Biologist . - • cm • • • • • • • • • • • / . P FtUIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL File No. : 440654135 ki42.211\144�Vl.�l-03 DEA: OOQ: County: Monroe Nat: 3-28-83 - Applicant ldaoet: Ruben Cantillo Address: 800 Northwest 39th Avenue, Miami, FL 33126 .,• • Agent (if applies! :) : N.A. Address: • N.A. • Ilfcat'ion of project : Section( s). 33 Tovnship 66S Rinse " 28E Se: : ion( s) Township Range • Instructions on hod to get to site: end of DeLussan Lane, Cudjoe Key Wster Body: Cudjoe Bay . Section: ( ) 10 ( )404 . Dater Classification of Project Area: III , Adj&coot L3tero: . III Gregory of peters of the U. S. ( I, II or III). . • Aqu.atIc Preserve: . — • o Outetaadioa Florida k'aters: National Key Deer Refuge On Bite Inapection By: _John A. Meyer ( )00E ( x )DLEi' Date of Insp:ction: • 4-6-83 Oritioal Application: yea x D.n Revised Application: Yes ' No x Date: Date of 2nd Innp. ( ) Loeatinn Hap Attached ( ) Dimensions ( ) Upland/W'atland ( ) Identity Quad ?t p__ ( ) Estimated Trene[tion Lino ( ) North Arrow ( ) Measured ( ) I1iotoo Taken: ( ) TLoa b Date of Sketch ( ) KHvLJoHwL indicated ( ) Furnished ( ) Mailable • JAM/is • FILE NUMBER: 440654135 APPLICANT: Ruben Cantillo A. The applicant proposes to place 57 cubic yards of rip-rap boulders and fill material along a residential shoreline. The purpose of this project is to prevent further erosion of the shoreline. The length of the shoreline proposed for rip-rap treatment is estimated to be 74 feet. Of the total amount of rip-rap and fill proposed, all but 12 cubic yards would be deposited landward of the M.H.W. line. The applicant proposes to leave a five foot wide strip of subtidal shoreline shelf undisturbed (landward of and abutting an offshore peripheral channel) . The waterward limit of the proposed rip-rap would be at the approximate M.L.W. line. The applicant proposes to place the larger rip-rap boulders first, followed by the placement of smaller rip-rap within the boulder openings. Backfill would be placed last. • B. The project site is located on the southeast side of Cudjoe Bay. This is a residential shoreline on the southernmost tip of Cudjoe Key. This portion of Cudjoe Key has been dredged and filled such that a network of canals and channels border all of the subdivided lots. In the applicant's situation, a deep, dead-end canal borders his lot to the south and a shallow peripheral channel borders the . lot to the west. The canal shoreline here has already been bulkheaded. • Further offshore (within Cudjoe Bay) , water depths increase gradually (maximum depth of -4 foot MLW is encountered) . 'The offshore bottom is generally hard, supporting a variety of algaes, sponges and corals. The lot adjacent to the applicant's (lot 10) is undeveloped. The shoreline here displays secondary emergent vegetation including buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta) , white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa) , black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) , and red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) . C. The applicant's shoreline (lot 11) displays no significant emergent vegetation - apparently as a result of cutting and clearing several white and red mangrove seedlings were observed in the intertidal portion of the shoreline. The width of the intertidal area along this shoreline amounts to about 10-15 feet. An additional five feet of subtidal shoreline shelf is encountered before depths drop into the narrow offshore peripheral channel. • FILE NUMBER: 440654135 APPLICANT: Ruben Cantillo Those species of biota observed within the intertidal portion of the applicant's shoreline included gastropods, for the most part. • The following species of gastropods were identified: banded tulips (Fasciolaria hunteria) , thin shelled oysters (Isognomon sn.) , mussels (Braciodontes sp. ) and false ceriths (Batillaria sp.) . Isopods were observed in the same area. Over the waterward extent of the intertidal zone, green algae (Batophorb. sp. ) is fairly well established. The subtidal portion of the shoreline shelf displays a productive and diverse community. This shallow water area supports healthy patches of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) and Cuban shoalweed (Halodule wrightii) , along with scattered green algaes (Cladophora sp , Penicillus sp. and Ulva sp.) . Red algae (Taurencia sp.) is also found here. • A variety of sponges (Porifera) were observed along with sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) within the subtidal portion of the shoreline. Numerous killifish (Cyprinodon sp. ) were observed in the general' area. D. Anticipated impacts are primarily short term in nature. Principal in this regard is the elimination, .in part of the intertidal biota through the placement of rip-rap. This biota is largely represent- ed by sissile and grazing gastropods. It is anticipated that these species will recolonize the newly created rip-rap surfaces in similar numbers as the present population. Positive impacts are anticipated in the form of a more stable shoreline substrate. • FILE NUMBER: 440654135 APPLICANT: Ruben Cantillo E. Under the provisions of Chapters 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes and • Sections 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, permitting approval is recommended. • As a condition to this approval, it is suggested that the applicant place the rip-rap prior- to the deposition of the backfill. • c AC I L I'_Y :..- ::I• • ... - . . : • -- LOCATION : SITI Si PL': SD . . _____ --- - - — - - - - COUNTY ( ir O'iELit -i'HAN -.1 iL ,.;. ) : -- Z - - - - FACILITY TYPE : : • STATUS : OF CLASS : TVP -[ ' .._..._. LNT,'Pl'OCESS . -- - -- - (cont. ) — -- ---- _ -- . . DEP. OFF I CT: : _ ..DUN`:'Y . SI .. LA , ...0 - • SECT/TO'9;I .N_^-.� GE . - - SECIIENT . QUAD. — — — - -- -_ • E. . POP. SERVU : : .SIGN L: P. •. DRI:,_;IN(. CLL 0.`,. 5 - . :_ DISPOSAL :=THOD (S ) : ( ) ACC.SP ILL, Li A: C. ( i i:TOUNDIIENT ) SU Rif ACi l'.-I::.. ... __.•.::... ( ) i3URIAL ( INJECTION -.; VOL. R::7U,.:';-. - :.. " :. - ( DI?_\I:.. II:I�:) - 1 , LAND APPLICATION ' OTHER. ( ) ENCAPSULATION ( ) LANDSPR:ADING -- - RESPONSIBLE AUTIIORI'_ . . .AY :OT 3E FLANK , LAT/LONG.' . ' ALSO .''•S' ""' ' ''!INN:.:T•:-I or J' DISPCS Ai :-'.ET1I01 :U.',nUIRED • G:•ISTI6 52 ..)I ..)RE DC;E AND' E'ILL, INI:0W•IATiON P Raj F-.C:. :.. .:.E . lib t2_ anti/iv t ... .' Unr-TE _ - . .. . . . 7,);:-.,T E:-... 7•::•i.... : u_ j°e. Bay - --- - .-- c.I'i'Y 37 i z, _. ._lMttiwli ply- 33(d_S:_ __•I ii\;• I .. _ . • : ::: : .ia . . .. . FILE NUMBER: 440654135 APPLICANT: Ruben Cantillo PHOTO ORIENTATION Photo #1: North to south view of the applicant's shoreline Photo #2: South to north view of the applicant's shoreline Photo #3: Southwest corner of the applicant's shoreline Photo #4: Subtidal portion of the applicant's shoreline shelf t; • -- ` „4"':r•,^i rr+ .�e+•r•.•si'tr•.+r1- .t r-4. Y"Pma-- ,,, - ---•- r •d-w,:rysz' .. t i r ,144 .. ti0-,...Yl "by i i,Y e hr .35,''•fii•y.� r qr ,tea . 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