Resolution 208-1983
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RE$~CUt!~N N~+ 208
IDHEREA$, the B~ARD ~f t~UNtM t~mm!$$!~NER$ ~f m~NR~E t~UNtM, fC~R!DA,
has receiveD an application from
IDHEREA$, in compliance with $tate $tatute, it is necessary as
part of the permitting proceDure to reaD the following Biological
Assessment into the RecorD, as follows:
This is a revised application which proposes the:
1. Construction of two 136' x 8' docks with 95' x 6' terminal tees. 36
finger piers at 30" wide, ranging from 20' to 34' in length, one
64' x 30" finger pier and approximately 115 mooring pilings associated
with the proposed docking. All docks and mooring piles would be
placed within an existing flow-through boat basin that was excavated
under D.E.R. permit #44-20-0297, issued by the Department of
Pollution Control in February of 1974. This permit also authorized
some of the dock construction now proposed, although construction
was never started. The proposed docks would have 10" x 10" concrete
pilings and 2" thick concrete decking.
Performance of maintenance work in the existing basin by
debris such as a refrigerator, a car, lumber and rocks.
understood from the application that no dredging will be
for the purpose of deepening the basin.
It is
3. Excavation of 3,700 cubic yards submerged baybottom for a distance of
800 lineal feet, to a depth of -8 ft. MLW and at a width of 60 feet.
The material excavated would be spread on the applicant's adjacent
upland. Work would be done by dragline from a barge. Dock work
would also be done from a barge. No mention is made of dock
construction methods.
The applicant's basin, access channel, and circulation cut were excavated
under appropriate permits in the mid 1970's as they now exist. Depths
within the basin and access channel are in the vicinity of -10' MLW.
Depths within the circulation cut average between -5' and -6' (MLW). All
basin and channel sides were box cut and possess vertical walls. Water
circulation is excellent throughout the entire system.
The applicant's property is currently being developed for condominium
units, with all construction presently confined to the uplands. The basin
and channels in question will be used to provide boat mooring for the
upland development. Most of the basin and channel excavation was done
through upland limerock, although a small mangrove fringe was cut through
on either side of this development which borders VaLa Cut on one side and
Florida Bay on the opposite side.
Vaca Cut is deep with strong tidal currents. Florida Bay has an extremely
gradual sloping bottom contour which ranges from 0-8 feet (MLW), supporting
a variety of algaes, sponges and corals.
The existing access channel extends from the shoreline waterward for a
distance of approximately 330 feet. At this point, the water depth is
approximately -4' MLW. From this point waterward, depths gradually decrease
for another 1500 feet, at which time the depths stabilize at about -8
feet (MLW).
The applicant's basin has a fairly uniform botton contour with sparse bottom
growth made up of several species of green algae (Caulerpa sp. and Penicillus sp.)
The basin and channel walls desplay a variety of sponges, tunicates, mussels,
anemones, and an occassional xanthid crab or crawfish (Panulirus argus).
Turtle Kraals, Ltd.
Page Two
This existing access channel possesses silty fine-grained inorganic sedi-
ments of up to three feet in depth, as opposed to surrounding ambient
sediments which display course calcareous sands and shell hash of no more
than six inches in depth. In addition to the finely grained sediments
found at the bottom of the access channel, a layer of loose, decomposing
algaes and seagrasses were layered for up to two feet in depth in some
areas of the channel. This may have been the result of several previous
days of predominantly northern winds blowing in organic debris.
Benthis flora in the existing access channel is limited to several species
of green algaes (Caulerpa sp., Penicillus sp., and Udotea sp.) and one or
two insignificant patches of turtlegrass (Thallasia testudinum). The blades
of turtlegrass numbered no more than five in either area and appeared to be
extremely stressed (old blades barely protruding through sedimentation).
Total extent of benthic vegetation in the access channel was less than one
percent of the total benthic area.
The area proposed for dredging in Florida Bay displayed a rich biological
diversity with a predominance of red algaes and sponges over a firm substrate.
Particularly impressive is the variety of sponges here, of which ten
different species were counted. These species include the bleeding sponge
(Oligocerus hemmorrhages), cake sponge (Ircinia ~trobilina), stiner sponge
(Ircinia fasciculate), vase sponge (Ircinia campana), candle sponge
(Verongia sp.), green sponge (Haliclona viridus), purple bleeding sponge
(Iotrochota birotula), sprawling sponge (Neopetrosia longleyi), loggerhead
sponge (Spheciospongis vesparia), and the golf ball sponge (Tethya diploderma).
Additional faunal species observed included four species of hard corals,
including rose coral (Manicinia areolate), starlet coral (Siderastres radians),
porous coral (Porites asteroides), and finger coral (Porites porites); soft
corals that included sea plumes (Pseudopterogorgia sp.), sea whips (Pterogorgia
anceps), and Plexaurellas (Plexaurella sp.); and an occasional echinoderm
gastropod, pelecypod, anemone, arthropod and fish species.
The Echinoderms observed include long-spined urchins (Diadema antillarum),
thorny starfish (Echinaster sentus), and brittle starfish (family Amphiuridae).
The gastropods found here included a horse conch (Pleuroploca gigantes),
a cone shell (Conus spurius), and turban shells (Astrea tecta americina).
Pelecypods included pen shells (Atrina sp.) and cockles (Laevicarduim
mortoni). A single species of anemone (Bartholomea annulate) was observed.
Arthropods found included spider crabs (family Majidae), stone crabs (Menippe
mercenaria), and spiny lobster. Those fish species observed included
porgies (Calamus sp.), snapper (Lutjanus sp.), grunts (Haemulon sp.),
mojarra (species unknown) and cowfish (Acanthostracion quadricornis).
The benthic vegetative cover over the proposed dredge area was estimated
at betwwen 50 to 75 percent. Algaes were the dominant vegetation although
occasional patches of turtlegrass were found where sediments were deep
enough for their support.
Those species of red algae identified included Liagora farinosa, Garcilaria
verrucosa, Eucheuma isiforme, Dasya pedicellata, Laurencia sp., Acanthophora
sp., and coralline algaes (Lithothamnion sp.). Brown algaes included
Dictyotasp. and Padina Spa Green algaes included Penicillus sp., calcareous
algaes (Halimeda sp.), Caulerpa sp., Udotea sp. and Dasycladus Spa
The water depth over the proposed 800 foot long dredge area dropped from
approximately -4 feet MLW to approximately -6.5 feet MLW. Deeper depths
are found, in general, to the west of the proposed dredge alignment,
although they also shallow up near the existing access channel.
Turtle Kraals, Ltd.
Page 3
This area is commercially fished for lobster and occasionally, although
on a more recreactional basis, for stone crabs. The area in general provides
excellent recreational diving and sport fishing. It provides productive
nursery and seasonal feeding areas for a variety of large marine forms and
habitat substrate for a myriad of smaller life forms essential in forming
the base of the marine food chain. This food chain is essential for the
economy and livelihood of South Florida and, particularly, the Florida Keys,
where recreation is dependent in great part upon the well-being of the
marine community.
The primary impact of concern from the proposed project is the direct
elimination by dredging of a 48,000 square foot natural marine habitat and
its associated productive plant and animal communities. The biological
diversity of the present marine population is anticipated to be reduced far
below existing levels and well below the levels required by state water
quality standards (reduction in biological integrity to less than 75 percent
of background levels).
Due to the excellent flushing found in the basin, the proposed docks and
their anticipated boat usage should not cause significant water quality
degradation. Due to the impracticality of turbidity controls in the basin,
some short term turbidity problems are expected during piling and mooring
placement. Similar, more extensive, turbidity problems should be expected
during the excavation of the access channel.
It is required that the applicant be modified to exclude any additional
dredging of the existing access channel. An additional one to two feet of
depth could be obtained by widening the existing circulation cut leading to
Vaca Cut. This would have far less long term biological impact (some man-
grove wetland and a small amount of submerged bottom would be adversely
impacted, although, judging from existing conditions in the circulation cut,
regrowth of a viable marine community could be expected). The major concern
with an access channel on this side is the extreme currents and the consequential
navigational hazzard it would impose. A modification of this sort would have
to be reappraised from this standpoint.
m; :m R:E.3<"!)(11El trlJ (i!!E BOARD (1))' [('JUN1i11 QXOOtill3553(~TER5 (03' m(OO.1R(OI QXl1lr1T(p].
3'(~fUA. tijat tijr ahour niologiral Aasrasmrnt qas hrrn rrad into tijr rrrorn
and duly ronaidrrrd pursuant to 3'lorida 5tatutr 253.12~ hy tijr Board of
[ounty [nttmtisaionrn of {{{onror [ounty. 3'lorida. tlJis 22nd day of
1983 . at a rrgularly srijrdulrd mrrting.
OOAR!.! (1)}' (!{!yJ~m:l! [(00tIR35S 3<OO1'Et5 (1)3'
{{{QJNRQJE [QYJNWll. J'((1)F.31lP.
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At hat :
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0 U N TY o M O N R 0 E u. Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1
KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 - Ed Swift, District 2
(305) 294.4641 . t MAYOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3
r le: LIA 1 1: - Alison Fahrer, District 4
- t.'" v Mayor Pro tern Ken Sorensen, District 5
4 b
-/,, .
Lucien C. Proby,
County Attorney _
310 Fleming Street
Key West, Florida 33040
I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data •
and information is complete in the package of the applicant
as follows:
1. County Biologist Report
2. Resolution (TURTLE KRAALS, INC. )
3 . Permit
4. Application for Permit (Widening of Circulation v
5 . Site Plan I�
6 . Location Map
7. DER Assessment IV
Date ?- l`13 By,172.- Gaelee
. fin',5n77 . 7)77 ,,,
( x.. I 11I
JUL ,_,_,_.4.
12 1983
• 5 FORM 3397 3397 LITHO-.
DATE July 6 , 1983
SUBJECT Turtle Kraals , Widening of Circulation Channel
To Jeffery M. Doyle , Direc or DEPT Planning & Zoning
FROM Andy looten, Biologist ,DEP.T Planning & Zoning
LEGAL description
Township 65S , Range 33E, Section 32 , Gov' t Lot 1 , U. S. 1 at Vaca
Key, Monroe County, Florida, Seawatch Condominium Project
Zoned RU3 .
This major development made application for Marina structural
activities and channel dredging in October of 1982 . Mr. Mark
Robertson was the Biologist that handled this area at that
time. The Zoning Board had approved plans showing the access
channel at the North end of the development ; however, during
permit application processing with the FDER, ACOE , and the
County, all three regulatory agencies encouraged the widening
and deepening of the existing circulation channel (located at
the Southeastern part of the development) thereby making it
the access channel instead of dredging the North Channel to a
-8 ft MLW. The reason for this change was to avoid destruction
of productive bay bottom on the North Channel.
The attached October 19 , 1982• memorandum from Mark Robertson
to Alan Lessler brought to attention the need for the Zoning
Board to approve any of these changes to the major develop-
ment. During my last site inspection , I observed that the
docking facilities within the basin were complete.
The developers submitted application to the Zoning Board re-
questing this change to the major development and was granted
approval at the March 29 , 1983 . meeting of the Zoning Board.
On April 4 , 1983 , the Marathon Building and Zoning office re-
ceived the attached application from the Turtle Kraals (Sea-
watch) development reproposing dredging activity to a -6 MLW
at the original access channel. Note the "remarks" section
of the application referencing the circulation channel (the
activity that was approved by the Zoning Board on March 29)
widening : ". . . . the applicant concludes that this approach is
not feasible. The problems are economics and safety".
It may be logical to assume from the explanations that follow
in the "remarks" section that the developers wished to dis-
continue pursuit of the circulation channel widening and
deepening and therefore submitted an application requesting
evaluation of the original proposal.
Page 2 •
Turtle Kr; cont . . .
It was not brought to my attention until recently , that the
Zoning Board approved this circulation cut conversion to an
access channel for a change to the major development . There-
fore , it appears that ' Seawatch is proposing widening and deep-
ening the circulation cut and (with the new application for
dredging the north channel) the original access channel so
that the development will have dual deep water access channels.
I will submit a separate report addressing the latter proposal
at another time.
Because the widening and deepening of the circulation cut will
involve excavation exceeding 100 cubic yards in volume , a
decision for permitting this activity is required by the Board
of County Commissioners persuant to Section 19-111 (b) (4) of
the Monroe County Code. I have visited the site four times and
have inspected the area where the excavation would take place.
The circulation channel is located at the Southeast corner of
the basin and connects into Vaca cut . Because of the hydro-
dynamics that have resulted in the opening of. Vaca Cut , a
strong current passes through this area.
The widening activity (an increase to 50 feet in width) would
result in the removal of some native vegetation (e. g. button-
woods , white mangrove) however , this line of vegetation is .
mixed with exotic plant species and removal would not result -
in adverse environmental impact to the area.
The dredging and deepening of the circulation cut (to-8 ft . MLW)
would result in the disturbance of little marine biota due to
the probable lack of ability of marine organisms to colonize on
a substrate subject to such high current velocity. Water Quality
would also not be a major concern because of the high current
velocity of that channel and therefore the constant mixing of ,
oxygenated water.
Only the problem of increased sediment particulates (water
turbidity) being introduced into the water column is of concern
and this can be greatly minimized by the use of turbidity
screens during this activity.
Therefore , based on the above considerations , it is recommended
that this application be approved with the following conditions :
(a) Turbidity screens or curtains be employed to reduced
water' turbidity to adjacent waters.
(b) The applicants place that spoil material in a loca-
tion on the property that has been previously scarified or
cleared so that no new land clearing will take place to accom-
odate such material.
DATE: October 19 , 1932
SUBJECT: Dredge/Fill Permit Application for Turtle Kraals
a/k/a Sea Watch (Approved Major Development)
TO: Alan Lessler, Director
FROM: Mark L. Robertson, Biologist I/ 1Li
Please note the attached copy of a County Dredge/Fill
permit application for the Turtle Kraals (Sea Watch) Major
Development in Marathon.
I have no objections to this application on environmental
grounds, there are a few minor questions that the applicant should
be able to answer for me.
I ask your guidance as this application differs from the final
approved Major Development Plan in two respects :
1) This Dredge/Fill application proposes to widen and deepen
the existing circulation channel in the approved Major Development
plan to use it as an access channel . The existing access
channel would require offshore dredging to be useful , destroying
a large area of seagrass . The Army Corps of Engineers sug-
gested this change to lessen the negative impact of channel
2) The proposed dock configuration in the basin is diff-
erent from that shown on the original approved Major Development
plan. Please note that the amended final Major Development
plan, approved on July 27 , 1981 by the Zoning Board, does not
specify any dock configuration. It is my opinion that the new
dock configuration would be safer for navigation, given the
new access channel location.
The ,proposed changes to the final approved Major Develop-
ment plan will , in my opinion, lessen the negative environmental
impact of channel construction. With this in mind and considering
that the change was made at the request of another regulatory
agency, can these changes to the approved Major Development plan
be approved without a Zoning Board hearing?
cc: Robert Dennis
6,.r,7c (. 2/7 iu'3Gz�-u Cc ".5Cz_2 /r
d-{ A C C C •c:5 A G-:�+�� C� . 72�G
1)Property owners name&mailing address 2)Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY
Turtle Kraals, Ltd. Oct. 7 , 1982 Resolution No.
11840 Overseas Highway
Marathon, Florida 33050 3)Phonenumber
743-2253 Date:
4)Contractor or agent's name,mailing address&phone number
Misener Marine Constrcution, Inc.
Post Office Box 786
Marathon, Florida 33030
5)Legal,description of property:
Section 5 g, 12 Key Vaca Subdivision Acreaqe/Mara.
Township 6 5 S Lot 1 & 4 Block
Range R Street, road or mile marker 53
Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited
1 ,540 c.y. 5 ,278 c.y. c.y. c.y.
waterward landward waterward landward
of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W.
Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction
Biologist Comments-Restrictions or Special Conditions if any:
It is recommended that this application be approved with the following
(a) Turbidity screens or curtains be employed to reduce water
turbidity to adjacent waters.
(b) The applicants place that spoil material in a location on
the property that has been previously scarified or cleared
to that no new land clearing will take place to accomodate
such material.
Jeffrey M. Doyle,Ph.D. ,Director
Planning, Building and Zoning
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existing marina and access channel were originally designed
and permitted to depths of -8 ft MLW. When the project was com-
pleted, it turned out that the dept~ at the wa~erward terminus
of the 3ccess channel was only -4 tt MLW. ThlS condition pre-
cludes af the use of the marina as intended, permitted and con-
structej. fl,n earlier application for a permit to extend the
channel dllother 800' received adverse Comm~nts and a decision
was made to deepen and widen the existing circulation cut and
use it ;or an access channel. ^ permit for this work was issued,
but fUf':.her' review by the, applicant concludes that this approach
i s no t .c t: d sib 1 e . T he pro b 1 e III 5 are e co n 0 rnj C S d n d s a f e 1 y .
The ecollomie aspect is that a drawbridge over the circulatiun cut
wuuld need to be constructed and tended. There are heavy lia-
b i 1 ; t y 1 ill P 1 i cat ion s w; t h t h ; sap pro a c h . The s il f e t Y J S P e c t s s t e III
from the high velocity of water in Vaca Cut and the circulation
c h ann e 1. Sa i 1 boa t sin par tic u 1 a r w 0 u 1 d fin d i t i III P 0 S sib 1 e to
negotiate the turn from Vaca. Cut into the cirtulation cut. Fur-
ther, o~ce in the cut, it would be impossible under certain flow
conditions to maintain steerage way, and severe dJ!lldge to boats
wOl..ld be inevitable. _.
The :; 0 1 uti 0 n pro p 0 sed h old s to d nab sol ute III i n i III U III the a III 0 U n t 0 f
dredging necessary to allow use of the marina by sailboats and
deeper draft power boats. Dredged material would be used to
shal~ow up the deeper areas in the existing access channel, there-
by providina some mitigation. The applicant is willing to discuss
dnd implement other reasonable mitigation medsures to further
r (~ d u ceo r e 1 i m i n ate the net a d v e r s e i III pile t 0 f the pro j e ct.
The w 0 r k w ill be per for III e d by a b a i' y e -IJI 0 u 11 t e t1 c It! III S h l' 1 1. T u r-
bidity curtains will be used as necessary tu dvoid exccedin~
turbidity standards.
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File No. : 44-42081-5E County: Monroe Date : 8-21-81
Applicant Name : Turtle Kraals , Ltd.
Address : One Plaza Place, N.E. , Suite 1504
Agent (if applicable) : Michael Halpern-
Address : 410 Fleming Street, Key West, Florida 33040
Location of project: Section (s) 32 & 5 ' Township 66S Range 33E
Section (s) Township Range
Local Reference : Marathon Shores
Water Body: Vaca Cut
Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters : III
t .
Aquatic Preserve :
Outstanding Florida Waters :
On site inspection by: John A. Meyer
8-27-81 •
Date of Inspection : 12-18-81 Original Application: Yes NoX
Revised Application: Yes X No_ Date : 12-7-81 Date of 2nd Insp. 12-18-81
Biological and Water Quality Assessment
A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques.
Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state
(including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi-
tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 . 02
and Section 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code.
B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning
extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant
historical facts about the area.
C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if
applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any
relevant historical facts about the area of the project.
D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water
quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact
for all aspects of the project.
E. Suggestions, where appropriate , for modifications that may reduce
or minimize the potential impact of project.
PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79)
• J
Monroe County - Marathon Shores
Page Two
A. This is a revised application which proposes the:
1. Construction of two 136 ' x 8 ' docks with 95 ' x 6 ' terminal
tees , 36 finger piers . at 30" wide, ranging from 20' to 34'
in length, one 64' x 30" finger pier and approximately 115
mooring pilings associated with the proposed docking. All
docks and mooring piles would be placed within an existing
flow-through boat basin that was excavated under D.E.R.
permit #44-20-0297 , issued by the Department of Pollution
Control in February of 1974. This permit also authorized
some of the dock construction now proposed, although con-
struction was never started. The proposed docks would have
10" x 10" concrete pilings and 2" thick concrete decking.
2 . Performance of maintenance work in the existing basin by
removing debris such as a refrigerator, ,a car, lumber and
rocks . It is understood from the application that no
dredging will be performed for the purpose of deepening the
3 . Excavation of 3 , 700 cubic yards submerged .baybottom for a
distance of 800 lineal feet, to a depth of -8 ft. MLW and
at a width of 60 feet. The material excavated would be
spread on the applicant' s adjacent upland. Work would be
done by dragline from a barge. Dock work would also be
done from a barge . No mention is made of dock construction
methods .
B. The applicant's basin, access channel, and circulation cut were
excavated under appropriate permits in the mid 1970 ' s as they
now exist . Depths within the basin and access channel are in
the vicinity of -10 ' MLW. Depths within the circulation cut
average between -5 ' and -6 ' (MLW) . All basin and channel sides
were box cut and possess vertical walls . Water circulation is
excellent throughout the entire system.
The applicant'•s property is currently being developed for condo-
minium units , with all construction presently confined to the
uplands . The basin and channels in question will be used to
provide boat mooring for the upland development. Most of the
basin and channel excavation was done through upland limerock,
although a small mangrove fringe was cut through on either side
of this development which borders Vaca Cut on one side and
Florida Bay on the opposite side.
Monroe County - Marathon Shores
Page Three
Vaca Cut is deep with strong tidal currents . Florida Bay has
an extremely gradual sloping bottom contour which ranges from
0-8 feet (MLW) , supporting a variety of algaes , sponges and
corals .
The existing access channel extends from the shoreline waterward
for a distance of approximately 330 feet. At this point, the
water depth is approximately -4' MLW. From this point waterward,
depths gradually decrease for another 1500 feet, at which time
the depths stabilize at about -8 feet (MLW) .
C. The applicant ' s basin has a fairly uniform bottom contour with
sparse bottom growth made up of several species of green algae
(Caulerpa sp . and Penicillus sp. ) . The basin and channel walls
display a variety of sponges , tunicates , mussels , anemones , and
an occassional xanthid crab or crawfish (Panulirus argus) .
This existing access channel possesses silty fine-grained inor-
ganic sediments of up to three feet in depth, as opposed to
surrounding ambient sediments which display course calcareous
sands and shell hash of no more than six inches in depth. In
addition to the finely grained sediments found at the bottom
of the access channel, a layer of loose, decomposing algaes
and seagrasses were layered for up to two feet in depth in
some areas of the channel. This may have been the result of
several previous days of predominantly northern winds blowing in
organic debris .
Benthic flora in the existing access channel is limited to
several species of green algaes (Caulerpa sp . , Penicillus sp, and
Udotea sp . ) and one or two insignificant patches of turtlegrass
(Thallasia testudinum) . The blades of turtlegrass numbered no
more than five in either area and appeared to be extremely stres-
sed (old blades barely protruding through sedimentation) . Total
extent of benthic vegetation in the access channel was less than
one percent of the total benthic area.
The area proposed for dredging in Florida Bay displayed a rich
biological diversity with a predominance of red algaes and sponges
over a firm substrate. Particularly impressive is the variety of
sponges here , of which ten different species were counted. These
species include the bleeding sponge (Oligocerus hemmorrhages) ,
cake sponge (Ircinia strobilina) , stinker sponge (Ircinia
fasciculata) , vase sponge (Ircinia campana) , candle sponge
(Verongia sp . ) , green sponge (Haliclona viridis) , purple bleeding
Monroe County - Marathon Shores
Page Four -
sponge (Iotrochota birotula) , sprawling sponge (NeoVetrosia
longleyi) , loggerhead sponge (Spheciospongia vesparia) , and
the golf ball sponge (Tethya diploderma) .
Additional faunal species observed included four species of hard
corals , including rose coral (Manicinia areolata) , starlet coral
(Siderastrea radians) , porous coral (Porites asteroides) , and
finger coral (Porites porites) ; soft 'corals that included sea
plumes (Pseudopterogorgia sp. ) , sea whips (Pterogorgia ance s) ,
and Plexaurellas (Plexaurella sp . ) ; and an occasional ec ino erm,
gastropod, pelecypod, anemone, arthropod and fish species .
The Echinoderms observed include long-spined urchins (Diadema
antillarum) , thorny starfish (Echinaster sentus) , and brittle
starfish (family Amphiuridae) . The gastropods found here inclu-
ded a horse conch (Pleuroploca gigantes) , a cone shell (Conus
spurius) , and turban shells (Astrea tecta athricina) . Pe cypods
included pen shells (Atrina sp . and c—o les (Laevicarduim mortoni) .
A single species of anemone (Bartholomea annulata) was observed.
Arthropods found included spider crabs (family Majidae) , stone
crabs (Menippe mercenaria) , and spiny lobster. Those fish species
observe Inc uded porgies (Calamus sp . ) , snapper (Lutjanus sp . ) ,
grunts (Haemulon sp . ) , mojarra (species unknown) and cowfish
(Acanthostracion quadricornis) . -
The benthic vegetative cover over the proposed dredge area was esti-
mated at between 50 to 75 percent. Algaes were the dominant
vegetation although occasional patches of turtlegrass were found
where sediments were deep enough for their support.
Those species of red algae identified included Lia ora farinosa,
Gracilaria ve-rrucosa, Eucheuma isiforme , Dasya pe ice lata,
Laurencia sp . , Acanthophora sp. , and coralline algaes
(Lithothamnion sp . ) . Brown algaes included Dictyota sp . and
Padina sp . Green algaes included Penicillus sp. , calcareous algaes
(Halimeda sp . ) , Caulerpa sp. , Udotea sp. and Dasycladus sp .
The water depth over the proposed 800 foot long dredge area
dropped from approximately -4 feet MLW to approximately -6 . 5 feet
MLW. Deeper depths are found, in general , to the west of the
proposed dredge alignment, although they also shallow up near the
existing access channel .
This area is commercially fished for lobster and occasionally,
although on a more recreational basis , for stone crabs . The area
in general provides excellent recreational diving and sport
t -,.
Monroe County - Marathon Shores
Page Five
fishing. It provides productive nursery and seasonal feeding
areas for a variety of large marine forms and habitat sub-
strate for a myriad of smaller life forms essential in forming
the base of the marine food chain. This food chain is
essential for the economy and livelihood of South Florida and, -
particularly, the Florida Keys , where recreation is dependent
in great part upon the well-being of the marine community.
D. The primary impact of concern from the proposed project is the
direct elimination by dredging of a 48 ,000 square foot natural
marine habitat and its associated productive plant and animal
communities . The biological diversity of the present marine
population is anticipated to be reduced far below existing
levels and well below the levels required by state water quality
standards (reduction in biological integrity to less than 75
percent of background levels) .
Due to the excellent flushing found in the basin, the proposed
docks and their anticipated boat usage should not cause signi-
ficant water quality degradation. Due to the impracticality
of turbidity controls in the basin, some short term turbidity
problems are expected during piling and mooring placement .
Similar, more extensive , turbidity problems sould be expected
during the excavation of the access channel.
• w.'.. ..-<:.,R _i. -•41. 4..?..... A ,.
#44-42081-5E. : :..
Monroe County: =.,Marathon -Shores
Page Six
E.'- It is suggested that the application be modified to exclude any
additional dredging of the 'existing' •access channel. An additional
one to two feet of depth ,could. be obtained by widening the
existing circulation cut leading- to Vaca Cut. This would have
far less ;.long ..term biological impact (some mangrove wetland and
a small amount of submerged bottom would be adversely impacted,
although, judging from existing .cond tions in the circulation
cut, regrowth of a viable marine .community could ;be expected)
The major concern with an access' channel on this' side is the
extreme currents and the consequential navigational hazzard it
would impose. 'A modification`of:'this sort would have to be re-
appraised from this standpoint..
DA : Dec: 4 23, 1981
READ: .!/ I, _ D .