Resolution 227-1983 t1.11 R£ OCIIZ U N NO. 227 -1983 3UH£R£A5, the BOARD OF mum C®fMMI55IONFR OF MONROE mug, FLORIDA, has rereivellt an ap 1iration from Juan anh erviliann Hnnarhea , ana 1UH£RFA$, in rumpIianre with ,$1aie 51atute, i1 is neressary as part of the permitting prnrebure 1n real the fallowing HinIngira1 Assessment intu0the RernrI as fnllnws: The applicants wish to protect their land from erosion and improve boat mooring facilities at their commercial property. Both goals will be achieved by the construction of a vertical concrete bulkhead with several sections of cantilevered dock. The bulkhead will be built in two sections which correspond to the two sides of the property which front on water. On the southern side of the site a 100 ft. long section of bulkhead will be built 6 ft. landward (north) of the property line. Two sections of 8 ft:_ wide dock will be built on this segment of seawall. One section of dock will be built on this segment of seawall. One section of dock will be built at the western 'end of the bulkhead and will measure 50 ft. long. Three mooring piles will be placed right at the edge of this section of dock. A second section of dock will be built at the western end of the seawall. The 30 ft. length of plain seawall, which separates the two sections of dock, corresponds to a patch:of mangrove trees which is supposed to be left intact. On the western side of the site a 54 ft. segment of bulkhead will be built. The southermost 27 ft. of this section of bulkhead will have an 8 ft. wide dock built on it. A mooring pile will be placed at the south- ern end of the dock. The northern 27 ft. of the bulkhead correspond to a section of mangrove trees which shall be preserved. Three mooring piles will be placed along the waterward edge of the mangrove trees. The seawall will be of a conventional slab and pile design. In areas where there will be no dock, the seawall will have a 2 ft. wide cap. In areas where the docks are planned, a 8 ft. wide cap with 6 ft. of the cap cantilevered over the water, will be placed on the seawall. A total of 760 ft. of dock will be built in this manner. Construction of the sea- wall calls for the placement of 35 yd. of fill, waterward of mean high water(MHW) , and 80 yd. landward of MHW. An estimated 0.0092 ac. of emergent (mangrove) wetlands and 0.023 ac. of transition zone wetlands will be covered by the backfill for the seawall. All necessary equipment and materials for construction will be brought to the project site over upland routes. The necessary fill will be obtained from an upland source. Turbidity curtains will be used during construction to help maintain water quality. The project site is located on the Coco Plum Beach Causeway, which connects Coco Plum Beach to Fat Deer Key. The causeway crosses Bonefish Bay, a natural predominantly shallow body of water which _is designated as Class III waters (Chapter 17-3.041 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code) . The land is a little over 100 ft. deep on either side of the right of way. Development in the area consists of a patchwork of commercial and residential development, with commercial fishing the most common. 11111 Resolution Juan & Servilino Bonachea Page Two The project site lies along the west side of Coco Plum Beach Causeway. Across the road from the project site in an undeveloped lot. Bordering the north side of the site is a lot belonging to Joseph Picariello. Permit number 44-39397-5E, issued April 7, 1981 authorized Mr. Picariello to construct a 30 ft. by 10 ft. shoreline dock and a 60± ft. by 12 ft. access channel. The dock and access channel were built larger than permitted and an unauthorized seawall was also constructed. At present, the Department is pursuing these violations through standard enforcement procedures. File number 440553035 and 440643225 also pertain to . Mr. Picariello's property. A narrow circulation channel which cuts through the Coco Plum Beach Causeway, borders the south side of the project site. On the far side of the channel is an undeveloped lot with a wetland fringe. Bonefish Bay borders the west side of the project site. The channel which Mr. Picariello dredged pursuant to permit number 44-39397-5E, passes just offshore on this side of the property. The project site includes the applicant's property and an adjacent section of State owned: land which consists of both upland and wetland. The applicants property consists of a 60 ft. by 100 ft. (0. 138 ac.) lot. The long axis of the lot is oriented east and west, normal to the cause- way. The majority of the lot is man-made upland at an elevation of 4± ft. above mean high water (MHW) . With the exception of a single Australian pine tree (Casurina equistifolia) , all of the upland area of the lot has been cleared recently. A thin layer of fill was spread on the lot in conjunction with the clearing. The substrate on the lot consists of marl with some crushed rock mixed in. A number of lobster traps, steel drums, a storage shed and other items associated with commercial lobster fishing are stored on the property. On the southern side of the applicants property an escarpment is found which drops down to an intertidal shelf. Previously to the recent clearing and filling at the project site, there were a significant quantity of buttonwood (Concarpus erecta) trees along with other transi- tion zone wetland plants growing on the face of the escarpment. The recent activities on the lot resulted in the transition wetland area being scarified and a thin layer of fill being placed over it. At the . base of the escarpment a 10 to 15 ft. wide intertidal shelf is found. Near the west end of this side of the lot a small stand of mixed black mangrove Olvicennia germinans) and white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) trees is found on the shelf. The toe of the above described escarpment where it meets the intertidal shelf below it, runs along a fairly straight line on the south side of the property. This line is landward, but not parallel to the property line. At the southeast corner of the property, the escarpment toe is approximately 6 ft. landward of the property line. At a distance of 20 ft. to the east of the southwest corner of the lot, the toe of the escarpment is approximately 10 ft. landward of the property line. The southwest corner of the site acts as a small headland and as a result has been cut into more deeply than the rest of the site, by erosion. Here the escarpment toe is 15 ft. landward of the property line.. The circulation channel which borders the south side of the project site is very narrow. The channel measure 20± ft. wide at the southeast corner of the property and 30± ft. wide at the southwest corner of the property. A strong tidal current flows through the channel much of the time. As a result of the fact that this channel is the only direct connection between the two halves of Bonefish Bay, which are separated by the causeway, there is moderately heavy marine traffic in the channel. Resolution Juan & Serviliano Bonachea Page Three The western side of .the project site faces an open area of Bonefish Bay. In this area an escarpment similar to that. already described for the southside of the project site is also found. At the base of the es- carpment is a 15± ft. wide intertidal shelf which is vegetated by a stand of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) trees. Just waterward of the mangrove trees is the channel which was recently dug pursuant to permit number 44-39397-5E. Until very recently, the mangrove stand on this. side of the property was much larger and denser than it presently is. ' The change in the mangrove stand is a;.-result of the applicants having cut the trees back and placing fill over part of the stand. During the inspection, an unauthorized dock was observed in this area. The applicants have been repeatedly informed about the need for proper authorization for structures built in wetlands by State, County and Federal government representatives. When the section of causeway on which the applicants property is located - was filled approximately 25 years ago, the filling apparently extended beyond the limits of the developer's submerged land deed onto State owned land. When the subdivision was plated the lots apparently were laid out such that they correspond to the submerged land deed. The result of all this is that the applicants lot ends approximately 10 ft. landward of the escarpment on the west side of the property in an area of uplands. Constructed related activities will result in increased levels of tur- bidity, dissolved organic compounds and particulate organic compounds in the waters surrounding the project site. Proper use of silt screens will tend to reduce the levels of these pollutants, however, the strong currents in the circulation channel will limit the effectiveness of silt screens. Construction of theseawall along the south side of the project site will tend to eliminate the remaining emergent wetlands found there. Construc' tion of the seawall along the western side of the project site will tend to have very little effect on the wetlands found here. .This is a result . of the fact that the alignment of the proposed seawallwill place' it completely in uplands for most of its length. With the exception of the southwestern corner of the project site most of the proposed dock_ will end over extremely shallow water or even dry land. This fact will tend to 'encourage the applicant to dredge out the area in front of the dock and thereby cause additional environmental . impacts. Any attempt to moor boats in the narrow curculation channel on the south side of the project site will tend to result in a navigation hazard. The. swift currents, combined with the 20± ft. width of the channel adjacent to part of the proposed dock could very easily lead to. accidents. • Along the west side of the project site the dock and mooring piles will also tend to result in the obstruction of the small channel found there. Commercial lobster fishing practices include treating traps with old engine oil as a preservative. The result is usually that theground on which the traps- are-worked on and stored on, eventually become saturated with oil. Stormwater will often carry this oil into State waters. The application does not show any plans to control stormwater runoff. • The lack of stormwater control, combined with the elimination of much- of -the wetland vegetation on the project site will probably result in significant discharges of hydrocarbons into State waters surrounding the project site.=. • • • Resolution Juan & Serviliano Bonachea Page Four Under the provisions of Chapters 403.087, 253.123 and 253.124, Florida Statutes and Chapters .17=3.051(1) (b,c) , 17-3.061(2) (i,j ;q) ; 17-3.121 (7,20,28) , 17-4.03 and 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code, I recommend this project be denied Departmental permitting. authorization. Attached to this report are plans for .a project which would stabilize the.'appli= cants' shoreline, provide boat mooring facilities, control storm— water runoff, preserve the remaining wetlands at the site, restore part of the wetlands which the applicants destroyed without authoriza- tion and provide a reasonable assurance of meeting. State water quality standards. If the applicants are willing to adopt these plans, a favorable recommendation for a permit would be possible.. BE IT RESOLVED D3. BE BOARD OF COUNEJ COMMISSIONERS OF mONROE mi g,. FLORIDI, that the ahnve Einingiral Assessment has• hien real intn the ream) anh hulA rnnsiirrei pursuant to Flnriba Statute 253.124 hg the Bar of Cnunta. tnmmissinnrrs of Monrue Cuuntg, Finriha, this 5th bag of August ,19 83 at a regularlg sghrbuirb meeting. BOARD OF mum COMMONER OF MONROE cuing, FLORID E ®' 'i. 0 maRnr (SEAL) Attesttr c.�� ��; ti'a�'�5 }� EC ! o �7t1�i 4 ��.. aii' Clerk commotion Lucien C. Prahul Cuuntj Attnrneg -—_ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OUNTYLoFMONROE �' • Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 KEY WEST, RIDA 33040 (305) 294-4641 MAYOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 failteW Alison Fahrer, District 4 - • Mayor Pro tern Ken Sorensen, District 5 Eet11/4kol0/ Lucien C. Proby, • County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest' that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: • 1 . County Biologist' Report 2 . Resolution (Juan & Serviliano Bonachea) 3 . Permit (/ 4. Application for. Permit (Seawall & Dock) 5 . Site Plan 6 . Location Map (� 7. DER Assessment Date 7 /_ 3 BY 4,47 _`��!Q� 1 I JUL 2G 1983 • rn .P c'/ A. iv • ;1 E • MEMORANDUM TO Dr. Jeffrey H. Doyle, Director DATE July 19 , 1983 • • SUBJECT Juan and Serviliano FROM Andy Hoote Biol gist Bonachea, Seawall and Dock Legal Township 66 Sou , Range 33 East , Section 4 , Block 2 , Lot 23 , Coco Plum Beach Subdivision, Monroe County , Florida. Zoned BU-2 (U) This application is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners persuant to Section 19-111 (a) (5) 'of the Monroe County Code. The applicant proposes to construct a linear vertical concrete bulkhead , an L-shaped vertical concrete bulkhead docking facil- ity, and install one mooring piling. A boat mooring basin will be constructed by excavating/dredging approximately 20 cubic yards of material landward of the mean high water line. Approx- imately 60 cubic yards of the excavated/dredged material will be placed as backfill for the linear vertical breakwater, and the remaining 10 cubic yards of this material will be used to fill part of the owner' s upland property. The purpose of this project is to provide mooring facilities for two 24-foot commercial fish- ing boats and to provide support facilities for commercial fish- ing activities. The attached file memorandum shows that the applicants began their activity in late January , 1983. This report addresses the- recommendations suggested in the Florida Department of Environ- mental Regulations biological report . • The dredged basin and seawall/deck in the basin would allow the applicants to dock and :load and unload fishing equipment . Be- cause this area abuts Bonefish Bay, this basin would probably maintain adequate water quality. Water movement through the adjacent circulation channel would keep the basin well mixed. However, the seawall proposed on the South side of the property, adjacent to the circulation channel should be constructed of rip-rap boulders and not a vertical concrete bulkhead. Site visits found the South side of the property to have a large shelf before the canal edge. A concrete bulkhead would only serve as a property retainer as boats would not have sufficient water depth to moor there. Memorandum cont July 19 , 111111 1111 • The Monroe County Coastal Zone Protection and Conservation Element has established guidelines for vertical bulkheading. Page 37, guideline #2 states : "Where possible , sloping rip-rap structures and coastal vegetation should be used rather than vertical seawalls. " The applicant can retain his property with rip-rap boulders (not less than 15 inches in diameter) and filter cloth success- fully. The rip-rap should be placed at the mean high water line and gently sloped back to the property. Therefore, based on the above , it is recommended that approval be granted with the following conditions : (1) Turbidity curtains be properly utilized during all phases of shoreline construction. (2) Rip-rap boulders (not less than 15 inches in diameter) and filter cloth be utilized for seawall construction on the South side of the property. MEMORANDUM111111 TO : FILE FROM : Andy Hooten , mvironm n al Biologist DATE : January 26 , 1983 SUBJECT : Mr. Bonachea- land clearing , placement of boat dock w/o permits On January 21 , 1983 , I met with Mr. Bonachea , new owner of the property de- scribed as Block 2 , Lot 23 , Coco Plum Beach Subdivision , Monroe County, Fla . I explained to Mr. Bonachea the violations committed on his property ( land cle- aring and construction of a dock w/o permits ) and Mr. Bonachea agreed to ( 1 ) , submit an application for an- after-the-fact permit for land clearing , ( 2) , remove the existing dock and (3) , submit an application for a seawall . Upon inspection of the property on January 26, 1983, the dock has been re- moved and as per conversation with Mr. Bonachea , applications for the above are being prepared . .,,.,,-, ,�•_ -a• v e, � C is,.,• op � PLANNING, BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT e �,a : PERMIT MONROE 40 ' PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY au 4' FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE . ^'' WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1)Property owners name&mailing address 2)Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Juan & Serviliano Bonachea 1-17-83 Resolution No. 12440 Overseas Highway 3)Phone number Marathon, Florida 33050 Date: • 743-5163 4)Contractor or agent's name,mailing address&phone number Frank .Greeman 11399 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 743-2351 5)Legal description of property: Section 4 Key Fat Deer Subdivision Coco Plum Beach Township 6 6 S Lot 23 Block 2 Range 33E Street, road or mile marker Coco Plum Drive • Volume of material: - dredged/excavated filled/deposited 0 c.y. 0 c.y. 35 c.y. 80 c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: BU-2 . (U) • PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments-Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: The applicant can retain his property with rip-rap boulders (not less than 15 inches in diameter) . and filter cloth successfully. The rip-rap should be place at the mean high water line and gently sloped back to the property. it is recommended that. approval be granted with the following conditions: 1 . Turbidity curtains be properly utilized during all phases of shoreline construction 2 . Rip-rap boulder (not less thatn 15 inches in diameter) and filter cloth be utilized for seawall construction on the South side of the property. Dr. Jeffrey M. Doyle, Director Planning, Building and Zoning t :O M° .O. `_... kl: in PrINING,BNILDING & ZONINGT Pr *. APPLICATION 17I:P�llrl.'� I�1IT 1\I.PLlrJ'1i�0i•I T'OR O U N T V E 11��,TTON, TIlE DEPOSIT OF FILL, i. STI.UC ACTIVI?IES IN THE _ _ y9P1I`FPS OR WETLANDS OF TIONItOF COUNTY 1)T 'roper_ty owners name & mailing address 2) Date 3) Phone number t Juan & Serviliano Bonachea 1 -27-83 305/743-5163 12550 Overseas Highway • • . Marathon, Florida 33050 . • 4) Contractor or agent's ,name, mailing address, phone Ti cert.ifrication number. Frank Greenman ' 743-2351 V rL �� � �� 11399 0,erseas Highway. . . . . . . -2_ ITS • Marathon, Florida .33050 11 5) Legal description of property: . 4; . Section, Key, Fat Deer Key Subdivision, Coco Plum Beach Township, Tb6S Range, R33E Lot, 23 Block, 2 . (if acreage) Street,road or mile marker, Coco Plum Drive Zoning, BU-2 (U) • 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods or construction & amount of material (in cubic ya-. to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended use of project. SEE BACK OF THIS SHEET. • dredged/excavated filled/deposited volume of; . material ' -0- c, -0- 35 . 80 y. c.y. c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. • of M.H.W. 7) Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. Lot 22 : Joseph & Shirley Picarello and Monroe County . 11455 - 3rd Avenue Ocean Marathon, FL. 33050 8) j:'Rst& COEer permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: • b) If application has been submitted for this projectr (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. N/A • 9) List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this project. DER & COE 1/27/83 This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will not be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 81 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan; top view and cross section of proposal , drawn to scale. h) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, docks or any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30. 00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activites described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the be of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify t I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activites. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be' complied with whether specified herein or not. granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions any county, state or Federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of t type of facility. 1-27-83 Signature o - • nt/agent Da For Department Use Only/ o0 _ Fee & Receipt # Approved by Ass't. Direct Pi;r¢nn nrrnntinn •,nnlir••ltinn K rl.tn 1 .P `�6j �F 2 I ' ' A k35__--<,..>::., :..1„,.......- O. o-:.-1 E ...,,, , ____.________k_.:_ - . 6?, T\_ ' - ° .- Dahl. kJESCQ.I?'lol.. i;,.,'-_v 1` rT=i rIj-'-,,,C:"r . . L cT 2E 3'LK 2 corn PLot-1— r r> jJl \S` ` 1l i '), - ., r�.' , -#4,-,-,'-4,./,,' P 4-ILCL- Q �J -� ot. 9P p f' 1 • N'-�E � t , T` l 1 1,��1' .ice f• '1 � '' ri 1 , EY.l.5T yE c— GofK. 13ND �, 1 ✓,'.h -,.,�. V 7-CGtiT1LtvEc DECK K , •. v J n`✓lam-,...c,�. .. C o9 wooer I .�o c,�-�- lc) PtLC ® Ld- = 1 CrYP) FF JcE 7 oo' I i� --u;P-d M411 C sc�lC- v/�e.D S. r t �tn� 'I-, " i C 1M. o 'L� Soo° W )i� .RED-t"U�Ny.ZOVc / • :� '_ro rz�Nra,n: LoT23 %ROr.1_ ,G. . C�1�RT 1\A I_$ - �_sr_aer_co�C .es; I A` -D1_._.,;,_.:- -,-- ,,: S.L. • <,<,.-„ M I ti w/C', 0 o uc-ca K O 1Cii I � , i l-I t�4 Y✓ 1 P M d.Ja,vG�.` • _ f M11 1-45 t • 7 H *l �`' ; fit lull - . . r ,.. G1�GJL�-Tl'�I�1 �H(--- .,'... L.��'.�lE, - .--• -1.r 5.1_ r . . . . . . • . . • PURPOSE: Mooring of Upland Owner' s Boat DATUM • ADJACENT PROPERTY OMNERS: "'Bonefish Bay & Ci rc.Chann:l 0 Joseph & Shirley Picarello AT Coco Plum Beach,Marathon COUNTY OF�, STATE Monroe Count lonroe Florida y APPLICATION 9Y J & S . Bonachea f SHEET OF 2 DATE 1 - _' S K4-080 ( „--- k . 11.11------ , : • • • , . . . . ., .: i - I 1 , I i - i ,..._ , 1 I 1 I . -• 1 I I I I I I I 0 I ,, I •C: 11 I I • • I . . i I • I , ii -7 ' 1 • i • 1 . • I• R.7 k/ .t:._ --P_ CZ-7:c7S.‘_-_--- EL-E-VA". 1`-cp i I (-' - J.; 14. R_ x_ kk as ,z,,,r, 1 I 1+ ,o cA.T77' 1 • II - ' . r_ii_ -_____='14,)r .1;'-1----11V,.•\"sw 1 ._______________ ,., .. •/4,', ,_ ..._ FIL.i... -a-,_,.,_7:. • /i . / 114 el,I ..!&__ L. 4 c).c.• C leek_ 1 I i I, 1 i_ "P .=."(•C-t,M • - - V.A t t•-k_:_:_k5a__. — , . . L. ko ....—C..`sCA..Y._ •. I i- C ., 4:AZE--..c Pkt—F- •,,,,6_,r_ .F\L-5 1 I t>c:,-..\\J C-...'%:_N -1----•• 7.....ca:1=‘... ,..:- pILE I • , I I 640-7, ULY-1-t<. \js • \ie KT----, -,;-A-.1 : -7- t - 7 ( F. yi ,, v_0 i C 0,-..- a • __ ______ _ SK4-080 • • • DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL File No. : 440654695 County: Monroe Date : 3-2-83 Applicant Name : Juan and Serviliano Bonachea • Address : 12550 Overseas Highway, Marathon, FL 33050 Agent (if applicable) : Frank Greenman Address : 11399 Overseas Highway, Marathon, FL 33050 Location of project : Section (s) 4 Township 66S Range 33E Section (s) Township Range Local Reference : Coco Plum Beach Causeway Water Body : Bonefish Bay , Atlantic Ocean Water Classification of Project Area : III Adjacent Waters : III Aquatic Preserve : None Outstanding Florida Waters : None On site inspection by: David Bishof Date of Inspection: 2-23-83 Original Application: Yes X .No Revised Application : Yes No Date : Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed. proj.ect and construction techniques . Quantify area of project which ' extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 . 02 and Section 17-4 . 28 , Florida. Administrative Code . B. Biophysical features of general area. • Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. . Biophysical features of specific - project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any • • relevant historical facts about the area of the project. . • D. Potential. impact of project on biological resources and water - quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions , where appropriate , for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79) BONACHEA, JUAN & SERVILIANO #440654695 Monroe County - Coco Plum Page Two A. The applicants wish to protect their land from erosion and improve boat mooring facilities at their commercial property. Both goals will be achieved by the construction of a vertical concrete bulkhead with several sections of cantilevered dock. The bulkhead will be built in two sections which correspond to the two sides of the property which front on water. On the southern side of the site a 100 ft. long section of bulkhead will be built 6 ft. landward (north) of the property line. . Two section of 8 ft. wide dock will be built on this segment of seawall . One section of dock will be built at the eastern end of the bulkhead- and will measure 50 ft. long. Three mooring piles will be placed right at the edge of this section of dock. A second section of dock will be built at the western end of the seawall. The 30 ft. length of plain seawall, which separates the two sections of dock, corres- ponds to a patch of mangrove trees which is supposed to be left intact. On the western side of the site a 54 ft. segment of bulkhead will be built. The southermost 27 ft. of this section of bulkhead will have an 8 ft. wide dock built on it. A mooring pile will be placed at the southern end of the dock. The northern 27 ft. of the bulkhead corresponds to a section of mangrove trees which shall be preserved. Three mooring piles will be placed along the waterward edge of the mangrove trees . The seawall will be of a conventional slab and pile design. In areas where there will be no dock, the seawall will have a 2 ft. wide cap. In areas where the docks are planned, an 8 ft. wide cap with 6 ft. of the cap cantilevered over to water, will be placed on the seawall. A total of 760 ft. of dock will be built in this manner. Construction of the seawall calls for the placement of 3 yd. 3 of fill waterward of mean high water (MHW) , and 80 yd. landward of MHW. An estimated 0 . 0092 ac . of emergent (mangrove) wetlands and 0 .023 ac. of transition zone wetlands will be covered by the backfill for the seawall. - All necessary equipment and materials for construction will be brought to the project site over upland routes . The necessary fill will be obtained from an upland source. Turbidity curtains will be used during construction to help maintain water quality. • • BONACHEA, JUAN & SERVILIANO #440654695 Monroe County - Coco Plum Page Three B. The project site is . located on the Coco Plum Beach Causeway, which connects Coco Plum Beach to Fat Deer Key. The causeway crosses Bonefish Bay, - a natural.- predominantly shallow body of water which is designated as Class III waters (Chapter 17-3 . 041 and 17-3 . 161 , Florida Administrative Code) . The land is a little over 100 ft. deep on either side of the right of way. Development in the area consists of a patchwork of commercial and residential development, with commercial fishing the most common. The project site lies along the west side of Coco Plum Beach Causeway. Across the road from the project site is an unde- veloped lot. Bordering the north side of the site is a lot belonging to Joseph Picariello. Permit number 44-39397-5E, issued April 7 , 1981 authorized Mr. Picariello to construct a 30 ft. by 10 ft. shoreline dock and a 60+ ft. by 12 ft. access channel. The dock and access channel were built larger than permitted and an unauthorized seawall was also construc- ted. At present, the Department is pursuing these violations through standard enforcement procedures. File numbers 440553035 and 440643225 also pertain to Mr. Picariello' s pro- perty. A narrow circulation channel which cuts through the Coco Plum Beach Causeway, borders the south side of the project site.. On the far side of the channel is an undeveloped lot with a wetland fringe. - Bonefish Bay borders the west' side of the project site. The channel which Mr. Picariello dredged pursuant to permit number 44-39397-5E, passes just offshore on this side of the property. C. The project site includes the applicant ' s property and an adjacent section of State owned land which consists of both upland and wetland. The applicants property consists of a 60 ft. by 100 ft. (0 . 138 ac . ) lot. The long axis of the lot is oriented east and west, normal to the causeway . The majority of the lot i5 man-made upland at an elevation of 4+ ft. above mean high water (MI-IW) . With the exception of a single Australian pine tree (Casurina equistifolia) , all of the upland area of the lot has been cleared recently. A thin layer of fill was spread on the lot in conjunction with the clearing. The BONACHEA, JUAN & SERVILIANO #440654695 Monroe County - Coco Plum Page Four. substrate on the lot consists of marl with some crushed rock mixed in. A number of lobster traps , steel drums, a storage shed and other items associated with commercial lobster fishing are stored on the property. On the southern side of the applicants property an escarpment isfound which drops down to an intertidal shelf. Previously to the recent clearing and filling at the project site , there were a significant quantity of buttonwood (Concarpus erecta) trees along with other transition zone wetland plants growing on the face of the escarpment. The recent activities on the lot resulted in the transition wetland area being scarified and a thin layer of fill being placed over it . At the base of the escarpment a 10 to 15 ft. wide intertidal shelf is found. Near the west end of this side of the lot a small stand of mixed black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) and white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) trees is found on the shelf . The toe of the above described escarpment where it meets the intertidal shelf below it, runs along a fairly straight line on the south side of the property. This line is landward, but not parallel to the property line. At the southeast corner of the property , 'the escarpment toe is approximately 6 ft. . landward of the property line. . At a distance of 20 ft. to the east of the southwest corner of the lot, the toe of the escarpment is approximately 10 ft. landward of the property line. The southwest corner of the site acts as a small head- land and as a result has been cut into more deeply than the rest of the site, by erosion. Here the escarpment toe is 15 ft. landward of the property line. The circulation channel which borders the south side of the project site is very narrow. The channel measure 20+ ft. wide at the southeast corner of the property and 30+ ft. wide at the southwest corner of the property. A strong tidal current flows through the channel much of the time. As a result of the fact that this channel is the only direct connection between the two halves of Bonefish Bay, which are separated by the causeway, there is moderately heavy marine traffic in the channel . The western side of the project site faces an open area of Bonefish Bay. In this area an escarpment similar to that al- ready described for the south side of the project site is also • found. At the base of the escarpment is a 15+ ft. wide • _ C C 11111 BONACHEA, JUAN & SERVILIANO #440654695 Monroe County - Coco Plum Page Five intertidal shelf which is vegetated by a stand of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) trees . Just waterward of the mangrove trees is the channel which was recently dug pursuant to permit number 44-39397-5E. Until very recently, the mangrove stand on this side of the property was much larger and denser than it presently is . The change in the mangrove stand is a result of the applicants having cut the trees back and placing fill over part of the stand. During the inspection, an unauthorized dock was observed in this area. The applicants have been repeatedly informed about the need for proper auth- orization for structures built in wetlands by State, County and Federal goverment representatives . When the section of causeway on which the applicants property is located was filled approximately 25 years ago, the filling - apparently extended beyond the limits of the developer ' s submerged land deed onto State owned land. When the sub- division was plated the lots apparently were laid out such that they correspond to the submerged land deed. The result of all this is that the applicants lot ends approximately 10 ft. landward of the escarpment on the west side of the property in an area of uplands. D. Constructed related activities will result in increased levels of turbidity, dissolved organic compounds and particulate organic compounds in the waters surrounding the project site. Proper use of silt screens will tend to reduce the levels of these pollutants , however, the strong currents in the circu- lation channel will limit the effectiveness of silt screens . Construction of the seawall along the south side of the project site will tend to eliminate the remaining emergent wetlands found there. Construction of the seawall along the western side of the project site will tend to have very little effect on the wetlands found here. This is a result of the fact that the alignment of the proposed seawall will place it completely in uplands for most of its length. With the exception of the southwestern corner of the project site most of the proposed dock will end over extremely shallow water or even dry land. This fact will tend to encourage the applicant to dredge out the area in front of the dock and thereby cause additional environmental impacts . • BONACHEA, JUAN & SERVILIANO #440654695 Monroe County - Coco Plum Page Six Any attempt to moor boats in the narrow circulation channel on the south side of the project site will tend to result in a navigation hazard. The swift currents, combined with the 20+ ft. width of the channel adjacent to part of the proposed dock could very easily lead to accidents . Along the west side of the project site the dock and mooring piles will also tend to result in the obstruction of the small channel found there. Commercial lobster fishing practices include treating traps with old engine oil as a preservative. The result is usually that the grounds on which the traps are worked on and stored on, eventually become saturated with oil. Stormwater will often carry this oil into State waters . The application does not show any plans to control stormwater runoff . The lack of stormwater control, combined with the elimination of much of the wetland vegetation on the project site will probably result in significant discharges of hydrocarbons into State waters surrounding the project site. r c BONACHEA, JUAN & SERVILIANO #440654695 Monroe County - Coco Plum Page Seven E. Under the provisions of Chapters 403. 087 , 253. 123 and 253 . 124 , Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 . 051 (1) (b,c) , 17-3 . 061 (2) (i,j ,q) , 17-3. 121 (7 , 20,28) , 17-4 . 03 and 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code, I recommend this project be denied Departmental permitting authorization. Attached to this report are plans for a project which would stabilize the applicants ' shoreline, provide boat mooring facilities , control stormwater runoff, preserve the remaining wetlands at the site, restore part of the wetlands which the applicants destroyed without authorization and provide a reasonable assurance of meeting State water quality standards . If the applicants are willing to adopt these plans , a favorable recommendation for a permit would be possible . DAVID BISHOF, E . SPEC. DATE: March 3 , 1983 READ: ; . 7.dze:t.,,, ,0, RICHARD J HE.LBLIo / DEB/dvo 1' Attachment 4 sz, • • • • • • • ,..•-•.0.••••••:-:„:„)+4-...p .:-:-..,•:•44-- -um Q 0 „, ac Y1ea. .... . , ,.:,.. . r . • Lf-it0 & 5 5 46g Y I hL p ra,p rif1 . 5 / • f I. r f S. I. Z s N C . tflI .vsC: _ 1. 0 i 4 �.'C1. C��l'7 tom, 4 wig' .:..:.- • yyy� r ^ '�/ } el} y} } t P • } yL� T • S St } } [ts } • • �\-" y wy 4�+,�''iS'y+'` i tl'.�' Y"1� ++.Y '4 sot J s rat LLy ,y+-,,z. t,,• m_. '\►'jN , fl, G 41p�. V'R` ). 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Clean fill from an upland source will be brought to the site by truck and placed behind the bulkhead mechanically. Approximately 103 cu. yds of clean fill Will be required. Turbidity screens will be used during construction. No dredge or excavation is required.