Resolution 088-1983 'apt RE$OCUZION NO. 088 —1983 WHERE , tHE BOARD OF COMTE COMMIMONER8 OF 1U N®R£ COUNtg, - FLORIDA, has rereiveh an application from uncm BOARD (cm) , ann UTERUS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of th permitting irorebure to real the following Biological Assessment into the Rerorei, as follows: The applicant (City Electric System) is proposing to place 9 ,729 cubic yards of limerock fill over.85 acres of primarily submergent bay bottom to facilitate the construction of a transformer, circuit breaker and a steel tower, needed to upgrade a power substation, necessary for the completion of a 138 kilovolt electrical tie line. The proposed fill is needed to provide space for the proposed structures and to accommodate heavy equipment access to these structures after they are completed. Equipment access is claimed to be necessary for emergency repair situations. The proposed fill would be deposited around an exixting fill pad, which is surrounded on three sides by open water (the fourth side partially - borders open water) . The existing fill pad, which accommodates the presently functioning substation, is approximately 125' x 156' . This fill pad would be expanded to approximately 185' x 276' , as proposed : . (additional 60' width of fill added around the three open water sides) . The proposed side slope of the fill would be approximately 1 vertical, 1 horizontal, ten feet in width. The fill would be transported to the site by truck and spread by bulldozer. Turbidity screens would be used around the proposed fill area, according to the applicant. The project site is located adjacent to and north of U.S. #1 where it connects Racoon Key (Key Haven) to Stock Island. At this point, the highway was constructed as a solid fill causeway, severing historical tidal flow from the Gulf to the Atlantic. As such, a dead end logoon was formed, into which the applicant's fill pad extends (off of the causeway) . Development on the Stock Island side of this lagoon is limited to a shore- line perimeter road and the Florida Keys Junior College to the extreme north. Development on the Key Haven side is made up to residential housing. Past filling to extend the waterward limits of Key Haven has served to further constrict circulation within the lagoon. Of particular interest on this side is a sewage treatment plant which discharges treated effluent into the lagoon. Water quality within the lagoon has been adversely affected over the southern or terminal section due to the lack of adequate circulation, high nutrient level, and the- large quantity of organic detritus (dead) seagrasses and algaes) that collects over this area. For many of the- , same reasons, however, productivity is extremely high (at least in terms of biomass) and a food source is readily available for many. juvenille and larval forms, as well as many estuarine type species tolerant of lower oxygen and higher turbidity levels. Resolution City Electric System Page Two In _termsof ;construction related background, Phase 1 of the new tie line, which is palnned to connect Key West to the mainland, has recently been completed.. This phase of the tie. line connects Big Pine Key to Cudjoe Key. Phases II and III which will complete the tie line, are in the final design state. The new line will be much larger than the old line, thus requiring the replacement of the old line was well as adding to the old line in many. places. It is hoped by the applicant that this new line will even- tually be connected to the Florida Keys Electrical Cooperative (FKEC) , which now terminates in Marathon, although no commitment has been made to this effect. A final background note on the applicant's property involves the issuance of a permit by the Board of Trustees- to the applicant in 1972. This permit authorized the placement of fill over a 125' x 35' area (±800 cubic yards) to the west of the present fill pad. No work, however, was ever accomplished. The applicant's existing fill pad is relatively,new (estmated to be 10-15 years old) , supporting some fringing red, black and white mangroves (Rhizophora mangle, Avicennis germinans,_ and Laguncularia.racemosa, respect- ively) along its eroded periphery. This fill pad is eroded to within ±5' 'of a fence which surrounds the present transformer, except on the west side of the pad which has retained 15' -30' of fill outside of the fence. Also found on the waterward side of the erosion line are transitional wetland species such as buttonwood (Conocarpus erects) , glasswort (Salicornia sp.) , and beach carpet (Philoxerus vermicularis) . On the landward side of the erosion line are a number of Australian Pines (Casuarina equisitifolia) Along with the scattered fringing mangroves found along the water's edge, • is a relatively thick mat of wrack composed of dead and decaying seagrasses and algae (primarily blue-green algae that has been separated from adjacent bottom and washed to shore) . This wrack mat.was particularly thick on the northern side of the fill pad. The submergent community adjacent to the applicant's fill pad is in a fairly advanced eutrophic stage. If left as is, this waterbody would be expected to gradually (over a period of many years) shallow up with organics, eventually being transformed into mangrove wetlands. The terminal end of this lagoonal waterbody (where sediments are accumula- ting fastest) already supports a significant population of red mangroves. The dominant benthic cover within the lagoon appears to be turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) which is found in combination with Cuban. Shoalweed (Halodule wrightii) over an estimated 20-40 percent of the lagoonal bottom area. Scattered green algaes (Caulerpa sp, Penicillus sp. , Acetabularia sp. , Halimeda sp.) were observed in combination with several unidentified species of brown and red algaes. Epiphytic growth on the seagrasses and algaes is heavy. . Bottom sediments are fine, primarily organic, and of amuck-like texture. This muck is easily agitated and transparency levels during the inspection were low. - The depth of the waterbody proposed for filling ranges from 6' to 3' (MLW) . Areas further waterward become exposed on extreme low tides.:- • Resolution City Electric System Page Three • A variety of macroinvertebrates were, observed and sampled during the on-site - inspection,, including' several blue crabs (Callinectes spidus) , grass shrimp . (Tozeuma;carolinensis)., bivalves (Chione cancellata and Isognomon sp.) , gastropods •(Marginella sp. 'and Fascioloria tulipa) horseshoe crabs (Limulus sp.) , fillter crabs (Uca sp..) , and upside-down jellyfish (Cassiopeia sp.) . Isopods; amphipods, and polychaetes were also found in'large numbers.. A single species of sponge (0ligoceras hemorrhages) was observed. • Those species of fish observed or sampled included an abundance of mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis) , juvenile needlefish (Strongylura notata) , mullet (Mugil cephalus) juvenile blennies (Chasmodes sp.), and pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) . The grass beds found within this protected waterbody appear to be beneficial as habitat, forage and nursery areas for a variety of primarily lower trophic level fish and invertebrates. These fish and invertebrates serve as a basal link in the food chain which supports the area's commercial and recreational fishery. • The obvious impact of consequence that will occur as a result of the proposed . filling, is the permanent elimination ' of ±38,280 square feet of submergent bay bottom and ±3,480 square feet of fringing wetlands, amounting to a total of ±41,760 square feet lost. Of this amount, a significant portion presently supports seagrasses and an associated marine community which pro- vides food for certain animal species and, in the case of seagrasses, a food source for microbes (in the form of organic detrital material) and habitat for invertebrates. Additionally, the large numbers of epiphytes found on the seagrasses are grazed extensively by herbivores such as mullet, which provide a substantially significant food• source for larger game fish, such as tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) , jacks (Caranx sp..) , seatrout (Cynoscion sp.) , snapper (Lutjanus sp..), grouper (Epinephelus sp, and • Mycteroperca sp.) , barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) , and a host of other offshore pelagic and bottom fish. These-species-.•_of,,,fish-, as well as a variety of carnivorus crustaceans which depend upon a similar food supply, make up the ecenomically and recreationally valuable fishery of the-area. The addition of new fill without any proposed means of stabilization could be expected to erode, thereby creating turbidity and sedimentation • over adjacent shallow water areas. A final impact to be considered is the increased blockage of tidal flow into the terminal_ portion of the waterbody in question. By adding 60 feet • of fill to the east and west of this fill pad, water flowing south. will. BE It RE$ODJED Bg ME BOARD OF COMB C(OiliMX5510NER$ OF MONROE C(OUNIj, FLORIDA; that the above Biological Assessment has heen rear into the rernrI ant bulg rnnsibereb•pursuant to Flnriba Statute 253.124 hg the , BitarA of Count? Commissioners of Munroe Cnuntj, Flnriaa, this 3 1 si 11 • bat of MAge-h 19 %.3 . at a ragularlg srhebnleb meeting. BOARD (OF COUNT] COMMI IONER5 OF MONR(OE;P: tg, _FLORIDi• — � f a4 raB Attest limato��r. .. Wdc .. .. . • -4-A4 Q•t: kriAl Cnuntt Attar-net BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIUNERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair. District 2 Mayor Protsm Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ~~y~l:~R~~,~~E !30512944641 Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 OFFICE OF: Director Building, Planning anc Zoning P.O. BOX Room 205 Wing] Public Service Buildir 5825 Jr. College Rd. V Key West, Florida 33043-4399 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (UTILITY BOARD - KEY WEST) 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit (FILL) 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment Date ;-:S--II-g3 l/ v \...--"'"" ........... L-- ~ v ~ By 4n.QJ~ ~~ ,--" ,;;::. '"''''' D~l '. .._.,t.... ."....,. , , , . t ,. I ..'.... . .., f ", . ., , ,- \ " '. ':\' ,-' (, : ~~ 'R,. 15 lS33 < .J ~ ... - \ . COuNTY I-dry. M E M 0 RAN DUM ---------- DATE: March 10, 1983 TO: William Russell, Acting Director FROM: Robert Dennis, ~() Environmental Biologist~~ SUBJECT: Utility Board, City of Key West; Fill LEGAL TWSP 67S, RGE 25E, SECT 26; Florida Bay between Racoon Key (Key Haven) and Stock Island, adjacent to U.S. 1. INTRODUCTION This project requires review by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Section 19-111(a) (5) of the Monroe County Code; fill below the mean high water line. DISCUSSION The Utility Board is requesting approval to place approximately 3850 cubic yards (c.y.) of fill (3500 c.y. waterward and 350 c.y. landward of mean high water) over an area of 0.37 acre (note that this is a modification from what was originally requested; approximately 9730 c.y. of fill cover- ing 0.72 acre). The fill will be placed along the north and east sides of an existing substation fill pad (see attached site plan, received March 9, 1983). Along the northern edge, the new fill will average 50 feet in width from the existing toe of slope to the new toe of slope; similarly, along the eastern edge, the average width will be expanded by 35 feet. The elevation of the new fill will be the same as that existing, +5.5 feet MHW. In addition to the fill, an unspecified amount of rip-rap boulders~, will be placed along the side slopes to stabilize the fill. According to City Electric officials, the reason for the project is to expand the substation to accommodate the future 168 KV transmission line from Key West to Marathon. L William Russell, Utility Board, City March 10, 1983 Page Two ing Director of Key West; Fill The attached Department of Environmental Regulation report discusses this project in greater detail and should be read for additional information. EVALUATION The most significant environmental impact is the approximately 0.25 acre loss of a diverse seagrass community. To mitigate this loss, the Utility Board was asked to replant a 0.25 acre area at its Stock Island power plant (see letter dated February 1, 1983, from R. Lewis to L. Thompson),. With the mitigation now complete, Army Corps and Department of Environmental Regulation permits have been or will soon be, issued for the substation fill. RECOMMENDATION Approval with the condition that filter fabric be placed between the rip- rap boulders and the fill to prevent loss of material from storm and tidal erosion and washout. RD:cm Attachments \." UTILITY BOARD OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST POST OFFICE DRAWER 1060 KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 September 7, 1982 Mr. Robert Dennis County Biologist County of Monroe 5825 Jr. College Rd. Wi ng II Key West, Florida 33040 Re: Stock Island substation fill request mfmccmIT~~ ~EP 8 1982 ]~ MONROE CT'{. BLDJ, DLPT. BY: () (1 (~ ),-<~ (7' Dear Mr. Dennis: Please find copies of revised permit drawings, indicating the proposed fill amount from approximately 9,729 cubic yards to approx- imately 3,849 cubic yards. This new proposal represents a 60% reduction in our fill requirements as requested in our original permit application. The Utility Board has reluctantly modified this permit in order to lessen the adverse impact on the environment as expressed by all environmental agencies. Sincerely, LJT /yv c.c. r. C. Ke 11 y R.R. Padron L . L . Ca rey H. Echezabal H . J. Mo rs i 11 i File (3) \,., Attach. .' , ) . \ \\\ '\~\ CD \ciL ~o __ 5>27.5\ { ~.E.'5 \ rQp~"1'f ) .~~/ _e:xl~i": ~T'o~ f" l L.-L- A..~ .\ <D ;=>ROP~D rlL-L- AP,E.A t,~~~HATG~D) r . \_ ~,' s. 14""''< l-!~ I ?\.-O, PL-A\4 300 0 l--t ...--! ~'-~ ,.... re~T 150 I _ -e.l(I~"', ~ J t=~7S i }- \6. 0' '"'" , 5.0':t. l " . . . . . . . 'r'i~ ~:~~~ :'~ , ~ ,~ M:l'~J:flj~ , . ~_'":- ~.'J!..(,{, .: ~~3.-,,~ "'-- .oll, ,. . 1.;"1( c.c. <" '" , -'. ./;':!;!."'" I ~.f.:- :J,.. ,,'\ ~o b ~,~ I ~'~" .... '\../ ~ ; . .telA( -" ......,..~ ;' - ~yft{" .... . -', \ - ~~??:.: 5 ~}I ~ rr- ~~\~! '. 'C=: :;// \<' I~~ ;"~~ .. ~,.' , l_\""'~:""'~o~rf~ - '\ "'SlOe'- ':"':>.-=-1Q"\ I~\'I - _ ~".~ ~~~ l_~ ~:r- ~ \ t"-::-$%.flQ :C'" '\~'~'1.' - - ,';;'\~~Jii .",;.", (;""'<~lJ ~ ~ ~., \', r ~u.r:-=-.JI ~ /7 ~. ..1...1 ". 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AT ccurn f:' APPLI c.& T I Ole aT STAn ~ 0'" ~ O&Tr 2-S-z.: . ~oJ. 3/o/~ ~I/ tf? ~ ' UTILITY BOARD OF THE CITY OF" KEY WEST POST OFFICE DRAWER 1060 March 9, 1983 KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 Hr. Bob Dennis County Biologist County of Monroe 5825 Jr. College Road Wing II Key West, Florida 33040 Re: Stock Island Substation Fill Permit Dear Mr. Dennis: As per our telephone conversation this morning, please find attached a revised drawing showing rip-rap around our proposed fill area. It was our intention to do this all along in order to protect the new fill from eroding away. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, UTILITY BOARD-CITY OF KEY WEST "CITY ELECTRIC SYSTEM" Thomas c. Kelly, Manager LJT/yv C.c. T.C. Kelly R.R. Padron L.L. Carey File (3) Attach. \"'. de (/: "6#/~.3 ~.AJ. FROPO~k 'D ~e. OF t='l'-\- <:Top O'F- 'OLOPE.) . , . EXl~"~ ~.. Or r'l-L eTo P OF '5\..oPe) rR,.OI""05E.D ~~ OF- 5.u::.f"1ci , , ~1~1~ lbE. OF- "5L-O~ R\P-RAP -(-0 BE. l~~TAL..l.E() "'" -; C. ~ sU::>SS.--J ' "'Y N ~ \ ~ , \ I \ ~x,s-r: - ~\ FILL , , \ , . l<el.-Clo::A.Te ~ ' 0 ~'E. oc= To,.-, e>t= SL.orE.. . e:~\ST'NGt '5UfJ'="T~\ol-J ~~ ''$C:. , ... 'I: _ if\.ofb~E;D . r\LL ~ - , -. '~3''''''c.Pe'5 Ae>o.JE t-..I\.L.W. - 04 'AC.~E. ~. ~'E.l:..O,^, M ,L.W U."5. H'N'( tuO .i.. FL~N CSCAL'E. ,'" FEeT ~f--i t-f +-+--1 ~ ~~ -~ co PURrosE:: DATUf . AD.JACEHT rRtlJ"ERTT 0act:R'S: '0 @ \.", I. AT an..rrr OF Ar7'L' CATION IIY ~H{'t':Y '2 ()~ DATE '2 -B"'- STATE fEB 1 fi 1983 MANGROVE SYSTEMS. INC. February 7. 1983 Larry Thompson City Electric System of Key West P.O. Box 1060 Key West, FL 33040 Re: Seagrass area mitigation Dear Mr. Thompson, On 22 January 1983 we collected and installed on a 1/4-acre (1051 x 1051) unvegetated site (Figures 1 and 2) adjacent to your Stock Island power plant 1,210 shoots of Halodulewrightii (shoal grass). This work is guaranteed for survival for one year from the date of installation. Sincerely, ~'~ Roy R. Lewis, III President enc. cc: Cindy Shalley, C.O.E.,Jacksonville P.O. Box 24748 . Tampa. FL 33623-4748 . (813) 251-8668 /~,I< CI Y2_J4:~ /Cfl. \". , I '\ " M LO . o o I- z ex: I- -J V') 0- ~ lJ.J ~ 0:: lJ.J >- 3: lJ.J 0 ~ 0- 0 Z c( ....J V') ..... ~ U 0 (:) l- V') LL. 0 0 Z 0 ..... I- ~z ex: u 0 \,., ....J .-t lJ.J 0:: ::> t!:l ..... LL. t- 2 -' C- ct: w ~ C- o 2 -' (./) ..... ~ OU1FAll CANAL ~ u o t- (./) J FIGURE 2. LOCATION OF SEAGRASS PLAN1ING 7 SEAGRASS PLANTING PLOT -J ~ 5 Lu (!) 0:: ~ ~ RIP-RAP u V) ..... '0 \..,. N SCALE: 1" = 100' L . ' , UTILITY BOARD OF THE CITY OF" KEY WEST POST OFFICE DRAWER 1060 KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 May 24, 1982 CERTIFIED MAIL ~~ )W~IT~~,~ '<J\i\ MAY 26 1982 ~ MONROE Ci'(, BLDG. DEPT. ~ Mr. Robert Dennis Monroe County Planning Building & Zoning Dept. 5825 Jr. College Road Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Dennis: Application is hereby made by the Utility Board of the City of Key West, Florida for the placement of fill in Florida Bay, to enlarge an existing substation between Stock Island and Key Haven on U.S. Hwy. #1 (State Road #5). Attached are two (2) copies of the application and two (2) copies of the drawings in accordance with your specifications. A copy of a biological report from the Department of Environmental Regulation is enclosed to be read into record at a meeting of the Board of County Comm- issioners or other authorized body that takes final action on this application for permit. I will need a copy of the minutes of that meeting or an appropriate indication of local approval. I would like to ask for a waiver of processing fees due to the nature of the project that requires the placement of this fill. Thanking you in advance for your consideration in approving this application, I remain Very truly yours, LJT/yv Attach. \", c.c. T.C. Kelly R.R. Padron L.L. Carey u"'.........." l<'",'h""..,.",'h",1 _ 'T'('\m~Q;'n(,\ Fv AQQ('\(';::lt"PQ .'Pi 1 p PERMIT MONROE COUNTY @/.l . ". '"',,, ',.: .2,'. ' .... . <l. . PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address utility Board- City Electrical System Post Office Drawer 1060 Key West, Florida ,33040 2) Date 5-18-82 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Resolution No. 3) Phone number 294-5272 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number utility Board - City of Key West 5) Legal description of property: Section /h Key Subdivision Township h7~ Lot Block Range ?SF. Street, road or mile marker U.S. Highway #1 M.M. 5.11 Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited o c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. o c.y. landward ofM.H.W. 9,229 c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. 500 c.y. landward ofM.H.W. ZONING: PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval with the condition that filter fabric be placed between the rip-rap boulders and the fill to prevent loss of material fran stonn and tidal erosion and washout. \.., William R. Russell, Director Planning, Building and Zoning f'/<~~-~ ./ ,r) ...,'/-:: \ ,....,..., . ,~ i -"~':I"- . i i'rUlll.'l't v (;\\[](.'t'S li,:J"L' ,~ 1'::1 i I jr~~: ;l\1clrcss Utility' Board - City' of Key Hest, Fl. eity Electirc System 1001 James St. P.O. Drawer 1060, Key West, Florida 33040 ", ,(if\l P ':1 E r.;Q!....Ir~TY pr.\\\I.\r:, FTITr.:\j.'":~ :', ~.."'-:r\>" T'\l'!J.'.::""'~-".~~' !I!-r~'f;' \!'llJ !1'..''.T:r~'' :_{'~' ,..'('\\'\I'H":, '~1p: [\['['(':-:IT (11- '"+If. ('!' ")'/':'1'(-[1'1''" """!'T"rr:: f\ "l'r- ~~J I .1;l ,"r--,', ~\""{~ ('" "(""'l'(~-~l.'."r"'.' ---- .2) T';ltC -;;) 1';'0/1C :H !J::l'l~r 5-18-82 305-294-5272 -.J lontr:lc-i:-ororilgcnt's n:U!le, l;lailjIl~', ~l'drC'ss, phone (; cC"rtific;ltion mun!1cr. Uti~ity Board - City of Key West 5) legal description of p~operty:, Section, 26 TO\~nship, 675 j range, 25E (if acreage) Key, ,. J' Suhlivision, lot, P.1 oc k , Zoning, Street, roao. or mile marker, U.S. Hwy. #1 MM - 5.11 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & mnount of material (in cuhic yares) to pe excavated or discharged. Describe purpese & intended use of proj ect. * See attached Item Sheet, Item #6 volume of material dredged/excavated None c.y. None c.y. waterward lanch"ard of ~'.P.l~. of ~'.H.l'~. f H len! (l epos i ted 9,229 c . y . 500 c . y . waterward J andward 'of P.H.\'.'. of }1.H.1'!. propprty owners whose property affronts City of Key 'VJest .city Hall Angela & Simonton 889 - Key West, Forida 33 40 S a) list other permits issued and/or applied for, inc Jude app licant 's name, for Deut. of EnviroIlIrental Hegultions - Utility Board Ariny Corps of Engineers - Utility ,Board 7) l\ame, address & zip ccrle of 2J'lj oining Key Haven Assoc. Enterprises Inc. 517 ~Jhitehead St. Key ~vest, Florida 33040 water ,,,ay. t]-1is site: b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one, similar) in t~e past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current app lic ant. 9) list all Federal and State agencles that- have recelved appllcat~ms for tl'lS proJect. D. E. R. File f~0536629 C. O. E. Application #82J-0429 This completed application fom ,,,ill he accanpcmie y tre following, or it 'Jill f\;CT be processed.. a) T,\"o (2) sets of drawings, on 8~ x 11 paper, shm"ing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drahTI to scale. ~) Ppp1ication processing fee as follrnvs: $75.00 for dredge, fi 11, decks C'P any structures affronting natural water bcrlies. ~30.00 for vertical seawalls onm~-madp bcy-lies o.f water. $75.00 for any ccmbination of the above activities per site. J'pplication is herehy made for a penTJit to autr.orize the activities descrihed }~erein. I certify that I ;:up f;:U!liliar ,dth tIle infonll.:nion cOf1t<tincc1 ill tj1is aprJic::ltion, and to the l'est of my kJ1m\'lcdge & belief such information "is true, comrlete & accurate. I fllrtl'cr certify that r possess the nuthority to undertake tbe proposed activities. J'J] provisions of 1<1\\'5, m10 0n1 ilWl1Ces governing this type of '....ork Hi 11 he canp 1 iee '....it}l ,...I'etJ'er spcci fj ed },crC'in or not. _T f,r~1J1t ing of a pennit docs not rrcslnnc to ~;ive outhori ty to violate or c:mce1 t}H,' pr0visi ons of' any county, state or federal law reglllatinr; construction or l'erfonnancc of constnlCtion cf tris type of faci1ity. agent ~jd/~Z- l'a t c j'or Department Use ('nly! Fcc ti r~ceipt if ^rrr0vcd bv /'ss ' t. Nrcctor Pl~rson ~lccert ing application & Date Cost of pennit Est iml1tell cost oj: COJlstruct j'on _.._.. --__ -___ .L • • • ITEM SHEET • Item #6 The Utility Board of the City of Key West, is pre- sently under construction (Phase I) and under final design •of Phases II & III of a 138 Kv Transmission Tie-Line to the Florida Mainland. The purpose of this application is • to seek permission to provide additional fill at our ex- isting substation. This fill is needed to provide space for and access to additional substation structures and equip- ment, towers , oil circuit breakers and a large 138 Kv power transformer. These facilities are a necessity for the tie • line which is vital to the growth of the System, Key West and the Lower Keys . The. fill will be provided by a local supplier transported by truck, dumped and then spread by . bulldozer. Fill material will be local crushed marl line- stone. , • • • • • • • • 4 ..') \~.~\ IT/{ 6"-:0, \~ \_ ~ 1 j;\~8~~_'\~~~V \ -\ CD e::.,<I~T. '5UfO'::il~I\O~ \ F \ \..-\..- A.R~ =-.J. _ (L.~''':~' I-\"\l'( :-':'E ,__.__ f'i:<OPOS.r':D f\L..\'" , AP,'GA G.,,"-I2...>:::'-;;. ~M<:;:'~:~O) .. ~~,O:r ~o 0 ISO h=Jl==L -_ l <;;.~\.."- IN 'Ft.t~T eLo~"\ ;...~...." l' ... ~l~--r. 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'1 c:;) ......C.8E.'G A eOlE. N\. L . W -i - ,._.~q~~ .~c::.13E._~_ ~~~c.?~~/_~_ ~"::_'W _\__ U. -:'. \-\"1'( ~o .i. PLAN ~ALS IN r:/ H H ~o F-t=:\ST t:--l <0 I G;O PURroSE: DAT1JN ADJACENT PROPERTY O>>HERS: CD @ . \." '10 AT CO\I:m OF Uf't.ICAlIOH 8Y $TATE ~HrrT '2 OF OUE '2. ~8''2. EXIST. ColJc.. <O'TR..Uc.. 'jU Q. e. / ^ /:', ~x IS1": flL..L- ~ ~ E'<,I-()f. G--~ '1.." 1-11-.18 l.q:,I""_(:>.. 1:"D c::::b-- I ~ S. l(. V ,'- I ~ e. , i ' (pF\OP~e..D) ~~~,~~ ~ NE'N -:rON~R ~ " O.c.,PJ.'O ! ~ ~. irJp poS"~ AL..l. \ \ \ \ \ r - :fI' ~Cr" R:>~E.HI~~_, " t= ~ ~ AC.~./"" , t ~ & NC'-f1=.'. D\5T6...Nc..e.<G. c!. "51"l:..E.-;' of New ~e'S\'vl~~T I-J.cr eHOvV~,J P.)~c.Al.>"5t;:; THeoe: Ap.e -eifILL I N D~I~loJ ~T~-=. _E~\J \ PM e.~:r r'- AN -GcA'-~ I ~ F~C"\ /----1 1--1 ::::E I 60 0.30 . ,,"0 Jt Nt='~~ /Gr~ ~v TRA \04$ ~-~~ lYLe~ ' t=.x.\'5T. f~ t--..\c.e. ~ I" \ \ {ex.\~'\. ~ ' "-- l?l.. DGJ ' =I~ ",~ 5 ~ \ . \ ~rz v'~ \<"\,,,t::;~ ~ Ac..~?? ~ t=x,1?"1. TR 6.N ~ lv\ 1$"510 'j.,) FC>L..e. ~ l....1~EO.. ' $J(I~ ~fJ ~~ f'I.lmIOSE : ..E.'-~\(A"T'O"" DATUI AO.J.\COlT rRCPf;RT'I 0lIIC1IS: <D @ .- AT aIUNTY ~ Uf'\.1 CAT I C>>C .., !!Hf:F:T::;l, 0Jl' ~ Dol T1: 2- 8 -z: \", STATI: l . . ~ STATE OF FLORIDA TWIN TOWERS OFFICE BUILDING 2600 BLAIR STONE ROAD TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION MI\Y 1 0 1982 ~~, ~,~ ~,~,\, ... ~ ~~- ",\ \!~~~~"# ;~ ~/ ~..." Of not- d". BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL SECRETARY May 6. 1982 City of Key West c/o Larry J. Thompson Post Office Drawer 1060 Key West. Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Thompson: As we advised you on April 5, 1982, your application is incomplete without local approval, pursuant to Section 253.124. Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ordinary high water line. . Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your permit application to the Board of County Commissioners/City Councilor their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.124. Florida Statutes, states that the c 0 'J n t y com m i s s i 0/ c i t Y c 0 u n c i 1 "... S hall h a v e in h and the (biological) report and findings thereof." It further states. "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need to obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter. resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. Sincerely, fi34n/ ~ a~ I ,/ ,.;:Y Richard A. Lotspeich Environmental Specialist \..,. RAL/mew Enclosures Protecting Florida and Your Ouality of Life 'i.:..~ --......, -:,. . ....~-! ;.~...:.. ---"- ,. _..- - -:- -".~t'.I,; ....--; [~i ~:~:'t;~~'; :'J.~~. ) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION ~ PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL ~ APi~ 2 Ij 'i~ ~.~ Dul ~O, FLA, U1STi;;<. r ~r!ANCH Ofr/(;:; ---------. ----..~..;. File No.: 440536629 County: Monroe Date: 4-12-82 Applicant Name: City of Key West Utility Board Address: 1001 James Street, PO Drawer 1060, Key West, FL 33040 Agent (if applicable): Larry J. Thompson, Super. of Engineering Address: PO Drawer 1060, Key West, FL 33040 Location of project: Section(s) 26 Township 67S Range 25E Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Off of U.S. #1 between Stock Island & Key Haven ,Water Body: Gulf of Mexico Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: Outstanding Florida Waters:-------- On site inspection by: John Meyer Date of Inspection: 4-15-82 Original Application: Yes~ No__ Revised Application: Yes Da te 0 f 2 nd, "?j'i";'; ,-.-.. -:, G'': \7:'\ f\ ~~ ~>!~ ~~ Vj ~~ ~ ! l; \ ~\I. ", ~I, < r I Biological and Water Quality Assessment ..... ~,I: AM 30 1932 ;'U Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of t~w f:o,;ta,te :-:-TO,</ (including the submerged lands of those waters and the t:'r'arl.si~~':~:~illi'- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17:':'4~02' and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. No X Date: A. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. ~, D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM l6-l0(Rev.6/79) ~. -' , '-, ~- CITY OF KEY WEST UTILITY BOARD #440536629 Monroe County - Stock Island Page Two A. The applicant (City Electric System) is proposing to place 9,729 cubic yards of limerock fill over .85 acres of primarily submergent bay bottom to facilitate the construction of a transformer, circuit breaker and a steel tower, needed to upgrade a power substation, necessary for the completion of a 138 kilovolt electrical tie line._ The proposed fill is needed to provide space for the proposed struc- tures and to accommodate heavy equipment access to these structures after they are completed. Equipment access is claimed to be neces- sary for emergency repair situations. The proposed fill would be deposited around an existing fill pad, which is surrounded on three sides by open water (the fourth side partially borders open water). The existing fill pad, which accom- modates the presently functioning substation, is approximately 125' x 156'. This fill pad would be expanded to approximately 185' x 276', as proposed (additional 60' width of fill added around the three open water sides). The proposed side slope of the fill would be approximately 1 vertical: 1 horizontal, ten feet in width. The fill would be transported to the site by truck and spread by bulldozer. Turbidity screens would be used around the proposed fill area, according to the applicant. B. The project site is located adjacent to and north of U.S. #1 where it connects Racoon Key (Key Haven) to Stock Island. At this point, the highway was constructed as a solid fill causeway, severing historical tidal flow from the Gulf to the Atlantic. As such, a dead end lagoon was formed, into which the applicant's fill pad extends (off of the causeway). Development on the Stock Island side of this lagoon is limited to a shoreline perimeter road and the Florida Keys Junior College to the extreme north. Development on the Key Haven side is made up of residential housing. Past filling to extend the waterward limits of Key Haven has served to further constrict circulation within the lagoon. Of particular interest on this side is a sewage treatment plant which discharges treated effluent into the lagoon. Water quality within the lagoon has been adversely affected over the southern or terminal section due to the lack of adequate circulat~on, high nutrient level, and the large quantity of organic detritus ~-", .. CITY ,OF KEY WEST UTILITY BOARD 4/440526629 Monroe County - Stock Island Page Three (dead seagrasses and algaes) that collects over this area. For many of the same reasons, however, productivity i~ extre~ely high (at least in terms of biomass) and a food source lS readlly available for many juvenille and larval forms, as well as many estuarine type species tolerant of lower oxygen and higher tur- bidi tv ule~e.ls_Ln _______,_____ In terms of construction related background Phase 1 of the new tie line, which is planned to connect Key W~st to the mainland has r7cently been c~mpleted. This phase of the tie'line connects Big P~ne ~ey to CU~Joe Key: Phase~ II and IIIt which wtll complete the tle llne, are ln the flnal deslgn state. ,he new llne will be much l~rger than the old. line, thus requiring the'replacement of the old llne as wel~ as addlng to the old line in many places. It is hoped~ by the a~pllcant that ~his new line will eventually be connected to ~he Florlda Key Electrlcal Cooperative (FKEC), which now terminates ln Marathon, although no commitment has been made to this ~ffect. A final background note on the applicant's property involves the \ issuance of a permit by the Board of Trustees to the applicant in 1972. This permit authorized the placement of fill over a 125' x 35' area (+800 cubic yards) to the west of the present fill pad. No work, however, was ever accomplished. C. The applicant's existing fill pad is relatively new (estimated to be 10-15 years old), supporting some fringing red, black and white mangroves (Rhizophora manyle, Avicennia germinans, and Laguncularia racemosa, respectively) a ong its eroded periphery. This fill pad is eroded to within +5'of a fence which surrounds the present trans- former, except on the west side of the pad which has retained 15'-30' of fill outside of the fence. Also found on the waterward side of the erosion line are transitional wetland species such as buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), glasswort (Salicornia sp.), and beach carpet (Philoxerus vermicularis). On the landward side of the erosion line are a number of Australian Pines (Casuarina equisitifoli :.i Along with the scattered fringing mangroves found along the water's _ edge,is a relatively thick mat of wrack composed of dead and decay- ing seagrasses and algae (primarily blue-green algae that had been separated from adjacent bottom and washed to shore). This wrack mat was particularly thick on the northern side of the fill padl, The sl.lbmergent community adjacent to the applicant's fill pad is in a fairly advanced eutrophic stage. If left as is, this waterbody would be expected to gradually (over a period of many years) shallow up with organics, eventually being transformed into mangrove wetlands ... CITY OF KEY WEST UTILITY BOARD 4F440526629 Monroe County - Stock Island Page Four The terminal end of this lagoonal waterbody (where sediments are accumulating fastest) already supports a significant population of red mangroves. The dominant benthic cover within the lagoon appears to be turtle-- grass (Thalassia testudinum) which is found in combination with Cuban shoalweed (Halodule wrightii) over an estimated 20-40 percent of the lagoonal bottom area. Scattered green algaes (Caulerpa sp, Penicillus sp., Acetabularia sp., and Halimeda sp.) "were observed in combination with several unidentified species of brown and red algaes. Epiphytic growth on the seagrasses and algaes is heavy. Bottom sediments are fine, primarily organic, and of a muck-like texture. This muck is easily agitated and transparency levels during the inspection were low. The depth of the waterbody proposed for filling ranges from 6" to 31 (MLW). Areas further waterward become exposed on extreme low tide tides. A variety of macroinvertebrates were observed and sampled during the on-site inspection, including several blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), grass shrimp (Tozeuma carolinensis), bivalves (Chione cancellata and Iso~nomon sp.), gastropods (Marginella sp. and Zasciolaria tulipa horseshoe crabs (Limulus sp.), fiddler crabs Uca sp.), and upside-down jellyfish (Cassiopeia sp.). Isopods, amphipods, and polychaetes were also found in large numbers. A single species of sponge (Oligoceras hemorrhages) wa~ observed. Those species of fish observed or sampled included an abundance of mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis), juvenile needlefish (Strongylura notata), mullet (Mugil cethalus, juvenile blennies (Chasmodes sp.), and pinfish (Lagodon rhom oides). The grass beds found within this protected waterbody appear to be beneficial as habitat, forage and nursery areas for a variety of primarily lower trophic level fish and invertebrates. These fish and invertebrates serve as a basal link in the food chaLn which supports the area's' commercial and recreational: fishery. D. The obvious impact of consequence that will occur as a result o~,the proposed filling, is the permanent elimination of +38,280 square feet of submergent bay bottom and + 3,480 square feet of fringing wetlands, amounting to a total of +41,760 square feet lost. Of this amount, a significant portion-presently supports seagrasses and an associated marine cOll~unity which provides food for certain animal species and, in the case of seagrasses, a food source for microbes (in the form of organic detrital material) and habitat L ~. ~-' CITY OF KEY WEST UTILITY BOARD 11440526629 Monroe County - Stock Island Page Five for invertebrates. Additionally, the large numbers of epiphytes found on the seagrasses are grazed extensively by herbivores such as mullet, which provide a substantially significant food source for larger game fish, such as tarpon (Megalops atlanticus), jacks (Caranx sp.), seatrout (Cynoscion sp.), snapper (Lutjanus sp.), grouper (Epinephelus sp. and Mycteroperca sp.), barracuda (Slhyraena barracuda), and a host of other offshore pelagic and bottom ish. These species of fish, as well as a variety of carnivorus crustaceans which depend upon a similar food supply, make up the economically and recreationally valuable fishery of the area. The addition of new fill without any proposed means of stabilization could be expected to erode, thereby creating turbidity and sedimen- tation over adjacent shallow water areas. A final impact to be considered is the increased blockage of tidal flow into the terminal portion of the waterbody in question. By adding 60 feet of fill to the east and west of this fill pad, water flowing south will be further restricted and dead-end pockets with poorer water quality will be realized along the southern side of the fill pad. \.., ,.. .>>' . . '. .. 4 .- .~~---:-1 \(::1 @ N ~. .f)holo (J{/~frO<J Ca;p/~I'J) , " PR.OPOe,iQ 0 ~~Or fP"U..\... C\OP Or 'O\..Ofl'_) . a'><.\~,,~ ~_ CroP OF- ~ r-~ot""'O"5E.D \be. o~ e,L.Of'"\;i; -lfi:.o~~s. D- rH_L ~ "I' , .. . -, ') "c.~? .,b.ec>JE. t-.i\..... .w, u~ .9_~_.AC.F;~"::.> 'CE\...OV/ M,L,W _ U."5. H t.::Pj.,. , . ' +>~-0 #~ FL~N <SC.A\...E. IN FSt:;, pH H I ~ ~o 0 I c:o ....JIOSI: : DA TUN IAJACDIT PRtlI"anY OIMI:JiS: <D @ ...., , " II AT CCUIITT OF . ' &Pft. J CA TI CH 11' ~~f"T t2 OF CAn: 'Z ..8"'2. STATE 1 City of Key West Utility Board #440 53 6 629 . • . . . --1.--, . . . [ •- • Y ,..,q, ...re r • ,., •„,ar.....:-•,.p.--., 5 :. ,,,,, i , I- 1 _ • ., 9-,,,,...o.4. 104;1 ' c . 4- -.' - - ..{ .., # .,-.. e- 41 ' • v-_, 0fre‘" n'IA.0,11013.:(i 1 *r-•I)tiz,.,„" • -„-% ;., : I ,-',,a 1,,,i44:43''''' ' at .,'` . 44''f. .-et-- - V§1,,,,,fe.tr ,..'',"7•74 i , 'Lir 4 4• • ,:i 4:-*-", -'7f.i.",ia.",7,"0-,, 1.i •,. -,''' " '.=.e11041 ''''':'0'h 4.2%, : , "'' '11 ' 34444.4".., • ,.,...-`,,,e*:4,1"-,.:.*-*O's.fr , . •",e--r•'W &iva‘.•-• ' tax-4 .4 ... -" "1,..}.. . 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':...1'..!t '• PHOTO #1 View of present fill pad access road and sou- thern boundary of fill pad, as. seen from the .. southeast corner of the fill pad. .U. S . #1 is in the background, fence surrounding the fill pad is to the far right. This side of the fill pad will not be enlarged. . Tidal water flowing into this pocket and the water pocket on the opposite side of the. access road may be further restricted as a result of . . filling to the east and west. -. .. • . . , ,.. - ,.. • • • City of Key West Utility Board - , #440536629 l ; 1. 1 ,,..9.4 ,.., , .,,,,,,,,,,,,,4 ...,. . . ... ,...., .., '4Ai`41. 'ate e vtit,y.-(f'',,, •o - ;~ ..`�j ' 'i ivs-...- � ♦♦ -•- .,d. ..r, PHOTO #2 N s �1 .fir+ le, sra" ,w :,! , .... �� View of the south side of the ' ' il a _`,; ;' �,N � �. &, +� •"" tip+ _ existing fill pad, looking to- x} ���� �`d _+ 'C� �q ,� s,, ward the southeastern corner of- .k� "h•,, �-a; � ` , ;. 4, ;, . r" the pad. U. S . #1 is to the e� 0` _�'?y�r , :." `•}` right . 5 �. t J j 7T G J 0 � -Yr' i c L:n '4' ,,, � }5• nab 2y i �f --. f E•97�`S}° p)p� ,, fi.A4*.,N, 44 0,, a,�}yt. S a I gC g. Br tr is «,,.. ••sY'r t '5 ,; S ,x ,. v ♦ .'+,�i v" ../ g r v 7•- ,, 'yew*-. y.' .Fast R , ,�,. .„;�.�I ,# .fir: ,�`t 1 �' �s+ 1 4. fib: 3'ra`''"_ ,n ±y(�� A.s s oti..Je..• '. ' 7=C '3:T4' x 'N' � ..�,y:°`aC �. �..h;-uFF?' �..;j y`rvY }, .' ,,,A,. ' ‘iniy.N.'- e _ . , .. .,,alk..1..0 1-yi,ti;9,-.--qp ,,•r i,is,'.r i? PHOTO #3 , . . ' . :�;. �� � • ,�� ¢�h, �" Y� , ,� kt. View of existing fill pad eastern �`y , � •bif s shoreline, as seen from the north- L �rry �'�Y" ''`�r' ,' ; eastern corner of the fill pad. �y w.' U. S . ,��1 is in the background. e4*.xr"k • F,� "'1-" 3 -tt 4. f,p��yj �y� t - '7's T 1Y��j �:t ,--• �.ypN• . `•� _ 43 wk.,f ps ,..im `, % is •� +.7 r 1 yv� � ,set,,--.a ter. r 'y.� .,, x,li £r``' A x�, -. o f r 1'r1 �j, %`� � - _ 7-!••''• `ur.`:4.� .4`:7,/,7'{.� 1 4r i QC M aya 'ijji e A. 0 ,�.6:rii -_ , `s't ' 1.-}p -� � - .,,,,,47.�h•,1 {yam.,. • :n Wit':i. t % ,;,. ,fi !". + v ' -• A, • • ry;PP .f3 '1 lwii �y.4+T••:-• ... e* . y a tt•a �tp.?: F s L • CITY OF KEY WEST UTILITY BOARD ' ' #440536629 •tip '% �� '' P .};¢ r ... ._ .. t ' rih ,.� �s `�t.y. PHOTO #4 • '. ''` t` . '� X s i r;,.c>*4 View o f fillnorthern i�� pad perimeter, as r' :r • "r.� seen from the northwest corner of the fill • r • = _ -��, � ` pad. Note heavy accumulation of organic ,�=, t , , ° �," �, , material along this shoreline. 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W a gY,y,,. •` & ,A .,,i'K_ , r.1, 'A i r N`,.. '.;�;x'-c L,,�aFy •9 • ,aQF v.' - a ::.. '4 ' \ $:jY.._• \•Y .1•:f_ j•'k s., •o r*1=i• n- .„ „ - i1 i6 lt-��� .Y. :F"• l'.' �'=�l. `. ,4 �•.4yl:;ttW �•S+♦ ` Y+'4(:�.1 yy •fir r 1 'yl•�! i�":h•' `: /•:t.' ,�-, •.yam ♦ �(�••--•..t`' ''�a'sC•✓s+...�,. rr� . , Y % M ,'. ;jam — I,, t. "�` - ---- 17i.,,Nr .0„ .:-.5. ;410 1.i, ,,, ii,y I�� a ` r , PHOTO #8 _ • tii� �I}11 , V. �y pia , Frontal view of the existing 4-4Ay . %� • + ;�/ ' x 'iJ . ; ;y electrical substation. .. .,/li,..i ,• —V Cif ''' na. -J Ji1 1 '. , 50i , • L f - -- cc. y-.tax^.' ,. ','<a"w�, :r'".i 'G.::. ^ , r'' .. . . . ‘c? Ir01 'S2 01 NM L . I , r FACILITY OVERVIEW FACILITY NAME LOCATION: LAST UPDATE SITE SUPERVISOR: CITY ' STATE RESP. AUTHORITY: P PfHONES ( ) _ ------- DDR: P : ( ) _ A COUNTRY (IF OTHER THAN THE U. S. ) ; CTY, ST, ZI : FACILITY TYPE : 4 CLASS : STATUS : AS OF / TYPE TREATMENT/PROCESS : REATMENT/PROCESS : DER OFFICE : (cont. ) ETOFF 'NEP.ANGE _COUNTY: SITE LAT/LONG: POP. SERVI;D: _ SEGIvIE�IT : QUAD: " --'/`--'—•— DESIGN CAP : DRINKING WELL ON SITE? DISPOSAL METHOD (S) : ( ) ACC.SPILL`LEAK, ETC, ( )- IMPOUNDMENT ( ) INJECTION ( ) SURFACEZ9TR. DISCHARGE BURIAL ( ) DRAINFIELD ( ) LAND APPLICATION ( ) THEE:DUCT./RECOVERY ( ) ENCAPSULATION ( ) LANDSPREADING ( ) OCHER: RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY MAY NOT BE BLANK, LAT/LONG. FORMAT ALSO MUST MINIMUM OF ONE DISPOSAL METHOD REQUIRED BE COMPLETE i 314ST16 52 01 DREDGE AND FILL INFORMATION ?ROUECT NAME: a of • lAr ER BODY: -CLAST UPDATE: CLASS : 1..L SEGMENT: LANDOWNER:C e e • ;DDRESS c MO _O ®� C� /� ( ) EXEMPTED 'ITY/ST/ZIP : /{t•a G(/Asf J ( ) STATE OWNED LAND �' ' 1� ( 4 CHAPTER 253 KEDGED: WATERWARD OF MH/OH : ( )CHAPTER 403 LANDWARD OF MH/OH : CU.YD ( ) DOCK • CU.YD ( ) MARINA ILLED: WATERWARD OF MH/ply; BOAT SLIPS LANDWARD OF DiH/OH: VA, CU.CU. YD SEAWALL: —, 5_00 __CU.YD VERTICAL: STLANDS : TOTAL INVOLVED RIP RAP : ft. TEA1P . DISTURBED I RS ACRES ft. TEMP. DESTROYED ACRES AQUATIC PRES : �--. )N-JURIS PERM. DESTROYED " �� ACRES pr�,j: IRIANCE #;. ACRES a% SEE COMMENTS : . I i L