Resolution 089-1983 ..~ RE.$CDCUtICDN NCD. 089 -1983 IDHEREA.$, the BCDARD CDf CCDUNtg CCDffiffiI.$$ICDNER$ CDf ffiCDNRCDE CCDUNtg, fCCDRIDA, has received an application from John C. ~oodknight and IDHEREA.$, in compliance with $tate .$tatute, it is necessary as part of the permitting proceudre to read the fOllowing Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant wishes to widen and resurface a 13,481 ft. long (2.55 mile) section of U.S. #1 (SR 5) highway. The project entails widening the present 11 ft. wide travel lanes with very narrow shoulders to 12 ft. wide lanes with a 4 ft. wide paved shoulder an an additional 5 ft. of unpaved shoulder. The first 2 ft. of the unpaved shoulder will be sodded. In areas where there are no state waters immediately adjacent to the roadway, the road slope will be 6:1 (horizontal to verticle) for whatever distance is required to meet the existing grade. In areas where wetlands within the waters of the state are located adjacent to the highway the road slope beyond the shoulder will be 2:1. In all cases where jurisditional wetlands are found next to the highway, clearing, grubbing and filling will be restricted to an 18 ft. wide area, measured from the edge of the new travel lanes. The edge of the new travel lanes will be 1 to 2 ft. beyond the present edge of the travel lanes such that in areas where jurisdictional wetlands are found adjacent to the road, the maximum proposed distance for construc- tion related impacts is 20 ft. beyond the present pavement edge. An estimated 100 cu. yds. of crushed rock fill will be placed in 0.21t acre of transitional wetlands in order to widen the road as proposed. There will be no dredging. (It appears that the applicant's estimates of 4,026 cu. yds. dredged landward of mean high water and 25, 510 cy. yds. filled landward of mean high water are high). It appears from an examination of a tentative set of blueprints for the project and a discussion with Mr. Palozzi of the DOT, that several areas of wetlands within the waters of the state, along the project route, have not been recognized as such by the DOT. The section of Highway U.S. #1 (SR 5) which is proposed to be widened runs from the west end of Grassy Key across Crawl Key, Long Point Key, Little Crawl Key and Fat Deer Key. Major habital types adjacent to the road in this area include tropical hardwood hammock, transitional wetland, emergent (mangrove) wetland, shallow subtidal wetland and cleared land. There is very little develop- ment either commercial or residential along the section of road being considered here. Historically the first road built through the project area was the Overseas Railroad, which was constructed between 1904 and 1912. The Overseas Highway was built during the 1920's approximately 100 ft. to the north of and parallel to the Overseas Railroad. After 1935, the Overseas Railroad was converted to a highway, which then became known as the Overseas Highway (U.S. #1) and the original Overseas Highway was abandoned. During the 1940's the Florida Keys Aqueduct was placed between U.S. 1 and the old highway. In several areas, the pipe is above the ground on wooden supports. During 1981, a new aqueduct was laid underneath the old highway replacing the old pipe. There are utility poles on both sides of the highway. RESOLUTION John C. Goodknight Page Two There are large stretches of the project site where wetlands are found between the Overseas Highway and the Old Overseas Highway. The two roads completely cut these wetlands off from the waters of the state. All waters in the vicinity of the project site are designated as Class III Florida waters (Chapter 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code). The project begins on Fat Deer Key, just east of the intersection of the Coco Plum Beach Causeway and U.S. #1. The end of the project is on a section of causeway between Crawl Key and Grassy Key, 2.55 miles to the east. The highway in this area is perfectly straight with no bends and follows an azmith of 70 degrees (east-northeast). In order to more precisely describe areas along the 13,481 ft. (2.55 miles) of the highway that the project covers the DOT station numbers will be referenced. The stations begin with 400 at the western end of the project and end with 535 at the eastern end of the project. The stations are spaced a uniform 100 ft. apart and are presently marked on the highway. Beginning at station 400, the road proceeds to the east with undeveloped tropical hardwood hammock on its south side and an open grassy area between U.S. #1 and the Old Overseas Highway on the north side. The first area of wetlands encountered is at station 434 where transitional wetlands vegetated by buttonwood trees (Concarpus erecta), and beach carpet (Philoxerus vermicular is) come up to approximately 20 ft. from the present edge of the pavement. Just waterward of the transitional wetlands are emergent wetlands vegetated primarily by black mangroves (Avicennia germinans), red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) and batis (Batis maritima). This area of wetland borders the road for only approximately 80 feet. The next area of wetland encountered begins near station 452 and runs uninterrupted to near station 466 (1300f ft. long). In this stretch an area of transitional wetlands vegetated by sea daisy (Borrichia spp.) buttonwood trees and sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) ranges from 19 to 28 ft. from the edge of the present pavement. Approximately 10 ft. waterward of the landward edge of the transition zone wetlands emergent wetlands dominated by white mangroves (Laguncularis racemosa), black mangrove and red mangrove trees are found. Between station 461 and 464 within this stretch, the highway is actually a causeway crossing a small channel which separates Fat Deer Key and Long Point Key. The north side of the highway in this area is bordered by a strip of impounded wetlands between U.S. #1 and the Old Overseas Highway. Proceeding further to the east the next section of wetlands adjacent to the south side of the highway is from near station 478 to near station 502 (2400 ft. long). In this area, transition zone wetlands typified by sea daisy, bay cedar (Suriana maritima), sea grape (Coccoloba unvitera), beach carpet and buttonwood trees are found from 16 to 26 ft. from the edge of the pavement. Further down the road slope is a mangrove forest. The only interruption of this continuous strip of wetlands is a 30f ft. wide driveway leading to Little Crawl Key. Between stations 496 and 499 within this strip, the ro~d once again becomes a causeway, crossing the channel between Long Point Key and Crawl Key. RESOLUTION John C. Goodknight Page Three Starting near station 511 and continuing to the end of the project at station 534+81, the road is once again bounded by wetlands for 2400f ft. on its southern side. Transitional wetlands come up to within 14 ft. of the present edge of the pavement and mangrove wet- lands come up to within 24 ft. of the pavement. From station 519 to the end of the project, the road is a section of causeway crossing the channel between Crawl Key and Grassy Key. In total, the proposed road widening project adjoins Waters of the State of Florida for 6200t feet. This represents 46 percent of the length of the project. If the project is built as described, using the sensitive treatment in all areas where jurisdictional wetlands borders the road, very little adverse environmental damage will be done. In order to achieve this goal, it will be necessary to keep all construction re- lated activities within 20 ft. of the present south edge of the pavement (31 ft. from the center line). In general, the plans for the project with a few minor, easily worked out, discrepancies represent an excellent attempt to avoid unnecessary environmental damage. In recent past, this office has had extensive experience with the DOT's environmental control efforts, relative to the replacement of the bridges in the Overseas Highway. In this experience, it was found that much unnecessary and excessive damage, beyond what was permitted, was done by the DOT. The causes for the excessive environmental damage were many and varied, but generally related to a lack of care on the part of the DOT to remain vigilant and exercise normal care when it came to environmental matters as well as a general disregard for the im- portance of the provisions of a dredge and fill permit. If the DOT handles this project in the same manner as the bridge replacement project was handled, a very minimal and acceptable impact of a few tenths of an acre of transitional wetland being impacted could turn into many acres of lush emergent and transitional wetlands being destroyed. Under the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4, Florida Administrative Code, I recommend this project receive Departmental permitting authorization with the following conditions: 1. In all areas where there are Waters of the State of Florida as defined by Chapter 17-4.02(17) F.A.C., immediately adjacent to the south side of the highway, all clearing, grubbing and filling activities will be kept to within 20 ft. of the present edge of pavement as shown in the plans for sensitive areas. 2. Before any construction related activities begins, representatives of of the DOT, the job contractor(s), the project monitor(s) and the DER will meet in Marathon to clarify where waters of the State are located relative to the project site and to clarity pro- ceedures for working in and adjacent to them. 3. In all areas where the project borders on or infringes on wet- lands within the waters of the state, the toe of slope shall be clearly stated and all construction personnel informed that no work is to be conducted waterward of the stakes. 4. At no time will construction equipment or vehicles be operated or equipment and supplies stored in areas of wetlands within the waters of the state, waterward of the permitted work area. RESOLUTION John C. Goodknight Page Four 5. The DOT shall be responsible for restoring any damage to wet- lands within the waters of the state caused by excessive clearing, grubbing, filling, scarification, etc. within six (6) months of when that damage occurs in a manner which is acceptable to the Department. For the purpose of this permit excessive damage is defined as any damage to wetlands which occurs waterward of the permitted area of construction. BE I~ RE$~C~ED BM ~HE B~ARD ~F t~llN~M t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~llN~M, FC~RIDA, that the ahove Biological Assessment has heen reao into the recoro ann ouly consioereo pursuant to Florioa Statute 253.124 hy the Boaro of tounty tommissioners of ffinnroe tnunty, Florioa, th~~ 31st oay of March ,19 83 at a regularly scheouleo meeting. B~ARD ~F t~llN~Y t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F 1INlN1l~E Cjllll7~Y, FCIIRI~~ / ~ ~ By cI'/ 'Pf,,",", <<- J/,-' mayor .." .," .." .."'.. . .. ..~ - .'. ...~ ~ ($EAC) Attest: RALPH w. \1/IfITE, CLERK ~>< \( r III P .uiJw,O.~. 6 tlerk ,a .7fdyt:. Cucien t. Pro y tounty Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMN _ ,ERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 KEY WEST, 130512944641 Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming street Key West, Florida 33040 Urrll-~ OF: Director Building, Planning anc Zoning P.O, BOX Room 205 Wing J Public Service Bui1dir 5825 Jr. College Rd. V Key West, Florida 33043-4399 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (JOHN C. GOODKNIGHT) 3. Permi t 4. Application for Permit (D.O.T. ROAD WIDENING FAT DEER & GRASSY KEY) 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment ~ L-- ~ .........-- v v v Date 3- / 7-,f3 BY~_ (?~.,..- f,:1 /J p 1. ~ "" a'" - :~);):) co u i ~iY /-" fTY. .. . M E M 0 RAN DUM ';-j('--f~ DATE: March 16, 1983 TO: William Russell, Acting Director FROM: An~HOO~Ogist D.O.T~... oad widening, Fat D~-' and Grassy Key SUBJECT: The applicant proposes to widen and resurface the existing U.s. 1 on Fat Deer and Grassy Key. The project extends for 2.5 miles beginning at approx- imately the U.s. 1 exit to the Coco Plum Beach causeway to approximately .3 miles before Mile Marker 57. The widening entails 12 ft. wide lines with 4 ft. wide paved shoulders. This road widening involves encroachment and coverage of wetland and upland vegetation. Section 4-22 of the Monroe County Code exempts this activity from the requirements of the Shoreline Protection Zone article and therefore will not be addressed in this report. However, the Department of Army Corp of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation have addressed the wetland portions of this project. A D.E.R. bio-report is attached. Conversation and meetings with the Department of Transportation has resulted in verbal invitations from the D.G.T. to attend pre-construction and planning meetings in order to express Monroe County's environmental concerns as specified in the Monroe County Code and the Monroe County Coastal Zone Protection and Conservatoin Element. This report is intended to outline observations and make recommendations regarding the potential impacts this road widening may have on upland vegetation. Traveling east, the widening begins just after the intersection of the Coco Plum Beach causeway to U.s. 1. Approximately 3400 ft. of hardwood hammock is on the south side of the road. There presently exists a small low area or ditch between the hammock communities and the slope of the road. This ditch presently serves as a pathway for rainwater runoff. It is recommended that the toe of the slope for this new fill not exceed this ditch so that rainwater runoff (and therefore petroleum bi-products) will not be drained into the hammock areas. This could be accomplished if the toe slope for environmentally sensitive areas, as proposed by the D.G.T., is used throughout the project where hammock communities occur. PERMIT MONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT 1\10. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Jon C. Goodknight Fla. Dept of Transportation 401 N.W. 2nd Ave. Suite 590 Miami, Florida 33128 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 3) Phone number Resolution No. 305-377-5350 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Michael J. Palozzi Fla. Dept. of Transportation 410 N.W. 2nd Ave Miami, Florida 33128 5) Legal description of property: Section 19, 2 5, 3 0 Key Grassy Subdivision Township 65 S Lot Block Range 33#,34E Volume of ma terial: Street, road or mile marker U. S . 1 ( S . R. 5 ) 800 57'w Longitude 240 46'N Latitude dredged/excavated filled/ deposi ted c.y. waterward of M.H. W. ?171c.y. landward ofM.H.W. c.y. 13,468 c.y. waterward landward ofM.H.W. ofM.H.W. ZONING: PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments. Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: It is recommended that this section of the widening project be also treated as an environmentally sensitive area in that the larger tree species be preserved to the maximum exteht Possible. This may be accomplished by . working closely with the Department of Transportation provided that they include the County in its planning and pre-construction meetings. William R. Russell, Acting Directo: Planning, Building and Zoning William Russell, ing Director -'0.,0. T. Road widel1.Lu':j, Fat Deer and Grassy Key March 16, 1983 Page Two Through a conversation with Michael Pa1ozzi, District Environmental Administrator of the D.O.T., I was informed that the u.s. Fish and Wildlife Services has advised the D.O.T. in handling the Osprey nest that is on one of the old telephone poles on the north side of the road. It is recommended that the County also express concern for the isolation of, or the careful moving of, this nest to ensure preservation of that Osprey family. The north side of U.S. 1 is land that has largely been disturbed by the original overseas highway and utility services. Much of the land is inpounded wetland; however, there are sections of the north side of the highway that possess very large members of old succession hardwood hammock. Specifically, patches of upland vegetation beginning near the 564,000 ft. mark of the project contain very large tree species such as Jamaica Dogwood, Gumbo Limbo and Sea Grapes. These patches may not function in supporting wildlife communities; however, the Monroe County Coastal Zone Protection and Conservation Element addresses concern for this vegetation, specifically: "7. Overseas Highway Beautification Program: This program is presently being developed by the Monroe County Highway Beautification Advisory Committee. The initial efforts of this Committee are primarily directed toward strict enforce- ment of the zoning ordinance in regard to screening and landscaping requirements; ornamental landscaping along the highway; litter control; and the control of outdoor adver- tising. With due consideration given to the recommendations made in the scenic resources section of this element and in cooperation with the County Planning Department and the DOT, this Committee should take a lead role in developing a compre- hensive highway beautification program. The scope of this program should be extended to cover the means of controlling strip commercial development along the highway and recommend- ations in regard to scenic easements wherever necessary and practicable. Such a program should also include site and architectural design criteria and guidelines to promote and encourage architectural styles and character which would relate to the Keys' natural landscape." Also, Section 18-23 of the Monroe County code includes some of these plant species to be protected to the "maximum extent possible". It is recommended that this section of the widening project be also treated as an environmentally sensitive area in that the larger tree species be preserved to the maximum extent possible. This may be accomplished by working closely with the Department of Transportation provided that they include the County in its planning and pre-construction meetings. AH:cm Attachment PrC;:L\1't / ('/~:''''''''''~ ;'1.'\\1:\('. ?!TIU'1 \C.', ~~,,'':I:F n;:p.'JY1' ':";I' prp}(fT .\rrT 1f'i\Tlr'::i'l' U$ _,tl'ti ;;y,'.\'-,\'I'1"\\' -l11F T'I~P(lSIT (IT: 1-+11 (lr S'rpT'rnTT','\L 'N-~"ITlr:C' 1\' Tl'F ~F;;~J.,r, _\.~ ~ " J, ,.,. .., . ,. " .. J'.) , '1.. \,,~l !l~ '\I.' ":~TL)_\T:S rr. \'0'rp(lrfT1TTVIY . c~ners IlJ.'\C (: IT',alI ing address 2) rate ::\) rhone T1lnnr.er Mr. John C. Gocx1knight Florida Department of Transportation 401 N.W. 2nd Ave. - Suite 590 305-377-5350 ,.'"JNRC::: r' .. =.aUN1'Y 'ontr:1Ctor or agcnt' s name, mail ing address, phone tj cel.tification munber. Mr. Michael J. Palozzi Florida Department of Transportation 401 N.W. 2nd Ave., Itiami, Florida 33128 1 eg31 descript ion cf property: Section, 19,25,30 Key, Grassy Suhdivision, To\\nship, 65S Fange, 33E, 34E lot, Plock, (if acre3ge) ::'oning, Street, roa~ or mile marker,U.S.l(S.R.5) 800 57 '~v Longitude 24 <> 46 'N Latitude Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction ~ amount of material (in cuhic yares), to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpcse & intended use of project. Project calls for the widening and resurfacing of the existing U.S.l(S.R.5) on Grassy Key to 24' standard width and construction of 4 I paved shoulders on both sides. olume of aterial dredged/excavated c.y. 2171 c.y. waterward landward of ~~.P.W. of ~~.!..u\r. filled/oeposited c.y. 13,468 c.y. waterward lancward of P.H.\I!. of ~U-LW. ) ~\ame, address & zip ccrle of anj oining prop€'rty owners whose property affronts water way. see attached. - 3) list other pemits issued and/or applied for, inc]ude applicant's name, for t}1is site: Permits applied for: D.E.R. Dredge & Fill Corps of Engineers Dredge & Fill South Florida Water Management District General b: If application has heen submitted for this proj ect (or one similar) in tr.e past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. , list all Federal and State agencles that have recelved appJlcatlGns for tnls proJect. see II a) II above This completed application fonn will he accanpanied by the follm'ling, Or it 'will t-7rr be processed. 1\,0 (2) sets of drawings, on 8~ x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. Ppplication processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fi 11, decks CP. any structures affronting natural water bcx:lies. ~30.00 for vertical seffi~alls onlTIan-made horlies of water. $75.00 for any combination of the ahove activities per site. ~plic3tion is hereby made for a permit to autrorize the activities descrihed herein. I 2rti~)" tr.at I am familiar \'lith the infonnation contained in this application, and to the best f DY knowledge & belief such infonnation is true, complete & accurate. I furtrer certify that possess the authority to undertake tre proposed activities. Pll provisions of laws ann I cdinances governing this type of work wi 11 be canplied with whether specified herein or not. The ;3nting of a permit does not presume to give authority 0 ate or cancel the provisions of lY county, state or federal law regulating construe' rformance of construction of this ''Pe of facil ity. )1' Department Use Cnly agent r~ S5 te Fee & receipt " Approved by PSg't. Director T~on 3ccepting application f, Date Cost of remit Estimated cost of constnlction Department of Transportation BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR Haydon Burns Building, 605 Suwannee Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-8064, Telephone (904) 488-8541 PAUL. N. PAPPAS SECRETARY Miami Regional Service Center 401 N. W. Second Avenue, Suite 590 ~1iami, Florida 33128 December 15, 1982 Mr. Mark L. :RJbertson, County Biologist r-bnroe County Building and Zoning Department Post Office Box 437 Tavernier, Florida 33070 Re: State Project ~b. 90040-1513, F.A.P. ~b. F-485-1(97) WPI No. 6116737 Widening and Resurfacing of US-1 (S. R. 5) on Grassy Key; r.1onroe County, Florida ['ear Mark: In response to your request to the Department of Transportation to cbtain a dredge am fill pennit fran the County, I am supplying you with the following infonna tion: (1) r-bnroe County Dredge and Fill Application ( 2 ) Tw:> ( 2) sets of permit sketches ( 3 ) Set of adjacent property owners for areas under DER jurisdiction As in the past, the Department is requesting a waiver of the application fee. I hope that I have supplied you sufficient information to make a decision on our application. If I can be of further help, please contact me. Sincer:tjy, ~' " \"{\ \ \<\ \ ,- ~. ~ "--~ v tJ ?> Michael J. Palozzi Dist..rict Environmental Administrator MJP: bdc enclosures cc: K. Shell G. Pego R. ~1annix , ., . ,-. • ,., i „..:11.1.3 ......,.. :,.„,_,,,,.,.4,3„:,,t;:cilas,,..4.i.ot,,,.,,,,14,-,. .,,:,,,:,. ..,•Aorii,„--..*,,,.;,,::..,:gi. .1.,.,F,.. „,..41,u,:i4i,,,,--._,,,, .• , 8,717-wmgezzfatiri,,i, ••,:.-..:- ,-,•im ..- ,.. ..• .:. •:'. .."'•:,•...,,•,:.. .73 :i...:•':-,•:. :,:...:•.•••,:•.....,.:A.6 :::_,:A4:.... VICINITY MAP .4:,...A..::::: ;.:::.::::..........*:,•••. .....;.L0.;::'....:•::.::..::w ... ...s:.,.:.,...\,%:.:•. 7:::•:. SHEET NO. I OF 14 .a. L.::::?:.;:-:::;:;:;:Nur::•,....,::::.:. ...:1::::-.V.:',.:: ::;,...:0.:: ::: .:ik.,:::::.„.......,..,,,,,..., . ,..,,„..... . .. _...... 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J r ~rT 1 1'Q"~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL County: Monroe Date: 11-10-e2 File No.: 440611035 Florida Department of Transportation Applicant Name: Address: 401 N.W. 2 Avenue, Suite 590, Miami, FL 33128 Michael J. Pa10zzi Agent (if applicable): 401 N.W. 2 Avenue, Suite 590, Miami, FL 33128 33,34, Section(s) 1~.2h Township 6QS 33E Address: Range Location of project: Section(s) Township Range Overseas 'Highway from Fat Deer Key to Grassy Key. Local Reference: Water Body: Florida Bay and Atlantic Ocean Wa~~r Classification 0 Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: one Outstanding Florida ers: None On site ,inspection by: David Bishof Date of Inspection: 10-27-82 Original Application: Yes X No - Revised Application: Yes No X Date: Date of 2nd Insp. '.1 B ;-. A. Bio1oqica1 and W~ter Quality Assessment Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning ~xtent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant ~~torica1 facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicao1e. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the a~ea of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM l6-10(Rev.6/79) E. ."".-..--.., ~~"""...............................,.,.....- _ __ ~~4~~k_~U_lt. II IIiJI ~j~ _,__~.~.......-.&-.~ , U:::~B."'I:anNr --L'~ .' FL. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION #440611035 Monroe County - Fat Deer Key to Grassy Key Page Two A. The applicant wishes to widen and resurface a 13,491 ft. long (2.55 mile) section of U.S. #1 (SR 5) hig~way. The project entails widening the present 11 ft. wide travel lanes with very narrow shoulders to 12 ft. wide lanes with a 4 ft. wide paved shoulder and an additional 6 ft. of unpaved shoulder. The first 2 ft. of the unpaved shoulder will be sodded. In areas where there are no state waters immediately adjacent to the roadway, the road slope will be 6:1 (horizontal to verticle) for whatever distance is requi~ed to meet the existing grade. In areas where wetlands within the waters of the state are located adjacent to the highway the road slope beyond the shoulder will be 2:1. In all cases where jurisdictional wet1an~s are found next to the highway, clearing, grubbing and filling will be restricted to an 18 ft. wide area, measured from the edge of the new travel lanes. The edge of the new travel lanes will be 1 to 2 ft. beyond the present edge of the travel lanes such that in areas where jurisdictional wetlands are founa adjacent to the road, the maximum proposed distance for construction related impacts is 20 ft. beyond the present pavement edge. ~n estimated 100 cu. yds. of crushed rock fill will be placed in 0.21+ acre of transitional wetlands in order to widen the road as proposed. There will be no dredging.* It appears from an examination of a tentative set of blueprints for the project and a discussion with Mr. Palazzi of the DOT, that several areas of wetlands within the waters of the state, along the project route, have not been recognized as such by the DOT. B. The section of Highway U.s. #l (SR 5) which is proposed to be widened runs from the west end of Grassy Key across Crawl Key, Long Point Key, Little Crawl Key and Fat Deer Key. Major habital types adjacent to the road in this area include tropical hardwood hammock, transitional wetland, emergent (mangrove) wetland, shallow subtidal wet1an~ and cleared land. There is very little development either commercial or residential along the section of road being considered here. * It appears that the applicant's estimates of 4,026 cu. yd3. dredged landward of mean high water and 25)510 cu. yds. filled landward of mean high \"ater are hiqh. .fWl....--__~I1,..~1 J. -lIlI"!Wf ~,MII""'M!- ~- r - .... ....~ FL. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION #440611035 Monroe County - Fat Deer Key to Grassy Key Page Three Historically the first road built through the project area was the Overseas Railroad, which was constructed between 1Q04 and 1912. The Overseas Highway was built during the 1920's, approximately 100 ft. to the north of and parallel to the Overseas Railroad. After 1935, the Overseas Railroad was converted to a highway, which then became known as the Overseas highway (US #1) and the original Overseas Highway was abandoned. During the 1940's, the Florida Keys Aqueduct was placed between U.s. #1 and the old highway. Ln several areas, the pipe is above the ground on wboden supports. During 1981, a new aqueduct was laid underneath the old highway replacing the old pipe. There are utility poles on both sides of the highway. There are large stretches of the project site where wetlands are found between the Overseas Highway and the Old Overseas Highway. The two roads completely out .these wetlands off from the waters of the state. All waters in the vicinity of the project site are designated as C~ass III Florida waters (Chapter 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code) . C. The project begins on Fat Deer Key, just ea9t of the intersection of the Coco Plum Beach Causeway and U.S. #1. The end of the project is on a section of causeway between Crawl Key and Grassy Key, 2.55 miles to the east. The highway in this area is per- fectly straight with no bends and follows an azmith of 70 degrees (east-northeast) . In order to more precisely describe areas along the 13,481 ft. (2.55 miles) of highway that the project covers the DOT station numbers will be referenced. The stations begin with 400 at the western end of the project and end with 535 at the eastern end of the project. The stations are spaced a uniform 100 ft. apart and are presently marked on the highway. Beginning at station 400, the road proceeds to the east with undeveloped tropical hardwood harrunock on its south side and an open grassy area between u.s. #l and the Old Overseas Highway on the n1Jrth side. The first area of wetlands encountered is at station 434 where transitional wetlands vegetated by buttonwood trees (Concarpus erecta), and beach carpet (Philoxerus vermicularis) come up to approximately 28 ft. from the present edge of the pavement. Just waterward of the transitional wetlands ~re emergent wetlands vegetated primarily by black mangroves (~vicennia germinans), red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) and batis (Batis maritima). This area of wetland borders the road for <1IIJ'.Al _ .".111 ~ r _ 1 lifTV" r - ,~- "IIIII!"" __ L-_.UII If r~._llllfit4ll'a"'_~ 1111 IIL"~T . ......._ -- J . FL. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION #440611035 Monroe County - Fat Deer Key to Grassy Key Page l"our only approximately 80 feet. The next area of wetland encountered begins near station 452 and runs uninterrupted to near station 466 (1300+ ft. long). In this stretch an area of transitional wetlands vegetated by sea daisy (Borrichia spp.) buttonwood trees and sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) ranges from 19 to 28 ft. from the edge of the present pavement. Approximately 10 ft. waterward of the landward edge of the transition zone wetlands emergent wetlands dominated by white mangroves (Lagunculari~ racemosa), black mangrove and red mangrove trees a~e found. Between stations 461 and 464 within this stretch, the highway is actually a causeway crossing a small channel which separates Fat Deer Key and Long Point Key. The north side of the highway in this area is bordered by a strip of impounded wetlands between U.S. #1 and the Old Overseas Highway. Proceeding further to the east the next section of wetlands adjacent to the south side of the highway is from near station 478 to near station 502 (2400 ft. long). In this area, transition zone wetlands typified by sea daisy, bay cedar (Suriana maritima) , sea grape (Coccoloba uvitera), beach carpet and buttonwood trees are found from 16 to 26 ft. from the edge of the pavement. Further down the road slope is a mangrove forest. The only interruption of this continuous strip of wetlands is a 30+ ft. wide driveway leading to Little Crawl Key. Between stations 4~6 and 499 within this strip, the road once again becomes a causeway, crossing the channel between Long Point Key and Crawl Key. Starting near station 511 and continuing to the end of the project at station 534+81, the road is once again bounded by wetlands for 2400+ ft. on its southern side. Transitional wetlands come up to within 14 ft. of the present edge of the pavement and mangrove wetlands come up to within 24 ft. of the pavement. From station 519 to the end of the project, the road is a section of causeway crossing the channel between Crawl Key and Grassy Key. In total, the proposed road widening project adjoins Waters of the State of Florida for 6200+ feet. This represents 46 percent of the length of the project~ D. If the project is built as described, using the sensitive treatment in all areas where jurisdictional wetlands borders the road, very little adverse environmental damage will be done. In order to , . ,', ..';:. i::", <' ~. ,f-o t,: :~; \"< ':r~ l; ~. . ..- 1'111 '"1.Bl JlIJJ If Tl JUII1Jr'W~W.jJf'tr~1W""'-~-~~IJiI5<F;!~IIJUfin.Ull~;t. - .n~., FL. DEPARTMENT OF TRANsPORTATION '440611035 Monroe County - Fat Deer Key to Grassy Key Page Five achieve this goal, it will be necessary to keep all construction related activities within 20 ft. of the p~esent south edge of the pavement (31 ft. from the center line). In general, the plans for the project with a few minor, easily worked out, discrepancies represent an excellent attempt to avoid unnecessary environmental damage. In the recent past, this office has had extensive experience with the DOT's environmental control efforts, relative to the're- placement of the bridges in the, Overseas Highway. In this experience, it was found that much unnecessary and excessive damage, beyond what was permitted, was done by the DOT. The causes for the excessive environmental damage were many and varied, but generally related to a lack of care on the part of the DOT to remain vigilant and exercise normal care when it came to environmental matters as well as a general disregard for the importance of the provisions of a dredge and fill permit. If the DOT handles this project in the same manner as the bridge re- placement project was handled, a very minimal and acceptable impact of a few tenths of an acre of transitional wetland being impacted could turn into many acres of lush emergent and transitional wet- lands being destroyed. ". ""......13.1"" rPT _, Y I nh. .. "1""' JIIIMlIlJ~~jj""'{J'Ian' '...-. ~'Pl:iIiWIi8'-""-d18eall1'l1llJ..iftir IIIU!lV m 1:0 FL. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION '440611035 Monroe County - Fat Deer Key to Grassy Key Page Six E. Under the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4, Florida Administrative Code, I recommend this project receive Departmental permitting authorization with the following conditions: 1. In all areas where there are Waters of the State of F10rina as defined by Chapter 17-4.02(17) F.A.C., immediately adjacent to the south side of the highway, all clearing, grubbing and filling activities will be kept to within 20 ft. of the present edge of pavement as shown in the plans for sensitive areas. . 2. Before any construction related activities begins, repre- sentatives of the DOT, the job contractor(s), the project monitor(s) and the DER will meet in Marathon to clarify where waters of the state are located relative to the project site and to clarify proceedures for working in and adjacent to them. 3. In all areas where the project borders on or infringes on wetlands within the waters of the state, the toe of slope shall be clearly stated and all construction personnel informed that no work is to be conducted waterward of the stakes. 4. At no time will construction equipment or Vehicle. be operated or equipment and supplies stored in areas of w.~14nds within the waters of the state, waterward of the permitted work area. 5. The DOT shall be responsible for restoring any damage to wetlands within the waters of the state caused by excessive clearing, grubbing, filling, scarification, etc. within six (6) months of when that damage occurs in a manner which is acceptable to the Department. For the purpose of this permit excessive damage is defined as any damage to wetlands which occurs waterward of the permitted area of construction. ....... [;- . SPEC. DAVID DATE: READ : DEB/dvo