Resolution 097-1983 RE CUUImN NO. 097- 1983 .0 REA$, the BOARD OF .CUM C ffl $i NER$ OF MONROE mum, FLORIDA, has rereiva an appliratinn from RICHARD PEREZ and 3MHERE , in compliance with State Statute, it is neressar13 as part of the permitting procenure -to rears the fallowing Dialogical Assessment into the Reran:), as .follnws. The applicant is applying for a number of different projects, including basin dredging, the construction of docks, riprap, and seawalls, all located within the applicant' s commercial fishing facility, which includes two separate basins, a fish processing house, crawfish trap storage areas and boat dockage for a large number of commercial vessels averaging 20-40 feet in length. Of the various projects being applied for, many have been completed or are under construction. As a result of recent enforcement action by this Department and the Corps of Engineers, unauthorized work has been discontinued and a comprehensive permit is being applied for: Work already completed includes (1) 565 lineal feet of concrete bulkhead and associated dredging at the bulkhead base (unknown quantity) along the southern perimeter of the south basin,. (2) 231 feet of completed bulkhead whichwas constructed 15-20feet land- ward of MHW along the eastern side of the south basin southern peri- meter. Through. conversation with Mr. Richard Perez, owner of #1 Boat Manufacturing, on April 13, 1982, it was learned that the 15-20 feet of land waterward of the constructed seawall will be removed by dredging, although the site plans do not indicate dredging here. (3) Approximately 100 lineal feetof riprap was placed along the applicant ' s open water shoreline (southeast corner) . Approximately 50 additional feet are needed to complete this line -of riprap, as well as backfill to tie the riprap into the shoreline. (4) Place-- ment of mooring pilings along the unauthorized section- of .seawall (southern perimeter of the south basin) . Those projects now proposed include (1) the construction of- 200 feet of seawall along the northern perimeter of the south basin, (2) ±110 feet of riprap, to be placed along the northeast corner of the applicant' s property, (3) construction of two 10 ' X 30 ' piers, (4) excavation of a 60 '- X 145 ' area within the applicant' s north boat basin to a depth of -6 ' MLW and (-5) construction of a 205 lineal foot seawall along the north basin perimeter, connecting with an existing seawall (this has already been permitted under Permit #44-39-0091-5E) . All work completed and proposed is for the purpose of upgrading the applicant' s basins and providing better boat mooring. The applicant presently holds two permits for marineconstruction. Permit #44-37069-5E authorizes the placement of riprap and the construction of a perimter dock along the northern open water_ shoreline. Permit #44-0991-5E authorized. dredging in the southernmost corner of the north basin (adjacent to' the presently proposed dredging) , as well as seawall construction now proposed in the north basin. Due to an apparent oversight during initial permitting, the area now proposed to be dredged was not applied for. Approximately 1300 cubic yards would be excavated in the north basin. . - Approximately 1000 cubic yards will need to be excavated above MHW - in front of the partially completed seawall (south basin) . A. - - - similar amount is assumed to have been excavated below MHW in front of the completed seawall in the south basin (dredged to ±4 ' MLW) . Dredging is not being requested in front of the seawall proposed along the north perimeter of the south basin. - 7 _ Approximately 40 cubic yards of riprap has already been placed along the applicant' s open water shoreline (below MHW) and another ±60 cubic yards is proposed for deposition, for a final riprap total of ±100 cubic yards. An additional ±100 cubic yards of backfill is proposed in back of the riprap, of which ,approximately 50 cubic yards would be below MHW. An additional ±100 cubic yards of backfill is estimated for use in back of the proposed seawalls (north and south basins) . The applicant has deposited approximately 100 cubic yards below .MHW for the purpose of providing a pad from which to perform the, pro- posed dredging in the north basin. This fill pad-Would presumably be removed after dredging. All other work would be performed ",fr.om the applicant' s upland, although the unauthorized mooring piles were probably placed from a barge. A backhoe would place the proposed riprap. The type of equipment that would be used for dredging was not indicated. Turbidity screens would be utilized during all water work, according to the applicant. Number One Boat. Manufacturers perform a variety of commercial services, centering around boat building and maintenance Crawfish boats are. numerous here and trap building and storage is commonplace throughout the property. Fuel pumps were observed in the south basin --An ice house and seafood processing house are also located: on the south basin. Most of the south basin has already been bulkheaded. Boats moor perpendicular to the shoreline for the most part--. The general area here is part of Stock Island's southern- shoreline, an area extensively altered by dredging and filling -prior to 1970 . Boca Chica channel, a natural, free-flowing channel is located to the west of this property and offshore shallow water area adjacent to this channel possess extensive seagrass beds: The applicant' s open water shoreline appears to overlap__. the'.natural bay bottom, although the shorelines themselves are lacking natural fringe vegetation. Adjacent properties include Stock Island Lobster Company, a commercial fishing facility, and Ming Seafood', a similar- operation. Both adjacent properties haveheld dredge and fill permits in the recent past. _ A permit issued to Stock Island Lobster Company is held under the name of Peter Bacle (Permit #44-30-3740) for basin dredging and seawall construction. A permit is presently being processed for Ming Seafood convering maintenance dredging in the basin access channel (Permit #44-41990-5E) . Extremely poor water quality is found throughout this area, particularly in the excessively deep commercial basins owned by the applicant and the adjacent property owners. Most of the non-seawalled shoreline found along the applicant' s shoreline is badly eroded and/or disturbed by intense usage. Num- erous small docks are found where seawalls are not present, -to provide ingress and egress to large boats docked, in deeper .water. The south basin is very deep throughout, although depths are substantially shallower near shore (-1 to -4 at the base of the newly completed seawall) . The north basin has been dredged to depths estimated to be around ten feet over its northern one-half , (owned by Stock Island Lobster Company) . . The southern _one-half of this basin, owned by the applicant, varies from .-1 ' to 4' .MLW, except for that portion recently dredged under the authority of a previously mentioned permit. 1 The benthic community of the area proposed for dredging supports a 5-10 percent vegetative cover, which includes grees algaes (Halimeda sp. and Penicillus sp. ) and filamentous red algaes . The sediments here are 6" to 2 ' deep covering a hard_.bottom that has never been dredged. The sediments here are fine and somewhat uncon- solidated. The shoreline of the north basin is roughly bulkheaded.with wood. Very few boats presently use this basinfor mooring, due to the. prohibitive depths. In contrast, over 50 boats were counted in the south basin. Floating trash and detritus are found in this basin. The benthic community is in extremely poor condition here. The after-the-fact seawall in this basin has -=11 .to 4 ' MLW 'depths at its base, with depths dropping rapidly inside the basin. The applicant' s partially completed seawall was constructed on-the ' upland, with spoil from seawall construction placed in between the seawall and the shoreline. _ Much -of 'this__spoil, in:.fact, -overlapped into the water, covering the benthos, which was basically disturbed, eroded and generally lacking in established biota, even before being . filled. A ±10 ' wide- shelf is found along this shoreline and the opposite shoreline where a new seawall is being proposed; . The only macrophytes found here were filamentous green alages. Both areas proposed for riprapping are eroded and again. lacking established marine biota. An offshore channel is found 10-30 off- shore from these shorelines, with some seagrasses (Thalassia testudinum) found in- between. Small accumulations of rock rubble are found along these shorelines at the approximate MHW line. Overall impacts anticipated as a result of this project should.. be positive. Stabilization of the applicant' s basin and open water shorelines should facilitate a more permanent habitat and increased biological productivity, particularly where riprap is to be placed. No significant biological destruction should occur, with the possible exception being the dredge area in the north basin where some algae growth will be eliminated. Dredging here will, however, lessen the severity of the discontinuity presently ' found at the terminus of this basin (where dredging has recently been done) . By dredging in front:-of -the south basin seawall '(southeast side) ,:.the basin opening will be enlarged, thereby helping water circulation within the basin. Negative impacts may be realized as a result of additional boat ' mooring, particularly in the north basin, after dredging is completed and seawalls are constructed. BE It RE$OCVED R1 t tE BOARD OF MUM C(OMMUSIONER$- OF 1E' NROE COMM FCORI1A, that the ahnve Biningi al Assessment has been reai immn .the reeorfi and �lui cnnsiierea pursuant iII Floriha tafuie 253.124 hg, the Roam IIf Counfj Cnmmissinners IIf Minnie eIIunf , FIIIriha, this 31 s t ne March , 19 8 3 of a regularlg scheaulei meeting. BOARD OF 1INtg COMMIS (ONER$ OF IWION'JE l R fd4Y:atnr ($eal) APP OVED AS TO FORM RALPin . a TE9 CLERK AN GAL SUFFICIEN # ' tre jr'. Py�� BY. . Attorneys Office •A\:\cp.)keeli- 04Clealt BOARD OF COUNTY COMP.JERS ,4_3y�` `,�, , - MI OF: Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Director Curt Blair, District 2 4 Building, Planning an( Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez,Jr., District 3 r: ^~ Zoning MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 ; ,i . `1 s Ken Sorensen, District 5 I$;i;'''i;r - P.O. BOX Room 205 'vying . ; r Public Service Buildi] ' �,._ ,. 5825 Jr. College Rd. j w� `} 14 I�a, OUNTY o MONROE ,... Key `,Nest , Florida !P yy,' f J+ r KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 •3'' P 33043-4399 (305) 294-4641 s ;:,- Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street . Key West , Florida 33040 . I , the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows : Certificate of Complete Enclosures ' VI 1. County Biologist Report V 2 . Resolution (RICHARD PEREZ) ✓+ 3. Permit ✓ • 4 . Application for Permit (DOCKS, SEAWALLS & EXCAVATION) ✓ 5. Site Plan V 6. Location Map ._._10el_ ___14/L 7. DER Assessment I,I >�,� ' ''. ` i' • Date 13 � " `3 M A R . .8 1983 BY • COUNTY .- Y. , 1 i MEMORANDUM• DATE: February 28 , 1983 TO: William Russell, Acting Director FROM: Robert Dennis, Environmental Biologist SUBJECT: Perez,: R. , #1 Boat Mfg. , Inc. for docks , seawalls and excavation. LEGAL: TWSP 67S, RGE 25E, SECT 36 ; Corner of Maloney and Peninsula Avenues , Stock Island. Zoning is BU-3 . INTRODUCTION This application requires review by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Sections 19-111 (a) (5) and 19-111(b) (4) for placement of fill below the mean high water line and for excavation within a body of water, respectively. DISCUSSION The applicant is requesting approval for a number of projects such as dredging within an existing boat basin and construction of two docks , two concrete vertical seawalls and two rip-rap seawalls (one after-the-fact) . Of these projects , only the basin excavation and rip-rap seawalls require formal review by the County Commission. . All of these projects , however, are shown on the attached plan which has been modified by the author, from the one attached to the Department of Environmental Regulation application. The rip-rap seawalls are to be constructed along the eastern edge, of the applicant ' s property, adjacent to. Boca Chica Channel. The northern seawall will be 110± feet long and the southern seawall, which is almost complete, will be 15.0± feet long (see photograph 1) . Each of the seawalls will require approximately 200 cubic yards (c.y. ) of rip-rap boulders or a total of 400+ c.y. (200± c.y. each to be placed above and below the MEW line, respectively) . , 4 1 J ' William Russell Acting ,Director Perez, R. , #1 Boat Mfg., Inc. for docks , seawalls & excavation February 28 , 1983 Page Two Of the remaining projects , . a 200 foot vertica4 concrete •seawall and two piers (10 feet wide by 30 feet long) are proposed within the large central basin. In addition, within the smaller basin located in the .north7,western section of the property, a 205 foot verticalsconcrete seawall is proposed (this area is shown in photograph 2) and an area 60 feet wide by 145 feet long will be excavated to a depth of -6 feet (amount of material to be removed is estimated to be 1300 c ,y. ) . The attached Department of Environmental Regulation report discusses this application in greater detail and should be read for additional information. It is important to note that although some sections of the seawall located in the large central basin are referred to as after-the-fact by the DER, these sections were permitted by Monroe County in April 1980 (permit number #6 711A) . RECOMMENDATION Approval for all projects proposed, however, the applicant should be. required to use filter fabric with the rip-rap seawalls to prevent fill loss due to erosion.. RD:cm Attachment l • 7bpsetta+0)s.! WS°r -ate'" "'s.� '�"„+S,,,,�,y ,� o a6 � o ��'� �/'" w��/ '��da� ` S �`41 /Oe .a 2-1�4 'sir s. .wit y_roe 14r '4 was')d, i `r.---•":} t % tit `,"-- %Its 4 .. . .. .-. .....‘%1. .- ., g+ 2 "7 , ..., „.„,..,..,......, _,...,,, '4"---'4;-'1'W."...•....""'::li..`7'6.; ' ,,,_-_,,r . • . . c. .. .. ,..,...Y,To 440006,- - A— --- .-i'.--:',$Y'!"-•);•-.1, ".i\ri '..)' •—•• . " ... '..../.j.:*..eltyle;- '''*:".- . , , ''''-:-.&: ' •-.4..., .o.. 4„, • .. 1,..4...,IFe' ` rye y'�`�s �r1 �< �� ' w r __. .t '1 '�3'r .... I._ ,� -ii, : _ 1 ' mow, ' - r . .. . . . '.., , , ,..., . :A --';.••--,-,n;_„:.`'`'. "`plr4.*?1,: '1 Q ;U'"'q-c Re, . w4 s'8/fit/r ® S !u ua Q 6 -AZ ;e)/f-gAr// I ,24-15 �, law; ul moos , �d au�/ olv. I �' HHH [ I 00b 00Z 0 001 , 00Z .311N3AV d 7l7SN/N3d . bPlB all!' tl 4Jadold Or fir, 9 x,, IIDMoag 6u�wotaa U/SD8 fOOB FJU/fS/X3 .c 'ouo0 pasodwd 0£ Y 01 sia!d a f ,00Z `1 bu!Kood pasodoad(Z) '-- o I loMoas 6uiisix31 ,0 -'� '— t' a IloMoas 0� n: �j�n bugsixa ow! ;: y Hapoas pasodwd ail I ask _ Off' O ,aa). Ob _ Q auHaJoys ••xopddd • • \ '4Z .V � 0 a Iuawaoo as bulwo{aJ pasodoid `v �•r �'a3 pin .r r' # o MONROE �� ' ti�= PLANNING, BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY is FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE �° WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1)Property owners name&mailing address . 2)Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Richard Perez 12-16-82 Resolution No. c/o #1 Boat Mfg.. 3)Phone number McDonald Ave. . Date: Stock Island . Key West, Fla. 33040 4)Contractor or agent's name,mailing address&phone number Toppino & Sons 5)Legal description of property: ' Section 36 KeyStock Island Maloney Subdivision Township 67S Lot 47-51 Block 45 Range 25E Street, road or mile marker Maloney Aveune Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited 1300 c.y. 1000 c.y. 100 c.y. 100 c.y. waterward landward • waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: BU-3 • • PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments-Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval for all projects proposed,. however, the applicant should be required to use filter fabric with the rip-rap seawalls to prevent fill loss due to erosion. . William R. Russell MO~R~~ emu ,,"'.r y PI,\.\:--';I\G, FTTI1.I'T\C' :', :-:i~\r::(' nC)1,\P'r'r;'~ pr:PPTT ,\prTI(~ATI('" 1:(~P , \'ATIr':, THF f'FP0SE 00. nn, 0f' STI'l'!\lTT'.\L -~TlrS 1" l1'F ,',']:: T\ '\'1' ,0.' . -',\'T), f'\' 1) 2) rate 'I P}:one nt'1T1t'er +) . 7.5,' (' /-1 A-<i..J address, phone /cJ - /(/ - J/d-- [, ce'rtification mnnber. ~-r(3 r~.27U 0 ~ ,5'(7(\1 S 5) legal description of property: Section, '~ (p Townshi P , (f L 5 Range, d-~) (:'-:.- (if acreage) Zoning, BJ) ,- 3 lot, L/7- ,S/ Plock, /~1 ~ [O/V fy - , vS- ? /??~(t'Yl1- Q/~~ Key, ()fcl CJ: ,:tSifi.V DSulx1ivision , Street, roac or mile marker, 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cuhic yards), to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose 8 intenden use of project. doO d /- /~&~t~ :t:- //2)~. G;z) Ie y ~ 0 jUe/UJ E x et9i/,4f,u N 60'" NS' -u ' ,MU.-V , dredged/excavated C2 O~ t ' /~a{/dl filled/Cleposited /300 c.y. /I/O() c.y. /CO c.y. /OU c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of ~~.P.W. of ~. .F. "\I,'. of }~.H. W. of }1.J-I.W. /Zr.4CCj'J, volume of material 7) Name, address fr zip cede of c.nj oining property owners whose property affronts water way. ~;;1 . 8 a) list other pemits issned and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for His site: .(p ? J / 4- / / ,f :3 ;;2;2 /l b) If application has been submitted for this proj ect (or one similar) in tre past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. /V/,4- 9) list all Federal and State agenCIes that have receIved appllcat1ffis tor thIS pro] ~ct. 1)EP +- C oE This completed application fom will be accanpanied by the following, or it 'llill NIT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8!z x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view ann cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, decks CP any structures affronting natural water bedies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls onman-made 'hciJies o:F water. $75.00 for any combination of the ahove activities per site. Ppplication is hereby made for a permit to autnorize the activities descrihed nerein. I certify that I am familiar with the infomation contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I furtrer certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. PI} provisions of laws ann ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a pemit does not preslnne to give authority to violate or cancel tne provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction cf this type of facil ity. . Q I ~~ .'" O^ .L>..;M> ~-^--!~ .. ature of ap~aagent rate ~. -Dwttu )r g ?J #.j'S dO "%1;)115 Fee & receipt ii For Department Use Cnly/ ftrproved by Pss't. ~irector Person accepting application & Date Cost of permit Estimated cost of cOflstrnction ,BOARD OF COUNTY COMM' RS Wilhelmina Htlrvey, District J Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 -MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 )F:Robert Dennis Sr. Environ. BioI. Public Service Bldg. 5825 Jr. College Rd. W. p,o, BOX Key Wes t, FL 33040-4399 294-4641 Ext. 126 .tfl!i~l, ~~~!Y~~~~~E (30512944641 August 18, 1982 Mr. Richard Perez #1 Boat Manufacturing MacDonald Ave. Stock Island Key West, FL 33040 Dear Mr. Perez: It is my understanding that you have submitted a permit application to the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. In your application, you have requested approval to dr$dge an area 145 feet long by 60 feet wide and construct a 300- foot seawall in an existing basin located in the northwest section of your property. Also requested is approval to construct a riprap seawall along the eastern edge of your property and construct two docks, install mooring piles and dredge within the centrally located boat basin. Since these activities will require permits from Honroe County, I have enclosed an application for your convenience. Please complete the application form and return it to this office with the appropiate processing fee. In order to expedite the processing of your application, you should carefully note all projects proposed, presently under construction, and completed that require County permits. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, you may write or call me at the letterhead address and telephone number. Sincerely, /3JftJL~ Robert Dennis Sr. Environ. Biol. RD/ j f Enc 1 . CC: Rick Lotspeich, DER Alan Lessler, Director File. CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. ,_ . - .-.. .,z,, - ,f„„,..,:p,. 0 JOINT APPLICATION • DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY/FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION i FOR • ACTIVITIES IN WATERS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Refer to Instruction Pamphlet for explanation of numbered items and attachments required. - - • 1. Application number (To be assigned) 12. Date 3. For official use only M V Day Mo. Yr. —6--- 070 4. Name,address and zip code of applicant - • • - i • i11 BOAT I.2.76. , II:C, • 1•:acDonald Avenue, Stock Island 1:cy West, Florida 33040 • Telephone Number '05/ —2 2 - 5. Name, address, zip code and title of applicant's authorized agent for permit application coordination I I/A N O V 30 `ft i DERV).FLA.DISTRICT Telephone Number . Lif1ANClt OFFICE __. • G. Describe the proposed activity, its purpose and intended use, including a description of the type of structures, if eny, to be erected on fills, or pipe or float-supported platforms, and the type,composition and quantity of materials to be discharged or dumped and means of conveyance. See :cparatc :,hest I,uuWI:ed '']:tcl,i CI' Dredged/Excavated Filled/Deposited Volume of Material: —o— CY Riprap GC CY Riprap 100 CY 13nc),fi 1 1 1 C'c,CY Watsrward of Landward of Woterward of Landward of (� -,t.. ., ,;•� '• •' , f . O.H.W.or M.H.W. O.H.W.or M.H.W. , O.H.W.or M.H.W. O.H.W.or M.H.W. i I 7. Proposed use • • • I - Private ( j Public ( ] Commercial (;1 Other ( j (Explain in remarks) ., i '' 8.:, Name'and address including zip code of adjoining property owners whose property also adjoins the waterway. 1 • „t.•, is ;��1,,kACLi<1.�;1 • III NOS• SEAFOOD, INC. ! '11 ^�.arifllis Driveit.+.,, P.O.j 0 Dox 2562 K.ey Vest,• Florida . 33040 Key West-, Fl. 33040 . • • 9. Loc.atiOn where proposed activity exists or will occur • Street address Longitude Latitude (If known) Sec. •='G Twp. 07/(38 Rge. 2 ?,•1 r -�I '•�^- ,x:.onroc Stoc,.i. Island Kea., ;:'est State Couny In City or Town Near City or Town 10. Name of waterway at location of the activity L'oca Chica Channel SAJ FORM 983 21 Flu] 7J • .' 4y3'a • • 11. Date activity is pronosed to commence Immediate upon receipt of permit • Date activity is expected to be completed 36 i:ontii:, after receipt of permit •• - 12. Is any portion of the activity for which authorization is ;ought now complete? Yes (;:j: No ( j If answer is"Yes"give reasons in the remarks section. Month and year the activity was completed Indicate the existing work on the drawings. 13. List all approvals or certifications required by_other Federal,;nterstate, state or local agencies for any structures,con- struction, discharges, deposits or other activities described ijn this application, including whether the project is a De- velopment of Regional impact. IssNIUMild Type of Approval identification No. Date of Application Date of Approval tIVVN3WNONIAN3 'Al® • TB6I 9 J • • . . • ff:j ell., • liA\Lad 01' • 14. Has any agency denied approval for the activity described herein or for any activity directly related to the activity de- scribed herein? - Yes ( J No PI (If "Yes"explain in remarks) 15. Remarks (see Instruction Pamphlet for additional information required for certain activities) See separate sheet marked"Itela 15" • • 16. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the activities described herein. I agree to provide any additional information/data that may be necessary to provide reasonable assurance or evidence to show that the pro- posed project will comply with the applicable State Water Quality Standards or other environmental protection stan- dards both during construction and after the project is completed. I also agree to provide entry to the project site for inspectors from the environmental protection agencies for the purpose of making preliminary analyses of the site and monitoring permitted works, if permit is granted. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete,and accurate. I fur- ther certify that I possess the authority to and take the proposed activities. Signature of Applicant Date 18 U.S.C. Section -1001 provides that:Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact cr makes arty false, fictitious or frauduleht statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than S 10,000-or imprisoned not more than five years,or both. The application must bt signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity:however, the applica- tion may be signed by a duly authorized agent if accompanied by a statement by that person designating the agent and agreeing to furnish upon request, supplemental information in support of the application. FEE: Attach Checks/Money Orders on front Payable to Department of Environmental Regulation S200 Standard form projects S20 Short forms and Chapter 403 projects only . •. : ' (C�l jilt.? ...~ .: ..... .~\~.~.w \t~:;, .. .... ..~ ;i.;iiJl'%;''H~ 11'Ei.1 G 1.".'1 ~ COI:STHUCT 2 DULI~IIEADS ::Ef,SUIUIlG A 'i'OTM, OF .. GG CUDIC YMm~; OF PU1.LDr'\C!~ In PIU\P t'ATEH\'lMW lJ!U. EHECT TUO DOCICI LIG FIEI;S FOi( 1.0.l\DI1:C' UI:LOADH!G COlliiERCIM, FISllIllG CIlJ\FT-LIO l?UEL Pw.;ps on TOILET FACILITIES AnI: TO DE COIIS'i'nUCTED Oil Pn:I(S-i/O~;TnUCTunES AnE TO I.;E Enr::CTED Oll I'ILL.- TO RECLf,Hl O\!IlERS ERODED UPLMllJ~; FOl~ 100 FEET III LEneTI! AnD 10 FEeT II! l'lID'l'1I ;:,.l'i10POSED 3: 1 SU~PE I 'l'EI: FEET Iii \,'IDTll Fon A 'l'01'/\L OF :!:. 100 CU~IC YAi1DS OF HItoJ(Ap AliD 100 CUBIC YAHDS OF BACKFILL I ::J\TErUl\LS I.!ILL ;;r: DELIVERLD 70 TEE SITE VIA 'l'I(UC::/ IUP1~\P ArID 13ACl~FILL \JILL DL n,,^.C:~D '.In'!! I:l\CI:IlOE: TUI~;:;1DITY SCREEIlS IlILL BE U::;;ED DUllInG M,L :iJ\IUIrE CO]:S'~'l:UCTIorl; DOC;~IIlC I'ILI;~, DUU:IIEADS, AIID I;Ac:~nLI, liILL AU,IJE ~'.'I'i'IIIrr C\,-,iGI:S L,O!~'~' DASHl AliD r:1PIlJ\p all CIJAllEL SIDE \JILL DE all mmEns [nODED LM;D. / I~Uf~H~ - DIY. ENVIRONMENTAl. PERMITTING J - [-' ;-~=~'-:-':-:' _:-.':-~~:--' ," ~ I 'I ',.'. ~ ....... '-. . -....; - .o. .. ~ NOV 3019[1 I -J LJul ~h) H/\ i;'::J; d,~ r iJ.'WiCH Off ;c:; ~---...- . : /iIIIIfA~~' ':;j,J: .::;:; ijtI .-.~' .,--- 'I' .' .-,I.",;.;lt., ~:~~, ITl::I1 15 ",' L'om: CO:::Ei:CElJ urOlI COLLAPSE OF ~~ECTIOW~ OF E:aSTIr:G LAr;UEA~J;: DUE TO A cor:DHINI'IOII OF II!CI\EASED TUnL:ULMICE FI10l.1 TIlE LAnCEl1 COIr::I:I1CIl\L FISIlITIG DOATS O:)ErJ\l'II!G FnOI: TIlE ESTADILISIlED ICE IIOUSE/ AIiD TIlE APPAI1E!JT tIENGllG OF TIlE LMW DAI!1( CAUSED DY TIlE EXTr:::::;:ELY IIEAVY RAni FALL Of 23 II!CllES LAST HOVElillEn FOLLO~;ED i3Y TIlE E::TMonDIiIARY DIN \'!EfiTIlEI1 or 1901 SPI1IrIG MID SUl.J,jETI. ALL \:oruc \:AS \'.'ITIln! TIlE COllfIrm Of TIlE ESTABLISHED BOAT DASIl! AIJD Tunr;IDITY SZnEErlS \','EI1E USED DUnIlIG cmlSTHUCTIOIl TO PREVET:T on. CAUSE II DISnU?T Of TIlE IU\UTICAL AQUATIC ECOSYSTEI,l - \';om-c UrlDETIt';\y IS r:01'[:D OIl TIlE ATTl\CIIED Dlli\\'/IlIG l\TlD SO l\I:OTl\TED. ~1E@~H~1 DfCSl981 : o/v. ENVJRONMENTA~ PERMlmNG J .. ~~___a-- '-.rnJ;*":"~~'-:._-'-.'-. ---___ [-:: ,.... I -.. ; "" , :.. -, -. ~ I... ............ '....._ . _.. _ .~ .. NO\j':'O/-:':' ...1 l~ , . i I , DUI :,0 FlA, CIS i ",c r . j' IJlltJlCH crnc~ ------. --- ---- ,'. - _.~ • A a d 9 i. i NQ 1 :o; PURPOSE : Construct concrete �S M o'�'F, retaining seawalls , place rip o 'Rc. rap to stop erosion , dredge STOCK ISLAND N ....- . for commercial fishing boats 1 0 "'; o :q :.. and construct ( 2) docking piers . . 0 ) `- ,g1°43'y tIj •f.� .=p DATUM : N . G . V . D . 1929 Mean Sea Level ' : � : - ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS : G� °we i•E `• ..: i Q' 1 . Peter Bacle J ,i �'` Co 2 . Mings Seafood Inc . $ C c IN : Boca Chica Channel c o 0 L AT : Stock Island • I z COUNTY OF : Monroe ' STATE : Florida From N.O.O.A. Chart N° 11445 APPLICATIGN BY : No . 1 • Boat . Manufacturing ,,1000 .. ' 0 1000 2000 Inc . _. . IHHHHH I I PREPARED BY : Scale in yards Phillips & Trice Surveying , Inc . LOCATION 1204 Simonton Street Key West , Florida 33040 REVISED MAR 5 282 • to Qo 0 ,¢, ' C) Q 5�/ y 4 • +�g� _,-, r Approx. Shoreline IL O �e \ .-__.� Ice 'I se.11/ \I _ • • • 'Q Property_, _I Existing Conc.Retaining 5eowa1 D tine Boot • " Z W slip Existing Boot Basin Z c, 2 -: Conc. retaining seawall ._ . .. • ••' \ r • _ •IBldg.il\ Rip Property Line Rol PENINSULA AVENUE A'pprox:: Shoreline '® • • •: i::_ '. '..� 200 I00 0 200 '•'400 • 1 i HHH t ) • , Scale in feet ;•2 ,' i' . PLAN ( EXISTING) Sheet 1 of • Proposed retaining seawall replocement x C) D \th 6,'0 • Z Sa�o r e O QP:c6 •. .y Approx. Shoreline t—j 1O �0� \XIl e Tie proposed seawall iiis into existing C -• C a6 D „ D seawall t ;1. __ t r_ et: -" E°-30 A \Existing Seawall [D'JB o .J z lki 30' (2)Proposed pocking 200' Proposed ' t Proposed Piers 10 x 30 Proposed Conc. Rip Rap >` Existing Boat Basin Retaining Seawall • B 0 �— Property line Bldg. PEN/NSUL A AVENUE ( 200 100 0 200 400 I I HHH -I_ _ 1 Scale in feet PLAN (PROPOSED) . R ISE 5 : f x• Approx. Shoreline • 1 , L ,_ 1 Hse•, _ z .--Existing Seawall D Z • �64 a r Q •11 Existing Boat Basin 231' Af ter—tt Boat slip t - After-the-fact conc. }' '/` °1 fact __ 1 rn retaining seawallRip-_ O `29 55' �E i� F Rc " CProperty line 181dg.� 175� 318. 1 -rp•E PEN/NSULA AVENUE Ir . ' {. z' 200 100 0 200 400 ' • F I I H I 1 . Scale in feet PLAN (AFTER —THE— FACT CONSTRUCTION) Sheet 2 of • • 70.0' , ' - r PROPERTY LINE 60.0' tOO P PROPOSED DREDGE AREA Conc. Cop ' ••Existing grade 4.5 .5.0 Conc. Cap ,' , 0.90 M.H.W. % - . �• 0.00 M.S.L. - -- �' , -- -- . __ _-�. -0.20 M.L W. -- ��f��f�/To/Be moZdl�'l////i%A y -6.0 M.L W. S x3'x 1' conc. deadmon Proposed Retaining . /r— Natural bottom / Seowall Replacement Remove wood retaining seawall and replace with conc. retaining 20 10 5 0 20 seowoll and 10' conc. cap I I HHH I Scale In feet • "CROSS SECTION "A" — "A" Varies 2'-6' - Back-fill to grade 81 . Varies ed Rip -Rap Proposed p- p Existing TTFT p Riseawall 3x3'x . deadmon Natural Proposed conc. bottom Retaining Seowall` ®EMBED q�Q2. . 20 10 5. O 20 -26'S 20 10 5 0 +� 20 1 1 HHN 1 I t HHH I . Scale in feet • . Scale in feet • CROSS SECTION " B" — II B `I ' CROSS SECTION "C" — " C " • 30.0' Proposed Docking Wood pier w/3"xl0"x10' planks on • Existing grade 4.7 Pier 10' x 30' 12'x 12" steel "H" beam • • 6.0 top pier • 0.90 M.H.W. II f;, 000 M.S.L. ' — - � -_ y • - -6.20 M.L.W.- Existing `--- 12"x ID"x IO':'conc: s u pport beam conc. retaining •_ •-,-Y,.•, ,• . seawall.. 12"x 12"",ste'el "fi" beam driven into NOTE : �� �� bed 'rock ,support cok 1. Cross sections A��- A�� •�, B��—„B„, Natural bottom C - C , and D - D are ••; proposed construction_ I -23.5 20 10 5 0 20 • • I I HRH I ,;• CROSS SECTION "D"—"D" !,:Sale in feet Sheet 3 of • • - e 7h • i a • • • -8' . ' Varies • Existing grade 4.4 Existing grade 4.5 _Existing Rip-Rap 4.7 top senwoll _ . _ / .•0.90 M.F.W. \ . ,� 0.00 M.S.L.1. - _ _ 71 Noturol bottom Noturol bottom 3'x3'xI' conc. de adman Existing conc. retaining seowoll • 20 10 5 0 20 20 10 5 0 20 F i HHH 1 I 1 HHH I Scale in feet Scale in feet CROSS SECTION "E"— "E" CROSS SECTION " F"—"F" NOTE : I. Cross sections E - E , and "F"-"F are After -the- Fact construction . REVISED N'il'A 5 1 ico O o N 43°41 '54”W 70.0'calc. v L Northwest 70.0' deed . • O • GOAL. i `' O s4j Y Z RO4D. oa N 77°3/'0 . . . a" ,, 750/5 6 'W Boo' ' x o's W 60 cote, v a 0 0 deed Z rn \ nr1., tx� fie, - z r N 3y cosJ - O o °Q c0 -co - CD - 2 r O 40 o w c_ _West 200.0'W 41 42 43 44 45 4 O cr O O 0 6r O '. 1 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 • s _ 590' • • • • East 1190.0' .1'.. :•-,./ PENINSULA AVENUE • 20 10 5 0 20 �•�•"'' `� ' I I HHH I Scale in feet PLAN PROPERTY BOUNDARY Sheet 4 of • 9 •f CGf e I GC�7�� Proposed retaining seowoll replacement x y 1, tip 60 f Z = O ��ag '••� � F. 40404 X <. Approx. Shoreline 'N�1�j►'A�''� �' l -J !ham ! lQ, rj ,Lp I e Hse Tie proposed seawall j G #.3into existing !4-•i, C Ah,l I D D seawall P - _� tt LI:! 30 Existing Seowoll ' =-� f---3 ' (2)Proposed pocking I 200' tTVoposed [--~ �. Picrs I0 x 30 __ � Y+ Rip-Rap (� is�'iny Boot Basin '' "'I"'ne an ,� • -,I `— Property line Bldg. f P -- -- -- PE N/NSUL.4 AVENUE �- C - - 200 100 0 200 400 Scale in feet PLAN (PROPOSED) REVISED LIAR51E2. o c) v .40e...... i 0 • l Approx. Shoreline D - • Ice Hse.� n • - o ,r-Existing Seawall Z — 14J 64 NI 'Kt Fxi ing_ Boot Basin f l , 2311 --After-t Boot slip - After-the-fact conc. fa �I tact al retaining seawall _F p — -`29 - .,----- -- �E • F - qF �! ElldgjI •..�. _ ____ �-- —! tZ Property line — 1_ 175 �_ 348. LE .. • 1T PEN/NSUL A AVENUE - 200 100 0 200 • 400 • Scale in feet P LAN (AFTER --THE- FACT CONSTRUCTION) Sheet 2 0: • • . , . • , . f • • /11 Boat 440500709Manutacturing, Inc. J.:if ii.--:, L-,,),31,:i.-i•(,)7TD !,,,,,, ,.• , q , .,,,. .... 1 i .--. -..--- •• 4P0 SO 7tT--;? - j • 4-,,,,1 - - • ..- . - , DIV Etr,n, s •-_. 11 1171:'-'-':' - . 1, : ‘...:. • • s ; •••,..... ..r,.... ..2 -..•St ........1.. ;141/%... . ..F-1.1... .. - ss•1 --.-. 1 .4, 1 .;• • zial , , PER v 1-,-1-- , i ,--.7. .2.- .1- -_,7, ..,,-. ,,.. _,.. E...,,,,,?-• - 4,4•4, - ..--.,‘ . "-a i/NG : --_-_- •..,,---,_- -. it,: --- ...„1.---_.-2,! .crc,7‘ -''....--:• .Y.,• -.. ..:-•-",-R-:•••••j;''..-.... P. • 1/4.•• r ''' PHOTO #1 • •--,-- -_:_-:/lit) ......,-.4.2...-.....,....- , 77, -•-,:te-47,,,,-,favft,tr,,,,k;,. .,,,,,_; ,:,.,. * td.;4-...'.. Proposed north basin dredge area ......, _ _ .;;_- ...:\. ,,,4_„3_,.-, ,_-_-_,,..,--. .. t..;,,,,,,,,...,,,_ ..0g4v..„. „ t„ , ,., as viewed from south to north. - ,---__f____---- --• ' < - --411210,- -1. . -.IN...J.-- -- .t. 1--..s.-1 Existing wood revetment to the .--,..-s,c •iti..1.,,,,.f. f'.4 1g VI...,..1.-,,_ : b-ii7 ''' - er: - . r-•- '-`''',', TR,,c---,_ -4-z*::Z-77,,•&•••, L.,vttis,iti3P:41.,• !,‘,_ f.,,,,,-4,1,-, . right would be replace as pro- - _,g,-.-•s7,.•:-r-•.Z.•-•,y•.,-,-.::---t,..i-• ,-..-1-,.,?,‘,•,•,,--,.„-.--."4..-.v•,,,,•k,1-,.••*„.,..,.•..-•z-•.1.•'-------..e.-.„-.--,,-:----.-.,t-..--.:,-.•.1-,-,:.„*-,.:4:;-_-.,.::-•-...-::-_.-,-•,-.4-Z-,....---.-."-,-..4-..-:-I-„N-.'%-.:t-zrt"-*t;:i.,:1s-.-t--.----:--,i,-.-,•,.-_-_••-;-:_-;..1-..-'.--.---,--,,„';,•:,...-.„s•,-,,,-_-,::,.4.;,.:-..'T.,-:z.---':,.;2:",•-,:'1±,''.-*.::-.-,.--'-.1-.•-.---.--.-.--•.-..-t--*•..4-‘•;;---•_,:---;S,_4.i*:•'.A-.-•-..--6•qx1-p•,,•-•f-.-....i.A,i-..,.-,..-,.-.-4..-..z#.--,?.i.,.„-.-.t.i,•z 1I,•a-3V.p 1IVV.o....e...i-4t1i.„.=4r_*i•.pk-.;-ai: g 4k-,,-.'.w.1'.•--„q,‘-•..,,.:t.. ..-75,0•.k,f,-t$y4.---..r..1..., •'.. ---,,...--.1/4,--- --,..tr .r. • , . .. , - •-• • .r. -..._,,.,. . .--..,,,---....:-..177-1-17,..47,-,Lt.... .,,,-,-,.. -..,, ,z,,,,„_-,,,,---,,... •il... ,..:.- :I' -;It 4,A,1,-..; • -;. -,„.4:... .-... .:',:e.-,.. .ft., -:•---r ,:.--•••-....,....-.,r..;-,,,-4'-1....-.-tzw-,*6. ,-,-154.,V..... ,q, , ',.,.,. t_.....rn,... -",7.•-•-n. ."....!:" •••-: ....7:•Ta..--.-_-f..4-.".,.....*.-.-t-,.....,4"..,;;;.!. ---r".••••3:7 -,1`,- '. '• •". .!,". • -`c.,`,"''C,-;•'Ichts'•••%;',G.:-;-;••-•.:.••••-,,tr.-,_- _;;;..r0 ...., •,..01 ••z.'1,Z......, r-C., -4.itcM la.I •• 44.1 •.c 1`;e4:-,---'..,'''''t=7;:a•-,--.,•-',Z=.:2-'-^-.T.3.1. r k..." .. • ---' ---T---",,`"•1`"''''",I''''-''''' ,-, 4,------- _.--.z :,..-,,::-4.•„:;•„,-1....,--,;•"......z.,e 2.,-.A.;„;•,,,..7.-,,L...z.z.-...-,,,..-.;--„„: - -:•,...,..„......„... ., ...,...z • „ ., ; .s •-• ....„..,„•,-.,..1,,,,,ia,y, i • :.:W....„..r.,.a,....,..._„, , ‘ I ,.. . 4 ,1 ' . 11'4'''''41''''''''7P1'71...la '. -,•,, . • 4' • '' V- gip „ itir,:i .it„.. ,,4•Jr.1...-.414.1:., -....40.;..-, . , A ciar.lsar---... 1••• i - '.•.' -•*--,,,,i, zA- 4 . -% t'1.-.4s..1:71:...L. .<4".--4-A.1.:so.'4o,::, :-,.:.„.:,,„''''..', •.'i'' .-‘4''Cr..' 4..?"...‘r.77-17-7, .."^-i-. 7-,7-4r,i,.7.---' 017P.,.... g.,_,4t',N 1.„ 17;14.tkW,W44/47:•'4r. ••, `,..,..,. , -..va PHOTO #2 - - •w1-14.-'Nk...4,1,-mw , : ,,.:„....., ,,,.., „,,....., „•..-::,/ _ ,.._ ./mm.,, - !,_ . :-..-...t.,. . ....„,., ...........-,1/7.:,:, -..._.,..„,,,,.:Ift,1.7., „...i.•-......-14Fw."0,-.... .1‘..-. 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't?''a ;1.,, --, ....- ••:_Is". . ,,,..4,14,.. •...„ ..zt„t,i,„ 44., II.4 ....:- - • - e.f. ..i, ..- -- • • . 0 1 ..,..e „,.-„...-.• . . a•-, 7PF,11141,,,% _, .,‘ 4‘...,.,02 reit..Aft-pq-4., ,,,, , - - '0:, 4,474 ; 'W•”, :t.4`,0),S4"..'.42.1.* ...:-. •f, „,..,. • . y.,. , Agh, i A ....; , ...,,..... •E251Wilk.5 . - ,. "....-..... J " -9-'7 fll -77-F v'vr' _,'.4 IT tWL-ral_r f":.213tay. "..i •:.,....,!..44,, , - ... ...,- _ .--..._...-_ ..;,•37,4,4t--4'-_:;.-.........,..„..:.--- - .-....„,..,,,, 71.,:"...,y1 rr-.-. • .1}' 4471',"-::,:--:•-" VI':„r•r:r: 'W".`fr'4...7111fgAr --:-ti.-=: z PHOTO #3 _-,..-!...-.. . --.- 1.-.17'....„....-.7. 7..f.;';' 7...4•_.____, ..,____„_..... -_„..„..„.:...., , ..... . •:r----•• - . ..---.--.',,.-Z-7?--.:7t,..':•-•"-:'27- -:-..-..-- ' 7.".. -..--:-..•Ta7:::11:-..--,-.-.1 --17..- .'• -,.f .` -1 -.':. . .:•':'2: Z-7-:-11----:&±--.---7=`--•-2:..--7j-E7-7-......---1:7' ="=--.7.1.2• - 1 s./ ' West side of the south basin where .-.,..---- . _-;._----___-.-.-:-.:.. -.E.---,.- _-=-2 -_-_ _•,--__-_---....7----,,, --...- . ----- ----=-- --=- ------ -7 ,- .-: - -.--"i. the two finger piers are proposed -.....- .---- =7- . - 7.- - "= r•-.. ....-"•-.;.."'s-... ."4,2,--••,--,-..... ...1.= ••••••••• . -Z.•..1' -=--...-C-.....- • s. • .... ..• ..,.--.,,- :. ......''..••••• •--... l.. ...:-. 1{.. , ' ..-..... ......: ::. 2... '..'41.'7.••='‘. .--.......' • .:;ft .- ; .::." ... .1: '... - -.- .........7....-'-..... ----t -- ---,-..--D---z--- ......i.,.......-7I.4,4%.t.,-;-.... Z ----•-• xs.---, .. .. .4.;,..,:,A-W.,14-, .. .- :,...--7--,• •-:',":1--1.,:...7. "--4,..;. .........,..„.:/,'"1....„.........', s- •v41.,,,...'i-744 , ...i„5 ::-..------ - z ,--- :-;- -7• .- k.A.---...#:,..,-,s.,_____ ---1----.4 ,f" -,121,', 14,... __.L.,_ ., ... ..,, -,..irvoa±..,....,-,4 '...., ..t.,'. 1&;.: •Y' It".*° ...4„. `,.. ....-- - ,.....1c,....r,^". • •.... , ... ..,.. ...,.....-....e.z t;,.,,Trig--„„, ',-$7,4 ,..,,Itri.,44. • ••••••••• •'..'•'''.1.n,, .. •-•.--iT.•!''.;;;.'"e >: -4-...., - , ,-,-,-- - • -.14ef .,•-03-1.-ge-4- '%;-_,.: -- -- --‘..r-.01:'!- ' -*,.--•!.,.trii •xt.01..-....!..44s..-.,• .te i-'•!!:-",-_,--',..i. 'L...7!--w 1 Boat Manuring Inc. ,ld rim:; ,f� - j6, h ,,,„, ,.!,,;i. fl . i � � f��+f/1f1Qt4�jrlLi�.�l ti�l j�s ' ,,, g2`x.,r ,:..1 :" s, w I,•_, PHOTO #4 r -,ff-. • Ottrzlen Ora. 1 fd' e�4 ,n }'2vc=... °.a .iir.rt� K •, •-ja,,,g, l,,,, South perimeter of south basin • •�:: :,. where unauthorized seawall was . . constructed. Also note unauth- ; , ... ,.,.h..s•, orized mooring ti , piles . • x rr > } r` } ' ^t9L 5:..:4 f ' ti a ?y r} , .. . , • • _ .. I- lrQ 7 1 __. , —�r >:a +t-,'s , f ,•1 1-_ PHOTO #5 :•,, 1 n;• .- ",1. p-�' -)Z4 . Unauthorized seawall along the • _tr '1�*st'.4 :• j. ` 1.fir i south basin southern perimeter, yY w,, '' - .?•`LLB rf "`• y '� - z \ ;:5 ..4 ra,..•gy' ii;;,....,,,,-;:r.k,.."4 -. 42.7-•„,-,,..•.", ...4,:.,_,.,,,,,h.,..-,• r .e'Si*L 4ilf,IC• t.' !„4„4:11 ,....q..,.,04,wir.,;....,...4., . ., _9...._ . .„ le • • S ST" aa. s''`;°' f r �r1;_ S ) 1,_?•.- A,N's '- • .....7,01-ti __•1 - •-.; I-A.1144*A1 ,r5).W.".' '-v-'1.-I...*4i, 02 r litt•tix4� 1r. w ,..... - r '" �i` [e+`9ggtaeOl4 f" vivai rS-c *ak cw,94X' kiiratlt�i ` ✓._s�i 3� air.+• y . �•`,,� ? yr= Rl . „ 14V: •4+Yr rr' !6..�' r ••, .!• :,G.:. s •(�I � `5�,}.d7y. 1�` ` .<+ +,xfK�;LVc-+;,, q., �r'Tic ,: y R ,r -•.....,', �,+ v_- _ -Ake L�" a ya'i' --- _: "�' �= = -•�� . �. - PHOTO �� • �. �"4 `5- `4 y '' ~'rr� Partially completed seawall at � ,,, • -,.. •?'r 1 � ,s ;yam; east end of the southern peri- r� 4e • �R•, �`�,' * • or.- ' meterouth : �..hv,��, ���,�. ,.r. _ �. ins basin. Fill in .;'' ;` S,Y :V :,4 •w,.7 ':=! .. t` 14, `' + •� >w- front of the seawall wouldbe -� :. : .'�j}AMA ," y; � s��� �, ;-- removed, • w, Y ►'`w .<- 'ti:�a'• �Tti.�. \4i. ,.....21.44 i`N.3':R a:.• .:ys-- :`�`>�' 11.M.'iaw�nk�.'. ..ter •... '— ��1 Boat Manuurin Inc . `� '`'•`' • ' #440500709 g :titt " �,a1 rye; ra, .r << 1`'82i '171 II • 1'1. , • • L)'1l lf, • F,:. ; • .� = ,' -- . ' PHOTO. #7""Mel ._ e :;=s r, rrf'j'r, y .;�,` Shoreline in front of the part- . ?;ter. '' c. �'. y, .,,. ; ' : ially completed seawall shown lete �� ��, ,�; >� P • in Photo ��6 . Note overlap of �� fi ��• 'r spoil from the seawall into the : , ' " � water . rx s.,. a • ",'tile -----,- r__ - 11,:i ..,,X- 1/2 ".4 ... ,„,.,,,„,..,. ‘..,-,..."A r,„31- _.: , 5.. ..4.p.,:,w ,,.". — n5.Sy,,' .t S 4 h�3 •�• t l' `b.-r ' 1---�*e k/ kaIf.' 5 dY . fi t C, •. 1-.41.' M {V,�-�'QrY � - 4 p'�' __s-T� ,�. , .eS`..,r.. T _��YY !"°S,lY-S `.4.`- pfi R`. : tV- yti3`wC n L._ss • tiv,icii,./. ._,„,...,.. : , , ., ....,,„„..,,,„. PHOTO #8 Ac u `:_)_•--- . _ ':';, • • View of north perimeter of ,a -, ,'`� .'• ,- south basin proposed for sea- _ --- rH $. 1t `In wall construction. View is - ,, 4 }� . from southern perimeter . - G 4n � �•• t Y s 6K�r fy,,. y u+t A' s '2=��,n , �3f( 0 Mx+ . .� �_f... sue:}.PV ` ` r. ".-- 'cam+, .--. -_.y-c_. + am. i-. 'r 3 :,.,.t4-..W;.......,-, oi,,. '°S Fi_i.-. f. L `701,t'� . 'Jsc.'i'' ,I ...1 !1. -4.Y f. . - - • . • . . • • • 1 . . . 0 •--?';.,..,)•/-•RI • • ••• , LY.'i L.. ..,.• #1 Boat Manufllining, Inc. ,:--,•.,-x„-- ; .,, ./•?...) ,.„ .....' .. . : J.•/:-17.7•:,•,-, • 4440500709 ;ii-;;.1:--- --- -, . • : ; .. , ..1 .•... I:,'I tl ' • (.'!,•"r.7.I.:11 I 1• - -- • 4';'1;) C,1 ., . -- -I (fi fiti:i•4-• Ug2 ; .1[7 '• i 1 Q.0 7 op.) (1,::-/....:.) .•••..,„:„..,,..,... -r,!. •.r.f.;". k.,e i , ..4,..._____......._. - pli; rAfT ..*.Pii-,.'-111:. t.',. . '' v It:" ''.am ...--ix• •,'h_l -.-10....ic'....• -1-,,,,A,..-Or•. -.„,7,,i,:D.),. ...'il;,...z: . "* ••,,-,,,6.14.,'121'4 - '-'- " • r.14:.:riPt ir 4L. ' i 44Y '''‘;• 4'4, ' ' ., • I.; ' ' .iii.rj,.,:.:.i.t. PliQ TO.11:(Iii.9 t•r•,, ,11: ":&411r%,' - ;•,-...: ' '-i!I t' "il,,V2- 7.• - -,-- -1 .i: ,,.s- ,• , 4": 4,-it•-:!:. :, „ -MA• lie-k.a.•• ij: -.;\,. .e•,••:' .'•- .‘ • ' i'l,„••• .t ilr•.' •,•-dt." • 31.Z.,..-..". :1•• ' .:-,._/,k•:,!,,;:`:1;:r?•.,.: ;,,A111•.:.. wi.4.1%.JF' ,,1,',,,•,,.,g,', ;11.. West to east view of the northern pen- meter of the south basin proposed for ,4,„,: „,,,-,:::Ji7,,...,,,i;,;•:-.,.•• ,_,,?-4.74,1,P,A.,,,,,; ,v-t i'i.-.i.-.--..:„...--RT,I, -It I.. - . ,-;s4.;4A,,v.:,:f;•.;4! ,plif',,,,'.4' ...,,,,N ,..1.4,-,....,;;,,J ,i,,,-..-,- f seawall construction. Note unauthorized 4 ''.:'::4:•"",':':$2441.411t1I24 ' .: r. .144 •:1'0:: 7---•c commercial docks . ;„- 4•:...1,r--. 171,...-.n.,,,. .:.1, z, -:-,-4 4 •--- .,‘,I.1)44,•• ..-4-z ow • ,. 111, 1?,:iprw,ii, .,-----01 4-:•!'seTe-gL._4.4--.,...: ".!•-,-. ,5,,, 444 /4- '-'2', '--,1,..4- , ' '...ii.tc ;...,:a•-'• ' •k4 .. • ,..,•,.2-,; :. ;. ,.,,ot,1.04.. ...,-„i,,,_10.is.,Aimpfz.z..... .-,': , •4--tr' f :••• '-4:0 4,4';'.- ••71'.. 2.:14-:„......-34_,i,WM,; ...i,st 414, .--.-2 ----, kl•l01. -.,.,--:- ,... lat):sc.,, ___,,.---1,-. , 4V 4e*- • •. . __._ •..... -.:.---7.,•- .. _w- ,„4..--4.,i4..-_,17,.-k,.. A 4:- I. ,4 .:',-:'.'":1-4-,:-=:-..-..-• -.;,... ' • ,.!....c‘," --:'.,,'..'211'......-17\-:.''''.-'irc r?Al/...".4.: • 1...-:'" ..4-;...;:'''-'-.1--:; 7.[';V:1- . •.;-s. :.--z,., - g'4,t,,q,Iv'cifiC4:' '''''' - •-•'' ----r".;:r,-7'7"-..-: ''`I'''' : - Nt•-_ .1 .•: -..- .-.. -.,k1:Ve... 1%,....,. ,:r.:.-•, :• ..... .. ... - , .•.•;.:- 1.), '... •I...-, , 4 tIVa Ita.q•n••1-•••• ,-. •••:_._. ..... •-,,-.,:-3T•1 -c:,--,:::.: -••....—••.: •--.- ' ;.....r-, <?. -.W. '.:--,4 ::""I'?A. ir . ---r...b1.4,,-..•:::,.-: _-_•_-_,-,IN%,,,-, •i"•i .. .:44 .•.'-',:if:. ... .• ;1;:!?$ .',-.;•:: • -.-.-'1.-41 -`t* ...ki ,... .......,: . 4_....,....7e______..;__7,,...,;:.,...i.,:,..4.,. _. .... ..,7,A ,:::., t,... ,.„.„,..:,.;a•'-'2. :4":2-.--:—`. -...'3,-;-,N* , .!. -7:.:-.-'":---,S1--,.... :.;,;..,4-, _ ... ...4...,i•-: • - ....LI,,,:i .. . :•.S.,Ne ',,..7 - .•' 4ki01 -- . f :1.-.t1, U.'7„ii.; . ,- ''.4 .-.'.'E-".:.WS""cl,N.L- ' •,, .4"474PA:41,0 . i". • .7..' ,..;::.•‘:,..A..., ' :',-----•- —--- • —.6... . . ,._ .......................„\Y-50: 1' . . -- -..- ...,,...,."4'2:,nr..:rie*.7.i :r. -• ,:-:— 16:F.T.,4•' . r,,:;•:::!-- -, .: -,. ::::::.,.- _.Am , , .... • . -. : • i • • • • PHOTO #10 Ost0t4):A74-.4-4-1,,-...-.-- -• . I..„. I . . :. ..;:.1. 1 . . ..-•..-... ‘.•-- . ..:",r!..:..!3'-,:i.`.2!'....:.',1,1?.:17.-:,-,-,-:,-'!,,,,;"a•gi:.:0::,•,301::,,-.,,,-'477,-.:cik il-t". .o' t•v.,- , '..ew of unauthorized riprap placed ,, ... ::.,:-.,..,,,,,,F-.,-.._,..x .. f -..--,-..;41-i-......- 40.-,..,... ---. - ..- - -•,-,r ..,:z.:-.- .. • •:_.:•-:--,,::..:'..- i::,...:' ,..--7:--:: : ---±1.7...:7,t,?.../.;•-•:!;:ia';••,•,-.....:?..,,,i..!: -.!....r.,,t4r,..:,..,+re.,. ..44,F; - 4.2-;:t.,..: :ong the applicant ' s southern .... ,- ,, ...._ .... .,....,,,._....:!.. .. ..... -•.-,:.. •,,--,:-,- ,,.--...-•, - )en water shoreline . Riprap is :....,,-.....4.v.-- s,„„...- ..4e:z-43-..,:, - ,-...,;..,,... " - .ede--.,•=4,.., .' ....•.,, .--. . .i7 41. • r----.71f:icel, s • :oposed to tie back into the shore- -.... ..-_-.-.::,,.4-,,61),,,s---.-f, „„ : yv,,......,.,•,,,,,.. ..,,„..- •-..-:_:.: . ' - ,-, .--'3.,".*,.61,,,,,,,,,--"ir--.-t-.",;-45ig,„. ', -..ne with fill placed behind the . - .. .. -,..„-__- -..-,-,,...-t.-4-c,..,:.- -•'-; tl' ...,...,.i,-,,,..-.:,,,,,,..-,.,„„..,--,::::•.-:.. 0,.. .E?:.,-,..,,,-- ...4,)-1..,,-....I.v.,- ..-..,-,:-...-- -'.-, .- s"4" .,:,-- ;•••;.-"i"--:*:;--:;:-,;-',..n,i!,..!:;`,--.0 ,:*.0. 04,3 -- :ar.k." '...ie •_prap. Boca Chica channel is in -,‘:- .• • :..-::- • '•::- ^- ..^...—,;;;,,,/Vic — ..:'.-:,:—;j•r—;...;-''. 1":-.. ;;77,4:4 t., •—_ •-•,..;,,,,.....‹.4/47.!--,-:*-.•,-.:-"„..•.: .4.• - .1,•-,...?,....---s,-.......„ ,,,ry•T..... :-.:,es..%:,:_ , le background. • -,,-- St'''. ., . 1,r1; Or--,-. 1-4`1-1- 1..1#...-illt.-5:-•41,14. -,--iA',..-.L."-..* •,;. ..,•...,• ,,r4r,,,,e4e, :::,:-..v.:,...e. _- .41 ..,.+N.,,,4„.i.„. ,...,,,,.,,„„4„4.-••„„..;,:c.),:5•tu,..--_.„A:, -,:,..„ .,-.,..• - • --_. ....d.r. -- • ,f-i., .-,:::: ,-, :,-.1..i.----.1%,--?,- .111-45,,..4,.- -.-, - FA-.• _.,,, L. :.•-.-... -:•-• -• 4.-•-••,‘:_•--. g% ....,4-.,..,-4-1!---_-- --4,..a.,7.1r..:41..- -----,-,r,..i. ,-,, .- • --.,•-•_,•..-,. +7,, . r.,- ,,-.: ,,,-.-.,, t ,.-,r.f e .--77'.t' "Te..z.0-....,-"` -fr •fir•• .',44.---:•.••% ,.....4 sr,._;. : ,:,,,,t. ,,It••••,, -c. s. . g..ini!...': .--,;,: "Y• t-,.... 1 ' : • •- -•:r::"'''''.. ..4..4.1k,brisirAtiktt.4..e.„-,77-:.t.„ ,,...:„.......,..,- = . . 1. , ,,.S.4V_Zra •.• p-,-414-...,..:,---tg-- . 0. .: , .......)!,..- . >)''A: 1 'x. • 1 t ' '. 'r.,'".^'2,:/i4fs 6„,,,''4.......',4:4'-4 t.' - '4!.: " ---,s: ,..' 4•••.3...ot '.,A, •:.-. •, r .- ,"'.x„Acee j...„,-r. r-Ot.....; ,..1..1"-•,•••..,•/-••• •,...":bk••• • ,'.f."5:1-.rs • _ .-r--'.--'-',4e:rit-:: 1,5$v , . .- --;-, ii,..,/,-::: :..-;--,;"--"-,•z-,'=7:€,:o4;•'s L.V ' - ''...."-'-'3P- V-.,• -: tik: ;'••-,-• •'''.c.'"'-•'..••,--,...; : ..b-_a--';2.-. 4,-.--' .•€-:# 4'1 . . „ -•-• "'/1-•- ' -:P.-:-_,-;-- :::-,:sy.c.-,.-- ' .„-•-15-'7•• •-• ..•40,,...5,-..,,,, L-• ----• '`' • ' - •-IC•7 -'" 1-'zr..7e.:-.'•'1 '.''' . *;:,-: •lika.-' • -,-'54,..44 -:-•-. , ak.‘..;:!',4,51.) .::::s-, ..-is;'iZ.isugZ,....:1..g..721:5.:::-,";‘,:".,....ele, 21!1'.•..-.../...t.gr,-72%; . - • , (772)0:i 1,1_,,7 - '.15; •. ,.." . #1 'Boat Manu acturing, Inc . ,�(f�i t' 00 09 1r:U •��445 7 cjQc )13q2 �!/. ENVIRrt ONMLY l?.TAU I 1,� • ',r {`P y1 �.0 Sw "�,���--. '(~ii Y h�}{,q }7 4.• �r.. ,,�• ,4 yv'S ki .' :lt+V� . y :k .: 7 7 yYs s $ 1 ;-,•'' a„ '4,..4:W„'...5;:p,d-'-A--;7'.F.afit,,---, .-..- . r3�+ r Y.;-� £' Yr sad -,c: AAA, r . ;,,:- -.: y } @ A m+ "' a.rr •-c • ,.:1J;xiENTAL Y ~ • ,4a 3� rrti I - > ,_ i:1JsYu 's. _ k _ k • do -. "•`f h itc µ_;. lc!'' {r-. `, ..> ""i -k V`- yi* -. _ ... _ • of ,�:'7:WV; 5- �Ff' ..,...',.P..:?;;t `�i• • } d T1,.;, r.%. I•~ i ap" '�`:4 '. h r 4 4 f7...w44-.. 4'r d.r;. ` • ;%-' lzv'll...',, .., ..-40• - -.•='. ',i4,4,, .4,,,...*„ ,.....0.-cat 3. ils**,,.. ..,-,-,..44..,/€41. .A.,...s4,-e. '' ..r...-74`.::•;_fP.,,:l.• 'J. y K' Air yy 4 • S4 . cam { _ � ' .� f !- 1'. `*- :•4 tj .. ry ' i iT �1F .t. •i s ` ..L I` � �S z -. .y-L:- PHOTO #11 View of the applicant' s north- ern open water shoreline pro- posed for riprapping and back- fill . Note unauthorized ex- tension of perimeter dock permitted under Permit #44- 37069-5E . Also note new fill placement along the shoreline. 1// 6,>1:;;.77:D DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION AN 2 ice. PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL GDE/1 so.FLA.GISTIC r 44050U 9 L.•mr .. E'RARCIiOFM" File No. : 70 County: Monroe Date : 3-19181-7 Applicant Name : &1 Boat Manufacturing, Inc . Address : MacDonald Avenue, Stock Island, Key West, FL 13040j1`:��.. ;•.'._ Agent (if applicable) : N/A - c Address : N/A vv� "'v . j1'r Location of project: Section (s) 36 Township 67/68 R I4 nA�4.)1 Section (s) Township Range Local Reference : Stock"._Island Water Body: Boca Chica Channel Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters : III Aquatic Preserve : Outstanding Florida Waters : On site inspection by: John Meyer Date of Inspection : 4-12-82 Original Application : Yes X No Revised Application: Yes NoX Date : Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed projectt -and construction techniques . Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 . 02 and Section 17-4. 28 , Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on 'biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions , where appropriate , for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79) • #1 BOAT MANUFACTURING, INC . #440509709 Monroe County - Stock Island - Page Two A. The applicant is applying for a number of different projects , including basin dredging, the construction of docks , riprap , and seawalls , all located within the applicant' s couuuercial fishing facility, which includes two separate basins , a fish processing house, crawfish trap storage areas and boat dockage for a large number of commercial vessels averaging 20-40 feet in length. Of the various projects being applied for, many have been completed or are under construction. As a result of recent enforcement action by this Department and the Corps of Engineers , unauthorized work has been discontinued„and a comprehensive permit is being applied for. Work already completed includes (1) 565 lineal feet of concrete bulkhead and associated dredging at the bulkhead base (unknown quantity) along the southern perimeter of the south basin, (2) 231 feet of completed bulkhead which was constructed 15-20 feet land- ward of MHW along the eastern side of the south basin southern peri- meter . Through conversation with Mr. Richard Perez, owner of #1 Boat Manufacturing, on April 13, 1982 , it was learned that the 15-20 feet of land waterward of the constructed seawall will be removed by dredging, although the site plans do not indicate dredging here. (3) approximately 100 lineal feet of riprap was placed along the applicant15 open water shoreline (southeast corner) . Approximately 50 additional feet are needed to complete this line of riprap , as well as backfill to tie the riprap into the shoreline. (4) place- ment of mooring pilings along the unauthorized section of seawall (southern perimeter of the south basin) . Those projects now proposed include (1) the construction of 200 feet of seawall along the northern perimeter of the south basin, (2) +110 feet of riprap, to be placed along the northeast corner of the applicant' s property, (3) construction of two 10' x 30 ' piers , (4) excavation of a 60 ' x 145 ' area within the applicant 's north boat basin to a depth of -6 ' MLW and (5) construction of a 205 lineal foot seawall along the north basin perimeter, connecting with an existing seawall (this has already been permitted under Permit #44-39-0991-5E) . All work completed and proposed is for the purpose of upgrading the applicant ' s basins and providing better boat mooring . The applicant presently holds two permits for marine construction. Permit #44-37069-5E authorizes the placement of riprap and the construction of a perimeter dock along the northern open water #1 BOAT MANUFACTURING, INC . .#440500709 Monroe County - Stock Island Page Three shoreline. Permit #44-39-0991-5E authorized dredging in the southernmost corner of the north basin (adjacent to the presently proposed dredging) , as well as seawall construction now proposed in the north basin. Due to an apparent oversight during initial permitting, the area now proposed to be dredged was not applied for. Approximately 1300 cubic yards would be excavated in the north basin. Approximately 1000 cubic yards will need to be excavated above MHW in front of the partially completed seawall (south basin) . A similar amount is assumed to have been excavated below MHW in front of the completed seawall in the south basin (dredged to +4' MLW) . Dredging is not being requested in front of the seawall proposed along the north perimeter of the south basin. Approximately 40 cubic yards of riprap has already been placed along the applicant' s open water shoreline (below MHW) and another +60 cubic yards is proposed for deposition, for a final riprap total of +100 cubic yards . An additional +100 cubic yards of backfill is proposed in back of the riprap , or which approximately 50 cubic yards would be below MHW. An additional +100 cubic yards of backfill is estimated for use in back of the proposed seawalls (north and south basins) . The applicant has deposited approximately 100 cubic yards below MHW for the purpose of providing a pad from which to perform the pro- posed dredging in the north basin. This fill pad would presumably be removed after dredging. All other work would be performed from the applicant ' s upland, although the unauthorized mooring piles were probably placed from a barge. A backhoe would place the proposed riprap . The type of equipment that would be used for dredging was not indicated. Turbidity screens would be utilized during all water work, according to the applicant. B . Number One Boat Manufacturers perform a variety of commercial services . centering around boat building and maintenance. Crawfish boats are numerous here and trap building and storage is commonplace throughout the property. Fuel pumps were observed in the south basin. An ice house and seafood processing house are also located on the south basin. Most of the south basin has already been bulkheaded. Boats moor perpendicular to the shoreline for the most part. The general area here is part of Stock Island' s southern shoreline, an area extensively altered by dredging and filling prior to 1970 . Boca Chica channel, a natural , free-flowing channel is located to #1 BOAT MANUFACTURING, INC. #440500709 Monroe County - Stock Island Page Four the west of this property and offshore shallow water areas adjacent to this channel possess extensive seagrass beds . The applicant' s open water shoreline appears to overlap the natural bay bottom, although the shorelines themselves are lacking natural fringe vegetation. Adjacent properties include Stock Island Lobster Company, a commercial fishing facility, and Ming Seafood, a similar operation. Both adjacent properties have held dredge and fill permits in the recent past . A permit issued to Stock Island Lobster Company is held under the name of Peter Bacle (Permit #44-30-3740) for basin dredging and seawall construction. A permit is presently being processed for Ming Seafood covering maintenance dredging in the T basin access channel (Permit #44-41990-5E) . Extremely poor water quality is found throughout this area, particularly in the excessively deep commercial basins owned by the applicant and the adjacent property: owners . C . Most of the non-seawalled shoreline found along the applicant' s shoreline is badly eroded and/or disturbed by intense usage. Num- erous small docks are found where seawalls are not present, to provide ingress and egress to large boats docked in deeper water . The south basin is very deep throughout, although depths are substantially shallower near shore (-1 to -4 at the base of the newly completed seawall) . The north basin has been dredged to depths estimated to be around ten feet over its northern one-half (owned by Stock Island Lobster Company) . The southern one-half of this basin, owned by the applicant, varies from -1 ' to -4' MLW, except for that portion recently dredged under the authority of a previously mentioned permit. The benthic community of the area proposed for dredging supports a 5-10 percent vegetative cover, which includes grees algaes (Halimeda sp . and Penicillus sp . ) and filamentous red algaes . The sediments here are 6" to 2 ' deep covering a hard bottom that has never been dredged. The sediments here are fine and somewhat uncon- solidated. The shoreline of the north basin is roughly bulkheaded with wood. Very few boats presently use this basin for mooring , due to the prohibitive depths . In constrast , over 50 boats were counted in the south basin. Floating trash and detritus are found in this basin. The benthic community is in extremely poor condition here . The after-the-fact seawall in ..r #1 BOAT MANUFACTURING, INC. #440500709 Monroe County - Stock Island Page Five this basin has -1 ' to -4 ' MLW depths at its base, with depths dropping rapidly inside the basin. The applicant' s partially completed seawall was constructed on the upland, with spoil from seawall construction placed in between the seawall and the shoreline. Much of this spoil, in fact, overlapped into the water, covering the benthos, which was basically disturbed, eroded and generally lacking in established biota, even before being filled. A +10 ' wide shelf is found along this shoreline and the opposite shoreline where a new seawall is being proposed. The only macrophytes found here were filamentous green algaes . Both areas proposed for riprapping are eroded and again lacking established marine biota . An offshore channel is found 10-30 off- shore from these shorelines , with some seagrasses (Thalassia testudinum) found in between. Small accumulations of rock rubble are found along these shorelines at the approximate MHW line. D. Overall impacts anticipated as a result of this project should be positive . Stabilization of the applicant' s basin and open water shorelines should facilitate a more permanent habitat and increased biological productivity, particularly where riprap is to be placed. No significant biological destruction should occur, with the possible exception being the dredge area in the north basin where some algae growth will be eliminated. Dredging here will, however, lessen the severity of the discontinuity presently found at the terminus of this basin (where dredging has recently been done) . By dredging in from of the south basin seawall (southeast side) , the basin opening will be enlarged, thereby helping water circulation within the basin. Negative impacts may be realized as a result of additional boat mooring, particularly in the north basin, after dredging is completed and seawalls are constructed. JO A. MEYER, Y1 . SP C . II JAM/dvo DA E : Apr'• 2 , 1982 READ : le° Z 8'2---