Resolution 100-1983 ~--" RESH[)CUtX(!)N N(!). 100 -1983 WHEREAS, the B(!)ARD (!)f C(!)UNtM C(!)ffiffiX$$I(!)NER$ (!)f ffi(!)NR(!)E C(!)UNtM, fC(!)RIDA, has receiveD an application from CCAUDX(!) t(!)RRE$, JR. anD WHEREAS, in compliance with $tate $tatute, it is necessarM as part of the permitting proceDure to reaD the fOllowing Biological Assessment into the RecorD, as follows: The applicant wishes to provide improved boat docking facilities aSlwel1 as control erosion at his residential property. Both goals will be achieved by the construction of a seawall with a cantilevered dock. The seawall will run the entire length of the applicant's 100 foot long shoreline and evenly tie into seawalls on the adjacent lots. An estimated 130 cu. yds. of backfill will be placed behind the seawall with 20~ cu. yds. above mean high water (MHW) and 110 cu. yds. below MHW. The backfill will cover approximately 600 sq. feet (0.011 A) of wetland. The seawall will be provided with a 6 foot wide cap. Four feet of the width of the cap will form a cantilevered dock with an over the water area of 400 sq. feet. The landward edge of the seawall cap will form a low bern or curb, which should serve to block stormwater runoff. Riprap will be placed at the toe of the seawall underneath the dock. A row of pilings will also be placed under the dock for the purpose of retaining the riprap in place. The fill will be brought to the site via upland routes. The seawall is of the conventional slab and post design with the cap poured in place. The project site is located in the Venetian Shores subdivision at the southwestern end of Plantation Key. Venetian Shores subdivision was created over a number of years by filling in wetlands with the spoil from finger canals. Over ten dead-end finger canals averaging l200~ ft. long were created to provide water frontage to the majority of the lots in the sub- division. Most of the canals connect to Snake Creek, which separates Plantation Key from Windley Key and provides a navigable passage between the Atlantic Ocean and the Florida Bay. Snake Creek is designated as Class III, Florida Waters (Chapter 17-3.081 F.A.C.). Almost all of the subdivision is residential with an estimated one-half of the lots developed. A new draw bridge has recently replaced the old fixed span bridge where U.S. #1 crosses Snake Creek (see permit #44-37-3827). The new bridge has resulted in a noticeable increase in boat traffic on the creek. Several property owners along both sides of the passage have complained of wake induces erosion. The project site is located near the northwestern corner of the subdivision The adjoining lots to both the north and south are developed with two story single family residences. The shoreline of both adjoining lots have been developed with seawalls with cantilevered docks. To the east the applicant's land is bordered by Bayview Isle Street. The east fork of the previously described Snake Creek borders the west side of the applicant's lot. The applicant's property is a roughly square one-quarter acre residential lot. When inspected, the lot was vacant. Substrate on the property consisted of crushed limestone and marl fill. The lot elevation is a uniform 3~ ft. MHW. The majority of the lot is vegetated by a heavy growth of pioneer grasses which is apparently mowed occasionally. Resolution Claudio Torres, Jr. Page Two The lots fronts on Snake Creek for 100 feet. A limestone boulder revetment protects the shore from erosion. As a result of the presence of the revetment, the transition from upland to submerged habitat is very abrupt. The toe of the revetment follows the approximate mean sea level line. Flora on the revetment is dominated by blue-green algae (Cyanophyta) but some Batophora sp. can found at the base of the rocks. A 31 ft. wide zone runs along the toe of the revetment which consists of substantially bare fill with some Batohpora growing on a few scattered rocks. Still further out at an elevation near mean low water (MLW) a 51 ft. wide zone of heavy algal growth is found. The most common algae in this zone consists of Laurencia sp., Halimeda sp. and Dictyota sp. Beyond the above zones, starting at a depth of approximately 1 ft. MLW, a turtle-grass bed (Thalassia testudinum) which extends out into Snake Creek is found. Colonies of Starlet Coral (Siderastrea radians) and Loggerhead sponges (Spheciospongia vesparia are found in both the seagrass and algae areas. The proposed seawall will be located just waterward of the toe of the rip- rap revetment and the dock will overhang the areas of algae vegetation des- cribed above. Water depths at the edge of the proposed dock will be 2 to 3 ft. MLW over seagrass beds. Construction related activities will result in elevated levels of dissolved organic compounds, particulate organic compounds and turbidity. Proper use of turbidity curtains during construction will alleviate this. The seawall and associated backfill will permanently eleminate 6001 sq. ft. of littoral wetlands. With the removal of the wetlands will be the loss of their functions of habitat, pollution filtration and primary production. The berm along the landward edge of the seawall cap will partially offset the loss of the pollution filtration funtion. Approximately 400 sq. ft. of sublittoral wetlands will be substantially altered by the placement of the proposed riprap and retaining pile as will as shading from the shoreline dock. A new wetland biological association will. with time, establish itself on the riprap. Floral components of the new riprap association can be expected to be much more shade-tolerant than those found in the existing biological association. BE !~ RE$~C~ED BY ~RE B~ARD ~F t~UN~Y t~rnm!$$!~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~UN~Y, FC~R!DA, that the above Biological Assessment has been reao into the recoro ano ouly consioereo pursuant to Florioa Statute 253.124 by the Boaro of tounty tommissioners of monroe tounty, Florioa, this 15th oay of April , 19 83 at a regularly scheouleo meeting. B~ARD ~F t~UN~Y t~mm!$$!~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~UN~Y, FC~R!DA 'IIe/"~~<~,?<~ By It . . ~ ""'.......) ,I ($EAC) ..r .--- ~H.nV m.st: RALPR Yi. \t'_. -~~.;;\ II ~ uu()..) M, ~ ,() c.. . -0 0 tledt .dl y, tounty AHo DER recommendation: Claudio Torres, Jr - Proposed Seawall Construction of the seawall and associated riprap at its toe appears to be authorized by Chapter 17-4.04 (10) (s) (FAC) Construction of the dock is authorized by Chapter 17-4.04 (10) (c) (FAC). Under the provisions of Chapters 253 and 403, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 17-3 and 17-4 (FAC), I recommend Departmental permitting authorization be granted for construction of the riprap retaining piling with the condition that turbidity curtains will be placed on site before any dredge and fill activities are undertaken and not removed until the project is complete. BOARD OF COUNTY COM~ IERS 'Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E, Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 OFFICE OF: Director Building, Planning an Zoning P,O. BOX Room 205 Wing Public Service Buildi 5825 Jr. College Rd. Key West, Florida 33043-4399 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution CLAUDION TORRES, JR.) 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit (PROPOSED SEAWALL) 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment Date 3-d.J"-H ll~, ~~(fm~\t7It~r:",:: l ' ;. ~ '..~ MAR' 31 1983 COUNTY l~lrY. V"'" ~ L/ ~ L/ v V' v By t-o/JJ~4 iJ ! DEPARTMFNTAL C_URRE P (� NDFNCt ^ ` � DATE: March 18, 1983 . SUBJECT: Terrec, Jr. :Pro.pos.ed_..Seataall — TO: William Russell, Acting Director OUT: Building, Planning and Zoning ------------- FRUM: Mark L. Robertson, Environ_Biol_ DIPT: Planning and Zoning • /eQi„l2 LEGAL: Venetian Shores Subdivision, Lot 21 (Plat 5) , Plantation Key, Section 14, Township 63S, Range 37E ZONING: RU-1 INTRODUCTION: This application, whii:h proposes to deposit fill below the mean 'high water(MEW) line, should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-111 (a) (5) of the County Code. Discussion: The applicant proposes to deposit 20± cubic yards of fill below MHW and 110± cubic yards above MHW in order to build a vertical concrete seawall. Riprap will be placed at the toe of the seawall, and the landward edge of the seawall cap will be raised to form a berm that should divert stormwater runoff. A site visit was made on November 24 , 1982. The property faces Snake Creek, a natural waterway separating Plantation and Windley Keys. The construction of the new draw bridge has resulted in increased boat traffic which has accelerated shoreline erosion due to boat wakes. During the site visit the passage of one boat caused noticeable erosion along this shoreline. The current shoreline, composed of boulder riprap, is sparsely vegetated with algae. Dense vegetation, dominated by turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) , begins 6 to 8 feet offshore below mean low water. There are no mangroves along this shoreline. The attached Florida Department of Environmental Regulation biological report addresses this proposal in greater detail. EVALUATION: The construction of the seawall and placement of fill and riprap will eliminate a small area of fringing wetlands. However, the lack of mangrove vegetation and sparsity of submerged vegetation in the affected area indicates that the loss of wetland functions.will be minimal . Shoreline stabilization may decrease erosion of fill_ from the lot , resulting .in a slight improvement in water quality in the immediate area by reducing t_urh id i ty. --continued-- fi Torres, Claudio, Jr. : Proposed Seawall, Page Two. 3/18/83,. • Recommendation Approval. NOTE: Dock to align with existing docks, this permit does not authorize dredging, ACOE and FDER permits are required. Attachments :. County Permit Application (1 sheet) Plans (1 sheet) DER Biological -Report . (5 sheets) i f '=s", °?: vs oEU�o PERMIT FOR;� to -. �'�e , BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT • EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY g '�` FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE \ \' ' 4 WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1)Property owners name&mailing address 2)Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Claudio Torres, Jr. 11-10-82 Resolution No. 7125 Senis Highway 3)Phone number Pensacola, Florida 32501 (904) Date: 932-6184 4)Contractor or agent's name,mailing address&phone number • Tirrell-Bruni, Inc. Post Office Box 1268 Islamorada, Florida 664-4286 5)Legal description of property: Section 14 Key Plantation Subdivision Vinetian Shores Township 63S Lot 21 Block Plat .5 Range 37E Street, road or mile marker Bayview Isle • Volume of material: dredged/excavated - filled/deposited 0 c.y. 0 c.y. 110 c.y. 20 c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: RU-1 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments-Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: APPROVAL. Note: Dock to align with existing docks , this permit does not authorize dredging, ACOE and FDER permits are required. .. i i , 1' i. l 1 '1 1 ;_J Cad Y'v.e. t :. ., r 1,,t,r- \. '' -- -— ri.v owners 1; ..to i• InI1 _1t1?(ires ._1 I;tt . ,) 1' Ui(a' ni,.!;1cr 7iCf::ILA:Y(6,` .. �. ( J (_ . //;,/,:i er z.,q ,.t 1 a 'c,/- r'$ a -�o/v , 7 lt •t 'f• t 1 ', '11 l� I -,It i(Ir . tral;t(_I- or ;1;.,1'i. . .� name, Lla ' 1 I II'-', ;i( II'C':'"� , phony c-'1't l l 1'- t il111a1 er // ") \ eQ &. r 2. Cc, .r, (:7C" / '- r_) ;il descr ipticn cl property : _ •i J /!1 . ti\ i iln , `.��" r' til., i�G_e .$lol, Ic` , /- )// h ;(. , ,•.';n h i p, --•J 3 5 -) � _ rr�� `1 / i1�'e J--�a 1 nt /C i� -• - — -.. -7 'it r'('l't , r"ri.. ()l' III l(' L.:ICI I'1' , ! 3,6 L 1-=,'= '_.,) t, - -- L/ )•-scribe the proposed act lvity, mat hods or con;,truct i(!n ''r ; v„brit of iiatei'ia1 ( in cubic yards) , to be excavated or (lischar e(l. Poser purpc'se c', intended use nI. lirnieat . ,/,/ / / // / / %✓ / 'ter ,�i(<fCf /?,vc$' i /7/ - :1Gj / > c' 4:'c7 / :/ 6 i �/ C r• if.j /eI-aic'1 l=f4-i‘ x." . ::r,. il1c ' i-/r/Z ,-/e.'afr' ( _-,c"'f - dredged/exc(rvated . fi?led/0cposited lime of c.y, c.v. / / 'i c.y. -2. E_ c.v • ':•rial writerward 1;uidwnr(1 watorw;lyd 1an('.war(f of *+,tr.l•!, of r'.!I,i . or 10 }' i':' of ''.li.i'l. .me, address r, zip cede of r'aii oin in4' property owners whose property affronts water way. 1. (��if el e /4:-/ A.:i 4-7 C: ,(.,7(>i tl..0 1�fie. ��11 i J )f , � .-., d 11."c"t 'A Clet . 1 list other permits issued and/o applied for , include ;inn:icant 's name, for tl•is site: L / 1 (� �1< !1ls'e / y.( ( CE 16 //�1 — 7.f. ,„-, c1. '�-f4: " . /4/ 4 fL, 1. ' I � � =��� /l�c' c� '� C,�. fie' ..7 ( 0x/.1 .c"t t`.- ' 7 'l i�it cr .� - -(t'(- , �/_ i'/.'l% c'/ t rt ) 1past I f am .i ca t i on has b6-ri su m i t t a for this project ,o r ore s i m i 1 ar i n t e , explain •reason for new applic:it ion and give applicant 's name i ` different. from current applicant. -list all Federal and State a,iencre . that hive received ap Ticat i cos i or iTis protect . �- - 'Ibis comp let ed app.'i cat i on form wi 1 1 he ace onpani c'd by the _ following , or it wil l NCF he processed . Two (2) sets of drawings, on 81 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan , top view and a ross section of proposal , drawn to scale. :`'ppi icat ion processing fee as Coll ows : ` .75.00 for dredge, fill, docks ('P any•structures affront in natural water bcxlies. S30.00 for vertical seawal is onniair-lnade bol i es or water. ' 75.00 for any combination of the Hove activities per site. I ication is hereby made for a porn it to author ice the activities; described herein. I ify that I am Familiar with the in format ion contained it tl' is application, .and to the best ••y knowledge t; belief such in format ion is true, complete ; accurate. 1 further certify that •,,'ssess the authority to undertake tite pr(onse(i act iv i t i e8. ;\1 I prev i S',e11; of 1 rips :Ind ri;lnces governing this type or lsor'1, l•:i 11 ha c(lilpli(`(i with i•.l'oth('1' :;paciI Il'(1 h(21C'I1 }i' not . 'IT .::Ling of a permit does not presluR' to 1',1\'e author ity to a ini:ltr' Oy . I ,'e provisICMS Or county, state or tc'deral law r'otll:Itin'', construction as pertnr (I!lcc of constriction cI this or Facility. J /� /`2: /I �/ l-11 4,�( i 7 �. �.1cII i;1�?t ' 4' (.;i(!:(pnI rnt a;ent !7;1(le �et.i;.lrtment Ilse Cold _ ';i- -- — {':`C` 1 race ipt .\,,,roved I _c5 ' C Ili l'eCtoI' !1 accept ing apl`i icat ion i Date Cos) nl Perm il 1:st i ;!icTcost o c construct i.on , A CONC. DOCK � �, Agri•E' B ', ._. le, ,CP / ' • 1 . ..:'''--• \''''"P14 ' s ..... I • . .6—o" 4., ,s..i,,..e...... ..--.. BA,evi ,„ Iv:4', 1„•.0. .k • / . • . ,,,, 0 ,,„ .& . . ' - eo ,..,,N.,- :�hAN • ,•/,"44.- . : . o • , ,. 4 •' .As ti 4�c VILL A , ' a . ' ., a \\ .J.7 .., , . ,\, , 4111 i / go , e yI o 1 � f�� � S'C' • ' BULKHEAD PILE 10' C' 0 • :: . . I. v _ con, _ , 4 i : - )-(- \ . F, BACK , U ' ' RIP—RAP : % �,/�'/,gd/ Qs , I J1�{Cs. t�JJA13 v1 O ' LH.W. 41• 0' , ' ell'• � Id��® err C 111111" M.L. . !r8 •.YIC <l�'L�TYY 1VIA4Pkit.„'LXIST ING1 �' tOUND LINE ( I e �% - 1 0����t.-1-au ::•.�:°irk"1 i 1 . 'a •• R 1 P RA p "RE-r',e.1 N Cj, r ?4 I 2 3 . P I.L 1 I`�C S®ale in yardoct I 1 I—'" :., OMs 0 & GS CHART # a, ALE IN FEET • . . 1 - ...... ----- - S . .)% KE CzEI✓ K '�- . 2,0.. �.0 3'0- M •L\`.i .. -- ,,-1,--'p • OAVIO 'F.XI 51- 1NC ��C,::K P2.opo5 �p DOG,I• '. EXIST 1 IJ Cl Dock 4 S E.AWA L L = S E d���a c.L P .LA. f\J0 O 5, 1.,<, ,sn ZOO LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 22. C_.6• L h` - (F- t.F.-1- I FRoPE(zTY LINE " PIe.opE 2TY LINE AYVIE \ ) 15 L. ( STR.E.ET ) • PURPOSE: Private Dock and Erosion Protection DATUM: Mean Sea Level ' PROPOSED SEAWALL & DOCK ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Lot 21 of Plat 5 1 John Fletcher Venetian Shores , Plantation Key , Isl.arnorada , Florida 2 Claude Tubiano Monroe County , Florida AI;h1 .i.cat..i.on by : Tirrell-Druni Inc. Sheet: 1 of 1 Date August 1 , 1982 • lL-I- BIOLOGIST: APPROVAL 3/1 Sl'3 AS PER MONROE COUNTY CODE - T2. ad-.CTy- Cc. si v . • • DEPAPTMENT tIV ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATEON • PERMIT APPLICATION APPPAISAL • File No. : 44nfin00qc County : Monroe Date : 10 - 19 - 82 jApplicant Name : Claudio Torres , Jr . Address : 7125 Scenic Highway , Pensacola-, Florida 32501 Agent (if applicable) : Raymond E . Tirrell Address : ' PO Box 1268 , Islamorada Florida 33036 • Location of project : Section (s) - 14 Township 63S Range 57E • Section (s) Township Range Local Reference : Plantation Key , Venetion Shores Water Body : Snake Creek Water Classification of Project Area : III Adjacent Watr.2rs : 111 Aquatic Preserve : None Octstandin.i 'Clorida Waters : None -On site insdection by : David Rishof Date of Inspection : 10- ' L Original Application : Yes X No Revised Application : Yes No Date : Date ,..pf 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques . Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 , 02 and Section 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code . B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area . C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable . Include identification Of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality . Address long-term imoact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project . E. Suggestions , where appropriate , or modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project . PERM 16-10 (Rev . 6/79) • • • • • \41._ • CONC. DOCK ., ` , • riAa B //� ' '''' 1r iliati's. • • 4-.0° 41 • . - 68 (..-N.4-6.' -. ' gAyVI;Vi !ILL ..% '11/6. :7\% FILL a O~ • I �: ,. • 1 / ' II ,BUI AD PILE 10' C-0 • : , .', IM 'I ;• ' Ito: '0�, C BACK i3O . RIP-RAP -�r' . A \e �I'(C. SLAB ri 911 'o� • le' -- • ': : , - - \``® I I M.L.W. IO.O' I a��'�VIC tL�'ITY �A,A�'Y P. • EXISTING ,L •o. _ • �•OUND LINE •O • !� �`��z. °irg�'.� RIP RA T�'ErA.In) INri ---z° i'ouo` 2 _ 1)11. I ti FROM Scale in yardoc I • : 08cGSCHART . a� ;ALE IN FEET • • • I - too c' 5 .1~4‘. r, E Ct? EE.. K - '-f-- ,. M •L N�.! _� > .�r/3 .'''''.----'-... ---'1 ,-�' C -. 7'.!\' :/.A!_1. • PEOPo5t'.D DOCK. EX15T11JC DoclL . • S E.AVA L L SEA\�Jd L I_ 5,, ,.,, .sc) zoo LOT 20 LOT 21 LOT 22 5"_,olL. r' - IF r F.-r1 I YROPERTY LINE 0 P2opE 2Tr L 1 NE bA 'VIE. 15 L- ( ST2.EEt ) . • PURPOSE: Private bock and Erosion Protection • DATUM: Mean Sea Level PROPOSED SEAWALL & DOCK • ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS • . Lot 21 of Plat 5 1 John Fletcher Venetian Shores , Plantation Key Islamorada , Florida 2 Claude 'I'ubiano Monroe County , Florida Application by : Tirrell-Bruni Inc. Sheet-. 1 of 1 Date August 1 , 1982 • • IML_1- BIOLOGIST: APPROVAL 3/18/Y 3 AS PER MONROE COUNTY CODE T Bei-CTy- Co psi b . TORRR]ES , CLAUDIO , .1IL #4,10509055 Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Two • • A . 'l'hc applicant wishes to provide improved boat docking facilities • as well as control erosion at his residential property . Both goals will be achieved by the construction of a seawall with a cantilevered dock . The seawall will run the entire length of the 'applicant ' s 100 foot long shoreline and evenly tie into seawalls on the adjacent lots . An estimated 130 cu . yds . of backfill will be placed behind the seawall. with 20+ cu . ' vds . above mean high water (MHW) and 110, en . yds . below MI1W . 'Tio backfill will cover approximately hill) sq . feet ( 0 . 011 A) of wetlands . The seawall will he provided with a 6 foot v ide cap . Four feet of the width of the cap will ' form a cant i levered dock with an over. the water area of 100 sq . feet . ihe landward edge of the seawall cap will form a low berm or curb , which should serve to block stormwator runoff . 1: iprap will be placed at the toe of the seawa l 1 underneath the dock . A row of pi 1 inis will also be placed under the dock for the purpose of retaining the riprap in place . The fill wi11 be brought to the site via upland routes . The seawall is of the conventional slab and post design with the cap poured in place . The project site is located in the .Venet ial :Shores subdivision at the southwestern end of Plantation Key :- .. Venetian Shores sub- division was created over a number of yea"rS -by filling in wetlands with the spoil from finger canals . Over ten dead- end finger canals averaging 1200+ ft . long were created to provide water frontage to the majority of the lots in the subdivision . Most of the canals connect to Snake Creek , which separates . Plantation Key from Windley Key and provides a navigable passage between the Atlantic Ocean and the Florida• Ray . Snake Creek is designated as Class Ill , Florida Waters (Chapter 17 - 3 . 081 F .A. C . ) . Almost all of the subdivision is residential with an estimated one-half of the lots developed . A now draw bridge has recently replaced the old fixed span h'ridge where crosses Snake Creek ( sec permit ll d - 37 - 3827) . The new bridge has resulted in a noticeable increase in boat traffic • on the creek . Several property •owners along hotII sides of the passage have complained of wake i nel•uccd erosion . The project site is located near the northwestern corner of the subdivisions . The adjoining lots to both the north and south arc developed with two story single family residences . The shoreline • • TORRES , CLAl1DIO , JR . • #440509055 Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Three of both adjoining; lots have been developed with seawalls with cantilevered docks . To the east the applicant ' s land is bordered by Bayview Isle Street .-- The cast fork of the previously described Snake Creed borders the west side of the applicant ' s lot . • . C. The applicant ' s property is a- roughly square one-quarter acre residential lot . When inspected , the lot was vacant . Substrate on the property consisted of crushed limestone and marl fill . The lot elevation is a uniform 3+ ft . MFIW. The majority of the lot is vegetated by a heavy growth of pioneer grasses which is apparently mowed occasionally . ' The lot fronts on Snake Creek for 100 feet . A limestone boulder revetment protects the shore from erosion . As a result of the presence of the revetment , the transition from upland to sub- merged habitat is very abrupt . The toe- of the revetment follows the approximate mean sea level line . Flora on the revetment is dominated by blue -green algae (Cyanophyt:a ) but some BatoLtora sp • can be found at the base of the rocks . • A 3+ ft . wwide zone runs along the toe of the revetment which consists of substantially bare fill with some liatophora growing - on a few scattered rocks . Still further out at an elevation near mean low water (MIA) a 5+ ft . wide zone of heavy algal growth is found . The most common algae in this zone consists of Laur•cncl.a sp . , Ilal imcda sp . and I)ictvta sp-. Beyond the above zones , start ing ,at adepth of approximately _ l ft . MLW, a turtle - grass bed (Thalassia testudinum) which extends out into Snake Creek is found . (olonlcs or Starlet Coral (Siderastrea radians) and Loggerhead sponges (Spheciospongia vesparia are found in both the seagrass and algae areas . The proposed seawall will he located just waterward of the toe of the riprap revetment and the dock will overhang the areas of algae vegetation described above . Water . depths at the edge of the proposed dock will he 2 to 3 ft . MLW over seagrass beds . D . Construction related activities will result in elevated levels of dissolved organic compounds , particulate organic compounds and turbidity . Proper use of turbidity curtains during construction will alleviate this . • The seawall and associated backfill will permanently eliminate b00+_ sq . ft . of littoral wetlands . With the removal of the wetlands will he the loss of their functions of habitat , pollution filtration and primary production . The berm along the landward ' TORRES , CLAUDIO, JR. #440509055 • Monroe County Plantation Key Page Four • edge of the seawall cap will partially offset the loss of the pollution filtration function . Approximately 400 sq . ft . of sublittoral wetlands will be substantially altered by the placement of the proposed riprap and retaining pile as well as shading from the shoreline dock. A new wetland biological association will , with time , establish itself on the riprap . Floral components • of the new riprap association can be expected to be much more shade- tolerant than those found -in the existing biological association . At some time in the future the flock is likely to be used for mooring a boat . lmpaCts associated with boat mooring are loss of flora , due to shading , discharges "of oil , greases , heavy metals , detergents and miscellaneous trash . Strong currents in Snake _ Creek will tend to reduce the severity of most of these impacts . „ a , . .. Y .. 5 • - TORRES , CI,AUDIO, JR. ' 0440509055 Monroe County =' Plantation -Key , Page Five E . Construction of the. seawall .and associated riprap at its toe • appears ,_to be authorized by Chapter 1. 7 - 4 . 04 ( 10) (s) (FAC) . Construction of the dock is authorized by Chapter 17-4 . 04 (10) (c) (FAC) . Under the provisions of Chapters 253 and 403 , Florida • Statutes, and Chapter 17- 3 and 17 - 4 (FAC) , I recommend Departmental permitting authorization be granted for construction of the • riprap retaining piling with the condition that turbidity . curtains will be placedon site before any dredge and fill 'activities are undertaken - and not removed until the project is . , . complete . • • \ _ r 1 DATE : Oct er 19 , 1982 • . • ' . . ' READ: _ /0 0/52- /' (LE BO ' • . 'DI .I3/d.vo