Resolution 125-1983 - -- ,~ ^- RE~~Cl1t!~N N~. 125 -1983 IDHEREA$, the B~ARD ~F t~l1NtM t~mm!~~!~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~l1NtM, FC~R!DA, has receiveD an application from Richard A. Fry ,anD IDHEREA$, in compliance with ~tate ~tatute, it is necessanJ as part of the permitting proceDure to reaD the following Biological Assessment into the RecorDS as follows: The applicant wishes to reclaim land lost to erosion and minimize further erosion on his residential property. The goal will be achieved through the construction of a boulder rip-rap revetment with backfill. The revetment will run for approximately 150 ft. along the applicant's shoreline. The waterward toe of the revetment will be approximately 10 ft. waterward of mean high water (MHW). The backfill will come up even with the top of the revetment which will be at an elevation of 3 ft. above MHW. Construction of the revetment will result in approximately 2250 ft.2 (0.052 ac.) of wetland being filled of which approximately 1500 ft.2 (0.034 ac.) is at an elevation below MHW.l In order to do the filling an estimated 290 yd.3 of crushed rock fill and boulders will be placed in wetlands with 220~ yd.3 of that being placed waterward of MHW.2 The applicant failed to supply any information on how the proposed work will be conducted. The applicant also failed to state what techniques would be used to maintain water quality during construction. The project site is located near the southwestern end of Plantation Key in the Treasure Harbor subdivision. The subdivision is primarily residential, however, there is some commercial development which includes marinas and resorts. A large manmade boat basin with an access canal and channel provides boating access to the Atlantic Ocean for much of the subdivision. Treasure Harbor subidvision was created over 20 years ago through a typical dredge and fill operation. Fill from the boat basin and canals was placed in adjacent wetlands to create uplands. The original shoreline is well landward of the present shoreline. Adjoining the eastern side of the project site is the Ragged Edge Resort. The resort enjoys the use of a small boat basin which is formed by a breakwater that extends into the Atlantic Ocean. On the north side of the project site is a single family residence. The eastern side of the project site borders on the main access canal for Treasure Harbor. The open Atlantic Ocean which in the vicinity of the project site is designated as Class III waters (Chapter 17-3.081 and 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code) borders the southern side of the project site. The applicant's property is a roughly rectangular 0.4 ac. parcel of land. The land was created by filling wetlands with crushed rock fill. With the exception of narrow areas along the shoreline the entire parcel is upland. Vegetation on the uplands consists primarily of a mowed lawn with a few ornamental trees. With the exception of a few boat trailers which were stored there, the lot was vacant at the time of the inspection. ~ The applicant's estimate that 87 ft.2 of wetland would be filled by the project, appears to be extremely inaacurate. 2 The applicant's estimate that 170 yd.3 of fill would be used with 20 yd. of that total placed waterward of MHW, appears to be inaccurate. ResoTution No. , Fry, 'Richard A. April 12, 1983 Page Two On the canal (west) shoreline of the applicant's property a seawall has been constructed out of limestone boulders mortered together. Large sections of this seawall have collapsed over the years since it was built. Near the seaward end of the canal side of the parcel a boat slip is found. The sides of the boat slip are seawalled. Running along the southern side of theoproject site is man-made shore- line channel. The channel was cut into solid rock such that the sides are vertic1e. The shoreline in this area is directly exposed to the Atlantic Ocean and has eroded back somewhat over the years. From the edge of the shoreline channel to the MHW contour is a distance of 10 to 15 feet. Landward of the MHW line, the shoreline slopes up at a moderate rate to meet the grade of the lot. The shoreline shows evidence of moderate erosion, particularly at the western end, where it forms a point. It has apparently been the practice for a number of years for nearby property owners to dump their trash along the applicant's shoreline. Periodically, the trash piles have been burned off. The result of these activities over the years has been to create a shoreline which is covered with construction/demolition debris, meta1ic objects and whatever other non-flamable articles of trash which were dumped there. Virtually no emergent wetland vegetation was observed in the proposed fill area. Emergent vegetation in the shallow area adjacent to the shoreline channel is dominated by Enteromorpha sp. The general lack of vegetation in the shoreline area appears to be the result of the combined effects of the trash dumping which has occurred here and exposure to storms. Construction related activities will result in increased levels of particulate organic compounds, turbidity and dissolved organic compounds in the waters adjacent to the project site. Standard turbidity control techniques would probably adequately control these pollutants. The applicant has not indicated any plans to utilize any turbidity controls. The proposed project will result in the permanent elimination of 0.052 ac. of wetlands. With the elimination of the wetlands will be the loss of their functions of habitat, primary production and pollution filtration. In the case of the project site, these functions are not very well represented. The new shoreline which will result from the proposed project will allow upland stormwater runoff to flow directly into the Atlantic Ocean at the project site. Stormwater runoff can be expected to carry with it turbidity, organic nutrients, pesticides and inorganic nutrients. BE It RE~~C~ED BY tHE B~ARD ~F C~UNtY C~mmI~~I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E C~llNt~, FC~RIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been reaa into the recora ana au1~ consiaerea pursuant to F10riaa ~tatute 253.124 by the Boara of County Commissioners of ffionroe County, F1oriaa, this 29thoay of April , 19 83 at a regu1ar11\ scheou1ea meeting. (~EAC ) By RALPH VI. VnilTE, CLERK Attest: iM ~ . .' M.P~.Cl.~. ~~ APP D AS TO FOR~. j) A LEG L SUFF:!.CIENC~ "Y -4,' ~ 11 · I:) Attorn"". Offit:. HOARD OF COUNTY COMI\"w.~..ERS . Wilhelmina Harvey. District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 (305) 2944641 1)':,-"-- " 0 ~ , .' ~ " . ". ,~ OOD..." ~ OFFICE OF: Director Building, Planning anc Zoning p,O, BOX Room 205 Wing I Public Service Buildir 5825 Jr. College Rd. V Key West, Florida 33043-4399 ~~~l;~~~~~E Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures ~ 1. County Biologist Report t,.-/ 2. Resolution (RICHARD FRY) ~ 3. Permit ~ 4. Application for Permit (FILL & SEAWALL) ~ 5. Site Plan ~ 6. Location Map V 7. DER Assessment V Date ~-/3-J:3 /'::l! <::":7) ,..,. '" '" r---> ~ r","!r'- :J APH 14 1983 By ~.G~ COUNTY ATTYJ' ......,-,- -- - ..-' DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE: April 8, 1983 SUBJECT: Fry, Dick: Proposed Fill and Seawalls. TO: Mr. William Russell, Acting Director DEPT: Bldg., Planning & Zoning FROM: Mark L. Robertson, Biologist DEPT: Planning & Zoning nJ/-L LEGAL: Blanton Tract, Treasure Harbor Subdivision, Section 24, Township 63S, Range 37E, Plantation Key. ZONING: RU-1 . INTRODUCTION This application, which proposes to deposit fill below mean high water (MEW), should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-1ll(a) (5) of the County Code. DISCUSSION The applicant proposes to: (1) repair an existing seawall along a man- made canal, (2) partially backfill an existing boat basin on the same canal, (3) construct a new riprap seawall along an open water shoreline. The partial backfilling of the boat basin will require lOOi cubic yards of fill below MEW, the construction of the riprap seawall will require ' 220i c.y. below MEW and 300i c.y. above MEW (the estimated volumes by the applicant appeared to be incorrect). I inspected the site on February 4, 1983. There is no significant shoreline vegetation or submerged vegetation that will be affected by the proposed activity. The open water shoreline faces an existing dredged channel parallel to the shore. The attached Florida Department of Environmental Regulation biological report addresses this project in greater detail. EVALUATION Placement of the fill and construction of the seawalls will not result in destruction of any significant marine resources. Turbidity during con- struction can be controlled by use of turbidity screens. The riprap seawall should be constructed with a berm or reverse slope to prevent stormwater runoff from flowing directly into open waters. RECOMMENDATION Approval: (1) Turbidity screens to be used during construction; (2) Construct berm or reverse slope along riprap seawall. NOTE: ACOE and FDER permits are required. Attachments: County application form (1 sheet) Plans (4 sheets) DER Report (5 sheets) PERMIT MONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION. THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Dick Fry P.O. Box 90202 Houston, Te~as 77090 2) Date 2/04/83 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Resolution No. 3) Phone number 713-893-6575 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Buz Wiseman 852-9804 P.O. Box 28-A Tavernier, Fla. 33070 Eng. 206-B 5) Legal description of property: Section 24 Key Plantation Subdivision Treasure Harbor Township 63 South Lot Block Range :n F.i'l Rt Street, road or mile marker Treasure Harbor Road (M.M. 86.4) 'V olume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited c.y. waterward of M.H.W. c.y. landward ofM.H.W. 320:!: c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. 300:!: c.y. landward of M.H.W. ZONING: RU-l PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval: (1) Turbidity screens to be used during construction; (2) Construct berm or'reverse slope along riprap seawall NOTE: ACOE and FDER permits are required William R. Russell, Acting Dir. Planning, Building and Zoning <' prOpL'l'ty Chl1cr::, 1;,UI~e II O~~K F~1 Q.o. .so.. 9DJ.O~ 6~.~' ~ PI \\\1\(:, ;-:rlT1.1'i'.' ~,:'':T':'' l.!'~)\J)l"'::'.~:' 1q'p~fi" , "",' \\':,:-1 (":, :1 n:, r'FP0S I'!' (,\' i HI . ('fC :~T~'l 'r!1 'T',\ L ~"""".TTT 'T', ('t: ,. ",....(~f'..,y \ ; ) r '1 i I '~~;':' j l ' , '( . ~ ' r'laN~~pe ;nU,N"r V . __U. -. . . ", t r:....,' l,.. [\' "1T .-" .. mail in,~ ac1drcss ''\\ou-s\ C~'\) \"" e;.o.J "1 7 oC] 0 ~) I'ate ,) \'1:on(' ntr.1'er \-713 - gq3 -(yS7S- --r-.I""""\,--', Ir'-- . ": ::: t__ :_:. : '.: l~_ _ f"- .'~ " :-;:; ~.s d - 'lfo '-I t:. N Cr ~ /J..OftJ - B . ' Sec.! Key, i\Qll\ 10-.\10\'\ ~\Ibclivision, TVt'61suve Horh"Y" ~~ Dl - Pl~~t\-WW~~-r\gx..l' &, (&M Street, T0ac1 or mi1c marker, T.....eClS'-IIIt' \-\c.lvber Q ca&. (M~M. ~fo.'-I) methods of construct ion (, ol1lount of material (in cuhic yares) , Dcscrihe pllrpcse (, intended use of rroj ect, ~;th u..f' +0 Jcl.\e se<t.'-<.J"\\ t<n1:;-\-W,t,~ pvo(-rtlvre - f' ..- ...i. ~ ' (See 'i\I..I<),rnmi-0. A \s 0 108 I () ~ YIP I{ClI" f'G. eyo,:)j&1"\ PV'CI R.l ,<>-(\ dredged/exc<Jvatcd fi necljc1epos i ted 300 '1: L.~ c.y. c.y. 320.Z c.y. ~ .tii!ii' c.y~ waterward landward' ~t....e- waterward lanccward of ~~.P.\'!. of ~'.!I,v'. of ~'.P.\','. of ~1.H.\'!. mailing ollclress, phone '\"o..V~YV\I;Y") Fl- 33070 [, cc'i-t i fic;lt ion number. I :ontractor or al'ent' s mune ~ 0. '2. \;J i~ eVYl (l'V\ ' (>-0. Go,", a.g- A 1 egal description of property: Section, Township, Pange, (if acreage) lot, Zoning, RLl~\ Describe the proposed activity, to be excavated or discnarged. "'410 G.j.ie",r . R e ~cJ,.,'.r, At.. \5>\-':' $.ef;l"'ht. \ \ A~v.. ~\\ /' ~~ lume of t crial 0:aITle, address fr z ir cede of 20,j oining propE"rtv owners ,\''I1ose pr0J1erty aff"ronts water way. loT A B~C. jAck s. ~c;: fLf-/C ~,o~ -7 ELK.) t..Ot8 f.f\b61e.O f-D~f- ~ l1!\JsT ~ ~(/l/ T,ef~tJ~f HARBoR. DR. TI'F~v~t,ffl~, CErVI ~A L 13ft t s -r:' ISl A,A.{ c~, FI... 3 3 D 3 -b S [ (! , 13 f:3 M rXfiA ( f- L 3 3/'0 , _ I) list otnerl pemits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for tris site: --1~ )'J If application ha.s been submitted for this project (or one similar) in H'e past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if djfferent from current applicant. '~ 1 ist all federal and State agencIes that have recelved appJ 1 cot lms j or tl'1s pro] ect. -1~ This completed application form will ne <Jccompaniecl ry tre follmving, or it will NCf be processed. Two (2) sets of drm..;ings, on 8~ x 11 paper, shmving location, plot plan, tor view ancl cross section of propcsal, drawn to scale. ~pplication processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, decks CP any structures affronting natural watcr bodies. 530.00 for vertical seawalls onman-made ro-Hes of 'vater. S75.00 for any combination of the ahove activities per site. lication is hereby made for a pennit to autrorize the octivities nescrihec1 rerein. I lify that I am familiar with the information coptajned iI1 this application, and to t]le rest 'lr knowledgc & belief such infonnation is true, complete & accurate. I furtl'cr certify that )ssess the authority to undertake tre proposed activities. Pll provisions of lm\'s ann inances governing tl:is type of work wi 11 he canplied with d"etl'er speci [ice ncrein or not. The lting of a pemit does not preslUTle to give authority to viobtc or cancel tre provisions of" <-ounty, st:1te or fClleral law rcgulat ing constrnct ion or I'('rform~nce of construct i on cf tris _' of f oc i 1 i ty , ~ /: ,?' 11u-z" Zt./.~~--- at' :J.rpllC:1nt agent I'ate !'::,,'p3rtment Use enly is 7S:cra 3 ')O()S- ~ fee fl reccipt ;; l\;'I'lrn\'cd 1)\, 1'-::,s'1:. llircctor (In accepting applicat ion f1 Da t e .. Cas t ",t" PCT'll it Fst ir1;lted cost of copstrllct]()i1 '--U.- ....- ~-,"'-...-~' C "'0. '^ V\ e.\ _,Ci, ",,- . ~t.< ..A..A.-' '-"t...;..~' ..-'t..-'c/ H~i) ~ ~ .p ~'.,v:,!)\) _S\..,f D'-~~- ~O t,~ \t '1d f~ ~ , O,L ;,' , f) I~~-;~" ':~~'B.......,'", .; " ...._. _..Y,.' I p J)i<l< f'r 1 -- P..~' ~"t -. ........"'--.....--.-. \ W'~"$ LA v ~~C1"b ~-~ 'S::,~--'''-]'\~ ,,;--:iQ ..,~ ~rJ.\ ev H Jfr\h--:~~_t1 ~ v/ _.~_~11 ~cw. 3po/r/3 )rIuL SfiEEI / 0/::: ~ 1?1~ 'f \ \ \ '\ '-- ~.~ -..........--...___~_d--.:..'~--";.-,c:..:'.~-'~:.::;;.;j;:~"2::-r~~~:':.....:~<~-~,:.--~--- A ,I , .L. ^ 10' .;.1........0 -~- ..;.,t/l/' @ I I I~ I ,- "'@ ...t/t...../ ..v"../ -," . '@------..-.-. 40 -,- ~Jl ~ <V ...-(...-1.,/ .0 _/c .'-/' ~l ',-' ,~iJ;;~.:;6>' j11t.,e.aIOlOGIST: APPRCiVALtI!1I113 AS PER MONROE COUNTY CODE To b.t- M- ~ ed' ky p.c.c.... t\) ti1 /[/'-' ~ ~ ~ --'~"V JV\/ ~' ,...fl,\... ' , J ,t/ '..<' l ( " (....,. ,/'....../ I I " V j t/\~/ -- 'u C Y-a~'I\,^ eJ { I , -'\.j ~..../ Ijv . "V\/ .( 1---" ...,~ ~. '-" v:v' ~- ~ \ , , I 3~' 1/_/ , '" I , .V. -^. .. yo ,-r; 'PYOCOHJ B '" I eel. \ .) \ l f 0,<. \<. F '(''/ PY"oje~i T,,'eQ.Su.ve \\Clvb 0 V' S <..0.\ (> : ) \\ ~ 'a' \Jo..ie.y ~ert~ - @ I'\~W' Rec'd. 3/30/1'3 1nC-.~ SHeeT .2 C/r ~ hi ~A!.- ~/ ~--_. ~/t...V @,--V' , oS .. l\e \-0.;'" ~~ WfJ \,~ PRO\fAL J../~' /33 f11ue- a\OLO~~b~~6oUNT1 ~~2~c. AS PER MO ~ ed 6'1 ^, I Ie b~ /fL. V V A,"" P1 .~t:;'i;,J:\tlltlitl , ,':' .': ' '-r"- _,~i.;;~y":' ,'-'j f " . ~~ :~I': ,~: ' ' ' " ' .' "1 u, " , j . }.>>~tl . .".' . . ,," , 'l':' ," .' ;;, : t.: ,.,1 .'" ;, . ' : ' ;, " ~".' " , ' 't, 'j I, ~. ,'" I 1 ~ j : j '{: i ' .. , ' l ,f I' " I! l' ,": . j ,~ l',.t , I I 'I', l'{l~' I' 3'i; I- I! ,;;,;,.. !';'l~.'~ ;"30'0\',. ii' \ . 'I~ ~', 'll J ~jt j l\~" '~1 ~I'I' ,',A. .'/' ,/' 'I"; .~' 11',.,:""'( "1'1 I" , 'I' '1:'["':.' ,.'.'f',' ,jd :' ,I!', ,'-'J ,,,, ,".' 'I' ;~,Jt' I 'I I "0" , " .' 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AS PER MONROE COUNTY CODE To b.. at /J'UA->Jd 6y 8. c.. c., "'*' Lf Re \..-r I' ()'f\ C~l"--t t v C ()O:\ ~c1 T;e ~\( ~ o&. · ~ c...,.,~,"~ e~ ~-'")( \-:\\. ?~<<\J\:'" CtJ~ 'tOt--K.. )0 \, 'I- ,(/ ?\fl;.(J~ C6"'('~\ ~ ~..~' ~\e le~+\.. 'V.~t'f'Mi?-M ,~ (~\-.1. " ~ _ 0 " fj~c..,r:t Crn<. 'fC. \.. e ~\o b :.~~ 1i,)l-t Ilt~'"'''' ~I;" ~,..II. "-'''' "'~'Z,~~ ( * '-/ Q ~ bt';' \ D.c.. ) ,~> _-____ ~:;:.t ~:, .... ' ,.""-,, ' ", , --~, ,,' ---.,. ,._~--,-:--_._~,:~^:rt'~ ~......---~>"_.....-"'- ..,...,..,- . ,~, 4=\ / OEM> rI\ ~ N 3' \ ,. 'I i3 "111 o ,<. I 10 '--- ,0" 'I- 10 \' P;' ,:., , ru t1 1:1 , . ~ ~. . C::J " l;j;~:,~ . :_~~' ;"1 "-" ".-" ;',&.:~.~, -~~i;~lji~ iSu i... '\J,~ frrtfA {\ tV\j\~e~""~j- ClI'Y'1\'rtk..\-o-r J.Ofo. ev~ \J,~ eW'C1V'\ C~-e.. S~V" "\l..- e... 6HccT j)Z:CK F~y: 5$4 WALe.. Ocrl9)L, ~ er L/ /n L:. <.. • DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL File No. : 440662575 County: Monroe Date : 3-15-83 Applicant Name : Richard A. Fry Address : PO Box 90202, Houston, TX 77090 Agent (if applicable) : Buz Wiseman Address : PO Box 28-A, Tavernier, FL 33070 Location of project : Section (s) 24 Township 63S Range 37E Section (s) Township Range Local Reference : Plantation Key, Treasure Harbor Subdivision Water Body: Atlantic Ocean Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters : III Aquatic Preserve : None Outstanding Florida Waters : None On site inspection by: David Bishof Date of Inspection : 3-2-83 Original Application : Yes X No Revised Application: Yes No Date : Date of 2nd Insp. • Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques . Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 . 02 and Section 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code . B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions , where appropriate , for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79) •{ • 1 FRY, RICHARD A. #440662575 Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Two A. The applicant wishes to reclaim land lost to erosion and minimize further erosion on his residential property. The goal will be achieved through the construction of a boulder riprap revetment with backfill . The revetment will run for approximately 150 ft. along the applicant ' s shoreline . The waterward toe of the revetment will be approximately 10 ft. waterward of mean high water (MHW) . The backfill will come up even with the top of the revetment which will be at an elevation of 3 ft. above MHW. Construction of the revetment will result in approximately 2250 ft. ' (0. 052 ac. ) of wetland being filled of which approximately 1500 ft. 2 (0. 034 ac . ) is at an elevation.below MHW1. In order to do the filling an estimated 290 yd. ' of . crushed rock ffill and boulders will be placed in wetlands with 220+ yd. 3 of that being placed waterward of MHw2. The applicant failed to supply any information on how the • proposed work will be conducted. The applicant also failed to state what techniques would be used to maintain water. quality during construction. B. The project site is located near the southwestern end of Plantation Key in the Treasure Harbor subdivision. The subdivision is primarily residential, however, there is some commercial development which includes marinas and resorts . A large manmade boat basin with an access canal and channel provides boating access to the Atlantic Ocean for much of the subdivision. Treasure Harbor subdivision was created over 20 years ago through a typical dredge and fill operation. Fill from the boat basin and canals was placed in adjacent wetlands to create uplands. The original shoreline is well landward of the present shoreline. 1 The applicant ' s estimate that 87 ft. 2 of wetland would be filled by the. project, appears to be extremely inaccurate. 2 The applicant' s estimate that 170 yd. 3 of fill would be used with 20 yd. of that total placed waterward of MHW, appears to be inaccurate. FRY, RICHARD A. #440662575 Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Three B - cont 'd Adjoining the eastern side of the project site is the Ragged Edge Resort. The resort enjoys the use of a small boat basin which is formed by a breakwater that extends into the Atlantic Ocean. On the north side of the project site is a single family residence. The .eastern side of the project site borders on the main access canal for Treasure Harbor. The open Atlantic Ocean which in the vicinity of the project site is designated as Class III waters (Chapter 17-3 . 081 and 17-3 . 161, Florida Administrative Code) borders the southern side of the project site. C. The applicant' s property is a, roughly rectangular 0.4 ac . parcel of land. The land was created by filling wetlands with crushed rock fill. With the exception of narrow areas along the shoreline the entire parcel is upland . Vegetation on the uplands consists primarily of a mowed lawn with a few ornamental trees. With the exception of a few boat trailers which were stored there, the lot was vacant at the time of the inspection. On the canal (west) shoreline of the applicant ' s property a seawall has been constructed out of limestone boulders mortered together. Large sections of this seawall have collapsed over the years since it was built. Near the seaward end of the canal side of the parcel a boat slip is found. The sides of the boat - slip are seawalled. Running along the southern side of the project site is a man- made shoreline channel. The channel was cut into solid rock such that the sides are verticle. The shoreline in this area is directly exposed to the Atlantic Ocean and has eroded back somewhat over the years. From the edge of the shoreline channel to the MHW contour is a distance of 10 to 15 feet. Landward of the MHW line, the shoreline slopes up at a moderate rate to meet the grade of the lot. The shoreline shows evidence of moderate erosion, particularly at the western end, where it forms a point. It has apparently been the practice for a number of years for nearby property owners to dump their trash along the applicant ' s horeline. Periodically, the trash piles have been burned off. The result of these activities over the years has been to create • ° ..• �- . FRY, RICHARD A. #440662575 Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Four a shoreline which is covered with construction/demolition debris, metalic objects and whatever other non-flamable . articles of trash which were dumped there. Virtually no emergent wetland vegetation was observed in the proposed fill area. Emergent vegetation in the shallow area adjacent to the shoreline channel is dominated by Enteromorpha sp. The general lack of vegetation in the shoreline area appears to be the result of the combined effects of the trash dumping which has occurred here and exposure to storms. D. Construction related activities will result in increased levels of particulate organic compounds, turbidity and dissolved organic compounds in the waters adjacent to the project site. Standard turbidity control techniques would probably adequately control these pollutants. The applicant has not indicated any plans to utilize any turbidity controls. The proposed project will result in the permanent elimination of 0. 052 ac . of wetlands. With the elimination of the wetlands will be the loss of their functions of habitat, primary prod- uction and pollution filtration. In the case of the project site, these functions are not very well represented . The new shoreline which will result from the proposed project will allow upland stormwater runoff to flow directly into the Atlantic Ocean at the project site. Stormwater runoff can be expected to carry with it turbidity, organic nutrients, pesticides and inorganic nutrients. .. ! • , c FRY, RICHARD A. #440662575 Monroe County - Plantation Key Page Five E. Under the provisions of Chapters 253 and 403 , Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4 , Florida Administrative Code, .I recommend that this project be granted Departmental permit- ting authorization with the following conditions: 1. Prior to the placement of any riprap or fill , all trash and debris shall be removed from the shoreline area and disposed in a manner acceptable under the provisions of Chapter 17-7 , Florida Administrative Code. 2. The proposed filling shall be done in such a manner as to slope the land away from the water for stormwater control . 3. Turbidity curtains shall be used during all construction activities conducted in the waters of the state. .7r)'? DAV D BISHOF, ENV'. SPEC . DATE: March 16, 1983 READ : > GARY HAFFER • DEB/dvo