Resolution 126-1983 RE$OCUZION N . 126 -1983 WHEREA , the BOARD OF COUN mmZ SI NER$ ( F M NROE mum, FCORIDA, has reeeiveh an application from Mark A. Donnelly , ant WHEREA$,_in..rom1liance with $tole $tatu1e, if is neeessarj as part of the permitting prneenure to reafi. the fullnwing Biological Assessment info the Recarb as follows: The applicant_f.is_proposing__to place zriprap and='backfill- along-' an eroded shoreline in order to provide shoreline continuity and stability. Approximately 300 cubic yards of limerock fill would be deposited along a 68 foot length of shoreline for this residential lot. Nearly all of the 180 cubic yards of fill proposed would be placed waterward of M.H.W. The proposed riprap would extend to the apparent M.L.W. line (approximately six feet landward of the offshore channel dropoff) . The width of the proposed fill area varies from 17 feet on either side of the applicant's lot to about 23 feet in the middle of the lot. The applicant's lot is situated within a relatively large, developed, residential subdivision. Although most of the lots in this subdivision are located on canals, this lot and adjacent lots face the open waters of Pine Channel. Most of the developed lots abutting Pine Channel have been stabilized in some fashion, with a near equal mix of vertical. seawalls and riprap revetments. Those lot shorelines that have remained unstabilized since the initial dredging and filling, which created this subdivision, have undergone some erosion. As a result, a shoreline shelf has evolved over the waterward extent of the shelf which displays a healthy, stabilized subtidal marine community. The applicant's lot drops abruptly at the erosion line to form a 20-25 foot wide intertidal and subtidal shelf. It is this shelf that would be filled and riprapped as proposed, to bring it up to upland elevations. Concrete and riprap revetments are located to either side of the applicant's lot, each about two to three feet landward of the start of a gradual dropoff to deeper channel waters. This gently sloping drop is heavily vegetated by turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) , as is the subtidal shoreline shelf area. Also found in association with turtlegrass her is Cuban shoalweed (Halodule wrightii) , calcareous green algae, (Halimeda sp.) , and red algaes' (Laurencia sp.) . Several sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea), starlet corals' (Siderastrea radians) and numerous turban shell snails (Astraea sp.) were also observed in this area. The intertidal area (from MLW to MHW) is about 15-20 feet in width, being characterized by a limerock rubble base and little vegetation. Emergent flora along the erosion line consisted of bay cedar (Suriana haritima) , buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta) , and sea purslane (Sesuvium Portulascastrum) . Due to the lack of any substantial established emergent or submergent biological communities within the proposed fill area, biological impacts should be minimal. By stabilizing the shoreline, water quality should be benefited in terms of less erosion and lower turbidity levels in the immediate area. , Resolution No. Dannellg, Mark A. Page two D£ It RE$OLVED Dg ZEE BOARD OF mum COMMI$S MNER OF MONROE CUM, , FLORIDA, that the ahuve Biological Assessment has been read into the rernrd and dulg considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.1-24..ha •the. Baard. n . Cnuntg Commissioners of fflunriTE Cnuntg, Florina, this 29 th daR of April , 19 83 at a regularlg srheduled meeting. ;BOARD OF mums COMMI$$XON£R$ OF M NROE coop, FLOBt a2.44"RIDA ejS/ / //11 sr- a.tev,_e,..1.,....ek4,,,, ::,,v. (May)at,' ii (deal) Attest: P h iil 'd E9 CLERK ilpaNcli.et,A;.4.46)0A .PAA-..4.40,0.c . Jerk) APPROVED AS TO FORM. A D AL SUFFICIENCY. BY Attorney's Office . BOARD OF COUNTY COMi\ ERS —' r "7FFti'E OF: Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 _ Director Curt Blair, District 2 - ' Building, Planning an Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez,Jr., District 3 " Zoning MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 :• M t b` +'•7 Ken Sorensen, District 5 P.O.BOX Room 205 Wing z r i S Public Service Buildi 5825 Jr. College Rd. Vest Florida BOUNTY o MONROE "- Key YE , 33043-4399 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 - . y,• 2{ fV 13051 294-4541 • Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West , Florida 33040 • I , the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows : • Certificate of Complete Enclosures !/ 1. County Biologist Report ✓ 2 . Resolution (MARK DONNELLY) 3. Permit 1/ 4. Application for Permit ( RIP RAP & FILL) ✓ • 5. Site Plan L/ 6 . Location Map 7. DER Assessment • Date ** `,z p By If,'I i il -:7 - � ' Jam•_ , 'j' � �[VI, MEMORANDUM DATE: April 6, 1983 TO: William Russell, Acting Director FROM: •Andy Hooten, Biologist SUBJECT: Mark A. Donnelly, rip-rap fill • LEGAL Township 66 South, Range 29 East, Section 28, Block 20 , Lot 56 , Jolly Roger Estates, LaFitte Road. Little Torch Key, Monroe County, Florida. The applicant proposes to construct approximately. 68 feet of rip-rap seawall with associated backfill in order to regain eroded shoreline and prevent further erosion through shoreline stabilization. A site inspection found the property to be an undeveloped lot abutting Pine Channel. Single family residences exist on either side of the property. There presently exists a small pebble-beach with common wetland vegetation; however, Bay Cedar (Suriana Maritima) , a state endangered plant was also observed on the property (Florida Statutes) . The placement of rip-rap would encroach upon a. small amount of established seagrass Thallasia Testudium; however, this project would result in little adverse environmental impact and as mentioned in the attached DER bio-report, water quality could be aided due to establish- ment of shoreline continuity. It is recommended that this project be approved with the conditions that silt screens be properly used and that the applicant provide protection for the state endanger plant, Bay Cedar (Suriana Maritimal through transplantation. AH:cm ¢�uco` ; ,,:' PLANNING, BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT MONROE s 41 , ti PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY �� FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE • WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1)Property owners name&mailing address 2)Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Mark A. Donnell January 1, 1983 Y . Resolution No. c/o John F. Turgeon 3)Phone number 17355 Biscayne Blvd. Date: North Miami Beach, Fla. 33160 305-940-4690 4)Contractor or agent's name,mailing address&phone number Owner 5)Legal description of property: • Section 28 Key Little Torch Subdivision Jolly Roger Est. Township 66 South Lot 56 Block 20 Range 29 East Street, road or mile marker LaFitte Road • 'Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited c.y. • c.y. 200 c.y. c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: • PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments-Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: It is recommended that this project be approved with the conditions that silt screens be properly used and that the applicant provide protection for the state endanger plant, Bay Cedar (Suriana Maritime) • through transplantation. , William R. Russell, Acting Dir. Planning, Building and Zoning MO1 ROE u DI.:\YNI\C, BUIIDI`;C 7.0 I�:C nrnAP'p r.. • PrPI•�IT :1PPIICATIO\� mn o.L ATION, TILE • PFPOSIT OF FIIL, OP STPTT"iFTAI, PGIPS IY T1`F. G�lJfVTY % PTLANPS Or " AT,DC �'C Tn ) Property owners nLilne F; mailing address 2) Pate 7) Phone nailer Mark A. Donnelly • January •1 , 1983 305-940-4690 c/o John F . Turgeon 17355 Biscayne Blvd. - North Miami Beach,Florida 99160 ) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address, phone & certification number. ') Legal description of property: Section, 28 Key, Little Torch Subdivision, Jolly Roger Est. Township, 66 South • 20 Range, Iot, 56 Block, (if acreage • LaFitte Road Street, road. or mile marker, Zoning, 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction FT amount of material (in cubic yards) , to be excavated or discharged: Describe purpose Ft intended use of project. To Construct approx. 68ft. of rip-rap seawall,limerock boulders , and to fill to the existing grade of the adjacent properties w/approximately 200 cu.yds . of crushed native limerock.Seawall will be on a line connecting existing rip-rap & Boulder walls . This work will provide shoreline continuity & stop the erosion to lot 56 & the adjoining lots . dredged/excavated filled/deposited volume of -.. c.y. . c.y. 200 c.y. �.-- ` c.y. j material waterward - . landward waterward landward of M.P.W. . of A .H.W. of ? .H.W. of M.H.W. 7) Name, address FT zip code of ad.j oining property owners whose property affronts water way. Lot 55 Arthur Stache Lot 57 P.Garofalo 90 Hillis Terrace • P.O.Box 64 Poughkeepsie,N.Y.12603 Big Pine Key,Fla.33043 8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for this site: i Joint Application, Corps of Engineers & State of Florida . • ' b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, • explain reason for new application and. give applicant's name if different from current applicant.Old Owner,Judith Ray,P. O .Box 329 ,Big Pine Key, submitted an applicatio on Oct.16, 1978 for a block bulkhead type of seawall . Present owner to use rip-rap for seawall . 9) Iist all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this prof ect. Joint Application, Corps of Engineers & State of Florida • This completed application form will he accompanied.. by th following, or ,it will NCT be processed. . a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8 z x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. . b) Application processing fee as follows : $75.00 for dredge, fill, docks CP. any structures ,affronting natural. water 'bodies: $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. , • 75.0 for any combination of the above activities per site. .• Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described. herein. I • certify that Lam familiar with the information, contained in. this application, and to the best of my knowledge F belief such information is true, complete Fi accurate. I further certify that • I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The; granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or- cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. • 44 R-1-� - January 1 , 1989 Signature of appl.ica agent Pate For epartment Use Cnly/ -PAL/131 7s 9/45' j. n Fee F, receipt # Approved by Pss't. Director Person accepting application F, Date LY (�'I Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA ofE"v' N..q� BOB GRAHAM BRANCH OFFICE go2�`�v� GOVERNOR 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD Er ,/s VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL PUNTA GORDA,FLORIDA 33950-9359 i SECRETARY ATE OF F100., January 11, 1983 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Monroe County Courthouse Key West, Florida 33040 Monroe County, File NO. 440645225, ,( 1- Riprap Revetment Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of an application which appears to involve fill activities in navigable waters of the State within the limits of your jurisdiction. Pur— suant to Section 253.125, Florida Statutes, as amended by the 1982 Florida Legislature, the local government has 15 days from the receipt of the appli— cation in which to request for review copies of the Department biological and hydrographic surveys. The local government must then provide comments or objections within 30 days of the receipt of the surveys . Option 2 requires the local government to provide comments or objections within 60 days of receipt of the application if the biological and hydrographic surveys are not reviewed. With either Option, failure to comment or object within the established time periods constitutes approval by the local government. Comments or objections must be based solely upon the biological or hydrographic surveys; environ— mental surveys conducted by local government; conformance with the local government comprehensive plan; consistency with public access for fishing, recreation and other activities determined to be in the public interest; or conformance with applicable ordinances or development regulations. Should the local government object to the issuance of a permit, the objection must be in the form of a resolution or other formal action. If you wish to review copies of the biological or hydrographic surveys, or if you wish to provide comments or objections on this project, please provide this information within the above described time limits. Please reference the File No. and the applicant name in your response. If you have any questions on this matter, please feel free to call me at (813) 639-4967. Sincerely, Cv►rL-z� M: James M. Stilwell, Environmental Specialist Encls. JMS/wr cc: Mark A. Donnelly Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life ' I, DEPARTMF THE ARMY/. _ORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENV IRON1-►L REGULATION FOR • ACTIVITIES IN WATERS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Refer to Instruction Pamphlet for explanation of numbered items and attachments required. 1. Application number (To be assigned) 2. Date 3. For official use only 1—PZO 021L> Day Mo. Yr. I• 4. Name,address and zip code of applicant • Dark A. Donnelly P.O.Box 103 Summerland Key, Florida 33042 Telephone Number 5. Name,address,zip code and title of applicant's authorized agent for permit application coordination John F. Turgeon 17355 Biscayne Blvd. North Miami Beach, Fla. 33160 - - - . 1 i Telephone Number .305-940-4690 _ Esn+rC;iGEF%c V` 6. Describe the proposed activity, its purpose and intended use,including a description of the type of structures, if any, to be erected on fills, or pipe or float-supported platforms,and the type,composition and quantity of materials to be __ • discharged or dumped and means of conveyance. To construct approximately 68ft. of rip-rap seawall, limerock boulders, and to fill to the existing grade of the adjacent pro- perties with approximately 200 cu.yds .of crushed native limerock . This work will provide shoreline continuity and stop the erosion to lot. 56 and the adjoining lots. Fill & equipment will be brough to the site over existingroads & applicants � d Dredged/ xcavated u.D`t-iliediuepbsited Volume of Material: CY CY 200 CY CY Waterward of Landward of Waterward of Landward of O.H.W.or M.H.W. O.H.W.or M.H.W. O.H.W.or M.H.W. O.H.W.or M.H.W. 7. Proposed use Private [) Public ( I Commercial [ ] Other [ ] (Explain in remarks) 8. Name and address including zip code of adjoining property owners whose property atso adjoins the waterway. Arthur & Ruth Stache P.Garofalo 90 Hillis Terrace P. O .Box 644 • Poughkeepsie,N.Y. 12603 - Big Pine Key,Fla. 33043 9. Location where proposed activity exists or will occur Street address Lot 56 , LaFitte Road, Little Torch Key Longitude Latitude (If known) 9 Sec. Twp. 6b Sough Age. 2 E • Florida Ninnrne ..Little Torch Key State County In City or Town Near City of Town 10. Name of waterway at location of the activity Pine Channel SAJ FORM 983 . 21 Jul 77 11: 11. Date activii ns•... to commence May 1 , 1 983 11111 Date activity is expected to be completed December 1 , 1983 _ ,-- r 1--,, is any portion of the activity for which authorization is,.,vch.t ..�w complete? Yes i j No _j com . � If answer is Yes' give reasons in the remarks section. Month and year the activity was ciamnleted,_--______— Indicate the existing work on the drawings. 13. List all aporovals or certifications required by Other Federal interstate,state or loc,a agencies for any structures,con• struction, discharges, deposits or other activities described in this application`., including whether the project is a De- velopme nt of Regional impact. Issuing Agency Type of Approval !don tificatr;i N . Dc:c of Application Date of Approval Monroe County Seawall Building Dept. • f. - 14. Has any agent; denied approval for the activity described herein or for any activity directly related to the activity de- scribed herein? Yes ( I No `_xJ (If "Yes"explain in remarks) 15. Remarks (see instruction Pamphlet for additional information required for certain activities) The proposed work will stop the erosion to lot 56 from natural elements and protect the adjoining lots from any further erosion. The seawall will be limerock boulders of various sizes . All fill needed to raise the grade to existing levels of adjacent lots will be crushed limerock. 16. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the activities described herein. I agree to provide any :?-. additional information/data that may be necessary to provide reasonable assurance or evidence to show that the pro- posed project Will comply with the applicable State Water Quality Standards or other environmental protection stan- dards both during construction and after the project is completed. I also agree to provide entry to the project site for -- inspectors from the environmental protection agencies_for the purpose of making preliminary analyses of the site and -- monitoring permitted works, if,permit is granted. I certify.that I am familiar with the information contained in this • application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true,complete, and accurate. I fur- - ther certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed ac' ities. - _ "1. - - January 1 19-83 __ Signature of Applic Date • 18 U.S.C.Section 1001 provides that:Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent-statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false,fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than S10.000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. - -- The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity;however, the applica- tion may be signed by a duly authorized agent if accompanied by a statement by that person designating the agent arid agreeing to furnish upon request, supplemental information in support of the application. FEE: Attach Checks/Money Order on front • Payable to Departme..nt of Environmental Regulation S200 Standard form projects S20 Short forms and Chapter 403 projects only In , Z / - A //a/ , AO , r,,,os�� f a' N f e Ta///A�a % *�F ZI a ` o 41 _ o' I , '`_T I I 1 1 o /o a o 9a sr for' 4 /0' 'W. fii s<_ ��/ jo7 ili -to?fJFtE - — — F// , .dv:+/ocei\l f Nr s L Qom, .A/E ` 1 M�lil/-/.O //N6�yi�NN2/ t 4 6' -,-4 -y 7/ n /►-stir✓ ,„ LoTG,r,f-2 -- ,,, /Y(S! ,. „A A bf,- /'!/o' - ‹ 3' /34,E C'�y,44 4V / • MHWO.B 'r Scg/r M L W�/.O /.._fc' Purpose: Construct Rip Rap Seawall In:Little Torch Key Datum: At: Jolly Roger Est. Adjacent Property Owners : MoNroe County,Fl_ . 1)Arthur&Ruth S tache , 90Hilli s Ter,Pia ughKf(eEpfiE Appl by:M.Donnelly 2)P.Garofalo,P.O.Box 644 N•Y. 12603 sheet 1 of 3 Big Pine Key, la.j5043 JOLLY ROGER ESTATES A SUBDIVISION OF GOV'T.LOT 1 ,SEOT ON 33, & PART OF GOV' T LOTS6 & 11 ,SECTION: 28,TWP 66 .s , RGE. 29E,& ADJACENT SUBMERGED LAND,LITTLE TORCH KEY yaPry MONROE 'COUNTY,FLORIDA , S..4.'iv FET S`O /ca ao0 Soo `^ S� Soo ��D . O _/ 3 9 S 6 7 27 ? /.' // /3 /3 / /,•5- /G // ,/9�0 a/ 0 ewlil -o 077 s%;P ' -94 J - 4 , B.LA ese4t 1) ��qz7 , / 9 4% s 6 7 P 9 /D // /a /3/11./s-/ /I /90.14 cr7/ �� 4 /A/-i#x ,oAD • 1 la ' so S/ . 'INN PLALE_ C HANN�L *Lot 55- existing rip-rap `', seawall **Lot 57- existing boulder& ° rock wall N H W 11111• • Z 0,4//OA/ 574-21c../ (7( •# wk — fe 1\ site- CZ k \f) 6 1 A ei 0 500 /coo a000 e' 65 c/ r ..8.5-9 LOCATION • • SHEET •3 of 3 11111 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL:REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA r BOB GRAHAM BRANCH OFFICE (7-1.171VIRON4,14 L �, GOVERNOR 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD ' ~ r VICTORIA J. TSCHINKEL PUNTA GORDA,FLORIDA 33950-9359 oQ " SECRETARY March 21, 1983 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Robert Dennis Public Service Building 5825 Jr. College Road, W. Key West, Florida 33040-4399 Re: Monroe County - File #440645225 Riprap revetment., Mark Donnelly Gentlemen: As per your request pursuant to Section 253.125, Florida Statutes, .attached is a copy of the Department's biological appraisal for the referenced project. A hydrographic survey was not required. Sincerely, -antz.0 M. rat-Jae-6° James M. Stilwell Environmental Specialist JMS/ds Encl. • Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Life DEPL.!<.T ;F.'1;T or FNVIRON•4EENT~-1L REGULATION .,.__? ; PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL 3 L'iTi so i . his,iv:. Nc,_ , 44064522 County : Monroe Date : 1 -14-�3 AD lican t Name : Mark. A. Donnelly Address : PO Box 103 , Summerland Key, Florida 33042 Agent (if applicable): John F . Turgeon dre 1735" Biscayne Blvd. , North Miami Beach, FL 33160 Location of roject : Section (s) 28 Township 66S Range .29E Section (s) _ Townshin Range Local eference : Jolly Rogers Estates , Little Torch x.ev ��7arer D.od- : Pine Channel Water Classification of Project Area : III Adjacent Waters : II A.aua+-ic Preserve : Outstanding Florida Waters : National Key Deer Refuge On site inspection by: . John Meyer Date of Inspection : _ 1-17-83 Original Application: Yes NoX Revised Application : Yesx No Date : Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques . Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 . 02 and Section 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code . • B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. ' • • C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable . Include identification of bottom types and an_v relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water crnalitv. Address long-term i=PNc?ct ?s well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project . E. Sucr[estions , (them a propria. tfor1:1..I ri(' l ' t that m ti � _i4C2 i�:•:� �....� i e educee or minimize the potential impact of project.. PER_ 16-10 (Rev. 6i•7 • DONNELLY, MARK A. • #440645225 Monroe County - Little Torch Key Page Two A. The applicant is proposing to place riprap and backfill along an eroded shoreline - in order to provide shoreline continuity and stability. Approximately 300 cubic yards of limerock fill would be deposited along a 68 foot length of shoreline for this residential lot. Nearly all of the 180 cubic yards of fill proposed would be placed waterward of M.H.W. The proposed riprap would extend to the apparent M.L.W. line (approximately six feet landward of the offshore channel dropoff) . The width of the proposed fill area varies from 17 feet on either side of the applicant ' s lot to about 23 feet in the middle of the lot. B. The applicant ' s lot is situated within a relatively large, developed, residential subdivision. Although most of the lots in this subdivision are located on canals , this lot and adjacent lots face the open waters of Pine Channel. Most of the developed lots abutting Pine Channel have been stabilized in some fashion, with a near equal mix of vertical seawalls and riprap revetments. Those lot shorelines that have remained unstabilized since the initial dredging and filling, which created this subdivision, have undergone some erosion. As a result, a shoreline shelf has evolved over the waterward extent of the shelf which displays a healthy, stabilized subtidal marine community. C. The applicant ' s lot drops abruptly at the erosion line to form a 20-25 foot wide intertidal and subtidal shelf. It is this shelf that would be filled and riprapped as proposed, to -bring it up to upland elevations . Concrete and riprap revetments are located to either side of the applicant ' s lot, each about two to three feet landward of the start of a gradual dropoff to deeper channel waters. This gently sloping drop is heavily vegetated by turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) , as is the subtidal shoreline shelf area. Also found in association with turtlegrass here is Cuban shoal- weed (Halodule wrightii) , calcareous green algae (Halimeda sp. ) , and red algaes (Laurencia sp. ) . Several sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) , starlet corals (Siderastrea radians) and num- erous turban shell snails (Astraea sp. ) were also observed in this area. 4 DONNELLY, MARK A. #440645225 Monroe County - Little Torch Key Page Three The intertidal area (from MLW to MHW) is about 15-20 feet in width, being characterized by a limerock rubble base and little vegetation. Emergent flora along the erosion line consisted of bay cedar (Suriana maritima) , buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta) , and sea purslane (Sesuvium portulascastrum) . D. Due to the lack of any substantial established emergent or submergent biological communities within the proposed fill area, biological impacts should be minimal. By stabilizing the shoreline, water quality should be benefited in terms of less erosion and lower turbidity levels in the immediate area.