Resolution 127-1983 "�, RE$OCUZI(ON NO. 127 -1983 3UHERE $, the BOARD OF ClUNEg COMMIMONER$ & .MONROE cum, T ®RID I, has rerieivs>'t _. . an application from Jay-C. Cramer , an]) 3UH£RE , in compliance with $tafe $tafufe, if is necessarg as part of the permitting procebureto ma)) the following Biological Assessment. into the Record_ as: . follows: The applicant wishes to reclaim land lost to erosion- and prevent the land from eroding again. The goal will be accomplished by constructing a riprap revetment at the waterward edge of the eroded area and then backfilling the revetment. The revetment will be built along the applicant's plated lot line in an "L" shaped configuration. The long branch of- the "L" will run more or less parallel to shore with the short end more or less normal to shore. As a result of the fact that " the present shoreline is somewhat curved, the revetment will be approximately 10 ft. out from shore at one end, -20 ft.. out from shore at the other end and 30 ft. out in the middle. The eastern end of the revetment will -tie into an existing revet- - -- ment on the adjacent property. - - The revetment will be built out of Key Largo Limestone boulders , weighing from 50 to 250 pounds. A layer of plastic filter cloth will be placed:on the landward side of the revetment. The area - landward of the revetment will be filled to an elevation of 4 ft. mean sea level (MSL) at the revetment and sloping up to 4.8 ft. MSL at the present shoreline. An estimated 1760 ft.2 (0,040 ac.) of wetlands below mean high water (MHW) and 790 ft.2 (0.018 ac.) of wetlands above MHW will be filled by the revet- ment and associated backfill. To do this approximately.230 yd.3 - of fill will be placed waterward of MHW and 70 yd.3 landward of MHW. (The applicant's estimates appear to be low) . The riprap revetment will be constructed first and the fill which will consist of clean rock and sand will then be placed. The applicant did not supply anyinformati:on on where the fill. and boulders would come fromor how it would be placed on the - -- project site. The applicant also did not supply any information - on how water quality standards would be maintained during construction. . The project site is located on the north side of Lower Matecumbe Key in the.Port Antigua Subdivision. Port Antigua was created a little over ten years ago out of mangrove wetlands by dredging canals and filling the adjacent wetlands. Virtually. every lot _ in the subidvision fronts on one of the over one dozen finger canals. The subdivision is being developed,;R,ith single family - residences. An estimated 20 percent of the lots .within the, subdivision have been built on. Adjoining the east side of the project site is a single' family- residence. The shoreline on this adjoining property has been -- protected from erosion by a boulder revetment. To the west. of the project site is a vacant undeveloped lot. The south side of the project site is bordered by a canal. Florida Bay, which_ in the vacinity of the project site, is designated as .. Class III waters '(Chapter :17-3.081, 17-3.161, Florida Administrative Code) lies to thenorth of the project site. The applicant's property consists of a single residential lot. The" lot, like all of the other lots in the part, of the sub- division which borders Florida Bay, is split into two parts. - The larger section of the lot lies to the north of "Costa Bravo Drive and borders on a canal. This arrangement allows property owners to enjoy both an open water shoreline and a protected mooring for their boats. Reablution No. Cramer, Jay C. April 13, 1983 Page 2 Most of the lot consists of previously filled uplands. The substrate on the lot is a mixture of crushed rock, sand and marl. Vegetation on the uplands is limited to a sparse cover of pioneer grasses, a few small Australian Pine trees and a coconut tree. The canal shoreline of the lot has a vertical concrete seawall on it. On the bayward side of the applicant's lot, a 2± ft. high erosion cut escarpment is found. The toe of the escarpment is at an elevation estimated to be spring high water. A sand and gravel beach is found waterward of the escarpment. The approximate MHW contour is located on the beach 8 to 10 ft. waterward of the escarpment. The bay bottom slopes down gradually from the shoreline such that a large area of flats will be exposed or nearly exposed at low water. When the inspection was conducted, a large accumulation of -. wrack was found on the beach. The wrack completely covered the proposed fill area. The accumulation of wrack was observed to be greater at the project site than on the shore- lines to the east or west. The tendency for seaweed to collect on the project site appears_tocbe caused by the shoreline discontinuity caused by the shoreline to the east projecting out into the bay. A small quantity of transition zone wetland vegetation including sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacstrum) , sea daisy (Borrichia sp.) , and salt grass (Distichlis spicata) is found on the fact of the escarpment. Virtually no living vegetation is found in the proposed fill area below the escarpment. Increased levels of dissolved organic compounds, turbidity and particulate organic compounds can be expected to occur in State waters adjacent to the project site during construction. There are techniques which could be used to control these impacts, - however, the applicant has not indicated any plans to utilize them. The project will permanently eliminate 2550 ft.2 of littoral. wetlands. With the elimination of the wetlands will be the elimination of their functions of pollution filtration, primary production and habitat;. These functions are not very strongly represented in the proposed fill area. The proposed project will create a new shoreline discontinuity along its west side. The discontinuity will tend to cause the wrack accumulation to shift to the west. Lands which had not been severely impacted by the putrifyingorganic accumulation will be periodically blanketed by wrack as a result of the proposal. At the southewestern end of the proposed revetment, the revetment is planned to come up to the escarpment, but not landward of it. If erosion continues to occur on the adjacent land to the west, the end of the revetment will be exposed and the fill behind it washed out. The uplands behind the revetment will be sloped down. toward the water. The result will be the rapid runoff of stormwater into State waters adjacent to the project site. Stormwater runoff will carry with it, turbidity, inorganic nutrients, organic nutrients (BOD) and pesticides. Re3olution No. • Cramer,. Jay C. • April 13, 1983 Page Three B£.1L RE$OCIJBD Bg VIE BOARD OF Ming Cmilliltl$$IONER$ OF.11ONREO C(OUNlrg, FCCR1D ., that the ahave Bin1nu xal Assessment; has been rear inta the rernrii ann nulu eansineren pursuant to Flurina Statute 253.124 bu the warn of Cnuntu Cnmmissinn.rs of tlinnrae Cuuntu, Finrina, this 2 9 t hnau at April , 19 8 3 at a reuularlu .suhenulen meeting. BCC 1RD. OF COung COM1111$$1ONER$ OF ITtOl\IROB c 1 tp. Fr ORXDA ( uur) ($BID) Attest: "LPli CLERK MQ ( perk) APPR Al ED AS TO FORM A ,L GAL SUFF/C/ENCA BY, Attorney's Office • '.; BOARD OF,COUNTY COMM RS IIF: Viilhelmina Harvey, District 1 -- ., ----n .;,;_,f..,,,) Director Curt Blair, District 2 Building, Planning an Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez,Jr., District 3 , - !.:, .!,--F--'-.-Y.,•Th.--:-;s.=.-1 . Zoning '.. :---.:.:-.' ':10, MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 --. ", ,,:.,, .. ;%i .,, P.O. BOX Room 205 Wing Ken Sorensen, District 5 - ir:!:. 'ii Public Service Buildi .,,,, -.,..?::,:=:,:.,,------- -. :-„:i-,;;;,'''-r.•!' ,,, 5825 Jr. College Rd. • rc,,,-; itik Ke Nest Florida . • • r.1- 40. OUNTY o MONROE IA ' y ' ' .. Sa.r. g. 33043-4399 KEY WEST, -FLORIDA 33040 ",44.67,' ,• (305) 294-4641 . . Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney . . • % 310 Fleming Street . Key West , Florida 33040 ' • _'... . ' I , the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and ' information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows : ' . . Certificate of Complete Enclosures . •.. . 1. County Biologist Report- f • . 2. ReSolutiOn (JAY C. CRAMER) . . . . • 3. Permit • 'l/ • 4. Application for Permit ( SEAWALL & BACKFILL) 5. Site Plan 1../ L.•-• 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment , V/ • . . _ ,. Date 1/-43--S3 BY 17/7fLoil-/r)-' ---7-7 . V.--;-`.- •:•-, 1::::4 77'777 ;-J--,- ,:,,,A APR 14 1983 • . . . . . • COUNTY- ATTY �h TOPS FORM 3397 LITHO-• • DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE April 12, 1983 DATE Cramer:,_ Jay. C. : Proposed Seawall and Backfill SUBJECT To Mr. William Russell, Acting Director DEFT Planning, Building & Zoning FROM Mark L..; Robertson,'; Biologist DEFT Planning & Zoning/77aCti- LEGAL Lot 203, ."Port" Antigua Subdivision; Section 21, Township 64 South, Range 36 East, ,Lower MatecumbeKey. Zoni ng: RU-3. r :INTRODUCTION This application, which proposes to deposit fill below the mean high water (MHW) line, should be reviewed by_ the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code.,' DISCUSSION The application proposes to construct a rip-rap seawall and backfill behind it in order to reclaim land lost toerosion and provide protection against future erosion. ' The proposal will require the placement of 156± cubic yards of fill below MHW and: 64± cubic yards above MEW. At ,the center of the property the proposed seawall would be located approx imately 25 feet waterward of the existing MHW line. The proposed back- fill behind the seawall will be reverse sloped away from the wall in order to prevent direct runoff of stormwater into open waters I visited the site on February 16 . 1983. - The property faces Florida Bay, a rip-rap seawall is already present on the neighboring lot to the northeast. The shoreline of the applicant' s property shows signs - of severe erosion, there is no significant vegetation in .the area proposed to be filled. At the time of the site visit northwest winds in excess "of 40 m.p.h. were causing noticeable erosion' of the existing fill along this shoreline and driving waves over the neighboring wall . The attached FDER biological report describes this proposal in greater EVALUATION" _ The proposed activity will not impact any significant marine resources. A. properly constructed rip-rap seawall may improve water quality in the immediate area by decreasing erosion of fill into surrounding waters. The seawall should align with existing shoreline in order to not con- centrate wave energy onto one area. William Russel ting Director _ Cramer, Jay C. . ' Proposed Seawall and Backfill April 12, 1983 Page Two RECOMMENDATIONS Approval : Seawall to tie into existing seawall. Note: ACOE and FDER permits are required. Attachments County Application (1 sheet) Plans (2 sheets) DER biological report (5 sheets) MR:cm E m •$¢��cO°� PLANNING, BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT MONROE tiLt PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE ' WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1)Property owners name&mailing address 2)Date "FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Jay C. Cramer 2/10/83 Resolution No. 14275 South Dixie Highway 3)Phone number Miami, Fla. 33156 Date: 235-2165 4)Contractor or agent's name,mailing address&phone number James M. Killough Jr. , P.E. - Registered Professional Engineer-FL. No. 13589 James M. Killough.& Associates, Inc. 82883 Overseas Highway- P.O. Box 349 664-4684 Islamorada, Fla. 33036 5)Legal description of property: - Section 121 Key • Lower Matacumbe Subdivision Port Antigua Township 64 South Lot 203 & outlot 203 Block Plat 1/5-6 • Range 36 East Street, road or mile marker Costa Bravo Drive -Volume of material:. dredged/excavated filled/deposited c.y. c.y. 156 _ c.y. 64 c.y. waterward • landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.VV. of M.H.W. ZONING: RU-3 • . . • PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments-Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval: Seawall to tie into existing seawall NOTE: ACOE and FDER permits are required • William R. Russell, Acting Dir. Planning, Building and Zoning " \ !`.`I .i1'1 ! H 1\. 111'Ir ,I, \,' 1'\1! .i•'!'T 11 't. (,.. .fl Y ?i ( S.1 r ( n r+l.l 1'!' . r'C ;•'^ ,[ • i�. � .C)U741:r �� ' • ' '\•i` ICI' ,.,�\.r,�....�R',\_L\. Property (",�ners .t,F.l i 11'.:I it 1!a'. 'I'?':dross _' ) Pate `) Phone number Jay C. Cramer (Permit should be issued in property 2/10/83 235-2165 14275 'South Dixie Highway owner's name) -• , , Miami , Florida 33156 contractor or agent 's name, mailing address , phone 6 certification niunlber. James M. Killough Jr. , P.E. - Registered Professional Engineer-Fl . No. 13589 James M. Killough & Associates, Inc. 82883 Overseas Highway - P.O.Box 349 - Islamorada, Florida 33036 664-4684 legal description of property: Section, 21 ley, Lower Ma.tacumbe SlIl(livis(.,1l Port Antigua, Township, 64 South Range, 36 East • lot203 & outlot 203 plod.:,' Plat # 5-6 (if acreage) Street , road or mile m:li•l:cr, Costa Bravo Drive Zoning, Ru ) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction r, mount of material (in cubic yards) , to he excavated or discharged. Describe purpose El intended use of project. Applicant's waterward property is severely eroded. He desires to construct 100 L.F, of local rock rip rap seawall along the bayside property line tying in to an existing rip rap seawall at the N.E. corner. Approximately 12 L.F. of seawall would extend from the N.W. corner to the existing top of slope; A total of approximately 220 C.Y. of fill 'would be placed as indicated. All activities would be on applicant's dredged/excavated property. ff+led/deposited olune of c.y. c.y. 156 c•Y• 64 c•Y• ' aterial waterward landward waterward landward of *'.11.l''. of r'.11.V'. of P.P.W. of i'.II.I;'. • ) Name, address F, zip ccde of adjoining property o ners whose property affronts water way. Roushdi , Hussein & Ellen (Lot 202) . Lunsford, Joseph L. (Lot 326) 5288 Brendonridge 39. S. W. 10th Terrace Indianapolis, Indiana 46226 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 a) Iist other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name,' for this site: Joint Application - Department of the Army/Florida Department of Environmental Regulation -to be submitted concurrently- • • b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the Past, explain reason for new application and give applicant 's mmne if different from current applicant. None List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this project. • see . (a) above • • This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NCT be processed. Two (2,) sets of drawings, on 81 x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal., drawn to scale. Application processing fee as follows : $75.00 for dredge, fill, decks CP. any structures affronting natural. water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made babes or water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. • pplication is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I crtify that I aIn familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best •f my knowledge F, belief such information is true, complete F, accurate. I further certify that possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. i'] i provisions of laws and rdinances governing this type of work will he canplied with whether specified herein or not. Tl ranting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of ny county, state or federal law regulating constr c o o performance of construction cf this ype of facility. D e 2/10/83 Ignature or applicant/agent Pate • (ir Department Use l'nly/ 7 �0 3S'oo73 • • Fee Elreceipt g ,Tproved by !ss ' t . director ','rson accepting application Date • Cost or permit Estimated cost of construction . . , • , . , . ( C /----, .4t. r ) q An 0 cls : -- -FLO re 1 DA B AY' RECEIVLu t . '. - .... ,o,„ ,4. . Q• 1 1 . , ... . _ lint 31 0 E op- SLOPE tY: I • ,, ji...C,4...--,;,..,,I1,-: cz-,I•:. ..'...-.:-..--,- •: :r:";, , 1 'C 'Ctc--- .t.'!",)' .4,"' • :,i—..—. '`--,-.-,"'"'f.7—..'''fre'''"'-' '''.-- - '1 / •-i i,"-- - -., -‘-.,- --t'_t_.',...4----:-1- ..- ' "'_ :-;'''''T ','-:--- •-i` ..H. -- ' , N',- - -11.--,.. - •'3._-_-___ ...-e .,....., - I- ' l'-,----- -"..-e""'.'.. \-- - - / EXto-t- t (1812LE RiP -1,MP . - . ,. ,_.-'^,c--'.•c..,;,.-r -1--t-- .;!;:e', '''''Sq.---`'‘.: : - - __-- SE li v.7,11..l. . _-- ..-- / ArrTax nifiw / / 7-eiP OF EX/5t SZci°C / A vG eicisr Ez&ii ev.fs ' ! ExoqJ rk.'44.(C11 70 4/.001 - L.0 T 20 '2-, ,..., •1,0-T 326 E)at1/1) RIP JeOD ia'AZ MID ICATE.6 0 - (1 . 4., 0 . N "BIOLOGIST RECOMMENDS . AS PER MONROE COUNTY CODE." i1z4 zi/(2//3. ro his J/ie.v[eLA)cci I • . ,Z y - 1 o,c? ' 49 \ . , in! mi cos r A 6 i---viVO L-Ri V c--- .-F-Wo PO SE D E-R0,7 1 0 ici F--7, --n-•-•.-CT,'c''') \I C Fe(1, -),•:=,'LE R 1,r , •, •' '‘, RA F 51-c ','/A , ' ' .‘:Z /?•-'' "'":- --; ' : :_: --, )'•• • / -• : *.'•/.",.•7,--:-; SCALE: /'/ -- 20 ' APPROVED BY: DRAWN ) C.Vvv‘01 :1,1 1‹..4.11.ti-4ejitc\' DATE: z/9/(5)3 REVISED.."7/Ze9 K .. , 11Z8/e3 , 1 , LOT 20 3 r O.L . /(--". ,-r A A/;; "c;:),-1 ,--._'t,1- •':)-- k; i • , • PLAT 000K 6 it--',1 •C-E 2=---; , •.. , , \ I I James M. Killough & Associates, Inc. DRAWING r HUMMER • / 0 2 Consulting Engineers e Islamorsda, Florida • • 1 . .. ... , - : : • ill. C r 1111111 5L-CrIO AI t‘A."-X. SCALE 1 '' = 5'0 • 7v-uRE S4LT- - 4) • , •<-' \ ,- - --p34_Ekyvar- Pzi9/17- -.1 , .. (II' Ex//57- Lor Ezev Gigi4t) 1) snliAz.cr- G-rli OF JA z, a. .(1 p ELtil 4-.6.' - .--r- )-"(11C \-• =I ' (4) '/-.7 .• ,- . •____ • 1 • ---•, _ •\ ' . (_.z. :272,,•^,, .,-. __ . ''-"-<• , , /-RAV"•S' : — -ERnoev ---,_41 _______ _ r-':_,:c.‘,,..... • ..._....--- r_____r--KT. .'..-_,:c. • ,14,7 -z-z.i,-- . • ,n-1-,01.?&L,#..ie . -: • 1 . Pciri.,--p•-: 1-7415e. • __ .30 -SO er).5 • . -• NOTES !Ci C0115TeUCr /17-Y-%eCIG . I I.2 1_,..t LocAL k'oCk- Rci 88 LE R//) e.../,,,,..; 5-o yet) 2;.'-o 0 PLArc icp.Penx. , 760 Sec. 30- 50 E.0,,s-. Powr#t" parce #9) eiC ON 1.4it1biviieu F,tic E PRIOR TO Pt /)Chu( Pitt •. - 0)",11)ef'--20x 1-0711L riL(.. (1A/ PLACE) .Cpwcfranry 7L- I 40 r,v# • . (1-9e C y 14/0 TEXWA le L o /OH I.41; t q 2 c y 1/11101A/11M1) or trzt/.u./.) . . . L, APP'cox- Borro^1 Pf.forit.E • zo'Hoit../t t'i -5' .1/6-471C/41- . "BIOLOGIST RECOMMENDS / ' '' ( AS PER MONROE COUNTY CODE." 111e--‘k 4/ 7-b he e.v 1c 1 • i° • -i-,.... . 0. • \ 4 LLA'(Jt.' • . _4_2.00 ,,„...;„ .... ,..,..00.. ,..,,, . 0 ,....„.,,,,,,,„ . --0- 3-°° ' CEA-.1- Vc.7344.1 - -/.60 . . • \•-•:,...,• . 133 7-7,-jr„.., - - 2- 0 0 • //,,,,,-, ' • ' 1/4----- .ccz-c------ -I•sO .1 I I I 1,------i----- o1,00 0,-/2 C)/-4:-> cli50 • a A 75 i t 00 /*2S I 1130 . - -.--- -. . _ •&-e0,5 for P4->ore.s7r f 6 iv rote ..r./44( cepp7 e i' ' __ _.. ---ivezr- 20 r 2 . -- /,3- 1) ® - �ay�va ,�. .mow. • 1 I _ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL • • File No. : 440658695 County: Monroe Date : 3-10-83 Applicant Name : Jay C. Cramer • Address : 14275 S. Dixie Highway, Miami , FL 33156 Agent (if applicable) : James M. Piilough, Jr. , P.E. Address : 828E3 Overseas Highway, Islamorada, FL 33036 Location of project : Section (s) 21 Township 64S Range 36E Section (s) Township • Range Local Reference : Lower Matecumbe Key, Port Antigua Subdivision Water Body: Florida Bay Water Classification of Project Area : III Adjacent Waters :• III Aquatic Preserve : None • Outstanding Florida Waters : None • On site inspection by : David Bishof Date of Inspection : 3-2-83 Original Application : YesX No Revised Application : Yes . No Date : Date of 2nd Insp. • • Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques . Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state • (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4 . 02 and Section 17-4 . 28 , Florida Administrative Code . B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. • C. Biophysical 'features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical . facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project . E. Suggestions , where appropriate , for modifications' that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project . PERM 16-10 (Rev. 6/79 ) • CRAMER, JAY C. #440658695 Monroe County - Lower Matecumbe Key Page Two A. The applicant wishes to reclaim land lost to erosion and prevent the land from eroding again. The goal will be accomplished by constructing a riprap revetment at the waterward edge of the eroded area and then backfilling the revetment. The revetment will be built along the applicant' s plated lot line in an "L" shaped configuration. The long branch of the "L" will run more or less parallel to shore with the short end more or less normal to shore. As a result of the fact that the present shoreline is somewhat curved, the revetment will be approximately 10 ft. out from shore at one end, 20 ft. out from shore at the other end and 30 ft. out in the middle. The eastern end of the revetment will tie into an existing revet- ment on the adjacent property. ` The revetment will be built out of Key Largo Limestone boulders weighing from 50 to 250 pounds. A layer of plastic filter cloth will be placed on the landward side of the revetment. The area landward of the revetment will be filled to an elevation of 4 ft. mean sea level (MSL) at the revetment and sloping up to 4 . 8 ft. MSL at the present. shoreline. An estimated 1760 ft. 2 (0, 040 ac. ) of wetlands below mean high water (MHW) and 790 ft.2 (0. 018 ac. ) of wetlands above MHW will be filled by the revet- ment and associated backfill. To do this approximately 230 yd. 3 of fill will be placed waterward of MHW and 70 yd. 3 landward of MHW. (The applicant ' s estimates appear to be low) . The riprap revetment will be constructed first and the fill which will consist of clean rock and sand will then be placed. The applicant did not supply any information on where the fill and boulders would come from or how it would be placed on the project site. The applicant also did not supply any information on how water quality standards would be maintained during construction. B. The project site is located on the north side of Lower Matecumbe Key in the Port Antigua Subdivision. Port Antigua was created a little over ten years ago out of mangrove wetlands by dredging canals and filling the adjacent wetlands. Virtually every lot in the subdivision fronts on one of the over one dozen finger canals. The subdivision is being developed with single family residences. An estimated 20 percent of the lots within the subdivision have been built on. CRAMER, JAY C. #440658695 Monroe County - Lower Matecumbe Key Page Three • Adjoining the east side of the project site is a single family residence. The shoreline on this adjoining property has been protected from erosion by a boulder revetment. To the west of the project site is a vacant undeveloped lot. The south side of the project site is bordered by a canal. Florida Bay, which in the vacinity of the project site, is designated as Class III waters (Chapter 17-3 . 081 , 17-3. 161, Florida Administrative Code) lies to the north of the project site. C. The applicant ' s property consists of a single residential lot. The lot , like all of the other lots in the part of the sub- division which borders Florida Bay, is split into two parts. The larger section of the lot lies to the north of Costa Bravo Drive and borders on a canal. This arrangement allows. property owners to enjoy both an open water shoreline and a protected mooring for their boats . Most of the lot consists of previously filled uplands . The • substrate on the lot is a mixture of crushed rock, sand and marl. Vegetation on the uplands is limited to a sparse cover of pioneer grasses, a few small Australian Pine trees and a coconut tree. The canal shoreline of the lot has a vertical concrete seawall on it. On the bayward side of the applicant ' s lot, a 2+ ft. high erosion cut escarpment is found. The toe of the escarpment is at an elevation estimated to be spring high water. A sand and gravel beach is found waterward of the escarpment. The approximate MHW contour is located on the beach 8 to 10 ft. waterward of the escarpment. The bay bottom slopes down gradually from the shoreline such that a large area of flats will be exposed or nearly exposed at low water. When the inspection was conducted, a large accumulation of wrack was found on the beach. The wrack completely covered the proposed fill area. The accumulation of wrack was observed to be greater at the project site than on the shore- lines to the east or west. The tendency for seaweed to collect on the project site appears to be caused by the shoreline discontinuity caused by the shoreline to the east projecting out into the bay. A small quantity of transition zone wetland vegetation including sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacstrum) , sea daisy (Borrichia sp. ) , and salt grass (Distichlis spicata) is found CRAMER, JAY C. #440658695 Monroe County - Lower Matecumbe Key Page Four on the face of the escarpment. Virtually no living vegetation is found in the proposed fill area below the escarpment. D. Increased levels of dissolved organic compounds, turbidity and particulate organic compounds can be expected to occur in State waters adjacent to the project site during construction. There are techniques which could be used to control these impacts , however, the applicant has not indicated any plans to utilize them. The project will permanently eliminate 2550 ft. 2 of littoral wetlands . With the elimination of the wetlands will be the elimination of their functions of pollution filtration, primary production and habitat. These .functions are not very strongly represented in the proposed fill area. The proposed project will create a new shoreline discontinuity along its west side. The discontinuity will tend to cause - the wrack accumulation to shift to the west. Lands which had not been severely impacted by the putrifying organic accumu- -- . lation will be periodically blanketed by wrack as a result of the proposal. At the southwestern end of the proposed revetment, the revet- ment is planned to come up to the escarpment, but not landward of it. If erosion continues to occur on the adjacent land to the west, the end of the revetment will be exposed and the fill behind it washed out. The uplands behind the revetment will be sloped down toward the water. The result will be the rapid runoff of stormwater into State waters adjacent to the project site. Stormwater runoff will carry with it, turbidity, inorganic nutrients, organic nutrients (BOD) and pesticides. • • CRAMER, JAY C. • #440658695 - Monroe County - Lower Matecumbe Key Page Five E. Under the provisions of Chapters 253 . 123 and 403. 087 , Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 . 051 (1) (a,b,c) , 17-3. 061 (2) (b, f, j ,k,p,r) , 17-3 .121 (7 , 19 ,20 ,28) , 17-4 . 03 and 17-4 . 28 , I recommend that Departmental authorization not be granted to this application. The application would receive a favorable recommendation if it were modified as follows : 1. Move the northwest corner of the proposed revetment to a point 15 ft. south (on a azmith of 199°36 ' 17") of the • northwest corner of the property. 2 . Extend the western arm of the seawall into the uplands . by at least 10 feet. 3 . Reverse slope the uplands away from the open water shoreline . See the attached plans for details of the above suggested • modifications. • 21L-J DAVID BISHOF, ENV. SPEC. DATE: Ma ch 0, 1983 READ: RICHARD J HELBLIN DEB/dvo Attached: as noted.