Resolution 132-1983 RESOLUTION NO. 132 -1983 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE AVAILABILITY OF NAVAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON TRUMAN ANNEX FOR THE PURPOSE OF A FUTURISTIC JAIL SITE OR TO ENLARGE THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX. WHEREAS, the Jail Committee desires to determine the avail- ability of property located at Thomas Street and Fleming Street (the old athletic field) on Truman Annex, and WHEREAS, the Department of Corrections of the State of Florida does require a minimum of 3~ acres for such site, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY Cm1MISSIONERS OF HONROE COUNTY, that: The General Service Administration, United States Navy and/or the Redevelopment Authority of Key West be contacted for the pur- pose of determining whether or not properties located on Truman Annex Naval Base and described as the former athletic field at Thomas Street and Fleming Street, Key West, Florida, may be made available to Monroe County as a futuristic jail site or for futur- istic development of the County Government Complex. That the Jail Committee be hereby empowered to make such inquiries in the name of the County and report back to the County Commission at its earliest possible convenience such response. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 29th day of Ap r i 1 , A.D. 1983. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF. -HONROE COUNTY, ~lRIDA ! I (/I) (?~t:' ,:' ". 1-'1 AW., l;~' r;p I.:' ') By p~~ ' ''"'~-~:5'/.' . Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: RAlr~~ \~':. ~::~]El CLERK ~ "( . ~ \Y\. P~.[L~. -0 ~ Clerk ;~tPl"}.' ..VEl,.; /~s'r() F();,;'/:,-i ~'I L ''''tit ~-, ':':i~V 8y"~""'{iL~A ~~ttl'lmiW'$ emc:;; V