Resolution 001-1983 ..".~ .~_. RESOLUTION NO. 001-1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SHERIFF OF MONROE COUNTY TO EXECUTE A LEASE FOR OFFICE AND STORAGE SPACE WITH THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY WHEREAS, a critical need exists for office and storage space for the Sheriff of Monroe County. WHEREAS, the School Board of Monroe County has offered to lease certain building it owns, known as Truman School, to the Sheriff of Monroe County for $500.00 a month and this building will ease the office and storage space problem on a temporary basis. WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of Monroe County to accept this lease for the benefit of the County. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Sheriff of Monroe County is hereby authorized to execute a lease with the School Board of Monroe County for use of their building, a copy of said lease being hereto attached and made part hereof, 2. That the Sheriff of Monroe County is hereby authorized to expend surplus funds from his Civil Process Account in payment for the building and any expenses necessary to make the building servicable and to expend funds from his current budget to make the building ser- vicable for Sheriff's Department use. Passed and resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 7th of January, A.D. 1983. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By , ~------ ~ It Jerry Hernan~/~ (Seal) ATTEST: ~H W. WHITE.. C~ERK ~d ~M.~~.O.~ C rk . I &:,OVEDAS~OPfM ~~~~~ A".",..... Office ~- r ..' '~f' t, . ".,. Jo, ''/'0 ' . ,,. ill ~ ; " [ltr l1-t- .'~ ..~f'(':'~~.~:.'>-'-~~' ' '" ... '~-",.. ....'-~: ';:"'0 ~.q)vL~" "':::N~d~S\~);f \,.., , ''f.. '~"r<''' ~ki~~ \VILLI . ,,1 /L FREEM\N, .JR. · SHERi '+ ;'v10NROF CaUl', fY }',o. n )XL:m . KEY WEST, FLORIDA 3J(),lQ . \JU5) 296-242-' 28 December 1982 The Honc~able Jerry Hernandez, Mayor Mon~oe County Commissioner c/o Cas a De Oro House of.Gold 625 .)uval Street Kef West FL 33040 Re: Truman School Lease Dear Mayor Hernandez: = am attaching for ~our consid~ration and approval, a ~eso- lution and a copy of the lease agreement that we entercJ into with the School Board of Monroe County. I trust t~e Board will concur with this lease and resolutio~ a.ld .:;.pprove same at your meeting on January 7, 1983. 'Ihaj,,~in(J '(ou, I remain Wi\F jr : ba:n 2nc-LJ)SUr'2S cc ~he Honorable ~ilhelmina Harvey :':1e Hon.,rable Alison Fahrer The Honorable Ken Sorensen The Honorable Ed Swift Sincerely yoursr #a./Ji-~~- LANfLLTAM A. FREEMAN, JR.., Sheriff of. Monroe Count~ II II II Ii II II Ii II I; ,. Ii ~ II ~ 0 i ~ 2 I I ~ i . <is 0: I z 9 <( ,il. " ,(9, r: f' Ul ::,',;1 i5 W I' J, ~ $: 1 . >- ,- >- w It ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ Ii ~ u. (J) I H 0 0 i I 'H~ /i o ~ 3: " " ~ ~ I :r: . I-- lL o ;j., I I, I, ,>J" i, I. t. " "":', f.'!.'_ ,I .. i I ~~un~ )\@r1l?~nnutnn~ 13th d(lyof f DECEMBER , H} 82 .....- .1!a;lc lhis illrtwrrt1 THE S0100L BOARD OF MCNROE COUN'l'Y, FIDRIDA, a corpor:ution tmder FloriclcJ.. law, , hercina/IN l?allcd Ihe lessor, fHlrt!! of Ow first part, and ~'\7ILLIAM A. FREEMAN, JH., as Sheriff of r'bnrcc COWlty, Florida, ~~'OOOOCXXXXXXXXX~ unc1 his elected suco::ssors, liereinafler c((llcd the lr-ssec or t,enant, part.y of the second IJ([rl: ''-;'rrrl'rr 1Jw'd III'r,'ill, !hr trr111 "/111,./1," ...1,,,/1 ill('/""r th,' II,.!"." 1".,.,~'''II(// r",'"'''' "',r!l'r.r, \'/,,',',',1.',\'0/" IIIfrlll/,. fl.,'sic"s 0/ fill' l'I',""'j'/II" /"111",-" 111",'11/, 0/1' 11\,' ,{ fhi" '"1:..,'111." /""I/!'" ,\11,,/1 iI/rIll II" tlt"!,l,U/'/, "",( fill" !ill/f,t! f/,.' ,\i"f!I/:I1,.,- th, 1t.'1" (i/lllill r.,nr/,-, }oJ",..' 1"0,,,,1, "It i~f'1/do','1; and, (IllsI'd, lilt' (f'rm "rtrJ(c" ,\'/J/llllll!'llidf' (III 011:1/'111'., h,'rl'il/ df',~rllhr'J II m",r than Olif' . mUlll.'!.1l1rth. Tli,ab the said lessor does this day lease unto said lessee, (md said lessed does hercby'hlre allCr take as tchant under said lessor Rooms numbered 100 throuql1 ~ 112, 'consecutively and inclusive; Rooms numbered 105-7\, 108-1'., 108-13 and l08-C, corrprising the entire ground floor, and Roan 221 on the second floor, all in and upon the premises kn<M7l1 as TRUMAN ELEMENTARY S01OOL, ~ situate in Key West, Florida, to be nsed alld OCCllfii(;r! b!!lhe.lcssee as offices of Lessee, and as storage facilities for Lessee, ----------- allrI for no ot her purposes or uses whatsoever, for the tern~ of one (1) year _____________, ~:, ' ., .'!Jc!iiJlllin:,ilhc , LLiL day oj' December , 19 82, and clldill!i lite . lLth duyof December , 19 83 , al and for the a[}recd lotal rental 01 SIX THOUSAND DOLIARS ($6,000.00) annually ----------- ~ pa!fulJlc us folluws: '.I.'wel ve (12) ec.illal installrrent3 of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) eac."l, payable in advance. The parties hereto agree that this Lease shall be extended autCitDtically without further action of the parties for two (2) additional succcssi\T'2 one year tenus imnediately following expiration of the tenT, herein pro- vided, upon the conditions and stipulations contained herein, and at the stipulated rental, unless Lessor notifies Lessee of Lessor's intention not to renew this Lease within the period of thirty (30) days imredilltely preceding the expiration of any annual rental tenn hereof. . , I I ,/ all pay'nents to be nwde to the lessdr (Tn the lirst do!! of c(/ch alld c/'ery !/lOll t It in advance without dC7nand at the office 0/ THE.MCNROE COill-J"TY S01OO1. 130i\HD ill I he City.uf Key West, Florida or at such otherplacc (/1/d lOs/l('h()thcrl)c,~wlI, as the lessor rnay fron1.- tirne to tinw designate in writinfj. . The followi n[} express stipulations (nul conditions arc nwd e a 1m rt of I Ii is I ('.([se and are hereby assented to by the lessee: J 1. The lessee shall not assign this lease, nor sub-leI the prl'm;,\l's, or ([lIif fl(lr~ thereof nor use the .'uJ.nw, or any part thereof, nor pennil I h c sa m (', (I' a II!/ P([ rt I Ii ere- of, to be used for dllY other purpose than as above stipulated. llol"i/ukc. al/Y (litera- " tions Uwrein, and aU additions thereto, without the writtCI/ ('011," ,/1 of IiiI' lessor, ana all additions, fixtures, or impro/Jenwnt.s wh ieh m aff h(' '" ad c ',II !cSSI'{', e.l'e('fJ t nwrable oj/lCC [u.nuture, shall b'eemne thc properly of tlw lessor .; rl rrliwill upon I' the pre/1/.ises as a pat..t thereof, and be slt'rrclIdered frith-the prouis! ,[: the lermil/il- ; tinn of this lease. ' ,f!. ,;ill personal prope,rty placed or JJwved in tllc premises allo rleserilied sh([ll be at. the risk of the lessee or owner thereof, and lessor sitall 1/01'/ (' hu!Jle lor ([1/!! dmna[}e to said personal properly, or [.0 t.hc lessee arisin[} fro 11/ Ihe ,: 'Irsli,,!.:' or leak- in!! 0/ water pipes, or fr01n any acl.of negliffcnce of any co-Icnanl (Jf ('('(:llfJunts of Ihe hzlilding or of any othcr person whmnsoel1er, ' 3, .Thnt Ow tenant shall promptly execute and (,O!JlI)!Y U', if, ([ II statutes, ordinances, rules, orders, regulations and requirenLenls of the FI',lcral, ....,.1'11(' and City (Jovenl1nent and of any and all Uwir J)cparlnumls (/1/(1 HllrC('lls afifili('(lblc til said premises, for t he correction, prcvention, and a ba I e1l/ en t of II i isa n ('('8 or ot h er [jriCf'([7ICeS, in, upon, or cOllnected wil It said premises dl/rin!! said tcrlll; awl shall als(/ l)romplly comply with and e.1"eczde all rilles, orders and r(,[}lllalioJi: of tile South- eastern Underwriters Association [or the prevention of lires, a,t it':.., own cost and e;rpC7. .'Ie . ~. in the ('vent the premi,~cs shall he destroyed or so r!a1l/([!icr! ; r lIIjured lJ!I lire (}r ot/;.'r ca';;wlty dl/ring the life of this arfrcem,cnt, whadi!, t l/(~ .\'([1,'(' shall he ref/d- ered unl ena II (,a ble, then th e lessor s halllllll'('. I h e ri!J III lore 1/ ri ('r su id /'l'('fni scs 1(' n ([ n t- abl e hy repairs ll'i tllin 1/ i net!! d all'!; therefrom. If said lirem is e.'; are no l . (' f/ d (' red 1(' l/ (111 1- , a bl C ll'itli in said thnc. it.s hall uc optional "l.oi I Ii eit Ii e r part!/ hi' rl i 0 10 . ([ fI ('('I t It is I C(JS(', (Jnd in the el'ClIt of such cancellation the reht shall he flilirl olll!! 1(' Ihe dalc of slI,cll ,tire 01' ('([;)IIU,'It(. The cancellation herein mentiolled shull Ii{' (Tidel/' "11 ill II'rilinf!. I I I I .1 I I I I I I i I I i I I ! . \ l I, ' .[ I fJ. Tit., 'It payment of the r('.l/t for said prenlisl':~ Ule dr~t('s namerf;( ana'tllefaiU,; " ,ISer1.'anee oj' the rules and regulations print!'" ilI,'n thl.'~ lease, an~ l{}hiclt are liaelJlj made a part oj this couenant, and of sllch other andfllrther rules or rC!Jul1ltions as 1;/(/11 be hereafter made' hy the (essor, are the cohditions upon which tll-e leasp is made and accepted and any failure on the part of the le!?see to c01nply with the terms of said leas(~, or a1l!! uf said rule!? and re!inlati01ls now in existence, or which nwy be hereafter presern)('.d blj the lessor, !?hall at the option of the les,<;or, work a forfeiture of this contraet, and all of the' ri!!fhts of the lessee hercundpr, and thereupon ',he lessor, his agents or attorneys, shall have the right to enter said prem.- iscs, and remove all persons therefro!n forcibly or otherwi!?e, and the les!?ee thereby expressly u:uives any and all notice required by law to terminate tenancy, and also u'aives any tlnd alllegat proceedings to recover possession of said prcnLiscs, and ex- pressly a!frees that in the el'ent 0/ a violation of any of the terms of this lease, '01' ?f said rules and regulations, .,Wll) in e.cistcnce, or which nULY. hereafter be 1nade, sa~d lessor, his (/ 1jent or attorneys, may inunediately re-enter said premises and dispossess lessee WiUlO-li,t le1al notice or the insUtll,tion 0/ any lef1(zl proceedings lohats()(''/'er. ~ 1/ Un; ll:,,~t/t/ ,~h"n <<bull.l,)7/. .>r 1'(1,",,1t,/ i5tl,'d p, ,~m':,ics he/ora tho o:ul ,'){ t)w term of thiS7:i'rr.r."I., or shall sun'cr the rent to be in arrears, the lessor may, at his option, forthw,ith ('(Io~l,e e~a'ssee c or he. mal! ent,;r said premises as the agent of ,the les~ee, by force or ~l{il~~-ll;ise,~ helng !table In an!! way therejor, and relet the premlses with or wit/lont any furniture t W. I be therein, as the alent of the lessee, a.t such price and I( ,oon such ten!IS and lor such ( n 'n of tim e as Uw lessor nW!f dctennine, and rece;,'( ,I he rent therefor, applying the same (lyrnent of the rent due by these pres(.,'(ts, and if the full rental herein provided slw be realized by lessor over and ali,.ue the expenses to le-s!?or in slich re-letting, the said .e" > '!hall.pay (lny deficiency, ilnd if more than the full rental is realized lessor will pay over to s' ssee t~~, ~t'l.L:s(~)i:e ~firees to pay tite cost of collection ~nd/~~ attorney's fce on any part oj' ,'aid ren:tal that may be collected by suit or by attorney, after the smnc is past due,,01' for the enforcerrent of any of the tenns herein. 7. ~ The lessee agrees that he 'will pay all char~es for rent, gas, electricity 0.' oth er illumination, .and for all water used on said prernises, and should said charges [or . rent., light or wate;' herein provided for at any tinw remain dele and unpaid lor the &pace of ji,ve days after the'same shall have become due, the lessor may at its ol'Uon consider the said lessee tenant at sun'erance and i.,nlnediately re-enter upon said premises and the entire rent for the rental period then ne,1;t ensninft shrill at. 01lC,e be due and payable and may forthwith be collecte,cZ by distress or uthencise. r ' " fll IltAfurnitl're, fixtures, !Joods an els oj' said {essee, 1/)hich~shall or nwy l)(>, brought or Pll:' on said prem,ises as security lor , nent 0/ t.he rent herein rescrred, awl the lessee a{frees that t.he said lien may he enforcer: " .ress foreclosure or 'otllefloise at 'he 'election of the said lessor, and does herehy agree to pa llP!/S fees of tpn pcr cent of the amount so collected or found to be due, together ~I)ith (1 , _.!J.J!d charges thcro'fore incnr,.cd ,)I' paid by tho IONlwr,----- -- ~trJf7Jr(';b!J-agn;r;d-and-rrmtcn;too(Hfflt"wfJe-l1r-l..efl;.HOJ:-(uul-!e.').<;.e.e.-th,at....i] l--t.h. e event the less-ur- ' ,'des to'remolZel, alter or demolish all 01' an!! part; of the pre! :'{e.s leased hPfcnnder, or 1,71. l'ent of the sale or long terrn lease of all or any part of the ,. reqif,irin;} t lIS, I e the lessee hereby agrees t,o vacate scnne 71~)(Jn receipt of sixty (60) days' written notice a c return of an!! adl'ance j'entat fluid Oil. account oj' this lease, T. b . 'J " t f 7 J ,7 ,.7 - " - ,,,,,] I 7 " 1 . 7, ~ -.i(, Clf(~ IUI il'I (""UI~'.~[.{>,Ju IU~~ ,~ " 10k 1)(' 1'cq1J7rE'(,,-J.J...I.- vdcate said premises durin[j tll e Icin ter season, /lam ely, tYovemJ)~n ~1jay first, bH-l"t~I-.....L.!~(J.l:J~",,'-"~../,qll' , ,U '" ~- ~, u . . '..7J-- v~-v~ """t'7"".J'- "-/ (T~~~r-~ {-' # '. - """ 8. x&t- The lessor, or any of his agents, shall have the'ri[jht to enter said premises '(turing all rpasonable hours, to exanLine the same to make sneh reprzirs, additiuns or. alterations as 1YWY be deemed necessary for the safely, ('omfort, or presCl'l'ation thereof, or of said bnildin~, or to exhibit said premises, and to put or keep upon the doors or loindows thereof a notice "FOR RENT" at an!! time within thirty (SO) (.lays befor.e the expiration oj' this lease. The right of entry shlllllikell'ise exist lor the pur- pose of renwving placards, si~ns, fi:l'tures, alterations, or additions, 1l'hich do not con- form to I.his a[jreenw!l,t, or to the rules and regulations of the blli1ding. 9: ~ Lessee hereby accepts the premis.es in the condition they are in.at the be- gwninj of this lease and agrees to maintain said prem,ise.'! in the sam,!! condition, order and rcpair as they are at the romlllel/cenicnt of said terlll, P.I'CCpt-ill!} Olr/y /'t"(l'- sonable wear and tcararisin!!, /rolll: thc use thercof ul/der this a[jrcp]nclIl, (l1ul to nlUke good to said lessor imm.ediat.el!! upon de11land any damage to I('aler aplJ(!ratus. or el ectric lirillts or any ji:'Cture, appliances or appurtenances oj' said prPlnises, or of the buildin;!, ('([used by any ad or n~;!l:Zec{ oj'lcsi)ce, 01' of an!! persoll OJ' !i(',/,sons ill tlw employ 07' under the control of the lessee, 10. ttk. It is expressly a~reed and understood by and between the fJarties to this agr~Clnellt, that the landlord shall not he liablc for any da7nO[Jc or injury by water, whlch nW!f be sustained by the said tenant or other pe~'son or /01' any other damage or injluy resulting frOln Uw care.lessness, negligence, or impruper cowlzwt on the part of (lny other tenant or agents, or employees, or by re{[son of t.he breclka1!e, le!1k- a;!e, or obstruction of the water, sewer or soil pipes, or other leak(!!}r: in or about the said lntildin (5. - 'Hr:--J.L.!.lll: 1 t::;,~ cr.-!:hrrU--bc'Com-e-i N.'It .r/.t>nt-o-r-il-J.Hl-If./,;".fllp(.(\!I-I' r'}N~f4li.U.~~ ludL-b(~ befJllJ/ hy or ({...' he lessee, ,,,'fore the elld of said tcrm'llu~ lessor is hereby irrt'l'o- cal)l!! !/uthorized at its 0 0 forthldth cancel this hase, as fur (! defalllt. j,essor nUL!! elect to acce!,t. rent fronl nil:, 't~r, trustel'. or ot/wr jur/i,'ial "ili,.'cr du,.;nf! (//1; tenn 0/ their o('('lI!Jal/cu il/. thdr ,irli{i'rirtt'ff-.J....IJ.1}(fcit!1 witl/out ,'/j'('I:ti1J~? !r',,, lr'S r;..'ds {/,'~ ('/' I ';'(I"! ill this l'I""r".(,I. 1)/1' I/O !"'('f,j'~I'''-' I" "I "',~;I'('r II II I I I II I: : ! ., I i 1/1. .! i! ,'! ' .I,' . : '11 I II I I, 1111\81,:1111 '!//lII,.i:(,IJ/JitlTnt-t-4,J1.~IJI'I!r !i'//I' IIIIW, iI/' hi'/"'I///n !1//lI, rill' li!/ I'irl/l'~ 'I Ihr. ('II/I,' 'Ill /lnd laU's of the :"'~f-I4.c::id!J...J._()r (J/ III, ,.,. S/n/I', or of IlIe U'li(/'d 8lti. ,', (/,~ u[ja:lls!. Ih,' INt.'!", I fit 0/ seid l'I'II(I{[(),7frny-t1f)."Li()Il,III'N'Ii!, or allY (lIlt" r)f>h':u!iul/ 'n rillll/I/';/ IJpt! I!llIIJar, 71.. h",I~r-t~I'l'I"I/.' (Jf "1#~4;;:";:'nJ-i!;n_t".. -. ...... 'r--' ..... 11. w.. This (,/)Ji,tn:ct slwii llinl! ti',> lcssor alld its a:;si!ins or ql('('I'ssor;'", and the Il1ftrs, assi[jlls, (/dll/il/l~st.r([t()rs. leljal l'I'fJrcsentalil'rs, e.rc("{(tors or .\I((.{.'......../)/'s I/S tile e({se Niall 1J(3, of the lessee. 12. t:X It}s underslood I1l/d a!Jrel'd ll('/{('('cn tlie /)(lrli('s hereto that. ti//lc is o/lhc ('ss/'/-/{'e o/lhis {'ol/tract. and Ihis a/)/)li(;s to (/1" lerms ol/d (,ol/ditiol/s conll/il/cd herein, 13. t8., It. is llndcrst.oud (//1(1 o[lrced belw('cl/ !he /)(Jr!ics lIereto !llfll (('rillel/ I/I):i('(' rn(/ilcd or dcli7'cred to the premises lcasrd hercllnder shull, (,Ollstitl/tl' sUllicil'l/1 nolice!o tite lesser ul/(lu:r;/telll/oticc //Iuiled .01' dcfil'c1t.tJ to tltl' /illie!' /if Ule lessur shull ('{jllstitu.te sufficient. liotice to the Lessor, to cOJJ//,!!! leitlt tlt(. !('/'IilS oj' tlu's con! ract. 14. RX.. The rt~/ihts of the lessor ander theforc!JoillfJ sl(("/I)(' {'ultlll!otii.,', (/lId /u;LUfC on th(~ part of the lessor IQ c.rerci.,ie prompnlJ~all,lj-Ti!!hls rl;c(,1/ IU'rt'll/llll'I' shul/llol operate to forfeil an!! of' the said ri[JILts. '15. J'ri. It is further understood and agreed betu:een tlte /wrtics Ilcreto 11((/1 Oil!! eh(~rges against t he lessee by t he lessor for serl'ices or for lcork dOli (' Oil tile III'clIliscs by order of the lessee or 0111 er1l'ise accruin sJ ullder t his ('on I ract shll!1 he {'Oil sid cred as rent duc and shall be included in any lien/or rent due Ilnd IIII/)(/id. 16. .!ili It is hereby understood (['I/d afJreed that fU/.!} sif;'ns or ll(//'erti:,;in[! t,1 be used, incladinfJ au:nings, in connection with !he pre/nisI'S leaser! hercu/I(icr shull be first. submitted to t.he lessor for apprm:al before installation of SUllie, . 17. As further consideration for the rental of the premises herein provided, Lessee hereby agrees to install and maintain locking systeJTlS and/or controls at entrances to the ground floor premises which are the subject of this Lease" and t.O supervise and control and maintain the sam:; during Lesspp' S OCC1TDClnC":' under the tenns of this Leasehold Agreerrent and any extension herein provided. 18. Lessee, for himself and his successors, agrees that he wil: hold Ip~;sor harmless of and from any and all liability and actions and cause:; of o.ctions, and costs, attorney's fees, and damages arising out of Lessee I s use ar,d occujJancy of the premises leased herein and shall, during the tenn of Ll-)is leClse, and any extension hereof, funush to Lessor a certificate of insurance from a respons~)le casualty insurance corrpany in an amount not less than One Million 11811<.1'rs ($1,000,000.00) to comply with Lessee's obligation herein, and further, shall cause Lessor here~ to 1::e narred in Lessee's I?Olicy as all addi tioni1l nar~cd insured. II I ! I' II II ! I II ! I I, I: I II , , I I: Ii II I 19. Lessee shall maintain the structure, excepting only the walls and roof thereof, .and all fixed equipment such as AjC, electrical fixtures and fans. 20. Lessee agrees that he will make no alterations to the bl.uldir,g WitJl0Ut rece;L ving prior written pennission from the Board. (SEE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS IEASE FOR ADDI'IC1\IAL PROVISIQ."JS "21" 'IHRU "23.) 1111 i;]IitnrlHl 1illIhrrruf. the parties hereto /WI'C Ii erellll t Ii ('.re{'u t"ed t II is instrunwnt for the purp~se herein e:t:pressed, the day and !iear /LbO/'c writ I I'll, Flori~a I ,I . g,ignrll. ~rulrll null lItl'liUrrrll itVPrl'IIl'ttrr of: THE SCHO<:?L BOAIID OF rCNROE Cw'j.J'T":, I~""" ~',-,~) '/ ') ,;/ L--~' , / '- \.. . (I __ c :,- , j/. /' . ' /..{.. _~_~~----'~ ' A ", ~/---).:<.) ,t ( f~___ B"y~ !~~)CL_T/>':_: h'_' ,. (':/___ , .'/1 J. '" .) . : ' . 01<1ll1l1an ,>:~,(' ) ) ) / . :..:<//) ) " /9--.J ~(-:~~-"~--;[{to___i(j;:;::Vq;;tj \i!Lr:(A~~'\-:-}~r""W'N ,>i., s,iE,di;'-o, -t:fi-<;~~u~7oCfc'5~c4: ~UJBO:vE~/If1!~')_X:yLOR1I" L --~---- 0G-G-'--c'~L/~, "::-<?).~:r-~ B Y':(t"/ % t - /~. f-- -y'. . ~ "'::-:~ -/i"-l.;:4 ~/'(r 1'... ,lis to Ll~. see \\~L iam A, Lei~c' T'reem'1 I Jr. ~tatr of 1J11oriuu , } 55 QIounty of .r-VNROE , 11 l~rrrb!J' (!lrrttf!J. That on this day personally op/)('ored /;(','orl' lIIe, IlIl o/licer duly authorized to adrninister oaths and take aeknou:led[jmcnt, ReGEE L. S\\'IIT, Chainnan of THE SCHOOL BOARD OF !4:NROE COUN'IY, FLORIDA, . to 1'llC well known to be the person described ill alld {('I/O C.-rCC1' t rd flll' forc(!oin!i Lease, and he acknowledged before ltW t.hat he <"('I'uted tlil' Sa/1/6 for the pl.l1poses there in e.rpressed., cluly authorized and acting ,,; such officer. lilt llfitU,l'BB m1lrrtllf. J have hereunto set III!! hand and 'l/li.red 1Il!J o/li,cial Key West, said Gounty awl Slale,) 'I;.'; 13th December , .1. /J. 19 8.-1.. , ~) ... .' -"'/~/"', ?~/~' ~/-_ ,-"__~-+-,,-r,,--""""'-..---" , ,'" . -...} t. ---r .Votary Pubnc-;~State"('f-}''--J.;.orida." . .My Cornmission Expil' s '~_~.' , u /'1 r X seat ai day of ( SEAL) _..1" '.,4'. _, A. . LJ. Entrant'(~ (inil doors of the rented prclllL:;(~~; m\l~;t remain t: rl clurinq n011[1<.11 wLrkinq h,' \ on1c'r to !n:ovidc: (1"C('~;S to nXIl1\S <'ll1d ten()ill~, 'A:cupyinq tile , ~::' ','(Jl;d floor of the building. NOYllul work Ln~l hours shall be c..'Onstruccl to l:x; those hours and d.:lYs con~;idcrc~l work hourf3 and (hys by offices ond CI11ployecf; of the Cotmty of,. rvbnroe, Florida. #' 22. O1stcx:1ial services may be provided by lessor at Lessor's sole aptian, with the cc.'Tplete ~st of such services to be reimbursed rronthl y by Lessee. 23. This agreement may be terminated by either party at the sole discretion of such party,withaut cause, upon notification in writing by such party to the other six (6) rronths in odyance of such termination. Whereupon, after the expiration of the said six (6) rronths' notification, all rights and obligations of the parties herein under this lease shall expire. * * * * * * * * * * * *,* * * * * * * * * * * * STATE OF FIDRIDA, COUNTY OF MONROE, I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before Ire, an officer duly authQrized to administer oaths and take acknavledgments, WILLIAM A. FREEMAN, JR., SHERIFF OF MCl'ffiOE COlNlY, FLORIDA, to me well knCMn to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing Lease, and he acknavledged before Ire that 'he executed the sarre for the purposes therein expressed, duly authorized and acting as such officer. I IN~TI'NESS w1-IEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand alld affixed [(,y official seul a.t Key West, said County and State, this 14th day of December 1982 I ! I I I (SEAL) I I , . /,..-----, ,-~// / / 1'- --/) y':/ j / ~cJr~~;;';;~~<;~t:;'f F~;:;;::/ V- I . . fH;"I' Dol'" (t' f FI ' My Co.'TII1USSlOfl Expires: oi; or IlJ,:IC,.J ,'\(; 0 OJ"!~ <it [':',.- \LY ,~r;J~;:l.jtl L"p!'t.;~ 1.1.,.1 .'1.. }; .;,) bOIlU,~... Z, Am."c...,., I,I>! (. Uhv,;,llt (_( .'.;:, >- ~ l- e:. e:. 0:: "1 "1 W a. ~ 0 0:: a.o ~ (!) Z 0 3: ~ ~ 0 -' -! ~t 0 'C:vi lL '" ..... W ...., G I ~ I- ~ "" r"11 Z ~ <:c, ..... "'- F '" :~ 0 "- ....., ..... e- rC 8 ~~ ~ .. ~..'JJt'I> RESOLUTION NO. 131' WIIERE1\S, Truman Elementary School., an educa tioned f ac il i ty of The School District of Monroe County, Florida, nas been removed from active use as an elementary school for the said Dis~rict, and is not current~y included as such in the current educational'plant survey for the District, and WHEREAS, the School Board has determined that the best interests of the School District would be served b:/ retaini,,'1g ownership of the facility pending a continuing revie'.'! of the District's needs during the next ensuing three (3) years fro~ the date hereof, and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Sheriff has immediate need :or substantial office and storage spaces to fulfill the requirements of the Sheriff I s office' in the service of the community, and WHEREAS,' William A. Freeman, Jr., currently servlng as the Sheriff of Monroe County, Florida, 1.S a "Public Age"ncy" within the meaning of Section 163.01 (b), Florida Statutes, as an individually elected County Officer of the State of Florida, dnd WHEREAS, the Florida Interlocal Coop~ration Act ~f 1959, ~s specified 1.n Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, encou~a'Je;j "Public Aqencies" of the State of Florida to make the most efficient use of their powers to provide services and facilities I;; a manner that will accord best with geog:t'aphic, economic, POP'!; '.1tion, and ot"her factors influencing the needs and developmer' 0 r= local communities, and WHEREAS, i L 1.S provide maintenance the continuing obli']ation of th' . DOClr.; to and security for the buildill' forme.!:ly serving as an elementary school until such time as trj'! same may be determined to be needed, or disposed of; No\-:, There tore, BE IT RESOLVED by the District School Board of Monroe County, Florida that this Board approves the interloca' agrGement between the School Board of Honroe County, Florida, 15 Lessor, .. ,..~~ and William A. Freeman, Jr., Sheriff of Monroe County, Florida, and his duly qualified and acting successors in office, as Lessee, as specified in the Leasehold Agreement, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution and made a part hereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the thairman of this Board and the Superintendent of Schools for Monroe County, Florida, as Executive Secretary, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver a copy of the Leasehold Agreement attached to Lessee after the same has been properly executed and delivered to the Board by the designated Lessee therein. PasiJeC and adopted by the District School board or honroe County, Florida, at its regular meeting held on the 13th day of December , 1982. ) ;' /C;:,,,-,-- c,<;,L'/1- II /' ,'/ "j / ....... Chairman fl/ {/~;:?VI,t./<'.j //"".1 r:::> .~r Superintendent and-Executive Secretary ..