Resolution 028-1983 Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey RESOLUTION NO.T028 -1983 RESOLUTION APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MONROE COUNTY TRANSLATOR BOAP~ AND JEROME V. SHIPLEY FOR LEGAL SERVICES; AUTHORIZING THE PAY1illNT OF FEES UNDER SAID AGREEMENT TO BE PAID FROM THE FUNDS RECEIVED FROM THE TRANSLATOR TAX. WHEREAS, the Translator Board has entered into an agreement with Jerome V. Shipley for legal services as authorized by the Monroe County Commission, and ~vdEREAS, said agreement has met with the approvals of both the Translator Board and the governing body of the Translator Special Tax District, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA acting as the governing body of the Translator Special Tax District, that said agreement between the Translator Board and Jerome V. Shipley, Esquire, be and the same is hereby approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that funds for the payment of any bills incurred through the aforesaid agreement be paid from monies derived from the one-quarter mill provided for in Ordinance No. 5-1982. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of January, A.D. 1983. (Seal) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, acting as the governing body of the Transla(2tor Special~T/X District/, I .. . ~J.f:; 1/'::1 By y-~ ""',~// · ~ hairman RALPH W u~nrrr CLIl"RV Attest: . ' . ~iUBL, ,. A ~ X'r fV\, p~ .O.~. Clerk APPROVED AS TO FOR.M 8y~UFAC~N'~ . A_ner', Off"", ~ . fi/lC'//N; J:' < /10,J;y r;;'u//Jr/ll' (/!,./,;u' .rj()~'('Y<<(nnlt('/' .r}()!tf. I//'J/ / ufl /:-07 r;/ (j) U/J, :/:/ (/'-)u', / 00/7//0 .71.(,. .AJC'X J.:./ -uY "XJ~r ...fen<,- ,/Uj?' J(p-,-.<-uz- uuC/?'u 3UG-H 7 ;'!-9!la 7 - -. - .. J~lluary 11, 1983 ~lr. Frank Shortll13n, Chairman Monroe County Tr~nslator Board 1<.1: : Leg a 1 t: e e s Dear Frank: Pursuant to our ongoing agreement, this is to confirm that I have agreed to provide legal services to Monroe County with respect to the Translator system. I agree to work with your ad hoc cOlllmittee on the negotiation and review of the contract between Eden Hannon 5 Company and ~Ionroc County for installa- tion and financing of the transl~tor equipment and to assist with the implementation of this contract. My fee is at the rate of $80.00 per hour plus reimbursement of out of pocket costs ~nd expenses such as long distance telephone calls. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, JVS/dsu f,J) !RJl~ I J\ccepted on the above terllls Frank Shortman, C:hairlll~1l CfiN)//IC J:'L/;;0~rY r;;'fOl.ie(4'" (1'1 L: fE' t'!/JN~ru.n N It.<< ,Id) 4Y. ,(~)I. / ~;/)~'[ oJ:!?,W YiJ;y ,'A?U" ,A~y. ./:Zw~ J'oJ{)/;,J ;\Or,-1I7:'?-'lU:17 STA'l'Li'>II:NT L~gal fees for services to Translator Board with respect to Lease l'urch~~e Agreement 10.5 hours I ~) . 5 h 0 U l' ~ x $ 80 . 00 P l~ r 11 0 II r . $ 1,560.00 Costs - 4 long distallcC' telephune calls 17 .47 'l'l l'l' 1\ I. IllJ L S 1,S77.47 jl~ted: J~nua]'y 5, 1983 Thest..' charges ~lrL' for the pL'riolt Uctober 1,1982 through January 5, 1983 as ]'c['}ected in the ~ltt~(h('J Time Charge Schedule. Date October, '82 l\.OVembel 11/04/82 11/08/82 ;t' 11/15,19/82 11/23/82 llecemhc l' 12/06/82 12/07/82 12/08/82 12/09/82 12/10/82 12/14/82 12/15/82 12./23/82 1'J/73- 7~ .... ....... ~ :J 12/27/82 12/28/82 12/29/82 12/30/82 12/31/82- 1/05/83 1/05/83 T I ~IE C11:\ !{C l:S Preliminary conferences T i lII,e no charge l{eview of statutes, correspollJence, Te1~phone call, \\'ashington D.C. Telephonc calls, l:rank Shortman allll Dav.id CarJ\-Jell Letter to Del Layton etc. 30 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes Two telephone calls to l:r;:lIlk Shortman Telephone call~, Ralph \\hite, n. CarJ\~cll ~leeting \vith Lucicn Prohy in Key \Vest Telephone call [1'0111 Clerk ,of Layton Vurious phone calls: I~alph White l2 calls), Card\vell (3 calls), Shortman (3 calls), \~.ilhe1I11in~ !larvey, l~honJa, etc. Trip to Key \~cst - ~let \.,rith Proby, researcheJ his files, spoke to l~alph White and Dann)' KolhLlge Telephone clll, Card\'.cll, Telephone call, Clerk of L~yton S e n t let t e r s Ll n d c 0 Jl i est 0 Car J Iv ell i\ttcmpteJ to reach Proby and CarJwell Trip to Key \Vest to see I~alph White, Ilarry Knight, Proby's secret~ry, anJ Rhonda, and travel time Telephone calls to Cardwell, Proby's office Ralph White's office Hare phone calls, Nelson Read, CarJI\ell, :llHl Shortman Consultations ill Key We...;! - Proby, Rcad, Shurtlllan, Wilhellllill:l il:lrvl'y, RhonlL.l, etc. P,cv i elv 0 t 1 ease, tc I ephonc elll s \'.'l th Car J Iv c 11, \\' hit l', :JIl 0. Pro h y, c h an g e sin I e a s c l'rcparLlt iOIl or buJgct, meet ing hi tl1 Tl'Llns- lator Board, recoll1l1lendation to County l:olllm. TOTAl. T 1;-,11: x $80.00 !lcr hr. 1S minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 15 minutes 2 hours 30 l\1illllte ') hours 3U minute w 30 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes no charge 3 hours 30 minutes 1 hour 15 mil1Lltes 1 hour 30 minutes ') hours '1 hours 30 minute E) hours 30 minute $ 1,560.00 . . . COSTS !late 11/08/82 12/07/82 12/10/82 12/10/82 Telephom: call tu Washington Tel c p h 0 nee a I 1 t 0 La k e I and F lor i lla Telephone call t () LakelanJ l:loriJa Telephone call to Lakelalld FloriJa S 4.00 1. 42 5.52 5.93 Tot ~ I C () s t ~; $17.47