Resolution 053-1983 RESOLUTION NO. 53 -l983 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMl1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND FRANK KEEVAN & SON, INC. FOR LANDSIDE IMPROVEME~ITS AT THE KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT UNDER ADAP PROJECT NO. 6-l2-0037-06-81. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of t10nroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Contract by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and Frank Keevan & Son, Inc., for landside improvements at the Key West International Airport under ADAP Project No. 6-l2-0037-06-81. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 4th day of March, A.D. 1983. BOARD OF OF MONRE By COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY, FL?RJDA l, d, ~ 96f~//-tJ. r/Chairman (Seal) '.,,-. RALPH VI. 'iJ~nE, CLERK -1 '\~.) \no P~oo.L C erk Attest: APPROVED AS TO FORM ANDIIGAL SUFFICIENC~/\ t ..) L2 \..... - - ") ---I-. - .# BY "'(L.L~_ ( j CV' "~'./" AttorneY'$ Office . J/ ~ .. I . ; 1 , '1 " 1 '1 I 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ECTION 01005 CONTRACT FORM: , ,- . I n -: t he MONROE ca' led TH I S AGREEMENT ",ade and entered Into th Is -H--t "'. day of n, t)tt." year 19.!i-, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSlO~ERS OF COUNTY, FLORIDA, as par~of the ~ir~t Part, hereinafter. - the Owner, and Fr(lnK [:::p~,\I(ln l!- ~('\. Tnc.... . Party of the Second Part, "hereinafter c~lle~ the Contractor. WITNESSETH, that the slid Contractor, for and In consideration of the payments hereinafter specified and agreed to be made by the Owner, hereby covenants and agrees to furnish and deliver all the materials, to do and perfonm all the work and labor required to be furnished and delivered, done a~d'performed for ADAP Project No. 6-12-0037--06-81 at Key West International 'Airport, Key West Florida, and to complete the work In strict and entire conformltv with the Plans, Specifications and other Contract Documents on flJe at the Monroe County Courthous~ ~t Key W~st, which ~re duly approved and which ~ald Plans and Soeclflcations and other Contract Documents are hereby made part of this agreement as fully and with the same effect as If the same had been set forth at length In the body of th I.s ag reemen t . The Contractor agrees to make payment of all proper charges for labor and materials required In the aforementioned work, and defend. indemnify. and save harmless the Owner and all Its officers, agents and servants4 and each and everyone of them, against and from all units and costs of every kind and des- cription, and from all damages to which the said Owner or any of their officers, agents or servants may be put, by reason of Injury to the persons or property of others resulting from the performance of said work, or through the negligence of the Contractor, or through Iny Improper or defective machinery, implements or appliances used by the Contractor In the aforesaid work. or through any act or omission on the part of the Contractor, or his agent or agents, employees or servants. The Contractor agrees to perform and complete the work specified within 120 calendar days. The Contractor further agrees that if he falls td complete the work within the scheduled time or any authorized extension thereof,' there shall be deducted from the Contract Price the sum of $100 per calendar day, as fixed, agreed and liquidated damages for each calendar day elapsing beyond the specified time for completion or any authorized extension thereof. It is also agreed and understood that the acceptance of the final payment by the Contractor shall be considered as a release in ful~ of all claims against the Owner o,r any of Its members or agents, arising out of, or by reason of, the work done and materials furnished under this Contract. . . In consideration of the premises, the Owner hereby agreei to pay to the Contractor for the said work, when fully completed, the Total 8i~ Price of One. t1\J.ncked Ilu~nty TholJ.S(lnd NIM'J Hl1ndre.d fl(\rl FOIl( and 05(000011 ars ($ ld.O,QOY. 00 ). subject to such addit ions and deductions as may be provided for In the Contract Documents. Payments shall be ~de upon pre- sentation of the proper certifIcates of the Architect-Engineer ~n' upon the terms set forth in the Specifications. . . 01005-1 ., oj. j ... !]. 1 Jj I J . . 4 f -. II I - - i - . 1 ~ . ~ J~ . I J. J- . . -. I I I . I I . This Contract Is to be blndln9 upon the Owner, Its Successor Or successors, and upon the Cont r""lor (and his he I,... ad." n Is t r:otor S or ass I 9ns ) (and Its succeSSor Or Successors, Or assl9ns) and Is voldabre and ">By be tenn'neted by the Owner, In aCCOrdance ~Ith the provisions of the Speclflcetlon, wh I ch are "'de e pert of t his Cont ract, Or If the prov f s Ions of (he .. t et utes relative thereto are not complied wIth. .... . 4ddenda Issued durln9 the blddin9 period, receipt of ~hlch has been Icknowle1J<d by the Contractor are 'ncluded IS Contrlct DOcuments Ind Ire hereby mal)~ part of thIs agreement. , "/ '" 01005-2 ~ 1 , "".:1 'I 1 ~ ]) )j '- -, "I "1 ~ I ~ 'I 1 -I 1 1 "I 1 1 1 I . . . .- (Use thIs page I' the Contractor Is . Corporatlo~) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the saId BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has caused this Contract to be executed In 'ts:name, attested by the County Clerk, and has caused the seal of sal~' Couhty to b; hereto attached; and t~~ s~ld party of the second part hai caJsed thIs Co~tract to be executed In Its name by Its Pres I dent .tte~tes1 by Its Secretary, and has caused the seal of said corporatIon to be hereunto attached, all on the day and year first above written. SIgned, sealed and delIvered In the presence of: BOARD OF COUNT'r'~CQt11'1JS$lbNERS___ MONROE COU FLORIDA. BY: (SEAL) As to Party of the First Part HAlPlf w. \VII~Tt CLERX ATTEST:. De~uty Clerk!}. Iy \r 1'iI. r~ ,O.~. - .. (PARTY OF THE FIRST PART) (CORPORATE SEAL) ATTEST: N (PARTY OF, THE SECOND PART) . i '," 01005-) . l ~ . ,