Resolution 056-1983 RESOLUTION NO. 56 -1983 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR A GRANT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TO THE COUNTY FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE FUNDS TO BE USED BY THE MONROE COUNTY DIVISION OF DISASTER PREPAREDNESS. WHEREAS, the County has submitted an application for a grant from the Florida Department of Community Affairs for funds to finance Emergency Management Assistance in the Division of Disaster Preparedness, and WHEREAS, the Application has been approved, and the sum of $19,218.00 has been allocated to the County for this purpose, now, therefore, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: The Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the County and the Florida Department of Community Affairs, dated October 1, 1982, for the allocation by the Department of Community Affairs to Monroe County of the sum of $19,218.00 to be used for Emergency Management Assistance in the County's Disaster Preparedness Program. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, held on the 4th day of March , A.D. 1983. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (}U'!"" ~~~;i A By daYOr/6,aiman .,~ " (SEAL) Attest:RALPH \1- ~ '\~.. ~ ~ ~,..~~'Tt rl r.ov Ih 1iI......1 Vi._bi\ fv\, p~ J D,~- BY . . , .- . AGREEi'1ENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA ~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND MONROE COUNTY DIVISION OF DISASTER PREPARED~ESS. (NAME OF APPLICANT) This Agreement, entered into this 1st day of October , 19 82 between the Department of' Community Affairs (the Grantee) and the Monroe County . (NAME OF APPLICANT) (Subgrantee), shall govern certain emergency management related activities to be financed by the Grantee. THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: T. TERM OF AGREEMENT: a. This Agreement shall commence on the 1st day of October , 19 82 and.shall continue in full force and effect to and. lnc1udingt:F1e 30th day of September , 19 83 . b. The Grantee agrees to allocate the Subgrantee the maximum sum of $ 19,218 / 50 % which the Sut5grantee will match wi th $T9, 218 . / 50 % for a total subgrant. of $ 38 436 / 100% for the successful completion of the items ot performance agreed to herein. c. The Subgrantee shall perform activities under this Agreement as specified in the "projected program activities" attached hereto and incorporated herein by specific reference as Exhibit A (Program Paper) for the following type of agreement: X Emergency Management Assistance (EMA) Maintenance and Services (M&S), Other d. It is agreed that liability of the Grantee under this agreement shall not exceed the total of funds received by the Grantee for this purpose. e. The Grantee or Subgrantee may terminate t~is Agreement for breach of Contract or in the event of non-availability of funds with such notice as is reasonable under the.~ircumstances. Either party may terminate this agreement without cause by giving 30 days notice to the o~her party. , . . . f. The Grantee or Subgrantee may, from time to time, request changes in the services to be provided unqer this Agreement or in the operating budget. Such requ~sted changes must be submitted in writing, agreed to and signed by both parties in order to amend this Agreement. · . g. The Subgrantee, in performing the requfrernents of this Agreement, shall comply with applicable laws, .ruIes, regulations, ordinances and codes of the federal, 'state and local governments. II. REQUIREMENTS AND ASSURANCES: a. General Provisipns. The Subgrantee hereby assures and certifies that it will comply with regulations, policies, guidelines, and requirements including 44 CFR Part 382, CPG 1-3 and 1-5, and OMB Circular No. A-8? and A-102 as they relate to application, acceptance and use of federal funds and required matching funds. b. Budget Summary. The Subgrantee will complete the .attached "budget summary and schedules" which ar~ incor- porated herein by reference as Exhibit B (Project Budget) and which must be approved by the Grantee prior to expen- diture of funds by the Subgrantee. c. Reports. The Subgrantee shall submit,' pt such times and i~ such form as. may be prescribed, quarterly and final financial report, as well as semi-annual and final progress reports. d. Fiscal and Program Accountability. The Subgrantee must establish fiscal control and fund. accounting procedures which assure proper disbursement of and accounting for subgrant funds and required matching expenditures. All monies spent on this project will be dis- bursed in accordance with provisions of the project budget as approved by the Grantee. The Subgrantee acknowl~dges that it has full responsibility for fiscal andptogrammatic accountability for this subgrant. In the event the . Subgrantee is unable to produce records capable of being .audited without reconstruction by Auditors, all funds paid under this agreement by the Grantee to the Subgrantee shall be disailowed and subject to repayment. The accou~ting system established and maintained by the Subgrantee must have internal controls adequate to safeguard the assets of the Subgrantee, check the accuracy and reliability 9f .~ l. , -2- .' . ,. accounting data, promote operating effici(~ncy and en.courage compliance with prescribed management policies and this Agreement. e. Recording and Documentation of Receipts ah~ Expendi tures. Accounting procedures must provide .for an accurate and timely recording of receipt of funds.qy: type of expenditures made from such funds and of unexpende.d ~alances. Accounting procedures must be adequate to insure that expen- ditures charged to this grant are for allowable purposes and that documentation is readily available to verify that such charges are accurate. f. Utilization and Payment of Funds. Funds dwarded are to be expended only for purposes and activities covered by the Subgrantee's approv~d program activities and budget (Exhibits A and B). Payments to the Subgrantee will be made quarterJy on .the bas is of acceptable expend i ture reports filed with the Grantee. g. Obligation of Grant Funds. Subgrant fU0ds shall not, without advance written approval by the Grantee, be obligated prior to the effective date or subseque~t to the ~ermination date of the subgrant period. Obligations outstanding as of the t~rmination date shall be liquidated within. 90 days. Such obligations must be related to goods or services provided and utilized within the subgrant .period. h. Audit. An independent audit of the subgrantee's financial management system will be performed not less frequently than every two years by the Subgrantee. The audits must comply with requirements of OMB Circulars No. A-I02 (Attachment P) and A-IIO, must be performed in accor- dance with Standards for Audit of Government Organizations, Programs, Activities, and Functions and must be made on an entity-wide basis which includes an appropriate sample of' federal subgrants. The Subgrantee must indicate what organization(s) will conduct the audit(s), the approximate time the audit(s) will be initiated and completed, the coverage to be provided (including the period of . activities), and a projected dClte when the "audit report" will be issued and forwarded to the Grantee. i. Retention of Records. The Subgrantee shall main- tain aIr records, documents and files pertaining t6.this Agreement for a period of three years from the date of conclusion of the agreement unless informed by the Grantee -3:- f' . . . ... in' , . . that said records may'"be dispose of . earlier. Access to' ' ' those records- must be provided a;t reasonable • times •io the ' . • Grantee and its' 'employees and .agents and to • the feder_a.l. . grant' agency,. its employees and agents . _ . . - : p • . - j'• Legal Authorization. i The Subgrantee certifies - with respect to this subgrant that it possesses legal . authority to apply for' the" grant i•n ..that the a.pplj;ca:nt ' s ' governing body' has' adopted a resolution which authorizes the execution and acceptance .of- ;the agreement with all. 'understandings and assurances contained herein ; and names and authorizes-.the person . to act •in connection. .with this agreement. k. Standard or Special Conditions . ' The subgrantee . agrees to comply . with the requirements as specified .i-n the 'attached "Standard or .Special /Conditions" appended hereto and - incorporated herein by specificHreference . as Exhibit C. = ( Conditions ) .. ' . _ . The Subgrantee acknowledges that the, respons•ibility 'for . complying with the. a "w e approved subgrant ward restsith the reci_-. - . . pient •Subgrantee and acknowledges • that failure to do- So may ' ' . _ •constitute. grounds for the recession or • suspension of -this _ _ subgrant' and may' influence future subgrant awards . • IN WITNESS HEREOF, the Grantee and ' the Subgrantee have executed :.this' Agreement as of t'he date first written .abov.e . " ' FOR THE S BGRANTE.E:/ I' . ./ • FOR, THE GRANTEE: � � .o a '4 - - 4, 1�. FLORIDA-- . BY ��s° ,.., ! ,, r , �, STATE OF . Chi f Flect 'd Official's Sign=atua're DEPARTMENT 'OF . .. . COMMUNITY ,AF.FAIRS i Name/Title • BY ai. °-1' . I i 3 Secretary . a _ no,, ...,, , , . . . . . Date - - • . fv. . - . Fin nce .Director.' s . Signature • , . - .. Nam0/Title • .. i • • BY - - 1 , . Local Disaster Prepare.dne'ss , � . . . Director' s • SignatureH ' . • Name/Title .I:.. , j -' ' I ! • . -4,-