Resolution 097-1981RESOLUTION NO. 97 -1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR PROVIDING OF MEALS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Contract by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and the District School Board of Monroe County, Florida, for providing of meals. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 7th day of April, A.D. 1981. (SEAL) Attest: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By APPROVED AS rO FOaM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. BY Attorney' Office A(,RE i:,,%tI;NT TII.: AGREEMENT, made and entered into April 1, 1981, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROI COUNTY, FLORIDA, i body corporate and politic existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the SPONSOR, and the DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a body corporate and politic existing under the laws of the State of Florida, here- inafter called the BOARD. • WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the SPONSOR desires to utilize the food prepa— tion facilities of the BOARD for the purpose of providing uteals for Senior Citizens participating in the Older Americans Act Title III C, Nutrition Program, and the BOARD is willing to provide for sal-d sei ices upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree and undertake us fo: lows : Th WARD hereby agrees to furnish meals, in accordance with Attachmt:it "A" of this Agreement and at the prices therein speci- fied, to Senior Citizens participating in the Older Amiericans Act Title I1 C, Nutrition'Prograrp, such meals to be furnished at the vi ious locations as shown on Attachment "A" or subsetltontly agreed to by the parties. II Thy .,,PONSOR agrees to reimburse the BOARD for meals served ac-..ording to the aforesaid schedule, payment to be made to the BOARD hot more than thirty (30) days after receipt by the SPONSOR c,f the 30ARD:S claim. Claims for reimbursement shall be rendered as promptly as practicable after the loth day in each month. Th- SPONSOR agrees that its obligation to reimburse the BOARD as afot said shail be independent of any funding provided to the SPONSOR for the operation of the Older Americans Act Title III C, Nu:.riti n Program. II. T-}ie ^peals to be provided -by the BOARD pursuant to this Agree- ment are to be in accordance with Attachment "A" hereto. The BOARD may, upon request of the SPONSOR, make substitutions fcr the items on the regular menus. IV 'deals will be provided five clays a week, Monday through Friday yea.- round except as shown on Attachment "A" hereto. it is agreed tha- the Individual service institution for whorl. the SPONSOR is responsible will by 9:00 A.M. notify the mananager of the providing Schoal Food Service Department the number of meals needed for that day, except, if the SPONSOR does not notify the Board by 9:00 A.M. as a.ore_zid, the maximum number of meals shown on Attachment 'A" hereto shall be prepared, delivered and charged for by the BOARD and paid for by the SPONSOR. The SPONSOR agrees to pay to the: BOA*) for the minimum number of meals as shown on Attachment "A" he-. r� r:o on? v on school days; no minimum is required on non -school days. Thi- SPONSOk shall pay for only actual na;aber of weals de- tiArered. The SPONSOR agrees never to order less than the minimum on sctroo. days. t is agreed and understood that the number of meals which the BOARD is obligated to provide shall not ��xcec 250 abov; the maximum estimated number. If the SPONSOR desires to have the BOARD provide additional meals, the BOARD shall be notified accordingly in advance, in which event the BOARD, may, but shall not be obligated to, furnish such additional meals. V T'he SPONSOR hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the BOARD from and against any and all liability which may at any time be asserted or claimed by any person, natural or otherwise, arising our of or in connection with the performance by the BOARD pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the purposes thereof, and that liability insurance be provided to effectuate the purposes herein stated, except in case of food poisoning or contamination, at which time responsibility shall be determined. VI I£._additional services are requested by the SPONSOR, the parties shall mutually negotiate for the additional services, including cost of' providing same to be paid to the Board. VII The obligations of the BOARD under this lease agreement are subject to the availability of funds lawfully appropriated annually for its purposes by Monroe County, Florida, and/or the availability -of funds through contract or grant programs. VIII This Agreement shall continue in affect to and including the 31st day of December, 1981, at which time the BOARD'S obligations hereunder shall cease. IN :"lI`:NESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have execute this Agreement the date first above written. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M OUNTY , FLGR;VA By airman (SEAL) Attest.;.- , (SEAL) , Attest: -duper en4Wnt DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY, FL r)D IDA By C a man APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LftaAL SUFFI ENCY. By �y AaanWs O )MEALS AND I'l Z 1 C 1;' S a& lllado .I: part of Agrcomey dated October I 190, T,Km hu Inald -or county Claimiss ioners of Munroe COLIJI 1XI , and Lho WS Lrj9t .School Board of Monroe Cou"QUIATda) Rciawim to School Food Service providing lunches for the aged a. lloublass;.Ilarris, Narath0q, Coral Shores Schools and the Armmy, 07 foi iowiNg. i tclils a 1.0 agrood to A. Fold to he prepared off -site and delWycd. ii bulk hvLwccn 1]. .: 00 A.M. and 1 1 AO A.M. knivvs, forks, spoons an, paper napkins will he use anO supplind by the Sponsor. School Food Scrvicc'�; 1' ' is delivered, no i I i LY Vill qcasc when food sc.Yvijg labor will be provided. B. I I it r r i"t . ;' Food will be sorAd in' the School Qfet,wria at 1 0 0 C . Ma ra thon Food will be prepared sat Marathon High Schuol and tronsUrred in bulk by the Sponsor LO GO SCrVInj; situ. 'Food Will be served using disposablu traYs, knives, Corps, spoons, cups, and paper napkins pro-idud by the Sphisor. Takc-out: meals will he dished NL :0 serving silo and delivered by tho' Sponsor, No delivery or. sorvingTabor will be provided.. 1) Coral S�fi)rcs Food will hC prepo red at .the Kura 1 shoves high SchoW and transECTYCd in bulk by the Sponsor to Lho scoring We.. Food will be served using Alas:K: mtrays and motal utensils Aupplied by the Hoard. Take-ML dished at tile: > C ry i n g situ and A 0 1 i V 0 by, ,J:c L. Arim)i--�-- - J:kmd to be prepared off-siLe and Wivored in bulk but. CON IWO.A.M. anj 12:00 P.M. Disposohlo traysland paper aSpRins will ba,uscd and supplied by the Spqnsur. J,r' p'rov.icicd Bally MondL'l)' LIII-OLIJIk, F1_id;',y 0.:,Ccj)L for., nck fulkwing.dates: page 1 of 4 Pages I:il1u!!,��Ils (Irly - i1�.t(I r ].i,'.L;U (h f tV' .VCterNns yny - Novc'n: cr 1 1 , 1980 (C'I Ill�ll11•:�I;tl'J.I]1;• - i\o\'CG„)c!' 27 23,.1960 (r j Atti Karl s My January .I , 1 9S 1 (f;' _1.yshOnj;ton's rtllday - behNary• 23, .1'_81 Friday - �AprI1 17, 19SI• c)t'ia I Day - May, 21; f95f r (i) 1!`depcndoncc Day - July 4, 1981 _(J) La.Dor Day - •Schtcmbur 7, 1981 i I .,jet 1s 'j)sov i cii.'(l during clays when school Ls in scs x i 011 will be chor ed A a rate oL 42.03 per meal.. Meals pro- V..idcd on nun -school clays will be charged at ;i cOSt Using the followNg formula: $1.25 (loh + labor (itct,u;tl !':ICc + 155) + .11 (administrNion) + indirect cost (G.98 �) .'1•EO Q pq A •Scltoof-mcnu t•, i 1 1 lao served on al 1 days t•,Ili•n r; school In in sassinn. Special menus may he served on (l;!+•,q,.I hcp school,, iA not in session. The lilllillilum !ill.'nu j h%wc It'"W be followed -for Senior Citizens is as follows: : ;•lent h IMcnt: Al tcrnate ` 0z VCI,,Ct;ihly car - FrIIi.t n Voletablh or Frui t: on Bread orVBrc`.ncl Al LcrnatC flutter .or Margarine i oz Dessert Milk - ;i o::. _ 5, The ili!1l1!jtllltl and maximum number of, meals per A Le is as + follows, TOO applies only to the sc:l]ool clay: S I 'I•i; �1 i �•. 1 ;•iU�•1 �•I;l: 1 .`_iil;•I T-- --- Doug l ass t: Ha rr i S Coral WAS 20. 30 0. 'Unliv•0 cafeturi.a managers ;arc noti i-icd of a modi.f iud numhe&of Wks by 5:00 A.M. the maximum number u F mcaIs allott•c(1• will be j)rcl)arccl, deliArcd and charged on 7. Sj)r� i;l.l m( :I.Lti 17 or (lietcti c. or 1! (1, c'a 1 l;u)oscs c:annc)t be 1)relkarcc�<l�r.cllosc o.f t11c lack of j)J-Qj)cr Cc1ui1)ment and t"ra•iCI;SO1111C1. Pabc 2 of 4 Pages c�lc-ii d C V C F C :Is() r 1) 0 0 Ill I L 1 0 1 tile I I 1) c, c) I I 101, o m 'CI(!1..1%'C1'1U. 1G11sl 1:0 (:Ol;li) cd pi C I- C:01111l10t1.011 0 f B G L' Li S 1- 11 J C 11 I;ica S - tilt' r c sp 0 11,. 11) 1 l 1. o C t h c ":o 11 r 0 c C! i 1"i ol F 0 (') (I C I- X-71 C NO this il!,'! I I Ll +A' a I cl�cd IV iL t hOU-L. Clio. 0 1 the I /V"\!1.) s ]),I C L j- S C 11 0 1 1:0 (1 S k2 I- %r i COS 'h C ;110 11 L1 C. 11 ,l 11 l,CI; t %. C.d IV I Ic I I t 11CrL' a V C I 11. .'1 �'O i .Il 1) 1 o 1) r 0 1) 1 c I'll s , I c . 11011- 0 v C'j')- Of INI o 0 IV,11 11 1) I'C C I 1111CS. tllL'. c L I I ThO 110 ;1 U 111) F I Y 11,0111, 1.)Oj ollg!; to the J)jj-C.CtoI-, C I Food (I r c c. s . The Boa*rd is Director S1;,-11.1 moLi. Cy vile S;pollsor s NLit:itioll D-i rcct6 r of any changcs ill JIlCIlLI IllLill tllly . il v prohl :k,)I. a rca s of intcrestIV I 11 Illy hrollljit. to Llic a,t°-C)l t i o 11 ol. Llic licia rd , s D i r C. C. L 0 r , (� C I I n 0 o (1, C T I' I, C c S Ic c, ') .I Iol -, C* C 1 � c, n IN 11 1: r i o [1 1) i ,, c c L u r . Due Lo l I I I rl 0 r f siti,s i Jiv.o I ved , it is %11) s o 1 11 t c 1 1;11) c r a I v c -j 1) 0 r .I- c 1) 0 r t I n i; channels bc obsurvcd. • 7 it ; . ' I Sp C'C j. 3.1, mict 'ojlSj C. , pj-Clli�CS 1) 1 1L 11 d Zi I]);1 7- t i c L c . s c-) 10 0 t I C' (I a I I d a p 1) r o %, c 41 L l ens d; I I I v c ci.1") y t 11 (2 B 0 a I.- d ' S D C 1-: 0 1- 11001 1: L) d SC I- CC . -imnce ( j The ".0sl 11 11) i I t: .tor t lic, cart 11 d ll;a I u L sr I-%,. Lng 1 Lr a t Dijil 1, .1 ass '111d i•lara L holl I i he r c:;,:) I I s I o f t 11 o Spoll s Or. At a 1. 1. other s I 'L c s :lie (11 1 H 111 1) ;.l,s IN- 1:11 1) c wipcd and chairs by Sponsor. 13, At s i I' i, 71� 1 1: cs 11 c, r c SCI1for CI t iZeI1.c: ,I I I d c h o 1 ch -iro .4 C.1 C 1 11. C.S I I S L 10 C 110 COili 11CL lie L wo T] I C 5 c I 1 0 1 't: Zell 1)1'b c L 1.: 0 Cll. 1) r o r �1 M S . u :1 m' 'm "l, s L !lot II'LLCJ*f.CI'C With the SC11001 1,1-111 11 P i'U 1* L-1 N. . Scllc,��l -.F(wd Sol-vicc, rcci.pc� -lild IV i.1': c j 1 0 X C I L1 S 1 V C 0 -S W) I C II sC1100i 11 s ssion.. A IV) I C. l'C t110 i;l CA L S N 1.0 C 0 1. Od 111 1111 i L JS •�l 1) 11 1. v o1 f ile 11ciil cd, LO 1111AC' S111-C Ni i t (2!., O;l L i2 ;,.i 0 11 U., C1 1"0 Clc Vc, r c (l I'0 X' I Vo C) I i u a, I J IN 110 L 1) 1) o.t i ji 1) N c n I 11.1 110 L'S i.011 L! 0 CI",, t.o prov c wcIlls c 111d Lh IM! v c Lh 1-r L y (3-0) clay-,i noticc_ i�t lllcais are not pro- vicicd. Pago 3 of 4 Pages • • - �Jlt` J'1'll� 1 10^1.1.',..1'~' l)lJ:i\-ti �!] II;1;�1(II;J( rn(ILII;I:I"s;i'CUI;lc.ir;1^, i I�ot.l �,;�nIIsc)_I- In�l !;(;:lrc!• Ll?(:• o1)ci"at:ioil of ,(I;il I)c cliscoil 1.11(iC1.1 a'L any an(1 for airy lC11 t11 a tilnc: t �l ;I • f i. . r Page 11 of d 1'ZJJ.Cs