Resolution 121-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 121 -1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN FRANK KEEVAN & SON, INC. AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA - BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT ON BOCA CHICA CHANNELS A & B. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Frank Keevan & Son, Inc. and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, for Boating Improvement Fund Project on Boca Chica Channels A & B. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of April, A.D. 1981. ( Seal) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ ~YOTiL4.-/ Attest: Date ~7~IJiL_ ~O Bu',k..,\N.__ APPROVID A$ 70 RJRM AND LeGAL $tJFRCJENC'f. ~~t!//.L Attorney'. Office BY Page ;. : ;\C I~E ~:;,l FNl 11115 ,\~;REHIE~<T: maJe th~i.s day of ~ril 13 ; 9 81 , by 3!1l; bct,..;ccn Frank Keevan c< Sons, Inc., contractors, Clarerce J. ;'eevan, President" ,,~rcindftcr c'i;'llcd the "Contractor" J and the BOARD OF COUNTY CO;-I- .dSSIO;..JERS lJFo ;,[O>JIWE COUiny, FLORIl.,\, of the County of (,lon1'oc, .'t;1tc of I)orl:~1i, 1.e1'ein<1fter callcJ the "O\<lnor", \\'lTNESSETll, tlnt the :ontracto.... and the Ohne1' for the considera- + ion herci::1fter named agree as follows: 1. T,<.:; Contractor shall furnish all the materials and pcr- :orm .1.1 tL~ I<lork as required by the Specifications for Boating Imprc:lment Fu~d project on Boca Chica Channels A & B (Stock Island East A & Bi .-""--- . cop:/ of which is :lttached hereto anu made a part hereof. ') lhe \'iork to be performeJ. under the contract shall be ommcnceu \,>"thin fourteen (14)ua)'s from date O\\'nc1' provides ;\Gtice tv . roc, ,.-, i and lie' c0l1:p1eteu \\"1 thin , A..D_--'2&r) file Notice ,o',Procecu shall be glv,n by the County -i\umini strator. F U1<~ her, t j. l' part i e 5 :1 g l' <.:: ~ t hat i f the Not ice toP roc,' C u ; , .' :as li0t beC'. given by OWJler ,to Contractor on or before June 8, 1981 : , that this Agrcemen.t shall be null ,.ir1 voiu. 4. The Owner shall pay to tlie Contractor for the performance . 1 t h C' c 0 r~ t :C J ~ t the S llln 0 f $ 1 0 , 125 ,lon l~omplet ion by Contract anu acceptance by O\\J1Cr. .,. The :lttacl1eu Specifications together h"ith this agrecLlcnt, ,orm ~;1C contract and they arc as fully a ]Llrt of this COl.tract /. s if j1eH~il\ rcpc:,te'J, Page 1 0 C 2 Pages '- IN \Vrl'\:I:~.g '\mLJ,I:OI; the 'Parties hereto have executed this - . . .... ~. . a ,-,grcc~ncllt' the' dar al1l! r(~:lr first \':J'ittcn ahovc, , , , , -igncd, ScaiL'd ;lnd'1Jell\'cre:J in tlh~ Presence of:'.' Ck.~~ ,00 S 'al) ~. . i\;:;-ro-tI1e Contractm: '!WAIW OF COUSTY Cml;--IISSIONERS OF ~lONROE COU;JTY, FLORI Di\ ,Seal) . . West: .. /~>' ~ L~d4 ~ , ,', '. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ~LSUFRC~NCY. Attorney's Office BY ,. ,. Page 2 0 r .::: P<lgcs