Resolution 141-1981 r r'-'-~ RESOLUTION NO. 141 -1981 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from Frederick G. Pickles, and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant proposes to place rip rap below MHW along about 115 1.f. of open water shoreline, to recover eroded property and prevent further erosion. No estimates are given for the amount of riprap necessary. Approximately 80 c.y. of limerock would be excavated on the same shoreline landward of MHW in lieu of riprap to create a sloping beach area measuring about 40' x 40'. Materials will be placed by hand or backhoe and all equipment and materials can be transported to the site over existing uplands. The project site is located in a residential area created by the ex- cavation of peripheral channels and finger canals from wetlands and using fill for creation of uplands. Adjacent bay waters are shallow throughout and benthic habitats include hard bottom algae communities or seagrasses where adequate sediments exist. Orientation of the site shoreline is to the SW Residential development in the area is about 20~~ of available Pr0rerties.. The site shoreline is essentially unvegetated and consists of eroded rock boulders and rubble with MEW located about 8-12' landward of the irregular edge of the peripheral channel. Depths along the lower edge of this sloping shoreline are about -1.0 to -1.5 MLW and subtidal vegetation is limited to the algae Batophora on the larger rock rubble. Uplands are unvegetated limestone rubble and fill. Lack of subtidal vegetation may be the result of wave-wash along the eroding shoreline, creating unstable conditions in the subtidal zone. The excavation of a 40' x 40' beach area from this shoreline will create a sizable discontinuity with the resultant effect of altering and reducing near shore current patterns and creating a trap where suspended sediments and debris are able to settle out only to be resuspended by activity or wave-wash. The need along this type of artificial shoreline is to halt erosion allowing more stable conditions to develop and to keep as smooth and straight a shoreline as is possible to facilitate current flow. Wind- blown seagrasses are not as severe a problem here as in other areas but an excavated area will trap any floating debris as do the local deadend canals with the resulting buildup of undesirable sediments on the bottom. Placement of riprap as designed out to the edge of the peripheral channel will result in the elimination of a shallow subtidal zone (4-6' wide) landward of the edgeof the peripheral channel. If the upper shoreline is stabilized the subtidal area has the potential to become vegetated by algae and seagrasses providing a valuable habitat and source of organics to the system. Nearshore zones are important to a variety of small fishes and invertebrates but have been virtually eliminated from these dredge and fill canal subdivisions. The cumrnulative effects of a number of excavation and fill projects along open water shorelines has to be considered from the standpoint of additional shoreline discontinuities and pockets and excessive loss of shallow water habitats. Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. -1981 Frederick G. Pickles BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 19th day of May , 19 81 (Seal) Attest: (;:;d~ Clerk at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA A1WIOVED A$ TO FORM B'I -~/ " ~. OfIk_ Page 2 of 2 ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ~i' -~ ..~,+." - ___r' ----;r : ;;.;:...: ' ~ ",,"~ ~ I ~ OFFICE OF: Planning & Zoning Dept. Pub 1 i c Servi ce Center, Key West, Fl 33040 (3051 294,4641 ."..~ '. . . ....e9i_ ~~ Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures ~ 2. Permi t c.,/ 3. Application for Permit V' 4. Site Plan ~ 5. Location Map l/ 6. County Biologist Report ~ 7. DER Assessment ~ 8. Resolution y-- BY ~~~ Administrative Secretary DATE ~/-1r/ Zoning: RU-l !f','. ~,~~"" "'~''-''.---..~ r ~> . , /, 1 i ! , ) I..v~..jl idlY. Fj~~~ pi' tI= tP-!I I"..'~I.,~... ~I:' , , , .-'" . ; ~ , , c._ ..., ~ PLA0i1Hi\G, BlJILDING & ZONING DEP ARTlIENT PEllilIT (f ~" MON~CE ""~ '~, COUNTY ~~ PEr~lIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE HATERS OR HETLANDS OF NON ROE COUNTY I 1) Property mme r s name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTI.!ENT USE OXLY I I I Frederick G. Pickles Resolution No. Rt. 2, Box 620 3) Phone number Sugarloaf Shores, Fl 33042 Date: 745~1290 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number I Owner 5) Legal description of property: Section 03 Key LOv7er SURarloaf Subdivision Sugarloaf Shores Tm.mship 67S lot 6 Block Sec. D Ext. Range 27E Street, road or mile marker Seagrape Lane Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited riprap - 131 linear feetc.y. waterward of M.H.H. c.y. landward of H.H.W. c.y. c.y. waterward landward of M.H.H. of M.H.W. ZONING: RU-1 PURPOSE: Prevent erosion Cost of PeITlit Esti8ated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY COr~lISSIO~ERS OF ~10NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: "Approval" CODV in File Date ~lJil,li~g Official MONROE COUNTY / ;() Property fi t>LA~NI~(;, BUILDelG & ZO!HN(; DEPARTnENT PERNIT APrLlr.ATIO~; lOR EXCAVATIO'I, THE DEPOSIT OF !.!..!J.:, TRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLAND O~ MuNROE COU1TY o,"ne r s name & mailinp. address S r (C/'Ci... E~' b 2. 0 , J' f,Io ,~.j. r <-0 -y .D /'l- 33 0'1 'l- yate ,::-,,(, C ~ <C-'f..( Ci-L ;0.2... 'ccX J' "I ,4 I( t.c ,'1 ,"::' ( ') FctJ/ I 9JJ I 7 c.,L j,--r "2. 9 G ap,ent's name, mailinp, address, phone & certification number. 0U':;/,Jf l2- descri?tion of property: Street, road or mile Sub d i vis ion ,J~ r1~ 'C'l-FJ+'c-<.G Block, ~~e 0 0/' marker, J~'~l/{''1,oC.-~~ Range, 03 6 7.5.'" >-7 r.= (if acreage) 12U-L Key, Lr:u.-tn J~ < Ii -< t.G,~ l- 1- b Lot, Section, To\Vnship, Zonin?" Describe the proposed activity, methods of constr~tion & amount of material ( in cub icy a r d s), t 0 bee x c a vat e d 0 r d i s c h a r, r; e d. Ie s c rib e pur p 0 s e & in ten d e d use of project. '\. /? ,p - 12. Ap ,I'(, c u'~ l'rlll E: N 'I 0 f' /J(l,o C X / J fc,l If( e (){ ,'v'+ _(i'C'::~'p,"v' . Cf-" 6('t/7'T ~~""1 P E y.. ('/> ,,'" ~ t:2.. A,q Nt.,eJ /l1 /.. l' f:' 14 Lk.70 j (:-' '-t.j; L'" (f C 1/, -vo - dredp,ed/excavated ( Lt .-(J C;1 ........ Fc-cr( c29? ?(,,'-(e(.{.., /f //:' ~~. , filled/deposited volume of material: c.v. c.y. \VuteruardJlandward ot N.H.H. of H .7 Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts 'ola t er ",)ay.) ..... I _ J""'/'."'h,~ '"t "fA ..."A~4 /-Z C<. 'cH' L( a:' r '-f' /"VTA <.Ie", Co., ,-<..\"" \~,o~ Co-r:.",-R43J'i'C!C ( c.,4 ...J1l '- L.... C \ ) J ' c: '" <C1~d~'\',j. ('4rt.~/l.. UF(~3 r,.-oc/JY, 090-0/ o/X'" .......'t~-t.. eN.J f." c.y. ~rt:~;H~n~ c.a. 6rn~.\l<;N. List other permits issued a this site //<.(_ '). '7 "I'S 'i - J....... ~ J)E:/L 4=1 ..., , .t:? <0 TA It, "1 "1 G-c,,\,., J C f'" ~"v' j I ...; ~ ~ I'I,-..l' If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. ,~, include applicant s ~-"L<O:" ,oC-q Cj~ ~ . rp;'CKGc--1' name, or cf>-c (3 )..... G /.r-u b) List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this proj ect. .ocr:-~ .t7~f.J'T, c\"" ;(14~...., G::.\/f or t "-' j ( v :;-<:r -<:'..;' This completed ~pplication form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT Be orocessed. ~ (2) sets of drawings, on 8~ x 11 pa~er, showing location, plot plan, top view ~ cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) ,Ap~tion processing fee as follows:1 ~~OO\for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. :>f0.00 for verticnl seawalls on man-made bodies of water. ' $25.00 for any combi~ation of the above ~ctivities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information coptained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. . All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied wlth whether soecified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority'to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating conc;;truction or performance of cons~tionr- of this type of faC.ility.. / 't 9-~L~ 4~ --z.-J/:b--- , Sirf~ntllrp o~ ~PPl.~canL1agent: Date /For Department Use Only/ 1/' i Person;rcceptinp. application ~S.()D.s /("8'1 Y Fee & receipt I Approved by Asslt. Director - C:/:. CORt of permit Estimated cost or conscrucc~on t!\,.,/lL ;1--; ~ S to. 'i \".. l' l. 1...,,'" ~ I)~~ e.,., "'''1... b -< ~ e; ~ '" ~ . t " to. ~ , h ~ '" '" "- J ,{ ~ '( "< i-.(v/s.... -:';/QhU'fL'--'f C..,S! S'C4iC',.. Iv N G I,.. hi tfl./ _"'.l. 7 <JJ-tf_ SF s -p r 0 \"''-''> cj 1< I r-rq ,.. ~ L<.' t b S't' (' D t 'J.+ . 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I "- i' , I ,~ ~ l / / / / / /-j 0 'J '"' Fj Jy ~ , TOPS ~ FORM 3397 LIT. , .., DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE 4/10/31 SUBJECT Pickles. L. - Rip-Rap Seawall FROM :::::, ":::::~. ~i TP':J3~J), DEP'T nui1din~, Plannin0" [" Zo"in~ To DEP'T Environmental Biolo,?ist LEGAL TUSP 675, RGE 27E, Sect. 3, Su~ar10af Shores, Seagrape Lane, Lot 6, Sec. D ext., Lower Sugar10af Key. Zoned R1T-l PURPOSE This application is to he reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111(a)(5). D I S C IT S S 10 I'i ~pp1icant p~o~oses to place 131 linear feet of rip-rap along his 155 feet of waterfront property abutting Lower Sugar- loaf Sound. According to Hr. Pic:~les' letter dated ;,larcil 31, 1931, approximately lJO C.Y. of rip-rap will 0e required and 60 C.Y. of backfill. The rip-rap will be placed ~elow MHW, 6 feet landward of the existin~ peripheral c~annel. In addition, a 24-foot-wide opening will not be rip- r a:> p e d to allow ace e s s tot ;1 e v! ate r for 1 au n c 11 in gas mall sailboat. A discussion of the hiota present and a description of the area to be i~:>actcd is nrovided in t~c attached Departmcnt of Enviro:u1cnta1 J.c3u1ation report (iteM C). nnInnEJ TTSF: A~m PURPOSE To ?rovide orotection from erosion and reclaim eroded land. EVALTTAT10] ~o lon~-term environMental impacts arc expected as a result of the propose<.l project. l.!':CO~ [; m~;)AT 10:'1 Apnroval. '-1 () 'f E S ~epartment of 2nviro~mental Re~ulation and Army Corps ;1crnits 11;,\ve ~)f~en an'1li~r1 :or. ',:)/~lr~ 1LF COURSf: BOYLEVARD GOR DA...,Fl OR IDA 33350 ~/~l~~ /....~1( , ,~~~~\ /1 =__,,,=,.Y-C:;:. Cf:.\ , .... ,.-----.- .-c ~. _ I \ ~ ::: /'. -u~\ \... \ /lJ1 ,j-i lA, / {Sf ,"6.~~ ~~ -, !-;:} /~/<;- ,.-: .- - /~:.:-? - ~-,~'-] ~ ./. . ~ - ~//7 ...... // ~ c_ /05 BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. V ARN SECRETARY ::; (.fc- f 5L~ ~/C ~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTi...1ENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE April 15, 1980 ir. Frederick pickles :t. #2, Box 620 ~ugarloaf Shores, Fla. 33042 Re: Monroe County, Rip-Rap Revetment, File No. 44-27454-5E ear Mr. pickles: ~closed is a site inspec~ion =epor~ indicating that your project, s ?rcposed, will have ~~ adverse ;mpact on the envi~o~~ent. 'cweve~, wit-"1 +-~e modifications suggested by tb.e inspector, the ~pact could be lessened to ~~ extent ~hich would el;~inate the usti::ica tion for' the denial reccrnmenda tion. P lease consider hese mcdi=ications. If you ::eel t-~at you can modify your roposal as indicated, or in some ot-~er mar~e= which would ecuce t-~e adverse izpact on the envi=o~~ent, please submit a evised sketch/letter of agreement to the changes by April 30, 19BO f we have not heard frcm you by t-~is date or ~z you co not wish c modify your proposal as suggested, we will continue to process our applicaticn as submitted. urtis Kruer or Glen Boe of this office will be glad to ~swer any ~~est~ons you ~ay have concern~ng ~~e suggested cdi::ications. They can be contacted at our Marathon office 305) 743-5955. Sincerely, - - /J -I' '~/;.../ /...J-:::;.[(j~7 Fred Bartleson, Dredge & Fill Supervisor ~B/wb :c: Curtis Kruer ::clos-..:=e ~~ ?c~ l7-l.l22(52) DEPA..t:;.Tl.iENT OF ENvIRONMENTAL REGULATION PEfu~IT APPLICATION APPR~ISAL , i r l-::-~r::: ~. r\,;}2:c'~',C::,.r File No.; 44-27454-5E County: Honroe Date: 1/30/80 Applicant Name: Frederick G. Pickles Address: Rt. 2, Box 620, Sugarloaf Shores, Fl. 33042 Agent (if applicable): N/A Address: Location of project: Section{s) 23 & 11 Township 67S Range 27E Local Reference: Section(s) Sugar loaf Key Tm.mship Range Water Body: Lower Sugarloaf Sound Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: N/A Outstanding Florida Waters: N/A On site inspection by: Curtis Kruer Date of Inspection: 4/4/80 Original Application: Yes~ No Revised Application: Yes No Date of 2nd Insp. Date: Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include co~~ents concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. c. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10(Rev.6/79) "";?;.~':'>~~,""~.~?ll*'1'~~,,~,'~;I"!'::~~$'~~~~'~J.~~~:1'..,~~ ~L!f..'n~~~~'~~~~~":''';~~~''~~l!.P'~"""","~i''T~- A. Jl. J .I.?~ Frederick G. Pickles #44- 27 45l.- 5E Monroe County - Sugar loaf Shores Page THO A. The applicant proposes to place riprap below ~un~ along about 115 l.f. of open water shoreline, to recover eroded property and prevent further cr0~i0~. No estimates are given for the amount of riprap necessary. .\.pproximately 80 c. y. of limerock would be excavated on the same shorel ine lanch-;ard of MHH in lieu of tiprap to create a sloping beach area measuring about 40'x 40'. Materials will be placed by hand or backhoe and all equipment and materials can be transported to the site over existing uplends. B. Th~ project site is located in a residential area created by the excavation of peripheral channels and finger canals from wetlands and using fill for creation of uplands. Adjacent bay waters are shallow throughout and benthic habitats include hard bottom algae communities or seagrasses where adequate sedimenes exist. Orientatiun of the'site shoreline is to the SW, ~esidential development in the area is about 20% of avail- able properties. C. The ~ite shoreline is essentially unvegetated and consists or eroded rock boulders and rubble with MHW located about 8-12' landward of the irregular edge of the peripheral c~annel. Depths along the lower edge of this sloping shorel~ne are about -1.0 to -1.5 MLH and subtidal vegetation is limited to the algae Batophora on the larger rock rubble. Uplands are unvegetated limestone rubble and fill. Lack of subtidal vegetation may be the result of wave-wash along the eroding shoreline, creating unstable conditions in the subtidal zone. D. The excavation of a [.0' x 40' beach area from this shoreline will create a sizable disr.ontinuity with the resultant effect of altering and reducing near shore current patterns and creating a trap where suspended sediments and debris are able to settle out only to be resuspended by activity or. wave-wash. The need along this type of artificial shorel~ne is to halt erosion allowing more stable conditions to dev~lop and to keep as smooth and straight a shoreline as is poss~ble to facilitate current flow. Hind blown seC'l~rasses 3'~e not ClS severe a problem here as in other areas bue an excavated area will trap any floating debris as do the local deadend canals with the resulting buildup of undesirable sediments on the bottom. Placement of ripl .p as designed out to the edge of the peri- pheral channel will result in the elimination of a shallow 'F'le'aer{CK-'~PtCkfes--_.1t_-'O\\l"--"""'-'~""""''''''''-''''''''''-''''''''.~~......,,--_.~ 1f44-27454-SE Monroe County - Sugarloaf Shores Page Three ~ subtidal zone (4-6' wide) landward of the edge of the neri- pheral channel. If the upper shoreline is stabilized the subtidal area has the potenti.al to become vegetated by algae and sLdgrasses providing a valuable habitat and source of organics to the system. Nearshore zones are important to a variety. of small fishes and invertebrates but have been virtually eliminated from these dredge and fill canal sub- divisions. The currnnulative effects of a number of excavation and fill projects along open water shorelines has to be considered from the standpoint of additional shoreline discontinuities and pockets and excessive loss of shallow water habitats. .j "--'1,',"" S".#O< ~ :r,,~~: (J~b. I ? S; t L IlLJ<.-, -~. <--- """,""r'reCler1.CK""'ti"~~"--"'----"''''''''' " {j44-27454-5E Monroe County - Sugarloaf Shores Pose Four ... .b.~l.~ ..A .i.a~I.~ E. Based on biological considera~ions and in accordance with Chapters 17-3.011, 17-3.051 and 17-4.29 FAC and Chapter 403.8 and 253 FS, I recommenJ denial of this project as proposed. Modification to the proposed project that "lOuld allow a recom- mendation of approval from this writer include eliminating any plans for excavation and placing the riprap line along MLW instead of the edge of the peripheral channel. Riprap would therefore be placed about 6' back from the edge and would tie to the existing seawall along the canal shoreline. Backfill would probably be desired behind the riprap due to the eroded area landward of the riprap and some plans should be made for retention of this backfill. An opening in the riprap would allow access to the open waters, although a bottom type diffi- cult to walk on would be encountered. Backfill should be sloped 3tvay from the water to prevent unfiltered runoff from entering state waters. Date: 1/ J: KRGEt~i~~~~~/SPEC. II April 10, 1980 CURTIS Read: GLEN HOE CK/dvo