Resolution 153-1981RESOLUTION NO. 153 -1981 WHEREAS, the 30API) 01 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an app]=ic._ticn from KEY HAVEN ASSOCIATED ENTERPRISES, INC. a rid WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant proposes the excavation of a 202' x 601 flushing channel to an undetermined cepth, the fill from which (5,400 cy's) will be placed in an existing canal for the construction of a causeway, This work is proposed pursuant to settlement and restoration consent agreement and request by the Carps of Engineers. It is felt that this work will improve circulation within the inland canal system, while still maintaining access to the northern end of Driftwood Drive. The proposed causeway will involve the placement of 420 cubic yards wa.terward of MHW and 4980 cubic yards landward or above MHW. Final grade will ba elevated from -1.3 MSL (average) to +4.0 MSL. Said causeway will connect Floral Avenue with Drrftwood Drive, The proposed causeway will have two 36" concrete culverts to allow for flushing. A concrete headwall will be constructed around these culverts. The existing canal to be filled is approx- imately 60 feet wide. The width of the causeway will be 36 feet, 20 feet o_ which will be paved. A gutter and sidewalk will be constructed on either side of the pavement. The proposed flushing channel will connect an existing c.ina*1 with outside waters, which were dredged previously as a borrow pit. Key Haven Subdivision and its associated canal network was created some t:_me ago before state permitting requirements. The tenth addition of this subdivision contains a deep canal network that presently connects to outside waters but, due to shallow depths, is not reasonably navigable. The tenth addition canal network includes two major canal branches, the southernmost one of which exhibits smaller comb -like branches. These two main branches and the associated comb branches connect to the portion of the canal that leads to the shallow open waters of Florida Bay. This connecting canal, which joins the rest of the canal system and which opens to Florida Bay to the north as previously described, constitutes the specific area,of the proposed project. This portion of the canal network appears to be 10-15 feet deep. It. parallels Driftwood Drive, which bisects residentially platted waterfront lets. On the opposite side of Driftwood Drive; open water is again encountered. This open water area is part of Florida Bay but was dredged as a borrow pit fcr D.O.T. bridge approach fill to an unknown depth. Likewise, the major portion of the tenth addition canal network was apparently excavated to very deep but unkno4m depths for the purpose of obtaining fill. This fill was used tc create the elevations presently existing on the subdivision lots. The natural offshore waters to the north where the canal system presently opens display a hard bottom supporting turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) ;patches and scattered corals and sponges. Sediments here are light and of a :;oft texture. Depths here are shallow, reaching a maximum of three feet (MLW). An application to further develop the offshore waters to the north of this subdivision was filed with the state in 1972. This application was ultimately denied. On June 17, 1980, the consent agreement referred to in part A of this report was signed, binding the present applicant to undertake restoration as it is now proposed, in part, by the present application. KEY HAVEN ASSOCIATED ENTERPRISES, INC. RESOLUTION NO. 153 -1981 The project can be divided into two separte sites: The site to be filled and the site to be excavated. The area to be filled for the proposed causeway is part of the inland canal network that was never completed. The depth here slopes from outside grass flats that are exposed at extreme low tides to inside canal depths that initially drop to approximately 10 feet. The bottom here exhibits turtle grass and Cuban shoalweed (Halodule wrightii), both of which equally constitute the primary and dominant benthic vegetation. Green algae (Batophora sp.) was also scattered here, with most of the growth along the eroded shoreline of the canal. Also along the shoreline, red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) and black mangroves (Avicennia germinana) were small and scattered. To the north, on the Floral A enue side, the shoreline was covered with a healthy growth of black mangroves. Shoreline composition is loose limestone and marl. The canals here were box cut but have since eroded and now have a narrow submerged shelf. Thin -shelled oysters (Isognomon sp.) were common alon€ this shelf. Among the fish observed here were mojarra, needlefish (Stronglura notata), barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda). anchovies(Anchoa sp.), sheepshead kilifish (Cyprinodon variegatus), and juvenile fish of an unidentified .species. The site proposed for the flushing channel excavation is presently old fill that was placed during dredging operations. There is little vegetation here, the only significant growth being brazilian pepper (Schinus sp.). On the inside or canal side, the shoreline composition is similar to the canal site proposed for filling. Batophora sp., is dominant along the eroded shelf and continues down along the box cut wall. Cuban shoalweed is also found in smaller amounts along this shelf. Above this shelf, red and white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa) sprouts were observed. The outside or open water shoreline to be dredged for the flushing channel also displays a somewhat eroded shoreline but, in addition, it contains numerous rock boulders, which support a number of sedentary and crevice -dwelling species, including encrusting sponges, mussels, Xanthid crabs and turban shells. On the larger rocks, red and brown algaes were attached, the most common of which were Laurencia sp.and Gracillaria sp. The eroded limestone shoreline here was approximately 30 feet wide, dropping sharply to deeper water on the outside, Water quality appeared to be good at all times. The potential impacts anticipated from this project will be immediate in the form of seagrass destruction in the area of the causeway fill site and, to a lesser degree, some destruction of intertidal and subtidal littoral zone biota in the dredge site, While circulation will be slightly reduced in the canal system as a result of the causeway filling, circulation within the canal as a whole should be enhanced. Circulation improvement should supplement existing biological communities and improve water quality. Most ciritical in water quality improvement for these canals will be controlling depths after filling is done as additionally specified in tile. Corps' consent agreement and which is not included in this application. _ - 2 - KEY HAVEN ASSOCIATED ENTERPRISES, INC. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has benn read i.rito the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by thct Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this T1 & y of May � 19 81 at a regularly scheduled meeting. (Seal) Attest: erk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONn FLORIDA -t -Q ?. -�) -,I By Mayor -- ---- - 3 - BOARD OF COUNTY COI )NERS --- Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 ;'p, - Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3W"DI, MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4f Ken Sorensen, District 5 t � C-:4!�V OUNTY o MONROEKEY WEST,FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294 4641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 FICE OF: Planning & Zoning Dept. Public Service Center Key West, Fl 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures 2. Permi t l/ 3. Application for Permit 4. Site Plan 5. Location Map 6. County Biologist Report 4--- 7. DER Assessment l/ 8. Resolution 41-11, BY, Administrative Secretary DATE .1� f PL1:.:;I\G, i,UILDI`;G & ZONING DEPART:IENT PE ?IIT . - MONROE .3 rR 1 PEn"!17 FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF N0: COUNTY FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR t•7ETL ANDS OF `fOVROE COUNTY 1) Property ou-nors name & mailin; address 2) Date IFOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Key Haven Associated Enterprises, -Inc_. 317 Whitehead Street 3) Phone number Key West, F1 33040 294-1002 Resolution No. Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc. ,Rockland Key, .Florida 33040 296-5606 5) Legal description of property: Section 26, 27- Kev Racoon Subdivision Township 67 Lot Blocl; Range, 25 Street, road or mile mart-er West of Kev 11aven 10th & 11th Additions. Volume of material: dr-2d_e6/escavaced tilled%deposited 9000+ c.y. C.V. 9000+ c.y. c.y. ware -ward landward waterward landward of 'f,H.1J. of of M.H.W. of �1.H.iJ. ZONING : RU-1 PURPOSE: Remove existing bean and place spoil. :'°Cost of Per -it Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Cha i m. an EO.;RD OF COUNTY CML`1ISSIO.:ERS _- OF M ;ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Co -Tents - Rostr_ct_ons or Special Conditions if any: - "Approval" Conv in File Date TO BOARD OF COUNTY CO`L`IISSIONERS FROM H. F. I;einkam, Director Building, Planning S Zoning DATE May 18, 1981 -- SUBJECT Key Haven Associated Enterprises, Inc. Dredge and Fill Permit This is an add -on item for which I request your action. The subject application is the result -)f a Federal Court order. Ile recommend approval in order that the applicant comply with the Court's order, This item is an add -on as a resuLt of a misunderstanding of the = Court's requirements until after the deadline had passed for the Agenda. 'Thank you. COUNTY I) Property ot:ners nai, _:1r adC!rc Key Haven Associated Enterpries, Inc• 517'Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 oll '.:F. �-ND OF `tO:;P.OI: Cu '1TY�.'' I�) Date Pone nu beer April 24, 1981 I 294-1002 .") Contractor or a;;ent's name, nailing address, phone & certification number. Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc. 5) Ler,.al description of property: - Sect ion, }: •Y-' � - cy, �- Subdivision, Township, Lot Block, Ranr,e, Street, road or mile marker, (if acreage) ;oninp,( -L West of Key Haven loth & llth Additions. G) Describe the proposed activity, methods of constrtrtion & amount of material (in cubic Yards), to l,e excavated or discharr•ed. rescribe purpose & intended use of project. Remove existing berm lying West of Key Haven loth and llth Additions (See Exhibit 4) and place spoil on Key Have loth Addition Lots to be deposited in Key Haven loth Addition Canal system as required by Consent Agree- ment attached. • c?re6 eel/excavated filled/deposited ;,�• volume of material: 9000+ C. C. 1.Z r��.1 �', - �<< rti" V. 9000± c V. C. V. o f *I . 1! . f, . o f It 11 ' d;''rL �,,', y. ., iaF4$ 7) game, address, & zip code of adjoinin• property owners whose property affronts eater way. Key Haven Associated Enterprises, Inc. 517 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 3 a) List ot'.1er permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, ror this site None b) If application !1as been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the pa.,t, explain reason for ne•a application .and rive applicant's name if different from current applicant. N/A List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this project. See Exhibit "B" Attached. This completed !pplicition form will be accomp;lnied by the following, or it will NOT Be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8� x 11 pamper, shoring location, plot plan, top view and cross section of oronosal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $10.00 for vertic-^1 seiaalls on m1n=made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combin-,tion of the above-ctivities Der site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar w-'th the information cortained in this application, and to the best of my kno::ledge & belief such inform.-ition is 4th olete & accurate. I further certify Chit I possess the authority to underta000sed .activities. All provisions of laws and ordinincea governing this typewill be complied with whether specified herein or not. The grinting of a permit esume to give authorit to viol.vte or cancel the provisions of an coIderal law regulating construction or performance of constructip of f acIIItA ;For ')epartnent Vne Person accenting application _ rt� i• ,2 J. receipt COSL or permit A1)1)rovcd 11)y ;�-r-rt, Director .stinate CAsC -ot coll.-4 • , •L y `\ ..a � / / . . � //� v �. t^ o o• l .� � r r � r o �� � � �j / / �'' �, ,�,� V •Owr 3397 �ir.� s • / DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDLa,�;E DATE May 18"981 SueJECT Key Haven Associated Enterprises Inc, -Removal of spoil (berm) from the Gulf of Mexj To H. F. Weinkam, Director DEP•T Building* Planning & Zoning FROM Robert Dennis, Environmental Biologist DEP'T_ Planning & Zoning LEGAL TWSP 67S, RGE 25E, SECT 26 and 27, Berra extends into the Gulf of Mexico in a Northwesterly direction from Lot 17, Block 1 of loth Addition of the Key Haven subdivision, INTRODUCTION: 1 This application is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a)(5) and (b)(4), REASON FOR PROJECT: To comply with a Court Order to carry out a consent agreement made with the Army Corps of Engineers. nTgrTlCCT()M Applicant is requesting a permit to remove an existing berm comprised of 9000 c.y. of dredge spoil. Removal of the berm is to be done so that the bottom is the same or approximately the same level as the submerged bottom adjacent to the berm area. The spoil will be used to raise the bottom of the existing subdivision canals to a depth of -10ft, MSL, RECO?DfENDAT I ON : Approval NOTES: Department of Environmental Regulation permit may be required, ! • I l . • 1 . r L. . r)ISTrU[T r.1AN� STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA DISTRICT . AL1gu:; t 24 , 1979 r1r. Denni s Frick of f ice of Couns(il Depart -.merit of the Army Jacksonville District, Corps of Engineers _ P.O. L'ax -1970 Jacl:SOnville, F1. 32201 r Itt:: Cas(i Mo. .75-150-CIV-11M aria . 75-635-CIV-S•.r•t Key haven/Arthur 'Lujan Dear I•lr. Frick:: Vic. DEparLnent has re vie:cerl the prol)o:,ed Con ent Agrecm^rlt, dated i.pri l 24, 1979, and concurs with Stipulations 1 and 2 paces 4 and 5. - It is our un(1erstanding that the opening from the canal to open :caters in Parcel D will be culverted and a causeway constructed. It will be nece_:sary for Mr. Lujan to obtain a permit from this Department for t-lir� canal op(-ning :to the old vorro:,► pit- area. Based on information and evaluation from our clrecige an,.? fill in:.,oectOr, tl: District ilanacrer has indlcat.ed he app!ove thr, Permit, S`ipiilat_icn l., j)g A, i.s accomplished anal the present openiria is not filled in solidly. We appreci.-te the el),-ortuni:y to review this project and would li kc: tc revie,•-i anI , further information which may become avail- able regarding the resolution of this, problem. Sincerely yours, Laglrr;� i�uair n Enforcement Officer LF./hi cc: Hich,zrci !:organ Lou 'r end t Glen Doe EXHIBIT "B" - 4 - III. PAI;C`:' As -o he c :ist_ins; high and dry land in Parcel D, the United States !,crc"-:V all claims that. Key haven, Lujan or their predecessors in title violated 510 or 5404 and agrees that it shall not seek restoration or any or -her criminal or civil remedies for alleged violations of 510 or §404 relating to the existing high and dry land in said Parcel. Lujan and trey haven agree to do the following: 1. Remove the fill berm (See. Exhibit "4") located adjacent to Ivey haven Eleventh Addition and haul said fill to the innermost approximate 25-50'/ of the two canal system$ located on Parcel D and commence casting of such removed fill into the aL•ove described canal areas to the extent of the availability of the fill removed from said berm, bringing, the elevz Lion in the innermost section of the two canal systems locz.ted in Area D tip to a level of 10 feet in depth with a natural-.1ope.of the fill extending oil a natural grading. While it is not conCcmplat_ed by the parties herein that_ there will be sufficient fill from the berm removal to fill oil a graded level the innermost 25-50;; of the two existing canal systems its Parcel D, should there be such additional fill available, i.t will be utilized to bring deep pocket elevations up to a depth of 10 feet plus or minus 1 foot, and t;iereaftcr, to be placed in the remaining, portions of the two canal systems in Area D to the extent that the average elevation of the two canal systems in Parcel D would average out to an elevation of 11 feet in depth. Removal of the berm area adjacent to .the Key 11a,:en Eleventh addition would be at or approximar.ely to the level of the natural submerged bottom adjacent to the berm area. Prior to commencement of refilling operations in canals of Area D, a turbidity screen will be installed and mair:ained across the mouth of the northern access channel. A plug will be installed at the mouth of this channel and excavation of the southeast_ w - 5 - access, channel ,i.1 i t)c c0,j,!j_1c, ecj si .,irltnr.cously as refilling operations are cone? ::?,�d. (;P::n cv1110ction of the Southeast acce^s channel, a turbidity s�: een ;,i 11 �1so be re(luired. Lujan w i 1 _te IL-Lached restoration order attached ticrcto as F, xhibit "5", 3. It is clearly understood that the obligation of Key Haven and Lujan as set forth in Item 1 and 2 above, is conditioned Upon (a) rLu jan and Key Havers riot having to pay Lhe State of Florida or all one claiming tf�rough the State of Florida for the fill actually removedt'from the berm adjacent to Key Haven Eleventh Addition oe for the fill actually removed pursuant to Exhibit "5". and (b) further curiulatively conditioned upon Frey haven and Lujan actually obtaining appropriate local or state authorizatic,n, if any, relating to road access aspects of Exhibit "5" activities.. Attached as Exhibit "6" is a permit application �.hich applicant intends to file with the State of Florida, Department of Environnental Rer,ulation upon execution of the Cc•nsent•r►greerrreni herein. The Corp:, of Engineers •:/ill attempt to coordinate and facilitate the pro,,nt exDeditious processing of the preconditions described in (a) and (b) above. 4. In the event the conditions precedent as set forth in subparagraph 3 (a) and (b) above do riot occur, then Key Haven and Lu j ate will have no responsibility whatsoever to `take the actions set forth and described in subparagraphs 1 and 2. Moreover, ill such event, tt;� United States does not waive any claims that Key r:av-2n, Lujan or their predecessors in title violated 510 or 5",o4 in excavating the existing canals on Parcel D. Additionally, the parties agree that should the terms and provisions of subparagraph (1) and (2) relating _o Parcel D not occur as a result of the inability to obtain and secure the preconditions described in subparagraph 3 (-0 and (b) third parties not plirties above (the parties :ecognizin; to the Consent Agreement may be that able I:I:SOLUTION NO. -1981 WHEREAS, the B0ARD OF COUNTY CO'DIISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from KEY HAVEN ASSOCIATED ENTERPRISES, INC. and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant proposes to remove the fill berm located adjacent to Key Haven Eleventh Additio_p and haul said fill to the innermost approximate 25-50% of the two canal systems located on Parcel D and commence casting of such removed fill into the above -described canal areas to the extent of the availabilitS, of the fill removed'from said berm, bringing the elevation in the innermost section of the two canal systems located in Area D up to a level of 10 feet in depth with a natural slope of the fill extending on a natural grading. While it is not contemplated by the parties herein that there will be sufficient fill from the berm removal to fill on a graded level the innermost 25-50% of the two existing canal systems in Parcel D, should there be such additional fill available, it will be utilized to bring deep pocket elevations up to a depth of 10 feet plus or minus 1 foot, and thereafter, to be placed in the remaining portions of the two canal systems in Area D to the extent that the average elevation of the two canal systems in Parcel D would average out to an elevation of 11 feet in depth. Removal of the berm area adjacent to the Key Haven Eleventh Addition would be at or approximately to the level of the natural submerged bottom adjacent to the berm area. Prior to commencement of refilling operations in canals of Area D, a turbidity screen will be installed and maintained across the mouth of the northern access channel, A plug will be installed at the mouth of this channel and excavation of the southeast access channel will be conducted simultaneously as refilling operations are concluded. Upon connection of the southeast access channel, a turbidity screen will also be required. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this day of (Seal) Attest: Clerk , 19 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Mayor °,EmORAND1JM G TO BOARD OF COUNTY CO`DIISSIONERS DATE May 18, 1981 �1LC.t SUBJECT Key Haven Associated FROM H. F. Weinkam, Director Enterprises, Inc. Building, Planning & Zoning Dredge and Fill Permit This is an add -on item for which I request your action. The subject application is the result of a Federal Court order. We recommend approval in order that the applicant comply with the Court's order. .. . This item is an add -oil as a result of a misunderstanding of the Court's requirements until after the deadline had passed for the Agenda. Thank you. `, BOARD OF COUNTY C(`�— )IONERS—�,--- Wi►he►mina Harvey, Dist,... —- Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ry OUNTY o MONROE �t KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 ."96-1 (305) 294 4641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 OFFICE OF: Planning & Zoning Dept. Public Service Center Key West, F1 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures 2. Permit y 3. Application for Permit 4. Site Plan 5. Location Map —� 6. County Biologist Report 7. DER Assessment y 8. Resolution BY Administrative Secretary DATE nUiLDI`:G & ZCNING DE•P1RT'IENT PE:L21IIT MONROE ' ��'-J r r r...: �� �TIO::, THr DEPOSIT OF NO. P�: .I FOR C.t.. COUNTY 1��;; / FILL, OR ST::L'CIIURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE '�� % VATERS OR ?-!ETL\NDS OF NONROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DE•PARTNIENT USE ONLY Key Haven Associated Enterprises, Inc. Resolution No. 517 Whitehead Street 3) Phone number ey West, F1 11040 Date: 296-5052 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc. Rockland Key, Florida 33040 296-5606 i 5) Legal description of property: Section 23 & 26 Ke:LHaven loth Addition Subdivision Township 67S Lot�7 Block 6 Range 25E Street, road or mile marker I Volume of material: d r2d^ec/e_•:cava::ed filled deposited i s(.nn c'y• L0Q_c.y. c.y. water.:ard landward waterward landward ` of '1. ?.Iti. of 'I.H.?:. of N.H.14. of S.H.W. ZONING: RU-1 PURPOSE: Provide flushing for exisiting canal system Cest of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BO.=.;D OF COLNT'i CC:L`!ISSIO:'ERS OF :-10: OE COC.-T'i , FLORIDA Biologist Co^Tents - Restrictions or Special Concitions if any: "Approval with the following provisions: 1. Turbidity screens be used at all times, and 2. Depth of flushing canal be determined by the Army Corps." Conv in File Date uuilrlir.; uii icial i. `... V�,, �. .. �.... ......... __ lone numbe 1) property owner me b nailing address Dat. Ke Haven Ass^ fated r'•-t-erorices Inc 517 Whitehead Street April 21, 1981 I296-5052 Key West, Florida 33040 4) Contractor or a,ent's name, nailing address, phone & certification number. Charley Toppino & Sons, Inc. 5) Legal description of property: Section '' Township, Range, (if acreage) Key Haven loth Addition Key, Subdivision, 27 6 Lot, 20 Block, 3 Street, road or mile marker, "oning, t r 6) Describe the Proposed activity, methods of constru:rion & amount of material (in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intende use of project. Prepared flushing and access channel to provide flushing fe existing canal system being4modified persuant to settlement and restoration cc -sent agreement and request by Corps. of Engineers to improve upland canal dept Spoil to be utlitized for placing of culvert & causeway const uctiou related grading as reflected indredred/excavated pages 1 thru 4 of Exhibit A , f illed/deposited•" volume of material: C. V. 5¢00 C. Y. �cec y, c.� t-a te d' - ni rd of 11.11. of 't.il.['. �P �'!. ;A51 6i 7) :Dame, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property nffror water way. Key Haven Associated Enterprises, Inc. 517 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 3 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, this site See attached Court Order. b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in t past, explain reason for new application and Rive applicant's name if different from current applicant. N/A List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for tl project. See attached Court Order. This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will I NOT Be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8� x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows:: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $10.00 for verticil seawalls on man=made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. 441 provisions of laws and ordinances governing thi4�eies ork will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of anta o federal law regulating construction or performance of construe ,a of facilit•:/A 4/ 21T o ,kart L a R n L at 'For Pepartncnt Ilse Only/ .S •G p 1,J Fee 1~ receipt it Approed by t. Directc Person accepting application 'YJ Y ` Vtil <.,' Cost of permit 1. tinate d cost 0 1 cons 7 M . UNITED STATES OF ki- RICA, Plaintiff, vs . - ;:E1 HAVEN ASSOCIATED ENTERPRISES, INC. , ARTHUR B . LUJAN , KEY HAVEN UTILITY CORPORATION, Defendants. L11'17ED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CASE NO. 80-2161-Civ-CA JUDGIEITT AND ORDER FI LED S E P 2 �j i:,50 ,,_AT C:EU, U. S. DiST, C.T. / S'�UTli=r,;i DIST. CF F!,L FUL - THIS ACTION dame before the Court upon the plaintiff's filing of a complaint on August 7, 1980. It now being apparent that the parties are desirous of settling this action without adjudication of any issue of fact or law raised in plaintiff's complaint, and in consideration of the Consent Agreement entered into by the parties, the Court hereby ORDERS AND ADJUDGES: 1, That this Court has jurisdiction of the subject mat- ter and of the parties to this civil action. 2. That the Consent Agreement entered into by the par- ties and filed with this Court is hereby accepted and incorpor- ated 'in this Judgment•'•and Order. 3. That, for the purpose of enforcing the terms and the Consent Agreement, jurisdiction shall be retained over this action until such time as the parties notify the Court that the Consent Agreement -has been fully complied with; pro- vided, however, that the parties shall, in the interim, file progress reports every 60 days. DONE AND ORDERED at Miami, Florida, this day of. September, 1980. COPIES FU.I7ISHED: EAUSA Antle Robert Paterno Mark Sussman _Steve Calveres e UNITEIPS ATES STRICT JUDGE -rtifled to be a true and c : rrect copy of t2:e or igiil3l. U. S. District Court ,oseoh T.P. EcEart, Clerk _ SsL'.hErn Dist. of T'la. ! 9 %�+/ Ali ClWi: rSTOR.ATION DIRECTIVE TO Y-FY riAVEN ASSOCIATED E11TERPRISES, INC. ORDER A: To construct from existing uplands access and flushing channel to be located thru Lot 20, Block 3 KEY HAVEN loth ADDITI0N recorded in Plat Book 5 at Page 114 of the 1, Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. ORDE7? B: To provide road extension of Floral Avenue Northeasterly to Driftwood Drive with full flushing culverts. EXHIBIT "A" • PAGE I u� r (v O o Cl) �) r� z N r;nnn tJ 400 45� E - 50.74' `J 3r � J I30 r �ZZ. 3G 6U.U9 �) !�� l�l SQo 60' �.� 11� 12 p 35 �� 2 4 r. 23 c .. r.. tic CD - m GO - ot? a• t 9 o fl' O G t cl tv 0 2 O 09 t 05- I O� 0'� . 1. 06 ry o cD C I Er) 120' tie 63' ry 7I r _ itJ i - n �+9 C7 LO 6 <1 ' j N ry rl. q r) 0) Ln 9 67 IU 9 O - '�, c, ry : 4' •� r • i s Co 1 Ccu — C t 4 � O - ' m o � ) l 120 O' •7 r` - _ 110 ' ` t lo. 1 12 0 5 ii I ca CV cr) Lo STREET D A.T A t — rt 1 L= 67.64 r lO N O 1 co 2 I Z C) 20 - O `D 19 p Lr) Ft 0 e 2 9. ` V� �r.3 do C O S S 3 C-C T/O A.1 C- �C 60' Exi3tin9 canal Fir>,sh 9.adc /o me�ch Cx.st,n9 Dodd 9.adc / Conc. heedwa// o.oc AI. Al. J Erisfin� �rvde (2) 3G- Conc. culverts to d/low {/Vshif7_9 c.e o s s sic r-io.v •e - .� ExiS��n� �r-ade CAE' OSS 3EC7-/OA1E- ro 5 o ro Scale in f"ccf EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 3 0 oc A/. H. 20c � F.coi>o �. Fi7 �: ccesS € Fc uSN�nr(j CNL.v.vFL 'r/R O(1C.V COT L'O Erik DEPTH TO BE CONTROLLING DEPTH AFTER FILL IS PLACED IN CANAL fines CerAj AS RESULT OF STIPULATIONS BE7)4EEN APPLICKUTS AND CORPS., AS / SET FORTH AT PAGE 4 PAR. I OF CONSENT AGREEY.ENT AS EXHIBIT 'C'. f"xis�in9 C�sdc • f� orr1ow �iit i Gra de C*-e(D J SECT1(0 •40 /O O I ' HHH Nose/2ON7�4f- /v FEET YF.eT/C-4C SCALE /.v F'6ET Go' WioE P,c+oPoseD �4cccss f Fcvav/.vG CNiINNE� TA,,,O"0.ov for?o 30' J O' ell 0.00 M N.W. of �ScC de,o�h Comm in cr o sS s`ec�:or/ V- G a6ovc 'N 0 o✓,r ; 0. out j ro.o Prmf. S S'ConC. S,dc..,a/.E-- LO, � so � I � Conc, hcadwai/ t 2' C'onc. 9u �'— (Z) 34' Cbse. C,/.Cc,IS CLOO Alla,lY. . �rd OTC c,e CD SEC - -/o.y '- . o, o0 �Sc .•� � E /i.. FE-C T EXfIIBIT F' A E r!� Key Haven AssociaLeci �:nt�t pris 5, I►i. :=44-36683-5E Monroe -County - Key ?Jest Page Five E. Under the provisions of Chapters 253 and 403-of tira Florida Statutes, I recom-:iend approval of this annlication as it is proposed. 7,iC Dece her 30 , 1930 � `L! NE JA_M/dvo haven Assoc'at-d, .t44-36653-57 .,onrce County rage Four Itcr:)riscs M,St sheepshead kilif4.sh (C;:nrinn,ion va riey',:itlls) , and juvenile fig'.? = of an uni%ienr� : _L,• _ec' spec: ics . The sire rnrouns:'ci , fo`he i 1::.,'hir.�; ch ,.nne1 e� ty :cavaticn is res- i ntly old i ill tll:tt 'las ?)1<iCt':1 d::rta'.:; d1vc(I:'_ _ng operations. There is little veQei.:w:ion hc1e, tL1C UI-.1v S i,r.ificant growth h,:ink braziliail pepper (Sch;.nus sty. ) On the inside or canal side, the sh,)r,: I::Tic' cormosition is si^lilar to the c:�-�al site t -oposed for f: iins;. Iiatonhora sp. is .ioMinant <alun:; the 1 rod...'. steel r :In(l c "t i.nues down rslon ; ' .)v ,ox gut -.gall. C.1:)ail along this she1=. AL)o-:(, Li --is shell, red ar.j wtlite mint;roves (1 ,1.:anculzria r..-ice" sa) sl)r:)uts ���r(: obscrvod. Fhe out�iL'e or opLLn ::.:Iter s,ioreli.no :L dredged `ur Che flu:;hinp channel also disp)_rl•:s a somewhat eroded shoreline b.lt, ). in addition, it contains niu?ierous rocl: boulders, which sllppor': a number of souentary and crevice -dwelling; species, including onc:-usting sponges, mussels, Xanthid crabs, and turban shells. On the lare,er rocks, rod and brow-n algaes were attached, the most co=:ion of :,hi ci, ,;ere :.aurencia sp. and Gracillaria sp. The erode: limestone shoreline here was approximately 30 feet wide, dre- pin,; sharply to deeper water on the outside. ?later quality a-inpe:ired to he 'good at all sites. J. the autenti it i.::�.lcts 3�ti� i;)ate;i from this project will be .:Mme�iate in the form :)f st•3 -ass destruction in th,: area o` the causcwav fill site ild, �n a lesser cie ree, some destruction of _ntertidal rind suhtic1al li-taral ccne biota in the dreds�,e site. v::hile circul,iti.on .. iil be ii`,htly reduced in the canal systz-1.1 ;is a rest:? '-ll i n�' , CirculaC_ :a within thy: can:11. tis :1�+::'�)1(' sh.)u 1 be un'-:ince�l. Circulation iT1T)rUVI?: en'' Sr!�llld sl: "�i '[:)ent [':•'ti`_ in`' ca1 cities and 1mproVt_ :atcr qual4-L:. :a'; im rovvmf'nt:: for these canals :ill ?C (:Untr:�l' ir. ;' (lE'D;`. , " llini; is don C' LDS n 1lltlOn lli�r Sl:f'a 2 L iC d -n ChC COr') I s co?lsent ap-reement 1tlIC! t•:111C h 1S nU?: inclu6ed In ".:his ap,)licatior. i e Haven .tssij, a L 2il 424-36633-5r ".onroe County °a e Three Inc. an unkno:�:i d,.nzh. I_il:c�t:i.sc, the major n(irtion of the tenth addition canal network t:<rs :•nparentl'; e>;'avatcld to very deer best unknc'.�n depths for the ;))irl)ose oc r)i)t:-Ii :4n4, fil:. y fill teas used to create the elevations nr.esc rit"ly existing on the subdiN•ision lots. The natural of fsh")re waters to the north where the canal syscem presently d,,)ens display a hard bottom supporting; turtle grass (Thaiassia te,studinum) patches and scattered corals and sponges. Sediim(-Ijts Cre are light and of a soft texture. Denths here are shallow, reaching; a maximum of three feet (f•'.U.0. An anpllcat�on td) ;,urther de e.Lol. ,i Lshorc waters to t� �_' north of this SU'DJlvitiLon w.is itl`d] t�iiil t:.i? St�lte in 1972 This 1pnlicaLio:l denied.;. on June 17, 130, '.ho ai;ree,l1—:_ r(?rerred to to nart ti Of �hiS rez),.)rt :�uS Slf,il('k! , .)inCjl.n tl`c' Pr C:�eri� a�nll�anC ': l undertaiCj L t'S�,'_ i 1C)n 3:' ' t is no)W . in Hart, by the Present application. C. T`:e ^roject Car:.CC sues. The site to be fillej :�l:d `ilc' site t.,) :Je cxc:l',";i�d• The area to ')e ti11e,' Eor t he Pronose.i c:iu ewav is part: of the inland canal netWorl: that t.,as iiever compleced. The death here slo;)es fr.) rlLtsi'e ;;rags s-1.-Its that re exposed at extreme lo'. tides to insicle canal IeT)tt:s that initially drop to apprcxir:;,�tel•i Jr) t eet. T11c otto;a here �'_thib1ts turtle rrI-iss and Cub in shoal:.eed (1lsio.""l t^ ;: ht ;) , ,,otll which equally cotzstitute the primary and dc;,inant berlthic Jes;et.ztion. Green algae (Batonhora so.) t.:as al:;n scat -eyed 1".rre, With :r.ost of the ;rot•Jth a To n q the eroded shorelire or z:hc canal. Also alon; the Shoreline, J'd'j 71anproves (:hizonhora ma -.-,,le) ana black, man, -roves (nEor:111n; na) To the north, .)n the I ioral ..verlt:e SiJa, the shoreline was covered with a health,, n.1•owth Of 'DIOCiC I•I:_'nt;roves. Shoreline compd)Si--ic)n is l.00st, lime:-, ;O ,-: and: rlarl The canals here were box:I,:e ero('.cd all.: hC?:J h:ive aI111rOtl su')„ler^eCl steel.`.. l;ir.-she 1 i.�•.I OVs' er:. (1S �c •:Urinn sn.) cn_-Ion-alon;; A; ong the Fish u*),�er'�.'(,Ci+�tl'C).^.,'ll".1 sn. ; . },:even roc ,lt i r,t orni-i�. 16683 ..cnYne Two •� •,nl icanr c il:,nl:el -o an lr-o c rni.n� ti 4,Y) C_' )l .nCe_1 _OnsLrucOTI 11S('WRV. n Sett1CM, nnt -iT'(i rnyt:.� ar i :)" the Curl's c r :n _no s . Still i-1a r.tai1, r.^ icccss t,) Drive. Inc. �. ,�r t'.•t� fiii : Yt)::l ca;"tich r, _a.n.11 for -`e :'h is, pur, -ian t COn5(1;""r_•(' :f. nt ilnd ,:,ril ? . i:; t�-1r. ,.�; It t_i:is t•:orl•: will illl:a^.� �.cl• '_ ...,t •r.l, �.•:hile _.14�101 t l':C"�11 i 1'.ti (�� DrL�t�::�Od '. .he nronOsed causc'��ay :Jill involve the plLicement of u:'D cubic yards waLert:•.-ird of Miii•: Iced 49.3D cuhi. yards landward or above '•IizW . Final s;rade gill he (! l evat ed from -1. 3 MSI. (--2verar,e) to +4. U ''1S1.. Sa �,.1 will. connect. Floral :�I1!le Wlrll Dr4it.J()'U-d Drive. �ht? prcipcsed causa^,-ay W111 hive two 36" concroi_e cult':-'r:.i L:o a 1C):•7 titer Liushin.,;. A _11 �`(� �� ,Sr-Uc-t ti ar(� lncl th(:S� or,crete hea6wai i i _ :he e\:Stin, �; calial to UE •23 1S .1Di(COS1.MlaZ:eIY 6 LCt?t ••Jidc. The wi(1th o:: the c.lu::( iJay will be �6 ieet, 2D Ecet W wlliell will be t)�vt>d. � }',utter and si<;hw-ilk ,gill Le constructed on eit':er sidC or the pavcir.ellL. r i'he proposed i :sili -- cn jllne i will connect an existlil Canal W-�.'l OucS-;-Ie�'.:aters, '�'lich were -dredged p1"eviou,l}' .Is a Dorr'-'.J Ke-i Haven Subdivision and 1'_J sscl LatC'C: canal network was created score Lime .a ;0 be - t' ;Late UCL-:�i• tiny, requirement.3 'he LC' i it LhlS S•.l iViSiOT1 cont: ins a deep canal :let�•ror':to CULSid.= waters but, du^ '0 t_:�)n 11)1' r lS able. T 1e tent' -Iddi: ion C:,'1:11 t'.C'.:')ri: inc l':•-. s L W 0 ...:1 j 017 canal branches, t lE SOL`t:':C1"1-170SC )nt' c:'. tdi11L!: �,t')1C5 ;T:lil�'r COrlb-ill!(_' `arar.C't1C'fi h.'s� brancr.c:s C ::nC'CL LO�;'1n ^ _' _ li)Il (�: r1 i' (:1??iil }'.:it i!'at'S _O Lhe Sh--11i.'�I.7 ()Pen W*1 0r_ OL _ :i ?V. �:UI:Il'_Ci ill,, caC_!1 47h1C�' t 1, ti ^d . :vil is;1 Ope'ls t0 !' 1 ,��i,1s r e f Est : c:1-a ` t_t1:: v :'.��scri}.ca c:-.I:st;:ute., the i �1r�:1 n` i',C '�l".1 )O: t i� I)L(�� C, �rlll ; l)ur L: on of t'-,, S�tC IiC: Cana. nt'r:JorK 10-15 1Ce-L t 1)^.la1lC'l.`i i;t-Lr-twoo'd C1I'.. t'Il LCi -1 resl. cl"t ia- U11L �i..i �:,.^_ti'L"- ow: lots. 0n tht-- o'?nos. :tt 5..1( :)f Dr 1. �WC1O(I ::1- i.vt': u .t'I' !:'3tt'L' •,mot-'( ,ncount',2rcd cli: ipc,n Wa;.i,r area 1. i mFloridart UL Bay b,.1': was dredgod as a l)orrow ni t for D.O. T. i)ri.(1n,e approach fill to P ..':I: i%PP L C A_.'i0 PPPA 15..:, 33-5:. Colitty :1onrc)t. Date. 1'-1:;-i') �.c�licant ?Ian ;: e•; -�;.;oci.itecl �nt�r•�rities, Inc. ,.::iress.• 51.7 ! hitehead _ eet, 1,'ey I:est, Plorida 33040 '•: ;eat (if aoplicabl`) -- ..4 11 i-,)s `_ Trice St., � in`; � I:�c . Address: 1204 Simonton tre- et , Ke_ y 'hest , "I erida 3301) Location of oroject: Sect ions; i Township ('iS Section(s) T,.)wnship , e"erence: Kev "a%,cn Subdivi.siun :rater Body: Florida ,a Ater Classificat_-on o` Area: Aqua-_c Preserve: C_;.._tanding . lorida Waters: ---- On s to inspection by : .Jahn A. I ,ler Range Range II. ;d_ -Lccnt TIT i--e o= I nsnectic,,. - - -33 ^-;,-;nn1 ncolication. Yes", tic ".e•:_sed -application: Yes `:oA Date: Date of 2nd Insp. Bio-ocical an:? Water Qual itv Assessment :_,escrip:icn of proposed project and construction tec..niques. f.,uantify area of project which extends into eaters of the state (including the su=erged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the s-_, merged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Sccticn 17-:.28, Florida A-::ainistrative Code. BioDhysic31 features -jeneral area. include co,-m,,ents concernin(-. extent of development o: adjoining L rcperties as well as re?eva^ historical facts al.=-_ the ar!,3. ". pioohysical feat 1rE�� a spec:: is project sire and sroil site i- ap-l_cacle. Incl._ _d(-:nti_.ca`_ion G?_ bot_:)m t,meS an,! 3n1 relevan-:i historica_ facts a!D,., It th.= _rec: therojez:_. G_ rr) J­ct •;l?.;ourccs a::! 'ria`_•- f ,Ual-ty. Addro_ss lcno-torm _mt)act -.s as li'medl n~e `or all aspects of `h,-� ... Suggestions, '.here app_cprla._i', rod..-_,:u_lons ti:at ma:i reC:'1 ^ or minimze thr.? :)cL.'_ntial 1:%i.�:tct o`_ ,10►s .�Owu 3397 iw u s t ARTMENTAL CORRESPONDL...,.E ' «:; MWEEMENEWMEMEW SUBJECT Key Haven Associated Enterprises, Inc. -Canal excavation and placement of spoil in exist: canal: To H. F. Weinkam; nirector DEP.T Building, Planning & Zoning FROM Robert Dennis, Environmental Biologist DEP'T Planning & Zoning LEGAL T6JSP 67S, RGE 25E, SECT 26, Key Havai loth Addition Block 6, Lot 27 and Block 3, Lot 20 INTRODUCTION: This application is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a)(5) and (b)(4). REASON FOR PROJECT: To comply with a Court Order to carry out a consent agreement made with the Army Corps of Engineers. It is the intent of the consent agreement to provide better flushing of water in the existing canals. nTcrirccTnv- The applicant is applying for an after -the -fact permit to construct an access and flushing canal (202 ft. long x 60 ft. wide) of unknown depth and to construct a culvated roadway. The canal will connect the Gulf of Mexico with an exisiting canal lying parallel to Driftwood Drive. The culvated roadway (hereafter referred to as the causeway) will connect Floral Avenue and Driftwood Drive. Both. the placement of fill for the causeway and most of the canal excavation had been completed at the time the work was stopped by the County. Approximately 5400 c.y. of material will be excavated from the flushing canal, 420 c.y. of which has already been used to construct the causeway. The remaining 4980 c.y. will be used in the existing canals to raise their dpeths to -loft. MSL. All work completed so far appears to be in compliance with the consent agree- ment. The attached Department of Environmental Regulation report describes the project in considerable detail and so will not be discussed here, RECO�tENDATION : Approval with the following provisions: 1. Turbidity screens be used at all times, and 2. Depth of flushing canal be determined by the Army Corps of Engineers, o it Crr;Ili, red ly ling existing canal system stem n te acvtty is expected t eo-mpletird Comnlet ion u/in 60 d. there- Exh, C - Page 4 Para 12. Is any Pori he activity for which authorizatlo•r is sought new eomplete7`' ' ) No DU If answer is "Yes.' give reasons in the remarks section. Month and y!ar 11e activity was completed_ Indicate the existing work on the drawings. --�- 13, List all approvals or certifications required by other Federal interstate, state or local agencies for any structures, con• strueiton, discharges, deposits or other activities described in this app!ication, includin velopmeni of Regional impact. g whether the protect is a De• Issuing Agency Type of Approval Identification No. Date of Application Date of Approval Not Applicable — See Exhibits A, B b C attached. ty. has any agency denied approval for the activity described herein or for any activity directly rela:ed to the activity de- scribed herein? Yes ( ) No U (If "Yes" explain in remarks) •••'••• MA 13cc rr„iructron pamphlet Ior additional information required for certain activities) Flushing access channel Ito provide flushing for existing canal system being modified persuant to settlement and restoration request by Corps of Engineers to improve upland canal depths. (See attached exhibits). The access channel improves circulation in existing canals. I16• Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the activities described herein. I agree to provide any additional information/data that may be necessary tQ provide rersonable assurance or evidence to show that the pro• posed project will comply .with the applicable St t"e Water Oualiry Standards or other environmental p►otrerton stan• dards both durir,4 construction and after the pr ct is completed. I also agree to provide site for inspectors from the environmental protection a nue for the purpose of malting prelims eanYra analyses oy to the f the tsite and monitoring permitted v�orks, if permit is granfe certify th 1�1 am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of m k d ther certify!ha I Y and b ie such information is true• complete, and accurate. I fur - possess the autho o.v ice the o osed activities. KEY HAVEN 1SS0C1� / INC. 10 28 80 la , v. TP Date By: Arthur B. Pre !dent 18 U.S.C, Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manne within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the Uni;ed State; knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals or covers up by any tack, scheme, or device a material fact er makes a71y false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or repr!;cntat, ions or makes or uses any false writing or dneuntent knelring same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than S 10.000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. IThe application must b: signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity. however, the atrulica• Lion may ;.re signed by a duly authorized agent if accompanied by a M-4-ment by that person designat:ng the agent and agreeing to furnish upon request, supplemental information in support of the application. FEE: Attach Checks/Money Orders on front Payable to Deparimt.nt of Envi.onmenial'Regulation S700 Standard form projects S20 Short forms and Chapter 403 pro;eets only JOINT APPLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE AIiNI FLORIDA DEPAR Fh1ENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION FOR ACTIVITIES IN WATERS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Refer to Instruction Pamphlet for explanation of numbered items and attachments required. 1. Application number (To be assigned) 2. Date 3. For official use only 28 10 80 Day Mo. Yr. 4. Name, address and zip code of applicant KEY. HAVEN ASSOCIATED ENTERPRISES, INC. 517 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 377-6700 Contact counsel for applicant, Robert J. Pate Telephone Number (305) at this number 5. Name, address, zip code and title of applicant"s authorized agent for permit application coordination PHILLIPS 6 TRICE SURVEYING, INC. TAYLOR, BRION, BUKER 6 GREENE Robert J. Paterno, Esquire 1204 Simonton Street Attorney for Applicant Key West, Florida 33040 1451 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131 Telephone Number. (305) 294-4747 (305) 377-6700 6. Describe the proposed activity, its purpose and int-nded use. including a description of the type of structures, if eny, to be erected on fills. or pipe or float -supported platforms. and the type. composition 3r.d quantity of materials to be discharged or dumped and means of conveyance. Prepared flushing and access channel to provide flushing for existing canal system being modified persuant to settlement and restoration con- sent agreement and request by Corps. of Engineers to improve upland canal depths. (See exhibit C attached). Spoil to be utilized for placing of culvert 6 causeway construction 6 related grading as reflected in pages 1 thru 4 of Exh- ADred9ed/Excavated Filled!Depoaited Volume of Material: CY SLf1C1 CY CY CY Watrr and or L.andv.:rd of Waterward of Land.vard of O.N.W. or r.t.H.W. O.H.W. or M.H.W. O.N.W. or M.H.W. O.H.71. or M.H.W. l 7. Proposed use See exhibits B 6 C Attached t Private I ) Public I ] Comr-nercial I ) Other " (Explain in remarks) 8. Name and address including zip code of zdjoinin9 property own-ri whose propery afro adjoins the waterway. None I 9.. Location where proposed activity exists or will occur I Street address Longitude Latitude (11 known) I Sec. 7'A Twp. 67 South age, 25 East Florida Monroe Key West _ Statr Count' In Cary or Town Ntar City or Town 10. Name of waterway at location of the activity Aw of F1 r,r; .tom _ ___� FRO