Resolution 158-1981 RESOLUTION NO~58 -1981 A RESOLUTION URGING SUPPORT OF UNITED STATES SENATE BILL 53 AND HOUSE RULE 1407 REGARDING A DECISION OF THAT PORTION OF THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT WHICH REQUIRES PUBLICATION OF BALLOTS IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE. WHEREAS, Thirty states, including the five Florida counties, are facing a problem in the elective procedures because of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, amended by Congress in 1975; and WHEREAS, the Code stipulates that in a voting area where 5% or more of the citizen population of voting age includes members of a single language minority all voting materials be duplicated ln that language; and WHEREAS, the latest census figures indicate that Monroe County does have at least 5% Spanish speaking resident population. This figure is provided by the Bureau of Census and the County is there- fore required to publish all printed matter relating to the elective process in both English and Spanish; and WHEREAS, the major costs in providing printed bilingual voting material has been borne by the state and voting materials paid by Monroe County is a relatively insignificant amount. However, staff time is necessary in preparing bilingual ballots and polling place instructions and providing bilingual poll attendants cannot be dismissed as a negligible cost item. An estimate prepared in November, 1978 stated that the cost nation-wide for non-English printed election material that year reached a total of $3 million; and WHEREAS, the Immigration and Naturalization law has historically provided that to become a naturalized citizen that people must have a working knowledge of the English language; and WHEREAS, Thomas Jefferson stated: "The strength of a democracy rests on an enlightened citizenship." Did he envision citizens of foregin bitth having voting privileges without having a basic knowledge of the language of their adopted country? And Page 1 of 2 Pages WHEREAS, the failure to requlre a working knowledge of the English language as a prerequisite to voting privilege encourages the establishment and growth of ethnic ghettos and does not encourage assimilation of immigrants into population at large, thereby diminishing the "melting pot" image on which our past deversity and strength are derived, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. That the Board does h~reby urge the support of these measures, both in Committee and when they reach the Floor. 2. That the Clerk is hereby directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to Monroe County's Congressional Dele- gation. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 2nd day of June, 1981. BOARD OF OF M COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY~FLORIDA t1 / 11~, I -/ c... c- .r--J' 4"""-- };:;, By .' .' .' ~ ,....., .': . (Seal) Attest: ~--7 ~~l5:T BY, rage 2 of 2 Pages