Resolution 159-1981WHEREAS', it'is completely obvious that the Air Florida''s'ervice from the.Miami Internati.onal Airport to the Key West International ..Airport has been ;greatly hampered and. -made most difficult., -:because of the inability of Air Florida to secure a permanent gate te or gates. at the Miami Internaiion.al. Airport,, ;and 'WHEREAS, it frequently has occurred that air passengers coming to Key 'West- must .:walk a di -stance than half .the length of. the Miami.-Interhational Airport,j.rom the. Air Florida counter to gates 'located on Concourse- H.9, and 'WHEREAS; it' has' come to our attention -that Air Florida, is the .fourth largestcarrierflying from. .the.M.iami International -Airport, and that 'the inconveniences mentioned herein would be greatly alle-, viated to flight ,passengers .coming to Key West by'th6 assignment .to Air Florida of a permanent gate or gates, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO1vD.4I-S8I,'ONERS OF'MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, as follows: 1...� That this-Board.does ent.reat,and request that the Mayor and.',County Commissioners of Metropolitan. -Dade County.use-their best efforts in securing for Air Florida, a 'gate or gates in close proximity to its -counter space'sb that'.pas.sengers flying Air Florida' -to Key West are not required to walk.such great distances, in the Airport to locate the.aircraft on which,they-are to fly. That the -,Clerk is hereby directed to fo'war*d a -certified copy of this resolution to the Mayor and County-Qommissioners of Metropolitan Dade County for their, appropriate action. .,Pas.sed.and,adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, ata regular meeting of said Board held on the 2nd day of -June, 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONPQL__GOUNTYi FLORIDA 4A By or Chairman (Seal) Attes.t, S9 A Attorneys 04?ica