Resolution 157-1993 RESOLUTION NO. 157 - 1993 ,::r. i.e"':__ :q ",r - CL ...~ :0 .. N " A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE GOVERNOR OF THE ST~TE OF FLORIDA TO DIRECT THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CO~ITY AFFAIRS TO IMMEDIATELY INITIATE' ACTIONS TO r:e:eNTIFY AND PROVIDE MAINLAND HURRICANE SHELTERS FOR MONROE COUNTY EVACUEES. 0::: 0-__ r" C:,J \VHEREASp:: Monroe County is a small, densely populated chain df, is;l.v.nds, ctll of which have a very low elevation above sea ~yel~ and khis low elevation makes our entire population vulnerable to the effect of a storm surge associated with a major hurricane and this vulnerability is extended to all infrastructure and provisions of essential services to such extent as to provide no option in protecting Monroe County residents other than an evacuation to the mainland, and WHEREAS, Monroe County is geographically located in an area which historically has been impacted by such major hurricanes one year in every four and this frequency of hurricanes impacting Monroe County has given cause to the National Hurricane Center to declare Monroe County as that area which has the greatest vulnerability to hurricanes in the United States, and WHEREAS, Monroe County has only one two-land road over which to evacuate its entire population from the danger presented by the storm surge associated with these major hurricanes and the limitations of this road are such that it takes up to thirty hours for all persons that wish to evacuate to a safe area to do so and this length of time is expected to increase as a result of increased public awareness resulting from the impact of hurricane Andrew on Monroe and Dade Counties; and WHEREAS, recent behavioral studies indicate there could be 35,000 or more residents evacuating overland from Monroe County if threatened with a major hurricane, and WHEREAS, shelter for evacuees, and the Monroe one designated mainland Florida hurricane County evacuees can house only about 1,600 WHEREAS, many Monroe County residents may not evacuate the Keys unless they are assured they could expeditiously and safely evacuate out of harms' way and that adequate numbers of safe shelters were available and waiting on the mainland of Florida to receive them, and WHEREAS, there are no designated hurricane shelters in Monroe County capable of sustaining Category V hurricane storm conditions which could therefore place all those residents not evacuating in extreme peril, and WHEREAS, Florida Statutes section 252.36 (5) provides that the Governor may direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population from any stricken or threatened area within the state and prescribe routes, modes of transportation, and destinations in connection with evacuation; now, therefore. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That these are matters of the utmost urgency to the residents of and visitors to Monroe County and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. 2. That the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners formally requests the Governor of the State of Florida to: (A) Designate specific preferred evacuation routes to be used by Monroe County evacuees. (B). Create a network of hurricane shelters paralleling these Monroe County highway evacuation routes (C) Coordinate with the applicable public health and safety agencies and establish hurricane shelter staffing plans for these designated shelters, insuring said plans include adequate numbers of medical and security personnel. (D) Establish a program to provide continuous emergency broadcast information to the Monroe County evacuees which advises them as to the recommended evacuation routes, the traffic conditions and delay expectations, and the up-to-date status report and locations of those hurricane shelters and/or refuges with available space. (E) Develop moving evacuees off shelters. and the implement a evacuation methodology routes into for these (F) Provide appropriate communications for the hurricane shelters. systems 3. That the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners requests the Governor of the State of Florida. to immediately dedicate the requisite manpower and resources to provide for the mainland Florida sheltering of Monroe County overland evacuees as a matter of the most urgent priority. 4. That this Resolution shall immediately upon adoption by the Board and Presiding Officer and Clerk. become effective execution by the PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 14th day of April, A.D. 1993. Mayor London Mayor Pro Tern Cheal Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Reich yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By-f);;L ~- , . ... Mayor (Seal) Attest :1')AMn' B.-~uDDA~7"l'fM'li .1?u~rfr~) Deputy erk Approved as to form and legal sUfficiency. Byk Ji--- County Attorney's Office