Resolution 183-1981 '~--~....... r L_ RESOLUTION NO. 183 -1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING GRANT FOR KEMP CHANNEL BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA, as follows: That the Grant Application for the Kemp Channel Boating Improvement Fund Project is hereby authorized and approved, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of June, A.D. 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~ec.. ~ ,0 ~,Op Ma~7Chairman 0 (SEAL) Attest: ~PH W. WIllTE.&LERK ~~WAi ()) ~2,OC. C erk APPfIOvtD A$ 70 10RM ~~/J IW' . ~'r:,(i.~j/1 Attorney'$ ORi1:e ~ I ~ i 1 ~. n I.~ r "1 r rJ ,\,r: r ! 4 _" . I t ion . STATE or rLORIDA DEPARTr1ENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES rlorida Boating Improvement Program Program Application Project Identification 1. TYFe of Project: Acquisition Development X Planning For Office Use 6~~ Date Received Launch Site New Docking Facility Expansion Channel Marking x Renovation X Project No. County Other (specify) 2. Project Title: Kemp Channel Aids to Navigation 3. Project Location: Kemp Channel, Summerland Key, Monroe County. FL 4. Brief Description of Project: to reburbish and repair existing daybeacons and install new daybeacons 5. Grant Requested: $ 13327 Source of Other Funds: $ Estimated Total Project cost $ 13327 6. Applicant Identification: Applicant County: Monroe Located in City of: (if applicable) Liaison Agent: Jeffrey A. Fisher Appointed Representative of Monroe (Name of County) County, Board of County Commissioners Address: Public Service Building P. o. Box 2545 Key West. FL 33050 Phone No. f 7. Signature: Date: !':"n'/c",ll:I/II'/ /,;..Lion (cn;;Cinl1eri) STATE or rLORIDA DEPART~\ENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Florida Boating Improvement Program Program Application for Development 1. Ownership of Site: Federal State x Local 2. Total Estimated Cost: $ 13327.00 3. Type and Esti~ated Cost of Proposed Development (By Unit) : Facility Quantity and Unit of Measure Estimated Specify No. and/or Feet Cost existing unlighted de ymarks refurbished (approx. 21) 2 new unlighted daybe acons added 13327.00 - Contingency - % (10% maximum) Total 13327.00 4. Type and Status of Required Permits, Easements or ~eases Type: Coast Guard Aids to Navigation Status Approved 5. Required Attachments a. vicinity map enclosed b. site development plan not applicable c. copies of required permits, easements or leases or letters s ta ting none are required enclosed eCG Aids to Navigation) d. proof of county/local ownership or other form of site control not applicable e. design certif ica tion if applicable enclosed ::::;;-^)]Jl~ r"'V.--- Service -;....... -.,;-::" r-'" -...~:;:':.~- '<;'; 'lI.~;.:.'.:...::.:.;:'".. /'t' . .,,"'t~ f, . . .Jt ';.:;;-%~~~~,:<,'1'i.'1 OK~:~~ ~B[~E (305) 294-4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RICHARD A. KERR, District 1 PURIEGTON "PURIE" HOWANITZ, District 2 JERRY HERNANDEZ, JR., District 3 JEROME SHIPLEY, District 4 DON SCHLOESSER, District 5 OFFICE OF: Florida Cooperative Extension P.O. Box 2545 Key West, Florida 33040 ....:,.,. .a. - ~ . -~ . . . ........ ~ e90~ ,.., January 6, 1981 MEMORANDUM To: J. C. Betancourt, Jr., Private Aids to Navigation Administrator From: Jeffrey A. Fisher, County Extension Director II, Boating Improvement Fund Liaison Agent Subject: KEMP CHANNEL VIOLATION (CCGDSEVEN (OAN) Hr 16518 Serial 2521) The Kemp Channel site was visited on 2 December 1980 by John Meyer (Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, Dredge and Fill), Ernie Bazley (Ad Hoc Committee member), Bob Dennis (Monroe County Biol- ogist), Bernie Shattner (Monroe,County Engineer) and myself. Using advance information provided by Ben Benoit (Ad Hoc Com- mittee member), Coast Guard correspondence and our own on-site inspec- tion the solutions to the problem became apparent. First, it appears in general that maintenance dredging would "not be the best solution but instead the simple relocation and/or addi- tion of two markers would rectify the problem. Second, it was observed that the marker tops were in poor condi- tion and probably undersized, The colors were faded. The group agreed that replacement of all of the marker tops was in order. Third, as reported by the Coast Guard, the area between marker numbers 23 and 25 was too shallow ~or proper navigation. J. C. Betancourt. Jr. 2. January 6. 1981 Recommended solution: (1) Destroy marker number 25 (remove pile and sign) and relocate a new number 25, 100 to 150 feet to the east in the direction of number 26. Lining up green markers to the port (numbers 23 and 25) will keep the boater in best possible water. (2) Add a new marker. to be designated number 24 (red tri- angle) approximately 100 feet further east of the new marker number 25 site, to a shoaling ledge, and in approxi- mate line with number 26. Diagrams of the above two changes appear: Present Situation KEMP CHANNEL 1123 Green 1126 Red L ShOQ 1125 Green Recommended Situation KEMP CHANNEL ~ 1126 Red Sh~~ V6t-100 '-7 0 1124 new : 1~100-1 I J o 1123 Green shoal o 1125 old J. C. Betancourt, Jr. 3. January 6, 1981 (3) All tops on all existing markers need replacing. This means 18 new tops, not including new markers numbers 25 and 24. In addition, 2 other markers at the mouth of a subchannel off Kemp, numbered 1 and 2, need new tops. The total marker tops necessary equal 22. All piles appeared in good condition according to an engineer. I have enclosed a Private Aids to Navigation Permit Application to correct the Kemp Channel problem. We would appreciate a copy of Coast Guard approved specifications for constructing navigation daymarkers. I look forward to hearing from you. JAF/bv cc: K. Lewin, County Administrator M. Cates, County Attorney S. Ryan, University of Florida District Agent M. Clarke, Marine Advisory Program Encl. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Address reply to: COMMANDER (oan) Seventh Coast Guard District 51 S.W. 1st Avenue Miami, Fla. 3313g50_5621 Phone: (3051 ..~ 16518 Serial: 1058 16 January 1981 Mr. Jeffrey A. Fisher Monroe County Extension Director II Marine Agent-Marine Advisory Program P.O. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33040 Dear Mr. Fisher: Enclosed is Private Aids to Navigation Application, CG-2554, authorizing the following changes to Kemp Channel Daybeacons: 1) Reiocation of Daybeacon 25. 2) Establishment of Daybeacon 24. This authorization is issued under the conditions of Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District(oan) letter 16518 of 23 June 1977, serial 1873. To correct the problems of undersized and faded daymarks, you should do the following: '}'.-~.~.-~ 1) Install 1 mile SG daymarks on Daybeacons 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25 and Summerland Key Daybeacon 1. 2) Install 1 mile TR day marks on Daybeacons 2, 4, 6, 12, 14, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 and Summerland Key Daybeacon 2. """~i .:.ti7~;) 16518 Serial: 1058 16 January 1981 Subj: Private Aids to Navigation NOTE: Each Daybeacon is to be equipped with two Daymarks. ,~<<~ You are also reminded that daymarks on the Obstruction Daybeacon are faded. Please change to 1 mile NW daymarks worded DANGER SUBMERGED PILES. Sincerely, ,< ......,.. A. C. DEMPSEY Captain, U. S. Coast Guard Chief, Aids to Navigation Branch By direction of the District Commander Encl: (I) CG-2554 (2) Daymark Packet Copy: Commander, Coast Guard Group, Key West, FL Officer in Charge, Aids to Navigation Team, Key West, FL Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, FL (Ms. Levin) f<~~ -::~ i .';:'.-'.~ ,j VI .., :xl r>t 0 !" TT1 :xl :ll (") 3: " ~ C: 0 0 nZ 0 IJl ~ :;I Il> C ~ m "1 l>'!: VI Cl '"'" 0 :xl", 1'!1 .;.,p -< CIl (I) "l> CIl Q 0 '"'"(") "'Z 00 ~ IJl 0 0 "Tll> 0 ~ :;I C ,2 :ll (I) :;I ~O Ul n "1 I"t 00 l> ~ CIl'< :xl ", :xl (") b:l VI TT1 0 VI 0 n n ~ 0 0 ~ r ~ III "Tl III l> "1 VI VI l> 0. " 0 VI Z ", r H:;; 0 0 :xl ", m VI ~ HCi :ll HI 0 TT1 l> Z ~ 0 ~ Z Z ~ 0 0 :xl "Tl ITl l> V\ n ~ 0 VI ! n II Z I m l> n ::>:: b:l II ~ CIl s: -i (I) '"'" 0 '< 0 III :;I "1 :E: (I) 0.. 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"/; II 6 41' 5 8 ~. . - } } 41' Cr. 8 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Florida Boating Improvement Program Pre-Construction Certification Project Title Kemp Channel daybeacon aids to navigation County Monroe I hereby certify that the plans and specifications for the above referenced project comply with the project design criteria established by the Department of Natural Resources, and will, if carried out, result in completed facilities incorporating acceptable engineering design standards, which facilities will be structurally sound, safe and suitable for their location and intended use. Date: r"- 9 ) ) 1 r; DNR 42-048 8-1-80 23 BOARD pF 'C<2Y.NTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 OFFICE OF: Florida Cooperative Extension Service (305) 294-4641 P.O. BOX 2545 Key West, Florida 33040 .'_.... ". ~ June 9, 1981 ~~(Gmrrw~~ JUN 4 1981 MEMORANDUM To: Lucien proby, County Attorney COUNTY ATTY. From: Jeffrey A. Fisher, Extension Director and Boating Improvement Fund Liaison Agent Subject: Kemp Channel Boating Improvement Fund Project - Grant Resolution Enclosed you will find a complete application packet for remedy- ing the Coast Guard cited violation involving Monroe County in Kemp Channel. This packet goes to the Department of Natural Resources along with a certi- fied copy of resolution by the County Commission approving the grant application to DNR for Boating Improvement and monies. I have enclosed a suggested format of the resolution. Do not mail anything. I will do that from my office. I am requesting from you: 1) prepare and present the grant application packet and resolution for Commission approval and 2) return packet to me. I will get certified copy of resolution from the Clerk's office and mail all appropriate materials to the DNR. It is imperative that we get on the agenda with the Kemp Channel BIF Grant resolution at the final commission meeting before they go on vacation. I believe that meeting is scheduled for 16 June. Let me know if you have any questions. JAF/bv