Resolution 185-1981 .".... ~ L-. RESOLUTION NO .185 -19 81 WHF.PFA..C;, the BOAPD OF mUNTY C(M!!ISSIOI:\1ERS OF MONroE COUNTY, FIDRIDA, has received and application from Mr. & Hrs, Nilliam Farrilton, and ~"1fIFRFAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the pe:rmi tting procedure to read the follOV-ling Biological Assessment into the Reoord, as follOV-1S: A. The Applicant proposes to oonstruct a riprap revebnent and dock along his Duck Key property shoreline. ':!:he proposed revetrn.ent will be oonstructed by the placement of 172=. cu. yds. of inspecified-size coral rock boulders along t.he entire 632=. ft. of property shoreline at t.he approximate ITlean sea level line. The proposed dock "Till be 30 ft. long (parallel to shoreline) by 14 ft, wide (extension from MSL line). It will be constructed of "1OOden decking materials and elevated on concrete pilings to the pro}X)sed lot grade (+3,Q+ ft., 1'1SL) , All construction activities will be acccmplished from the anolicant's shore. Turbidity curtains will be used during oonstruction activities, if required. B. The applicant's property is located alon0 the northeastern Duck Key shore- line in roddle Honroe C.onnty, Florida, .2\t present, approximately 50 percent of Duck Key is developed. wit.h single family residences (S ,R.R. 's) and various supportive facilities (ie, roadv.J'ays, restaurants, marinas, rntels stores, recreat,ional, etc.). Althoucrh some (10 percent) Duck Key shoreline areas have been artificially created. this particular shoreline area is situated in a natural corner of 'Ibm's Farbor waters. 'Jbm' s Farbor "raters are Florida State Class II waters as defined in Section 17-3,081 (F.A.C.). The applicant's property consists of roughly rectangular residential lot (752=.x IJ.I:)2=. ft.) which is bordered to the east by several similar nndeveloped lots, to the west by several existing- S.F.R. 's, to the north of 'Ibm's Harbor '\,'Taters and to the south by Bimini Drive roadway. Fasterly adjacent nndeveloped. lots appear to have been at least partially cleared and. at present, are vege- tated nrirlarily by a lush shoreline crrowt]1, of Australian pine (C...asurina equi-' ::;etifolia) interspersed with isolated buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus), bay cedar (Suriana ma.ritima), sea daisy (Borrichia spp.) and black mancrrove (Avicenna gerITlinans). Adjacent shoreline areas conta.in a light, variable-size riprap revetIrent. T'7esterly adjacent S.F .R. 's have largely clec3red and filled pro-- perty c3reas veg-etated solely by isolated coconut pa1.rns a.ru1 landscaflErl tropical exotics. Their adjacent shoreline areas have all been stabilized (ie, riprap or concret,e bulkhead) ana. many contain boat Clockino. lauching c3nd/or hoisting facilities. The applicant's upland porperty is, at present, completely disturbed by onqoing home construction acti vi ties. Disturbances include homepad fill roaterials, con- struction rubble and miscellaneous debris. The only rE'lPaining upland vecretat:i..on consists of isolated coconut palms anC sparse upland shrubs and arasses. (1) C. The proposed project area consists of the applicant's shoreline property and adjacent sul::rnergeil lands. he fonner presently contains sparse, isolated growths of such transitional flora as sea blite (Suaeda linearis ), daisy (Borrichia spp.), purslane (Seauvium spp.) and railroad vine (~a pes-capral) inter- spersed with a large quantity of the construction rubble and debris mentioned aOOve. '!.he existing shoreline riprap revetment is liqht, contains gaps and is alrrost completely covered by heavy detrital accumulations. Inshore subrnergent areas (to 20 ft. from the existing shoreline) were also somewhat disturbed by displaced riprap materials and concrete rubble. The calcareous, sandy l::ottom in this area gradually slopes to -3.0~ ft. (MSL) and also contains IClrge quantities of detrital mterials. Predominant sutmerqent vegeta- tion consisted of various species of ?Teen algae (Halimeda, Penicillus, padina spp. and unidentified filamentous). Hard corals (Scleratinia spp.) and several unidentified species of juvenile fish were also observed within this area. Offshore sul:rnerged adjacent areas (greater than 20 ft. from shoreline) have a sandy l::ottOI'1 (-4. O~ ft., ~1SL) interspersed with light to medium growths of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) . D. The primary irrpact of this project will be in the destruction and loss of an indeterminate arrount of transitional flora and green alaaes presently orowinq wi thin the proposed locations of the revetment back full and riprap with dock areas, respectively. Since the majority of this vegetation is presently only in fair condition (ie, sparse, disturbed), it is believed that any such impacts will be minimal in this instance. In addition, the proposed riprap revetment should prove beneficial in providing additional littoral microhabitat surface area. Addi tional lona-tenn irrpacts may be expected from the discharge by hydorcarl::on pollutants into state waters from l::oat rrotor operation and maintanance procedures; however, due to the limited proposed dock use (ie, single family), impacts in this area are also expected to be minimal. (2) BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF O1UNTY CCMHISSIONERS OF MOr-mOp COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the arove Biolooical Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida statute 253.124 by the Board of County Comnissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 16th Qay of ,June , 1981 at a reoularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY Ca~nSSIONERS OF }lONROE COUN'IY, FLORIDA (Seal) Attest: --- .v (3) BOARD OF COUN'TY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmin'a Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr" District 3 MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ~6 ....",-~ -~,...... "."-.' -~,~~ ~ 7';;:. ~ 8:"'- " , , " ~~ (305) 2944641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 OFFICE OF: Planning & Zoning Dept, Public Service Center Key West, Fl 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures v/ 2. Permi t t.-/' 3. Application for Permit 1/ 4, Site Plan V 5. Location Map V 6. County Biologist Report ~ 7, DER Assessment ~ 8. Resolution 1/ BY -e_~ Administrative Secretary DATE -3~?/f// / / Zoning: RU - 1 M tp:J' ~'. tE'~~~'" 1=)'. '" " M;-~" ,-'" g';' T"' .... , 'l ' [ "" , . - t ~..~ t'ti ..~ . -- - , ... . ,., ,~ .' t .' ~ PLAti"'NING, BUILDING & ZONING DEP ART~'1ENT PEIDUT MONROE ~~ PEr~IT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE ~ /~ ,.-~ WATERS OR HETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date 4/29/81 FOR DEP ARTIfENT USE ONLY I>riqinall y sulJrpi ttE d Mr. & Mrs. William Harf'il ton '" ",.c, "', Resolution No, J:604 Dale Drive 3) Phone number Silver spring, ~fL 20910 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Horizon Consulting, Tinm L. Reed Route #1, Box 948 Marathon, Fla. 33050 305 743-4667 5) Legal description of property: Section 1.1 '~ Key Duck Key Subdivision Center Island . TownshiP--65 ~ Lot 10 Block 1 Range 14 F. Street, road or mile marker Bimini Drive I . Zonina RU-l-~1: I Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited 0 c.y. 0 c.y, + 5 c.y. + 12 c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M,H.H. of t1.H,H, of M.H,\.J. of H.H.\.J. .. ZONING:RU-I-M PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COmITY COHNISSImmRS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval CODV in File Date BuilJiE~ Ofrici31 r,..... '\':~.:\! R 0 ~ r.,,: ~~; -::OUNTY _ -1~1'}' ) ..--~ ~~;:/ l>rO'lJl~rty o\,rners nane r.. t1Or':1ilLn;> ,"\ddrC'~;'; .? ,,~~! "(-it,. \'(\/0 Ct~ ~,L.u.~aM't. 'M-<- ' -'"t.- IcOOL(- W h~~ ~IVL, ~\..~'i m2J ;)OqtO !J :, A'~ ~ ~ i ':;: .. .. T' r . , ' . \ : ~: (' .. .,.. '"{' '. -' , 1 !, !',\\ '.1 'P' f " , I. J'\.\;. ;,., . !" E >: ',t ::.~ J\:'~::.. ~ C /\ :' ... . -. -----.-- -------------.- r,t n r~ r :.: r .\ \r /\ T ~ (,' J t '7' If r: ~ r: ,) i \ {' r'r J\CTIVI:;-lE~-r:; -'~T!:'~ ~,'_\TF1:('/ ('H ("j ~~ _T~!l:, ~';ETL\~l~) UP <:TC:I'r:7~'D.\L ~'~O;:P(]E Ci')L''':TY ~!~ lC~,1.J3f ' 11) ~1..~'11<tJ) ~~~ P.../2 J(8' I L J'I10:ll: !lilL1~),.: r r.ontr:1.ctor oJ nr:clrl.' [; nnme, ;('i~ b1 G~~10\'~ mo-~~, ~. 330.1--0 ~e~al dc~cri~tlon of nroperty: ;1d(!res';. p!\onp {, certification nll~,ber. 'j8 Y-(94 3 -(j66''r Section, '20. bS-5 ',"j Kcy~ 1~L~ 10 Sub d i 'J is ion, d~ ~. ;o\1nshipt Lot, Block. ! ~an~e, :341' (if acrear,e) Street, road (1r T"\ile narkcr. J1.~: loninr.. ~~~ ) n t~ 5 crt bet It e pro po sed act i v i t y, n (~ t It () d S 0 r con s t net ion & am 0 un t 0 f mat c ria 1 'in oubio yar"s)" )0_ "? oxoavntod oJ. dbohnrp'" ~r>?!:rtb . purp~c ~ i ten(~et! useof project. ~~ D';~~) ~ 0. . ~. 4<J,... C~-.~~O-l~l'~J~ ~~ ~ \JY'Ii'b~~ 30 ;( I If ( >::l me. ,\' tl t c r filled/deposited , ..r- + () c,y. 0 c,y, .::f ';) c.y. - t L c.v, 'N.lt,0.rrl;ar,d 'LI'l~h!artt ~".rtr:qrtf,.r,c! '1;~\~ 11-,:1:iO o t I . I... n r r. t I . !. .. 0 r . . I,. .. o. _ . t . \; . address & zir COdC~d.bWi.1 :n~ propertYw1j~"h~ property affronts ~"ay. ~ ~:t:f:!1~' cAt..- ,/) -, oI\~~ 4~.-...i1 ;;:. () ../,v....... ..;1Lf).....J(. :::.02<.'> . TV {,.. J::t:Ic - ~ . lJ,~-t ~ t JUj ())OC!D '(j;i.-d~ -J.e s33B~ dTcd~ed/excnvated ol\IT'le of material: a) Lis tot :1 e r this site permits issued tOLl Df-(L , / and,or applied tor., ,include applicant's name, - tor ,) If application has been suhMitted for this ~ro.iect (or one simf.l"lr) in the pil~t, explain reason for new application ilnd ~ive npplicant'q ~ilme if different from current applicc.l1t. "';11'1- List nIl l1roject. Fec1eral and CO?-I b~f2.. State D.f'cnci,es t:h~lt Ilave received npplicntions [or t ~1 i ~~ Tl1i'> completed ~pplic~tioo form will be ~ccomp~nied by the following, or it will NOT Be nrocessed. r>) Two (2) sets of dr:Jwings, on 8~ x 11 p,"per. ~hmdnr. loc;Hion, plot plAn, top vie'"" ~nd crosq qection of propo$~l, drAwn to ~c~le. ~) Applic~tion proceq~ing fee ns follow~: $25,QO for dredge, fill, docks OR1ny structure,; ;>ffronting nntur:1l water bodies. $10,0'0 for vertic'11 sC:1walls on rt:1n-mf'de bodies of w,..ter. $25,00 for ~ny co~bin~tlon of the ~bove nctivities Der qite. '"~licntfon is hereby m;>de for A Dermit to "uthori~e the nctivities described herein. , certify that I :1m f.'lmili.-l.r '.-flth the inforrnatior~ cort:1inec in this ,1pplic,1tion. ;lnd '" >:he be~t of my kno.,..dedge [. oe:1(>f such infor'!':':1tion i~ true, comolete {.."Ccu!,,1te, , "urther certify th1t I oos<;es~ the rluthnrlty to llndf'rt;'kC' the DroPO'1f'd .1ctivities. :,' ~ provisions of In''''S nnd ordin;1!1CeS governing tlli <: type (If .....01~k wi 11 be cO~f'~ied \"ith ""~I>ther soecifled herein or not. The gr.1!1t1ng of .1 r-ermit doe9 not pn'S1!lll~ to give " 'lorfty' to violate or c,1ncel the pro\<sions of .111Y ('C)'Jnty, 9t,1te 0r" fed"l-"l 1;".... ...tll.1tfng cf'\!'l,;truction or perform1!1cf' of conc;t~l~ct[nn:~~thh ,type I/J f~Cilit". I~- /J -- --L~ . (~ -1 c. ~ ....:_LU_:r~Ll () ~l T)!l .... J... c.: d l~ '1, \ : :: 1'1 c n t " s c (I n 1 v / ~~ 32 d / ~_.__ ,_ "- ':' j. ~ I ~ ,.- I. (' 1..' i ' . . . 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I '\' , , ,\0. 1 ~ I ~'" _~" \.l,\ ~..l '\ 1)' ,_ ....' ... ,.......~ "- '" ',.... 4 ; .' _" _. _ ~ " '~~.\.~, / ) 1 ~. I / 1 ,-,'" " ( ~ _._-==- I. ~ '/ I" 'to" I I ~ ')/r:::-, ~'? \..' "/ ,'I \ " ''J-, "~;;'''',.p .' 7 ' : ,~, ", ) '. ' i..... , 1\""" ~ '-' ,\ . ~ " " ..\ ,,\ '~,~;;:' l'll, " 'I', .' ,,' I ... t, ... I, , , >: I J I Project Site 1\ N.O,S. Chart llLf49 ,I I' I ~ I' f Purpose: 'Consu-:uction OL -\~ood Dock In: " , Tom's Harbour& r-"~ .' Datun: USCCS XLH At: Duck Key Adjacent Property C..'n2rs: 1. \-Jill.i,-illl ScilCrcr 2. F ran k J. \~ ,) 1 f County of Monroe, State of Florida <:. .. Application by Horizon Con- suLt ing .' sheet 6 of 9 '. .'t . ~ .... 'C / .\ I I I I I ! I ... Figure 2. i' l. J n Vie \.J () ~ l' r u p 0 sed Doc k and Rip - Rap E }: i s tin g iZ i P - ;\ i: ,) 011 Ad j i.i C {' ;1 L L u t \, :-:: {?..;!..ho,-J.)Qt'8">>pf-" I r - ~./, - 30 !...-- MSL ., Dock Scale 1 :360 Pur p II S e ,: "I Lot 10, Block 1, C en t c r 1"s 1 and Proposed Rip-Rap PLacement ~aralle1 to Present Shore +90' Construction of Wood In: Duck and Rip-Rap Shore Tom's Harbour I j. Datum: USCGS HSL At : Duck Key ,- I r , ~,", Adjacen~ ?~operty Owners: 1 . F r a'n k i,J 0 1 f 2 . \v m .' S c her (: r County of Monroe, State of Florida " <~~ AppLication by Horizon Con- sulting I sheet 7 of 9 ,,~;.... ~ ~~~~~._~~- "'c _,,~"'-~~"""""I""""~--:'~:4~ , '." ~., ..... . _~"W..___ """(' / r- I I Figure J. CCd:;:i S,,:t:c:! OL l':::-t)l,u:;(.d Dock Pressure Treated Decking ~ Concrete Piling '" '" ~'J ,\' ",.lI, Bay Bottom _ Scale 1;84 . Pu~pose: Construction of Wood Dock Datum: USCGS MSL , , ., Adjacent ~roperty Owners: 1. F ran k/ W 0 1 f 2. I-1m. SCher2l" " ~::- \ " .t ~,\ ..... \..'/' Lot Grade " ~, ~ Rip-Rap Shoreline In: Tom's Harbour ~ At: Duck Key r r County of Monroe, State cf Florida Application by Horizon Con- sulting sheet 8 of 9 ( G 1/ , . . }:igure 4, Dcu,il Df U,)CK Construct ion . APPROVED MONROE COUNTY 8UIL9IN~~EPT /7;j' \,;, ,e {y;" /J /?__,' L-IA--.1../'--'" ( / \ ,--/17 '-" '-''-I ;'/- , \ I~ /~~:LD1NGlN$;;;:'CTOR. , . ( \ '\. (( y ( t.>Al~':'''' J-\ I' Construction of Hood Dock \rn: IFlorida Bay, , . Pressure Tr~ated 2x8 Decking Pressure Treated 2x8 joists Pressure Treated 2xlO stringers lag bolted in place 12"x12" Concrete Piling Purpose: Datum: USCq'MU<l t Adj acent Prop'erty (},vncrs: 1 . F r :l n k i-lo 1,[ 2. Wm. S c h c; r c r t:./. .. " ~ o I - ~ ,..--- At: Duck Key County of Monroe, State of Flo rida Application by Horizon Con- sulting sheet 9 of 9 I '~lAo;I......~~:r- .'I:....J,t....._.......,r~~::[...~...~~.,_c'.>;A~~,.~~!............~_ ",t Or"- .. &"" . .. , <.\ ,..~:t , TOP~"~ FORM 3397 LITHO I DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE Hay 20, 1981 SUBJECT lol. H:lnilton; Rip-rap seawall To "enr Weink:lm Director Environmental Robert Dennis, Biolo~ist DEP'T P lannin?" Building & Zonin~ FROM DEP'T Planning, Buildin~ & Zonin~ LEGAL TWSP 658, RGE 34E, SECT 21, Center Island, Block 1, Lot 10, Duck Key. Zoninr; is RU-l-'I. I~1TRODUCTION : This project is to he reviewed by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-1ll(a)(5). INTENDEJ USE: Shoreline protection. nISCUSSION: Applicants propose to place approximately 17 cubic yards of rip-rap along their 63f feet of waterfront property abutting To t:1 S I! arb 0 r ~Hl. t e r Hay. So t:1 e rip - r a rho u 1 d e r s are aIr e a d y in place, but they appear to have been there for some time. According to the application, approximately 5 c.y. will be placed ~'later\-1ard of ~'lHw and approxinately 12 c.y. ahove HIIU. A rliscussion of the hiot:t present and a description of the area to be inpacterl is provided in the attached Department of Environmental ~egulation report. The (1 0 c k \'7 a 5 a p pro v e c! by the '{ a rat h 0 n B 11 i 1 din ~ 0 f f ice on April ~2, 1981, and a permit issued (Be7l0n). EVAL1JATIO~T: No lon~-term environmental impacts are expected as a result of this project. TECOTIE~mAT IO~l: ,\p:,,>roval. ~lOTES : "1C'1artTTlent o~ r.::"lvironT'1cntal RC?;111atiol1 bio-report attachecl. Rn/j~ -....- ........~.....,.--~....- ..-......_-~......... 3201 GOLFtOURSEBOUlEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 , \",'i'~f. '" d, 1.1' t-,,-';i '.. "'" "!-"~' 'i ' I', ,J~ \~~~c '" ~/,p . 'k,.. i / rr. ~~,' ~r, 01 fl~"" . BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D, VARN SECRETARY STATE OF flORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE April 15, 1981 Mr. & Mrs. WID. Hamilton C/O T horn Reed Rt. #1, Box 948 Marathon, Florida 33050 Monroe County, File No. 44-40098-5E, Rip-Rap Revetment, Dock Dear Hr. & Mrs. Hamilton: As we advised you on March 2. 1981 , your application is incomplete without local appro'Tal, pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Pleas€~ submit the enclosed copy of our biological co~ments together with your permit application to the Board of County Commissioners/City Councilor thei!' authorized pe!:'!r.itting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county comr~ission/city council ". . . shall have in h,3.nd the (biological) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county co~~issioners .or other authorized body takes final action on the application tor permit." t-~~ ~ You ~ill need to obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or al appropriate indication of the local approval. This lettec, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office, Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval, If you have a~y questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. Sincerely, ~c.~l:at aWC/wb Enclosure Richard W. Cantrell, Dredge & Fill Supervisor DER ?o~ 17-1.122(50) ~-. W-~"""'~"_." HAMILTON, MR. /MRS. WILLIAM 1144-40098-5E Monroe County - Duck Key Page Two A. Th.~ applicant proposes to construct a riprap revetment and dock along his Duck Key property shoreline, The proposed revetment will be constructed by the placement of 17+ cu. yds, of unspeci- fied-size coral rock boulders along the eDEire 63+ ft. of property shoreline ac the approximate mean sea level line. The proposed dock will be 30 ft. long (parallel to shoreline) by 14 ft, wide (extension from MSL line), It will be constructed of wooden decking materials and elevated on concrete pilings to the proposed lot grade (+3.0+ ft., MSL). All construction activities will be accomp1isned from the applicant's shore, Turbidity curtains will be used during construction activities, if required, B, The applicant's property is located along the northeastern Duck Key shoreline in middle Monroe County, Florida. At present, approximately 50 percent of Duck Key is developed with single family residences (S.F.R. 's) and various supportive facilities (ie, roadways, restaurants, marinas, motels, stores, recreational, etc.), Although some (10 percent)Duck Key shoreline areas have been artificially created, this particular shoreline area is situated in a natural corner of Tom's Harbor 'tllaters, Tom's Harbor waters are Florida State Class III waters as defined in Section 17-3.081 (F.A.C.). The applicant's property consists of a roughly rectangular resi- dential lot (75:!::x 110:!:: f t,) 't-lhich is bordered to the east by several similar undeveloped lots, to the \Vest by several existing S,F.R. 's, to the north by Tom's Harbor waters and to the south by Bimini Drive roadway. Easterly adjacent undeveloped lots appear to have been at least partially cleared and, at present, are vegetated primarily by a lush shoreline growth of Australian pine (Casurina equisetifolia) interspersed 'tllith isolated buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus)~ay cedar (Suriana maritima), sea daisy (BOi:-r1CI1l..:l spp.) and black mangrove (Avicenna ~erminans). Adjacent shoreline areas contain a light, varia Ie-size riprap revetment:. Westerly adjacent S.F.R. 's have largely cleared and filled property areas vesetated solely hy isolated coconut palms and landscaped tropical exotics. Their adjacent shoreline areas have all been stabilized (ie, riprap or concrete bulkhead) and many contain beat docking, launching and/or hoisting facilities. The applicant's upland property is, at present, completely dis- turbed by ongoing hornc construclion activities. Disturbances include homepad fill matcria1s, construction rubble and miscellaneous debris. The only rem~ining upland vegetation consists of i"oJ.ated coconut p[11m~; and [:p;ln;(' upland ~hrubs and grasses. ,~ ~"f HAMILTON, MR./MRS, WILLIAtI #44-40098-5E Monroe County - Duck Key Page Three C. The proposed project area consists of the applicant's shoreline property and adjacent submerged lands, The former presently co~tains sparse, isolated growths of such transitional flora as sea b1ite (Suaeda linearis), daisy (Borrichia spp.), purslane (Sesuvium spp.) and railroad vine (Ipomoca pes-capra1) inter- spersed with a large quantity of the construction rubble and debris mentioned above. The existing shoreline riprap revetment is light, contains gaps and is almost completely covered by heavy detrital accumulations, Inshore subme~gent areas (to 20 ft. from the existing shoreline) were also somewhat disturbed by displaced riprap materials and concrete rubble. The calcareous, sandy bottom in this area gradually slopes to -3.0+ ft. (MSL) and also contains large quantities of detrital materials. Predominant submergent vegeta- tion consisted of various species of green algae (Halimeda, Penicillus, Padina spp. and unidentified filamentous). Hard corals (Sc1erat~nia spp.) and several unidentified species of juvenile fish were also observed within this area, Offshore submerged adjacent areas (greater than 20 ft. from shoreline) have a sandy bottom (-4.0+ ft" MSL) interspersed with light to medium growchs of turtlegrass <:!:ha1assia testudinum). D. The primary impact of this project will be in the destruction and loss of an indeterminate amount of transiciona1 flora and green a1gaes presently growing within the proposed locations of the revetment back fill and riprap ~vith dock areas, respectively, Since the majority of this vegetation is presently only in fair condition(ie, sparse, disturbed), it is believed that any such impacts Tllill be minimal in this instance. In addition, the proposed riprap revetment should prove beneficial in providing additional littoral microhabitat surface area, Additional long-term impacts may be expected from the discharge of hydrocarbon pollutants into state waters from boat motor operation and maintE~nance procedures; hm...ever, due to the limited proposed dock use (ie, single family), impacts in this area are also expected to be minimal.