Resolution 193-1981RESOLUTION NO. 193-1981 RESOLUTION DECLARING EMERGENCY CLOSING OF COPA D'ORO AND YELLOWTAIL BRIDGES WHEREAS, Monroe County, in compliance with Florida Statutes 338.071 (Safety Inspection of Bridges) has caused to be made an inspection and report on findings by the County Resident Engineer of Copa D'Oro and Yellowtail Bridges, and WHEREAS, this said report indicates that the Florida Depart- ment of Transportation has given these brigdes a sufficiency rating of 2 which is based on a scale from 0 (worst) to 100 (best), and WHEREAS, these two bridges located in Marathon, Florida, serve as the only access to certain areas of the residential community, namely: Flamingo Island served by Copa D'Oro Bridge and Yellow- tail Road served by Yellowtail Bridge, and WHEREAS, the present posted road limitations of seven tons for Copa D'Oro Bridge and six tons for Yellowtail Bridge may have to be reduced still further because of the steadily deteri- orating conditions of these two timber bridges, and WHEREAS, it will require a lead time of 1-1/2 to 2 years to design, advertise, award contracts, and complete construction of the two bridges, and WHEREAS, it will be necessary to construct a temporary bypass for each of the two bridges to provide access during the construc- tion phase, and WHEREAS, the safety of persons using these bridges jeopardized while continuing to travel on the present structures, and WHEREAS, because of the extreme urgency of the situation, all permitting agencies, including the U. S. Coast Guard, Seventh District; U. S. Corps of Engineers; the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation; and the Florida Department of Transpor- tation, be send copies of this resolution with a request that each of them help expedite any measures required to obtain any necessary permits, now, therefore, • BE IT RESOLVED -BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS- OF MONROE- COUNTY, FLORIDA, 'as follows: 1.-:.That this Board declares.an-emergency closing.of the .Copa D'Oro. and Yellowtail Bridges located in Marathon,. Florida. 2... That measures betaken immediately by the Public Works Department ahrough the County Consulting Engineers.to:provide the most feasible bypass around each of the.two bridges in order to serve the public in a safe and proper manner temporarily.while the bridges are closed to-traffic:;and until the proposed two-lane. concrete, bridges -are completed and open-to.traffic.., 3. That the�Clerk of said Board.is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to all permitting agencies, - including the-U: S. Coas.t:Guard, Seventh District; U., S. Corps of Engineers; the Florida Department--of.Environmental Regulation; ..and the•:�Florida Department of Transportation. Passed and adopted by the'Board of County Commissioners of- Monroe County; Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the l6th day of Jude, A.D. 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF' MONROE -COUNTY, FLORIDA By fAyor Chairman �' .,IPPROVEO AS 70 FORM no." m�arGtfhw,