Resolution 197-1981 r /- RESOLUTION NO. 197 - 1981 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, AND STEWART C. AHEARN, JR. d/b/a, AHEARN'S CLEANING SERVICE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman be authorized to execute an Agreement by and between the County of Monroe, State of Florida, and Stewart C. Ahearn, Jr. d/b/a, Ahearn's Cleaning Service, a copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 16th day of June , 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ? Y.r1ft ~,. ./ ct',I _ i'/" By H4br/;;;a~'m '-' '''J /7 I )?" (SEAL) Attest: ,.,-- ------,-'. --") (d;~4~b , er ,i~/:;,(-;'-'{,;\/,:,,",{.~' ..4S l'C) I-':()R/W "VVD ifGi;i.'?Uj~Ft(;.fENC~'. .4t~., Off~ ~ tJ'I , .,." - .',\,j, Qa( I A G R E E MEN T THIS AGREEMENT made this l ~ +'" day of :;r~LA-L./ 1981, by and between the COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called party of the first part, and STEWART C. AHEARN, JR. d/b/a, AHEARN'S CLEANING SERVICE, hereinafter called the party of the second party, WITNESSETH, that the parties hereto for the consideration hereinafter named agree as follows: 1. The party of the second part shall furnish janitorial services, including all necessary supplies and equipment needed in the performance of same, for the following offices; Public Works Office, Plantation; Tax Office, Plantation; Tax Collector's Office, Plantation; Social Services and Building and Zoning Offices, Plantation; Senior Citizens, Plantation; and Health Clinic, Tavernier, in accordance with attached descriptions of services to be furnished at each location and at the times specified therein. l. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( 6. ,:' 2. The party of the first part shall pay to the party of the second part for the performance of said services as follows: Public Works Office - Plantation $104.00/monthly Tax Office - Plantation l30.00/monthly Tax Collectors Office - Plantation l30.00/monthly Social Services and Building and Zoning Office - Plantation 286. ~O/monthly Senior Citizens - Plantation 320.00/monthly Health Clinic - Tavernier 330.00/monthly Total $1, 300. OO/monthly 3. The attached schedule of services together with this Agreement form the contract between the parties hereto and they are as fully a part of this Agreement as if herein repeated. 4. Either of the parties hereto may cancel this Agreement by giving the other party thirty (30) days written notice of its intention to do so. Page 1 of 2 Pages _..l~' -~~._~----"- ..;<;'"'!""",,,?~:,~,"-:::'!$i<"~":'~"J:ili"~ :::z;~':">?~'0}:'::Z:,~':"':':~,__;,..; ... IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the d<lv and year first above written. COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA BYMafzh~~~ ~t1~ of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (SEAL) Attest: Clerk STEltJART C. AHEARN, JR. d/b/a, AHEARN'S CLEANING SERVICE Witness Stewart C. Ahearn, Jr. Witness APPROVED AS TO FORM i:- :mCIENCY " ~~/ BY '. Attorney's Office , P2ge 2 of 2 Pages -,~.,", "Miv"';':;;.- .-- -..----~-~--1~.~.-____'____,.."....~____~- .._____ "'~~~i ~. .. "" ~ -'.'1"" "".,J l/-7- ~) [)8 ~I TASK AND FREQUENCY CODE INDEX , MF - Mon-Fri 60 - 6 Days per Week FM - Fri-Mon 70 - 7 Days per Week OS - A Day Shift Ml - Monthl y ES B Evening Shift SM - Semi-Monthly NS - C Night Shift M/2 - Every 2 Months TO Twice Daily M/3 - Quarterly to - One Day per Week M/4 - Every 4 Months 20 - Two Days per Week M/6 - Semi-Annually 3D - 3 Days per Week y. - Annually 40 - 4 Days per Week AR - As Required * 50 - 5 Days per Week WV - When Vacant NA Not Applicable '. ~ ,.:J l * All Tasks that are assigned the code "AR" (as required) shall be cleaned as frequently as necessary in critical care areas to maintain o maximum state of aseptic c1eanl iness and a maximum state of visual c1eonl iness in all other areas. ", !. . " I .'J) '-."" r --, . ~~,~:':"~ "..,.,~ -'t'_:n7y,;;~..~.."",~~~,""'.__,_~~--~':!-~~-'~~~'~"'-~""""I"~'~':_~~~: ""'~~"-":"'~""':lW':~-_' -.---~ : _~,~-.. ,.,.,.- '-;:=','7~1j::~~;~'~-"':~": "'~~:i-t~~~,~~T'~""'~;""''''''''',c~~~~ _ ",LJ~ft1, ~_. ~ . ;O:...,lNOLI!: '-0""4 5811 " PROPOSAL le No. ,...,,,'-~ ...._~"'-....-..-...... " of Pages ~. Ahearn's Cleaning Service > " .._....-._-,~...--.....--..~.- . PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: I PHONE, JOB NAME: , I DATE: 4-~-81 N,\ME: Mr r.hrirlp~ Mnnre STREET: County Off ices STREET: U.S. U. S. I _I STATE: Fla. CITY: CITY: Tavern i er Tavernier STATE: Florida w. hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Daily cleaning Monday through Friday of: I. Publ ic Works Office $I04.00/monthly 2. Tax Office 130.00/monthly 3. Tax Co II ectors Off i ce - 130.00/monthly 4. Social Services and Building and Zoning - 286.00/monthly '-. 5.. Senior Citizens - 320.00/monthly 6. Men..ta 1 Health CI inic - 330.00/monthly -- 'r. Total $1,300.00/monthly All paper products and trash liners sha II be supplied by the county. w. hereby propose to furnish labor and materials - complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of: Thirteen Hundred Dollars __dollars ($ 1,3 nn nn /mnn t h 1 Y ) with payment to be made as follows: Ahearn's Cle<lning Servirp c;hrill <:lIhmit monthly in\loices for its se~s, and all such invoices shall be due upon receipt. All materia' is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a work manlike manner according to standard prac.ices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs, will be executed only upon wrilten orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate, All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. This ~foposal subiect to acceptance within days and is void .hereafter at the option of the undersigned . /~~^- --11 C. J /J ~ . AuthOrIZed Signature ~/ V J ~ ~ ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified, Payment will be made as outlined abov.. . ACCEPTED: Signature Signature -,~~::::~:-;';';;':.c::;;~~-::~~..' ',';;-',;_._ ~ '" 1"" ..... "~~''''~'''-''~'''''~-:7'.""",,--''~,-,,~::-- "~'-- - ----'" '.J1 v ::J co Q) U ..... ...... o >- ..., C ::J o U L III Q) V L o c: L Q) > l.L. III I- >- I- U I- Z ~ I- -< l- V) 0- 0- (~ S . -+- ~ ~ .~ 1 ~ ." 1 2~ ~ }~ i\J ~ ~ ~+- "- t. (~ ~ '- ~~ L 1.." ~ J --c., 3 \.- ~ <::. ~ ~~ ~ +- ? J1~~J~ ~. \.v. .; .'ci...~.." . .. liIr "0 'f} O. 1,;;~d .... ._ I o "0 <1 .0 u ,. ';': .:.;;, ;;: .,!J .5 0.. -i -.... <: O'l c M c:. r-o~~ I 0,-- I-VlU::: m c [ c: u ., I IJ U .. I-v>Uo ... 0'1 u C ("~ - - x I u I- U O'l c: -' $3 ("') IJ n. .._ '1. C F. I 0 a ci I- U ::.: ;~ 01 0. i _ .~ I ... 0 u 1- d J) 0 en c 'E vt :> U O? :l (1- I ~ 0 I- > U 0'1 >- 0'1 C ~ c r---..:::Ji"" ~ ~ ..1 r5 r:n c >- ... -;,; 'l) -;:"1.. 0 .- I n. ~ c I- ,-:::: u. u: en..r: _ C '" 0 n. c ~ 'I ,!;- u: E l-~o.1c:!. -r 5 ~ I $i ~ ~ t-v>Uu.. C7I c a. a. M E Cl. ~C)~ 01 g'oJj ,- 0 ..0 N ~u: 2 ":~o.1J:: ... .- 0 I 0 I-Ll.. 01 C a. U IJ ~ V> III Q) L <( ~..... ~ ~ ~ \, ~ I I I J -I ! I I I i 0::1 ~:""l 'i cr:: <( cr:: <( l.L. :L l.L. :L l.L. :L U...... .- ...... -0 ..0 ::J Vl a.. .::<. L o -:3: 1""1IH':l'::~ ~ 0:: <( :'11 <( '-, :z cr:: <( cr:: <( l.L. :L o ~ ~ ~ l.L. :L l.L. :L l.L. :L ..... ...... o X III I- N ~ ~ ~ ::z ~ ~ ~ o cr:: <( cr:: <( cr:: <( l.L. ~ l.L. ~ l.L. ~ o u X ro .,....- -, I- 4- :....,.... _ .4- .- ('t"\ 0 ........... ~ , "Ill C .- 0 UN o I V'l L . Q) ..:r V'l ~ ~ <( '" :z 0:: <( 0:: <( l.L. ~ o 0:: <( 0:: <( 0:: <( l.L. ~ l.L. ~ l.L. ~ g ~ ~ .::: :z ~ 0:: <( l.L. ~ o 0:: <( 0:: .<( ~ l.L. ~ l.L. ~ l.L. ~ L .~ ~ ~ ~ V'l .- ~ '. .- Lt\<.,.; 0:: <( 0:: <( <( '" :z 0:: <( 0:: <( l.L. :L c - ~ 0:: <( 0:: <( l.L. :L l.L. ~ l.L. ~ .. c: IllU ..., C:.L:. Q)4-J ~- III . Q) \,C) :J: ~::-~, -- - -. -- ----- ---.......- -~"'~r- .. '> ~."",""""''' ".'J. .I /~ :~)/ ! 'r .'! ;r A G R E E MEN T THIS AGREEMENT made this day of June 16th 1981, by and between the COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called party of the first part, and STEWART C. AHEARN, JR. d/b/a, AHEARN'S CLEANING SERVICE, hereinafter called the party of the second party, WITNESSETH, that the parties hereto for the consideration hereinafter named agree as follows: 1. The party of the second part shall furnish janitorial services, including all necessary supplies and equipment needed in the performance of same, for the following offices; Public Works Office, Plantation; Tax Office, Plantation; Tax Collector's Office, Plantation; Social Services and Building and Zoning Offices, Plantation; Senior Citizens, Plantation; and Health Clinic, Tavernier, in accordance with attached descriptions of services to be furnished at each location and at the times specified therein. 2. The party of the first part shall pay to the party of the second part for the performance of said services as follows: 1. Public Works Office - Plantation $104.00/monthly l30.00/monthly l30.00/monthly 286.00/monthly 320.00/monthly 330.00/monthly $1, 300. OO/monthly 2. Tax Office - Plantation 3. Tax Collectors Office - Plantation 4. Social Services and Building and Zoning Office - Plantation 5. Senior Citizens - Plantation ,6. Health Clinic - Tavernier Total 3. The attached schedule of services together with this Agreement form the contract between the parties hereto and they are as fully a part of this Agreement as if herein repeated. 4. Either of the parties hereto may cancel this Agreement by g1v1ng the other party thirty (30) days written notice of its intention to do so. Page 1 of 2 Pages 14 ~ JIIft :'~-'~,~4i'r.~~"':;"~;,:',~~k!:L~";:;-:.''fL::~~_,,'-:,':',-'~...;_ -........-r~----~_." . ~--" -~--_...__._~.. ""'-:--;:,-"."'-:0'-'---- '.C'" IN WITNESS \\ffiEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA c;; 'r /1~ /7 ~ LG. #(./ ~ BYMaYOr ~hairman of t Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (SEAL) Attest: Cl~~~~~ STEWART C. AHEARN, JR. d/b/a, AHEARN'S CLEANING SERVICE ~~rJ(d~~ ~ c- ~J, itness ,..n, , /t wart C.. A earn, Jr. ~~~~ APPROVED AS TO FORM 1:.' GA~FFICIENCY BY . Attornev's Office ~ P2ge 2 of 2 Pages "W~'"~.~ .L- '~";,;;~~'_;'';;;';;';';''''~':;~"':::'''''':':''';':;''~'.'____;'':'~_;'' .1' .. --~ 1./ .""'. ' , . MF FM DS ES NS TO 10 20 3D 40 50 NA ~ .-1 i ..../ l/-7- S--) [)8 ~ i I TASK AND FREQUENCY CODE INDEX - Mon-Fri Fri -Mon - A Day Shift B Evening Shift - C Night Shi ft - Twice Daily One Day per Week - Two Days per Week - 3 Days per Week - 4 Days per Week - 5 Days per Week - Not Applicable '. 60 70 Ml SM M/2 M/3 M/4 M/6 Y, AR WV - 6 Days per Week 7 Days per Week - Monthly Semi-Monthly - Every 2 Months - Quarterly Every 4 Months - Semi-Annually - Annually - As Required * - When Vacant * All Tasks that are assigned the code "ARII (as required) shall be cleaned as frequently as necessary in critical care areas to maintain a maximum state of aseptic cleanl iness and a maximum state of visual cleanliness in all other areas. .,{ :~ ~~. ... ~:O~ / ~..""''''-'''' '.~'~~hrT~ }~~l' ::~~:;;::~,:.~, ,~<,'~~;l~~ ~J""r7:~'-~.f""':'~~;--~r~:c.:~c~",'""!'!':"':~':"'t""::::-':~'~~'~~. " '~~"-"_..", ,,~-~. ".:-- - ':--:,'-:: "-' ~ ';: ..:~ "":~~::""'l: ,~:-.' ;~_1-~~'''-~''--~:T'''''Ji.-~ ~~ _ ,_,,:S:~:'",,:,," . . .!"'tNOLI!: "0''''. !lell I ... " PROPOSAL ..~ ..,..-.... -...." Page No. of Pages Ahearn's Cleaning Service PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE, I I DATE: 4-1-81 NAME: JOB NAME: Mr Chrlr I pc; Monr-e________ STREET: County Offices STREET : u.s. u. S. 1 J STATE: Fla. CITY: CITY: Tavernier Tavernier STATE: Florida w. hereby submit specifications and .stimates for: Daily cleaning Monday through Friday of: 1. Publ ic Works Office $I04.00/monthly 2. Tax Office 130.00/monthly 3. Tax Collectors Office - 130.00/monthly 4. Social Services and Bu i 1 ding and Zoning - 286.00/monthly '--- 5. Senior Citizens - 320.00/monthly 6. Men.ta 1 Health Cl inic - 330.00/monthly -- Total $1,300.00/monthly : ,. All paper products and trash 1 i ners sha 11 be supplied by the county. w. hereby propose to furnish labor and materials - complete in accordance with the above specifications, for th~ sum of: Thirteen Hundred Dollars dollars ($ 1,300 nn I mnn t h I Y I with payment to be made as follows: Ahearn's Clec:ming Sprvic:p ,hall c;"hmit monthly in\loices for its se~, and all such invoices shall be due u~on receipt. All mat.rial is guarantMd to b. as spacified. All work to b. compl.ted in a work manlike manner according 10 standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specificalions involving elt'ra costs, will be euculed only upon wrillen orders, and will become an elttra charge over and above the estimate, All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control, This ~foposaJ subject to acceplance within days and is void .......~ .. .ho ....,. of ,ho ........,,'" . .!!:......"j C. ~ ). AuthOrized Signature. ~J {/- ~ ~ ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are hereby accepted, You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined abov.. Signature Signature -~"~'..~~:7"":':...';. : _~"""";::;:""__Y"''''''''''' r '~~~,. '-"" "1:J ::J Q) Q) U ..... ..... o >- .... C ::J o U I.... I1l Q) "0 c: I.... Q) > LL. 11) I- >- I- U I.... o I- Z :J I- ~ l- V) lj-' 0- I~ / . '-I- ~~ ~ ') ~ '" 7 2~ ~ }~ .v -{ t ~ \{ V) '_ t ~ L. 1_, q; J .- --c .- 3 t".. _~ <::. ~, ~ ',v '-........ <lJ -{- ? /)~~J~ ~$t -~: '. '.. - " ..' c: . _-Ot) o 1I vt 'I, l/) U -<: M o I t ,- II- --I ] i: ~ .~ ~~]~~ en c Q .h' () nOn. .- 'I, C F. I ~ 'n tJ I- U ::: C:;5 0> _ c.: o .- o.n._a I ~ 8. ~ 1- U V) U en c . i: III :; 0 co ::J lJ... I ~ 0 I- .~ U 01 >- Ol C ~ C .- A.:.=. to-. ~ Vl '_ J;J ;J I- (j) O<~ a) IJl C >- ... ..c '0 (.1. Q Vl I n. 2 .~ I-~LLLL en..c _ C '" u a. C b i .9- Lx: E 1-~0<1~ ., ~ 5 0 I 8.~.!! 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Q) o"D :I: --. ,- ,-- ____ ~I . <( "'- :z: 0:: <( 0:: <( LL. ::<:: = 0:: <( 0:: <( 0:: <( LL. ::<:: LL. ::<:: LL. ::<:: c: 0:: <( 0:: <( " .. . ~.~~ .. ') ,,~.