Resolution 200-198114.OV
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,
Florida, desires to vacate that certain property described as
All of Lots 36 through 55 inclusive, all of Dispatch
Creek Road, and portions of Tract "A", "B" and "C",
as shown on "Harbor Course Section Three Ocean Reef
Plat No. 1311, according to the plat thereof as recorded
in Plat Book 7, Page 7 of the Public Records of Monroe
County, Florida, all lying in the Northeast one -quarter
of Section 13, Township S9 South, Range 40 East, Key
Largo, Monroe County, Florida.
The same being also described as follows:
BEING at the most Southerly corner of said Tract "A",
Harbor Course Section Three Ocean Reef Plat No. 13",
said point being on the Northeasterly right-of-way
line of South Harbor Drive, Harbor Course Section One
Ocean Reef Plat No. 13; according to the plat thereof
as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 7, of the Public
Records of Monroe County, Florida; thence N 66 degrees
25 minutes 07 seconds W along said Northeasterly right-
of-way line of South Harbor Drive for 84.36 feet to an
intersection with the Southeasterly edge of an existing
asphalt golf cart path as located by Post, Buckley,
Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., on August 29, 1980; thence
along said Southeasterly edge of asphalt for the follow-
ing ten (10) courses: (1) N 25 degrees 09 minutes 48
seconds E for 20.89 feet to the point of curvature of
a circular curve concave to the Southeast; (2) North-
easterly along the arc of said curve having a radius
of 13.56 feet and a central angle of 60 degrees 43
minutes 11 seconds for 14.37 feet to the point of
tangency; (3) N 85 degrees 52 minutes 59 seconds E
for 23.75 feet to the point of curvature of a circular
curve concave to the Northwest; (4) Northeasterly
along the arc of said curve having a radius of 41.70
feet and a central angle of 34 degrees 10 minutes 07
seconds for 24.87 feet to the point of tangency;
(5) N Sl degrees 42 minutes 51 seconds E for 27.04
feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve
concave to the Northwest; (6) Northeasterly along the
arc of said curve having a radius of 159.00 feet and
a central angle of 15 degrees 19 minutes 23 seconds
for 42.52 feet to the point of tangency; (7) N 36
degrees 23 minutes 29 seconds E for 53.87 feet to the
point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the
Northwest; (8) Northeasterly along the arc of said
curve having a radius of 239.00 feet and a central
angle of 13 degrees 20 minutes 45 seconds for 55.67
feet to the point of tangency; (9) N 23 degrees 02
minutes 44 seconds E for 8.57 feet to the point of
curvature of a circular curve concave to the South-
east; (10) Northeasterly along the arc of said curve
having a radius of 97.95 feet and a central angle of
32 degrees 31 minutes 45 seconds for 55.61 feet to
the point of termination along said asphalt; said
point being an intersection with the arc of a circular
�� 835PG2126
curve concave to the Southeast; said intersection
bearing N 34 degrees 25 minutes 31 seconds W from the
center of the last described curve; thence North-
easterly along the arc of said curve having a radius
of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 10 degrees 30
minutes 47 seconds for 137.62 feet to the point of
tangency; thence N 37 degrees 35 minutes 45 seconds E
for 6.43 feet to the intersection of the aforementioned
asphalt golf cart path; thence along the Southeasterly
boundary of the said asphalt for the following six (6)
courses: (1) N 18 degrees 24 minutes 58 seconds E for
16.37 feet; (2) N 28 degrees 16 minutes 48 seconds E
for 27.05 feet; (3) N 36 degrees 47 minutes 40 seconds
E for 100.01 feet; (4) N 39 minutes 53 minutes 13 seconds
E for 75.06 feet; (5) N 42 degrees 44 minutes 21 seconds
E for 57.63 feet to the point of curvature of a circular
curve concave to the Southeast; (6) Northeasterly along
the arc of said curve having a radius of 71.25 feet and
a central angle of 12 degrees 24 minutes 47 seconds for
15.44 feet to a nontangential intersection; said inter-
section being the point of termination along the said
asphalt and bearing N 34 degrees 50 minutes 53 seconds
W from the center of said curve; thence N 37 degrees
35 minutes 47 seconds E for 178.50 feet to the inter-
section with the aforementioned asphalt cart path;
thence along the Southeasterly boundary of the said
asphalt for the following eleven (11) courses: (1) N
27 degrees 09 minutes 32 seconds E for 43.93 feet to
the point of curvature of a circular curve concave to
the Northwest; (2) Northeasterly and Northwesterly
along the arc of said curve having a radius of 102.66
feet and a central angle of 50 degrees 39 minutes 55
seconds for 90.78 feet to the point of tangency;
(3) N 23 degrees 30 minutes 23 seconds W for 20.64
feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve
concave to the Northeast; (4) Northwesterly and North-
easterly along the arc of said curve having a radius
of 89.01 feet and a central angle of 32 degrees 36
minutes 24 seconds for 50.65 feet to the point of
tangency; (5) N 09 degrees 06 minutes 01 seconds E
for 45.58 feet to the point of curvature of a circular
curve concave to the Southwest; (6) Northeasterly and
Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a
radius of 35.90 feet and a central angle of 35 degrees
49 minutes 34 seconds for 22.45 feet to the point of
tangency; (7) N 26 degrees 43 minutes 33 seconds W
for 44.55 feet to the point of curvature of a circular
curve concave to the Southwest; (8) Northwesterly along
the arc of said curve having a radius of 68.92 feet
and a central angle of 32 degrees 04 minutes 03 seconds
for 38.57 feet to the point of tangency; (9) N 58 de-
grees 47 minutes 36 seconds W for 15.02 feet to the
point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the
Northeast; (10) Northwesterly and Northeasterly along
the arc of said curve having a radius of 7.01 feet and
a central angle of 109 degrees 27 minutes 11 seconds for
13.39 feet to the point of tangency; (11) N 50 degrees
39 minutes 35 seconds E for 24.62 feet to the point of
termination of the aforementioned eleven (11) courses;
thence N 29 degrees 47 minutes 20 seconds W for 7.21
feet to an intersection with the Southeasterly right-
of-way line of Gatehouse Road, according to said plat
of "Harbor Course Section Three Ocean Reef Plat No. 13";
thence N 61 degrees 12 minutes 40 seconds E along said
Southeasterly right-of-way for 524.89 feet; thence
r ,'1U. 835PG?I l
S 28 degrees 47 minutes 20 seconds E for 40 feet more or
less to the existing edge of cut of a man-made canal as
located by Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., on
March 21, 1980; thence Southwesterly along -a reference
line approximating said edge of cut for the following
sixteen (16) courses: (1) S 57 degrees 39 minutes 18
seconds W for 41.25 feet; (2) S 16 degrees 14 minutes
41 seconds W for 86.28 feet; (3) S 7 degrees 11 minutes
52 seconds E for 28.03 feet; (4) S 3 _degrees 17 minutes
12 seconds W for 139.24 feet; (S) S O1 degree 32 minutes
50 seconds W for 188.01 feet; (6) S 07 degrees 28
minutes 15 seconds W for 70.92 feet; (7) S 20 degrees
30 minutes 18 seconds W for 52.94 feet; (8) S 12 degrees
56 minutes 41 seconds W for 55.99 feet to the point of
curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northwest;
(9) Southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a
radius of 219.49 feet and a central angle of 26 degrees
21 minutes 30 seconds for 100.9.7 feet to the point of
tangency; (10) S 39 degrees 18 minutes 11 seconds W for
252.71 feet; (11) S 37 degrees 58 minutes 28 seconds W
for 200.09 feet; (12) S 33 degrees 25 minutes 30 seconds
W for 156.99 feet; (13) S 30 degrees 04 minutes 19
seconds W for 155.19 feet; (_14) S 32 degrees 27 minutes
04 seconds W for 119.76 feet; (1S) S 03 degrees 20
minutes 45 seconds E for 11.19 feet; (16-) S 31 degrees
25 minutes 23 seconds W for 19.57 feet to an inter-
section with the Northeasterly property line of Lot 35
of said "Harbor Course Section Three Ocean Reef Plat
No. 13"; thence N 69. degrees 47 minutes 0.3 seconds W
along said Northeasterly property line for 134..37 feet
more or less to a non -tangential intersection with the
arc of a circular curve concave to the Southeast;
said intersection bearing N 57 degrees_19 minutes 14.
seconds W from the center of said curve; thence South-
westerly along the arc of the last described curve
having a radius of 480.00 feet and a central angle of
06 degrees 04 minutes 45 seconds for 50.93 feet to an
intersection with the arc of a circular curve concave to
the Southwest; said intersection being also the inter-
section of the Southeasterly boundary of said plat of
"Harbor Course Section One Ocean Reef Plat No. 13";
thence Northeasterly, Northerly and Northwesterly
along said Southeasterly boundary, along the arc of
the last described curve having a radius of 65.00 feet
and a central angle of 93 degrees 00 minutes 42 seconds
for 105.52 feet to the point o� tangency; thence N
66.degrees 25 minutes 07 seconds W for 98.97 feet to
the Point of Beginning.
WHEREAS, legal requirement as concerns public hearings have
been adhered to and the approval of the Monroe County Zoning Board
has been obtained on said vacating and annulling of said plat,.
WHEREAS, the same has been accomplished and done in accor-
dance with Florida Statutes providing for the reversion
of subdivided land to acreage, now, therefore,
REC 830PG .� 2
curve concave to the Southeast; said intersection
bearing N 34 degrees 25 minutes 31 seconds W from the
center of the last described curve; thence North-
easterly along the arc of said curve having a radius
-of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 10 degrees 30
minutes 47 seconds for 137.62 feet to the point of
tangency; thence N-37 degrees 35 minutes 45 seconds E
for 6.43 feet to the intersection of the aforementioned
asphalt golf cart path; thence along the Southeasterly
boundary of the said asphalt for the following six (6)
courses: (1) N 18 degrees 24 minutes 58 seconds E for
16.37 feet; (2) N 28 degrees 16 minutes 48 seconds E
for 27.05 feet; (3) N 36 degrees 47 minutes 40 seconds
E for 100.01 feet; (4) N 39 minutes 53 minutes 13 seconds
E for 75.06 feet; (5) N 42 degrees 44 minutes 21 seconds
E for 57.63 feet to the point of curvature of a circular
curve concave to the Southeast; (6) Northeasterly along
the arc of 'said curve having a radius of 71.25 feet and
a central angle of 12 degrees 24 minutes 47 seconds for
15.44 feet to a nontangential intersection; said inter-
section being the point of termination along the said
asphalt and bearing N 34 degrees 50 minutes 53 seconds
W from the center of said curve; thence N 37 degrees
35 minutes 47 seconds E for 178.50 feet to the inter-
section with the aforementioned asphalt cart path;
thence along the Southeasterly boundary of the said
asphalt for the following.eleven (11) courses: (1) N
27 degrees 09 minutes 32 seconds E for 43.93 feet to
the point of curvature of a circular curve concave to
the Northwest; (2) Northeasterly and Northwesterly
along the arc of said curve having a radius of 102.66
feet and a central angle of 50 degrees 39 minutes 55
seconds for 90.78 feet to the point of tangency;
(3) N 23 degrees 30 minutes 23 seconds W for 20.64
feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve
concave to the Northeast; (4) Northwesterly and North-
easterly along the -arc of said curve having a radius
of 89.01 feet and a central angle of 32 degrees 36
minutes 24 seconds for 50.65 feet to the point of
tangency; (5) N 09 degrees 06 minutes 01 seconds E
for 45.58 feet to the point of curvature of a circular
curve concave to the Southwest; (6) Northeasterly and
Northwesterly along the arc of said curve having a
radius of 35.90 feet and a central angle of 35 degrees
49 minutes 34 seconds for 22.45 feet to the point of
tangency; (7) N 26 degrees 43 minutes 33 seconds W,
for 44.55 feet to the point of curvature of a circular
curve concave to the Southwest; (8)� Northwesterly along
the arc of said curve having a radius of.68.92 feet
and a central angle of 32 degrees 04 minutes 03 seconds
for 38.57 feet to the point of tangency; (9) N 58 de-
grees 47 minutes 36 seconds W.for'15.02 feet to the
point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the
Northeast; (10) Northwesterly and Northeasterly along
the arc of said curve having a radius of 7.01 feet and
a central angle of 109 degrees 27 minutes 11 seconds for
13..3,9 feet to the point of tangency; (11) N 50 degrees
39 minutes 35 seconds E for 24.62 feet to the point of
termination of the aforementioned eleven (11) courses;
thence N 29 degrees 47 minutes 20 seconds W for 7.21
feet to an intersection with the Southeasterly right-
of-way line of Gatehouse Road., according to said plat
of "Harbor Course Section Three Ocean Reef Plat No. 13";
thence N 61 degrees 12 minutes 40 seconds E along said
Southeasterly right-of-way for 524.89 feet; thence
EC. �35Pc
S 28 degrees 47 minutes 20 seconds E for 40 feet more or
less to the existing edge of cut of a man-made canal as
located by Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., on
March 21, 1980; thence Southwesterly along a reference
line approximating said edge of cut for the following
sixteen (16) courses: (1) S 57 degrees 39 minutes 18
seconds W for 41.25 feet; (2) S 16 degrees 14 minutes
41 seconds W for 86.28 feet; (3) S 7 degrees 11 minutes
52 seconds E for 28.03 feet; (4) S 3 degrees 17 minutes
12 seconds W for 139.24 feet; (5) S 01 degree 32 minutes
50 seconds W for 188.01 feet; (6) S 07 degrees 28
minutes 15 seconds W for 70.92 feet; (7) S 20 degrees
30 minutes 18 seconds W for 52.94 feet; (8) S 12 degrees
56 minutes 41 seconds W for 55.99 feet to the point of
curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northwest;
(9) Southwesterly along the arc of said curve having a
radius of 219.49 feet and a central angle of 26 degrees
21 minutes 30 seconds for 100.97 feet to the point of
tangency; (10) S 39 degrees 18 minutes 11 seconds W for
252.71 feet; (11) S 37 degrees 58 minutes 28 seconds W
for 200.09 feet; (12) S 33 degrees 25 minutes 30 seconds
W for 156.99 feet; (13) S 30 degrees 04 minutes 19
seconds W for 155.19 feet; (14) S 32 degrees 27 minutes
04 seconds W for 119.76 feet; (15) S 03 degrees 20
minutes 45 seconds E for 11.19 feet; (16) S 31 degrees
25 minutes 23 seconds W for 19.57 feet to an inter-
section with the Northeasterly property line of Lot 35
-of said "Harbor Course Section Three Ocean Reef Plat
No. 13";'thence N 69 degrees 47 minutes 03 seconds W
along said Northeasterly property line for 134.37 feet
more or less to a non -tangential intersection with the
arc of a circular curve concave to the Southeast;
said intersection bearing N 57 degrees 19 minutes 14
seconds W from the center of said curve; thence South-
westerly along the arc of the last described curve
having a radius of 480.00 feet and a central angle of
06.degrees 04 minutes 45 seconds for 50.93 feet to an
intersection with the arc of a circular curve concave to
the Southwest; said intersection being also the inter-
section of the Southeasterly boundary of said plat of
"Harbor Course Section One Ocean Reef Plat No. 13";
th"ence Northeasterly, Northerly and Northwesterly
along said Southeasterly boundary, along the arc of
the last described curve having a.radius of 65.00 feet
and a central angle of 93 degrees 00 minutes 42 seconds
for 105.52 feet to the point of tangency; thence N
66 degrees•25 minutes 07 seconds W for 98.97 feet to
the Point of Beginning..
2. That the Clerk of this Board be, and he is hereby ordered
to publish notice of said vacation in accordance with the provision
of Chapte`.r�177.101, Florida Statutes.
Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of
Monrge;.County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held
ori�.Ye--.141'h' ;day o f
3 ,
At.est ;
July, A.D. 1981.
B y �-
ejV Mayor/Chairman
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