Resolution 205-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 205_ 1981 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND THE CABINET OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO UTILIZE, PRESERVE AND OBTAIN FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, A PORTION OF WINDLEY KEY AS A PUBLIC STATE PARK. Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that the properties known WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Board of County a the Windley Key Quarries, located on Windley Key, Monroe County, Florida, are unique and have unusual and very historic geological significance, and WHEREAS, many residents and persons interested in said properties have shown and expressed a need for the preservation of these quarries and surrounding properties for the purpose of making them into a state park, thus preserving forever the unique and unusual qualities of the same, and WHEREAS, these geological phenomena are of long and historic significance and only found In certain areas of the world and very unique to the Keys, and WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that this particular group of quarries on Windley Key have a direct relation- ship to Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and should be preserved along with it as twin parks, and WHEREAS, Monroe County is still an area of critical concern and undergoing studies that relate strictly to the very unusual and valuable resources indigenous to the Florida Keys, and WHEREAS, it is encumbent upon the County Commissioners of Monroe County to preserve for posterity as best it can those things most valuable to the citizens of this County now living and those who are to come, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Department of Natural Resources, together with the State Cabinet are requested to use every effort to to acquire Page 1 of 2 Pages .,. the Windley Key quarrles and surrounding properties for the purpose of creating a State Park thereon for the reasons hereinabove stated. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 14th day of July, A.D. 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ? ~ '"/J: I' /J _ ~ ", I i./">',' J - - ~ c.... ""'. r:>..<"~~ ',. ,:,. e,/" By' I'l' .; MtKyor / Chai rman 0 (S EAL ) Attest: " ---j .Zz T'" / '. ~? " ",/.- ,- ....... ~_)~/ /Z--/ //-:;; -7 . , Cl '- ,i.PPfiOVED AS hJ H)f-ii\ .t~: SUfflCIE;t)~. " ' . ~. ',1,11 .....- ~ # ,I BY , -.---..--.'" " AttOf'f'1fl)",<; Offict:1 " Page 2 of 2 Pages