Resolution 218-1981RFSOLITTIO" NO. 218- 1981 T^THEREAS, the BOPR.D OF COUNTY COS 'TMISSIONFRS OF MONROE COUNTY, •FLORIDA, has received an application from City of. Key West , and P?HFRFP.S, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant proposes the excavation of the terminal 1080 feet of an existing spoil bank, involving approximately 3250 cubic yards landward of MH'V and 420 cubic yards waterward of MHW. Removal will. be performed by backhoe and all. spoil from the removal will be trucker to Key West's sanitary landfill site. Lena_th of the entire spoil bank is approximately one-half mile long. The original application submitted. called for the excavation of this entire spit down to the MLW line (approximately three feet down from the existing elevation). The most recent application calls for excavation of one half of the spit (approximately one quarter of a mile) to a. depth of one foot below MLTAT. The width of the spoil bank averages about 30 feet. All presently existing mangroves on the spoil bank will remain. The applicant has additionally proposed the excavation of a circulation cut to`A7ards the base of the spoil bank. This cut will 'he 30 feet wide and -.2 feet deep (P11SL) . This excavation will involve approximately 130 cubic vards. The sides of the circulation cut will be riprapped. as will an approximate 50 foot long strip of submerged alnd runninc parallel to the spoil bank on the north side. The material to be removed is compacted marl. The purpose of this pro- ject is to increase water circulation and to provide fill material for the sanitary landfill site. Silt screens will be utilized. during operation. The project site is located on the eastern shoreline of Stock Island, south cr. rut adjacent to, U.S. #1 and extending into Boca Chica Channel, which connects the Gulf and the Atla.nti_c. The channel from which the existing spoil bank was dredged connects a large marina. with Boca Chica Channel. On the other side of thl, channel; a much smaller amount of spoil was deposited. For the most part, the waters in the vicinity of the spoil bank are shallow am display soft bottoms with seaarasses. To the south of the spoil bank and in order of their occurence is a trailer T) r..k, a. corpground, a. boat ranufacturina facility, a commerciaal .fishin- marina and. a fish house. Offshore of this general area are a. hood many free floating l.iveaboard boats and as many sunken derelict Boats. The spoil. bank in question was deposited before permitting requirer:.ents, probably for the purpose of extablishing dredge equipment access. Although eroded somewhat on the north side due to boat wake, it remains relatively intact and is presently being_ used by many of the liveaboard boat resi- dents for mainland access. On the northern perimeter of this spoil bank, bea_inning at the base and working from west to east, the shoreline retains a somewhat barren, rocky littoral shelf that drops off into channel depth os about -8 feet MLW. No emeraent shoreline vegatation exists on this side of the bank. Further to the east and still on the same side, a good many hard bottom - associated organisms were observed such as sponges (Haliclona rubens), starfish (Echinaster sentus ), thin shelled oysters (Isognomon sp.), and calcareous algaes (Halimeda sp.). In general, the bottom becomes rockier with more carbonates to the eastern end of the spoil bank, in contrast to looser, finer sediments near the basal end which supports a dominant growth of green algae (Batophora sp.). Charned depths seem to stray away from the spit toward its end. In these wider, shallow areas, turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) and shoal - weed. (Falodule wrightii) have become established, continuing around the end of the spit and for the entire length of the southern perimeter of the spit below MLW. Mixed in with these seagrasses on the southern side are green algaes (Penicillus sp.) and brown algaes (Gracilaria sp.). The southern shoreline has a good many derelict and abandoned vessels which have been left or washed up onto the spit. Towards the end of the spoil bank, buttonwood (Canocarpus erecta), and white mangroves (Lagun- cularia racemosa) are the dominant species contained within a scattered and patchy mangrove fringe. This mangove fringe is most distinguished over the terminal and basal 400 feet of the spoil. bank. The basal man- grove fringe is made up primarily of black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) and red manaroves (Rhizophora mangle) and is lusher, denser, and more submergent in nature than the terminal mangrove fringe. This is due greatly to the higher degree of organic and detrital accumulation along this stretch of shoreline. Within the mangrove fringe on the south side of the spoil bank, a con- siderable amount of trash, garbage and debris has been deposited and accumulated. If all excavation is done above MLW (on a horizontal plane) very little established benthic flora will be destroyed. Although the depth of the excavation may be as low as one foot below MLW (on a vertical plane) it is felt that the bottom contours will find their own levels and that reveaetation of seagrasses, algaes and possibly red mangroves will occur in the long term. Retention of the existing mangroves will be difficult to accomplish in the dredge area, however, this loss should be less than significant con- sidering overall gains in water circulation and the restoration of this area to its original nature. An additional positive impact will be the reduction of liveaboards and their associated domestic wastes due to the partial elemination of their mainland access. BE IS RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 28th day of meeting. Seal July , 19 81 at a regularly scheduled Attest , k 1'9 , CLERK P Clerk ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MO COUNTY, FLORIDA Mayor AP'MVED AS TO FORM =SCOMIENCY eye�a,�4� AffemWs Office -BOARD'OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 OUNTY o MONROE KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294-4641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 OFFICE OF: Henry F. Weinkam, Director Building, Planning & Zoning P.O. BOX Room 216 Wing II Public Service Building Stock Island, Fla. 33040 „• NO I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures_ 2. Permit 3. Application for Permit _ 4. Site Plan 5. Location Map 6. County Biologist Report 1/ 7. DER Assessment 8. Resolution ago /I /i ..' DATE_5p- f /� —'/ o �o PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PEMMIT MONRCr PEMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY 1 _� FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR G)ETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY City of Key West Post Office Box 1550 Resolution No. Key West, Florida 33040 3) Phone number (305) Date: 294-3721 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number KeyCology 414 Simonton Street (305) 294-8719 5) Legal description of property: Section 35/36 Key Stock Island Subdivision N/A Township 67/68 Lot Unrecorded. Block N/A Range 25 Street, road or mile marker Laurel Avenue Volume of material: dredzed/excavated filled deposited 633 c-Y• 6 .500 c.y. 0 c.y. 0 c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY CMDTISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Conv in File Date Euiliir. Of icial ! .®ldIV7.Y 1) Property owners PLANNING:, BUILDING & 7.ONI?IG DEPARTA RMIT APPLICATIO` FOR, FXCAVATION, T14F; ',,FPOSIT OF FILL, STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN TIIF WATFRS OR WETLAND OF MONROE COUNTY name & mailing address Z) Date one numbe City of Key Uest Post Office Box 1550 Key West, Florida 33040 April 21, 1981 (305) 294-3721 4) Contractor or agent's name, m.ail'ing address, phone & certification number. KeyCology, Incorporated 414 Simonton Street Key blest, Florida 33040 (305) 294-8719 5) Legal description of property: Section, 35/36 Key, Stock Island Subdivision, N/A Township, 67/68 Lot, Unrecorded Flock, N/A Range, 25 Street, road or mile marker, (if acreage) Zoning, Laurel Avenue 6) Describe the proposed activity,,methods of constrtction & amount of material (in cubic yards);, to he excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended use of project. Removal of existing spoil bank in Boca Chica Bay. Purpose is to increase water circulation and utilize fill material at City of Key blest sanitary landfill site. Removal performed by backhoe and trucked to spoil site via dump trucks. Silt screens. shall be utilized during operation. dredged/excavated volume of. material: 633 c.y. 6,500 c.y. tad T�. 'lrrd 01 I. of filled/deposited D C.Y. D coy. - N 1d 47 7) Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affront: water way. John W. '& Janel S. Powell Marieta L. Capps c/o Clifford Clark 96 Pearl .Trai 1 er Court Clark -& Livingstone Stock Island 7600 Red Road, Suite 225 Key blest, Florida 33040 da 8 a) List applied for, include applicant's name, c this site N/A b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. N/A List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for thi! project. City of Key West Corps of Engineers State of Florida; DER This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT Be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8� x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to Scale. b) Application processing fee as follows:, $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $10.00 for vertical seawalls on —man-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit. to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any u y state or federal law I regulating construction or performance�of constructn/ of is type of facility... o 'or Department Use Only/ Roy e & receipt Parson accepting application C013t o perm t Caw . Pinder, Solid Waste Director Approved by Ass.t. Director LsLimated cost or cons 1 � KeyCology, 'nC• 414 Simonton St. Key West, FL 33040 294-8719 a 296-2008 T�PIG,d.t_ CROSS SEC�'10►1 A—�. spot L 1��t�K --DCALt—= -1-=10 I ;`;,•� :''i °"too , ° �:::, �>� • ��::::':_ �.�r.-,gin:,,:.+:; r.;.,`.:'... iJ� /uOTE ND ESTA6LlSN�.D �/EC�ETATION T�fzBiDi-r� SNtE�-DS SNALL BE US>=D. @i P POSE: Increase ter.C` 1 tion ATUM . Mean S I-ey' JACENT PROPER WN � G `a�\N e= a ne ,'' ell ta SHEET 1 OF 4- c� o� PLAN �P C7 .1.VV LVIJ - VU rED REMOVAL OF SPOIL BANK oca Chica Bay tock Island OF: Monroe OF Florida ANT: City of Key West Ke Colo , inc. 414 Simonton St. y 9y Key West, FL 33040 294-8719 3 ..-6z008 6 O'14T' 4 ` 1. ` ` , . (ss. nor. B) .. 4 0 � A 3 O'ut' 3 t8 t3 ? i Are I` '139A'8 O'139' '1371 3 5 2 3 2 nfq c 4 < . 4 �. B i CD1.ChH .'c_. � --n.-1 He, 2 _ E I` s 2 4r*y rkr i =� .. Long F,t 1Y `�'r .xfi1 --4 .: OEERXEAD IO�ER Utl[.`�'." r— ` .f '• ItARCE 303 FEET"'.. T'rd�`" d �.��_ r•y . - rj �;•' "'b'1`a� J 3 3r_2 AUTXORI7:ED CLEA ` L.� ..etyt—,�i�-2 ,! •i..a�. pAv 1 $aM•""� 'x a'.' _ ` z �•}�:'31 r 'S' - .a d ^. 1 I +y,,3 y. 3 ,4y - 3^ram �,� 3 ?'�yy y .+r i ' .ix, µ 1 - 1 Mrk 2 ,1 �\ �►`� ;a �. _49 5_ .r41a1 3 40 4 Y.- 4 N firs + r4A LW rj i 3G6/e Are. { r Szr iit DGE —i, 5-1 2 as <t-:z ' QQ t+'•-•-, 1� � •xtxFTl6AG kH � - c, ��..yy ^?� `� Q �. ? 1 I It TR ty 1 _q� ralt ° ' :ie ot_W f`` • r- QSOp4!1 * _ p.,`�'� 1-gt�•�1S'Y •*--� .T •i..r► wY~ !�',� Gn�4'.EEFVN[r/liR Fr R lret C{j L ntornatIonal Airport ° {mow Ke 's4 33 o !6 Sr— ma.ntd z� 1t 1 r jie3yr .1" !/R "2" 3 4 t3 O -r• 2 �/ YERH l�w"-CAtc ( -•- tliR 3M'7 41A11[CNAIt(rtOc .i ( 1 3 3 5 7 /7/ , FlS e.se 4 . 2 9 A�clstxXERGftC ..�,..wr.- 2 j�J�/ 2 3 0 4 22 2 9 aH B aJ+P F16F 2 left AQ + t _ .S ' `wtr2" •®rrk 14-w� 7 33�'' '• ' t R` SHEET 2 OF 2 DACE: 4/21/81 APPLICANT: City of Key West TOPS FORM 3397 LITHO IN ... DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE _TTlnn SUBJECT Cit^ n T;1��• T'n ;t nrn�io� To TT,, n r 17 TT,,.,, T , DEP'T 121.TIt t" �n� }?tti i )i-+� ° 7nn; tc* T E,nv?_ronrirn11tal FROM ') n'> nr n P• s t i n tc,`+ i DEFT—Plan*lir.(,, i'nil-=i-tn L"^ A L TWSP 67/(,,3, '?';T; ?:?T'., SECT 35/ 3C iPoi 1. banl, extending, orfsl101'e `_r.on Laurel Ave:lue ill :in masterly eiirectioa, Stock I,land.. INT"'ODiiCTION: Tiii•s Proiect is to l,e revia-aed by the _fonroe CouTity ;oard of Cortnis;inners in accor.lance, wit'i C::apter DISCUSSIOd: i The Cit•T of I ey d�jst is requestin^ approval to remove aaprov4_matel.y 79133 c.- . of Bred-e spoil from ,coca Cllica ;;ay. The spoil ban% is reported to 'lave an avern^e widt:i of 3:.) ft. • is 21-1:L ft. lone and is appro%i,iately 3 ftc above the surrounciin}-, unaltered bay botton. Apparently t'le ')an? i:rts created when tie adjacent channel 1*as excavated, prior to 'iarcli 1915. At the present ti-, red and Wlite pan;roves are ^ro,:Ti.n alone* the southern shore of the spoil Iran':, wilic i 'las also 'iecorle a dunpin;; .-round `or tr.asi, and deiris. nLASO'T rw? PP,n,ILCT: To increase wat^r circula.tion 'Inc' utilize the rcmoved material at t'.Ie Key lest sanitary I_ inTl `ill. 'No more Tn terial will be irnnOVe_,� t':lali tleCc'_S:i,ary t0 returnthe1MnaCtE:t1{ area t0 its ori�i l :1 dc+t'1 ind contour. i,VALTiAT I07 : T'ie removal o_` t:ilj spoil will ltro,),tbly result in t;12 loss of t''Ir' - :li e aa_ 7rov.-s :ltte to lama7c from heavy equiT)nent and t'leir ,�v+i;ittl tl contim.to)js co -:tact ,. it:t Salt ,lat2r. If car^ i taken i1 r!! T,ovin- t:le s>oi1 mat�!rial, ! tale rem man?roves .::ill 110`L J� 111 1^1'.rl T_1E? surrot.l;ld-n^ J'_lt* ')otto71 7'1-iy f3tl-17IFer ,'tort r'?islting* from t'.1?-1)l_•aitV• - }EC0 "_r.j', P,A T IO': : "'nproval_; )s:? of turUirlity curtain.,; required C??t. 1VlrnnT)?llt•�1 Rri-u31~io-1 report is not attac'lP,_i as �t i'; ln-, r _,iit'_ra'. (rT t.ittlnr a project -3uc;i Z3 tal:i,• KeyCology, InC• 414 Simonton St. Key West, FL 33040 294-8719 a 296-2008 July 7, 1981 Ms. Jacquelyn Franklyn Monroe County Building Dept. Public Services Building Wing II, Stock Island Key Test, Florida 33040 Dear Jackie: RE: City of Key West; Stock Island Could you please have the enclosed biological report read into the minutes of the next scheduled County Commission meeting. This will also be read into the minutes of the City Council meeting. Thank you. Sincerely, Lynn H. Kephart Environmental Planner LHK/cb Encs. 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA 3ORDA, FLORIDA 33950 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE June 26, 1981 City of Key West c/o Key Cology, Inc. 414 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 Monroe County, File No. 44-4.2433-5E, Spoil Bank Removal Gentlemen: BOBGRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY As we advised you on June 23, 1981 , your application is incomplete without loca approval, pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your permit application to the Board of -County Commissioners/C`ity CQUaLcilpr their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.1 , Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city council ". . .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need to obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. RWC/wb Enclosure Sincerely,, R4;," * /. &Xm Richard W. Cantrell, Dredge & Fill Supervisor DER Fore 17-1,.122 (50) CITY OF KEY 14EST V44-42433-5E Monroe County - Stock Island Page Two A. The applicant proposes the excavation of the terminal 1080 feet of an existing spoil bank, involving approximately 3250 cubic yards landward of MH17 and 420 cubic yards waterward of MHW. Removal will be performed by backhoe and all spoil from the removal will be trucked to Key West's sanitary landfill site. Length of the entire spoil bank is approximately one-half mile long. The original application submitted called for the excavation of this entire spit down to the M W line (approximately three feet down from the existing elevation). The most recent application calls for excavation of one half of the spit (approximately one quarter of a mile) to a depth of one foot below MLW. The width of the spoil bank averages about 30 feet. All presently existing mangroves on the spoil bank will remain. The applicant has additionally proposed the excavation of a circu- lation cut towards the base of the spoil bank. This cut will be 30 feet wide and -2 feet deep (MSL). This excavation will involve approximately 130 cubic yards. The sides of the circulation cut will be riprapped as will an approximate 50 foot long strip of submerged land running parallel to the spoil bank on the north side. The material to be removed is compacted marl. The purpose of this project is to increase water circulation and to provide fill mater- ial for the sanitary landfill site. Silt screens will be utilized during operation. B. The project site is located on the eastern shoreline of Stock Island, south of, but adjacent to, U.S. 41 vl and extending into Boca Chica Channel, which connects the Gulf and the Atlantic. The channel from which the existing spoil bank was dredged connects a large marina with Boca Chica Channel. On the other side of this channel, a much smaller amount of spoil was deposited. For the most part, the waters in the vicinity of the spoil bank are shallow and display soft bottoms with seagrasses. To the south of the spoil bank and in order of their occurence is a trailer park, a campground, a boat manufacturing facility, a commercial fishing marina and a fish house. Offshore of this general area are a good many free floating li.veaboard boats and as many sunken derelict boats. The spoil bank in question was deposited before permitting require- 51enps, probably for the purpose of establishing dredge equipment CITY OF KEY 'VEST #44-42433-5E Monroe County - Stock Island Page Three access. Although eroded somewhat on the north side due to boat wake,•it remains relatively intact and is presently being used by many of the liveaboard boat residents for mainland access. C. On the northern perimeter of this spoil bank, beginning at the base and working from west to east, the shoreline retains a somewhat barren, rocky littoral shelf that drops off into channel depths of about -8 feet 11LW. No emergent shoreline vegetation exists on this side of the bank. Further to the east and still on the same side, a good many hard bottom -associated organisms were observed such as sponges (Haliclona rubens), starfish (Echinaster sentus), thin shelled oysters Isognomon sp.), and ca careous algaes (Halimeda sp.). In general, the bottom becomes rockier with more carbonates to the eastern end of the spoil bank, in contrast to looser, finer sediments near the basal end which supports a dominant growth of green algae (Batophora sp.). Channel depths seem to stray away from the spit toward its end. In these wider, shallow areas, turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) and shoalweed (Halodule wrightii) have become estab fished, contin- uing around the end of the spit and for the entire length of the southern perimeter of the spit below MLW. Mixed in with these seagrasses on the southern side are green algaes (Penicillus sp.) and brown algaes (Gracilaria sp.). The southern shoreline has a good many derelict and abandoned vessels which have been left or washed up onto the spit. Towards the end of the spoil bank, buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), and white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa) are the dominant species contained within a scattered an -patchy mangrove fringe. This mangrove fringe is most distinguished over the terminal and basal 400 feet of the spoil bank. The basal mangrove fringe is made up primarily of black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) and red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) and is lusher, denser, and more submergent in nature than the terminal mangrove fringe. This is due greatly to the higher degree of organic and detrital accumulation along this stretch of shoreline. "ithin the mangrove fringe on the south side of the spoil bank, a considerable amount of trash, garbage and debris has been deposited and accumulated. D. if all excavation is done above MLW (on a horizontal plane) very litt.lc established benthic flora will be destroyed. Although the depth of the excavation many go as low as one foot below MLW (on vertical plane) it is felt that the bottom contours will find CITY OF KEY WEST „F44-42433-5E Monroe County - Stock Island Page Four their own levels and that revegetation of seagrasses, algaes and possibly rea mangroves will occur in the long term. Retention of the existing mangroves will be difficult to accomplish in the dredge area, however, this loss should be less than signifi- cant considering overall gains in water circulation and the restor- ation of this area to its original nature. An additional positive impact will be the reduction of liveaboards and their associated domestic wastes due to the partial elimination of their mainland access.