Resolution 221-1981 RESOLUTION 221 -1981 ~HEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from Elsie M. Connell and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant is proposing the construction of a block seawall, involving the backfilling of 50 cubic yards waterward of MEW and 50 cubic yards landward of MHW. This seawall will be aligned with nearby seawalls which presently ex- tend waterward slightly below MLW. Seawall construction will be by hand and fill will be placed by backhoe. Turbidity screens will be utilized during construction. Length of this seawall will be 60 ft. (width of property). The width of the seawall and backfill will be approximately 10-15 feet, beginning at the eroded edge of the existing lot grade and extending to the off- shore peripheral channel dropoff. - The purpose of this project is to reclaim amd protect the applicant's property. The project site is located on the western side of SU~IDerland Key near Kemp Channel within what is referred to as SUITIDerland Cove. SUmIT,erland Cove has been extensively developed for single family resi- dences with a network of inland man-made canals and a perimeter channel which provides deep-water access for the residential community. Water- ward of this deep perimeter channel, the depths shallow to two (2) ft. or less. The benthic community over these flats is somewhat unstable with patches of seagrasses and algaes. Because of this instability, water transparency within Surnrnerland Cove is somewhat less than that found elsewhere in the Keys. In the more immediate vicinity of the applicant, development of the waterfront lots alonq Carribean Drive is somehwere in the vicinity of 30 to 40 percent. It is likely that the spoil obtained from the dredg- ing of the offshore perimeter channel was deposited along the existing residential lots, forming erosion-prone marl shorelines. As a whole, the shoreline in this area has undergone some erosion although it is not nearly as severe as it could be due to an original Miami oolite base, which is exposed below MHW, and a well-compacted limestone-marl overburden. Because of the absence of soft sediments along this shoreline, few mangroves have become established. In general, the emergent shoreline vegetation starts above the extreme high water line in the form of transitional wetland species, which occupy only a narrow strip before giving way to uplands. The perimeter channel in this area is deep, box cut, and varies from 60-80 feet in width. The submergent shelf separating the present shore- line from the perimeter channel averages 10-20 feet in width, with limited floral stabilization. The applicant's lot drops off abruptly at the erosion line to form an approximately 15\ wide shelf. This shelf is above the high water mark at the base of the upland dropoff and it is here that buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), small red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle), and scattered black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) are found. The normal intertidal zone of this shelf extends to about five feet from where the shelf drops off into the channel. The basal composition of this zone is that of compressed marl and loose limestone rubble. The only significant benthic colonization here was in the form of scattered green algaes (Batophora sp), which were observed out to the edge of the shelf dropoff. -- From the point of dropping off, the perimeter channel extended another +80 feet out. Because of the relatively low productivity of the area to be filled, it is felt that little biological loss will occur as a result of this project. Similarly, because of the small degree of benthic stabiliza- tion now existing over the area to be filled, it is felt that there will be little or no loss of water quality due to filling and bulkheading as proposed. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COlmTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 28th day of July , 19 81 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY CO~~ISSIONERS OF ::N(:U:; ~F2I~:O ~9/~ ,/' t! Mayor (Seal) Attest: RA~P~ VI. V~~HnJ, CLERK l.. \r'r{\\.P~,o(' d- Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. BY Attom..... OffICe SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ~ OFFICE OF: Henry F. Weinkam, Director Building, Planning & Zonin( (305) 294,4641 P,O. BOX Room 216 Wing 1: Public Service Building .StOCk Island, Fla. .... -~ 3 3 0 4 0 , 0 . .'..~ '. :~ !lO._~ ':. Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures V 2. Permit V-- 3. Application for Permit V 4. Site Plan ~ 5. Location Map ~ 6. County Biologist Report ~ 7. DER Assessment ~ 8. Resolution V BY ~. G~; DATE '1- /~-g I h.,;_ ...~j: E'~' ,. tE' IM,r ",~: _' fiT, ~,' . ~ . ~ ,-- ~. ;~ I: (~"~ PLA1'NING , BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTl1ENT PEronT MON~CE i~ '::.. PEP~IT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY \ ~L ' if ~~!~l FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1) Property Otmers name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTHENT USE ONLY ,\ Elsie M. Connell April 29, 1981 . 14 Elm Road Resolution No. 3) Phone number Briar Cliff ~1anor , New York 10510 (914 ) Date: f. 762-0305 I 4) Contra~tor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Key Cology, Inc. 414 Simonton Street Kev ~lest, Fla. 33040 (305) 294-8719 I 5) Legal description of property: Summer land Key Cove Section 11) Key f:umrrerland Subdivision Add. #6 Township 66 Lot 13 Block" 1 Range 28 Street, road or mile marker . Carribbean Drive East Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled deposited n c.y. waterward of M.H.H. o c.y. landward of l1.H.W. 50 c.y. 50 c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: RU-l PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Esti~ated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD,OF COUNTY COr~ISSIO~ERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: CODV in File Date Building Official PLA~NI~~r., BUILDI!IG [. ZO~HNr. DEPARTHf '-ERHIT APPLlr.ATIO~; FOR EXrAVATIO"1, THE DEPOSIT OF !.!.!:.!:., ...." STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES I:~ THE HATERS OR HETLAND OF HONROE COmny 6 .!.) Da t e J) Phone number MONROE -cOUN"1"Y 1) Property owners naMe & mailinr address Elsie M. Connell 14 El m Road [3riar Cliff tlanor, New York 10510 Apri 1 21, 1931 (914) 762-0305 Ke y t Summerl and Summerland Key Cove S 11 h d 1 v 1 s ion, Add. #6 Lot, 13 fllcck, 1 Street, road or mile marker, Caribbean Drive East 7) ~ame, ,.,a t e r dredreu/excavated filled/deposited o c . " . 0 c . y . 50 c . y . 50 c . v . ,.., 1.1 t e TI' <l r cl -1 a n (h. ,\ r d 1 , A r. a ot 1l.li:l<!.J of >1.lI.H. 8rt:Q~lf~fT~ Clrn!1.W~rl-. address & zip code of adjoining property o,vners whose prop~rty affronts ~JA.Y. Gail J. Belre Donna Robert and t1eredith Brown Post Office Box 523 3632 S.W~ 7th Street Summerland Key, Florida 33042 Miami, Florida 33135 volume of material: 8 a) List other permits i~sued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, fOl this site N/A b) If application has been suhmitted for this p~oject (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for ne'" application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. N/A '.I) List all Federal and State ar-encies that have received applications for this proj ect. State of Florida; DER Corps of Engineers Thi~ completed ~pplication form wilt be Accomp~nied by the following, or it will NOT Be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drRwings, on 8~ x 11 p~per, showing locntion, plot plan, top view and cro~~ ~ection of oroposnl, drawn to scnle. b) Applic:\tion proces~ing fee as follows:: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR ~ny structure~ affronting natural wAter bodies, $10.00 for vertic~l ~eawalls on man-mnde bodies of wnter. $25.00 for nny combination of the above nctivitie~ per qite. ror Departnent Use Onlv/ Application is hereby made for A permit to 1uthorize the nctivities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this applicntion, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & nccurate. I f~rther certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether soecified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority'to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, stnte o~ federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility.. '/.. r:e,~ ~{,Crt~t',~~_~il 20,198: Sicrntltrr> 0, app ~c<al1tlaJ;cn[; Date ~~S.oo Elsie t1. Con'nell -J73t23~ Fee (. receipt If Approved by Ass't. Director Person acceptin~ application .:ec(' 1)C7! /U~ . G X u./ f~..TI.a,:f: t)DIi( /'-"'f~\':t. ! "'B> .'2/ p COAt. of permit Entirnntcd cost at conBt:ruct:lo~ . '.~ "'; -~] "1 :~,~;'t~~:;'.~:~":'~ .,--<-,,~:' :~'~';~~~~~iii~~ii.';;;2~::~'Z.';;~j;.. ~""..._...~~,.","..~. '.-...... ~~:..:...... '.-f:.~~2..;:.~'-:':;;'':':'~''':..L.'. ," c. ";,,."...,,. ..."""....; [~ ~ ~~ is I ~ ~:r' Ke!JCok~'3!;, In:. "". iI,; '# June 9, 19m (15. Teryl h. Kranzer Dept. of Environmental Regulation 3201 Golf Course Boulevard Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 r Dear Terri: RE: Els'ie ,\1. Connell; 44-42434-5E (SL~;lmerland Key) It a~pears that we have placed the location of Mrs. Connell's seawall on the wrong property. In actuality, lot 13 is located next door, to the southeast. ~Je apologize foY' this error, and ~ope the normal processing procedure will not be interrupted. Please note that all dimensions, etc., will remai n the same. Since re 1 y , k~"U v. B~ Randa'l V. Brown Environmental Planner RVB/d, Ene. CC: Cindy Shalley; COE, Jacksonville LBober't Denn is; t~on roe County Elsie t.t Connell '~-::~7'~-~~,~"'~~:~'''''_:,,~~~ ~~'~-''':~::'~~'''r.'.-:-.:::-''''"."''''- _._-""-"'~:;;--:;!J).~..:::.;~<<;.~ ~'~ ;~ :,~ :~ ~~ i'!':~~; S KeyCology. Inc. 414 Simonton SI. Key West, FL 33040 294-8719 & 296-2008 ~.~ """\^v ---, , -<\z.. ,~ "'.~'''' "'-', / ., / "~ , F==E.E.T I I .100 200 / <ScALE.. ''''-.,.1 I ~r- .0 '-', So '- ~ , o~/_L9T 13 ~ ~.. ' I ..../ I I ~ "SUMME.RLAN.D K~OVE. -.,.k\ I .. / '_, ~ ,"_~~-1 DL~~~E.NNl>-I..L ~ ~, ,~"-.. -l~', ~ , "-.. "" PROPOSED CDNCRSTS SE-"~'~ ''',~ '{" (PETA'L ^,"",VE)' ~ ~ " \ SEA'N,ALL::: ~. '...........", -2' \ c::::---<\ PURPOSE: Recl aim and\Protect Upl ~z. PROPOSED SEA~JALL WITH BACKFILL DATUI\1 I~ean Sea Levr=l I ADJACEtJT PROPERTY OWNERS: - 10 1. Gail J. Belre Don~a 2. Robert and Meredith Brown \ \ --r-vP\C~L SE.CTION SEA..v-.I'A.LL A-A 5::ALE. .L", Jo I RE.c:.LAI t-A 10' A..JG-.. 1/ \b RJ', , qo' )> BOA'- DAVIT -~I ..". /V\.I-'o.W. EX'~T\N<::r &-RAP E.. RE/t-lFORCE,P BLOC.K. WALL "'" ,~~ / "~~/ ~~ / ..~ -- ~-~ ,I / / I ; PLAN / SHEET 1 OF 1 c;, '. Summerl and Cove T: Summerland Key UUTY OF: Monroe STA~orida 4/20/81 T: ElSi e M. Conne 11 TO;S ~ .FORM 3397 LITHO IN DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE Jl1ne 1 ~, 108] Su BJECT r" -n~, n 1 , ~ 1";".: ~ (;1 :'11\1:1 1 , To Benr Heinl:an Pi rc c tor E Po. vir 0 n"l e n t ill Robert Denmis Biologist DEP'T Plannin13, Builc.1inf'; and :'::oning FROM DEP'T Plannin~, 1uildinr, and Zoninr; LEGAL THSP GGS, RGE 2RE, SECT 35, Lot 13, Surnrnerland Key Cove Adi1ition), SUT'lmerland Key. is RTJ-1. 31 0 cl~ 1 (6th Zoninr: H1T'lOnTTCTION: This apTllicatioll is to b0. revieH~d by tile Joard of County Cm:11'1issioncrs i!1. acco"danr.e ~~ith C:la;>tcr 19-111 (Il) (5) of the -to;troe County C0r12. DISCUS~Io;r: A I1 '11 i c ,1 n t pro p 0 ~ e '" t 0 con G t r u c t <1 G n ft. Ion g b 1 0 c ; ~ sea H Q 11 alan:; l1cr uatcr::ront pro~8rty :1buttil1g Sumnerland Cove. The s8D.'imll uill con~l';;ct to and ali~n i-iith an e:dstin?, seawall to the saut~l~~st 3.:1(~ be ~.bout 10 ft. "Jatcr~']nr(l o~ tIle ?!"cscnt :f111'; line. Appl:"o~~i~l:ltely Ion c.y. of hac1:fi11 \vill be required. A rl i Gens s ion 0 f tile biota presen t and a des cript ion 0 f t;1e ar"~a i::; ]1rnvid0G in the attac:1(~d Depnrtneat of Environmental Re~ulntion report. P,JRPOSE: To rcelain ~rodec1 1:1'1:1 and protect property fron future erosioa. r.:VALU:\TIO:~: ~o lo~~-tcrm adverse enviro~ncntnl inpacts are expected as " result oE this proje~t. ~~ r: C ()' !T [ E!1 J A T I () ~T : Ap;1rovnl. ~r()TES : ArMY CO::::'P3 <:n,l .)~partm:~:1t of E:1viroanc~atal J.cr;ulotion permits rGquired. J.)/jf 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA. FLORIDA 33950 d~~~~\ 11 .~_._;;:.-'\ i\ ~~~ "'~ STATE OF FLORIDA BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE June 5, 1981 .-Elsie Connell .C/O KeyCology 414 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 Re: Monroe Co., File No. 44-42434-5E Seawall Dear Ms. Connell: As we advised you on May 7, 1981 , your application is incomplete without local approval, pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your permit application to the Board of County Commissioners/City Councilor their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city council ". . .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need to obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. Sincerely, CJ~~ ,1- try- Terri A. Kranzer TAK/ph Enclosure DER :orm 17-1.122(50) C02WELL, ELSIE if44-42434-5E Nonroe County - Summer land Key Page Two 1'- The applicant is proposing the construction of a block seawall, involving the backfilling of 50 cubic yards watenvard' of MHW and 50 cubic yards landward of ~ll1w. This seawall will be aligned with nearby seawalls which presently extend waterward slightly below ~~l]. Seawall construction will be by hand and fill will be placed by backhoe. Turbidity screens ~will be utilized during construction. Length of this seawall 1.vill be 60 ft. (-.;vidth of property). The width of the seawall and backfill will be approximately 10-15 feet, beginning at the eroded edge of the existing lot grade and extending to the offshore peripheral channel dropoff. The purpose of this project is to reclaim and protedthe applicant's property. B. The project site is located on the western side of Summer land Key near Kemp Channel within what is referred to as Surnmerland Cove. Summerland Cove has been extensively developed for single family residences with a network of inland man-made canals and a perimeter channel which provides deep-water access for the residential community. Watenvard of this deep perimeter channel, the depths shallow to two (2) feet or less. The benthic community over these flats is somewhat unstable with patches of seagrasses and algaes. Because of this instability, water transparency within Summerland Cove is somewhat less than that found elsewhere in the Keys. In the more immediate vicinity of the applicant, development of the waterfront lots along Carribean Drive is somewhere in the vicinity of 30 to 40 percent. It is likely that the spoil obtained from the dredging of the offshore perimeter channel was deposited along the existing residential lots, forming erosion-prone marl shorelines. As a whole, the shoreline in this area has undergone some erosion, although it is not nearly as severe as it could be due to an original niami oolite base, Hhich is exposE';d below 1.rnH, and a well- compacted limestone-marl overburden. Because of the absence of soft sediments along this shoreline, fe-.;v mangroves have become established. In general, the emer8ent shoreline vegetation starts above the extreme high vlater line in the fOrD of transitional Vletland species, Hhich occupy only a narrow strip before giving way to uplands. COrWELL, ELS IE ff44-42434-sE Honroc County - Summerland Key Page Three The perimeter channel in this area is deep, box cut, and varies from 60-80 feet in width. The submergent shelf sepErating the present shoreline from the perimeter channel averages 10-20 feet in width, with limited floral stabilization. C. The applicant's lot drops off abruptly at the erosion line to form -an approximately 15' wide shelf. This shelf is above the high water mark at the base of the upla~d dropoff and it is here that buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), smdll red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle), and scattered black mangroves (Avicennia ger@inans) are found. The normal intertidal zone of this shelf extends to about five feet from where the shelf drops off into the channel. The basal composition of this zone is that of comp~essed marl and loose limestone rubble. The only significant benthic colonization here was in the form of scattered green algaes (Batophora sp), which were observed out to the edge of the shelf dropoff. From the point of dropping off, the perimeter channel extended another +80 feet out. D. Because of the relatively low productivity of the area to be filled, it is felt that little biological loss will occur as a result of this project. Similarly, because of the small degree of benthic stabilization now existing over the area to be filled, it is felt that there will be little or no loss of water quality due to filling and bulkheading as proposed.