Resolution 231-1981 .a.~_._.., RESOLUTION NO. 231 -1981 \.1HEREAS, THE BOARD OF COUNTY COH!1ISSIONERS OF IvlONROE COUNTY r FLORIDA, has received an application from Arthur Drinkwater and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment in the Record, as follows: The applicant proposes the excavation of a 25' x 25~ boat basin from the uplands and a 20' x 15' access channel from submergent and intertidal areas to connect the boat basin with an adjacent peripheral channel. In all, 23 cubic yards will be dredged waterward of MHW and 75 cubic yards will be dredged landward of MHW. Also proposed is the placement of riprap (30 cubic yards) approximately 10 feet wate~ward of the existing apparent shoreline. Backfill (25 cubic yards) is proposed for placement in back of the riprap. Riprap and backfill will extend out to MLW. . A 20' X 5' wooden dock is additionally proposed for construction inside of the basin~ Riprap will be placed under the dock, which will pro- trude 3 feet above MEW. The boat basin will be excavated to a depth of -5 feet Mlli1 with a side :slope (west side) of 3H:IV. The terminal end of the basin will be box cut. The access channel will also be excavated to a depth of -5 feet MHW. All excavation will be by backhoe. Riprap placement will be by hand and backhoe. Backfull will be done by dozer. Silt screens will be utilized during excavation. ~ The subject property is contained within an elongated strip of land extending south of U.S. #1 into Lower Sugarloaf Sound. Lower Sugarloaf Sound is a vast expanse of shallow water (1-3 ft., MLW) which is some- what impounded from the deeper waters of the Atlantic and the Gulf to the south and north. The applicant's lot is approximately 95' x 110', situated on the extreme southern end of the present development. Developrr:ent here is water- front, being bordered by a deep peripheral channel, which extends for the length of this land extension on either side. It is likely that the spoil from this channel was deposited to form the present uplands where single family residences now exist (majority of these lots have been built upon). Between the present uplands (may be transitional in some areas) and the offshore channel, a shallow submergent/tidal shelf gradually drops from the extreme high tide line down to the channel sides. The lower seven lots to the south of this residential development are undeveloped. The eighth lot up the shore has been built upon with a seawall and dock along the shore. The seawall here extends past MLW and the dock extends another five feet, so as to give direct access to the deep waters of the peripheral channel. The applicant's property supports a mixture of upland vegetation; Australian pine (Casuarina sp) and bay cedar (Suriana maritima) and transitional vegetation; sea daisy (Borrichia sp) and buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta). These transitionafitype uplands drop sharply at the extreme high tide line. At the base of this drop, a small wrack line is found below which a bare, solidified marl substrate is encountered wi th mixed, Hiami oolite rubble. Between the ~\M line and the MLW line, a barren substrate with s~all rubble rock and scattered larger boulders is encountered. The submergent shelf next encountered contains turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum), qreen algae (Batophora sp) and brown algaes (Acanthophora sp and Gracilaria sp). Substrate~ere is still fairly soli~though overlying sediments increase with distance from shore. Kiilifish and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) were observed here. The entire width of the shelf, submergent and emergent portions combined, is 15-20 feet, with the intertidal zone occupying approximately one-half of this width. Below the permanently submergent one-half of the shelf, where the channel begins to drop, turtlearass has becowe well-established to a depth of approximately -5 feet. The i~ediate short-term impacts of this project are of greatest concern here. If riprap and backfill placeroent is done above the MLW line, pro- ductive benthic vegetation should be spared. Excavation of the access channel will, however, eliminate nearly 300 square feet of submergent benthos presently supporting marine flora. This will result in decreased marine habitat and increased localized turbidity due to inconsolidated sediments. It is expected that vegetation, most likely seagrasses will revegetetate all dredged areas over a period of several years, thus offsetting initial habitat losses and consolidating bottom sediments so as to curb turbidity Based upon water quality and biological criteria under the provisions of Chapters 403 and 253 of the Florida Statutes, approval of this appli- cati~n is recommended, with the following suggestion offered: The waterward extent of the riprap should not encroach upon any es- tablished submergent vegetation. This would establish the waterward extent of the riprap line at approximately the MLW line. All boat access would, therefore, be via the boat basin. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~lliISSIONERS OF MONROE .. COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assesscient has been read into record and duly considered pursuant ot Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 28th day of July , 19 81 at a regularly scheduled ~eeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON~UNTY'FLORIDA ~ "'" !?, ~?" c.... c: ~ Cs>/::"I>~"fl By ~ ., tf i # Mayor ' (Seal) Attest RALPH ,~,' M,'.,ru~Tt,~! rr, ~~( Ij. n iU [, lIll....fiU 1 "'~cl';rkP ~ ./ll- APPROVED AS 70 IfORM AND ~L SUFFICIENCY. h lY BOARD 0;-: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3, MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 r-- OFFI~t: Ur. Henry F. Weinkam, Director Building, Planning & Zoninc (305) 294,4641 P.O. BOX Room 216 Wing II Public Service Building .' Stock Island, Fla. ... ". 3 3 0 4 0 : '0 -'~ . . .... ~....':(IIt!.1' Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures ~ 2. Permit V 3. Application for Permit L/ 4. Site Plan V 5. Location Map a,/ 6. County Biologist Report ~ 7. DER Assessment /" 8. Resolution V t/' BY vin. Oar DATE t:r4E:~:<"~" ~ M'~' ,'~.> fI T"':" ~it ~ ,;~ '~~.' ~: ~ ':- ' , PEll-fIT f~~ PLANNING, BUILDI~G & ZONING DEPART~ENT MCNF:CE PEPJ1IT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF 1'.:0 . COUNTY ,-[ I' FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE \~d/ WATERS OR HETLANDS OF HONROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEP ARTI1ENT USE ONLY Mr. Arthur Drinkwater Feb 23, 1981 . 3740 Cindy Resolution No. Avenue 3) Phone number Key West, Fla. 33040 Date: (305) 294-1352 - 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number KeyCology, Enc. 414 Simonton Street Key West, Fla. 33040 (305) 294-8719 I 5) Legal description of property: Section 8 Key Sad<Uebunch Subdivision Bay Point Amended Plat ~ Township 67 Lot 33 Block 6 Range 27 Street, road or mile marker Bay Drive - ?~ c.y. waterward of M.H.H. 75 c.y. landw'ard of H.H.W. filled deposited 300 backfill 25 ~. d f . U lC yar s 0 rlprap 30 c.y. ~. . . waterward landward upland flll of N.H.W. of M.H.W. Volume of material: dredged/excavated ZONING: RU -1 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY cmr:-nSSImmRS OF }lONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: CODV in File Date Buil,iing Official .' -- r..'CN~CE COUNTY ~.~ U.)"'.~j -.- . 'J ' \.~ s.: '~'-""" 1 R "" t ..:-- '- t\ , i ~ , 1 . 1" , ,. .. (' J i L 1.1\.J ). ')~: I ':r~ .~~~):~'.R-r~'~E'lT ~ :'~.;'i I ~ ..-..-:? L ': i~ 1 i,-~ ~ ; f!:.: r: ..: c ':" 1/ ~ r r r;: J 01 [; E n'''''., , U'''.... [t'OS I-:- ;-~~- Ill" cr~ (~TPLJ(~ i: n~/~.L /,(:r r 'J r -~: ~..~ - ----- - --- - ---- - - ;:: ;::;:: '.;h~;:;;~S f)i~ ~':F,iLI~'iDS ;~F ','(Y1P(JE CU'J'in - -+- --,- -- T- ---,-, --,--------- ,- -,- '---'-----H--------'J -,------- '.t r.~'1ili~;rJ oltldr~s.; 1:.'~e~;L~~ry 23, 198 ~'rJ~._.:~:DJ_nr:-::.n_~_~;'":::__':~r;J~ ,J Property o~ners i1r. Arthur Dri nh/ater 3740 Cindy Avenue Key :lest, Florida 33040 3) Phone numher (305) 294-1352 ) ContrJetor or agent '-5 name, 1I1,j'nTr1u-J;j(ft:C~s --(~"-rho'ne rll'!illbr.r'-'- -.- ----'---------------.-- KeyCology, Incorporated 414 Simonton Street Key ~Jest, Florida 33040 ~-'Legal description of property: Section, Key, Saddlebunch Subdivision, Bay Point Amended Plat n U Lot, 33 Block, 6 To;.mshi p, 67 Range, 27 / (if acreage) ~/\ e. (j- ( ~ Describe the propbsed activity, methods of construction & amount of material) (in cubic yardsY, to be excavated or discharged. Excavate 25' X 251 boat basin, with 20' X 151 access cut, for a total of 98 cubic yards; install 20' X 5' wood dock within basin; reclaim 10' of eroded shoreline for a total of 25 cubic yards backfill; place 30 cubic yards rip-rap sea\'/all for shorel ine protection. Excavation will be via backhoe, with utilization of silt screens. Rip-rap will be placed vi a backhoe and hand; backfi 11 wi 11 be spread vi a dozer. All work to be performed from , owner's upland. 3~ ~~ dredqed/excava tcd fi 11 pd/depo.s.ii.e.d. '~ . ~,volurne- &material: backfill 25 e:::tfd4 ~ 23 c.y. 75 C.y. rip rar> 30 c.y. 0 c.y. ~~ tI- \'/aterward -landv/ard \'/aterward landward ~& of r'1.H.\oJ. of t\1.H.\'J. of n.I-I.\-1. of r~.H.H. " 7) r~ame, address & zip code of adjoining property mmers \'/hose propenj affronts ater \'/ay. Street, road or mile marker, Bay D~ive 34. A~ertex Company c/o t1rs. Leon B. Glass ,,1829 pa'mer Avenue,.Apt. 2C . Larchmonte, r~eV/ York 10538 This comple-ted application form vJi11 be accompanied by the fo11O\'1ing, or it vJi11 NOT be processed. 32. Edith Halden 81 Bay Dri ve Bay Point, Florida 33040 a) T';IO (2) sets of dravJings, on 8 X 1012 paper, sho\'/ing location, plot plan, top vie'.'l and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $25.00 for dredge, fill or structures on, or affronting natural bodies of water. $10.00 for seawalls on man-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of above activit_ie~J~Q..c..site....:.....___.___. ~pplication is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar \'/ith the information contained in this arplication, and to the best of my knO\'11 edge & bel i ef such i nformd t ion is true, camp lete & accura te. I further certify that I possess the authori Ly to undertake the proposed activit'iE's. .L.ll provisions of laY/s and ordinances governing this type of '.'/ork \'/i11 be complied "Iith, \'/hethet' specified herein or not. The grilntin~J of a rennit d00S not rresume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law ref]ulating construction or pC~I'fon1111nc0 of constnctioll of this yp2 of facility. ~~/23/81 X ______ 'S-~~~0Ye Q-'f!~:rl?__, c~ljlIT-'l C]~'~~--[Ta-fe---- Arthur Drinkwater &~OD 3?CJ<fSj r(~-[l:oc'e-lr')-C:f 00 Lo - Cosf-6Tr-CI1:iTt.- ST Oe~~rtrne!lt Use Onlyl .4 application A!Jr)y:o v-ed-b-y-j\s:;-l'S tll n t 0 l'rcc tor ~::~son ');0. (II ~ /~ -/<-~tI~ ./~ Y. f ()r. L {I" ~'/rj;, . -c.-J ~. D. +1 ~'~~te~? [stfmatccJ cost of construction v {-"-p ~-; /~~~ D 8/u(3-( , . .. l' .. S . K_yCology. Inc. " 414 Simonton St. Key West, FL 33040 294-8719 & 296-2008 February 23, 1981 Mr. Robert Dennis Environmental Biologist Monroe County Building Department Public Services Building Wing II, Stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Bob: RE: Arthur Drinkwater; Bay Point In reference to the attached application for proposed reclamation of land, boat basin with access cut, wooden dock and rip-rap; we would like to request issuance of a permit for the fill site at t~is time. We realize that it may take some time in processing the boat basin, access cut and wooden dock with the various governmental agencies, and Mr. Drinkwater would like to place the fill on-site as soon as possible. Please advise. Sincerely, 1?~~~ \J I D~ Randal V. Brown Environmental Planner RVBj cb Encs. ~'\"}.-:~~~I . ,..,,' ,~.,~..,...';._J..$'''' . ~'.~" ~I -.- rl~.1 -..l:lIlIlJtlm;Wt~l:arwa).;U~?il~~ --------,-~,- I $' Ke'yC~lo9Y. Inc. 414 Simonton 51. Key Welt, FL 33040 294-8719 j~ 236-:'008 / NOTE:..: A\JSIR.A.LIAN J::> 0 M I N A...- E.... PI~E "'S La--.- ./ //' ,// /' ".:~, -, , /""" /' F= I L,l_ 1-/'),.".::) ~' ~;':-'. . PLAN \ \ \ \ \ /~~ /"./ ~~~... ...." -' "..... ~~ ~' -,,' ~4. L.')'r ~ 2... P,LO,..::.\....'o lP ,\ .1:')~,,/ n:)I ttT /I /' ^,,^Et.\DE r, r'L1;I//~ -,,/ MO-'\RO r::.- c"ai:r;C';-. /' F...,A. /<0// //~/ ,'.. /' \ / ' \ /</ \ /~/.-/~/'~ ,\,,\'/ ./ \t-.\,,/\,"/ \\ ~;/'-- P ~~/ ',../;/ ":"/ , > /.,.-:::: ". ,."?'.,../,.- ../<;':: ;/. ./',' o I .2S/ ,,/ :, ,~ :~ ;; Lc''''-l r i '~>'J ,,/',1,1.." 0' -' :=::)lh,l., ' ,,/ PRCPOS~D FIL. PJ\D ~J)TH CIRCULAR DRIVE :'1' PURPOSE: Provide Family Residence ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: In: Saddlebmcl1 f~t'J (Lay Point) COUNTY OF: i1onl'cl~ 32. Edith Halden 34. Amertex Company '" DATE: 2/23/8. SHEET 1 OF 1 APFLICATIOtJ flY: II. Orcnbiater 'f~'~4.~'7....:\ ~ ~ ,,' ~;~~4'Jf:;.. ,,~:'~' ""',.'- ^ ~'lo~' '~,~ ~'Rlft!i1U_'IIl(M1!mI:!fIlI'Ji Dllilf""110fl !rl~~mrP.n!'lml!.n!l~~~ ...:.. ,-.:U;o;.:t'.I. ,~"'. ~1&I1lI1_1~~~.1 !!Ii, I"'B,liII!Joi ,'~ JI'!IiI~!:.!I;I.R~:<Bt~,..., ::~ r' j' "; pc.... ,",,-,,~ ,"".. ~'I"'~'~~...)lIIi81Ellll.~ --.'--- ~' 9 K.yCology. Inc. 414 SImonton SI. Key W,~.t. FL :13040 294-8719 " 296-;2'Xl1l Ic.P " I ,'- 'H~ '-1' ~. Ii ~"\ ~ 19. Up. u~\) SO O~f ~~~ _\}G ::> PROPOSED RECLM1ATIotJ OF ~trJ,J; r;,. P-RAP; BOAT BASIN ~JITH P\CCE::~; eLF ,jiil) \/000 DOCK IN: Lower Suga rl 0,1 f' S:)t,nd AT: SaddlE!bunch Ke/5 (Baj Po~nt) APPLICATIO~ BY: Art~u~ )rink~3ter DATE: 2/23/81 SHET 1 OF 2 ----.-...--.....--- . ..\\v:..~.......,...,:"'~-', ,-,;:.:'......~....,:'..:...~~(..;.,.~ < -r,-!.f'''' "~"".. !#'~ ~~~~,~~~~:;,~.1B11!1rt:_~lill!n! fnilRI !II!!! 1I1nfDnUI__tliJII ,L ;~ '...~i,~..4b~.I!r!~~~;rii1i:;rEa~ ------ l\ ,~ ~ " 'j"' I, " I ... ',.,/.--:... I ,Ii' ~ + / r ',CAvATfc :BoAT .//~~( NJ 1,- ,~~0~~ '~~, /,~~.; -+-';''-',,'':3, '"u."/: ::", ';l<., ,-~,vA.rE ;:20' ~. '~'";'//' ~~;'?~~'''''' I _,><_LJ,y~,. . CROSS SECTION B ~ B ~,'~':i:~~i~~~~\'~f:~~t,~~;::~;W' B .. 1. f/ &.A ~.. 'T' ~--_.._~- .....-~~ .; .,I.,,,,L4:t./~/;.';t..,~<~,,,,,__ ~_ ToP OF EM .,"'.......'cN '" ':', .'c/) :cc(,.;,,.'.',' .'., ;/')"";'-""'.f'^''''':'/?''';'~'I'', ' -','; ~ 1,5 '},~' )(.""".,....." ", ;:;;u5 GU,YI'7'5. ~AC~:'FIl_L--'~~._~',-,---, u_~ ''''---~~---- ',7 .30 CU,YD~, RlP-'~Ar' SF-' -,,)t.,U... ":~ -). Ill: Lm'ler SU]3rloaf Sound ~ AT: 5dddl ebulch Key I' COUWY OF: HJ1rOe ST.\F OF: F wi da AP'L ,elm 0,1 B '. : A, Dri n kl1. te r': --.Jr f~ L ,,-,,~,~.t:~~~~ni1;:~Y-F~~~~~~I~gB!ill mr~~!!j !;im!!iilrD~tDllDfm':JDiil_ :'~- f of' 1$ ._~-.- KeyCology, Inc. 414 Simonton Sf. Key West, FL 33040 294.8719 [.2!J6-:200!l CROSS SECT ION A -, A scaler---T___r------I , () 5 .' ~ ' ::;...J , BlO::L, 'N~_L . '..., .- ..~~~ ~l'~. " J '~':"R'P-\C?I'P I ']I / ",er:: , '[J' I-tAr:,\'7AT CPOSS SECTION (-( . ...~.~ r 'r: r' . ~ > ;f~), ~ : 10 .: \ 'f' ,I I ~ \ V./Il 1\ ( .cO ;~, ~,n!1I!lt~n_II!.;D'ftlllr~ , -"'4(()S':,y '" '(' ';~~' -1 --"--.------ -', "~'~;:~~~' ,>,. .- - -,-'.. , I ,.~'\\~~y , " l' ,~( <>10 /' , .\y/, ./. (. /.... ~(> .' '(',/ ", AI< "" /",/', '. r.~~,../ /' ~ \~:i .1:(/' \ ,~J' . /'\. ~.,. ~ //~.~. ') ~. ~ /;/ ,1. .(. "','0';' \~,4g<""+-': : /;~ o ",0(.,// ''0 ~"" ' ~() "' ~:'-):' ,~ ()~ .''(: ~ ' (' ..e,,~ ~ t.X,t-l..":"')' \ ~ 0 '" , \\ " \0 ".;;i' (j' ~e,~..u~,~'~ , <9 <,,0/,' .>- 0"'" / ~~/ // ,../,,/ .~ DATU~1:1ean Low Ua{ef ADJACENT'~OPE~~r~awNERS: ',..o' / 1. AlI1ert~x,/ Company 2. Edith Halden I /' t';;;/ ...,,'.'~-/" -<;>", .J " " scole I . o ",,~ / ,/ PLAN SPC'll Sl," CD 'v I U W ,// ,/ -,s \ \ \ 1-..-"/1- ~< ::::\, i:.,J.J:LC'^r=- ;;O'~f lr> .' \:/ ~~:'(". '-, ,\ (';' '\ 'J) PRDPJS ED RECLrlATION OF LAND. RIPR\P; nOAT 1l\SIN ~JITH ACCESS CUT \ND (lOODE'l DOCK , "~~ . . .-, " -t- ~, DATE: 2/23/81 SHEET 2 OF 2 ;0 'l!1 tr ~'; ,~,,;..-,.-., i. , ~~.:',':., C\ ;!,~ :~ i\ ""1 l- I TOPS ~ FORM 3397 LITHO IN .... _ DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE Jll:1e 2(" In'll SUBJECTi'.... 'lri:.11'-'.J'lter: bO:1t ~,lin. acces~, cut. and riD-ran seaua11 To :. rl . ~'-1 'r' .:\ DEP'T 1'1 aanLl[", Bllilr:lin~ '" ZO,li:l~ FROM ~ 1)(.',.... l~', DEP'T rla'i1nin~, ~}llilfliTl" r Zon iur; LEGi\L T:lS:P (7S, ~r:E ~7E, sr:r:T. ,3, Day Drive, Bloc~ 6, Lot 3J, Day Point Anencc(l PIa'::, Sa(Lnc;Junc~ KI~Y. Zon~n? is .r~!r -1- ~ f . 1HT:~ODHCT 10:~: Tid:, .1.-;Jp1ication L;~ to b(~ rC'Ti~',;,~:l by t:v~ ::oaro~ County Joard of CoiTtnis,iio"lCrS in accor.1a::1cc ~lith C'lapter 1)-111(a) (2) <lnd (iJ) (4) of til8 Cau:lt'T (;o,le. D I S r.u S S 10;; : Applicant proposes to ~lace 71~ linear feet of rip-rap alon~ 'lis 05 feet of waterfront ~roperty abuttin~ Lover Sllgarloaf Sound. ApproxiPl,'ltely 1') c.y. of rip-rap ~:ill be placed along the '[LH lL1e a"d b::tcLfi11(~d with 25 c.y. of limcstone nnrl. A11;o proposer: is a 25 ft. ::: 25 ft. x -5 ':t. ~lllH Doat b<lsin to be ex cava t ~ (: fron t;lC U pJ and an d a 2') ft. x 15 f t. x -5 ft.-Un; access channel to connect t~e hoat i.1asin \.]itl1 An off:silorc perip:H!rnl c jUl n n c 1 . T 11 ~ a III 0 U n t 0 f "1 il t c ria 1 t 0 i, e ex c n vat e rl ~l i 11 be 9 J:t c tl :., i c yards, :3 c.y. vnt;~n/arrl of -fII~: :Jnd 75 landHard of 'Hm. 1:.1 addition, a 20 Ft. lonr: x 5 ft. \,;ri(1C >looden docl~ \-1ill be con~tructelt along the ea8tcra cd;.;c of the boat basIn '-lith rip-rap placed unrlerncath. The attac1led ")ep~. this ~rojcct in frcater in f 0 P'l a t ion. rnvironm~ntal ~e~ulation report discusses (let::!.il and should be consulted for a(lditiollal A land~ill ap~lic~tion (p2r~it ~ ~J17A) was approved by tie COu~lty on 'larch 25, 1)31, presltTn.'1LJly ':or t:j(~ cOl".structio,l of a sin~le family resiJ~nce. T;VALT:ATIO:T: T'l<; 10:lG of1.p?ro'-~inat,~ly "111 .3(luar~ feet of 31lb"1cr~ent :) ~ ;1 t '1 0 ~3 prC:3'~;1 t 1 y G U :J p ,) r t L 11 S IT) a r i il e f lor. a" ( D lL~ r e p 0 r t) S : IOU 1 ,l U~ cOll'l'cns:1te,1 for. l,y tile cV'lntual '~3t.'1')lishrnent ()f' veget.1.tion on t:l(,~ ilotton of tile> ')nat :).1.,,>1n. TOPS , FQRM 3397 LITHO IN .... DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE J l1 n e :2:1 6 ], 9 :11 SUBJECTA. ~rink\oUltcr: hoat lJnsin. acce,~R cut. and rip-rap scnivall. To Renr." Wein1:.:1n. "lirector Environ:-:Jcntal FROM no~e~t Dennis. Eiolonist DEP'T Plannin;::6 Bui1clinlO &. Zoning DEP'T Planninr;. Buildinry & Zoninr; rase t_vo RE CO'~:! ENP.A T I 0'1 : Approv:~l uith the cnnoitions that t;le rip-rn:, 3ea1<7;1"ll be placed a])ovC! the ~IL\! line (pre~erahly at '1SL) so as :lot to encronch upon any submer::;e:lt v~get;1tion aad t~lat the botton of the boat basi:l bf~ slopel! (hcinf'; sli?,htly hi[.her at t:le upland end) to <d.T in tidal flllshin:,,;. i~JTES: nEn, anu Arrr.y Corps pernits ;vlve been applieJ for. RD(jf i!"l01 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA. FLORIDA 33950 ~- ~~ f~} '''7..." Of fl(jl.~ BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA ; DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE April 6, 1981 . Arthur Drinkwater c/o KeyCology Inc. 4-:1.4 Simonton St. Key West, Fla. 33040 Re: Monroe County, File No. 44-40377-SE, Boat Basin, Rip Rap Dock Dear Mr. Drinkwater: As we advised you on March 9, 1981 , your application is incomplete without local approval, pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your permit application to the Board of County Commissioners/City Councilor their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city council ". . .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need to obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. Sincerely, ~~ 4J;uf RWC/ck Enclosure Richard W. Cantrell Dredge & Fill Supervisor DER Form 17-1.122(50) DRINIG']ATER, ARTHUR 1f44-40377-5E Monroe County - Saddlebunch Key Page Two A. Applicant proposes the excavation of a 25' x 25' boat basin from the uplands and a 20' x 15' access channel from submergent and intertidal areas to connect the boat basin with an adjacent peripheral channel. In all, 23 cubic yards will be dredged watervlard of MEW and 75 cubic yards will be dredged landward of HHW. _ Also proposed is the placement of riprap (30 cubic yards) approx- imately 10 feet waterward of the existing apparent shoreline. Backfill (25 cubic yards) is proposed for placement in back of the riprap. Riprap and backfill will extend,out to MLW. A 20" x 5' wooden dock is additionally proposed for con~truction inside of the basin. Riprap will be placed under the dock, which~ will protrude 3 feet above MHW. The boat basin will be excavated to a depth of -5 feet MEW with a side slope (west side) of 3H:IV. The terminal end of the basin will be box cut. The access channel will also be excavated to a depth of -5 feet MHW. All excavation will be by backhoe. Riprap placement will be by, hand and backhoe. Backfill will be done by dozer. Silt screens will be utilized during excavation. B. The subject property is contained within an elongated strip of land extending south of U.S. #1 into Lower Sugarloaf Sound. Lower Sugarloaf Sound is a vast expanse of shallow water (1-3 ft., MLW) which is somewhat impounded from the deeper waters of the Atlantic and the Gulf to the south and north. The applicant's lot is approximately 95' x 110', situated on the extreme southern end of the present development. Development here is waterfront, being bordered by a deep peripheral channel, which extends for the length of this land extension on either. side. It is likely that the spoil from this channel was deposited to :. form the present uplands where single family residences now exist (majority of these lots have been built upon). Between the present uplands (may be transitional in some areas) and the offshore channel, a shallow submergent/tidal shelf gradually drops from the extreme high tide line down to the channel sides. The lower seven lots to the south of this residential develop- ment are undeveloped. The eighth lot up the shore has been DRINKHATER, ARTHUR 1144-40377 - 5E Monroe County - Saddlebunch Key Page Three built upon with a seawall and dock along the shore. The seawall here extends past MLW and the dock extends another five feet, so as to give direct access to the deep waters of the peripheral channel. C. The applicant's property.supports a mixture of upland vegetation; Australian pine (Casuarina sp) and bay cedar (Suriana maritima) - and transitional vegetation; sea daisy (Borrichia sp) and buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta). These transitional type uplands drop sharply at the extreme high tide line. At the base of this drop, a small wrack line is found below which a bare, solidified marl substrate is encountered with mixed Miami oolite rubble. Between the MWW line and the MLW line, a barren substrate wibhv small rubble rock and scattered larger boulders is encountered. The submergent shelf next encountered contains turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum), green algae (BatoJhora sp) and brown algaes (Acanthaphora sp and Gracilaria sp. Substrate here is still fairly solid, though overlying sediments increase with distance from shore. Killifish and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) were observed here. The entire width of the shelf, submergent and emergent portions combined, is 15-20 feet, with the intertidal zone occupying - ' approximately one-half of this width. Below the permanently submergent one-half of the shelf, where the channel begins to drop, turtlegrass has become well-established to a depth of approximately -5 feet. D. The immediate short-term impacts of this project are of greatest concern here. If riprap and backfill placement is done above the MLW line, productive benthic vegetation should be spar~d. ' Excavation of the access channel will, however, eliminate nearly 300 square feet of submergent benthos presently supporting marine flora. This will result in decreased marine habitat and increased localized turbidity due to unconsolidated sediments. It is expected that vegetation, most likely seagrasses:-will re~ vegetetate all dredged areas over a period .ot several years, thus offsetting initial habitat losses and consolidating bottom sediments so as to curb turbidity. <I e DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGUu\TION PER~lIT APPLICl\Tlm~ APPRAISAL File No.:_ 44-40377-:5E County: Honroe Date: 3-13-81 Applicant Name: Arthur Dri.nkvlater Address: 3740 Cindy Avenue, Key West, Florida 33040 Agent (if applicable): KeyCology, Inc. Address: 414 Simonton Street, Key West, Florida 33040 Locati-on of project: Section(s) 8 Township 67 Range 27 Section(s) Township Range Sadd1ebunch Key (Bay Point) ':"ocal Reference: ..later Body:.' Lower Sugarloaf Sound Wate~ Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: Outstanding Florida Waters: On site inspection by: John A. Meyer Date of Inspection: 3-19-81 Ori.ginal Application: Yes~ No Date of 2nd Insp. Revised Application: Yes No X Date: Biological and Water Quality A?sessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biop~ysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining prope.rties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological tesources and wat~r quality. Address long-term impact as well as irmnediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where a?propriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential i~pact of project. PER~ l6-10(Rev.6/79) 'J"" ,;';~~~ttv ' H,.f"it.~J' " . 'c ,( '~'iJ' :"/>11\<.1; , ~~)~ cJ' itt~~~' <'L"'\' ;Jr r 9 Ii DRINKivATER, ARTHUR it44- 40377 - 5E ~onroe County - Saddlebunch Key Page ~V'o A. Applicant proposes the excavation of a 25' x 25' boat basin from the uplands and a 20' x IS' access channel from submergent and intertidal areas to connect the boat basin with an adjacent peripheral channel. In all, 23 cubic yards will be dredged watenrard of HHW and 75 cubic yards ';-Jill be dredged landward of l1HW. Also proposed is the placement of rip~ap (30 cubic yards) approx- imately 10 feet waterward of the existing apparent shoreline. Backfill (25 cubic yards) is proposed for placement in back of the riprap. Riprap and backfill will extend out to ~~W. . , A 20'.x 5' wooden dock is a,!ditionally J:roposed for construction inside of the basin. Riprap will be placed under the dock, which will protrude 3 feet above MHW. The boat basin will be excavated to a depth of -5 feet MIIW with a side slope (west side) of 3H:IV. The terminal end of the basin will be box cut. The access channeL will also be excavated to a depth of -5 feet HHW. All excavation will be by backhoe. Riprap placement will be by hand and backhoe. Backfill will be done by dozer. Silt screens will be utilized during excavation. 3. The subject property is contalned within an elongated strip of land extending south of U.S. 11 inca Lower Sugarloaf Sound. Lower Sugarloaf Sound is a vast expanse of shallow water (1-3 ft., MLW) which is somewhat impounued from the ceeper waters of the Atlantic and the Gulf to the south and north. The applicant's lot is approximately 95' x 110'. situated on the extreme southern end of the present development. Development here is waterfront, being bordered by a deep peripheral channel, which extends for the length of this land extension on either side. It is likely that the spoil from this channel was deposited to form the present uplands where single faolily residences now exist (majority of these lots have been built upon). Between the present uplands (may be transitional in some areas) and the offshore channel, a shallow subrnergent/tidal shelf gradually drops from the extreme high tide line down to the channel sides. . The lower seven lot~ to the south of this residential develop- Den: are undeveloped. The 0i:hth lot up the shore has been ,. .,~~ .,',",'.','.',.,:,.'t'".,':,it;>.'. ' . '>,,\";'~~ . ,.~"! ~.~~;I:. ':i,'.':':i-: ~?> 'i tJ 41 D!\.INKHATER, ARTHUR ~U+4-403 77 - 5E ~onrue County - Saddlebunch Key Page Three built upon with a seawall and dock along the shore, The seawall here extends past MLW and the dock extends another five feet, so as to give direct access to the deep waters of the peripheral channel. C. The applicant's property supports a mixture of upland vegetation; _Australian pine (C.:.isuarina sp) ,..3 l,..,u "'?dar (Suriana maritim.1) and transitional vegetation; sea daLsy (Borrichia sp) and buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta). These transitional type uplands drop sharply at the extreme high tide line. At the base of this drop, a small wrack line is found be 1m.; which a bare, sol id ified marl &ubstrate is encountered with mixed Mtami oolite rubble. r . Ben.;een the }-TI.JW line and the HLW line, ,a barren substrate with small rubble rock and scattered larger boulders is encountered. The submergent shelf next encountered contains turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinwn), green algae (Bato~hora sp) and brown algaes (Acanthorhora sp and Gracilaria sp. Substrate here is still fairly so id, though overlying sediments increase with distance from shore. Killifish and blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) were observed here. The entire width of the shelf, submergent and emergent portions combined, is 15-/.0 feet, with the intertidal zone occupying approximately one-half of this width. Belmv the permanently submergent one-half of the shelf, where the channel begins to drop, turtlegrass has become well-established to a depth of approximately -5 feet. D. The immediate short-tcl::;; ..:...: cts of this project are of greatest concern here. If riprap and backfill placement is done cbove the MLW line, productive benthic vegetation should be snared. Excavation of the access channel will, however, eliminate nenrly 300 square feet of submergent benthos presently supporting marine flora. This will result in decreased marine habi~at and increased localized turbidity due to unconsolidated sediments. It is expected that vegetation, most likely seagrasses, will re- vegetetate all dredged areas over a period ot several years, thus offsetting initial habitat losses and consolidating bottom sediments so as to curb turbidity. :.:~~w ~~trt;;r . ~. \, 9~' , ''.jr.ll ~r . " DRINm~ATER, ARTHUR :'~44- 40377 - 5E Monroe County - ~addlebunch Key rage Four E. Based upon water quality and biological criteria under the provisions of Chapters 403 and 253 of theflorida Statutes, approval of this application is recommended, with the following suggestion offered: The waterward extent of the riprap should not encroach upon any _ established submergent vegetation. This would establish the '..7a teLvd_< ,~xtent of the riprap line at approximately the HU.J line. All boat access would, therefore, be via the boat basin. , JOHN A. HEYER, ENV. SPEC. II Date: Read: 3, lrsl .3(~3161 BOE-' lAN/dvo "':,