Resolution 232-1981RESOLUTION NO. 232 -1981 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has recieved an application from Mr. & Mrs. Krause and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: This is an after -the -fact permit for a rock and cement seawall that was constructed below MHW on a residential lot bordering a natural shoreline. This seawall is approximately 75 feet long and extends vertically about two feet above MHTA1. Limestone fill was placed in back of the seawall. In all, 50 to 100 cubic yards of fill was deposited as backfill. A backhoe was used to place the boulders for the seawall and a bull- dozer was presumably used to spread the backfill. The purpose of this project is for private usage. The project site is on the western shoreline of Ramrod Key, bordering Niles Channel, which connects the Atlantic and Gulf in the lower Florida Keys. This shoreline has been disturbed through past dredging and fill- ing in the immediate area of the applicant's lot. To the south of this site is U.S. 1 and its associated construction activity. Further to the north, the shoreline is rocky with offshore turtlegrass (Thalassic testudinum) and a narrow inland band of wetlands composed primarily of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle). Also to the north of the project site are several commercial fishing boats and a small dock used for boat mooring and offloading. Offshore waters where these boats are moored have been dredged (before permit requirements) to a depth of 5 to 10 feet. This dredge area ex- tends the entire width of the applicant's property, including the area in front of the new seawall. Immediately adjacent to the existing seawall (north side) are scrubby red mangroves, with a mixture of black mangroves(Avicennis germinans), white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa), buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), batis (Batis maritima), and glasswort (Salicornia sp.). No fill has been placed here for some distance inland. On the other side of the seawall, a small spit of emergent land is encountered which supports red mangroves. Inland elevations rise rap- idly to uplands (old fill) in this area. The applicant's lot is presently filled from the existing seawall on up to his house, in a disturbed area that was filled many years ago. Some of the fill that was placed in this area is being contested by the Army Corps of Engineers, although D.E.R. has no active enforcement pending in the area. It is difficult of determine the exact location or physical character- istics of the area recently filled and seawalled, however, as judged from nearby areas, this shoreline displayed a fairly barren, rocky inter- tidal zone with a diverse and productive benthic population below r4LV7 and a scrubby mangrove frinne landward. The seawall was constructed below MLW in some areas and in between MLW and MHW in other areas. During a mid level tide, as observed during the on -site inspection, approximately two feet of water covered the base of the newly constructed seawall. Additionally, the fill from re- cent backfilling operations was spilled into offshore waters for another five feet out. This fill and a good portion of the seawall overlap a turtlegrass bed, which continues further out into the offshore dredge area. Mixed in with this turtlegrass are green algaes (Penicillus sp) and (Batophora sp.) along with anemones=(Condylactis gigantea), sponges, mussles and urchins. Above this submergent vegetation line encroached upon, a barren rock intertidal area capable of supporting small red mangroves and Batophora sp. was filled in. This area was about ten feet wide, although this distance may have been variable. The majority of the wetland area filled over was unproductive and of minimal value to the offshore system. By extending the seawall beyond MLW, a marine systemcapable of supporting_ a diversity of marine or- ganisms was partially encroached upon and destroyed. This type of des- truction has an impact on the area's food chain and water quality, thereby affecting the commercial and sport fishing of the area. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COPIPIISSIONERS OF A?ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 28th day of July 19 81 at a regularly scheduled meeting. (Seal) Attest 9ALPHP-41����'L, L Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONK LAN-TY', FLORIDA - - By C�f el - Mayor APPRM" AS M MPY ti sut ;CfciYC'Y. jY 49 Attorney's Offke BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS r WilhekNna,Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5,.;.d; "u OUNTY o MONROE KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294 4641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 QFI-Il.t ur: Henry F. Weinkam, Director Building, Planning & Zonin P.o. Box Room 216 Wing I Public Service Building Stock Island, Fla. 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. Certificate of Complete Enclosures_3/ 2. Permit 3. Application for Permit 4. Site Plan 5. Location Map !� 6. County Biologist Report 7. DER Assessment 8. Resolution ,12a BY � � DATF._7— l a — J- < {MONROEa PLANNING, BUILDIG & ZONING DEPARTMENT PEL.,IIT .,PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY ' FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR j4ETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Rudolph & Roseann Krause Jan. 1, 1981 Rt . 2 Box 331 Resolution No . Summerland Key, Fla. 33042 3) Phone number (305) Date: 872-2100 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number OWNER � S) Legal description of property: Section 31 Key Ramrod Subdivision Township 66 S Lot Part of Gov. Lot ]Block RE 114150 Range 29 from Key West U.S. 1 to Mako F Street, road or mile marker �' Road Pft- i-n 01 dl State Rnad Left to —J Niles Channel, Volume of material: dredzed/excavated filled deposited c.y. c.y. 3 c.y. 25 Y- waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: GU I PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD,OF COUNTY CM—IISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: CODy.in File Date Building Otlicial Mq, NRCE COUNTY QA.; �� �00, IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY I Propert _ownerswe & mailing Aa�c-��✓�/ address 2 Date For Department Use Onl ,!�'t •� Fc ,Y 3 3 / 3) Phone number P/4- 3 c' `/U-- I 4 Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number L Gvx� %C 5 Legal description of property: Section, 2 Key, Subdivision, �` S Township, Lot, - v—, L��i Block, r�L tom& i — �/ 5- Range, J G-� Street, road or mile marker, lc%l, /r���t /J; /ems C,(, (if acreage) GC 6 Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material, in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged. bo C, ( C/ t.1� , /,o i -C?,.: L-J, / '-) dredged/excavated filled/deposited volume -of material: C.Y. waterward c.y. c.y. '5 y. landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. 7 Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. /0, % %QC S S Cp ,e This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT be processed. .tea) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8'2-X 1:1paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies.;, $10.00 for vertical seawalls on —man-made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. I Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility. X Si na ure of applicant a ent Date For Department Use OnlyJ 1, / V J O v / i�/ ��• Person accep 'ng application Fee & receipt # Approved by Assistant Director Cost of permit Estimated cost of construction v C 77 } X �z Sc A t �N Fir � yj4 t gi17 p_ N L N PV0'1009a : boV 14-tr r,� -.Ap dJ a a Q,h ow*7e , r� u � �OrS,GE/N1G� v OL PA 1Nes1' (lOMlyy Vlc,ra 17-y MAC LoG14TON � ►' %�D- ra�J Cr �Px�►-pd /�o _ C`� v,y o�' mn•, e TOPS*T FORM 3397 LITHO DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE SUBJECTI'lr111_S(?. n ri n-ran >naw,T nil , ack fi11 FROM DATE Tune ?6, 1911 T' t DEP'TP1annin.:', B it iTi4� £t 70nlnr^, Env'ironrental / / DEP'T Planning, huildin^_ & Zonin^ LEGAL TI SP GFiS, ?,GE '1)^, SECT 319 Part of 'Ilov't Lot 1_9 RE 114150, Ramrod I:ey. Zoning is Gt'. I'TTOP,pTTCM10 ?: T'ii , Ipplication is to „e reviewed l)y tha Hoard of County Commiscionors in accorc'ance Wit'_i Chapter 1q-111(a) (5) of tae *onroe County Code. nISCITSSIt) 3: w Applicant is applying for an a�=ter-the-fact permit for a rip -ran seawall and ?>acl.fill alon-, '?files Channel. A 75= foot seaWall Was co-istructed between !,:Li; and 'tIIW (see photograph 1) requiring approxinately 50 to 103 c.y. of Oac.fill (.see attaciccl Eaviron. Ted. r.eForr_). Photogr.anti 1 shows that the intertidal zone is composed of '..; ?ioT�ever, ?sec lose of the undulating nature of barrrin cap-roc s'zorelines, sorle seagrasses nay Have been impacted as a result of t.ie seawall. Sole ",-crtll�)byft man^,rovn s T-ay have been removed, :gut this could not I)(--conF_irmed.� Aerial photographs taken in '(area, 1975, indicate t11:It any man,^,roves that were present may have ;jean removed prior to that date. As a result of this *)rjoect, cone fill was dumped at tie I of t?ic rip -rap sea�:all in t fir' seaSrass Merl. Vie 2nclo3ed DE: report describes this project in -reater detail and should bn_ corx,n?.tec? for adrlitio,ial information. pprov,.l T-ith t:.ie stipulation t'iat t_le _ill placed in the se:i7rass 1!c?r' bS' r''^ion Qri,. 1. 7'" r2nort F'_ncTos,',!. ail,' :.ray Corps n?_r^_its requirel. J �L ji Qw►red guy. 'Part o �' Gor'� for/ �Ikzly �c DCn A1'5 e. "7 / Rr myis-� BOSGRAHAM GOVERNOR �f•rt 3701 GOLF LOURSE 60ULEt.IARU �ja•'.-_''--:--'.:� y; - Li: 3395U FLORIDA!'Uiii':, :;Q?FLORID JACO(3 U. YARN ... ` i71Y�Ck1ifC �f SECRETARY S , ATE OF: F 1.{)MDA DEPARTMENT O ���'�9st'�i�e�IE�`�3�aL REGULATION l� �::•,.,;.: .__ SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH 4FFICL ,r Jun: 3, l�Ll Roseau. n.n & Rudolph Krua se Y , Box 3 3 1 S..mmerland Kev, Florida _;3042 Monroe County, File 110. 44-39224-5E, Rio -Rao Seawall Dear N?r. & Mrs. Krause: ks we ad-rised you cn 2-6-L1 you. application is 9: ,, L l i""' �,rsuart to section 253.124 , `incc plete wi..hout oca� apgro ra_, p . Florida Sta tunes, for filling waterwar'd of the existing mean/ - .'':;.,. ordinary nzgh water line Please sit the _enclosed copy of our biolo=•ical comrlerts v-b together with your permit application to the Board of County C:,. 1iGstcre_s/City Council or their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the co�rlts cU'z-+ission,/: ity 'rouncil ". . shall have in hand the (?)j jogical) ,report and findings hereof'." it further states, " report snail be read into the record and duly considered at t'?.e samemeeting a{- which the board of county commissioners or of-Iner authorized body takes final action on the application for oe��t,i t. Yap w:i ll need to obtain a copy of. the minutes of the meeting or az� appropriate indi.cat,' On .a f the local approval. This lat�Er, resoluticn or cuPy of the minutLA should be sent to �h s offdce. Your app,.icntion wi1? ramain incomplete without -aJ_1d 'if you ,have any questions concerning 1--cal aDpr.o�;a1, phis rocedure, pease aontact us. Sincerely, r- Richarcl W. Cantrell, Dre.Ige• & Fill Supervisor �mc :osure ';vb ?U70i,F I,. AUSE �:� 4-:.+92Z4-5 :lion.r oe: county ''- Ramrod ICey �;age Two :0r-the-fac -ge .Cor a reek and cement seawall . (wC1S CO:S`_tt1Etf_'-d bE' v,w :"`.'i4�T or, a ,�esl_Gential lot bordering - z.tt,.iral shoreline. This seawall is approximately 75 feet j 3ne1 ext.ends vertic 1',�y abotic, tvio feet above MHWd LLneston' e way; n!ze.ed '7.rl.ba.ck .6 t?1.e '-seawall. In all, 50 to 100 cilhic: - a:1 pis t.f. =_.11 ;..as depositec. as b:�_Icfill. b.; ;;l�,c: ;aasylscd to }. i?'t'i'_ c �r_-- b<�uldcrs for. she seak�all: and a, '.'.:oze ,.,7as prasi!m,qbly used to spread the backFill. Y_= Li e C) thi&' ��I'�) Gect 1s o �7T _ovate us a, oe. ..L1 ,�[ ;? i r:cL s:i -e is on th''e ,:,,es7rzril shorn._' Iiie (;i Ramrod Key, iI C 'ter i_i1C; i:i i :�S Channel, , 'whi.ch cc.�nnects the .Atlantic and Gulf in . _i e ,.ocaer Florida 1(ey.,. `'TI:i7 shoreline has been disturbed as t dre Agin< 'nc1 f i."tlw_.fT in thEi i�rm�ediate area of the :icon". S lot. `i'o +the. ',south of this site is U.S. ;r'l and. its teii construction activit-y. Further to the north, the ;-lesr_iIII f3 I;rocky with offshore tur.tlegrass (Thalassia testudinunm ?zt{ a ns.rrnw in -Land ' ani ',of �,aei_lands c�ofi ,osed primarily of real' M:3- c)- e (tthi �,r�,hora rr_yn, 1e) A :) to tizc north of the r>>-oe.'t sit are several commercial fis! zing t- s amd a small. dick usec?- -Cor boat mooriil4 and offloading. _._Slhore t•:aLe-rs where the st,4 boats are moored have been dredged ',rI .!_=o - p ermliL. requilrezaents.) to a. depth of 5 to 10 feet. This tti area, extends the entire'. idth .of the applicant's property, -he- area•ill 1.rC)T.EL. r I the new seawall. r.cent to i':ltc x:Ls ing seawall (.north side) are C' i V :C! rani ,,rove-�: _ `•tiT-i n.:?'' _. %rl :{. LirE� of A is : mangroves (Avlcenni %!:tti' , t1^let'' ;t_n ,' es lL.? ;I�C.Il�:i_'Lc' raceniosa) , buttonwood i?r ta) t L" LS (Ba_r1; ii:cli'1? 7_iTia� and gla.sswort (Salicorl,iia _-,`i ;::1.�iias GeeP, placed somet1lStartce inland. Un o L her sides of the'` sc::t4aa.11, a small soi t . elf emergent land is ncoor.'_ .—Ced `?hicMl :,l'.7iJOY`"i "cd inland elevations rice (old fs 11) in thi: area. .:a::!t's lot is n4-esently '::lied fro; - the existing sear all i_S :1Ct]:;c 1, n al area t1hat was fi.iled P.lc?ny years irhe FL11. Ch i4 wa" TLac.=Cin �riS area is beintcT� cai!te3- `Qic E'!'� D.E.R.,I8S n0 1Ct1tPo f 1LJ v!:C, 4 1.;1 i.;ho are! . i • R. & RUDOLF KRAUSE 1. b, -39224 ,5r Monroe County - Ramrod Kev Page Three It is difficult to determine the exact locatJ- ,� or �7_i;rS:�^,_,? characteristics of the area recently f 111ed ar.d sees?S7C i e.._1 , C3C3T;�' r�> - as judged from r.:�arbv areas, this shoreline d1spi:-avei barren, rocky intertidal zone with a div:=,rse and prac;:cr.�=, "_: below ? t '� �=e population �LW and a scrubby mangrove fringe 7:o.�?*.7ar.i. The . seaiaall was cons tr. cted b.elow 1MT;T in sore :real and in bet•c: L �-r. 111,W and lflri.l in other areas. During a mid level t:;.ds: , .a's ohserved during the on -site i banspection, approximately r_�o f e*� a% vaast�c,r. covered the base of the rie,,7l,; constru,cte�1 se-awall. Addit_ ora7_L the fill from recent bacicfilling o1 era t-io_ s :.,a� 5i,illeci i,<tc, offshore waters for another fire fee,- �r`.- 14 -1 f P_- out . !l.' portion of the seawall lam overia_n �i a turtle bed, ._ , 7h• cln ���>n ._hues further out into the offshore dredge area.. 1qixect .n. z:-lth Chi- turtlegrass are green algaes (Penicillus ,> and along with anemones (Cond lactic s;i �rit�a sz,on urcizins . ------ ---- _) , Above this submerger_t ve;etatio;-i line encroached upon, a rock intertidal area capable of supror-i.n�, small red nian-ruvc�s an(, Bato Nora sp . was filled in . This area -was about� wide, tern feet tiic«, ..although this di scarce may i;ave been variable. D. The majority of the wetland area filled over was 1-11-M_OC111r.tiz,7t_ ar.0 of minimal value to the a+ fs :cn:e s -LtL B T y y 0x':en.d-._ng '.:he beyond MILW, a marine system capable or st pt;orting div; rsif_y cf marine organisms was partially encroached u�lon and destroc.d. This type of destruction has an impact on the area's foodaOU r ha + n and water quality, thereby affecting fishing of the area. s��she commercial and ryti: