Resolution 235-1981PFS01,7-10N ,.7o. 235 -1981 T17HERFAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEPS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from Dieter P. Gerlach , and T,= REAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows, The applicant proposes the deposition of riprap boulders (70 cubic yards) along a natural residential shoreline to protect the shoreline from erosion. The placement of this riprap will be at or above the MLW line and below yH7n7. Total width of the riprap proposed. is k-Fn feet. Height of the rip - rap ,sJ_11 be 1 to 2 feet. When completed, the length of the riprap will be 190 feet. Of this lenc;th., 80 feet has already been placed at the low and mid tide level. This shoreline is part of the naturally occurring water/land interface of Port Pine Heights Subdivision, a canal oriented development on the northwest side of Big Pine Key. In this area, Pine Channel is a shallow expanse of water dominated over its bentros by lush seagrasses. More specificall-v, the applicant's shoreline lies between two inland canals and is bordered to the north by an existing riprap revetment and to the south. ]:,y the applicant's own house and corresponding shoreline riprap revetment. Riprap to either side of the shoreline in question was placed at approximately the low tide line. As can 'De seen in the applicant's site plans, a natural indentation of the shoreline exists where the present riprap is proposed. Because of this indentation, it is unlikely that housing can be constructed within the confines of lots 6 or 7 off of Sunset Drive. The land base here is re lativel.y high, sloping fairly abruptly into Pine Channel al.ong the length of its shoreline. The shoreline along this stretch displays a loose, r_ockS7 i_ntertid.a.l zone and lush seaar_ass beds below MLW. The area of riprap placement, as proposed, is characterized by limerock rubble anO little substrate colonization. The primary vegetation found. along the upland/shoreline escarpment is buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta) and sea daisy (Borrichia sp.). Both of these species are above the MHI^7 line., although several. black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) individuals and their associated pneumataphores are located over the northern portion of the intertidalarea planned for riprap placement. A distinct submergent vegetation line exists at approximately the DRLW line. At this point,green alaaes (Batophora sp. and Acetabulari.a Sp.), filamentous brown alaaes, Cuban shoalweed (Halodule wriahtee), manatee grass (Syringodium filiformis) and turtlegrass (Thallassia testudinum) are found. By far the most dominant of these species is turtlegrass, which covered. nearly 90 percent of the offshore bottom with the other species occupying all other available bottom space. If_riprap placement is conf..inee exclusively to the intertidal area above MLT:7 as is proposed, impacts to the marine community should be insignifi- cant. The habitat produced from the riprap should provide additional habitat for the intertidal species (cristaceans, gastropods, pel.ecypods) expected to occur here. Because of the low energy characteristics of this shoreline, water quality degradation (high turbidity) is not expected. to occur as a result of erosion to backfill. placed behind the riprap. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COD914ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this llth day of August , 19 scheduled meeting. (Seal.) Attest: RALPH W. Cler LEEK O •C . 81 at a regularly ,BOARD OF.,COUNTY COMWISSIONERS OF COUNTY, FLORIDA. ";rC v Mayor r jAP;P�D AS TO FSUFFICIENC BY '� BOARD C-F COUNTY COMMISS— -- �SW rl— JF: Alt-, Henry F. Weinkam, Director Wilhclmina Harvey, District 1_ . Curt Blair, District 2 v. Building, Planning & Zoning Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 r MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 k� P.O. BOX Room 205 Wing II Ken Sorensen, District 5 ;4 Public Service Building Stock Island, Florida 33040 tiu OUNTY o MONROE KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294-4641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures I/1- 1. Resolution 2. Permit 3. Application for Permit CI 4. Site Plan 5. Location Map 6. County Biologist Report 1/ 7. DER Assessment BYa4 AL-1 DATE -7 �07� l J! c�� lPLANNING, BUILDI`1G & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT MCI%JRaE COUNTY- �, PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. �'� FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE -`' WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Dieter P Gerlach March 2, 1981 R. F. 3, Box 300 Resolution No. Big Pine Key, Fla. 33043 3) Phone number (305) Date: 872-2675 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number J N/A 5) Legal description of property: Section 5 Key Bia Pine Subdivision Port Pine Heights 4th Addition Township 66S Lot 6,7 , & 8 Block 8Z I Range 29E Street, road or mile marker Sunset Drive Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited c.y. c.y. 70 c.yxip-rapc.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING• RU-1 unconsolidated rip -rap between MLW & MHW PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD .OF COUNTY COS' TTSSIOi',ERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval: rip -rap to be placed above the MLW line, preferabley between MHW and MSL. Cony in File Date uii' inn,, 0f1icial ^�?Q N•Rfa � . »1`1I."1(', BUILPI`;C V & 7,0'1I`IC DF.�'AP.T'tE' ^ RMIT APPLICATIO.T {C'AVATION, TTJr T)EPOSIT 0 ILL, 'RUCTURAL COUNTY' ACTIVITIES Ia THE WATERS OR WETLANd OF `•TO` ROE COUNTY l � 1) Property owners nane zrailinp address D)'efer P Gt,/acl� d0X _ 00 4) Contractor or aclent's name, nailing address, /V //A 2) Date /ta,, �r _9/' 1i,21 lone number phone & certification number '5) Le-lal description of property: /3OFf Section, 'IT Key, 6'�� /�,�2 Subdivision, �'l,h-f Township, 616 S Lot, 6 , 7f- � Block, 9` Range, (if. a9 acreage) Street, road or mile marker, SLetjite%'` 7,oninp, ki1'/ G) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cubic vard s), to he excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended useof project. 0A(ConlP/P R/9p lUE'AN [Vrt/ l�fs9 � 7' 1-JC- n/ PIGN dredged/excavated filled/deposited volume of. material: c , C.Y. c Y • /?'i RCZ whetrFI�t d'l�tlid77.'rd Of It b' dj 7) 'dame, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. 1ivnu to( Un pe r //E,5 /Ycz r arrr( Rol , Govsr� /Zvi�f Pcz•-/eS a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant s name, for this site /Vo,v b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. List aii rederal and State agencies that have received applications for this project. This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will j t NOT Be processed. E Tw (2) sets -of drawings, on 8� x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Ap licition processing fee as follows: 25.0 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. for vertic-1 seawalls on —min -made bodies of water. $25.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any coupty, state or federa law regulating construction or performance of constructio f his t pe f �'ity. i /?'or Department Ilse Only/ / _ Fee & receipt, Approved by Ass.t. Director ro%n accepting application 1� 3jic-/5/ Cost of permit Estimated cost ot constru i IF_'_IT C% TV, i' Lcc-ATic' �y SCG1�. � r Flil?� •, '1� i O; Sec TLUr' 6E,cl,., i. i !us N o .� ---..... f Iti..rJ i � f i it �f i��,_� � •t.r. �. 4�� 1..:� ' :''.) c� J,�.,� � ., , re7. _ � �f, c7 ,``� � --- ----- •rl P : � ;; �. _ _ �� � � J ��� '.L t`,.tY1..� . #. !i�}� �rf �� ` t: r ���t, � , �, � ._-...__.w_..�_....�.��� • 1 I ; � t' . �:: r ::�- II i f �t f 9 �'t'� �. � ,-. i ppp ,. �� i �� _ 1� Dieter P. Gerlach R. D. 3, Box 300 Big Pings Key, Florida 33043 Mr. Robert Dennis Monroe C ounty Building Dept. Public Service Bldg. Wing II Stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 July 14,1981 Re: Rip -rap on Lots i:, 7, 8 Block 84, Port Pine Heights, 4th Addition. Dear Mr. Dennis: Enclosed please find the requested biological report plus a letter from the Department of .environmental Regulations , in which they are asking for a letter of approval from your department. A copy of the approval from the Department d the Army and the Department of Natural Resources is also enclosed. I hope these letters are all that is needed by your office in order to proceed with the issueance of a permit for placement of the rip -rap on our lots. Sincerely, Mr. & Mrs. Diet Gerlach TOPS FbRM 3397 LITHO .. DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE JuIr 2!11 lnil SUBJECT('nrl nrh, P,P - 'i ¢+ �n cf+JT"t1 To 7 DEP'T Planninr, Building & Zoning FROM Robert s r: vino 3i0 DEFT Planning, Building & Zoning* LEGAL TWSP 66S9 7rE 29E, SECT S, Port Pine lieiEht , t;th Auld.; Tots 6,7, Bloc. 32. Zonin(* is U-1. I ,TT ODIJCTION: Ttlis application iS to I)e rv^V12T'E?d 1)`T t!1e ioard O' ^Ou::ty Cori^,i .sioncr', in '71�-'l C:'La^ter 1 111 (a) (J) Of t'10 -'.o�irac Coun�:v �o�e. ;)ISCUSSI0 J: Annlicant mono:es to construct a. 190 ft. lon? rip -rap seawall alon,; 'iis waterfront property abutting; Pine C:iannel. Ei;-hty feet of the shoreline Tins, cone rip -rap but will require additional boulders. Approximately 70 c.y. of rzaterial will be required and gill be placed below the 1-MIT line. A discussion of the biota present and a description of the area is provided in the attached Department of Environnental Regulation report. PI;P.POSE: To protect property from erosion. EVALUATION No long-term adverse environmental impacts are expected as a result of this project. 771E CO -FIEND ATION: Approval; rip -rap to be placed above the '.ILG: line, preferably between "HW and '?SL. RD/ j f Mf ,;;' 0'r FLOP qaq q (� C". µme"'1 �..7. i•� :Y i �' Pik. �}? pt'AL(�S ti„@.1�4d+L:°`t3 'fit,. ?t7�L4rti p �Q Y'' •k a D Vil ! ,. 2:,-.�``:�TL;•�/�,,�r�,��.i���9 U'�L^d•d�T``ip��9 CE ?-� 1981 D. BOB GRAHAM GOV E OR. . 'ACo8 D. Ryll 3ECFIE Pp4de4efBki�) . :. . . I'?)1ro!3 County., :File 1o. 4 a-4 0603- 5E ,ii-.) _Rap-Revezmezit�-- — As w ,:a<s'::. Shia '1 C)t? On3 1, 'e" -.81 a t y®i�r ��p�JjJ 1.2.C: `fit : C� J. �ia��C�eCt .oz 253.I'14 a C..a Gta� _UL_es r t`.oY' J..3 •� .t. l)rS_ j,r:-l.tErward o1. the exist_.ng T e,.:tn/ hiLgh water } } LI e 1.�� r= r� :C C}u.r biological co c C4c' a i �r ••*� t-r �,�� �ty 2- "i. a�� c?";: "1 cation tCi' t�?a Board 8i C:CilI� } t V 6 t T,, ,� 1 ,{.. '.•�i:i TL: .�:J .�. �:i i': :7/�'1 t�� ��e 4i, i. �.'. J�.. d�.. ':�J. �SYi.�.11^ ;a"u}i..A:.o..rized QetMit ing ;!e .t ';n 2,531 4124 / >}�.o ida Stc tL'�tes v states that the u._ L)%: , / �.t'-'� ..oi,'..�?<.' L S e . e s aall. have ,fin hand the .� S:21C 1 �:iCt:.'_i i=�??t? L' ai:.r_ ?.{� :.>gS t`Yt+'a�'G'of �t tlrt�?F'T states, :s,"ti1}w J:.'i:C:' St'i%.i } a ��eC�QrC�_aTl� dilly consbl�er@C� :,_ls•? at t',—ih:.` 1b 'hs bca-r, coL�n 1a.�°iJ.pn�` r S �a.A final action oil the p ..a- '' _ion ;' r id °: r c� ���� a.n ��g: ;r of the a izygLtes of the meeting t ^�r an '�L1L'0Y)r_c L. a?i w:� �7: thelocalapproval. 6�1% 9 } t; e.r :_ s .so �ut?.•:�j. t��: �,opy .,of the minutes should be., sent_ o �i'o11 a''?�:':1.ic t,.l on � 1.3.1 reEd1El�.n incomplete without ` glr h�V're any questions concerning . ~. ...J N t.." t� �..:..� l:..t_ •.. •9 _n. I) G]. �',1 �.. �.J 3: ...�.. t„ t.. us. S?nncerelY, R. W. Cantrell Dredge & Fill Supervisor ': r;s)1re GERLACH, DIETER #44-40603 Monroe County - Page Two a Big Pine Key A. The applicant proposes the deposition of riprap boulders (70 cubic yards) along a natural residential shoreline to protect the shoreline from erosion. The placement of this riprap will be at or above the MLW line and below MM. Total width of the riprap proposed is ten feet. Height of the riprap will be 1 to 2 feet. IThen completed, the length of the riprap will be 190 feet. Of this length, 80 feet h8.s already been placed at the low and mid tide level. B. This shoreline is Dart of the naturally occurring water/land inter- face of Port Pine Iieig=-its Subdivision, a canal oriented development on the northwest side of Big Pine Key. In this area, Pine Channel is a shallow expanse of water dominated over its benthos by lush seagrasses. I -lore specifically, the applicant's shoreline lies between two inland canals and is bordered to the north by an existing riprap revetment and to the south by the applicant's own house and corresponaing shoreline riprap revetment. Riprap to either side of the shoreline___ in question was placed at approximately the low tide line. As can be seen in the applicant's site plans, a natural indentation of the shoreline exists where the present riprap is proposed. Because of this indentation, it is unlikely that housing can be constructed within the confines of lots 6 or 7 off of Sunset Drive. The land base here is relatively high, sloping fairly abruptly into Pine Channel along the length of its shoreline. The shoreline along this stretch displays a loose, rocky intertidal zone and lush seagrass beds below M'LiJ. C. The area of riprap placement, as proposed, is characterized by lime - rock rubble and little substrate colonization. The primary vegeta- tion found along the upland/shoreline escarpment is buttonwood (Conocarous erecta) and sea daisy (Borrichia sp.), Both of these species are above the ,1H1I line, although several black mangrove (Avicennia Serminans) individuals and their associated pneumata- phores are located over the northern portion of the intertidal area planned foz riprap placement. A distinct submergent vegetation line exists at approximately the 1ILI line. At this ooint, green algaes (Batophora sp. and Aceta- bularia so.), filamentous b=.,n algaes, Cuban shoalweed (Haiodule ,�, )-:anatee grass (Syringodium filiformis) and turt egrass GERLACH, DIETER P. #44-40603 Monroe County - Big Pine Key Page Three (Thalassia testudinum) are found. By far the most dominant of these species is turtlegrass, which covered nearly 90 percent of the offshore bottom, with the other species occupying all other available bottom space. D. If riprap placement is confined exclusively to the intertidal area above 141:v? as is proposed, impacts to thE: marine community should be insignificant. The habitat produced from the riprap should provide additional habitat for the intertidal species (crustaceans, gastropods, pelecypods) expected to occur here. Because of the low energy characteristics of this shoreline, water quality degradation (high turbidity) is not expected to occur as a result of erosion to backfill placed behind the riprap. s4� ' is —DEPARTMENT OF T14E AWAY NIIANIi E?EA :'N ARF!\ CORPS OF FNG.'NEE ri.S i C'.RAWER 090059. %111A�Al REACH. FLORIDA 33139 SAS;MB 8 May 1981 Gr'SI -057/ 5 SA,3 21 Mr. Dieter P. Gerlach R.D. 3, Box 300 (Sunset Drive; Ng Pine Key, Florida 33043 Dear Mr. Gerlach: Reference is made to your permit application dated 24 February 1981 con- cerning placement of 110 feet of riprap on the shoreline on the west end of Sunset Drive, Pine Channel, Section 5, Township 66 South, Range 29 East, Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida. The project as proposed is authorized by General Permit SAJ-2, a copy of -rrhi,ch is attached for your information and use. You are authorized to proceed with the project in accordance with the attached drawings subject.to all conditions of the permit. This letter of authorization does not obviate the necessity to obtain any other Federal, State, or local permits which may be required. Thank you for your cooperation with our permit program. Sincerely, z/ 2 Incl ^lJES W. R. ADAMS As stated Colonel, Corps of Engineers District Engineer CF. DER, Punta Gorda ,A,JOD-RF WV11 QJ OFNATITRAL RE S ff -C E, 39'41 cONIM ')N W VA LTII BOULEXARD i TAILAHASFEE 32303 1M,arch 23, 1981 'n Gleriach IRt. 3 F>ox 300 FL 33043 Gerlacti, A! 1AM (JEOR(IE FIRESTONT' S I u,r'u!T, of if 6�r RAL D A LEWIS BILL G11'N ITR DOYIJ CONNER Commissioner ol AP ,riculVare RAITH !). YURL"NGION k �nimi—ionvr oI Educatior, a,,)J-s office has no objection to your project as proposed in, permit application number 44-40603-5E dated f'.;J;Druary 24, 1981, showing the location in Section 5, 'Fc),v,,nshi- County. 66) South, Range 29 East in Monroe 'der this the authority sought under Section 253.77, Consi- 71orida Si--.atutes, to pursue this project. rr"ris lett er in no way waives the authority and/or juris- dictibn of any governmental entity nor does this letter L disciai�m any title interest that the State may have in . I 'ioject site. Sincerely, Richard P. Ludincri-eban Director 4?' Division of State Lands RE)_ij/gbr cc Rick Cantrell, DER 0, 1 ADMINISTRATION 0 LAW ENFORCEMENT* MARINE RESOURCES I)IVISIoNS/ RECREATION AND PARKS 0 RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - STATE LANDS 4 ♦ ` w BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 s u, OUNTY o MONROE KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294-4641 June 13, 1931 _Lr. Dieter P. Gerlach R.D. 3 Box 3' O Big; Pine 7.1ey, FL Building Department OFFICE OF: Public Service Bldg. Wing II Stock Islar►d P.O. BOX 1:ey i-7est, FL 33040 Re: Rip -rap on Lots 5,77,3 Block `34, Port Pixie iiei^.its, 4th Addition. Dear 'fr. Gerlac:i: i:eRarding your letter of T-lay 213, 1931, we are in need of a Department of Environmental ^egulation biological report before we can complete the processing of your application. Please send me a cony of this report as soon as you receive it. Ic I can be of Say _Furtaer '.ieln, do not hesitate to call me at 294-4 541 (ext. 134) . Sincerely, :?obert Dsnnis Environneatsl Biologist aD/.j f