Resolution 242-1981 _.. RESOLUTlmJ ~o. 242-1931 t-vFEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY CmlMISS lONERS OF ~1001ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from M,K. Al-Chokhachy and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permittins procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant proposed to construct a dock and revetment along his Duck Key (Center Island) property shoreline. The proposed dock struc- ture will consist of a 30 ft. wide (parallel to shoreline) by 15 ft. long predominantly "upland platform with a 4 ft. wide by 40 ft. long waterward arm extending from said platform's approximate middle. This dock structure will be situated on the property's northeastern corner, constructed of wooden decking materials, elevated on concrete support pilin0s (1+ ft. above the water surface, MHW) and equipped with two boat mooring pilings on its eastward side (13+ ft. from dock extension arm and 30+ ft. apart). The proposed revetment structure will be constructed of upspecified-size, Key Largo limestone boulder riprap materials. It will entail the deposition of 40+ cu. yds. of said rip- rap materials (10+ c.y. waterward of MHW; 30+ c~y. landward of MHW) along the entire 75 ft. property shoreline between the +1.0 ft. and -2.5 ft. (MSL) elevations and upon an existing rip rap revetment which has subsided considerably since its original construction. The appli- cant ~tates that all pilings and riprap materials will be placed from the applicant's adjacent shoreline property. Turbidity screens will be employed during construction activities, if required. The applicant's property is located along the northeaster Duck Key shoreline in middle Monroe County, Florida. At present, approximately 50 percent of Duck Key is developed with single family residences (S.F.R.'s) and various supportive facilities (ie, roadways, restau- rants, marinas, motels stores, recreational, etc.) Although some 10 percent; Duck Key shoreline areas have been artificially created, this particular shoreline area is situated in a natural corner of Tom's Harbor waters. Tom's Harbor waters are Florida State Class III waters as defined in Section 17-3,081 (F.A.C.). The majority of the existing residences within this area are equipped with some type of shoreline bulkheading and/or boating access facilites. The applicants's property consists of an average-sized (0.26 acres) residential lot bordered to the west by an existing SFR, to the east by a similar undeveloped lot, to the south by Bimini Drive roadway and to the north by Tom's Harbor waters. The westerly adjacent S.F.R. property is totally cleared, filled with pea gravel and landscaped with palms, seagrapes, bay cedar and assorted trypical exotics. It is also equipped with concrete shoreline seawall, dock and boat launching ramp facilities. Undeveloped upland property areas (both the applicant's and the easterly adjacent properties) have all been previously cleared, filled and are presently vegetated with isolated palms, Casurina spp, pines and secondary growths of various pioneer shrubs and grasses. Undeveloped natural shoreline areas have all been previously bulkheaded by a vary- ing-sized riprap revetment which is presently in various staqes of dis- repair. The proposed project area consists of the applicant's property shore- line areas and adjacent submerged lands. The applicant's property shoreline areas are presently bounded by a 25+ ft. wide transitional area dominated by buttonwood (Conocar~us erectus) and sea purslane (Sesuviu~ spp.) growths. Much or this area is presently disturbed by miscellaneous fill material deposits, construction rubble and land clearing debris, The property shoreline proper contains an old rip rap revetment which is presently in various stage of disrepair. MediuD heavy detrital accumulations were observed throughout this shoreline area both within said revetment and upon adjacent submerged lanes, Inshore submerqent areas (to 10+ ft from the existing shoreline) are presently disturbed both by the-aforementioned detrital accumulations and a relatively large amount of displaced, small diameter, riprap waterials. Inshore vegetation consists primarily of representative species of all algae types (especially greens). Inshore fauna observed included hermit crabs, Calinectes spp. crabs, sea hares and unidentified juvenile fish. Offshore submergent areas (beyond 20+ ft. from the existinq shoreline) may be characterized as shallow, of excellent quality and vegetated by varying-sized lush Thalassia spp. seagrass beds interspersed with firm, open, sandy/shell bottom areas. Offshore fauna observed included Siderastrea spp. hard corals, sponges and several locally common species of fish (needlefish, grunts, mojarra and pinfish) . Water depth in this increased gradually with increasing distance from the existing shoreline to a maximum measured depth within the project area of 3+ ft (MLW). Negative environmental impacts may be expected to occur from this pro- ject over both the short and long time periods. Short-terms or con- struction-related impacts will result primarily from the removal and loss of an unspecified amount of transitional and littoral vegetation presently growing within the proposed dock platform and revetment place- ment areas. Additional short-term impacts may be expected from turbi- dity raiseG during dock piling placement activities. Moreover, due to the s~allow water depths within this area such siltation impacts may be eXtended over the longer time period ,as a result of boat motor "prop scouring" impacts. ,I Longer term impacts may be expected both from said dock's "shadowing effect" upon adjacent seagrass beds and from hydrocarbon discharges into state waters from boat motor operation and maintenance procedures. However, both the limited size (160+ sq. ft. over-water surface area) and proposed use (ie, single residence) of said,dock facility suggest that neither of these latter two projected impacts will prove signifi- cant in this instance. Beneficial project impacts are anticipated from the expected increases in shoreline stability and littoral habitat area resulting from the proposed riprap revetment structure. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County COIT~issioners of Monroe County, Florida, 11th August 81 this day of , 19 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR?:NTY' FLORIDA . :~ '> 17 /J /J By .-e Co. G. It....../ ,-t::"tc// ".'>:;,.': ~H" ,!-~ay()r ,I) (Seal) DA'Lnu U~ l;'~r1"f CLERK Attest M rn n. UUU-t ~ \M~IV\ V~ ,0('. . CJ ~ Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENcY BY Attornrl_ Offic,- .BO~RD'OF COYNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 . Ken Sorensen, District 5 ,....--- (305) 294.4641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 '- v Ort"II...C vr: Henry F. Weinkam, Director Building, Planning & Zoninc P.O, BOX Room 216 Wing II Public Service Building .StOCk Island, Fla. ,~ . 33040 . . ,...o!)O_~t: I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: ~~~M::' ";-1': fj ,T~' . ~~ r-'j ~ ;~r "' tt- 11) I I PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTNENT PEr~IIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY Property Olvuers name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTIfENT Mar. 17, 1981 MON~CE COUNTY PEm-fIT NO. USE ONLY .M.K. AL-Chokhachy Ruffini Terrace Plymouth, Mass. 02360 3) Phone number ( 617 746-6660 Resolution No. Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Timm L. Reed, Horizon Cons luting Route 1 Box 948 Marathon, Florida 33050 (305) 743-4667 I 5) Legal description of property: Section 20 Key Duck Key Subdivision Center Island TOl.'Ilship 658 Lot 4 Block 1 Range 34 E Street, road or mile marker Bimini Drive Zonin RU-l-M Volume of material: dredged/excavaced filled deposited c.y, waterward of M.H.H. c.y. landward of H.H,t<J, + 10 c.y. + 30 c,y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M,H.H. ZONING: RU-l-M, PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COmITY CmI!'HSSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: CODV in File Date Building Otrici21 '---' ': t' : ~. ., ! .: r: ,f. 7 () .; r ..: r: :) E l' J\ P T ~! 1: ,; T P::'~,'(:"'~' l\P:'LIC,,,T r"",:6~.~c~. ',:: ':: UN 't Y , II 1. A ~.J :: t ~: (; . "..--.- ~ E ~.: r J\ '....' A 'r r ,)..: t T!' F p~ ,~ p n ~~ T T ^, . 11,' 1 i: I:: S 1:: ';T:' ~.: i\ T::" (~ n l~ T:" T T T -'~' ,:'1.;\i!D OF ,T~l'r:Tt:",\L :W::f.OE UJ~:':'Y , !'roperty owners Harle F.. ~T1;1 L 1 L 1\ l' .'1 (:. 1\;\ L l~ \ ")) i~-l: :l~lr::Lll~~~'r---- \ 617/746-6660 I M.K, Al-Chokhachy.! Ruffini Terrace Plymouth, Mass. 02360 3/27/81 r.ont:r."lc~or or t1~cnt'!' name. ~:1ilinr. address, ~hone f( cert:!.:ic3tian !1tlMber, Timm L. Reed, Horizon Consulting Route 1 Box 948 Marathon, FL 33050 305/743-4667 T,,, ~:1 1 d C" c r i :> t i 0 n (I f I' r 0 r crt y : Section. 20 65S Key. Duck Key Suhdivision, Center Island ':' (" 1 n $:\ i p , tot, _ 4 ~\lock, 1 ~an~e, 14F: (if ~crear.e) Street, road or nile marker, Bimini Drive ~oninr., RU-l-M '\ Des c rib e t 11 e pro p 0 sed n c t i v i t y, Met h 0 tl S 0 f can s t r tet ion & i1 m 0 \1 n t 0 f m i1 t e ria 1 (in cuhic ~'arns),. to l)cexcav,1.tecl ar discharf':rof1. J'erlcribc purpose & intenrled \I sea f pro j c ct. Coral rip-rap to be added to existing rip-rap revetment which has subsided. Construction of wood dock supported upon concrete pilings placed from shore. Two mooring pilings placed adjacent to dock, drc~~ed/cxc"vated filled/cc!1osited adclreS3 [. c.y. c.v. '''.;l t (1 r I r ,1 (' cl ' "1 ~ n d If ~ r d J o L : . 1I. ~. (l f '!. IL-L' . zip code of ndiolnin~ ~ropcrty :r 10 c.y. 'J Cl c 8 r H .r r, d o \ . . "'" ... 1: 30 c . v . 6 ~,r.(~ Fa iO , . . r1 . I' . alurne of material: \: ;! me, ',' ate r ol\'ners whORe prop~~ty affronts ''''lY. Robert Baime 310 South Street Morristown, NJ 07960 issued .~nd/or Dennis Tepperman, Rd. 2 Box 209-A . Lebanon, NJ 08833 a) Lis tot :1 e r per 1'1 its this stte :1 P P L i. c (1 for, .include il P P 1 i c i1 n t ' :, name, tor Horizon Consulting has submitted COE and DER joint application as described. ,) If application has been SlJ~T'titted for this pr'0ject (ar onc siT'tilar) in t~H~ pa~t. expla1~ reason for new arpllcntin~ an~ ~ive applicant's name if different from current applicant. N/A List all Fcrleral and State arencics that have received npplici1tions for this project. COE/DER Thi~ completed .'1P?lic~tion form will be ,"ccamp,lnied by the following, or it will NOT Be orocessed. ~) Two (2) Sets of dr~wings, on S~ x 11 p~per, showin?, IocRtian. plot pt~n, top view ~nd cros~ section of oropos~l, dr~wn to ~c;!te, . ~) Applic~tion processing fee ns follow~: $2S.QO for dredge, fill. docks OR1ny structures ,affronting Mturnl Wi1ter bodies. $10.00 for vertiC'll seawalls on m:,n-rn,nde !Jodic~ of w:~ter-. $25.00 for ~ny co~bin~tion of the ~bcve ~ctivities pe~ ~ite. '"~lic"tion is hereby m~de for n permit to ~uthori~e the ~ctLvitieq described herein. . certify that I Clm familiin ...,ith the ioform:ltion copt:lined in this i1jJPlicntLon. .10d '~ "'H! beqt of my knowledr,e 6. be!.ief ~uch :nfor'''':ltion i~ tnJ~. comt~lete fv. :lCCUf",.,te. , 'urther cer-tify th'1t I oossess the autnority to under~~ke the nroP(l<;cd :lctivities. .'" nrovisions of 1elwS :lnd ordin.1nCt'S S,)\',~r!lin?, this type pf work \,,'i11 b.' co~plfed \d.th ,,':I,t\ler snecified herein or not. The ~r:lnting of ,1 permit does not pre~:llmc to give ;. "\ority to ....iolate or c:1ncel the l"rovistotlS of .1(')' cO'Jnt~'. st.lte or federal tf'W ".\l1,1t10g caf\structioo or perform:lnce of Cl~nstructl1n of this eype of f:lctHt:,. y~, i ,.2}:;;,"';, l ~,(jx~I::" t I"" c" . ----- . ~ (!/<- 11 .1 r;- ~mr-z ~ .' I ~ I .. "., . (' <.'" i . 1_ ~.j da:Iz. IC'dC I A/!i:&" Ccnatb 0< ",u,'if"W' <' /il./ j]-t//.!r~-.--<!1,;"r .6-:"r' /- (~( ___/'11 /v"f'V/' ,/ ,1,.-',./,. ,_, "se nnl,,! ';'!"tflcnt 1\ ~ p r () v '_' d hy ~ \ ~; ~~ f r c~ r:" " 'h4-rkdtrt- 0cr:e~ /J _--- Figure 1. Location of Proposed Dock " ",.' / / ., ", ~ q ;::r " .... "/' 7~1:}: fl,'o;'~o"I~""I" "~~<....:.! ~ ( 0 4'\ .....'-' a ..........., , L M ~ ...... H 7 ~ ( ~I'l..l , r,",1 i :-.,0 ::' ~_()~~-.: I'J Bj\ I \.. I; \~\ ., \ \ ) l .. /--;-fG' ",/ , ,; ~ ,,/(/t~: ,," "': \ Iv '>.1, '~~I. ,Q.!'/ 7, \ " ;-;r) ,~\ ;;,~" /);." )' /.' \ \~7, }: \' " . :+ ,.(,Ii , " . . _" \, 1\ ' '!?; ,/1 ,,: /' .' _, _~, ;-.....:.' / "') ~ \ .I:,I{ \; ( OJ, ~., ;(2, ;;-/~I 'V,'~-~,.' ','. , ,- ___,.-_f'D\...)\.J)\.,IIHOIA;)I,^,'C.\IiU . ,/" II jI,' '-'>.~7f)' / "I{, (," ('! ,I' ' (t', -, ,/ )', Q ..... Cl " q <I ~l_-~, / 'l, L(. 'r' \.'- -- '0 '~'- ~~~~~- - --"~Jr,",-",,, ~~ -I "/.T ~'/ ~.'" ".:. .- _._ If;, J :::-~o" ',: "" \ ? ..A/ I~ --'::.' ~, , . " -'j . '''___ > ~.-::>.oo;., i;,J --""'-:" ".111'1 '( /;" -,~~~ ~~~' - . ,:-~~-i' - .'. "'--r-)' 1\\' -y"':'~~ t \I' ':, 7,. ' , , ~. 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Project Sitz N.D.S, Chart 11449 ,.--- , I " 1" I." l / ',;'- Purpose: Construction of Wood Dock with Additional Rip-Rap and Two Mooring Pilings In: Tom's Harbour At: Duck Key Datum: USCGS HLW County of Monroe, State of Florida Adjacent Property Owners: 1. Robert Baime 2, Dennis Tepperman Application by Horizon Con- sULting shc.::~ 4 of 7 . . ~ .. , (\ Horizon Consulting April 2, 1981 Monroe County Building and Zoning ~pt. Attention: ~tr. Robert ~nnis Aviation Blvd. Ma.!:"athon, FL 33050 ~ar Bob, Enclosed you will find an application for a dock on Duck Key. Tre drawings attaded are photocopies of those su1:lnitted for the joint COE/IER permit. I€cently Eric IDken has sr::ecified that revet:nents should be lined with a bed liner. The contractors have been able to fulfill this requirerrent. Also t.he J:::oulders are nonnally placed one at a tine using a backhce. Each J:::oulrer is stacked and not durrped as Eric t.hought. If you have any qoostions concerning this application feel free to call Ire. :j;17:Y/ )!~ Timn L. Reed TLR,Imal enclosures Route t . Box 948 . Marathon. Florida 33050 . Telephone 305/743-4667 , , ,.1 ,.', \ , . 1 . , Figure 2. Plan View of Proposed Project Bimini Drive t 75' N "" ..... - "" "" ..... +t +t -,.::;: Lot 4, Block 1 Center Island Duck Key Lot 3 Lot 5 :::;;,.-- A 30' B I 1r' B1 :~~" 40' l -13- o / Existing Rip-Rap Additional Material To Be Added Mooring Piling \ o scale 1:240 . -2,5' 4' Al Purpose: Construct Wood Doc~ with Additional Rip-Rap and Two Mooring Pilings Datum: USCG3 MSL In: Torn's Harbour At :. Duck Key County of Monroe State of Florida Adjacent Property Owners: 1. Robert Baime 2. Dennis Tepperman Application by Horizon Consulting sheet 5 of 7 , \ I \ , , . ' , ';J Figure 3. Cross-Sections of Proposed Dock and Revetment Lot Grade Wood Dock / Rip-Rap I' Piling Bay Bottom Section A-AI scale 1:240 1:96 Horizontal 'Vertical MSL- Dock \ Rip-Rap Existing With Additional Material Added Bay Bottom Section B-B1 scale 1: 240 1:96 Horizontal Vertical Purpose: Construct Wood Dock With Additional Rip-Rap and Two Mooring Pilings Datum: USCGS MSL In: Tom's Harbour At: Duck Key County of Monroe State of Florida Adjacent Property Owners: 1. Robert Baime 2. Dennis Tepperman Application by Horizon Consulting sheet 6 of 7 , \ f.-\, .. .\,/" Figure 4. Detail of Dock Construction Pressure treated 2x8 decking Pressure treated 2xlO joists Pressure treated 2x10 stingers lag bolted in place 12x12 concrete piling In: Tom's Harbour Purpose: Construct Wood Dock with Additional Rip-Rap and Two Hooring Pilings Datum: USCGS MSL Adjacent Property Owners: 1. P.obert Baime 2, Dennis Tepperman At: Duck Key County of Monroe State of Florida Application by Horizon Consulting sheet 7 of 7 .COARO'OF CO,UNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E, Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen. District 5 ~.~ ,r_ - --"';..; .-r-:-:-~ ~inf Departme:lt Ot"r-l\...c: ',.11-: Public Service Bldg. Wing II Stock I~l.:lnd P.O, BOX Key West, FL 33040 . . . :\ l'3r~t.~ ft ti...};,~ ~.-(~&....~~ OK~V~~:~R~~,~~E 130512944641 ..,... .' .. , ' '. , ~~,., Hay 15, 1931 ~1 r . TiM r.\ R e e rl Horizon Consultin~ Route 1 "Sox ~4,) '{ a r :l tho n, F L 1 J 0 5 0 it e : A 1- C 11 n ~'.11 a c y ; r i ? - r .:\ p ;t n d rl 0 c k 0 n n u el: Key. Dear ~!r. Reed: A~ter revicuin~ tllis application and conducting an onsite inspection, I find that the follouing items will require your attention before processing can continue: l. Recomnendation t~at the dock be extended 15-20 ft., to ~eener water. T~is will also avoid possible iMpacts to the corals and sea~rasses from the boat !,ro?ellor. 2. noc:~s are .'lcce~sory 3tructurcs, Code Chapter 19-1~4(h)(a)), and t~c follouin~: Clonroe County as such require a. A 5 foot set~ac~ fron the ndjacent property (this ap?lie3 to hoth the upland platforn and the "oorin~ pilin~), and, b. Current buildi:l;; deTlartment policy is that a ?er,it for t~e ?rinci~le structure Must be obtainec b~fore I:or:: can hc~in on an ~cce3sory qtructurc. 1. A ~c?artneT"t of T:nvirOnl1C:lt:ll ~ef,ula~io:l report cO:lcer:lin~ t;le ri~-r;"lp ':lust 'JC received by the :)uil(;in~ de?ar:::-lent. :ir. ;te~d '{ a y 1 3. 1 J ~ 1 p a ~ e t \-10 I ilave discussed tl-tese items uit!l :lr. Eric Loken (DER) and he a~rees witl-t t~e dock exte~sion. He has requested t~at I inforn you that any revisions to t~e ?lans be sent to t~e DER office in Pu~ta ~orda as well as to the Monroe Cou~ty Building Office. If you have any questions. please call me at 294-4641. e x t. 1 J 'I . 7};Y~~ ~obert 1)en:1is Environmental .Biologist 'q,j)/jf TOPS , FORM . . 3397 LITHO DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE June 26. 1981 SUBJECTA1-r:~o~~:lachy, 1r. !:.; repair ril1-rap sea,'l",ll and ,,,oocien dock HC'1r::v Hein\a.n Jirector Pla'lni:.1~. Buildino; . Zoni/1p To DEP'T c: Envirot1ncntal FROM R00~rt "Jen'1is niolo~ist DEP'T Plannin~. Buildin~ & 20inin;,; LEGAL TWSP ~5S, RGE 34E, SECT 28; Center Island, Jlock 1, Lot 4; Juck Key. ~ 0:1 i n ~ i ~3 I'?.TJ - 1.;,. 'Il I . I;lTRODU CT ION: T~is application is to be revi2rl by t~c Board of County C0"1l:lission~~r3 in .:1ccor,l<l!1cC' ,!it;, C:lapter 19-111 (a) (.:i) of t:1B 1anroe.County Code. DISCTfSSIO~i: Applic~nt proposes to place approxinately 40 c.y. of rip-rap boulders alon~ hi 75 ft. of waterfrontproperty ~buttin3 Ton's Uar~or. T t' d .11' , '1 " 1 c :n"] , 1"+ . :1 i r y c 11 D icy a r s ,.] ~ ." ,) ~ P .i. ace '1 . _ a n (~ " a r ' 0 ._ ' . , i ~ an (l :' - c. y . ~.!at~ruaJ"(l (Ie. 'tn;. In ad~ition, a 1D ft. x 15 ft. woodeu ~cc~ with a A0 ft. long by If ft. '(lid..~ 't!ooden ,1<1cl-: is ;>r0posed alo'1g Hit:1 t~vo nooring ,ilin~3. TI1c (locl~ will. b~ support~~ ~y concrete pilings. 'T:l'~n t~1e insncction '.-[;ee; ")a,'.~, :'r~.or to [a:.1 1.), 198:!., :1.0 j1 r i n c 'i. :> :11 : 111 1:1_ ,! i n :-- '1,""; 1 0 C il t C (1 0 nth ,~ pro :' e r t y . T~lC ,:.1tt;"tC~1~.1 I'2'Pt. =n.~Jiro:1. ?.8~tl1~tioTI, report discusses thi'1 :? r o.i e c t i ~'. ~ ~ ~ ate!" d ':~ t :1 i 1. a f1 <.l S ~1 0 U 1 (l ~) (~ rea tl for a ,1 d i t ion a 1 iaf or~la t iO~.l. ,i)..Zk\S07T ~O:l :?~f)JF':rr:' A~rD IJT:-07DrJ T~S:S: To :>rl)t(~ct ~lpl.1.'1.1 iJroPCyt:1 fro"., ,~rosio;1 oy repairiaz, .:lld i ;11. P r n '] 1. n:; a c1 e:~ i s tin ~ ::- i p - r a 1) rev c t ro. l~ It t . The, 1 0 c l~ " i 11 :'J cas ,~ c; t 0 'Tl 0 0 r :J. ".,17'"",11 0 1l t Ll 0 3. r. ,1 t Y 1) i3 U 0 at. II ( L 0 t t e r ,1 il t .:; d J u n ;~ 1 '1, 1:J 11 , f'~ 1);1. - 'r. T i "', "l " e '~r;, a " ~ :1 t) . ['!:\LI:\TT.O:J: :10 "r1vnr3,~ or l0'1,"; tern '~;lviro'11,cntal i'""p,'lcts .:lre '3:::p'~cted ",:; a t'c31l1t of t:1is prl)i'~ct. ~"'..Eco"n~;:-'I~i\l I nn : .\.p?;.'ova:_ . ~~CTES : '02'\ tnli An'1Y (:"1;"1'S per::lits r~q:.lir~d :1n{l apparently :l?plicrl [o!". f\ Horizon ~onsulting June 10, 1981 Monroe County Building and Zoning Department Aviation Boulevard Marathon, Florida 33050 Attention: Mr. Robert Dennis Dear Mr, Dennis, Enclosed you will find an amended plan view of a proposed dock on Duck Key (DER file No. 44-41816-5E), The applicant, Mr. M, K. AI-Chokhachy, has agreed to extend th~ dock 15 feet as suggested by the County and DER biological reports. Shallow draft vessels will be used for construction and the owner plans to dock a small outboard type boat at the dock in the future, No fuel will be stored on the dock facility. The above specifications should fulfill all permit requirements according to the recommendations and requirements we have received. Sincerely, ~V~ ~"-~<~ Timm L, Reed TLR/m enclosure Route t . Box 948 . Marathon. Florida 33050 . Telephone 305/743-4667 --.......,~ -, .-/ "9 9 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIROl'T"1E~lTAL REGULATION PERr1IT APPLICA'l'10N APPRAIS.;'L File No.: 44-4l816-5E County: HClnl"()e Date: 5-12-81 Applicant Name: .' . M. K, AI-Chokhachy Address:Ruffini Terrace. Plymouth, Mass. 02361 Agent (if applicable): Timm L. Reed, Horizon Consulting Address: Route 1, Box 948, Marathon, FL 33050 Loc a ~ ,on of project: Section(s} 2Q Township 658 Range .-l.4E ... - Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Bimini Drive; Center Island; Duck Key, vla ter Body: Tom's Harb~r I'la ter Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent v1aters: III . Aquatic Preserve: None Out.standing Florida Waters: NOne On site inspection by: Eric R. Loken Date jf Inspection: 5-11-81 Original Application: Yes~ No Date of 2nd Insp. Revised Application: Yes No X Date: Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. J Quantify area of prbject which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B, Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable, Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential i~pact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all as?ects of the project. E. Suggestions, wheye appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PER'-1 16 -1 0 (I'.ev . 6/79 ) t fj AL- CHOKHACHY, H. K .. 11'44-41816- SE Monroe County - Duck Key Page Two '. A. The applicant proposes to construct a dock and revetment along his Duck Key (Center Island) property shoreline. The proposed dock structure will consist of a 30 ft. \vide (parallel to shoreline) by IS ft. long predominantly "upland" platform with a 4 ft, wide by 40 ft. long waterward arm extending from said platform's approximate middle. This dock structure will be situated Qn the property's northeastern corner, constructed of wooden decking lIlaterials, elevated on concrete support pilings (Ii: ft. above the 'water surface; Mm~) and equipped with two boat mooring pilin~s on its eastward side (13+ ft. from dock extension arm and 30+ ft. apart), The proposed-revetment structure will be constructed of unspecified-size, Key Largo linestone boulder riprap materials. It will entail the deposition of 40+ cu. yds. of said riprap ma terials (10+ c. y, ,va terward 0 f t-mw; 30+ c. y. landward of HHU) along the entIre 75 ft. property shoreli~e between the +1.0 ft. and -2.5 ft. 01SL) elevations and upon an. existing riprap revet- ment which has subsided considerably since its original construc- tion. The applicant states that all pilings and riprap materials will be placed from thE: applicant's adjacent shoreline property. Turbidi ty screens wi:'1 ',T". - oyed during- construction activities, if required. B. The applicant's property is located along the northeastern Du~k Key shoreline in middle Honroe County, Fl~lrida. At present, approximately 50 percent of Duck Key is developed with single family residences (S.F.R. 's) and various supportive facilities (ie, roadways, restaurants, marin:'.s, motels, stores, recreational, etc.). Although some (10 percen~Duck Key shoreline areas have been artificially created, this particular shoreline area is situated in a natural corner of Tom's Harbor waters. Torn's Harbor waters are Florida State Class III waters as defined in Section 17-3,081 .(F.A.C.). The majority of the existing residences wi thin this area are equipped \,:1 th some. type of shoreline bulkheadi ng and/or boating arcess facilities, The: applicant's property consists of an average-sized (0.26 acres) residential lot bordered to the west by an existing SFR, to the east by a similar undeveloped.lot, to the south by Bimini Drive roaduay and to the nor th by Tom '~:; Harbor waters. The westerly adjacent S.F.R. property is totally cleared, filled with pea gravel and landscaped with palms, seagrapes, bay cedar ane assorted tropical exotics. It is also 'quipped with concrete shoreline seawall, dock and boat launching ramp facilities. Undeveloped upland property area~ (both ~he applicant's and the easterly adjacent properties) have all been previously cleared, filled and are presently vegetfltcd \vith isolated palms, Casurin~ sp~ . , AL-CHOKHACHY, H. K. i,~44- 41316- SE ~1onroe County - Duck Kjy Page Three C. pines and secondary growths of various pioneer shrubs and grasses. Undeveloped nctural shoreline areas have all been previously bulkheaded by a varying-sized rinrap revetment which is presently in various stages of disrepair. The proposed project area consists of the applicant's pro~~rty -shoreline areas and adjacent submerged lands. The applicant's - property shoreline areas are presently bounded by a L5+ ft, wide transitional area dominated by huttomvood (Conocarpus erectus) and sea purslane (Sesuvium spp.) grovJths. Huch-"of this area is presentl distrubed by miscellaneous fill material deposits, construction rubble and land clearing debris, The property shoreline proper contains an old riprap revetmpnt which is presently in various stage of disrepair. t'h::dium hE avy detxl. tal accumulations were observec:' throughout this shoreline area hoth within said revetment and upon adjacent submerged lands. .J Inshore submergent ,"reas (to 20+ ft. from t~e exi'1t.r~g Sf,cn.:-eli-,"'\ are presently disturbed both by"the aforementioned detri tal accumulations and a relatively large amount of displaced, small diameter, riprap materials. Inshore vegetation consists primarily of representative species of all algal types (especially greens). Inshore fauna observed included hermit crabs, Calinectes spY:'. crabs, sea hares ".:lei unidentified juvenile fish. Offshore sub- mergent areas (beyond 20+ ft. from the existing shoreline) may be characterized as shallow, of excellent quality and vegetated by varying-sized lush Thalassia spp. seagrass beds interspersed with firm, open, sandy/shell bottom areas. Offshore fauna observed included Siderastrea spp. hard corals, sponges and several locally co~non species of fish (needlefish, grunts, mojarra and pinfish). Water depth in this increased gradually with increasing distance from the existing shoreline to ;] maximum measured depth within the project area of 3~ ft. (HLH). D. :1egative environmental impacts may be expected to occur from this project over both the short and long time periods. Short-term or construction-related impacts will result primarily from the removal and loss of an unspecified'amount of transitional and littoral vegetation presentl~ growinG within the proposed dock platform and revetment placemvnt areas. Additional short-term impacts may be Jxpected [rom turbidity raised during dock pilin~ placement activities. Moreover. due to the shallow water depths \vithin this area such siltation impacts may be extended over the longer timl~ pf::riod as Cl result of boat motor "prop scouring" irnpac t s . ~.._-_. .~ , , AL-CHOKHACHY, M. K. =If .4-4l816-SE Honl"oe County -.Duck Key .". Page Four Longer term impacts may be expec ted both from said dock's "shadm'l- ing effect" upon adjacent seagrass beds and from hydrocarbon discharges into state waters from boat motor operation and mainte- nance procedures. However, both the limited size (160+ sq. ft, over-water surface area) and proposed use (ie, single residence) of said dock facility suggest ~hat neither of these latter two projected impacts will prove significant in this instance. Beneficial project impacts are anticipated from the expected in- creases in shorelin~ stability and littoral habitat area resulting from the proposed riprap revetment structure. f " AL-CHOKHACHY, M. K. #44-4l8l6-5E Honroe County - I?uck Key Page Five ' E. Under the provlslons of Chapters 253 and 403 (F.S.) and Sections 17-3 and 17-4 (F.A.C.), I hereby recoIT~end this application for Departmental approval. The following suggestions are offered for the applicant's consideration and/or as DepartT11ent permitting conditions: .... _1. Suggestion that applicant consider extending said dock struc- ture's waterward arm an additional 10-15 ft. in length. This would provide deeper water (+1+ ft.) at the dock's watenvard end thereby minimizing both bottom scouring and navigability risks. 2. Specification that all project construction activities be accomplished using only shallow draft vessels operating only during high tidal periods. This will,minimize bottom scouring of adjacent seagrass vegetation. 3. Specification that only shallow draft vessels be permitted use of said dock facility. 4. Specification that no fuel be stored upon said dock facility, ~() . ~,} . ER CR. .:0IzEN, II Date: Read: E1< I dvo