Resolution 245-1981 RESOLUTION NO. 245-1981 RESOLUTION INDICATING SUPPORT FOR THE SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE SESSION BEFORE THE END OF CURRENT YEAR TO CONSIDER TAX FOro1 MEASURES IN AID OF FUNDING PORBLEMS OF THE COUNTY OF THIS STATE TO INCLUDE THE PASSAGE OF A ONE-HALF CENT LOCAL OPTION SALES TAX PROVISION. WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Monroe County Commission that the Commission of Brevard County, Florida, has passed a resolution urging a special session of the Florida Leg- islature to entertain a special taxing program to aid the counties and their funding, and, WHEREAS, Monroe County is in need of additional funds from some source and would join with Brevard County and all the Count- ies in this State for the purpose urging the Governor and the Leg- islative Delegations of the various Counties to call such a seSSlon to entertain the creation of a new local Option Sales Tax or other tax which would assist the County in their problems because of the various difficulties now confronting them, and, WHEREAS, inflation, high and ever increasing ad valorem taxes require other means of funding the County's needs and re- quirements, and, WHEREAS, the cost of Government continues to increase all of respects and all services, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF COUNTY COM}1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That this Board joins with the Board of County Commis- sioners of Brevard County, Florida is requesting and asking the Governor and the various Legislative Delegations to consider and call a special session of the Legislature prior to the end of the current year for the purpose of considering new fund sources for the various Counties in the State. 2. That the Legislature, upon such call, seriously consider the passage of a one-half cent local Option Sales Tax which could be utilized to a great extent in helping the Counties and Cities with their serious problems on funding and budgeting. Page 1 of 2 Pages ..... 3. That any such Option Sales Tax not jeopardize any present gas taxes or State revenue sharing programs. 4. Legislators be encouraged to seriously consider the vital needs of their counties and cities, and approve a one-half cent local Option Sales Tax to correct revenue shortages faced by local governments, with revenues from such tax being returned to the counties and cities from where such revenues are derived. 5. That a copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the Governor of the State of Florida; the various members of the Legislative Delegation from Monroe County; the Brevard County Commission and all County Commissions in this state and in so do- ing request their utmost support and endeavor for the purpose here- In stated. ORDERED AND ADOPTED, this lIth day of August, A.D. 1981. ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~~/~~r::c-~.cj/ l ... ,-;'" .~I '. (SEAL)" Attest: \ . ") ./~ , ,/ < r-.,>- f / ---. . t - - _ ,,/ ~"""'-~-', ;;;::':-'---' ,~~ L~/ "'" /L / ' -- ler "'------" "- AI'PRCJYED AS ro FORM AN9,#GA.1. SUFFICIENCY, /1 ~. .' i - i);.' i' , ',;.. _/ ,I " \. ....CA_.((;..,C......-' ~ . ,f,(/r->I-L,<-r' ., p. - - - - . 11' Attor"";-. f.Jffit;(I :'/ ''"'" BY Page 2 of 2 Pages