Resolution 257-1981 RESOLUTION NO.257 -1981 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT TO THE AVANTO CONSTRUCTION, FOR THE BUILDING OF THE MARA- THON LIBRARY AND PROVIDING OF THE EXECUTION OF ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO MAKE SAID AWARD. WHEREAS, Avanto Construction, Inc. IS the lowest bidder for the Marathon Library and, WHEREAS, the Special Bond Issue that IS funding said Library project has been completed and, WHEREAS, the lowest bid of Avanto Construction, Inc. is in the sum of $778,582.00 and said contract documents are prepared and ready for execution by both Monroe County and Avanto Constru- ction, Inc., now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the bid of $778,582.00 made by Avanto Construction, Inc., which is heretofore been determined as the lowest bid for said Marathon Library Construction Project be and the same is hereby awarded to Avanto Construction, Inc. a Florida corporation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any and all contract documents required and necessary to conclude this award be entered into and executed by the representative of Monroe County and/or, it's officially designated architect and the representatives authorized to do so for Avanto Construction, Inc. Passed and adopted by the Mayor and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida held at a regular meeting on ?5th day of August , A.D. 1981. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROZETY, FLORIDA '-?- .~, ,7' c... / /"'''- '-. By ..rJ "t (l ~, I 1-- J:", ,-' ,." ; . ~ ..~""".~ .., ~>... {~ t./ " (S'BAL) 'Aftest~, f',' ;,~~ "t', :::cf,;1 hn:u ~~ r' "!, '""7 ~j r:;lfJ;!t ~,g i..il.. ~ ~ti\ iI tl d i;j 1'j i!l: ~\f rt'\ PU~0;O~. (] 'lJ)1~ APPROVEO AS TO FORM ~ZE''J, .iil ",',',.I',/r'"F.I,(',,' ,lr,'4'Cy. , ','./ I BY '~- '-~~~:~~., i t.: [ r/::r4_ ) Attomei'" ' I ;; 1/ CONTRACTOR'S COPY THE Aiv\ERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AlA Document A101 Standard' Form of Agre:e,m'ent'.'a.et\V~~)t' , Owner and Contractor" '.,' ',: i where the basis of payment is a STIPULA TED SUM 1977 EDITION THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; COSSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR .\10DIFiCATfO.'l U,,:? only with the 1976 Edition of AlA Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. This document has been approved and endorsed by The Associated General Conti2ctors of America. r\G REE.'v1ENT rnJ.cJe as of the 25 th 11undred and eighty-one day of in the year 'of Nineteen I ."J August 13ET\VEEN the Owner: COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, J,nd the Contractor:' A VANTO CONSTRUCTION, INC. The Project: Honroe County Public Library, Marathon Branch f, ,Tner\rchitect: ~ ~ I I , . HcCoy - Knight Associates The Owner a.nd the Contractor agree as set forth below. C"pyr;ght 1915, 1918.1925,1937, 1951. 19:;B, 1961,1903, 1967, 197.\, @ 1977 by the A~eriCJ:l Instit'~;e of Architects, 1735 l"ew York A\'~'1Ue, N,W" Wa;hinglon, 0, C. 200C6, ReproductIon of the m~ter:al herein or substdf,tial ;:.;o:a:;on of its provisions \'.i:hout permission of the AlA viobtes the copyright laws of the United States ?:ld ",tll b~ 5L.~;ect to 1e3al prosecution. ~I-\ OOCU-'.\ENT Al01 . OWMR,COSTRACTOR AGREEMEi';T . ELEVENTH EDiTIOS . JU:--;E 19;-;- . AlA" ~1";-- . THE M,,\ERIC'\N INSTITUTE OF Af.:CHiTECTS, 1735 :--:E\\' YO"K AVE,. S \,/,. "V,~SHISGTO;o.:. 0, C :;:C0C6 A101-1977 1 , ~ . ~; ~ t.', hr. ie, M t' ~ c:: ti r.~ fA" ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ~~- "",,' ~~ The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, the Conditions of the Contract (Gen=ral, Supplementary 2nd ~ other Conditions), the Drawings, the Specifications, all Addenda issued prior to and all .\todi::catio~s issued after ~~ it cution of this Agreement. These form the Contract, and all are as fully a part of th.e Co~tract as If attached to tnlS ~ f\greement or repeated herein. An enumeration of the Contract Documents appears 10 Article 7. ~:, j'"7;: t~ , ~ (~ ~ ~1 The Contractor shall perform all the Work required by the Contract Documents for fi (11.,~ ins~'1 tlIe caption deJcripliYe 01 tlIe Wo,k as used on otll., Conltacf DocumM!S,) i ~he Monroe.Coun~y Public Library, Marathon Branch, I ~n conform~ty wlth the Plans, Specifications and ~ adde~da.issued for this work by the Board of County ~ Comm~ss~oners of Monroe County, Florida. " ,( : -~ ART) elf 2 THE WORK i I 1/ " I' f ,,, , ;1 ;1 1. II 't :, ;0'1; ~- " ;;~ ARTICLE 3 TIME Of COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION The Work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced Augus t 26, 1981 ~o t' l~ r [. ! and, subject to authorized adjustments, Substantial Completion shall be achieved not later than May 24, 1982 I i ~ ~ ~ ,; ~ 't \3 tt ~~~ DOCU,~ENT Al01 . OWNER-CO:'>lTRACTOR AGREEMENT . ElEVENTH EDITION . JU:o-<E 1977 . AI". , 1:J77. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N,\'/., WASHINGTO:--l, D. C 2C0C& , Monroe County may retain from the contract amount as liquidated damages, $100.00 per day, fo~ each' calendar day the work remains incomplete after the completion time set forth above plus approved extensions of tim~. as recompense to Monroe County for.l?ss of use of the subject facility and/or for add~t~onal costs incurred by the County. , : i L " f (H.,~ jns~rf Jny sp!?Ci~1 p,ovisioM 10' Ijquid~led d~m~gef reId/in! fO fdilur~ 10 complete on lime) ; :. Al\11-1977 2 ARTIClE 4 CONTRACT SUM r'.. O",'"r sh.:li! pay the Contractor in current funds for the performance of the Work, subject to additions and ,. . : ,C:,Q,1; by Change Order as provided in the Contract Documents, the Contract Sum of r'.~ Con:ract Sum is cetermined as follows: " -,'.; ". "'. b". bid 0' o:h~ "-:mp sur.t dmOUnt. ~cept/HJ dltemdtH. iUld unit prices. as dppliabJe.) Seven Hundred Seventy-Eight Thousand Five Hundred Eighty-two Dollars ($778,582.00) Base Bid for all work described in the drawings and Specifications. ARTICl.E 5 PROGRESS PAYMENTS !lled upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Architect by the Contractor and Certificates for Payment issued ! .. rh~ Architect, the Owr:er shall maka progress payments on account of the Contract Sum to the Contractor as pro- f icd in the Contr.!ct Documents for the period ending the twenty-eighth day of the month as follows: : jt l.1ter than fifteen days following the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment i :1 inc t Y percent ( 90 %) of the portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to labor, materials and I~:pmer.t-incorporated in the Work and fifty. percent ( 50 %) of the portion of the Contract lrn properly allocable to materials and equipment suitably stored at the site or at some other location agreed upon " \vntir.g, for the p~riod covered by the Application for Payment, less the aggregate of previous payments made by the i".~n,er; ,:nd llpon Substantial Compretion of the entire Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total payments to i ,'lnety percent (90 %) of the Contract Sum, less such amounts as the Architect shall determine for all l<arn;Jlete Work and unsettled claims as provided in the Contract Documents. to" COV",.,j .;l......h~"" in L~~ Conttut DoCUmffflts, her" insert ~ny provision /0' limiti"8 or r~<JCin!l th. vnount re/dined dftet' th" Work redches dI ~irt r.;' 01 (cmpl"'-ion.) f' 1. f t I I l rnents due and unpaid under the Comract Documents shall bear interest from the date payment is due at the rate ~red below, Or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate prevailing at th~ place of the Project. \~ 'nt-,t ~ny (Jt. 01 ;nt~'~1t -srt:'rd upon.) >(:~~, 'od "<;ui,~m~u und~r the F.derdl Truth in tending Act. ,im;ld, ,:,.~ .nd locdl cO"'lum~r, cr..cit I....... ....d o.;,~, '~lJu."I;on. dl th'"' O"'''ffS f"" '[(or's pnnr:'p.1 p/dC'" 0/ bUlin.,._ Ihe locdlion of !hr P,oject and ""<>wilerr tn,)' .,'.-<:1 ~~~ VJI,d.'ty of L~,. P'"v/S,on. Sp~c"lC l'iI~1 ,dvic" ,i':<-vJid ":"d '....,u, r~jPf!'Ct Co d~/~t;o"l mod'{iciJtion~ Of O~hfU (~qu"r:m~t.J ~uch .l.S wrlllM dIJclo5u,~ 0' \VIIVr:'~.) ~.?~C~'\-\,t""T A101 . OW,,"ER-CO:--JTR..\CTOR AGREE,'>'ENT . ft~\iENTH EDiTiON . "'<'::",'-,,~.. .,"-~'::_'::- :'lC ;\~CHir?'c~:-::: /),'"; ~;~:.;/ ':':_;.''< \\.,:: >; '.'/ JUNE 19T1 .. i\ r ,\~') ~ , . ,..- ~. r " ARTICLE 6 FINAL PAYI\1ENT '$ ; :;,,:nent, constitutin3 the entire unpaid balance of the Cont~act Su:n, s~all b~ paid by tne Owner to the 14' :'.CJr when the Work has been completed, the Contrilct fully performed, and 2. firl?l Certificate for Payment hrts ~l", ,>~d by the r\,ci;i:ect. i ,1 d l; I, ~: ARTICLE 7 MlSCEllANEOUS PROVISIONS ~; II, II' II ! ~:< 1 i'~rms used in this I\greement which are defined in the Conditions or the Contract shall have the meanings ~f,; ~nJted in those Conditions. , r~~ Contract Documents, which constitute the entire agreement between the Owner and the Contractor, are listed ',::cIe 1 and, except for i\1odifications issued after execution of this Ag,eement, are enumerated as follows: ~ ,.I;y.... ~h~ A3'eem~nt. the Condirions 01 the ContrJct (General, SupplementJr)'. a::d O!h~f Co.,di~jGns). (h~ O:i!'Ni:'1Ji. the 5p~cifiC.l:jol1s. and any Adder.d3 ~ ;.:(;;'~ .aJ:~rnJte-s. showing pJg~ or sh'!el numbers in 21/ cases and d.Jr,es w;,~.'~ ~pplic:?b:~') Items covered in Article 1 and Addendum #1 dated June 8, 1981. Ii '1 q Ii ,r , l f' I f I f. I f ~, I I his Agreement entered into as of the day and year first written ?bov.!.=y~ r f,\'.'.\JER g>UNTY OF MONROE, ST E OF CONTRr)J~C? A,~,\TANTO C6NSTRUCTICN, :nc. , ~LORIDA ~. (,~ < / ~', / '. /' ~~ / ~ /1 .,~ '~T" _.', f/~'- f--Li~ocf.7~ii:IR8: l? {Y-~P':-;;~de~~ G 1 ~r~-~> J'~~_ I --- - . -,-- " /,.., G'. (""., ".. l-l~ 1) .-,-) (S.e 1) Ifl; (1"""-'::- ".\ ~\..'. n':.J. '-~ 't c--, " ,'" II~e s tJ~S:2 ~~~( 4/ {i jfrt:~t_'L )tf?:f~~;~~<cl;<> "-=/,' / -- '~77~C~,\\E:--/T A1JI-' OW:--<E,,-:::o,n~,CT(lR I\CRE:\\E~r . Y'\E"TH EUlilU" . j')"" 11n . f\I.\;' :0"':- '\\~~E~:; -.\'~ l~;"i ~ ,:';~- ~'r: !::-,cr~:. L~, .~c.V/ 'd)",' \\:' :-~ ','J \' \ , LJ r .,,_ .'\L~:1 -:' ! t ! I I i , I ! l~